“吐鲁番葡萄熟了“– 新疆之春




董雪昌      (文/图)






7ffbaaf78a728cdfdfd1a50bdfdc891f     四个小时后,我们穿云破雾平安抵达大西北的新疆维吾尔族自治区首府乌鲁木齐市。穿过拥挤的人群坐上小巴士,来到了百米之外的机场宾馆。接受安全检查,进房间扔下行装,同行的山东大个刚副主任就拉着我去吃夜宵。



c93a0928c0ab646b8da0672aa77c36d9      这架小飞机一个来小时就把我们送到了阿克苏,拜城的朋友驾车来接我们。据说汽车还要跑两个小时才能到拜城,九点钟了,太阳才一点一点地从无垠的戈壁滩上露出他那温柔可爱的笑脸。车在动,太阳也在动。穿行在树林里,戈壁滩上,电杆电线之间的太阳越爬越高,慢慢地穿行在云里雾里,变得炽热而耀眼,远处宛延起伏的白雪皑皑的雪山在阳光的照耀下像一幅美丽的图画慢慢地移动,真美!无垠的戈壁滩如果种上小麦玉米可以养活多少人呀,无垠的雪山如果化成清水将汇成多少条奔腾的江水,灌溉多少良田,养育多少中华儿女!但是,这是大自然的造化,只能想想而已!美丽的幻想只好留在心里。

2cbaf3e579208392ab587b60366bb507        车动物移景美,变幻莫测的太阳穿行在茫茫戈壁,穿行在云端中,把大地染成了绚丽多彩的画卷。偶尔见一个村镇,偶尔见一个加油站,偶尔见到山间林间田间的积雪更是令人兴奋不已。车还在走,但离拜城越来越近了。

3b1190cfa1c9e72d70543af806df25b9      拜城是阿克苏地区管辖的一个小县城,位于天山山脉中段。虽然全县只有二十万人口,但是,这里的自然环境却非常优越。这里不但有新疆最大的克孜尔水库,还有木扎提河等5条河流穿行在这块土地上,浇灌着这块肥沃的土地,因此,这块土地不但盛产水稻小麦玉米等农作物,还盛产一种奇异的黑土豆。


“当然,拜城的矿藏资源更加丰富,除了原煤还有天然气,还有霞石麦饭石大理石,还有……,”曾经在新疆当过兵性格豪爽的县委书记秦加文 如数家珍地继续称道城里源源不断流出的铁热克温泉。他说:“温泉占地面积有二平方公里,如果有人来开发利用,这里的旅游事业将更上一层楼。”秦书记接着兴奋地对我们说,希望你们介绍更多的友人来这里投资建设矿区公路,建设新拜铁路货运专线,让我们这里的煤呀天燃气呀霞石呀麦饭石呀源源不断地运往其他城市,为其他城市添光加彩。








刘伟昌     (文/图)

efc2087c6aa81c756ca2eae2345a1fe8 0032ad52a29f9858c423abcd031135c3













Seven years after Geely purchases Volvo Cars

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

DSC_8754STOCKHOLM, March 16 (Greenpost) – Seven years have passed after Chinese private car group Geely purchased Volvo in 2010 with the witness of Chinese President(then vice president) Xi Jinping in March 28, 2010.  What has happened after that? Especially under the circumstances that there were a lot of questions and suspicion among the Swedish Media and small enterprises which supply spare parts for Volvo Cars. Greenpost chief editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson has a followup about this purchase case.

  The most successful international purchase case in the world

31031324732263Professor Fang Xiaohui from Business School of Stockholm University told Greenpost that  this is one of and probably the most successful international purchase case in the world looking at the achievements Volvo Cars has made and the experience of management.

“It shows the great Chinese wisdom embodied in Li Shufu, President of Geely Group’s management method. That is to let Swedish manage Volvo Cars and keep its DNA and continue to expand design and production,” said Professor Fang.

“The great achievement Li Shufu or Geely made is to keep the Volvo grow and many people are employed. This is a big success. Chinese enterprises can learn from this case and further utilize the world’s resources and talented people.” Fang continues to say.

Volvo Cars was established by Gustaf Larson and Assar Gabrilsson who used to work for SKF, a bearing company in Sweden and well-known in the world. Larson was an engineer and Gabrilsson was a sales manager.

These two people had great passion for cars and saw the great future and joined hands in September 1925 to persuade the board of directors of SKY to allow them to have an assembling workshop in Torslanda in west coast of Sweden. On April 14, 1927, Volvo Öv4 car model came to the market.

In 1935, Volvo became independent from SKF and produced both personal cars and vans and even trucks.

Volvo was the first company to invent and product safety belt. It is still inventing new types of children safety belt and seats even for babies.  Volvo’s ambition was zero death from Volvo cars.

Volvo has also been famous for the world’s safest cars and favorite cars in an European survey last year.

Li Shufu purchased the Volvo company with a price of 1.8 billion dollars actually from Ford corporation who bought Volvo from Swedish hands with a price of 6.45 billion dollars.

On August 2, 2010 when Ford finally transferred everything to Geely, Li Shufu promised that Geely is Geely and Volvo is Volvo. He will not take Volvo to China. But he will open two new factories to increase the production of new Volvo cars.

Professor Fang said Volvo’s success was based on the full utilization of the potential of the local human resources, international research and development resources, keeping the local workers and contribute greatly to local employment. This is of course welcomed by the Swedish side.  Of course it is also a guarantee of both quantity and quality of Volvo cars.

Last year SUV XC60 was sold very well globally and accounting for one third of the total sales. It was labelled as the favorite car by the Europeans.

Swedish media says Volvo flies up like a phoenix

The mainstream media DN used three pages in economic page to report Volvo’s development over the past 7 years.


First it says Volvo’s XC60 is participating the car exhibition in Geneva. And it gives a picture of the past years’ figure of Volvo personal cars.


From 2006 to 2009, Volvo cars experienced a financial crisis with a loss of 4.7 billion kronor.

In 2010, Ford sold Volvo to Geely and the turnover immediately increased to 2.3 billion kronor.


Then in 2012, there was a year that the result was stagnant.

But in 2015, the result was 6.6 billion and last year in 2016 it was 11 billion kronor.


In 2011, Stefan Jacoby was employed as CEO of Volvo Cars. He gave the first press conference that year. But due to various pressure, he was sick in 2012 and he was replaced by Swedish CEO Lars Samuelsson who will celebrate his 66 birthday this coming Sunday on March 19.


In 2013 and 2014, Daqing and Chengdu factories have been into operation respectively to produce XC 60 and XC90.


The total production surpassed half a million for the first time in 2015 and the profit reached 11 billion kronor in 2016, five times more than that in 2010.


Li Shufu was dubbed as Mr. Volvo Personal Car


Li Shufu has completely eliminated the worries of Swedish suppliers and workers by purchasing all the small suppliers too. Thus he was dubbed as Mr. Volvo Personal Car.


The future plan of Volvo  is to establish new factories in South Carolina in the United States. The production is expected to be 100 thousand per year.  And electric cars will be manufactured in 2019.


Meanwhile, an analysis in DN also warns Volvo cars that the background is that while Volvo sold 534332 cars globally, with an increase of 30 percent, Audi, BMW and Mercedes Benz increased by 55% and 65%. Audi has increased production to 1.8 million cars by 266%  in 2016 since  1999.


Volvo’s next target is 800 thousand per year production capacity.


No matter how people compare,  Li Shufu who was born in 1963 has done a great job and his purchase of Volvo cars has been recorded in the history in international purchasing cases. His name will be listed in history forever as the first Chinese who has done such a big case abroad and done so well in the world.


Sino-Swedish relations can never be separated with Volvo and both Chinese and Swedish are talking about it.


Of course when a country becomes strong, the large enterprises or companies will naturally come out to purchase other companies, takingWang Jianlin as an example.


But the long term question is how to keep the result and do even better to make it last for a century, but not like the US or Japanese companies, to devour the other company when it is strong, but after about ten years, it has to give up due to poor operation.
