Edited By xuefei Chen Axelsson |
RISE (Research Institutes of Sweden), and Chalmers University of Technology have now begun, with support from the Swedish government, the establishment of a Swedish testbed for electromobility. Overall, contributions from the government, and the industrial partners CEVT, Scania, Volvo Cars and Volvo Group, enable an investment of 1 billion Swedish krona for the testbed.In 2017, RISE and Chalmers University of Technology were tasked by the Swedish government with creating a testbed for electromobility. It has now been decided that the testbed, called the Swedish Electric Transport Laboratory (SEEL), will be located in the Lindholmen area of Gothenburg, with facilities in the Stockholm region too. RISE and Chalmers will build and own the facility jointly, with industry as the customer base. The aim of SEEL is to strengthen the competitiveness of the Swedish automotive industry, to help Sweden remain at the forefront of innovations in the transport sector, and to accelerate the shift towards a fossil-free Swedish society. SEEL will provide testing for all the different areas of electrified transport. For example, electrified gearboxes and driveshafts for different types of vehicles, drivetrain and component testing for hybrids and electric vehicles, as well as charging and smart power-management. Even the marine and aviation sectors are expected to be able to make use of the testbed. “The automotive industry is extremely important for Sweden, and today we take an important step to secure Swedish automotive jobs in the great transition that is taking place in the transport sector. From fossil to renewable, from petrol and diesel to electricity. Our goal is to make Sweden one of the world’s first fossil-free welfare states. And to do that we need to both cut emissions and secure our competitiveness. The Swedish automotive industry will play a key role in this transformation,” says Mikael Damberg, Minister of Enterprise and Innovation. Stefan Bengtsson, President and CEO of Chalmers says, “this investment offers great opportunities for education, research and industrial development. The testbed complements the laboratories that Chalmers already has. It is ideal for us to take responsibility as one of the owners, to effectively contribute to rapid knowledge development relating to electric vehicles”. “SEEL is unique in terms of the close collaboration that will take place between industry, institutes and academia. It has all the potential to become a world-leading electromobility testing facility. Together with our testing area for active vehicle safety, AstaZero, and our new test facility for stress-testing automotive electronics and wireless communications, Awitar, SEEL makes RISE well-equipped to be a strong innovation partner for the Swedish automotive industry in the future,” explains RISE CEO Pia Sandvik. “CEVT has a clear mission within the Geely Group to become a world-leading innovation center. Electromobility is an area that allows for new features that will be absolutely essential for our future products to meet tomorrow’s requirements for fossil-free vehicles. Development of these features requires deep understanding of components and systems – SEEL will be part of the base we need to continuously develop this knowledge,” says Mats Fägerhag, CEO of CEVT (China Euro Vehicle Technology). “Scania is driving the shift towards a fossil-free transport system. Electrification will be an important part of that journey, and Sweden – with large vehicle makers, green energy and good cooperation between politics, academia and the corporate sector – has unique conditions to take a heavy role in this development globally,” believes Björn Westman, Senior Vice President and head of powertrain development at Scania. “The two electric transport laboratories will be very beneficial for both developing and testing of heavy electric vehicles in Sweden,” he continues. “We in the automotive industry have a major role to play in climate-management, and electrification is an important part of that work,” states Lars Stenqvist, Chief Technology Officer at Volvo Group. “We have started with buses and our first electric trucks, but much more research and development is required. SEEL will help us – and Sweden – to remain a leader in the development of vehicles and systems for climate-neutral transport.” “Volvo Cars’ ambitious electrification strategy means that SEEL will be an important tool when developing and verifying the new technologies we are planning for the coming years,” says Paul Welander, Senior Vice President at Volvo Cars. “During the years 2020-2025, we anticipate a significant shift towards electrified vehicles, so the timing for SEEL is ideal. It is also an investment that will benefit both the industry and society.” The different parts of the test bed will come into use as they become ready, with the lab expected to be fully operational by 2022. Source from Chalmers University. |
Monthly Archives: June 2018
作者: 丑(曹)小姐
据县志记载:青田是位于瓯江下游,隶属丽水市的山区小县,群山环抱,由9镇、20个乡、3个街道共有414个行政村组成,面积2493平方公里,人口约53,5万。青田素称“九山半水半分田”人均只有三、四分的耕地,人稠地疏,早些年贫穷落后,俗话说:“树挪死,人挪活”,为了生存,早期的青田人携带着三把宝刀(菜刀、石刀、剃刀)开始闯天下,凭着青田人那骨子里特有的吃苦耐劳精神,在他乡淘到第一桶金后,就开始提携带动整个家族及旁系亲戚移民海外,最多分布在欧洲各国,如今青田县城里60% 滞守的是侨眷(老人、孩子),他们居住在海外的亲人们在县城中为他们购置或建造的高档小区里,过着悠闲的日子。这里的房价每平方要3到4万,价格不菲呀!比中国其他大中城市价格要高出许多,同时这几年从海外回乡投资建厂的青田人也在不断地增多。
讲解员带我们走进馆内,那一件件精美绝仑、生动鲜活充满生活气息的石雕作品,呈现在我的面前,令人叹为观止!这里的作品有国家级大师们捐赠的,有收藏家收藏而存放于此的,听讲解员说,石雕大师们都是根据石头自然构造而雕琢的。青田石雕博物馆,是中国唯一的石雕文化主题博物馆,它是6000年石雕的缩影。这里收藏了八十个矿区所有雕刻品种和各种类型印章的石头,它是青田向世界展示石雕文化的窗口,也是青田侨乡的一块金色名片。青田闻名遐迩,除了因为它是著名的侨乡,还得益于一块块湿润如玉,色彩斑斓,灵性通人的青田美石 ,它和寿山石、昌化石、巴林石并称为“中国四大名石”。
林如奎大师的儿子林伯正先生的石雕代表作“ 稻鱼共生” 细腻精巧,把稻鱼共生刻画的惟妙惟肖、淋漓尽致。
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典专业外国记者协会(PROFOCA)于5月23日组织会员记者访问中国驻瑞典大使馆。中国驻瑞典大使桂从友和使馆政务参赞张彪等在百忙之中热情接待了PROFOCA记者。
图文 陈雪霏
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典专业外国记者协会会长陈雪霏和副会长候海. 纳瓦鲁于5月31日随瑞典外交部新闻司支持的瑞典外国记者协会组织的哥德堡之行一起访问了哥德堡。
随团的15名记者来自中国,瑞典,波兰,俄罗斯,安哥拉,墨西哥和智利等10多个国家。访问团由外交部新闻司Boel Lindberg和瑞典外国记者协会会长Irina带队。第一站是著名的阿斯利康制药厂哥德堡研发总部。
阿斯利康是一家由瑞典阿斯特拉公司(Astra AB)和英国捷利康公司(Zeneca Group PLC)于1999年4月6日合并而成的大型英瑞合资制药企业。总部在伦敦,研发中心在哥德堡,生产基地在南泰利耶以及中国无锡等地。
2015年12月16日阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)斥资5.75亿美元收购日本武田药品(Takeda Pharmaceutical)的核心呼吸药品业务,包括可预防慢性阻塞性肺病(COPD)的药品,在美贩售的药品名为 Daliresp,在欧洲则称为 Daxas。Daliresp 乃 COPD 市场首个也是唯一一个选择性磷酸二酯酶-4抑制剂。
2015年12月17日阿斯利康(AstraZeneca)斥资40亿美元收购未上市生物制药企业Acerta Pharma的55%股权,以便获得后者的一种治疗白血病的新药。
“有些人梦想成功,而其他人已经醒来并努力实现梦想。” “开始行动的方法就是停止空谈,并开始行动。”“不要告诉人们你的梦想,要秀给他们看。”
图文/ 陈雪霏
《北欧绿色邮报网》驻荷兰特约记者 张卓辉 报道:欧洲华人华侨妇女联合总会(下称:欧华妇联总会)会长熊国秀率领总会代表团应美国无极限美亚文化基金会邀请,于2018年3月10至17日出席了在美国三藩市(旧金山)举行的中国旗袍观摩及大赛活动。
“百年旗袍·风靡美国”。由来自法国、法属圭亚那(法国海外省)、 西班牙、 英国、 捷克、 荷兰 、比利时等国姐妹组成的欧华妇联总会代表团(队)参加了在美国西部三藩市(旧金山)旷周持久的该大赛活动,其中来自法国 法属圭亚那、西班牙、英国等国的姐妹都获得了最佳表演优秀奖及多个奖项,与居住欧美国家的华人姐妹为宣传中国旗袍文化做贡献,大家通过相互交流和学习,增进了友谊和团结。将中国旗袍文化推向欧美,推向世界,成为大家的共同心愿。
(图片 由欧洲华人华侨妇女联合总会 提供)
四海一家亲 共圆中国梦
(图片 由欧洲华人华侨妇女联合总会 提供)
Why should Nordic countries build fast train?
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, June 27(Greenpost)– Nordic Ministers for Transport and Infrastructures have met to discuss financing the infrastructure especially crossing borders recently.
This is a gesture in the right track. I strongly recommend Nordic countries invest in fast train track and operation. Why?
When I came to Sweden in 2006, I thought Swedish train was quite good. But when I went back to China three years later, that was in 2009, China began to operate the fast train in Northeast China, the Concord Train was more than 250 kilometers per hour and I noticed that Swedish journalists were very positive about it too.
But soon people played down this idea to say that it was too expansive, Sweden doesn\t have that amount of people. This was also said in China. We don\t have a lot of money. We have a lot of people, but people were poorer. But after the fast train went into operation, they were full very soon. A lot of young couples took the fast train instead of driving a car or took the slow train.
Traveling time was substantially shortened. People are happy and people are proud. People take the chance to do business.
I think the fast train has three advantages:
First, it shortens the travelling time. It means there will be more travelling and more business chances and more meeting time. More meeting time will give more ideas. It is good for communication.
Second, Sweden has fewer people, but if the transporting time is halved, it means there will be more chance to do business.
Thirdly, people have to think in the long run, the same as you think of the tunnel bana in the 1940s. Man must be forward-looking.
If Nordic countries can make joint efforts to invest in fast train and build it from Oslo to Gothenburg and to Stockholm or from Karlstad and then build it to Malmo and to Copenhagen, then it will substantially shorten the travelling between countries. It will be a project benefiting the future of nordic countries.
Anyway, people are willing to pay a certain amount to improve the railway conditions, but if you pay a little more and build the fast train with Chinese speed between 250 -300 kilometers per hour, it will greatly promote Nordic market.
I encourage the Nordic ministers to talk more about it and take action as soon as possible. I am sure it will promote nordic economy substantially.
Nordic ministers discussed infrastructure financing
STOCKHOLM, June 26(Greenpost) — Infrastructure financing is undergoing a fundamental change, where relying on public budgetary resources alone is not a sustainable option. It is important to find new financial instruments and practices to enable efficient infrastructure development on a long-term basis, according to a statement from Finland.
Such new instruments were explored in the seminar “Rethinking Infrastructure Financing in the Nordics”.
The participants included the Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner, Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications Ketil Solvik-Olsen, Icelandic Minister of Transport and Local Government and Nordic Cooperation Sigurdur Ingi Jóhannsson, and Director-General Ola Nordlander from the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation.
“A well-functioning and up-to-date infrastructure is a prerequisite for competitiveness. Any delays or failures in the projects may cause substantial economic and social costs. It is most natural for us to work together to find the best practices,” says Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland Anne Berner.
“Infrastructures in the Nordic countries have a lot in common. Being able to share our ideas and solutions is important to maximize the possibilities and utility from future projects. Getting the most out of the funds we invest in infrastructure is the key to building a transport system that fits future needs,” says Ketil Solvik-Olsen, Minister of Transport and Communications of Norway.
“It is very important not only to discuss the investment itself but also how to finance operation and maintenance. I am looking forward to learn about the views and experiences of the other Nordic Countries. Communications and transport are merging and the future is interesting,” says Sigurdur Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister of Transport and Local Government and Nordic Cooperation, Iceland.
What next?Discussion about the financial instruments continues among the Nordic countries. There are significant benefits to be gained in infrastructure financing especially from transboundary investments and coordinated transport policies.
Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson
北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网联合报道(瑞典斯德哥尔摩华助中心供稿 撰稿:丘潇卉;摄影:丘潇卉、单振华)6月26日由山西省人民政府外事侨务办公室副主任梁淑娟率领的代表团访问瑞典,代表团其他成员包括晋城市人民政府副市长冯志亮、太原市人民政府外事侨务办公室主任潘保欢、山西省人民政府外事侨务办公室处长曹海胜、晋城市旅游发展委员会科长赵姝丽和山西省人民政府外事侨务办公室副处长师晓华。
山西省外事侨务团走访斯德哥尔摩华助中心: 山西省外侨办副主任梁淑娟(中)、中国驻瑞典大使馆经济商务参赞处韩晓东参赞(左三)、斯德哥尔摩华助中心主任王建荣(右三)、华助中心常务副主任/北欧国际交流协会会长季展有(右二)、斯德哥尔摩大学商学院房晓辉教授(左二)、晋城市人民政府副市长冯志亮(左一)、瑞典华人工商联合总会副会长/北欧国际交流协会监事会主席夏海龙(右一)。
编辑 陈雪霏
Huai Jinpeng presents how to serve 91 million scientific workers in IVA
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, June 26(Greenpost)– Vice Executive President of China Association for Science and Technology, CAST, Professor Huai Jinping who is also academician of Chinese Academy of Sciences Wednesday made a presentation at the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences conference center in Stockholm.
He briefed the audience about how his association serve 91 million scientific workers in China.
He said that his association has the mission to popularize scientific knowledge and gave advice to the central or local government on scientific development policies.
He said his association also shoulders the task to help poverty eradication by 2020. They send a lot of doctors to the poor areas to help cure diseases because usually a poor family was a result of someone in the family has serious disease. It was diseases that leads to poverty. Another way is to send scientific personnel to the countryside to teach farmers how to grow crops scientifically and use less pesticides to have a sustainable agriculture.
The third way for poverty eradication is to have partnership with industries.
Huai also said that the purpose of this visit was to establish a good relation with the Swedish counterparts for future cooperation.
He said China also took a lot of measures to attract young people to be interested in science.
Professor Tuula Teeri, President of Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences, IVA said what Huai said in many ways similar to Swedish way in practice.
One experience from Sweden is to recruit young students from senior high school to be an intern in a science and engineering program for four months before they decide to go to universities. After these four months, those who have had these experiences usually choose to stay with science and engineering and can continue to work in this field. That is an effective way to attract young people who have the potential to be engaged in scientific research or engineering.
Zhang Biao, Charge Daffair from the Chinese Embassy, Dai Gang, Counsular of Sci-tech department at the Chinese Embassy, Cao Yihai, professor at the Karolinska Institutet and about more than 30 scientific workers attended the presentation and asked questions.
Tibetologist points out that Dalai Lama’s Middle Way Is Independence in Essence
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, June 26(Greenpost) – Chinese Tibetologist Hao Shiyuan has pointed out that Dalai Lama’s so-called `Middle Way` is in essence seeking independence in Tibet.
He made this clear at a seminar in Institute For Security and Development Policy on Tuesday when he led a delegation of Tibetologists from China to visit Sweden.
This was also an answer to the question asked by Oskar Gustafson, editor of ISDP on what problem China is really facing between the central government and the Tibet Autonomous Region or Dalai Lama.
Hao said the Chinese central government had kept contact with Dalai’s private representative for a long time. But after the March 14th incident took place in Lhasa in 2008 and the disturbance of the Beijing Olympic Torch, Dalai Lama issued a MOU. To summarize the content of this MOU, China held that the so-called Middle Way is an idea that took place in colonized countries after the Second World War.
“He also borrowed the idea of Hong Kong SAR to ask the central government to implement one country two systems idea. But this idea is against the Chinese Regional ethnic autonomy system. Tibet Autonomous Region has been a part of China. Due to this different ideas, China held that there is no way to continue the dialogue. Although Dalai Lama said he wanted to have dialogue, his stance left no room for further dialogue. The condition to have dialogue is to admit that Tibet is already a region of China. “ said Hao.
ISDP’s Mats . Engman presided over the seminar and he said Sweden likes to have dialogue with China on Tibetan issue even though Tibetan issue is not a focus for ISDP.
Erik Isaksson from ISDP explained that ISDP is an independent research institute which has two offices, one in Sweden and the other in the US. They mainly research on Asia, Central Asia and Caucus’ areas. Since their establishment in 2007, it has received many Chinese, North Korea and South Korean researchers. Currently they have two researchers from Chinese PLA Academy.
Hao Shiyuan gave a presentation about the History and Reality of Tibet. In his presentation, he gave a sharp contrast picture of the past and the present. He said before the liberation of Tibet, it was a political entity with a combination of politics and religion. Only 5 percent of the chiefs and religious leaders enjoyed the privilege while 95 percent of the total population were serfs and slaves who had no personal freedom at all. Even the British historian Goldstein described Tibet as a primitive medieval place. But Dalai Lama has described Tibet as a heaven in human society. Maybe it was true for his 5 percent of the population, but for majority of the Tibetans, it was suffering.
Hao said in 1951 when Chairman Mao met with Dalai Lama, the latter agreed to 17 provisions of peaceful revolution and reform. Maybe he understood that the Tibetan political system came an end, yet the reform will also end the system. According to the 17 provision agreed by both Dalai Lama and the central government, Dalai Lama position would remain the same. But after he attended a meeting in India in 1959, Dalai Lama changed his stance. After his flee to India, Tibet experience a democratic reform and the serfs and slaves became the master of themselves.
Hao said today Tibetan people enjoy very good education and a complete education system has been established. They also enjoyed the religious freedom. Currently 1700 temples function normally.
Hao said Dalai Lama think of how to get independent while central government is thinking of how to improve the living standards of the Tibetan people. In Tibet, tourism is one of the pillar industries. Pregnant women and baby death rate are very low and the rights level are up to the national average. By 2020, Tibet will also have to eradicate all the poverty as planned.
Zhaluo said in Tibet Autonomous Region, there are mainly the Gelu sect of Buddhists, but there are a few others too. Even some people believe in Christianity and Islam.
Mats. Engman asked “Tibet must fall into the debate of border issues between India and China since there is still disagreements on territory in that region. What is China’s approach to ensuring that all partners are brought to the table to discuss the potential security dilemmas on this issue?”
Hao said Sino-Indian border issue has great to do with the British legacy of irrelevant borderline, but has nothing to do with Tibet.
About Chinese map, Hao said before 1949, Chinese map was decided according to history. For example from Qin Dynasty to Song Dynasty, people often thought land outside the Great Wall did not belong to China. But when the Mongolians united China, Chinese map became larger and larger. Tibet Autonomous Region is a historic assets to China left from Chinese history. Only after 1949, China has entered into a modern country.
Gustafson asked: how can the PRC better engage with the Tibetan Government in Exile (or the Central Tibetan Administration) and what issues could they see arising if effective dialogue is not achieved?”
Hao said if Dalai Lama really changes the Tibetan system, it will definitely cause great contradiction. But according to Chinese regional ethnic autonomy system, Tibetans enjoy autonomous freedom. Meanwhile, the economic and social development in Tibet will resist the violence.
Hao said Dalai Lama announced in 2011 that he would retire and then established a so called exiled government. Chinese government does not recognize this organization, nor will contact it, or treated as representative of Dalai Lama.
Engman said“ISDP strives to anticipate where future conflicts might break out.
Zhang Biao, Charge D\affair at the Chinese Embassy, Chen Jiliang, Director of Political Department of Chinese Embassy, Cirenpingcuo, Gesangyixi,Xiaojie and Wang Lixin from the delegation and Fatoumato Diallo from ISDP attended the seminar. Journalists Jorge Navarro from Mexico, Ulrika Bergsten from Sweden and Xuefei Chen Axelsson from Green Post in Sweden were also present at the seminar.
北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网联合报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国科学技术协会常务副主席、书记处第一书记怀进鹏26日在斯德哥尔摩IVA会议中心就如何为中国9100万科技工作者服务等问题用英文做了演讲。
会上,瑞典皇家工程学院院长图拉.特里(Teeri , Tuula)教授致欢迎词,对怀进鹏副主席一行的到来表示欢迎。
中国科协是中国大陆科学技术工作最主要的民间团体之一,目前有160名工作人员,下辖210个全国性学会和32个省级科协,拥有506万名会员的科技团体。中国科协及其所属单位参加了240多个国际民间科技组织,有100多名中国科学家在这些组织的专业机构中任职,是“党和政府联系科学技术工作者的桥梁和纽带”。 中国科协目前主要开展学术交流和训练、学术成果鉴定、专业技术职务资格评审、表征优秀科技工作者以及普及科学知识等工作。
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国藏学家代表团6月25日在斯德哥尔摩访问瑞典安全与发展政策研究所时指出,达赖喇嘛的所谓“中间道路”实质还是“独立理念”。
出席座谈会的还有中国驻瑞典大使馆代办张彪,政治处主任陈季良,政治处李珂,代表团成员还有Cirenpingcuo(次仁平措),Gesangyixi(格桑益西),扎罗,肖杰,王立新等,ISDP除了恩格曼,伊萨克松和古斯塔夫松外还有Fatoumata Diallo.
Top news: Chinese Dongfeng Race Team win the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, June 25(Greenpost, Chineseonline)– Chinese Dongfeng Race Team won the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18 in the closest pass in race history.
Skipper Charles Caudrelier led his team to victory on the final leg of the race, a 970-mile sprint from Gothenburg, Sweden to The Hague.
Incredibly, it marked the first leg win for the team — it couldn’t have come at a better time.
Three teams started Leg 11 of the race on Thursday in a dead heat on the overall leaderboard. The finishing order between MAPFRE, Team Brunel and Dongfeng Race Team at The Hague would determine their place on the overall race podium.
Each of those three teams led at various points on the leg and had their opportunities to grab the prize.
But it was Caudrelier and his crew who made a bold call on Saturday evening to take a coastal route to the finish, which squeezed them tight against the shoreline and separated from the other leaders by a series of Exclusion Zones.
“We were not in such a good position, but we trusted our choice and we pushed,” Caudrelier said. “The others didn’t follow us, but we believed and we won…”
The decision hurt the team in the short term as they tumbled down the leaderboard. But by Sunday morning, with less than 100 miles left to race, weather routing projections had the top boats finishing within minutes of each other. None had been able to break away overnight, despite the significant splits on the race course.
“We knew that we would fall behind initially and that if it came good it would only be at the end. The last position report (1300 UTC on Sunday) we were 27-miles from the finish and they were 20-miles and we thought it was over. But then I did a small weather routing and it showed we could end up one-mile ahead so I woke everyone up and said, ‘let’s push!’”
As the teams finally converged again on Sunday afternoon, just a few miles from the finish, it was Dongfeng Race Team, flying down the coast from the north sliding in front of the offshore group, to earn their first leg win, propelling Caudrelier’s team to overall victory.
“We always trusted each other. Nobody thought we were going to win this last leg, but I had a good feeling,” an emotional Caudrelier said, after thanking his supporters and team. “I said ‘we can’t lose, we can’t lose, we can’t lose’… and we won!”

The overall results make this the closest finish in the 45-year history of the race and marks the first win for a Chinese-flagged team. It also means Carolijn Brouwer and Marie Riou were on board as the first women sailors to win the Volvo Ocean Race.
Xabi Fernández’s MAPFRE was third on the leg, which put the team into second overall.

“It has been tough,” Fernández admitted. “We sailed very well the whole way around the world and on this leg as well, so naturally we’re a bit disappointed. We were very, very close this time, but it was not quite enough. So we have to say congratulations to Dongfeng who sailed a little bit better than us.”
Team Brunel skipper Bouwe Bekking would have liked nothing more than to win the race for the first time in eight tries with a home finish in The Netherlands. But it wasn’t to be. His fourth place leg finish left the team in third place overall.

“Third place, still on the podium, I think we can be pretty proud of that as a team,” he said. “We thought we had made the right choice (to go further offshore) and we expected a windshift. It came 90-minutes too late and that was the race. But that’s yacht racing. And of course we have to congratulate Dongfeng and MAPFRE for their results.”
Second place on the final leg into The Hague was Dutch skipper Simeon Tienpont and his team AkzoNobel, who had previously secured fourth place on the overall leaderboard.
“It’s incredible to finish on the podium in our hometown,” Tienpont said. “We would have loved to have been fighting into The Hague for the final podium but to have set the 24-hour speed record and to get six podium finishes in the race is a testament to the job everyone on our team – on the boat and on shore – have done.”
Vestas 11th Hour Racing had already been locked into fifth place on the scoreboard and after a promising start to Leg 11, had a disappointing seventh place finish on the leg.
“We have a great group of folks on this team,” skipper Charlie Enright said. “We’ve been through a lot and I’m not sure any other group could have dealt with the challenges we have faced the way we did. It’s something special and we’re going to continue to work together moving forward. This was a tough way to go out certainly, but we have one more opportunity with the In-Port Race this weekend.”
That In-Port Race, scheduled for Saturday afternoon, will determine the sixth and seventh place positions in this edition of the Volvo Ocean Race. Both SHK/Scallywag and Turn the Tide on Plastic finished the Volvo Ocean Race on equal points.
The tie-break mechanism is the In-Port Race Series, where David Witt’s Scallywag team currently holds the lead. But Dee Caffari’s Turn the Tide on Plastic is just three points behind and a strong finish on Saturday could lift them off the bottom of the leaderboard.

“We can’t help but smile today. We’ve done it,” said Caffari. “This leg was like the longest In-Port Race ever. A lot of corners to go around, and we gave it 100 per cent and left nothing in the tank.”
For David Witt, the finish was bittersweet the loss of John Fisher overboard in the Southern Ocean top of mind.
“I have very mixed emotions right now,” Witt said dockside immediately after finishing. “I’m incredibly proud of our team both on and off the water. We’re very tight and we have gone through a lot… But I’m also sad of course. I didn’t finish it with my best mate (John Fisher) who we started with. So very mixed emotions, but I’m glad we finished it.”
The teams will celebrate their accomplishments and take well-earned rest on Monday. The rest of the week will see activities in The Hague building towards the final In-Port Race and Awards Night on June 30.
Volvo Ocean Race Leg 11 Final Leaderboard — Saturday 23 June
1. Dongfeng Race Team – 3 days, 3 hours, 22 minutes, 32 seconds
2. team AkzoNobel – 3 days, 3 hours, 38 minutes, 31 seconds
3. MAPFRE – 3 days, 3 hours, 39 minutes, 25 seconds
4. Team Brunel – 3 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes, 52 seconds
5. Turn the Tide on Plastic – 3 days, 3 hours, 56 minutes, 56 seconds
6. SHK / Scallywag – 3 days, 4 hours, 01 minutes, 32 seconds
7. Vestas 11th Hour Racing – 3 days, 4 hours, 05 minutes, 36 seconds
Volvo Ocean Race Overall Points Leaderboard after Leg 11
1. Dongfeng Race Team – 73 points
2. MAPFRE – 70 points
3. Team Brunel – 69 points
4. team AkzoNobel – 59 points
5. Vestas 11th Hour Racing – 39 points
6. SHK / Scallywag – 32 points *
7. Turn the Tide on Plastic – 32 points *
* Should there be a tie on the overall race leaderboard at the end of the offshore legs, the In-Port Race Series standings will be used to break the tie.
Source: www.volvooceanrace.com