Tag Archives: Ambassador Gui Congyou

Reformer, öppnande och tolerans främjar en framgångsrik utveckling i Kina

Stockholm, Okt.10(Greenpost) — Reformer, öppnande och tolerans främjar en framgångsrik utveckling i Kina är en signerad artikel av Ambassadör Gui Congyou för svenska medier. Hela texter är som nedande:

Den 1 oktober 1949 grundades Folkrepubliken Kina. Detta avslutade Kinas nedsatte årshundrad som präglades av invaderingar och plundringar av västmakterna. Förtrycket av ”de tre bergen”- imperialism, feodalism och byråkratisk kapitalism störtades och det kinesiska folket har sedan stått upp och blivit herrar i sitt eget land, medan landets  utveckling rusat intill en helt ny era.

Under de 71 åren sedan Nya Kina grundades, och särskilt under de senaste 40 åren av reformer och öppningar mot omvärlden, har Kina uppnått en framåtklivande snabb utveckling.

Dagens Kina har det bästa mänskliga rättigheter i sin historia. Under mer än 5000 år har det varit drömmar från generationer av kineser att skapa ett välmående samhälle utan bekymmer om mat och kläder och att grunda ett samhälle av ”stor harmoni” där allas rättigheter och värdighet respekteras och skyddas fullt ut. Nya Kina förvandlade denna dröm till verklighet.  Om 3 månader är det tiden vi bygger färdigt det ”välmående samhälle” där absolut fattigdom utrotas i Kina där en femtedel av världens befolkning inte längre oroas över svält eller köld. Vi har redan rest upp världens största och mest omfattande socialförsäkrings-, sjukförsäkrings- och obligatoriska utbildningssystem. Folkets rättigheter att delta i statlig och social styrning är fullt garanterade. Nya Kina har lagstadgat jämställdhet mellan kvinnor och män i konstitutionen, och arbetat målmedvetet med jämställdhet, och aktivt stärkt kvinnors rättigheter. För närvarande är andelen kvinnliga sysselsatta i hela samhället 43,7%. Vi följer jämlikheten mellan alla etniska grupper och genomför politik för etnisk regional autonomi. Etniska minoriteters rättigheter att få utbildning, använda och utveckla sitt talade och skrivna språk samt upprätthålla sina egna kulturella traditioner och religiösa övertygelser respekteras och garanteras. 53 av de 55 etniska minoriteterna talar egna språk. I Xizang (eller Tibet som svenskar brukade skriva) finns det mer än 1700 platser för tibetansk buddhismaktivitet, med mer än 46 000 munkar och nunnor som bor i tempel och kloster. I Xinjiang finns det mer än 24 000 moskéer, och i genomsnitt äger 530 muslimer en moské, vilket är utstående även bland muslimska länder.

Att skapa en ekologisk civilisation har blivit en grundläggande nationell politik för Kinas utveckling. Idag har andelen kol av Kinas totala energiförbrukning minskat från cirka 70% till 59%, och andelen lågutsläpp uppgraderade termisk krafter har nått mer än 80%. Under de senaste 20 åren utgörs ca 25% av hela världens nya växtlighetstäckta yta av Kina, som är största på Jorden.  Kina utvecklar kraftigt gröna transporter. Produktions- och försäljningsvolymen för el- och hybrid-bilar har rankats som först i världen i många år, med en kumulativ summa av 1,8 miljoner fordon, och står för mer än 50% av världens bilar av denna typ. Ett snabbtågjärnvägsnät som täcker hela landet är en grundbult.  Delade cyklar är populära över hela landet. Som det största utvecklingslandet har Kina implementerat en nationell strategi för att aktivt reagera på världens klimatförändringar, slutfört klimatåtgärdens mål 2020 före schemat och gjort stora bidrag till det globala svaret på klimatfrågor.

När det gäller kampen mot Covid-19 är Kina en aktiv deltagare och en viktig bidragsgivare till det globala samarbetet. Inför det plötsliga utbrottet av Covid-19 i början av detta år insisterade det kinesiska partiet och regeringen på att folks liv är högsta prioritet och startade snabbt ett totalt folkkrig för förebyggande och kontroll av epidemien. Landets 1.4 miljarder människor har jobbat stenhårt tillsammans för att inledningsvis begränsa epidemins spridning på ungefär en månad, pressa de inhemska dagliga nya fallen ner till under 10 per dag inom två månader och få avgörande vinst i Wuhan och Hubei provins på tre månader, därpå kunde man få det strategiskt viktiga resultat i den nationella kampen. 

Samtidigt fullgör Kina aktivt sina internationella ansvar. Vi rapporterar proaktivt epidemi-informationen till Världshälsoorganisationen och relevanta länder och regionala organisationer släpper den nya koronavirusgensekvens och släpper diagnos och behandlingsplan samt plan för förebyggande och kontroll allt vid det tidigaste möjliga tillfället, bara för att dela värdefulla information om förebyggande, kontroll och behandlingserfarenhet med omvärlden. Kina förespråkar aktivt upprättandet av ett globalt samhälle för människors hälsa, skickade expertgrupper till 32 länder, tillhandahöll 283 gånger hjälpmaterial till 150 länder och fyra internationella organisationer och intensifierade exporten av stora mängder anti-epidemiskt material.  

Som världens största leverantör av anti-epidemiförbrukning hade Kina i början av september exporterat 151,5 miljarder masker, 1,4 miljarder skyddskläder, 230 miljoner skyddsglasögon och 470 miljoner testpaket. Kina kommer också att fortsätta att främja en rad internationella samarbetsåtgärder för förebyggande och kontroll av epidemier, inklusive att göra vacciner till en global offentlig produkt efter det att de nya Corona-vaccinen är färdiga att tas i bruk.

Kina har alltid varit en bidragsgivare till världsutvecklingen, en byggare av världsfred och en försvarare av internationell ordning. Kina har blivit den största handelspartnern till mer än 130 länder och regioner i världen och den viktigaste marknaden för stora multinationella företag. Kinas totala tullnivå har sjunkit under 7,5%, vilket är nära den europeiska nivån, och planeras att fortsätta sänkas i framtiden. Tillgången till den kinesiska marknaden expanderar också och den har blivit en av de ekonomier som har haft den största förbättringen av affärsmiljön under de senaste två åren. Samtidigt har Kina alltid bedrivit en defensiv försvarspolitik, som åtagit sig att skydda sin egen suveränitet, självständighet och territoriella integritet, och kommer aldrig att skada utan stödja andra länders ansträngningar för att skydda suveränitet, självständighet och territoriell integritet och motsätter sig resolut aggression och krig. Kina vill skydda det internationella systemet med FN som kärnan och den internationella ordningen baserad på folkrätt.

I början kopierades Nya Kina Sovjetunionens centraliserade statliga styrningssystem i sin helhet, särskilt det planerade ekonomiska systemet, vilket allvarligt hindrade Kinasutveckling av produktivitet och folks strävan efter ett bättre liv, som följd fastnade landets utveckling på länge. År 1978 började Kina grundligt reformera detta styva ledningssystem. Man utvecklade kraftigt demokrati i statlig förvaltning och införde marknadskonkurrens inom ekonomisk utveckling, vilket kraftigt stimulerade folks initiativ, entusiasm och kreativitet för att bygga landet och skapa ett bättre liv. Motorn för social och ekonomisk utveckling aktiverades. Kina kommer att fortsätta att reformera produktionsförhållanden och låta marknaden spela en avgörande roll i fördelningen av resurser.

Medan Kina fortsätter att fördjupa interna reformer, främjar Kina kraftigt öppnandet för omvärlden och introducerar avancerade utländska förvaltningskoncept, erfarenhet, kapital och teknik för att hjälpa den inhemska utvecklingen. 

När Kina var självbelåten, stängde landet mot omvärlden, och vägrade at acceptera avancerade utvecklingskoncept, erfarenheter och prestationer, kom Kina på efterkälken. Öppenhet eller slutenhet avgör Kinas framtid och öde. Även om Kina har blivit världens näst största ekonomi, kommer takten i öppnandet mot omvärlden inte att minska. Kina ska öppnas mer och mer. För närvarande har utländska försäkringsbolag och avancerade biltillverkare möjlighet att etablera helägda företag i Kina eller kontrollera mer aktie andel även aktiemajoritet i kinesisk-utländska joint venture.

En annan viktig aspekt av Kinas framgångsrika utveckling är Tolerans. Det finns mer än 190 länder och tusentals etniska grupper i världen, med olika civilisationer. Varje land, nation och civilisation har sina egna egenskaper och fördelar. Tolerans, ömsesidigt utbyte och lärande från varandra gäller inte bara för varje land, utan också för harmoni i världen och att undvika hat, konflikt och krig. Filosofisk sett finns det inte två identiska löv i världen. Kineser säger att havet tar emot varje ström för att vara stort. Om du inte kan tolerera andra, kan du inte få det du förtjänar för att överleva och utvecklas. Kinas system har utvecklats ur sin egen historia, egenskaper och nationella förhållanden och stöds av det kinesiska folket. Men det är inte nödvändigtvis lämpligt för andra länder. Vi strävar inte efter att införa vårt system i andra länder och vi accepterar inte att andra länder tvinga sina egna system på Kina. Kina försöker inte använda sitt eget system för att transformera andra länder och vägrar andra länder att använda sin makt att omvandla Kina. Vi står för ömsesidig respekt, likabehandling och icke-inblandning i varandras interna angelägenheter med alla länder i världen. Samtidigt betonar vi dialog, kommunikation, utbyte, ömsesidigt lärande, gemensam utveckling och gemensamma framsteg. 

(Xuefei Chen Axelsson)












Greenpost Exclusive Interview with Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Sept. 6(Greenpost) — August 18th marked the three year anniversary of Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou’s mission in Sweden. Over the past three years, he has visited many places in Sweden and has been engaged with many ordinary people, prominent figures, business people and politicians in addition to foreign ministry colleagues in Sweden. He has impressed many and he said he also learnt a lot from Sweden. What will he do to improve Sino-Swedish relations in his next three years mission? Greenpost founder and chief editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson had a written interview with Ambassador Gui recently.

Q: Hello Ambassador Gui, by August, you have been in Sweden for three years as an Ambassador. During the past three years, you have visited many places in Sweden, what is your impression about Sweden?

A: Over the past three years, I have visited two thirds of the Swedish provinces and have contacted and widely exchanged views with people from all walks of life. I visited many enterprises, factories and farms, got to know Swedish social, cultural and economic characteristics and understood the wish and thoughts of Swedish people on Sino-Swedish relations. I made a lot of friends in Sweden and I got a lot of unforgettable memories on Swedish people. I felt Swedish people are very kind and enthusiastic about China. With very friendly emotion, they all support further cooperation and exchange in various fields. I think most of Swedish people are willing to deepen cooperation and exchange with China.

I was so impressed by Swedish beautiful ecological environment and people’s high awareness in environmental protection. In such an environment with blue sky and clean water, I often discuss with my Swedish friends on how to combine Swedish advanced sustainable development theory and practices with China’s new development concept of being innovative, coordinated, green, open and sharing. We have reached a consensus that China and Sweden shared similar development idea and mutual compatibility in various industries and there will be great potential in environmental and ecological protection. We believe that China and Sweden are able to join hands to play a bigger role in dealing with climate change and pushing forward sustainable development.

Q: How do you comment on current Sino-Swedish relations and what is your prospect on the future of Sino-Swedish relations?

A: This year marks 70th anniversary of Sino-Swedish relations. 70 years ago, Sweden took the lead among western countries to surpass the political system and ideological differences to become the first country to establish diplomatic relations with China. Over the past 70 years, friendly communication and exchange have been the main melody of bilateral relations and China has always treated Sweden as a friend and important cooperation partner.

Now we are the largest trade partners for each other both in nordic region and Asia. Sweden has kept its surplus for many years in trading with China. China and Sweden enjoyed close communication and exchange in science and technology, education and culture. China and Sweden also kept good communication in multilateral relations, jointly advocated multilaterism, free trade, against trade protectionism, in favor of maintaining economic globalization and multilateral trade, devoted in peaceful solutions for regional conflict and hot issues and jointly made positive contributions to world peace and development.

The political foundation for the past 70 years of friendly cooperation was mutual respect, equality and non-interferience in each other’s internal affairs. The experiences over the past 70 years has always proved that as long as the two sides abided by such a principle, the bilateral relations will develop smoothly, bilateral cooperation and exchange will be carried out smoothly. On the contrary, there would be difficulties and the cooperation between the two sides would be affected. Upon the 70th anniversary, we should keep the initial goal to surpass the political system and ideological differences between the two sides, root out the intervention and make joint efforts to push forward Sino-Swedish relations to healthy and stable development.

Q: In your opinion, in which areas can China and Sweden have more cooperation?

A: Currently, the Covid 19 is rampagnt in the whole world. Global economy slows down, there is a lack of driving force in economic increase, there are many unstable and uncertain factors in international environment. This has imposed a new challenge to all countries including China and Sweden. Opening up to the outside word is one of the fundamental policies in China. China has been insisting on opening up and achieving a win-win situation and committed itself to contributing to mankind’s common destiny. As the first cargo trading country and the second foreign investment destination in the world, China’s contribution to the global economic growth has exceeded 30 percent for many years. Facing the current global crisis, China has steadily resumed manufacturing and production, economic revival trend is stable and China has shouldered its responsibility in helping revive world economy. During the second quarter of this year, China’s GDP growth rate reached 3.2 percent. Import and export volume in July increased 6.5 percent compared with that of last year. It is predicted that during the later half of the year Chinese economy will continue to grow. This will provide more opportunities for Sino-Swedish cooperation. China and Sweden can have deep cooperation in high level manufacturing, biological, medical and pharmacieutical field, energy saving and environmental protection, green transportation and communication as well as smart city. Recently due to the Covid 19, medical care and health, transnational online shopping has seen an increase and can become new economic growth sectors. I hope industries in both sides should grasp the opportunities and actively tap the potential for solid cooperation.

Q: Can you briefly introduce China’s efforts and experiences in fighting against Covid 19?

A: Since the beginning of this year, Covid 19 broke out in many countries in the world becoming the most severe public health crisis in the world since the second world war bringing severe impact on the world on many aspects. Covid 19 also brought about unprecedented blow to China’s economic and social development. Facing such sudden and severe test, Chinese government insisted on prioritizing people’s lives and health among other aspects and launched a people’s campaign against the virus and put the virus spreading under control by comprehensive and strict isolation methods. 1.4 billion people acted in concert to isolate the virus by taking well coordinated measures to protect people’s lives and health. Meanwhile, China also well coordinated in pushing forward the work of controlling the virus and resuming the manufacturing orderly and steadily.

China insisted on new development idea and Chinese economy sees a good trend by turning from negative growth into positive growth of 3.2 percent during the second quarter becoming the first country in the world to realize the positive growth. China’s growth has injected confidence and driving force for the world economic growth.

Chinese President Xi Jinping stressed that mankind live in a common community. Unity and cooperation are the most powerful weapon for the international community to defeat the virus. Since the outbreak of the Covid 19, China has held on the mankind common community idea and supported many countries to fight against the disease. President Xi carried out a series of diplomacy with head of state in various countries and voiced his view of joining hands with various countries to deal with the Covid 19 together. China has donated 50 million dollars to the World Health Organization and provided emergency medical material to over 150 countries and international organizations. China will continue to take a series of measures to consolidate international cooperation in fighting against Covid 19. The measures include providing 2 billion dollars of international assistance, establish global humanitarian emergency stockhouse and communication hub, establish hospital cooperation mechanism and make the vaccine as global public product after the successful production of covid 19 vaccine in the future. China will resolutely join hands with the international community including Sweden to deal with the Covid 19 and establish mankind health community.

Q: What is your expectations on overseas Chinese in Sweden?

A: Chinese home and abroad are forever belonging to the same family. Since long time ago, overseas Chinese in Sweden have kept Chinese traditional morality, self independent, diligent and actively melted in the Swedish society and contributed to the Swedish social and economic development. Meanwhile, Chinese in Sweden also continue to carry on their Chinese culture and put up forward proposals for China’s development pushing forward Sino-Swedish friendly cooperation and exchange. I was impressed. When China encountered the Covid 19 in January, overseas Chinese in Sweden immediately organized donation activities to collect funds and buy medical products and some even help send the products to Chinese hospitals in person. China’s achievements in fighting against Covid 19 so far cannot be separated from overseas Chinese efforts. The motherland will never forget your contributions!

Since the outbreak of Covid 19 in Sweden, many overseas Chinese began to work hard for Sweden’s campaign against Covid 19. Many Chinese associations have actively helped each other and kept yourself healthy. Currently the virus is still spreading in the world including Sweden, I just hope that you continue to protect yourselves from being infected, while deeply melting into the local society, pushing forward Sino-Swedish cooperation and exchange in various fields and actively shouldering the responsibility of being a good bridge between China and Sweden so that bilateral relations will further develop. Your proposal, suggestions and efforts are welcome.

High-level BRIX Seminar : The New Africa Emerges along the Belt & Road

STOCKHOLM, December 8(Greenpost)–Top diplomats from the African Union joined the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden and the Belt and Road Institute’s (BRIX) members in a special seminar on December 5 in Stockholm to outline the great progress being achieved in realizing Africa’s development goals in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).

Moreover, the seminar’s more important aspect was to explore the massive potential imbedded in making Africa the greatest economic powerhouse on the planet in the coming decades and how Sweden, Europe and China can cooperate with the African nations to accelerate and benefit from this promising perspective.

The seminar was initiated by Stephen Brawer, Vice-President of BRIX and moderator of the event. He welcomed everyone and gave a brief history of how BRIX came into being, and about its two other very successful seminars in 2019. The BRIX, which is only one year old, emerged out of a high-level seminar on the strategic and economic impact of the BRI held in May 2018 and organized jointly by the Schiller Institute and the China-Sweden Business Council (CSBC). He emphasized that BRIX works to disseminate knowledge of BRI as a global development process, and to present facts and knowledge based on deeper reflections, and not on superficial opinion based on prejudice and geopolitical agendas. Thus, BRIX believes that in the future, disinformation and propaganda that are spread in Sweden against BRI should be addressed in a more clear and assertive way.

Egypt’s ambassador, Mr. Alaa Hegazy, gave the welcoming speech as representative of the African Union (AU), since Egypt is the current Chairman of the AU. He emphasized the importance of the Belt & Road Initiative for the implementation of Africa’s development plans that have been around for a long time and lacked only the construction starts. He presented the AU’s Agenda 2063 plan for a continental rail and road network, electrification and industrialization. Ambassador Hegazy explained that the AU has several cooperation mechanisms with the EU, UN, Japan, etc., but cooperation with the BRI has been the most dynamic and effective of these mechanisms.

The ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Sweden, Mr. Gui Congyou gave, the keynote speech of the seminar in which he gave a detailed picture of the extensive cooperation that has been established between China and Africa in the context of the BRI. Ambassador Gui referenced the September 2018 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing and the results of that summit. He said: “China-Africa joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative has accelerated, and 40 African countries and the AU Commission have signed cooperation documents with China on the “Belt and Road” initiative. We have formulated a country plan based on the actual needs of Africa. We will implement a total of more than 880 China-Africa cooperation projects in the next three years.”

Concerning Chinese-Swedish perspectives, the Ambassador stated: ”The Swedish government has many aid and cooperation projects for Africa, and many large Swedish companies such as Volvo, Scania, and ABB have extensive operations in Africa. China is willing to work with other countries in the world, including Sweden, to complement each other’s strengths and make positive contributions to peace, stability and development in Africa.”

Ethiopia’s Ambassador, Mr. Deriba Kuma showed the audience how Africa’s plans for modernization and industrialization are being implemented. Ethiopia is well on its way to realizing its plans to become a middle-income country by 2025, transitioning from an agricultural-based society to an industry-based one. “Ethiopia is a major beneficiary in the Belt and Road Initiative. Since the country has embarked on expanding its infrastructure network across the nation like roads, railways, telecom and airports; the technical as well as financial support from the Government of China side has helped a lot”, Ambassador Deriba said. He added that “Ethiopia, through its vision of becoming a middle-income country by 2025, has launched an ambitious plan of constructing twelve industrial parks across the nation. Major Chinese companies have participated in the construction of these industrial parks and even some Chinese companies are constructing their own industrial parks in Ethiopia.” He emphasized that “Ethiopia has a plan to have 30 industrial parks by the year 2025. I hereby would like to call up on those competent companies to actively engage in this endeavor either through constructing the industrial parks or by leasing the sheds that could help them to participate in manufacturing of different products.”

Ambassador Kuma also reminded the audience that his country’s Prime Minister, H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed, will be receiving the Nobel Peace Price next week. This is an appropriate recognition of the path Ethiopia has taken towards social, political and economic reform.

South Africa’s Chargé d’Affaires, Duncan Sebefelo discussed his country’s economic visions and plans, and the challenges and opportunities that exist today. He referenced the major investments China has made in key projects in his country. After the turn of the year, South Africa become the chairman of the AU, outlining the philosophical principles that the AU has for the economic cooperation projects. Mr. Sebefelo explained how important the BRI is for the development goals of the African continent.

The board member of BRIX, Hussein Askary, made a thorough presentation on “retooling Africa’s rise”. With the help of charts, pictures and maps, he showed how BRI is helping in realizing Africa’s goals. He emphasized that BRIX does not exist to cheer on China or Africa, who can take care of themselves. BRIX’s goal is that Sweden should be part of this process of cooperation and not miss the train towards economic prosperity and stability in the world. In order to achieve that, Sweden’s and Europe’s attitude towards Africa has to change first. He contrasted this attitude to that of China. While Sweden and the Eu considered Africa “a problem”, China considers Africa “an opportunity”. Askary explained that a major part of this problem is the “aid” mentality. He argued that the Chinese way of “empowering rather than helping”, which is to supply Africa with the “tools” for development such as infrastructure, industrialization and technology transfer is the most suitable for Sweden and Europe to follow. Under the heading “SDG acrobatics” (Sustainable Development Goals), he talked about how Sweden and the EU are redefining the UN development agenda in 2030, so that the most important priority goals to be addressed (poverty, hunger, healthcare, electricity education, water, industrialization, etc.) are placed at the bottom of the priority list, while Climate Action, goal no. 13, is at the top. In conclusion, he explained that with the help of China and the BRI, Africa is well on the way to realizing its Agenda 2063. But he asked how faster can this agenda be realized if Sweden and the EU contribute to it?

The Norwegian former member of parliamentary, and co-founder of Ichi Foundation, Mr. Thore Vestby, talked about the Norwegian cooperation with Africa, which has been largely restricted to aid through NORAD. But a new focus on cooperation has been established in 2012 through the Norwegian African Business Association by leading Norwegian companies (norwegianafrican.no). Norway also needs to establish cooperation with BRI, Vestby emphasized, and a shift in the attitude in Norway towards China and the BRI is necessary. He congratulated the Swedish BRIX for its successful work and announced that a “BRIX Norway” will be started in the new year.

BRIX member and private consultant, Mr. Lars Aspling, explained in his presentation that now 16 of 28 EU countries have already signed agreements (MOU) with China to cooperate with the BRI. This shows that such an agreement, or even a mere positive opinion on BRI, as France and Finland have expressed, need not necessarily to divide the EU. Although the Swedish government, with its proposal for a new China strategy, adheres to EU policy, there are, thus, no legal issues that hinder Sweden from joining the BRI. But only a lack of political will stands in the way, he stated. Aspling gave a tour of the necessary investments that need to be made in northern Europe, Scandinavia and Sweden to be able to rise to the levels of productivity necessary in the new BRI era.

Aspling seized the opportunity to announce that a new report that BRIX has just published about what BRI on the importance of Sweden’s cooperation with the BRI can now be downloaded from the BRIX website. (Https://www.brixsweden.org/brix-publicerar-en-ny-belt-and-road-speciell-rapport/).

The seminar’s moderator, Stephen Brawer, led the closing panel debate where the speakers answered questions fielded by the audience.

BRIX chairman Ulf Sandmark commented on the question and discussion about corruption in Africa by pointing out that BRI has a focus on real investments that are not handed over as sums of money like the investments made by the West. The BRI investments are delivered as cement, steel, machinery and input products for the projects. “Cement is difficult to put into a bank account, which means that BRI has an intrinsic mechanism to prevent corruption,” he said.

In closing the seminar, moderator Stephen Brawer again emphasized the need to present fact-based information and knowledge about BRI, and made a point of thanking the effort that TV100 and Fredrik Vargas make through their important work in reporting the proceedings of this seminar.

Zimbabwen Ambassador Alice also attended the seminar.

19 diplomats from 15 countries (mostly from Africa) participated in the seminar which was attended by 60 guests.

Chinese Embassy in Sweden holds grand celebration on the 70th anniversary of the National Day

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 20(Greenpost) Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou has said that China has achieved the great leap forward from standing up to being healthy and wealthy.

He made the remark at a grand celebration over the 70th anniversary of China’s National Day held in the Grand Hotel in Stockholm.

“Seventy years ago, the founding of the People’s Republic opened a new era for the Chinese nation. From then on, the Chinese people drove away all foreign invaders and ended more than a hundred years of humiliation. China was lifted from a semi-colonial state into an independent sovereign country. The Chinese people overthrew the rule of feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, and became owners of the country for the first time.

China ended the fighting between warlords and brought the divided country back into one that is solidary, united, peaceful and stable. The Chinese people started to shake off poverty and backwardness and embarked on a path of economic development and improvement of people’s life. Chinese people started to eliminate various types of epidemics and put in place a robust health care system.

The founding of new China boosted the national liberation movements across Asia, Africa and Latin America, which advanced global progress and promoted peace, democracy, progress and development for human kind.” Gui said.

Ambassador Gui and the guests watched a documentary about China’s achievements over the past 70 years.

Over the 70 years especially the 40 years of reform and opening up, tremendous and rapid changes in China transformed the country. In 2018, China’s GDP exceeded 90 trillion RMB, more than 1,300 times as that of 1952 on an absolute value basis, and China became the second largest economy in the world; GDP per capita of China today is nearly 10,000 USD, nearly 550 times of that of 1952; foreign trade stands at USD 4.6 trillion today, over 4000 times of that of 1952, making China the largest country in trade in the world. Over the past 40 years, the share of China’s GDP in the world increased from 1.8% to 16%, and China has been the engine for global growth, contributing over 30% annually. China is the second largest destination for global investment, attracting 98% of top 500 companies to invest.

At the same time, various social undertakings in China also made significant progress. The population under absolute poverty in China was reduced from over 700 million 40 years ago to less than 10 million today, contributing 90% to global poverty reduction. Life expectancy increased from 35 years in 1949 to 77 years in 2018. Illiteracy rate was reduced from 80% to the current 4.9%. China has successfully addressed the issue of run-down areas in major cities, with per capita housing area reaching 45m²and private houses accounting for 70%. China built up the largest education system in the world, with average education years at 13.5 years per person. China has the largest number of R&D personnel and the second largest number of international science papers and citations in the world. The number of patent applications and grants in China ranks the first in the world. The capacity under construction in wind, hydro, solar and nuclear power in China ranks first in the world, and the proportion of coal-fired power in the energy portfolio decreased from 80% to 60%. China is also the first country to successfully address desertification and realize the receding of desert and advancement of inhabitants.

Over the past 70 years, the Chinese people realized a tremendous transformation from standing up to becoming better-off, achieving what took developed countries several centuries to achieve. Today, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and is advancing towards the dream of building China into a great modern socialist country.

Chinese Embassy choir led by Ambassador’s Wife Song Jingli gave a wonderful performance during the opening.

China is still yet to realize complete reunification. A stronger China does not mean we will attack, bully or take from others, rather it means we can better protect ourselves from being attacked or bullied by others, better defend against others invading and robbing what is ours, and protect our sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and development interests. China will continue to commit itself to domestic development. No matter how much progress we make, we will follow defense-oriented foreign and defense policies, seek to co-exist in peace with all other countries and pursue win-win cooperation. China will never take an expansionist path, and will never seek its development at the expense of others. China will continue to be committed to expanding opening up, and its door will only open up wider, since we are keenly aware that isolation leads to backwardness, and backwardness leaves one vulnerable. We welcome exchanges with all other countries with open arms. The 1.4 billion Chinese people, which account for 1/5 of world population, getting stronger, is an important force for human development and world peace and security, and major contribution to addressing various global threats and challenges. 

Gui noted that on 9 May 1950, Sweden became the first Western country to go beyond differences in political systems and ideologies and establish diplomatic relations with China, and helped with China’s development and reform and opening up. It benefited China, Sweden and the whole world. Today we have with us many Swedish friends that have been devoted to China-Sweden friendship and China’s development. The Chinese people are grateful for that and will never forget you! China’s development has entered a new era. Next year we are going to celebrate the 70thAnniversary of China-Sweden diplomatic relations, which presents our bilateral relations with new opportunities. On the basis of mutual respect, equality and non-interference, the Chinese side is willing to strengthen engagement, dialogue, communication and consultations with Sweden, and exchange state governance practices. Building on the rapid growth in the past two years, trade between China and Sweden grew by another 3.7% from January to August this year, exceeding USD 10 billion, and the Swedish side continues to maintain a surplus.

He stressed that China is willing to further expand trade and investment cooperation with Sweden, and explore cooperation in new areas such as tackling climate change, innovation, sustainable development and smart cities. It is hoped that China and Sweden will remain true to the original aspirations when we established diplomatic ties, join hands together for the development of our two countries and for a better world, and make due contributions to building a community with a shared future for human kind.

Swedish Foreign Trade Minister Anna Halberg also attended the reception and spoke highly of China’s great contribution to the United Nations.

“We recognized China’s contribution to the United Nations and we like to continue to work together with China. “

She said she is happy to see the increase of import and export from and to China over the past two years. She said China has become the largest trading partner with Sweden in Asia. And she is glad to see this trend continues.

She admits that Sweden and China has different opinions in certain issues, but she also promised to continue the dialogue and find a channel to talk.

Swedish State Secretary in Foreign Affair Ministry also attended the celebration on behalf of the Foreign Minister.

In addition, Swedish Army, Navy and Airforces Generals also attended the reception. They will send a large troupe to attend the October dubbed Military Olympics to be held in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China.

A total of 600 Chinese and Swedish guests from all walks of life in Sweden including overseas Chinese attended the grand celebration on Friday.

Photo and Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Ambassador Gui Congyou speaks Highly of China’s achievement over the past 70 years

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 9 (Greenpost) — Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou has made an opening remark at the 2019 China Economic Association (EU/UK) annual conference.

This annual conference coincides with the upcoming 70th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Over the past 70 years, especially the past 40 years of reform and opening up of China, we have been pursuing development based on our national conditions, improving people’s living standards and advancing mutual benefits through open cooperation, realizing a great miracle of development of human kind. China built itself from scratch into the world’s second largest economy, with its GDP exceeding 90 trillion RMB last year, which is 175 times of that of 1952, registering an average growth of 8.1% per year, and its share of global economy rose from 1.8% in 1978 to nearly 16% in 2018. Moreover, China has steadily lifted 800 million people out of poverty, established the world’s largest social security network, and is the first country to realize UN millennium development goals.

To study the Chinese economy, it is important to look at how China has contributed to the world. Over the past years, China has been the most important economic driver of the world, contributing 34% to global GDP growth from 2009 to 2018. China has opened itself to the world in an all-round manner, offering other countries a ride on the express train of China’s fast development. As a world factory with a complete industrial mix and a huge market for the rest of the world, China offers endless development opportunities to other countries. The Belt and Road initiative further opens new room for global economic growth.

Today, despite increasing internal and external risks, the Chinese Government has all the confidence, determination and ability to rise up to the challenge. The positive fundamentals of Chinese economy remain unchanged. China has 1.4 billion people, 900 million in the labor force, 170 million highly educated and skilled population and the world’s largest middle income group of 400 million people and over 100 million market entities. Domestic demand is now the main economic driver, and in 2018 final consumption contributed up to 76.2% to our economic growth. After 70 years of development, China is now home to all industrial categories of the UN industry classification system, and the annual output of over 200 industrial products tops the world. In the first half of this year, China’s GDP grew at 6.3%, still one of the highest among major economies. The significant potential, resilience and room for maneuver of Chinese economy will help it maintain a long-term stable growth momentum.

China adheres to the new development vision of innovative, coordinated, green, open and shared development to improve the quality of and upgrade its economy. Our innovation capacity continues to lift and new industries, new business types and models are thriving. China will remain firmly committed to prioritizing environmental protection and green development, and developing green industries and renewable energy. China will continue to open up wider, firmly defend the multilateral trading system, work with other parties to jointly promote the high quality development of the BRI, and contribute to an open and diverse world economy.

Ladies and gentlemen,

This annual conference focuses on China’s development and the global value chain. Indeed, in a deeply globalized world, interests of all countries are closely interconnected, freedom, openness, connectivity and inclusiveness have become universal values, and peace, development, cooperation and win-win are the consensus of the vast majority of countries. We must follow the trend of times and the objective laws, uphold justice and the interests of people, oppose all adverse currents that go against market principles, free competition and economic globalization.

China and the EU are two major economies in the world. We share a broad range of interests, and we both advocate and defend free trade and multilateralism. A world of peace, stability and openness is in the interests of the entire international community, including China and the EU. It is more important now than ever for China and the EU to join hands and counter the uncertainties brought by trade bullying and unilateralism through greater stability from cooperation. I believe that experts and scholars here will look at the bigger picture and think longer term, and bring more confidence and positive energy to China, the EU and the world.

Let me conclude by wishing every success for the annual conference! Thank you.

Ambassadör Gui Congyou accepterade en skriftlig intervju med svenska kinesiska medier

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 3 Januari (Greenpost) — Kinas ambassadör Gui Congyou accepterade en skriftlig intervju med svenska kinesiska medier den 29 december, 2018 på kinesiska.  Här är en översättning av intervjun.

Fråga: Kära ambassadör Gui Congyou, hur utvärderar du utvecklingen av förbindelserna mellan Kina och Sverige under det senaste året?

Svar: 2018 var ett mycket viktigt år för både Kina och Sverige. År 2018 var det första året för Kina att fullt ut genomföra den 19: e partikongressens anda och 40-årsdagen av Kinas reform och öppnande. Sverige höll allmänt val i september detta år. Under det gångna året har förbin­del­serna mellan Kina och Sverige upprätthållit en stabil utveckling totalt sett, och nya presta­ti­oner har gjorts genom samarbete inom olika områden. För det första upprätthöll de två sidor­na utbyten och utbyten på alla nivåer och inom olika områden. De två ländernas diplo­matiska avdelningar upprätthöll regelbunden kommunikation. Svensk infrastrukturminister Tomas Ene­roth ledde en delegation att delta i den första ”China International Import Expo” som hölls i Shanghai i början av november. På regional och kommunal nivå har ett flertal besök och utbyten ägt rum inom ekonomi, handel, vetenskap och utbildning. Detta i god pragmatisk anda som gagnat vidare samarbete mellan våra länder.

För det andra fortsatte det ekonomiska och handelssamarbetet att växa snabbt. Från januari till oktober ökade den kinesisk-svenska bilaterala volymen med 17% till 12,4 miljarder US-dol­lar. Den årliga volymen och Sveriges handelsöverskott med Kina förväntas nå nya höjder. Kina-Sverige “One Belt, One Road”-samarbetet har gjort positiva framsteg. China Eastern Airlines har öppnat ett direktflyg från Shanghai till Stockholm. Det svenska länet Dalarna har öppnat sina dörrar till staden Ganzhou i Jiangxi-provinsen i östra Kina. Under mötet i Shang­hai ”China International Import Expo” tecknade svenska företag kontrakt för 500 miljoner US-dollar med kinesiska företag.

För det tredje har utbyten och samarbete inom vetenskap och teknik, kultur och utbildning fortsatt i bra fart. Professor Chen Zhu, en berömd kinesisk vetenskapsman, vann det svenska Sjöberg-priset. Kinas förening för vetenskap och teknik och Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan undertecknade ett samarbetsavtal. Den första kinesiska kulturfestivalen hölls framgångsrikt i välkända Kungsträdgården i Stockholm. Flera välkända kinesiska artist-trupper uppträdde under året i: Stockholm, Göteborg och Falköping, och blev mycket väl mottagna av lokal­befolkningen.

För det fjärde har Kina och Sverige genomfört nära kommunikation och samordning på den multilaterala arenan. Mot bakgrund av den internationella situationen, full av osäkerhet, stöder Kina och Sverige stark multilateralism, förespråkar frihandel och motsätter sig uni­lateralism och protektionism. De två länderna har genomfört en effektiv samordning inom ramen för den multilaterala ramen, såsom FN: s säkerhetsråd, och genomförde sund kom­munikation om heta frågor t.ex. i DPRK: s kärnvapen och Jemen och gemensamt engagerade för att upprätthålla världsfred, stabilitet och utveckling.

Samtidigt såg vi också att förhållandena mellan Kina och Sverige har störts av några negativa faktorer under året. Den svenska polisens behandlingen av tre kinesiska turister hotade deras grund­läggande mänskliga rättigheter, såsom personlig säkerhet och värdighet. SVT produ­cerade ett inslag om dessa kinesiska turister i ett satirprogram som vi uppfattade som grovt förolämpade och orsakade stark indignation och högljudda protester från alla kineser och det stora antalet utländska kineser. Detta skadade den goda bilden av Sverige i Kina. Vi fortsätter att uppmana den svenska sidan att öppet och uppriktigt be om ursäkt för den negativa hän­delsen. Några politiker och media i Sverige har anklagat Kina, men de förstår inte Kina och vad vi anser vara Kinas inre ange­lägenheter. Dessa negativa faktorer har utan tvekan skapat onödiga hin­der för utveckling av vänskapligt samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige. Vi är starkt emot detta.

I allmänhet anser jag att det vänliga samarbetet är det viktigaste för de kinesisk-svenska förbindelserna. Att främja den positiva utvecklingen av de bilaterala förbindelserna är de båda folkens gemensamma ambitioner. Fördjupningen av de kinesisk-svensk förbindelserna har djup potential och breda utsikter. Kina har alltid varit engagerat i att främja den fortsatta utvecklingen av samarbete Kina-Sverige. Vi hoppas att den svenska sidan kommer att gå hand i hand med den kinesiska. Vi försöker bygga konsensus och skapa vinn-vinn-samarbeten som ger gynnsamma förutsättningar för en sund och stabil utveckling av förbindelserna mellan Kina och Sverige. Detta i en anda av ömsesidig respekt och likabehandling, men förstås med reservation för de skillnader här är i synsätt.

Fråga: Svenska medierna har en ny förståelse för dig. De tycker att du verkligen gillar att möta svenska medier. Du pekar ofta på sina misstag. Vad är din kommentar till den här kommentaren?

Svar: Medierna är en viktig bro mellan de två folken och spelar en viktig roll för att öka den ömsesidiga förståelsen mellan de två sidorna. Jag har noterat att med den snabba utvecklingen i Kina och den fortsatta expansionen av samarbetet mellan Kina och Sverige, ger de svenska medierna allt mer uppmärksamhet åt Kina. Det finns många objektiva och positiva rapporter om utvecklingen av Kinas reformer och att landet öppnats under de senaste 40 åren. Ömse­sidigt samarbete i ekonomisk och handelsinvestering, vetenskaplig och teknisk innovation, energibesparing och miljöskydd. Sådana rapporter kommer att hjälpa det svenska folket att fullständigt och bättre förstå Kina och underlätta en jämn utveckling av de bilaterala för­bin­delserna.

Samtidigt finns det fortfarande några medier och journalister i Sverige som tittar på Kina med färgade glasögon. De är fulla av fördomar, stereotyper, okunnighet och arrogans mot Kina och klandrar Kina för ‘kallt krig’ mentalitet. Detta Kina som de skriver om är långt borta från det riktiga samtida Kina. Vissa medier tillåter bara att de snedvrider Kina, men de kan inte låta andra prata om Kinas prestationer och Kinas ställning. Det här är en allvarlig kränkning av journalistiken moraliska principer. Det är en typisk media-tyranni och den allmänna opini­ons­diktaturen, och bidrar inte till en smidig utveckling av de kinesisk-svensk relationerna.

För att förhindra att dessa snedvridna rapporter gör svenskar misstänksamma och på sikt påverkar det vänliga samarbetet mellan våra folk måste vi påpeka dessa misstag och klargöra Kinas position. Vi välkomnar de svenska vännernas konstruktiva kommentarer, men tvekar inte att försvara vad vi uppfattar är rätt och vill motverka att fördomar mot kineser och Kina som land sprids.  Vi påpekade att vissa medier och journalister har gjort misstag i hopp om att de ska fortsätta bidra till kinesiskt-svenskt vänskapligt samarbete. Vi hoppas att svenska folket ska ha full tillgång till information och förstå ett autentiskt Kina på ett objektivt sätt. Jag hoppas att några svenska medier och journalister kommer att släppa arrogans och för­domar, och verkligen följa journalistikens etik och behandla Kina på ett objektivt och rättvist sätt. Som ambassadör är dörren till dialog och kommunikation alltid öppen.

Fråga: 2019 är 70-årsdagen av Kinas grundande av Folkrepubliken Kina och 69-års­jubileet för inrättandet av diplomatiska förbindelser mellan Kina och Sverige. Vilken är din syn på kinesisk-svenska relationerna under den här viktiga historiska perioden? Vilka större händelser förväntas inträffa?

Svar: 2019 är 70-årsdagen för grundandet av Nya Kina. Det är ett viktigt år för att nå målet att bygga ett välfungerande samhälle på ett allsidigt sätt och uppnå målet för det första år­hund­radet. Erfarenheten från de gångna 40 årens reformer och öppnade mot omvärlden, lär oss att vi måste fokusera framöver på innovation, samordning, ”grön utveckling”, öppenhet och del­ning och sätta mycket långsiktiga mål. Återupplivandet av den kinesiska drömmen fortsätter. Det kommer definitivt att ge nya viktiga möjligheter till utvecklingen av de kinesisk-svenska förbindelserna.

År 2019 kommer Kina och Sverige att genomföra fler dialoger och utbyten på alla nivåer och på olika områden för att öka utbytesfrekvensen och förbättra ömsesidig förståelse. Den svenska regeringsbildandet pågår fortfarande. När den nya svenska regeringen har tillträtt är vi villiga att kommunicera med den svenska sidan för att gemensamt planera utvecklingen av de bilaterala förbindelserna i nästa steg. De två sidorna bör fortsätta att utöka det pragmatiska samarbetet inom olika områden, genomföra det konsensus som nås och aktivt utvidga sam­arbetet inom områdena innovation, grön ekonomi, energibesparing och miljöskydd samt avancerad tillverkning, så att de två folken kan få mer känsla av vinst.

Vi är villiga att gå hand i hand med svenska vänner för att fira 70-årsdagen för Folkrepubliken Kinas grundande och 69-årsdagen för upprättandet av diplomatiska förbindelser mellan Kina och Sverige. Vi kommer att vidarebefordra den traditionella vänskapen mellan de två länder­na och fullt ut utveckla potentialen för samarbete för att injicera positiv energi och ny driv­kraft i de kinesiskt-svenska förbindelserna.

Fråga: Vilka är dina förväntningar för de utländska kineserna i Sverige?

Svar: I 2018 implementerade ambassaden resolut Xi Jinpings socialistiska ideologi med kinesiska egenskaper i den nya eran, upprätthållande av principen om “diplomati för folket”, aktivt genomförande av partiet och regeringens Huiqiao Huimin-politik (politik som är bra för kineserna) och säkerställande att moderlands oro för det stora antalet utomeuropeiska kineser genomförs. Ambassaden uppskattade och stödde aktivt de utländska kineserna i deras an­strängningar att bygga ett harmoniskt samhälle, genomföra kinesisk utbildning och skydda landets legitima rättigheter och intressen i Sverige och genomföra en rad praktiska åtgärder för att söka konsulära handlingar. Ambassadens konsulära avdelning kommer år 2019 offici­ellt att byta namn till konsulatavdelningen. Denna förändring framhäver den allt viktigare betydelsen av det kinesiska arbetet i ambassadens övergripande arbete och återspeglar am­bas­sadens beslutsamhet för att bättre tjäna de utländska kineserna. Jag hoppas att det stora antalet utländska kinesiska följeslagare genom våra ansträngningar kommer att känna mer verkliga känslor av lycka och lycka.

Den stora processen av reform och öppnande i Kina under 40 år, har visat att det stora antalet utländska kineser är viktiga vittnen, deltagare och bidragsgivare till reform och öppnande. Det hoppas att de utländska kinesiska landsmännen kommer att utnyttja den historiska möjlig­he­ten till den nya reformrundan och öppningen av moderlandet, fortsätta att vidarebefordra den härliga patriotismens tradition och älska landet, stäkra skydda moderlandets återförening, ta hand om och stödja moderlands utveckling, aktivt främja det pragmatiska samarbetet och humanistiska utbytet mellan Kina och Sverige och främja enastående kinesisk kultur. Att göra nya bidrag till den kinesiska drömmen om att bygga ett välskött samhälle på ett allsidigt sätt och inse den stora föryngringen av den kinesiska nationen.

Inför 2019 skulle jag vilja ta tillfället i akt att utvidga välsignelserna för det nya året till det stora antalet kineser. Jag önskar er allt det bästa under det nya året, dra fördel av moderlands utveckling, dela moderlandets utbyte av välstånd och väckelse, och uppnå bättre livsstil.


SCT:Experience Chinese Embassy Open House in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM, June 13(Greenpost, Chineseonline)– Chinese Embassy in Sweden held Open House in Stockholm on Sunday.

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou and his wife Madame Song Jingli who leads Sunshine class at the Embassy and the whole Embassy staff welcomed over 100 guests from Stockholm Future School and Stockholm University. The following video shows a glance of the Open House.

Filmed and produced by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Ambassador Gui Congyou on Green Development with Swedish Magazine Aktuell Hållbarhet

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou said China has proposed and thoroughly implemented the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone.
 On 26 February, Ambassador Gui Congyou gave an exclusive interview with Mr. Björn Anderberg, senior journalist from the Swedish magazine Aktuell Hållbarhet, at the Embassy. Ambassador Gui first extended Chinese New Year greetings to all the staff and readers of Aktuell Hållbarhet.
Ambassador Gui said that the concept of sustainable development was first put forward in Sweden in the 1970s and soon received a positive response from the international community, which fully reflects Sweden’s uniqueness and pioneership in sustainable development concepts. It can be said that the Swedish government and people have made important contributions to the sustainable development of the mankind. Today, sustainable development has become the theme of human development that the entire international community is giving serious thoughts to. In its effort to promote sustainable development, China has proposed and thoroughly implemented the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone. The concepts and goals of sustainable development between China and Sweden are highly compatible. The two sides are well positioned to learn from each other, exchange good experience and practices, and jointly make greater contributions to promoting sustainable development of the mankind.

Following is the full text of the interview:

1. Q: Despite the differences between China and Sweden, the two countries share much common understanding on environmental and climate policies. How should they support each other and jointly promote the implementation of the Paris Agreement on climate change?

Gui Congyou: I fully agree that China and Sweden should support each other and jointly promote the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Climate change is a global challenge that requires the unity and cooperation of the international community to tackle. The Paris Agreement embodies the broadest consensus of the international community and clearly defines the direction and goals of global cooperation in addressing climate change. The major trend of green, low-carbon and sustainable development across the world promoted by the Paris Agreement is consistent with China’s goal of building an ecological civilization. No matter how other countries change their positions, China will continue to implement the vision of innovative, coordinated, green, and open development that is for everyone. Based on the inherent needs of our own sustainable development, we will take practical measures to enhance domestic actions to combat climate change and fulfill our obligations 100%.

In implementing the Paris Agreement, China and Sweden share common goals and visions. China is willing to work together with Sweden to jointly safeguard and promote the multilateral governance of climate change and promote green, low-carbon and sustainable development across the world.

2. Q: As I understand, the China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) has developed into a successful forum for exchanges on climate and environmental issues since its foundation in 1992. In the past 20 years, what achievements have been made in China’s international cooperation through CCICED?

Gui Congyou: The China Council for International Cooperation on Environment and Development (CCICED) was founded in 1992 with the approval of the Government of China. It is a non-profit, high-level international advisory body composed of Chinese and foreign senior officials and experts on environmental protection and development. Its main task is to exchange and disseminate successful international experience in environmental protection and development. The current chairman of CCICED is Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli of the State Council of China. Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for Climate and the Environment Ms. Åsa Romson is a council member.

Since its foundation, with the strong support of the Chinese Government and international partners, and aimed at promoting the implementation of sustainable development strategies and building a resource-conserving and environment-friendly society in China, CCICED has carried out hundreds of research projects in many areas of environmental protection and development, and put forward hundreds of policy recommendations on wide-ranging issues such as pollution control, cleaner production, biodiversity conservation, energy efficiency, circular economy, low-carbon economy, ecological compensation, the social dimensions of environmental protection, sustainable consumption, media and public participation policies, corporate social responsibility, green supply chain, green finance, management of ecological system and environmental governance capacity. Many of the proposals have been highly valued by the Chinese Government and the international community and have yielded important outcomes. For example, China’s State Environmental Protection Administration was upgraded to the Ministry of Environmental Protection. In 2014, the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Economic Leaders’ Meeting approved the establishment of an APEC green supply chain cooperation network. Green finance was put on the agenda of the 2016 G20 Summit. The Chinese Government will continue to work closely with relevant international partners to make full use of the CCICED platform to strive for more achievements in global climate and environment governance.

3. Q: In recent years, many Chinese companies have developed very well in Sweden. A few years ago when Geely bought Volvo Cars many people were worried, but now the Swedish automobile industry has established close ties with China through Geely Automobile and National Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS). During my recent trip to China, I visited the Tianjin project of NEVS and saw good progress there. What does China think of the development of Chinese-funded enterprises in Sweden?

Gui Congyou: When it was bought by the Chinese private company Geely Group in 2010, Volvo Cars had been suffering losses for years and facing a bleak market prospect, and some Swedish people had doubts and concerns about the acquisition. Your question indicates that you were optimistic, not worried about the acquisition at that time. Eight years later, we now see that Volvo Cars has undergone a tremendous transformation with a significant increase in its market share in China, North America, and Europe. Last year, its sales volume reached a record high of 570,000 vehicles, among which more than 100,000 were sold in the Chinese market. Nowadays the Geely-Volvo project has become a successful exemplar of win-win cooperation between EU and China’s auto industries and is widely applauded. We appreciate the positive attitude of the Swedish side towards Chinese investment, and the Geely-Volvo project also has exerted a positive impact on promoting China-Sweden investment cooperation.

In June 2012, National Electric Vehicle Sweden (NEVS) acquired Saab Automobile, a Swedish company with a history of nearly 75 years, and launched a new brand “NEVS”. After several years of integration and market development, NEVS focused on developing new energy vehicles. On 5 December 2017, the NEVS 9-3 Electric Vehicle model, which was developed on the basis of the advanced Phoenix platform, officially went into production in Tianjin, China. In the second half of 2018, NEVS’ s factory in Trollhättan, Sweden is planned to start production of NEVS 9-3 targeting the European and American markets. By then, the company will have an annual production capacity of 500,000 high-end pure electric vehicles.

The above two projects could be regarded as fine examples of complementary cooperation in technology, capital, production, and market advantages between Chinese and Swedish auto industries which has led to strong competitive edges and win-win development. We need to actively support their cooperation, and also look forward to more such successful examples of cooperation in other fields.

4. Q: In Sweden, or even Europe, there are still some voices that question Chinese investment. For example, some Swedish media recently questioned plans by Chinese companies to build a new port in Lysekil. What is China’s attitude towards such doubts?

Gui Congyou: We have noted recent reports by the Swedish media on Chinese companies’ participation in Swedish port construction. I would like to emphasize that the essence of China-Sweden trade and investment cooperation is mutual benefit and win-win results. The friendly exchanges between China and Sweden goes long back, and their economies are highly complementary with great potential in two-way investment. Strengthening trade and investment cooperation between the two countries is in the common interests of both sides and brings tangible benefits to the two peoples. It also brings to the Swedish side capital, jobs, and channels to the Asian markets, as is best illustrated by the Geely-Volvo project. Like Swedish companies, Chinese companies act independently as market players and fully comply with commercial principles while making outbound investments.

At the just-concluded 2018 World Economic Forum Annual Meeting at Davos, many leaders of European countries stated that protectionism is not the choice for the future. Opposing protectionism has become the mainstream of the international community. Sweden has always been an active advocate and defender of free trade and open economy. The Swedish government and many insightful people have repeatedly welcomed foreign investment including from China. China also firmly opposes protectionism. As a beneficiary as well as a firm supporter of trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, China will open its economy further to the outside world. The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) has clearly stated that China’s open door will not be closed, but only be opened wider. China will continue to improve domestic business environment and also encourage capable Chinese companies to carry out investment and trade activities in Sweden. It is hoped that Swedish people from all walks of life can objectively and rationally view the market behaviors of companies and create a stable business environment and public opinion atmosphere for foreign investors including Chinese companies. On the issue of opposing protectionism, we must not only speak loud, but also do well.

5. Q: From another perspective, how can Swedish industry help China develop in an environment- and climate-friendly manner?

Gui Congyou: As has been stated at the 19th CPC National Congress, building an ecological civilization is vital to sustain the Chinese nation’s development. We Chinese people must implement our fundamental national policy of conserving resources and protecting the environment, cherish the environment as we cherish our own lives, implement the strictest possible systems for environmental protection, and develop eco-friendly growth models and ways of life. We must pursue a model of sustainable development featuring increased production, higher living standards, and healthy ecosystems. We must continue the Beautiful China initiative to create good working and living environments for our people and play our part in ensuring global ecological security. At present, China is fully implementing the direction and objectives of development set by the 19th CPC National Congress and, as it strives to build an ecological civilization, will make greater contributions to the global effort in addressing climate change and protecting the environment.

Sweden’s industrial development has undergone a process of pollution, treatment and finally sustainable development, and has advanced experience in developing industry in an environment- and climate-friendly manner. The Swedish Smart Ecocity of Hammarby is a typical example. Through applying a variety of clean energy, energy conservation and environmental protection technologies, the district has formed an environment- and climate-friendly development model and set an example for global sustainable development.

Hammarby’s experience is very useful to China. In March 2010, the then Vice President Xi Jinping made a tour of Hammarby during his visit to Sweden. He commended the development experience of Swedish Smart Ecocities, and personally pushed forward the signing of cooperation agreement between China’s Wuxi City and Hammarby, which China and Sweden are actively implementing. Shortly after I assumed office in Sweden, I visited Hammarby to promote the implementation of the important cooperation consensus reached by the leaders of the two countries. After this interview, I will visit Hammarby again to inspect the construction of the “upgraded version” of the Ecocity. Nowadays, there are many Chinese delegations visiting Hammarby every year, to learn Sweden’s advanced experience in energy conservation, environmental protection and circular economy, and Sweden’s concept of sustainable development, and to seek cooperation with Hammarby. We hope that through such cooperation, more Swedish companies will bring to China Sweden’s advanced experiences, technologies and products related to promoting development in an environment- and climate-friendly manner, and play a greater role in helping China to achieve sustainable development and build an ecological civilization. We also hope that China and Sweden will make new contributions to promoting global sustainable development through bilateral cooperation.

6. Q: I visited Beijing not long ago. During the 10 days of my stay the sky was blue every day and the air was quite good, which was completely different from my last visit several years ago. The changes were very obvious. I really want to know how China has made it. As far as I know, China is vigorously promoting non-fossil fuel vehicles and ready to invest heavily in the development of electric vehicles and electric buses. When did China start implementing this policy? What are the most important political considerations behind this development?

Gui Congyou: What you saw in Beijing is the result of the Chinese Government’s determined efforts to treat environmental pollution. The report of the 19th CPC National Congress has emphasized that we will speed up reform of the system for developing an ecological civilization, and build a Beautiful China. Beijing’s air quality will be better and better. This positive change has benefited from China’s efforts to develop green transportation and promote green mobility. Bike-sharing has swept the country, and high-speed rail networks have basically taken shape. With the continuous development of electric vehicles, in the future, China is expected to achieve a short-, medium- and long-distance non-fossil fuel transportation model composed of bicycles, electric vehicles and high-speed trains.

China started to develop new energy vehicles as early as the beginning of this century. China has successively introduced and revised relevant policies for new energy vehicles, batteries, and charging facilities for electric vehicles, strengthened industry norms, and promoted energy conservation and emission reduction. At present, new energy vehicles have become China’s national strategic emerging industry and key areas of the “Made in China 2025”. China’s new energy vehicles has ranked first in the world for three consecutive years in production and sale. In 2017, sales registered a year-on-year increase of 56.8% with 777,000 vehicles sold, of which pure electric vehicles accounted for 60%. In September 2017, the Chinese government announced it would begin studying when to ban the production and sale of cars using conventional fuels.

The development of non-fossil fuel transportation will, on the one hand, be conducive to energy conservation and emission reduction and improvement of the environment. On the other hand, it will ease the pressure of oil shortages and improve the energy structure. It will also promote the transformation and upgrading of the automobile industry and promote the sustainable development of transportation . Sweden has world-class concepts, experience and technologies in the field of non-fossil fuel transportation. We are willing to strengthen cooperation with the Swedish side to jointly promote the development of non-fossil fuel transportation.

7. Q: How can China maintain its industrial competitiveness while addressing air pollution? How will China handle its dependence on coal for electricity production?

Gui Congyou: We are looking for the best model to coordinate pollution control and industrial development. First, we must increase the use of clean energy and drastically reduce our dependence on coal. China is leading the world in terms of nuclear power capacity under construction and the installed capacity of new energy power plants such as solar and wind power.

China is vigorously implementing the Coal to Gas Conversion Project to change its coal-based energy system. Since 2015, the gas-fueled heating system has been adopted within Beijing’s 5th Ring Road. From 2017 onwards, the whole city, including the suburbs, no longer use coal as fuel. So the good weather you saw in Beijing during your 10-day stay was not accidental. It is estimated that China’s installed capacity of renewable energy power generation will reach 620 million kilowatts in 2018, and 710 million kilowatts in 2022 with an average compound annual growth rate of 3.57% in the next five years. While developing clean energy, China will also strengthen inter-provincial supply support and reserve sharing of the power grid, and coordinate the allocation of peaking resources in the region to collaboratively consume renewable energy power.

The report to the 19th CPC National Congress has stated that China will spur the development of energy-saving and environmental protection industries as well as clean production and clean energy industries. We will promote a revolution in energy production and consumption, and build an energy sector that is clean, low-carbon, safe, and efficient. You have seen with your own eyes that haze has been greatly curtailed in Beijing. It has been proved that rising electricity demand in China will not lead to further dependence on coal. China’s demand for coal will continue to decrease, and the energy demand of industrial production will be met mainly by the development of renewable energy.

8. Q: In Beijing we attended a large conference organized by the EV100 network. The impression from that meeting is that China soon will have a world-leading industry for electric cars and become a major producer and exporter of electrical vehicles across the world. However, in some countries, there is still a huge traditional automobile industry. The political power is strong to implement industrial protection rather than support the development of electric vehicles. How will China deal with this risk?

Gui Congyou: China supports the electric vehicle industry out of strategic considerations, mainly to mitigate tail gas pollution, improve air quality, and enhance energy security. After years of rapid development, China’s electric vehicle industry is moving from the start-up stage to the growth stage, and China has become the world’s largest manufacturer and seller of electric vehicles. But there is absolutely no need for European countries to worry about this, because China needs to first meet domestic demand for electric vehicles. China has begun studying when to ban the production and sale of cars using conventional fuels. China has 1.37 billion people from about 400 million households. If every family buys an electric car, the current production capacity is still far from enough. What we worry about is not whether China’s electric vehicle production capacity will affect other countries, but rather its inadequacy to meet the needs of the domestic market.

China will not produce electric vehicles behind closed doors, but stands ready to jointly develop and sell electric vehicles and share profits with all capable and willing countries. In recent years, many developed countries, major automobile-producing countries, and large-scale automobile manufacturers have reached extensive consensus on developing electric, low-carbon, informationalized and intelligent automobiles and have made greater efforts towards this goal. China has always pursued an open policy for cooperation and is willing to conduct win-win cooperation with manufacturers all over the world to provide good and affordable electric vehicles for global consumers, including in China. If consumers of other countries buy Chinese electric cars by their own choice, it is entirely market behavior, and we should let competition based on market economic rules come into play. Competition brings progress. Closing the door and isolation only protect backwardness and will never bring about progress.

Source:Chinese Embasssy

Ambassador Gui Congyou speaks at the Eco-Transport 2030

Stockholm, April 28(Greenpost)–Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou said China is expected to achieve a non-fossil fuel model combining short-, medium-, and long-distance transport with bicycles, electric vehicles, and high-speed trains.

I am very pleased to attend the 2018 Eco-Transport 2030. This year’s session chooses China as the focus country, which shows Sweden’s recognition of China’s development in green transport and of China’s contribution to promoting sustainable development of the whole world. It also reflects Sweden’s expectation to further strengthen practical cooperation and bilateral relations with China. Hereby, I would like to sincerely thank all the Swedish friends who have organized and participated in this year’s conference, and warmly welcome the Chinese entrepreneurs, experts and scholars who have come from afar.

Green transport is a necessary way towards sustainable development, and is gaining more and more attention from the international community. Countries around the world have listed transportation as a key field for conserving energy, reducing emissions, and preventing and treating pollution. All countries are improving energy efficiency through technological innovation and industrial policies, optimizing development approaches, and striving for sustainable development of transportation.

Sweden is a world leader in sustainable development and green transport. As the first country in the world to have proposed the concept of sustainable development, Sweden has advanced technology and abundant experience in green transport. The Swedish government has set the target to become the first fossil fuel-free country by 2030, which demonstrates its determination in developing green transport and shows the international community the prospects of achieving sustainable development.

China regards the building of an ecological civilization as vital to sustain the Chinese nation’s development. In his speech at the recent Boao Forum for Asia, President Xi Jinping pointed out that we need to respect nature and treasure our planet, develop a vision of green, low-carbon and sustainable development, and share experience and jointly meet challenges.

Developing green transport is a strategic measure for China to implement the concept of green development and facilitate the building of an ecological civilization. In recent years, China has achieved remarkable results in developing green transport. China has been the world’s largest manufacturer and market of new energy vehicles for three consecutive years, with an accumulated total of 1.8 million vehicles, accounting for more than 50% of the world’s total. Bicycle sharing has swept the country. A nation-wide high-speed rail network have basically taken shape. The total length of the comprehensive transportation network exceeded 5 million kilometers. The total number of passengers in urban public transport exceeded 90 billion annually. Efficient transport models such as multi-modal transport boomed. Big data, cloud computing, mobile internet and other technologies have greatly improved transport efficiency and the results of energy-saving and emission reduction efforts. In the future, China is expected to achieve a non-fossil fuel model combining short-, medium-, and long-distance transport with bicycles, electric vehicles, and high-speed trains. By 2020, China will have basically established a green transport system which is well-planed, eco-friendly, clean and low-carbon, and highly efficient.

China and Sweden have highly compatible concepts and goals for sustainable development and green transport. Both sides have their own advantages in technology, capital, market, etc. They are highly complementary and have great potential for cooperation. We are willing to further strengthen cooperation with Sweden in green transport, clean energy, green finance, smart cities and other areas, so as to jointly make more contributions to the sustainable development of mankind.

In the future, China will continue to comprehensively deepen reform, expand opening-up, and accelerate the building of ecological civilization, which will provide broader cooperation opportunities for the international community including Sweden. We will significantly broaden market access, create a more attractive investment environment, strengthen protection of intellectual property rights, and take the initiative to expand imports. We welcome friends from all over the world to ride on China’s Economic Express and share the achievements of China’s reform, opening-up and development. We hope that both Chinese and Swedish entrepreneurs will be able to make more progress and achievement in the new journey of reform and opening-up in China.

All of you here are participants and promoters of China-Sweden cooperation in green economy and sustainable development. You are the main force for the mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. I hope that all of you will respond to the trend and seize the opportunity to expand cooperation for win-win results in the spirit of equality, mutual benefits, openness and innovation. The Chinese Embassy in Sweden will create more opportunities and provide better service for exchanges and cooperation between our two sides.

In conclusion, I wish this conference a complete success!

Source: Chinese Embassy website.