China Voice: BRICS a stabilizer of global economy
BEIJING, July 8 (Xinhua) — A BRICS group with deepened cooperation will not only serve its five member countries and other developing nations, but also stabilize and even boost the world economy.
In upcoming days, leaders of the BRICS countries — Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa — will meet in Ufa of Russia for the seventh BRICS leaders meeting.
They met for the first time in 2009, launching the bloc’s cooperation mechanism. Since then, the BRICS have shown vitality and innovation through cooperation, with deepened participation in global governance.
Now these countries will set up the New Development Bank (NDB). The institution’s board of governors will hold its first meeting in Moscow to appoint members of the board of directors and the management.
The NDB shows that the BRICS bloc has transformed from a political concept to a real force for reform in the international community.
With the bank’s funding, developing countries, especially the African states, can improve their infrastructure, rather than struggling with the limited funds the current international agencies provide them.
The new development bank will cover the shortcomings of the global financial system. It is not intended to overturn the current system, but to encourage investment from developed countries and other developing countries with an open and inclusive mind.
The BRICS has become an importance platform for exchanges and cooperation among the world’s major emerging economies. It has brought real benefits for the member states, and also earned a good reputation among the international community.
This new cooperation mechanism pointed to an important trend: emerging economies are playing bigger roles in global issues.
Global economic recovery remains slow. While trade globalization agreements are still being negotiated, the Western countries and Russia are introducing sanctions against each other, and the developed and developing countries have not yet reached agreement on how to balance economic development and climate change.
Under such circumstances, the BRICS leaders’ meeting in Ufa has critical significance as cooperation among them will not benefit not only themselves but also the world economy.
Although the five countries are at very different stages of their development, they will still become new growth poles for the world economy.The five have contributed half the world’s economic growth in the past 10 years.
They have complementary industrial structures. Sufficient labor, abundant resources and large markets give them great opportunities for development.
The five countries are also important players in both their continents and international affairs. In multilateral platforms such as the UN and the G20, they are playing bigger roles than ever before, thus their booming economies can drive the whole global economy through their deepened cooperation with other countries and international organizations. Enditem
Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson
220 Chinese enterprises raise USD37.96 bln globally via IPOs in H1
BEIJING, July 7 (Xinhua) — A total of 220 Chinese firms conducted successful initial public offerings (IPOs) on both domestic and overseas capital markets in the first half of this year, accounting for 45.2 percent of global total, raising 37.96 billion US dollars, accounting for 57 percent of global total, according to statistics from investment research company Zero2IPO.
Globally, 487 companies conducted IPOs during H1, up 52.7 percent year on year, raising 66.609 billion US dollars, down 25.3 percent year on year, said Zero2IPO on Tuesday.
Among the 220 Chinese enterprises, 187 were listed on China’s A-share market, raising 23.572 billion yuan. In a breakdown, 78 were listed on the Shanghai Stock Exchange and 74 were listed on the SME board of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.
Meanwhile, 33 Chinese enterprises were listed on 5 overseas capital markets, raising 14.388 billion yuan, up 42.8 percent year on year. Enditem
Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson
China allows banks to extend stock mortgage loans
BEIJING, July 9 (Xinhua) — China’s banking regulator on Thursday announced it will allow banks to extend mortgage loans that use share funds as collateral amid a plunging stock market.
Banks will be able to discuss redefining mortgage terms of share-secured loans that are due or adjusting collateral with their clients, said an announcement of the China Banking Regulatory Commission (CBRC).
The announcement is the latest effort from central authorities to maintain liquidity and draw more capital in the stock market at it continues volatility. Agencies including the central bank and stock regulator have vowed measures to stabilize the market.
Chinese shares have been in a downward spiral since hitting a peak in June. The benchmark Shanghai Composite Index has shed more than 30 percent.
In addition, the CBRC encouraged banks to offer financing aids to China Securities Finance Corporation Limited, a national margin trading service provider, and make loans to listed companies that planned to purchase their own stocks.
It said financial institutions may discuss with their clients adjusting the risk warning line and the forced liquidation level of their securities investment. Enditem
Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson
China becomes globally largest gold spot trading market for eight years running: SGE
SHANGHAI, July 9 (Xinhua) — China has become the globally largest spot trading market of gold for the eighth consecutive year, according to the Shanghai Gold Exchange (SGE) on Thursday.
The SGE data shows that transaction volume in the bourse increased by 151 percent year on year in the first half of 2015. In a breakdown, the SGE’s gold transactions jumped 166 percent year on year to 17,520 metric tons (tonnes), and silver transactions surged 151 percent year on year to 380,000 tonnes.
The international board of the SGE has so far seen accumulative gold transactions stand at 4,764 tonnes and silver transactions stand at 525 tonnes.
The SGE launched the gold international trading board on September 18, 2014. It is the first international financial asset transaction platform launched in the Shanghai free trade zone (FTZ).
As the only legal gold spot trading market in China approved by the country’s central bank, the SGE has become the global largest gold spot trading on-floor bourse for the eighth consecutive year. Rankings of its gold and silver transactions among global exchanges have increased continuously, said an official of the SGE. Enditem
Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson
ChinaPosted by chenxuefei Sat, May 09, 2015 13:00:45
北欧绿色邮报社论 热烈祝贺中瑞建交65周年 2015年5月9日,瑞典阳光灿烂,蓝天白云,真是个好日子。它也是中国和瑞典建交65周年纪念日。在这个值得纪念的日子里,让我们追述历史,展望未来,让中瑞之间的友谊之树常青,中瑞之间的合作不断深入。瑞典是第一个同新中国建交的西方国家。追溯历史,瑞典是在历史上从来没有同中国有直接冲突的国家。早期中国对瑞典的影响体现在商业和文化方面。在1694年,瑞典第一所大学乌普萨拉大学的学生洛克泰斯就写了论文《中国长城》,主要讨论了长城的重要性和创造性。 瑞典受中国的影响主要是随着东印度公司的商船把中国的陶瓷,茶叶和丝绸不断运到瑞典,从而形成了一股中国热。历史的见证从现在依然矗立在斯德哥尔摩市中心的东方博物馆和首都郊区的王后岛的中国宫可见一斑。在那里,人们可以看到宛如北京天坛的格局,在中国宫,人们可以看到也可以体会到回音壁的效果,那里也珍藏着很多清朝政府赠送的中国图书。 洛维沙.于勒丽卡王后(1720-1772),是普鲁士大帝弗烈德里克的妹妹,是法国启蒙思想家伏尔泰的朋友,受启蒙运动思想影响极深。由于伏尔泰极力张扬中国思想,瑞典凭借王后和伏尔泰的特殊关系接受了中国的影响。伏尔泰认为中国是一个被哲学家领导和统治的国家,把中国 1753年,于勒丽卡33岁的时候,她的丈夫让人修了一座中国宫,然后,让她的儿子把钥匙交给她,真是一个让人惊喜的生日礼物。这里早已被列在联合国教科文组织世界文化遗产的名录里。 座落在斯德哥尔摩市中心的东方博物馆则有上万册中文图书,还有早至商朝,近到清朝的中国古代文物。这要归功于瑞典第一代汉学家高本汉和考古学家安特森。安特森曾经和中国考古学家一起参与北京周口店猿人的遗址发现。瑞典探险家斯文。赫定在20世纪初对西藏和新疆地区的地图绘制作出重要贡献。他的录音在斯德哥尔摩民族博物馆里可以找到。 在哥德堡,不但沉入海底200多年的哥德堡号船已经得到了再现,而且在哥德堡博物馆里还保存很多过去来自中国的陶瓷,家具等。那里还有满清政府官员同瑞典人谈生意的画面。 从1731年成立到1806年解散,共有130多个航次的船只来往于瑞典的哥德堡和广州之间。 当今的汉学家马悦然,林西莉,罗多弼,年轻的翻译家陈安娜等都对中瑞文化交流作出了应有的贡献。 根据瑞典学者奥拓松的文章《重塑轮回:四百年的中瑞关系》认为中国和瑞典最早有外交关系是在1847年,瑞典实际上是随其他列强一起同清政府签定了不平等条约,西方列强享有的特权瑞典也都享有,但是,瑞典没有象其他列强那样抢夺地盘,横行霸道,而且,在许多方面真正地进行合作,例如,考古和探险等。1949年10月1日新中国宣告成立,瑞典于1950年5月9日与中国建交,成为第一个同中国建立外交关系的西方国家。 中国第一任驻瑞典大使是将军大使耿飚。 六七十年代,中国积极支持第三世界的思想在瑞典引起很大反响。瑞典至今依然是在对发展中国家进行援助方面完成得最好的国家。 近年来,两国高层互访不断,2006年前国家主席胡锦涛访问瑞典,2010年,当时的副主席,现在的国家主席习近平访问瑞典,2012年前总理温家宝访问瑞典,2014年政协主席俞正声访问瑞典。 瑞典前首相莱茵费尔特多次访华,瑞典国王多次访华并同习近平主席见面,瑞典现任首相勒文三月底应邀参加博鳌论坛,并同国家主席习近平和总理李克强会见。 展望未来,正如习近平主席在给瑞典国王卡尔十六世.古斯塔夫致的贺电中说的,中方高度重视发展同瑞典的友好关系,相信通过双方共同努力,中瑞关系一定会取得新的更大发展,更好造福两国人民。瑞典国王也衷心祝愿瑞典与中国各领域务实合作更加紧密,两国友好关系不断向前发展。 中国驻瑞典大使陈育明在《瑞典日报》撰文提出三个有巨大合作潜力领域:一是建设“一带一路”。共建“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的重大倡议,是习近平主席2013年提出的,这不是空洞的口号,而是看得见、摸得着的务实举措。一年多来,在各方努力下,“一带一路”建设顺利推进,务实合作给本地区国家带来了实实在在的好处。“一带一路”建设的愿景与行动文件已经发布。57个国家包括瑞典成为亚洲基础设施投资银行意向创始成员国。丝路基金业已启动,一批基础设施互联互通项目正在稳步推进。相信在不久的将来,沿线各国一定能够收获“一带一路”带来的丰硕成果。 二是坚持和平发展。中国毫不动摇地坚持独立自主的和平外交政策,坚持走和平发展道路,坚持互利共赢的开放战略,秉持正确义利观,推动建立以合作共赢为核心的新型国际关系,始终做维护世界和平、促进共同发展的坚定力量。为此,中国愿与瑞方加强对话与合作,共同维护两国乃至世界的和平、稳定与繁荣。 三是适应新常态。中国经济发展的新常态,简单说就是从高速增长转向中高速增长,从规模速度型粗放增长转向质量效率型集约增长,从要素投资驱动转向创新驱动,外贸由“大进大出”转向“优进优出”,发展理念强调绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展。2014年,中国经济实现了7.4%的增长,劳动生产率提高了7%,单位国内生产总值能耗下降了4.8%,发展质量和效益不断提高。随着中国经济体量不断增大,现在增长7%左右的经济增量已相当可观。中国将主动适应和引领经济发展新常态,坚持以提高经济发展质量和效益为中心,把转方式调结构放到更加重要位置。进入新常态的中国经济将继续给世界各国提供更多市场、增长、投资、合作机遇。未来5年,中国进口商品将超过10万亿美元,对外投资将超过5000亿美元,出境旅游人数将超过5亿人次。我们要因应形势变化,充分发挥在绿色、创新等领域的优势,推动中瑞经贸合作与时俱进。 中瑞双方需要共同努力,加强和深化理解,相互尊重,相互谅解,瑞方需要理解中国的需求,中国需要了解瑞典的规则,相信中瑞两国必将在良好关系基础上进一步深化合作,互利互惠。 |
Stockholm, July 6(Greenpost)–People with type 1 diabetes who use insulin pump therapy face almost 50% less risk of dying from cardiovascular disease than those who take insulin by multiple daily injections, according to a statement reaching here from Gothenburg.
The British Medical Journal has published the study conducted at Sahlgrenska Academy.
Based on the Swedish National Diabetes Register, researchers monitored 18,168 Swedes with type 1 diabetes from 2005 to 2012. While 2,441 of the subjects used insulin pump therapy, the others relied on multiple daily injections.
The study found that insulin pump users had a substantially lower risk of dying of cardiovascular disease than the daily injection group. The correlation was statistically certain.
“We carefully analyzed the findings to eliminate the risk of bias or confounding and concluded that the effect had been fully verified,” says Isabelle Steineck, researcher at Sahlgrenska Academy.
The next step will be to identify the mechanisms that explain the extra benefits of insulin pump therapy. Dr. Steineck believes that one reason for the difference between the two therapies is that the insulin pump method is accompanied by more extensive patient training and more frequent blood glucose monitoring.
”There is a rationale for insulin pump treatment resulting in more stable blood glucose concentrations than multiple daily injections” she says. ”Previous studies have shown that insulin pump can reduce the frequencies of severe hypoglycemic episodes. Severe hypoglycaemia can be a risk factor for cardiovascular events, particularly among high risk individuals.”
”We evaluated the patients who used insulin pump therapy and do not know if the observed effect is attributable to continuous infusion of insulin or that some of the effect is attributable to intensified glucose monitoring, increased motivation to control blood glucose, or a better knowledge about having diabetes type 1”says Isabelle Steineck.
The researchers have concluded that insulin pumps not only make life easier for patients, but represent a safe and effective treatment method.
“This is good news for anyone with type 1 diabetes,” says Soffia Gudbjörnsdottir, diabetologist and director of the Swedish National Diabetes Register. “But not everybody wants to use a pump, and the biggest priority is still to optimize blood glucose monitoring.”
Approximately 20% of Swedish type 1 diabetes patients have access to insulin pump therapy. But earlier studies at Sahlgrenska Academy have demonstrated that hospitals vary greatly – anywhere from 12% to almost 30% of patients may receive pumps.
The article “Insulin Pump Therapy, Multiple Daily Injections and Cardiovascular Mortality in 18,168 People with Type 1 Diabetes: Observational Study” was published online by the British Medical Journal on June 22.
Link to article: http://www.bmj.com/content/350/bmj.h3234
Regeringen stärker svenska företag inom miljöteknik
Stockholm, July 5(Greenpost)–Många svenska företag ligger långt framme i arbetet med klimatsmarta lösningar och utvecklingen av ny miljöteknik.
Men trots att det offentliga gör upphandlingar för 600 miljarder kronor årligen har lagstiftning och riktlinjer hittills hindrat att man utnyttjar dess potential för att stärka utvecklingen av ny miljöteknik, en bättre miljö och en mer hållbar och effektiv användning av skattebetalarnas pengar.
Regeringen skapar nya förutsättningar genom offentliga upphandlingar för att förbättra Sveriges arbete med miljömålen och stimulera en växande framtidsbransch med stor exportpotential.
Det är bra för miljön, tillväxten och jobben. Regeringen har lagt fram en lagrådsremiss om en ny lag om offentlig upphandling som underlättar ställandet av miljökrav i offentlig upphandling.
Regeringen föreslår nu två nya reformer inom offentlig upphandling för att underlätta utvecklingen av ny miljöteknik: 1. Upphandlande myndigheter ska förbereda och genomföra dialoger med potentiella leverantörer i ett tidigt skede i upphandlingarna i syfte att utarbeta innovationsdrivande krav i miljöteknikupphandlingar.
2. Ett tydligt uppdrag till den nya Upphandlingsmyndigheten om att verka för att det generationsmål för miljöarbetet och de miljökvalitetsmål som riksdagen har fastställt nås.
Den nya upphandlingsmyndigheten kommer att få sin instruktion under sommaren och börjar sitt arbete redan i september. 2015-06-30 2 Detta öppnar för mer innovativa och effektiva lösningar och det skapar nya möjligheter för svenska företag och fler jobb.
Dialogen är också en möjlighet för innovativa småföretag att delta i upphandlingen. Genom dialog mellan parterna minskar också riskerna för att upphandlingen ska bli föremål för överprövning.
Möjligheterna är många, men några exempel på områden där miljöteknikupphandling är aktuell och kan stärka såväl miljöarbetet som svenska företags export är:
– Energieffektivisering –
Stadsplanering och hållbart byggande –
Vatten- och sanitetslösningar –