Beauty and Elegance in the Song Dynasty – Diancha, A Unique Art of Tea Making 在浙江杭州,伴随着醉人的西湖山水而生的,有一种独特而渊深的美学意识,那就是具有丰富生活美学意义的宋文化。 Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, is famous for its enchanting landscape around West Lake. This landscape gave rise to a unique and profound aesthetic awareness, which is the elegant life-style of the Song Dynasty. 宋文化中特定的审美形式、格调和风味形成了一种文化型生活美学,给生活注入了浓厚的诗的意味,尤其是茶文化,以其独特的养生之道和文化内涵滋养丰富着文人雅士。 The aesthetic preferences in the Song Dynasty developed into a lifestyle rich in culture, whereby everyday activities were carried out with poetic sentiments. Tea culture was an outstanding example, for it nourished the body and soul of poets and scholars with its philosophy of well-being and rich cultural heritage.,时长35:58
点茶 Diancha, A Unique Art of Tea Making
云展览 – 《家在青山绿水间——浙江传统建筑》
Online Exhibition:
Home among Lucid Waters and Lush Mountains – Traditional Architecture in Zhejiang Province浙江,东临大海,素有“七山一水二分田”之说。一方水土养育一方人文,不同的自然环境滋养了不同的生活方式。 Zhejiang, facing the East China Sea in the east, has long been described as a land with “70% mountains, 10% waters and 20% fields”. A place with its particular soil and water nurtures unique humanity, natural environment and lifestyle.,时长04:37
导览 Promo video 浙江青山绿水与古老建筑的和谐之美,宛如天成。“山”、“海”、“泽”,不同地貌之上风格迥异的建筑,再现的是千百年来浙江人与自然相依相生的生活理念。无论是江南枕水而居的粉墙黛瓦,浙中世代聚族而居的深宅大户,抑或连绵群山里藏着的夯土泥屋,还是临海而生的蛮石垒筑,已然成为故乡“家”的代名词,静默守护着我们心中最初家的模样。 Lucid waters, lush mountains and ancient architecture in Zhejiang are as harmoniously blended as they are a natural match. Architecture of distinctive styles built on or near “mountains”, “seas”, “waters” and other landscapes reproduces the concomitant life philosophy of nature and locals in Zhejiang for thousands of years. Home, a sweet name cherished, comes in different ways. It can be walls and black tiles that lie on the south of the Yangtze River, the mansion of eminent families that live together for generations in central Zhejiang, the houses made of rammed earth in mountains, or stone ramparts built on the seaside.
【檐下相逢 Meeting Under the Eaves】明代大旅行家王士性《广志绎》,杭、嘉、湖平原的“泽国之民”,舟楫辐辏,百货所聚,生活富裕,民俗奢侈而典雅;金、衢、严、处的“山谷之民”,丘陵险阻,地气所钟,性情刚烈,民风勤劳俭约;宁、绍、台、温“海滨之民”,连山大海,餐风宿水,“官民得贵贱之中,俗尚奢俭之半”。民居,正是这种文化性格的典型反映。
Zhejiang, facing the East China Sea in the east, has long been described as a land with “70% mountains, 10% waters and 20% fields”. A place with its particular soil and water nurtures unique humanity, natural environment and lifestyle. Wang Shixing, a great traveler in the Ming Dynasty, wrote in his book Guang Zhi Yi (A Broad Description of Human Geography) that the “people of the waterborne kingdom” in Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain lived an affluent and elegant life by trading in boats; the “people of mountains and valleys” in Jinhua, Quzhou, Yanzhou and Chuzhou were staunch and frugal in the fight against harsh geographical conditions; and the “people on the seashore” in Ningbo, Shaoxing, Taizhou and Wenzhou endured winds and rains, thus “officers and ordinary people were neither noble nor humble, neither luxurious nor austere”. Local dwellings are typical reflections of such cultural characters.
宁海古戏台 Ninghai Ancient Stages
【向海而生 Living at the Sea】东海之滨,山海之间蜿蜒曲折的海岸线上,遍布着无数小渔村。人们以石块垒砌起坚固的房屋,狭小的石窗可以防止潮气的滋扰,压顶的石块可以抵御台风的侵袭。渔民们或出远洋捕捞,或在近海养殖。庄稼人,有农田稻田;讨海的人,大海也是一亩浩瀚的田。 Innumerable small fishing villages dot among mountains and along the winding coastline of the East China Sea. Locals build solid houses with rocks and stones in which the narrow stone windows can prevent moisture in the air, and roof stones are used for resisting typhoons. Fishermen either go for high sea fishing or for offshore acquaculture. Farmers live on farm land and rice land; fishermen live on the vast land of sea.
长屿石宕 Changyu Quarry
【江南水乡 Water Towns in South of the Yangtze River】浙江水乡平原,号称鱼米之乡、丝绸之府。这里的人们,用智慧与勤劳,改造自然,形成了蚕桑纺织和鱼类养殖相结合的立体生态农业。京杭大运河沟通至此,把江南的大米、丝绸和食盐运送至全国各地,杭嘉湖平原也一跃成为中国最富庶的地区之一。这里河港密布,几乎每一户民居都依水而建,辟有码头,行船过桥是这里的人们最常见的交通方式。
The watery plain of Zhejiang is renowned as “land of fish and rice” and “home of silk”. The locals, with wisdom and diligence, have transformed nature into a 3-D eco-agriculture integrating sericulture, textile and fish culture. The Beijing-Hangzhou Grand Canal transported rice, silk and salt from the south to the other areas in China, so Hangzhou-Jiaxing-Huzhou Plain has become one of the richest regions in China. With a crisscrossed network of rivers, bridges and piers, most of the households are set along the rivers and boats are the most common means of transportation for locals.
In central Zhejiang lies the Jinhua-Quzhou Plain where the people toiled day after day but reaped little due to barren land. The densely populated area was home to the small families of clans that lived in close proximity to their ancestral halls in strict hierarchy. It took more effort to stand out from the densely populated and tightly-connected community in traditional society, so students studied diligently for being successful in imperial examinations, craftsmen learned hard to master skills, and merchants worked hard to accumulate wealth. In a sense, the people here turned this barren land into a livable place with picturesque mountains and rivers with their persistence and tenacity.
东阳卢宅 Lu’s Residence in Dongyang
史家庄花厅 Shijiazhuang Flower Hall (Parlour)
【山林躬耕 Living in the Mountains】山区人民,靠山吃山。他们铺设古道,把闭塞的山岭变成便捷的通途;他们营造梯田,将陡峭的山岭变成层叠的阡陌;秀山丽水之间,人们聚族而居,阡桑麻满圃,鸡犬相闻。梯田层叠,依山赋形,扶摇直上,是线条与色块的美妙组合,伫立遥望,山川野岭,美不胜收。 The people in mountainous areas live on mountains. They paved ancient paths to turn enclosed mountains into convenient thoroughfares; they plowed steep slopes into terraced fields; they lived together in clans among beautiful landscape, planting mulberry and hemp, feeding chicken and dogs. Terraced fields, along the slopes, constitute a wonderful combination of lines and color blocks. The beauty of natural scenery is in a panoramic view.
奥林匹克运动已全面进入“北京时间”。9月17日,在北京首都博物馆内,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会主题口号正式对外发布——“一起向未来”(英文为:“Together for a Shared Future”),是中国向世界发出的诚挚邀约,传递出14亿中国人民的美好期待:在奥林匹克精神的感召下,与世界人民携手共进、守望相助、共创美好未来。
在全球应对新冠肺炎疫情的大背景下,北京冬奥会主题口号发出的声音是汇聚、是共享、是未来。“一起(Together)”展现了人类在面对困境时的坚强姿态,指明了战胜困难、开创未来的成功之道。“向未来(for a Shared Future)”表达了人类对美好明天的憧憬,传递了信心和希望;“一起向未来(Together for a Shared Future)”是态度、是倡议、更是行动方案,倡导追求团结、和平、进步、包容的共同目标,是更快、更高、更强、更团结奥林匹克精神的中国宣扬,表达了世界需要携手走向美好未来的共同愿望。
主题口号是历届奥运会的重要标志之一,是奥林匹克精神的高度概括,也是主办国、主办城市的独特文化和精神风貌的生动体现。为了充分表达北京冬奥会的举办愿景和目标,创作出独具风格的主题口号,北京冬奥组委自2020年5月起启动了主题口号创作征集工作,通过定向委托创作的方式,面向清华大学、北京大学、中国人民大学、中国传媒大学和中国社会科学院等单位征集主题口号创意,后经过多轮评审,听取有关方面和专家意见,并和国际奥委会、国际残奥委会取得一致后,最终决定将“一起向未来”(英文为:“Together for a Shared Future”)作为北京冬奥会、冬残奥会主题口号。
“Different moons under one sky with love”. 2021 “Chinese Bridge” Club Stockholm Mid-Autumn Festival Gala will be streamed on the 21st of September 18:00 CET at the following address (reserve site The show is taped at the storied Rockelstad Castle in Sweden. You are most welcome to follow the show and to propogate the information to your friends and family.