编辑 陈雪霏。
编辑 陈雪霏。
Stockholm, Nov. 22(Greenpost)–Pieter ten Hoopen’s Hungry Horse is being exhibited at Fotografiska Museum in Stockholm.19 November 2015 – 31 January 2016 Emmy-nominated photographer and filmmaker Pieter ten Hoopen’s exhibition in Fotografiska’s video gallery comprises his film Hungry Horse and images from his eponymous book. Two different expressions of the artist’s attempt to describe and shed light on American society, which has provoked mixed, and strong, emotions. Far away from the picture of the “Land of Promise”. In September, Pieter ten Hoopen was nominated for an Emmy for his film (se the trailer here) which is the culmination of a decade-long documentation of life in the small town of Hungry Horse in the Rocky Mountains of Montana. The project began when George Bush was re-elected and was fighting terrorism. It was a time when the gap between the rich and the poor widened. Hungry Horse is a photographic rather than factual documentation of the state of mind of the people of the region and its landscape. Ten Hoopen wanted to get beyond the clichés of a country that many people have very distinct ideas about. Reproduced in movies and books, the stereotypical image of America is alien to most of the inhabitants of this small town in the Rocky Mountains. These are people who have been hit hard by the recession and unemployment. People plagued by drugs, poverty and loneliness. “The project was like a slow food process. In order to learn to know the people and discover the unique expression of this special condition, it was crucial that I spend as much time as possible with them. After ten years I can confidently say that I have done everything I can to describe the town and the experience of the people who live there.” The many aspects of the place and the people are brought out in a poetic and emotional work about our society and the time in which we live, sparking as many questions as answers. The images displayed at Fotografiska are ten Hoopen’s artistic interpretation of the state of the place, while the film, in the style of a documentary, provides the people with a platform to express their own views of the situation. The work has been nominated for an Emmy in the New Approaches: Arts, Lifestyle and Culture category. The exhibition also includes a film by Peter Hoelstad in which journalist Lasse Bengtsson interviews ten Hoopen about the project and shows what happened when Hungry Horse was screened at the local saloon. |
Det blev den norska regissören Joachim Trier som tog hem Bronshästen under fredagskvällens prisutdelning. Nedan följer alla pristagare på Stockholms internationella filmfestival 2015.
I juryn för Stockholm XXVI Competition sitter producenten Mimmi Spång, regissören Peter Grönlund, regissören Christian Zübert, regissören Arab Nasser och regissören Di Phan Dang. Juryn för Stockholm Impact Award består av konstnären Ai Weiwei (juryordförande), regissören Ida Panahandeh och teaterregissören Linus Tunström. Jurymedlemmar för Stockholm Documentary Competition är filmkritikern Stefan Nylén, regissören och skådespelaren Alexandra Dahlström och regissören Matías Meyer. För Stockholm XXVI Short Film Competition, skådespelaren Saga Becker, regissören Alejandro Guzmán Alvarez och regissören Takeshi Fukunaga. Och för FIPRESCI, Yael Shuv, Kristin Aalen och Dariia Badior.
Bästa film: Louder Than Bombs av Joachim Trier
Priset för Bästa film går till ett estetiskt mästerstycke, en film som innovativt använder mediets alla komponenter och fritt rör sig mellan nutid, dåtid, dröm och föreställningsvärld. Med detta täta familjedrama om försoning, lappar filmskaparen gradvis ihop våra trasiga inre rum och synliggör oss för oss själva – och för varandra.
Bästa regidebut: Mediterranea av Jonas Carpignano
Priset för Bästa debut tillfaller en regissör som tar oss på en resa till en plats, där verkligheten triumferar med sitt dolda förakt. En osentimental, men ömsint film, om drömmar, kampen och förhoppningen om ett bättre liv, som samtidigt avspeglar det aktuella världsläget. Regissören har med denna käftsmäll till debut skapat ett mångbottnat och brännande verklighetsdrama som inte lämnar någon oberörd.
Bästa regi: László Nemes, Son of Saul
Priset för Bästa regi går till en film som får oss att sluta andas och istället uppta filmens egna puls. Med ett rasande tempo, en konstant rörelse, ett konsekvent subjektivt berättande och med långa, minutiöst utförda och mästerliga scenerier, tar regissören ett helt nytt grepp på ett ämne som skildrats otaliga gånger, men aldrig så här intensivt och tätt – och aldrig så här bra.
Bästa manus: Deniz Gamze Ergüven och Alice Winocour, Mustang
Författarna till denna film skildrar ett allvarsamt ämne med ömsom humor och ömsom värme. Det är en gripande berättelse om systerskap, en kampfilm som gör upp med det manliga förtrycket och dess unkna syn på den kvinnliga sexualiteten. Konservatismen ställs mot det moderna samhället, livet inom oss – och var persons rätt till sin egen kropp.
Bästa foto: Manuel Dacosse, Evolution
Priset för Bästa foto går till ett cinematiskt mästerverk, en berättelse som likaväl kan utspela sig i det undermedvetna som i det metaforiska eller på en annan planet. Ett kusligt vackert berättaruniversum, destillerat genom en mästares lins, med ett alldeles unikt visuellt uttryck, som skapar gåshud i själen.
Bästa kvinnliga skådespelare: Julija Steponaityte, The Summer of Sangaile
Priset för Bästa kvinnliga huvudroll går till en skådespelerska som lyser upp duken med sin totala närvaro. Det är ett subtilt och ändå mångfacetterat skådespel vi får ta del av, på samma gång svalt och sårbart, som arrogant och lidelsefullt. Hon gör oss nyfikna – och vi vill se mer!
Bästa manliga skådespelare: Koudous Seihon, Mediterranea
Priset för Bästa manliga huvudroll går till en skådespelare som äger berättelsen i varje scen. Det är en karaktärsgestaltning av en fighter, en street-smart överlevare och en medmänniska, som öppnar upp våra hjärtan i sin resa genom en sargad värld, full av faror. Mitt i berättelsens brutala verklighet lyckas han förmedla en känsla av hopp och tro på människan.
Bästa dokumentär: Behemoth av Liang Zhao
Den som ger sig in här gör bäst i att lämna allt hopp bakom sig. Här har vi en filmskapare som gräver djupt i sitt ämnes schakt och visar oss det giriga monster som gömmer sig i vår destruktiva civilisation. På ett poetiskt, vackert och känslomässigt sätt avslöjar filmen ett helvete på jorden. Genom kraften i starka bilder, skickligt berättande och djup empati ges vi chansen att uppfatta och göra slut på förödelsen av vår jord och varandra. Äkta och djupt nödvändig.
Stockholm Impact Award: Leena Yadav, Parched
Strålande skådespeleri i ett sensuellt färgstarkt bildspråk ger oss en unik inblick i kvinnor på den indiska landsbygdens tankar och hjärtan. En paradoxal hyllning till livet under hårda omständigheter som skapar både ilska och glädje, och ger bränsle till debatt så väl som hopp om förändring när den rör vid en brännande fråga som påverkar inte halva, utan hela vårt samhälle.
Bästa kortfilm: A Few Seconds av Nora El Hourch
Med hjälp av ett egensinnigt och djärvt berättande lyckas regissören skildra karaktärernas mänskliga egenskaper i det korta tidsformatet. Filmen är fylld av lager av känslor och vi är mycket spända på att följa denna nya talang i hennes fortsatta filmskapande.
Stockholm Rising Star: Aliette Opheim
Stockholm filmfestival Rising Star 2015 går till en skådespelare som besitter en djup känslighet och samtidigt en oerhörd styrka. Som kastar sig ut och gestaltar olikartade roller med stort mod och integritet. Med känslan att bära på en hemlighet.
Telia Film Award: Mediterranea av Jonas Carpignano
Med en varm, humanistisk hand har regissören skrivit och regisserat en starkt relevant och oväntat humoristisk film. En berättelse befolkad av skickligt sammansatta och komplext skildrade karaktärer och med en enastående huvudrollsinnehavare. En vacker film som mänskliggör upplevelsen av att leva idag och som ger en unik inblick i de erfarenheter som delas av många av de som flytt över Medelhavet.
FIPRESCI-priset: Macadam Stories av Samuel Benchetrit
FIPRESCI-priset går till en insiktsfull, melankolisk och ömsint komedi fylld med egensinnig, skruvad humor. Tre separata historier om storstadslivets ensamhet och längtan efter mänsklig närhet vävs sömlöst samman. De vackert tecknade och oerhört nyanserade berättelserna iscensätts i perfekt tempo samtidigt som de utmärkta skådespelarprestationerna låter karaktärernas mänsklighet skymta fram genom gliporna.
Stockholm Achievement Award: Ellen Burstyn
En ikon inom samtida amerikansk film, en djärv skådespelerska med stor integritet som har givit liv åt banbrytande karaktärer. Hennes framträdanden har lämnat ett bestående intryck av en obeveklig kamp för självständighet och frihet. Hon har kämpat mot det patriarkala samhället i Alice Bor Inte Här Längre, Satan i Exorcisten och missbrukets destruktiva kraft i Requiem for a Dream.
Stockholm Lifetime Achievement Award: Stephen Frears
Årets mottagare av Lifetime Achievement Award är en filmskapare som inte räds att ta ställning för de marginaliserade i samhället. Hans filmskapande spänner från politiska filmer med socialt patos till storslagna epos med de största namnen. Oavsett vilken form berättelsen tar visar Stephen Frears att han är en regissör med en genuin nyfikenhet inför människors livsöden.
Stockholm Visionary Award: Yorgos Lanthimos
Genom att blottlägga mänskliga relationer synliggör Yorgos Lanthimos perspektiv som är både utmanande och egensinniga. Hans filmer tar med publiken på en oförutsägbar resa från det till synes oskyldiga till det djupt hotande; från det banala till det omvälvande; från en idé om det romantiska till den totalitära ideologin. En filmisk resa som tvingar oss att upptäcka en obekväm spegling av vårt eget beteende, våra begär och vårt sätt att kommunicera. Och ändå kan vi inte sluta titta, och identifiera oss, med ett snett leende på läpparna. Det är utmärkande för en sann visionär.
1 km film-stipendiat: Jag vill nå dig av Victor Lindgren
Två syskon tvingas uthärda att deras föräldrars relation bryter samman. Regissören ställer en obekväm fråga till oss i publiken: kan ett barns överlevnadsinstinkt övervinna en förälders självdestruktivitet? Filmen använder en förfinad stil för att åstadkomma stark känslomässig effekt och regissören visar stort mod och potential.
iFestival Award: Tisure av Adrian Geyer
Framröstad av Stockholms filmfestivals besökare.
Stockholm, Nov. 22(Greenpost)–Behemoth av Liang Zhao vann Bästa dokumentär på Stockholm Film Festival.
Den som ger sig in här gör bäst i att lämna allt hopp bakom sig. Här har vi en filmskapare som gräver djupt i sitt ämnes schakt och visar oss det giriga monster som gömmer sig i vår destruktiva civilisation. På ett poetiskt, vackert och känslomässigt sätt avslöjar filmen ett helvete på jorden. Genom kraften i starka bilder, skickligt berättande och djup empati ges vi chansen att uppfatta och göra slut på förödelsen av vår jord och varandra. Äkta och djupt nödvändig.
Stockholm Impact Award: Leena Yadav, Parched
Strålande skådespeleri i ett sensuellt färgstarkt bildspråk ger oss en unik inblick i kvinnor på den indiska landsbygdens tankar och hjärtan. En paradoxal hyllning till livet under hårda omständigheter som skapar både ilska och glädje, och ger bränsle till debatt så väl som hopp om förändring när den rör vid en brännande fråga som påverkar inte halva, utan hela vårt samhälle.
赵亮在影片首映后回答观众的问题。 陈雪霏拍摄
他获奖的理由是“你到这里放弃一切希望。电影制作者深入挖掘主题,为我们展现的是隐藏在我们破坏性文明里的贪婪巨兽。这部电影用美丽动情和诗一般的方式揭示一种地球上的炼狱。 通过伟大的想象力,讲故事和同情心,让我们有机会认知我们应该停止这种对自然环境的滥用。纯真且非常有必要。”
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Stockholm, Nov. 22(Greenpost)–Zhao Liang’s documentary Behemoth from China has won the best documentary award at 26th Stockholm International Film Festival.
The citation is ” This filmmaker digs deep inside the bowels of its subject, showing us the monster of greed hiding in our destructive civilization. This film unveils hell right here on earth in a beautiful, emotive and poetic way. Through the power of great imagery, storytelling and empathy we are given a chance to perceive and finally end this abuse of the earth than of each other. Pure and utterly necessary.”
Zhao Liang was born in Liaoning and studied at Luxun Art Academy and Beijing Film Institute. He is an independent documentary film maker and director.
Meanwhile, Stockholm Impact Award won by Leena Yadav, with her film Parched.
The citation is “Through superb acting giving a unique insight into the minds and hearts of women in rural India told with colourful, sensual cinematography. This film is a paradoxical celebration of life in tough circumstances, creating both anger and joy, giving fuel for debate as well as hope for change when addressing a burning question that affects, not half, but the whole of our society.”
The Stockholm Film Festival has just ended today after 11days of screening about 190 films from 70 countries. This year’s theme focuses on migration a lot.
This year’s Stockholm XXVI Competition jury is producer Mimmi Spång, director Peter Grönlund, director Christian Zübert, director Di Phan Dang, and director Arab Nasser. The jury for the Stockholm Impact Award includes artist Ai Weiwei (head of jury), director Ida Panahandeh, and theatre director Linus Tunström. For the Stockholm Documentary Competition the jury members are film critic Stefan Nylén, director and actor Alexandra Dahlström, and director Matías Meyer.
The Stockholm XXVI Short Film Competition jury consists of actor Saga Becker, director Alejandro Guzmán Alvarez, and director Takeshi Fukunaga. And for the FIPRESCI, Yael Shuv, Kristin Aalen, and Dariia Badior.
Best film: Louder Than Bombs by Joachim Trier
The prize for best film goes to an aesthetic masterpiece, a film that innovatively uses all cinematic components to move freely between present, past, dream and imagination. With this tightly woven family drama, the director gradually patches together our broken inner places and makes us visible to ourselves – and to each other.
Best first film: Mediterranea by Jonas Carpignano
The prize goes to a director who takes us on a journey to a place where reality triumphs with its hidden contempt. An unsentimental yet tender film about dreams, struggles and hopes for a better life that at the same time mirrors the contemporary state of the world. The director has with this knockout of a debut created a multifaceted and pressing real-life drama that leaves no one unaffected.
Best director: László Nemes, Son of Saul
The award goes to a film that makes us hold our breath and instead become part of the film’s own pulse. With furious pacing, constant motion, a consistently subjective point-of-view and with long, meticulous and masterly executed sequences, the director takes a whole new perspective on a subject that has been depicted countless times, but never with this intensity – and never this good.
Best script: Deniz Gamze Ergüven and Alice Winocour, Mustang
The writers of this film depict a serious topic with both humour and warmth. It is a touching story of sisterhood, an empowering film that challenges patriarchal oppression with its stale views on female sexuality. Conservative values are placed in opposition to modern society, the life within each of us – and every person’s right to their own bodies.
Best cinematography: Manuel Dacosse, Evolution
The prize for best cinematography goes to a cinematic masterpiece, a story that could as well take place in the subconscious as on a metaphorical plane or another planet. A hauntingly beautiful universe distilled through the lens of a master, with a singular visual expression that provokes goose bumps in the soul.
Best actress: Julija Steponaityte, The Summer of Sangaile
The prize for best female lead goes to an actress who illuminates the screen with her absolute presence. It is a subtle yet multifaceted acting we are witnessing, at the same time cool and vulnerable, arrogant and passionate. She makes us curious – and we want to see more!
Best actor: Koudous Seihon, Mediterranea
The prize for best male lead goes to an actor who owns the story in every scene. It’s a portrait of a fighter, a street-smart survivor and a fellow human, who opens our hearts on his journey through a torn world full of dangers. He manages to convey a feeling of hope and faith in humanity in the midst of the brutal reality of the story.
Best documentary: Behemoth by Liang Zhao
Abandon all hope you who enter here. This filmmaker digs deep inside the bowels of its subject, showing us the monster of greed hiding in our destructive civilization. This film unveils hell right here on earth in a beautiful, emotive and poetic way. Through the power of great imagery, storytelling and empathy we are given a chance to perceive and finally end this abuse of the earth than of each other. Pure and utterly necessary.
Stockholm Impact Award: Leena Yadav, Parched
Through superb acting giving a unique insight into the minds and hearts of women in rural India told with colourful, sensual cinematography. This film is a paradoxical celebration of life in tough circumstances, creating both anger and joy, giving fuel for debate as well as hope for change when addressing a burning question that affects, not half, but the whole of our society.
Best short film: A Few Seconds by Nora El Hourch
In a very unique and bold way of storytelling the director manage to show how much humanity in the characters in such a short time. There are so many layers of emotions in this film. We are excited to discover this new talent in her future work.
Stockholm Rising Star: Aliette Opheim
This year’s Rising Star is awarded an actor who inhabits a deep sensibility as well as an immense power. Who delves into diverse roles with great courage and integrity. With the sense of carrying a secret.
Telia Film Award: Mediterranea by Jonas Carpignano
With a warm, humanistic touch Jonas Carpignano has written and directed a film with acute relevance and unexpected humour. Populated by brilliantly crafted and depicted characters with complexity, throughout the story, with an outstanding Koudous Seihon in the male lead. A beautiful film that humanizes what it is to live in the world today and offers a unique glimpse into experiences shared by many of the people fleeing across the Mediterranean Sea.
FIPRESCI best film: Macadam Stories by Samuel Benchetrit
The FIPRESCI award goes to Samuel Benchetrit’s Macadam Stories (Asphalte), an insightful, melancholic and tender comedy, filled with quirky deadpan humour. Three separate stories are seamlessly interwoven around the theme of urban loneliness and the longing for human connection, all beautifully drawn, highly nuanced and perfectly paced, while the excellent performances allow the characters humanity to shine through the cracks.
Stockholm Achievement Award: Ellen Burstyn
An icon of contemporary American cinema, a bold actress with great integrity, who has given life to groundbreaking characters. Her performances have left a lasting impression with a relentless struggle for independence and freedom.
Stockholm Lifetime Achievement Award: Stephen Frears
This year’s receiver of the Lifetime Achievement Award is a filmmaker who is not afraid to take a stand for those who exist at the margins of society. Regardless of what form the story takes, Stephen Frears shows us that he is a director with a genuine curiosity for people’s life stories.
Stockholm Visionary Award: Yorgos Lanthimos
This director gives us a perspective that is both challenging and headstrong. His films offer the audience an unpredictable cinematic trip that forces us to discover an inconvenient reflection of our own behaviour, logic and desires. And yet we cannot stop looking, identifying and yes, very oddly smiling.
1 km Film-scholarship: I turn to you by Victor Lindgren
Two siblings are forced to experience the implosion of their parents’ relationship. The director poses an inconvenient question to us in the audience, can a child’s will to survive overcome the self-destructive desires of the parent. The film seamlessly connects refined form with emotional impact and the director shows great courage and promise.
iFestival Award: Tisure by Adrian Geyer
Voted for by the 2015 Stockholm Film Festival audience.
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)-- 11月20日,由国家节能中心主办,北京节能环保中心和中关村绿色建筑创新技术联盟承办的“2015中国节博会中国绿色建筑创新技术高峰论坛暨建筑节能技术推广会”在北京成功召开。
他们分别介绍了“节能型液体冷却服务器系统、区域能源冷热系统、烟气源热泵供热节能技术、中央空调全自动清洗节能系统技术、隔离式分组接地技术、温湿度独立控制空调技术、毛细管网高效能量采集释放技术、POE智能互联照明、城市智慧照明、供暖零排放技术路线、浅层地能(热)技术、木结构装配式集成建筑、海容模块浇注式高性能节能建筑体系、喷涂石膏技术” 等多项建筑节能领域节能技术。
会议期间,与会人员共同参观了 2015中国节博会绿色建筑馆展馆。代表们普遍认为本次会议具有针对性和专业性强、国际化程度高、利于指导行业低碳节能工作,有助于深入了解掌握技术发展情况等特点。会议为国内外知名低碳节能企业和节能环保用能单位搭建了技术交流平台,有效推动了节能环保先进技术在中 国的推广和应用。
北欧绿色邮报网11月20日报道(记者 陈雪霏)2015首届中国国际节能低碳创新技术与装备博览会18日-20日在北京成功举办。本次展会的主题为“绿色生产、绿色生活”,共有近千项节能低碳领域的创新技术和设备在总面积两万平方米的5个展厅集中展出。
Source Xinhua
Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson
BEIJING, Nov. 11 (Xinhua) — China’s Belt and Road initiative, highlighted during President Xi Jinping’s visit to Vietnam and Singapore last week, is set to boost bilateral ties and facilitate trade and investment between China and Southeast Asian nations.
The deepening cooperation on the Belt and Road with the two countries, major members of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and key areas along the routes, will expand and upgrade China-ASEAN economic relations, analysts said.
The Belt and Road was proposed by China in 2013 as a trade and infrastructure network. It will connect Asia to Europe and Africa through the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road.
During Xi’s three-day trip, China and Vietnam reached consensus on expanding cooperation within the framework of the initiative and Vietnam’s “Two Corridors and One Economic Circle” plan, as well as on production capacity cooperation.
In a 20-point statement, China and Singapore agreed to cooperate in Belt and Road construction, trade, city planning, education and customs, among others.
Song Hong, researcher with the Institute of World Economics and Politics, Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, said the Belt and Road will generate fresh opportunities and infrastructure cooperation that will boost integration of China and ASEAN economies.
Sharing a land border of over 1,000 km, China and Vietnam have been in close contact on infrastructure cooperation with new express roads and railways starting operations almost every year.
A joint communique issued Friday said the two countries have reached an agreement on a feasibility study of the Hanoi-Lao Cai-Hai Phong Railway in northern Vietnam.
New railways in Vietnam are only part of the infrastructure improvement in Southeast Asia as China promotes the ambitious Trans-Asian Railway that will connect Laos, Malaysia, Thailand and Vietnam.
“Thanks to improved infrastructure, logistics are cheaper and faster, along the routes,” Huo Jianguo, former president of the Chinese Academy of International Trade and Economic Cooperation.
Echoing his remarks, Song recognized brightening prospects of China-ASEAN cooperation and cited fresh opportunities in capital-intensive industries, like energy, cement and steel, and labor-intensive sectors including textiles and garments.
“Those industries are mature in China, will help the industrial upgrade of ASEAN members and are the best choice for cooperation,” Song said.
China and Vietnam also signed a number of cooperation documents covering such fields as party-to-party exchanges, transportation, production capacity, railway, energy, finance and local affairs.
More than 1,000 km away from Vietnam, Singapore is also a significant link in the Maritime Silk Road.
When meeting Singaporean Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, Xi said the two sides will promote a third government-to-government project this time in Chongqing, southwest China, and explore cooperation between the enterprises in third markets.
Zhao Lei, associate professor of the Institute for International Strategic Studies at the Party School of the Central Committee of the CPC, expects Singapore will deepen Belt and Road cooperation and build a fourth project in China’s western regions in the future.
Singapore has been a major source of foreign investment in China. Between 1990 and 2014, its cumulative investment in China totaled 72.3 billion U.S. dollars.
The two leaders agreed to redefine China-Singapore ties as a partnership of all-round cooperation keeping with the times during Xi’s visit to the city-state.
Belt and Road cooperation will help upgrades to China-ASEAN Free Trade Area (FTA) and integration of Asian-Pacific region.
Thanks to the FTA, since 2010, China has become ASEAN’s largest trading partner, while ASEAN is China’s third largest trading partner. Trade between China and ASEAN increased 8.23 percent year on year to 480 billion U. S. dollars in 2014.
Given growing economic ties, the two sides are seeking for an FTA upgrade and have seen steady progress after negotiations in goods and service trade, investment and technological cooperation.
“The FTA upgrade is actually the implementation of the Belt and Road construction,” Song said.
Huo said China welcomes countries along the routes to actively participate into the process. Enditem
BEIJING, Nov. 12 (Xinhua) — China’s Internet giant Netease, Inc. (NTESE.NASDAQ) earned 1.882 billion yuan in net profits in the third quarter of 2015, surging 62 percent year on year, according to the un-audited financial report released by the company on Thursday.
Meanwhile, its net income amounted to 6.672 billion yuan during the reporting period, as compared with the 3.117 billion yuan registered in the same period last year.
Earning per ADR reached 0.56 U.S. dollars in the third quarter. Enditem
SINGAPORE, Nov. 12 (Greenpost) — China’s telecommunication giant Huawei said here Thursday that the next-generation mobile phone, which is called “superphone”, will emerge around 2020 and open up a new era in which physical and digital realities are fused.
Shao Yang, President of Strategy Marketing, Huawei Consumer Business Group (BG), shared Huawei’s vision of how the “superphone” will take mankind closer to a world where the physical and digital realities will be further integrated.
At the Huawei Innovation Day Asia, Shao said the advent of the “superphone” will eventually build a new world of all things digital, all things connected, seamless intelligence integration, and merging intelligence.
“Through evolution and adaptation, the ‘superphone’ will be more intelligent, enhancing and even transforming our perceptions, enabling humans to go further than ever before.”
Shao said that with the evolvement and adaptation of the “superphone”, the physical world will be reconstructed through digitalization.
To embrace this new era, Huawei has entered into a number of strategic partnerships with major automobile brands, including Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz and Audi, and has been pursuing the development of cloud services, according to Shao.
The company has also established a partnership with the University of Manchester to explore ways of using graphene’s applications in consumer electronics and mobile communication devices, said Shao. Enditem
BEIJING, Nov. 20 (Greenpost) — Chinese top legislator Zhang Dejiang has met with U.S. House of Representatives Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, calling for more exchanges and communication between China’s top legislature and the U.S. Congress.
Calling China-U.S. relations “of great importance,” Zhang, chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress (NPC), said China and the United States agreed to continue to build a new type of major-country relations during Chinese President Xi Jinping’s state visit to the United States in September.
Both presidents made clear the correct direction of development of bilateral ties and reached a series of agreements during the visit, sending a positive signal to the outside world that China and the United States are committed to dialogue and cooperation, Zhang said.
He called on the NPC and U.S. Congress to enhance communication and exchanges, deepen mutual understanding and advance substantial cooperation in the spirit of mutual respect and common ground.
The chairman encouraged both sides to do more to promote mutual trust and cooperation so as to promote the development of bilateral relations and benefit the people of both countries and the world.
Speaking highly of the meeting between the two presidents, Pelosi said she expected the two countries’ legislatures to step up exchanges to boost friendship between the two peoples.
Earlier on Thursday, Zhang Ping, vice chairman of the NPC Standing Committee, hosted a meeting between the NPC and the U.S. congressional delegation led by Pelosi.
The two had a candid and in-depth exchange of views on issues including bilateral ties, legislative exchanges and climate change. Enditem
Source Xinhua
Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson