Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 6

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held in Musikaliska on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017第四届斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节闭幕式音乐会8月20日在斯京圆满落下帷幕。视频如下:

Section 6: Yellow River Cantata

23. Piano solo: Ode to the Yellow River (Yellow River piano concerto), performed by Yan Shuang Lindblom

24. Song: Wrath of the Yellow River, soloist: Zou Rongmei, accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

25. Song: Defend the Yellow River, performed by all the artists, accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

Closing song

Chorus Beethoven Ninth Symphony “Ode to Joy” performed by all the artists,

accompanists: Anders Delin(guitar), Jing Wu (flute), Shiyu Thang(piano)

The concert ended with Prize awarding ceremony & group photo.

Filmed by Xuefei Chen Axelsson. Text: Åsa Wretman.

Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 5

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held in Musikaliska on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017第四届斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节闭幕式音乐会8月20日在斯京圆满落下帷幕。视频如下:

Section 5: The Most Dazzling Folk Style

17. Songs: good people good dreams, the dream of the field, performed by Stockholm Chinese Choir

18. Chinese cheongsam show performed by Winnet Tang Cultural Exchange Association

19. Vineyard song, performed by Anhui Rainbow Choir, conductor: Jian Zhang

Audio Player

20. Jasmine flower, song soloist: Rongmei Zou, conductor: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang

performed by Anhui Rainbow Choir and Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir

Audio Player


21. Song solo: bright future, performer: Jia Li

Audio Player

22. Indian dance, From Layali Orientaliska Dansakademi

Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 4

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 4: Nordic Fellings

13. Piano solo: The Witch (Tchaikovsky), performer: Leo Long Lindblom, the winner of Stockholm International Music Competition

Piano solo: Dream, performer: Annes Fewiy, this is a song he produced by himself

Piano solo: Sonata, performer: Amy-Louise Hohnsson

14. Bach sonata in C major 2nd movement for flute and piano, performer: Jing Wu

15. Guitar solo: Vivaldi guitar concerto second movement, performer: Anders Delin, from Royal Swedish Academy of Music

16. Scheidler sonata in D major, piano: Yan Shuang Lindblom, flute: Jing Wu, guitar: Anders Delin

Video:The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 3

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 3: European and Chinese Charm

Seven-person dance: Chinese calligraphy and painting, performed by Xuanjiang Shi,

dancers: Weibing Hui, Jinping Chen, Meng Jin, Haiwa Liu, Wei Guo, Xuemei Lin, Cuiling Lu.

From Norwegian Chinese Music and Song Dance Troupe

Song solo: Father’s grassland and mother’ river, performer: Xiaoyin Yang

Qipao Show

“Bai Yulan” Cheongsam Fashion Show: Songs from a secret garden, performers: Hong Zhou, Tao Wen, Ping Xia and so on. From Sweden Shanghai Association

Sing sing So Performers: Ruiling Jin, Fuyang Kuang, Xinrui Jin, Chengyin Li, Zhuangli, From Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir

accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

Video: Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 2

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 2: Poems of the West

Semi chorus: Moscow Nights and Katyusha, performed by Inga Hägstöm and so on, from Russia Vesna Choir

Song: Hawthorn tree, performed by Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir.

conductor: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang

Chorus Nanping night bell, performed by Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir

conducter: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang


Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 1: Elegance of the East

Three-person classical dance: Myth of the Star and Moon.

Artists: Jinping Chen, Hui Weibing, Meng Jin, from Norwegian Chinese Music Song and Dance Troupe

Chinese zither solo: Regret and Hate of Linan, artist: Jin Xinrui

Peking opera: Stopping the horse, artist: Timothy Pilotti

Piano and dance: Spring Flowers in a moonlit Night on the River,

Piano: Yan Shuang Lindblom

  1. Wuxi opera: Bird on the branch artist: Yingying Zhu














北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017 斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节闭幕式音乐会在8月20日在斯德哥尔摩Musikaliska举行。


东方风雅、西方音诗、欧华风韵、北欧风情、 最炫民族风、黄河大合唱


1. 人古典舞蹈《星月神话》表演者陈锦、匯卫冰


2. 中国民乐古筝独奏《临安遗恨表演者:金欣蕊

3. 京剧《挡马》表演者:天木Timothy Pilotte

4. 钢琴曲伴舞《春江花月夜》 表演者:双焱(钢琴)、谭晶晶(舞蹈)

5. 锡剧《枝头鸟儿表演者:朱瀛盈



北欧绿色邮报网报道–  2017年8月21日,深圳市驻欧洲首席代表周旭先生莅临瑞中企业家协会指导工作,受到瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍女士和工作人员的热烈欢迎。

张巧珍会长陪同周代表一起拜访了中国驻瑞典大使馆商务处韩晓东参赞,并与合作单位斯德哥尔摩投资促进署,瑞典孵化器科技园, 和卡罗林斯卡医学院的代表进行了会晤。


本次会晤主要探讨授牌瑞中企业家协会作为深圳在北欧工作站的相关事宜。会议间,瑞中企业家协会介绍了协会在过去一年里为促进中国与北欧科技,创新,人才与文化交流参与和举办的大事件。项目合作人Ulf Borbos 先生在瑞典孵化器科技园向周代表介绍了与瑞中企业家协会合作北欧创新加速器项目,协会也汇报了组展北欧企业11月份到深圳参加中国高新技术成果交易会的工作,Jenny汇报了斯德哥尔摩投资署署长将率队参加高交会的工作计划。





2017 Stockholm International Arts Festival Promotes China Dream, Peaceful Harmonious World

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

2017  Stockholm International Arts Festival has just concluded with its theme focusing on China Dream and a Peaceful and Harmonious World.

Wang Changning, Director of the Consulate of the Chinese Embassy said the festival presents different styles of arts from many different countries including China and Sweden. This is conducive to promoting China Dream and mutual understanding between Chinese and Swedish people and promoting the world peace.

“I think this festival is very meaningful in serving as a bridge between Chinese and Swedish people through music , singing and dancing.” said Wang.

Shuang Yan, director of the festival said this has been the fourth International Arts Festival which had been held in Australia, Spain and Russia.

This time it is held in Stockholm and jointly organized by Europe-China International Culture, Education and Business Development Association and Beijing Sunset Show Foundation.

Timothy Pillotti plays Peking Opera, Stopping the Horse. 

“The main purpose is to promote China Dream and building a peaceful and harmonious world through cultural exchange and communication.” said Shuang.

Zhu Yingying performs Xi Opera A Bird on the Branch very vividly. 

Shuang said there were four main parts of the festival including the music camp participated by Chinese and Swedish students, World Peace Day celebration concert, collectively and individual music contests and the grand closing concert.

Ruijing Voice of Arctic Choir, commander Yang Xiaoyin. 

The concert attracted a lot of famous Chinese professional artists from China, Sweden and Norway as well as art troupes from these countries.

Zou Rongmei sings Jasmine Flower. 

Zou Rongmei, Li Jia, Yang Xiaoyin and Zhu Yingying are professional singers while Shuang Yan plays piano, Wu Jing plays flutes and Jin Xinrui plays Gu Zheng. Timothy Pittli plays Peking Opera and Anders Delin plays Guitar.

Li Jia sings Glorious Future.

There are also many amateur choirs and dancing troupes performed during the concert.

Sofie Aspeqvist, Head of Cultural Affairs of Sundbyberg Municipality said it was very interesting.

“I am overwhelmed I couldn’t imagine what evening it would be.   I am overwhelmed by the participants, they are really doing their best of all ages, either professionals or amateurs, they are all doing their best , the glimpse of everybody doing their most, and it is fantastic, I think. And it is a generous feeling, I would say, it is very supportive and everybody is supporting the other.”

Layali Orientalska Dansakedemien performs oriental dance.

Aspeqvist said this concert is also very meaningful.

“It is wonderful that music and dancing and singing unites people across borders, because even if we don’t speak the same  language but we can sing and dance and perform together and that is really fantastique, ” said Aspeqvist.

The famous Chinese Yellow River Music and singing by Zou Rongmei were very well performed this time with all the participants singing in a concert.

Leo Long Lindblom became the youngest piano player during the concert.

About five hundred people including both Chinese and other nationalities audiences attended the grand closing concert and gave their constant warm applauses during the two hours and a half concert.

With almost a year of preparation and long time exercises, every one has played to their best and gave the audience a very good impression with all kinds of performances, singing and dancing.

After the concert, a grand award issuing ceremony for the afternoon contest was also held with honorary guests and artists and choirs.

More photos:

Jin Xinrui plays Guzheng.

Russian Vesna Choir sing Russian songs.

Norwegian Chinese Dance Troupe.

Voice of Arctic Choir.

Norwegian Dance Troupe.

Singer Yang Xiaoyin sings Father’s Prairie and Mother’s River.

Pianist student from Sundbybergs Stad.

Chinese women play Qipao show and umbrella dance.

Wu Jing plays flute.

Anders Delin plays Gitar.

Shuangyan, Wujing and Anders Delin play tremble.

Three men sing a Chinese song Good people have good dreams.

Swedish Chinese choir sing the Field of Dreams.

Anhui Rainbow Choir.

Award issuing ceremony.

Zhang Qiaozhen, right, Director of Sweden-Chinese Entrepreneurs Association gives diploma to Zhang Jian, Commander of Anhui Rainbow Choir.

The concert concludes.

Four hosts: Kuang Fuyang, Åsa Wretman, Deyan, Huang Sisi.

Horary guests Wang Jianrong, Wang Changning, Liushaohui and Liang jinsheng.  Reporter front, Chen Xuefei.

Photo by Tangbing. Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.