Stockholm, May 7(Greenpost) — Turpan sits south of Urumqi and takes about two hours to drive and one hour by fast train there. Last year I visited northern part of Xinjiang and this year, I like to have a look at southern part with my own initiative and on my own expenditure.
Turpan is completely different from northern part of Xinjiang. The color is very different. Turpan is rich in sand and yellow land and is very hot because it is a basin, lowest basin in China.
But on the highway to Turpan, it was very windy and dusty. The land was barren and the wind was strong. Thus the wind power farm boasts to be the second largest one only second to Denmark. Xinjiang is really large with 1.66 million square kilometers and 56 ethnic groups.
During this trip due to time limitation, I just visited the Grape Valley and the Kare undergroud canals in Turpan.
The town is famous for chicken lunch. We ate in a small restaurant .
The wind is strong here
Yes, it is full of wind turbines on the way.
It is windy, but sunny.
The road is wide and new. Large amount of money has been invested in the road, railway and airport construction in Xinjiang.
In March trees were not green yet, but the spring came and it was very warm.
In the youth street, children just finished their school in Turpan.
Lovely boys were very happy to take a picture!
In Turpan I was lucky to meet the director of Turpan Culture and Tourism Bureau. He said last year, Turpan received about 16 million tourists. I was accompied by Yusupu and Mouhamoud.
Two Turpan Muqam artists played beautiful Muqam songs for us in the evening.
Turpan Grape Valley Gate
Turpan Grape Valley Grape shelf
Beautiful peach’s flowers blossomed.
Typical house for drying the grapes.
The Grape crops.
The Grape Valley Park
Dried Grapes
Wang Luobin Museum. Western King of Songs
Grape Valley
Fire Mountain in Turpan Xinjiang
Typical Xinjiang food Nang
Typical Xinjiang food mutton sticks
With the help of Yusupu the driver (who is also an acrobatic teacher) and guide Mouhamoud (who is also an editor), I had visited Grape Valley and seen the houses where the Uygurs live. Their houses are not built by wood such as in Northern part of Xinjiang, but by mud and sand soil. It looks very earthy. I just wonder if there is heavy rain, will these houses survive? But the problem is exactly that it is very dry here and there is no rain almost all year round. The sunshine time is the longest in the whole country. The temperature is also very high. Thus the vegetables and fruits are very good at growing in this land. Thanks to the snow mountains, they can use the snow water to water crops.
I was impressed by the happy faces of these children. Some of them are Han and some of them are Hui. Yusupu was born in this city. He said in fact, most people in these areas speak Uygur languages. Even Han people can speak Uygur language because more than 70 percent of the people here are Uygurs.
Turpan enjoys a long civilization and has long history and culture.
Stockholm, May 7,(Greenpost) — Greenpost journalist Xuefei Chen Axelsson was on site at the Great Hall of the People to observe and report on the session of discussing Foreign Investment Law. The following are pictures from the meeting.
Chinese president Xi Jinping, NPC chairman Li Zhanshu, Premier Li Keqiang and CPPCC chairman Wang Yang were among the 2950 delegates to participate in the discusion.
Stockholm, May 7th (Greenpost)– The annual National People’s Congress 2019 concluded on March 15th with the votes for various reports concerning the government’s work for this year.
The National People’s Congress is the supreme legislative body and represents all walks of life and all ethnic groups in China which has 56 ethnic groups.
The following are the results of the votes for various reports including government work report, budget, judicial report and Supreme Court report as well as financial report and Foreign Investment Law.
The NPC session started on March 5 and concluded on March 15th. After this meeting, local leaders and legislators will go back to their province, counties and cities, villages to implement what they have discussed and passed during the congress.
China’s success lies on this disciplined congress every year and the setting and implementation of their five year plans, and every year action plan. Since the founding of the new China and the founding of the NPC and CPPCC, China has been carrying out what they well planned in improving people’s living standards. During the cultural revolution, it was somewhat disturbed.
But after 1978 reform and opening up, China has been strictly implementing its five year plans and long term and mid term goals and targets. With such discipline, China has seen rapid development with clear goal oriented and released great productivity and vitality in the construction of China.
Now in Beijing, you still can see a lit bit of old Beijing in the very inner part, but outside the third ring road, almost all the buildings were built in recent 20 years. Chinese have been working hard and creating great wealth for themselves and for the world such as inexpensive clothes and many other products. Thus contribute greatly to the world development.
现任主席熊国秀籍贯中国第一侨乡广东台山,出生于北海舰队军干家庭,成长在北京和广州,学习的专业是理工科电气工程大学本科专业, 1987年与旅荷越侨华裔成家,1988年到荷兰定居。除平常经商以外,通情达理的丈夫一直支持她帮助弱势群体,争取华人正当权益,她自觉志愿长期不间断地出钱出力义务做公益工作,担任荷兰及欧洲华人多个社团要职,在27年义工中曾经担任过华人义工网义工,1998年她在著名华人陈李湘平带领下与多位热心华人妇女筹备创办了荷兰华人华侨妇女社团联合总会,当选为首届创会主席,10年来从筹备到连任第一、二届荷华妇联主任期间,努力争取荷兰政府的资金支持,为荷兰华人妇联开通了华人社会第一条专门针对家庭暴力问题的服务热线,发起组织了第一届“华人妇女融入社会研讨会”并成功申请了培养二代华裔帮助华人社会的计划项目;多年热心公益事业,支持祖国家乡发展,每年积极参与荷兰华人组织的庆祝春节活动,特别是在推广中文教育、促进中荷文化交流、帮助妇女等方面做了许多卓有成效的工作,2007年获得荷兰女皇亲自签授、授予荷兰皇家骑士勋章(Ridder in de Orde van Oranje Nassau)。2015年11月获得中国有关部门颁发的首届世界华人文明名鉴大奖,并由荷兰驻广州总领馆文化官员于2015年11月20日在广州替她领奖。
Stockholm, May 4 (Greenpost) — Members Assembly of Acupuncture Science Association Sweden 2019 and a Seminar on International Promotion of TCM on Triangle Needling Method in Sweden were held in Stockholm on May 4 on Saturday.
Secretary General Zhang Dongqing presided over the member assembly which were attended by about 30 members.
Xu Tie, representative of Chen Qingquan Science and Innovation Center in Sweden attended the meeting on behalf of Academician Chen Qingquan who gave a video opening remark at the beginning of the meeting. He emphasised the theory of TCM with the concept of prevention, relief, treatment and rehabilitation.
President of ASAS Yang Chungui summarized his association’s work last year.
He said that they organized a seminar on triangle needling treatment method successfully last year.
They went to China to get training and exchange ideas in international triangle needling seminar.
He and Vice President Zhang Dongqing and Li Jian also went to Rome in Italy to give a lecture on triangle needling method to cure pain on their own cost.
Vice President Wang from China’s TCM Institute visited Swedish TCM Acupuncture Education Base last year.
Swedish Legislator and his secretary visited TCM education base to listen to the legislation team’s report last year.
2018 international Acupuncture Moxibustion practice examination was held in Stockholm.
Academician Chen Qingquan visited the education base and promoted the medical revolution concept and pointed out that the best way is the combination between the western and eastern medicine.
The ASAS will go with time and continue to improve its medical treatment level.
President Yang said the WHO has put the TCM into the 11th edition of the Global Medical Guidelines for the first time in 2019. TCM acupuncture is a sustainable medicine with low cost, no side effect and easy to get. It also makes the medical services more complete in addition to the strict biological medical model paying attention to individual diseases. By distinguishing individual symptoms and treat it with Chinese medicine, Chinese medicine has entered the modern era with the guidance of the big data and the medical treatment following the symptoms of the patients.
“Our Chinese doctor colleagues have formed a big family. We should continue to improve our diagnosis and treatment standards in order to give good and effective services to the Swedish patients. Academician Chen’s advanced rehabilitation concept combining prevention and treatment will promote the good cooperation between Chinese and western medicine. They will complement each other which will lead to a new medical revolution.
A new leading group in the association has been selected:
President: Yang Chungui,
Vice President and Secretory General: Zhang Dongqing
Vice President: Li Jian
Vice President: Lin Youji,
Deputy Secretary: Yukio Danisman
Member of the Council: Lin Defeng
Member of the Council: Yang Xi
Member of the Council: Chen Tiejun
Suppliant member : Nader
Suppliant member: Martin
Suppliant member: Wei Wei
Secretary General Zhang also introduced the competent teachers in the Swedish Acupuncture Education Base. Their supervisors are all the first class TCM experts in China.
Guiding professors are Liu Baoyan, Shi Xuemin, Tang Zuxuan, Liao Fulong, Wu Hanqing and Yang Guang.
The lecturers are Yang Chungui, Zhang Dongqing, Li Jian, Liao Rong, Lin Defeng, Reijo Pöyhöne, Yang Xi, Zhang Hongxia, Wei Wei and Lin Youji.
Lawyer Bengt talked about the progress made in legislation of TCM acupuncture in Sweden. Sweden has admitted TCM acupuncture in 1983. But so far many patients still cannot use medical care system to see Chinese doctors. They have to pay themselves. Bengt explained that parliamentarian Kjell Asplund has put the TCM acupuncture legislation requirement into his book which he will present to the parliament. Meanwhile, he stressed that TCM still needs to further improve itself and provide more scientific evidence.
Yukio Danisman reported on finance balance and new member management system. He said that due to the increase of new members, the financial situation in the association is quite good. They will pay more attention to communication work in the future.
Vice President Lin Youji reported on the compilation work in preparing for setting up standards of TCM acupuncture. The compilation personnel will include:
Honorary Chief Editor: Liu Baoyan
Proof reading editors: Shi Xuemin, Wu Hanqing, Reijo Pöyhöne Chief Editor: Yang Chungui. Editor: Wei Wei, Yang Xi, Yukio Danisman, Lin Youji, Chen Tiejun, Nader. Proof reading: Zhang Dongqing, Li Jian, Ma Xuehong, Liao Rong, Lin Defeng. Editor in Charge: Lin Youji. It is expected that the needling standards will be issued in August and the acupuncture Safety Regulations will be issued in December this year.
Eight members got their proficiency certificates as internationally registered acupuncture doctor.
The assembly also gave a seminar on international promotion of the triangle needling method in Sweden.
President Yang Chungui gave a lecture on the taboo acupuncture points in the body so that they will avoid mistakes. He also taught how to properly use the acupuncture needles. Based on his family inherited experience in acupuncture, he doesn’t suggest use of too long needles. Most of the time he uses 2.5 CM needles for acupuncture.
Vice President Li Jian spoke Swedish to give a lecture on how to use acupuncture needles in treating the abdomen pain.
Vice President and Secretary Zhang Dongqing gave a lecture on clinic application of the triangle needling method to treat pain in the waist.
Doctor Lin Youji talked about the functions of the ear in connection with the acupuncture points.
The free treatment during the conference attracted about 20 patients to have a test of the TCM. They all expressed that the acupuncture and massage can substantially alleviate the pain especially in the neck.
During today's annual meeting, all our members have actively contributed to the successful holding of the meeting, the academic atmosphere was rich, commented Zhang Dongqing, Vice President of ASAS. He has talked in Swedish both in presiding over the meeting and giving academic lecture which is very impressive.
Academician Chen Qingquan was known for his sustainable development concept, but he was also impressed by his idea on traditional Chinese Medicine. President Yang said Chen has pointed out the direction for TCM.
"I feel very excited to have obtained the proficiency certificate for international registered acupuncture doctor which I have dreamed of. I will continue to learn from all of you, especially President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Li who haved helped me. This will inspire me to continue to do a good job in providing good service to Swedish patients and promote traditional Chinese Medicine. I feel very happy to be in this association and like to make joint efforts to make our association better and better. "
During today's seminar, the last part was about the acupuncture points in the ear. It turned out that there are links between the ear and the other organs in the body which help diagnosis for diseases.