Stephen McCaffrey in international water law receives 2017 Stockholm Water Prize

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Aug. 31(Greenpost)–Professor Stephen McCaffrey received the 2017 Stockholm Water Prize on Wednesday, for his unparalleled contribution to the evolution and progressive realization of international water law.

The prize was presented to Stephen McCaffrey by H.M. Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, at a ceremony in Stockholm City Hall during the ongoing World Water Week.

 In its citation, the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee recognized Professor McCaffrey’s “path-breaking leadership and legal scholarship in international water law. He has made a unique contribution in three specific areas: his seminal work on Treaty negotiation; his major scholarly works, including his book The Law of International Watercourses and; his leadership providing expert legal advice, wise counsel, training and facilitation of complex negotiations with a wide range of stakeholders.”

Dr Letitia Obeng, Member of the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee, said: “Professor McCaffrey is an internationally respected pioneer in water law and in diplomacy. Today’s international lawyers stand on his shoulders”.

Water flows where it will and has no regard for national or regionally drawn boundaries. Beneficial hydrological, social, and economic linkages can be fostered among countries which share transboundary waters, with their equitable use promoting peace and development.

Nearly 40 per cent of the world’s population lives in countries that share river basins. Increasing stress on water resources globally will require the reasonable and equitable use of transboundary waters. Improved management of transboundary waters reduces the potential for conflict, fosters socio-economic development, promotes shared benefits, and supports healthy ecosystems and services.

On receiving the Prize, Professor McCaffrey said: “I accept this very special award not only on my own behalf, but also on behalf of many women and men who work so hard in the field to ensure that fresh water can be brought to people in ways that do not strain international relations, but which in fact affirmatively produce win-win solutions for countries and people on the ground in accordance with law”.

Stephen McCaffrey, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, in Sacramento, California, is the single most respected authority on International Water Law. His work continues to influence scholars, legal practitioners and policy-makers and contribute to the sustainable and peaceful management of shared waters.

In an interview with, McCaffrey said the future lies on cooperation. Only through cooperation can people cope with water issues peacefully and can benefit from cooperation.


“Cooperation over shared waters is becoming increasingly important, as we witness higher demand coupled with growing scarcity. Stephen McCaffrey is a true inspiration for us in this area, as well as and an important guide, through his works and his wisdom”, said SIWI’s Executive Director Torgny Holmgren.

More about Professor Stephen McCaffrey

Professor McCaffrey has been acting as legal counsel to states in several negotiations concerning international watercourses. He has served as counsel in many inter-state disputes over shared water resources, for example between Argentina and Uruguay, Pakistan and India, and Slovakia and Hungary, which have been heard by international courts and tribunals.

He has guided, often multi-year negotiation processes among riparian countries with respect to transboundary water law, for example, on the Nile, Mekong, and Ganges, some with numerous countries involved.

In earlier writings, Professor McCaffrey articulated the human right to water which was later recognized by the UN General Embassy as a right in 2010. Additionally, he has provided critical insights, linking water law to policy, conflict resolution, benefit sharing, and environmental protection over the years.

About Stockholm Water Prize

The Stockholm Water Prize is a global award founded in 1991 and presented annually by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) to an individual, organization or institution for outstanding water-related achievements. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is patron of the prize.

Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

欧华妇联总会主席 荷中商务文教交流协会会长熊国秀出席广东公共外交协会第二届会员大会成为第二届海外理事

北欧绿色邮报网报道(驻荷兰特约记者张卓辉)应广东政协 广东公共外交协会邀请,祖籍广东台山的欧化妇联总会主席,荷中商务文教交流协会会长暨欧洲华人华侨妇女联合总会会长熊国秀于2017年8月31日飞抵广州,出席广东政协直接领导的广东公共外交协会第二届会员大会,并应邀成为第二届海外理事。

目前,在海外五千多万华侨华人中,有五分之二以上为祖籍广东人。荷兰现时有华侨华人约15万人,其中粤籍华侨华人有6万多人,主要从事餐饮、贸易等行业。与会海外代表们都深深体会到广东政协各级领导一直以来支持海外侨胞为祖国建设、为居住国与中国的友谊建立友好往来的大力支持!大家都由衷感谢广东政协 广东省侨办 广东侨联及各地区政协、侨办、侨联!

广东省政协主席、广东公共外交协会会长王荣先生在大会上阐述了国家主席习近平主席对公共外交的高度重视和今后的指导方向,还亲自为包括荷兰在内的各国海外理事版发证书。早在2008年,经过广东省侨办推荐、广东省政协就将荷中商务文教交流协会会长熊国秀接纳为广东政协海外代表团队。她为祖国的发展、为中荷友谊 和与会代表一起加油,希望中国早日实现中国梦。


北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网报道(报道员: 丑(曹)小姐、查正富)–斯德哥尔摩当地时间8月30日晩上10点,浙江省委书记、省人大常委会主任车俊率省代表团在结束对挪威的考察访问后,抵达瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩继续考察访问。






编辑 陈雪霏