Monthly Archives: January 2018
H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB Full-year report
Full-year (1 December 2016 – 30 November 2017)
- The H&M group continued to grow globally in 2017. Sales including VAT increased by 4 percent to SEK 231,771 m (222,865) in the financial year. Sales increased by 3 percent in local currencies. Sales excluding VAT amounted to SEK 200,004 m (192,267).
- Gross profit increased to SEK 108,090 m (106,177). This corresponds to a gross margin of 54.0 percent (55.2).
- Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 20,809 m (24,039). The group’s profit after tax amounted to SEK 16,184 m (18,636), corresponding to SEK 9.78 (11.26) per share.
- A total of 479 (497) stores were opened and 91 (70) stores were closed, resulting in a total net addition of 388 (427) new stores.
- During the year eight new H&M online markets and five new H&M store markets were opened.
At the end of the financial year the H&M group had 69 sales markets of which 43 with online.
Fourth quarter (1 September 2017 – 30 November 2017)
- The H&M group’s sales including VAT amounted to SEK 58,481 m (61,098), a decrease of 4 percent. In local currencies, the decrease was 2 percent. Sales excluding VAT amounted to SEK 50,407 m (52,720).
- Gross profit amounted to SEK 27,929 m (30,027), corresponding to a gross margin of 55.4 percent (57.0).
- Profit after financial items amounted to SEK 4,873 m (7,409). The group’s profit after tax amounted to SEK 3,993 m (5,914), corresponding to SEK 2.41 (3.57) per share. The weak sales development within the H&M brand’s physical stores lead to increased markdowns and handling costs which had a negative impact on the result in the quarter.
- The board of directors proposes an unchanged dividend of SEK 9.75 (9.75) per share for the 2016/2017 financial year, to be paid out on two occasions in 2018. In view of continued high investments in areas such as digitalisation, the board of directors is to investigate the possibility of offering all shareholders an opportunity to reinvest the dividend received in newly-issued H&M shares.
- Sales including VAT in the period 1 December 2017 to 31 January 2018 are expected to increase by 1 percent in local currencies compared to the corresponding period the previous year.
- A continued roll-out of H&M’s online store is planned to another four markets during the financial year 2017/2018: India, and via franchise to Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates. Kuwait was opened in December 2017 via franchise.
- In 2018 the H&M group plans to open approximately 390 new stores and approximately 170 store closures are planned, resulting in a net addition of approximately 220 stores. New planned H&M store markets are Uruguay and Ukraine.
- Afound – new brand in 2018. Afound will be an off-price marketplace offering products from well-known and popular fashion and lifestyle brands, both external brands and those from the H&M group. It will be launched in Sweden, with a first store in Stockholm opening in parallel with a digital marketplace in Sweden.
- H&M and H&M Home will open on Tmall, the world’s largest e-commerce platform, in March 2018
Comments by Karl-Johan Persson, CEO
Accelerating our transformation in a rapidly changing industry
The fashion industry is changing fast. At the heart of the transformation is digitalization and it is driving the need to transform and re-think faster and faster. This is presenting many challenges but we believe we are well-placed to adjust to the new dynamics and take advantage of the opportunities in front of us.
Part of this opportunity is to do with the size of the market. While the H&M group is a big player, our market share is still relatively small. It is also a growing market. So, while the H&M group has come a long way, we are most excited by the distance we still have to go and our fitness for the opportunities ahead.
Our performance during 2017 was mixed, with progress in some areas but also difficulties in others. We delivered growth of 3 percent in 2017 which is clearly below our expectations. In the fourth quarter our sales overall decreased by 2 percent in local currencies. Our online sales and our newer brands performed well but the weakness was in H&M’s physical stores where the changes in customer behaviour are being felt most strongly and footfall has reduced with more sales online. In addition, some imbalances in certain aspects of the H&M brand’s assortment and composition also contributed to this weaker result.
But our performance does need to be seen in the wider context of the transformation that the industry is going through. Underneath the disappointing recent performance, we see reasons for optimism and good learnings but we need to accelerate the transformation even more.
We have three main action areas:
Be restless around the core
- We must always have the best across product assortment and mix, look, value for money and sustainability. The best customer offering always wins.
- Our physical stores must offer a more inspiring and convenient customer experience, and be more customized to local needs.
- The digital store is a process that should never settle. The offering needs to be constantly improved and broadened to ensure it maximizes engagement and sales.
- We are integrating our physical and digital stores to offer our customers a great shopping experience with services ranging from Click and Collect to Scan and Buy and online returns in store.
Invest in the enablers – new technology and ways of working
- The efficiency of our supply chain has always been a strength but it must mirror our customers’ fast-changing needs. We are investing further to get even faster, more flexible and more responsive.
- We will invest even more in analytics and intelligence. We see huge potential across the board from assortment planning to supply chain and sales.
- We will continue to invest in our tech foundation. This includes: building scalable, robust platforms; faster development of consumer-facing apps; and broadening our use of technologies like Cloud, RFID and 3D.
Drive growth – both traditional and new
- The H&M group is developing new brands for new needs and new segments – we now have eight brands that are all scalable – and we will soon launch our ninth brand, Afound.
- Our expansion across digital will accelerate. We will be broadening our assortments, rolling out digital to new markets and linking to new platforms, like Tmall for mainland China.
- We will continue to open new stores – there is still significant growth capacity in physical stores in many regions and countries.
- We will constantly optimize and refine our physical store portfolio. There is still potential for strong growth in some regions whereas in others we can get a better balance by reducing store space.
- We constantly work on new ideas and innovations that will drive us forward – and there are many in our pipeline for 2018 and the years to come.
All in all, we feel 2017 was a year where we made more steps forward and did more groundwork for the future, but we have also made some mistakes that have slowed us down. The industry changes are challenging everyone and this will continue in 2018. The new fashion landscape requires skills and resources to adapt and seize the new opportunities. In particular the ability to take a long-term view and to navigate through some inevitable turbulence. By long-term investments, we have built a solid platform for many years of continued growth.
On our Capital Markets Day February 14, 2018, we will tell you more about our transformation and what we see going forward for the H&M group and our continued growth.
Contact | |
Nils Vinge, head of IR | +46 8 796 52 50 |
Karl-Johan Persson, CEO | +46 8 796 55 00 (switchboard) |
Jyrki Tervonen, CFO | +46 8 796 55 00 (switchboard) |
Invitation to press and telephone conference in conjunction with the full-year report is available on
H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (publ)
SE-106 38 Stockholm
Phone: +46 8 796 55 00, Fax: +46 8 24 80 78, E-mail:
Registered office: Stockholm, Reg. No. 556042-7220
Information in this full-year report is that which H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (publ) is required to disclose under EU Market Abuse Regulation (596/2014/EU) and Sweden’s Securities Market Act. The information was submitted for publication by the abovementioned persons at 8.00 (CET) on 31 January 2018. This full-year report and other information about H&M, is available at
H & M Hennes & Mauritz AB (publ) was founded in Sweden in 1947 and is quoted on Nasdaq Stockholm. H&M’s business idea is to offer fashion and quality at the best price in a sustainable way. In addition to H&M, the group includes the brands COS, Monki, Weekday, Cheap Monday, & Other Stories and H&M Home as well as ARKET. The H&M group has 44 online markets and more than 4,700 stores in 69 markets including franchise markets. In 2017, sales including VAT were SEK 232 billion. The number of employees amounts to more than 171,000. For further information, visit
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 昨天,瑞典警方发布消息宣布对2017年4月7日发生在斯德哥尔摩王后大街的恐怖袭击者阿基洛夫的调查结果,并立即对其提起诉讼。预计,恐袭者可能获得终生监禁。对他的判决将在2月13日进行。那么,恐袭者的动机是什么,到底为什么会发生此事,怎么发生的?
据报道,阿基洛夫于去年4月7日早上先到达Slussen地铁站,寻找目标未成,然后,到Odenplan, 大约是下午1:30的时候,他在这里拍了两个视频,发上网。同时,他发誓自己要效忠于IS组织,成为其成员。要向那些不信仰伊斯兰教而杀害穆斯林的人进攻。
After the terrorist attack on 7 April – indictment announced
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 31(Greenpost)– The person accused of perpetrating the terrorist attack on Drottninggatan last year will be indicted today. The investigation has been complex, as the crime scene is 1,100 meters long and many witnesses and complainants were present at the scene.
Police resources from NOA (National Operations Department) and from all police regions, primarily Police Region Stockholm, have been involved throughout the investigation.
– We have conducted approximately 1,700 interviews. A 1,100 meter-long crime scene is unique and implies a significant number of witnesses and complainants, says investigator in charge Mikael Wessling, Police Region Stockholm.
A total of 14 individuals were placed in custody, three of them were suspects, of which two have been entirely cleared in the investigation. Approximately 1,000 tips have been processed and substantial amounts of image material from CCTV systems and mobile phones have had to be handled.
– We have analysed a prodigious amount of CCTV footage from Drottninggatan, mainly, but also from the underground. We have also retained and checked private mobile phones, says investigator in charge Göran Häggblad, NOA.
In this investigation, the police have applied the principle of FLO, i.e. “Family Liaison Officer”, which is a new working method at the Swedish Police. This working method involves having specially trained investigators in contacts with victims and their families. The method is used when investigating serious offences, particularly so in relation to murder investigations.
– The FLO investigators have taken care of everything from interviews to a number of practical details. The victims and their families have been continuously updated on the progress of the investigation, says Göran Häggblad.
The preliminary investigation report comprises almost 9,000 pages, and in addition to investigators, analysts, forensic specialists, image processing technicians, IT specialists and NFC staff have participated as well. The police have also worked closely with the Swedish Security Service.
– This has been a resource-intensive investigation and we have had very good cooperation across the entire police organisation in Sweden. We have also enjoyed good cooperation with the Swedish Security Service, says Christer Nilsson, Head of the Investigations Division at NOA.
Sveriges polisen förklarar om terrorattacken 7 april
Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 31(Greenpost)– Sveriges polisen lämnade up medlande igår om terrorattacken 7 april.
” Idag väcks åtal mot den person som är misstänkt för att ha utfört terrorattacken på Drottninggatan den 7 april förra året. Utredningsarbetet har varit omfattande då brottsplatsen är 1100 meter lång, många vittnen och målsäganden befann sig på plats.”
Under utredningsarbetet har polisresurser från Nationella operativa avdelningen, Noa, och samtliga polisregioner, i huvudsak region Stockholm, ingått.
– Vi har hållit ungefär 1700 förhör, en brottsplats på 1100 meter är unikt och innebär bland annat att ett stort antal målsäganden och vittnen, säger Mikael Wessling, utredningsledare, region Stockholm.
Totalt 14 personer har varit frihetsberövade, 3 av dem har varit misstänkta, 2 är helt avskrivna från utredningen. Runt 1000 tips har bearbetats, det har också varit ett gediget bildmaterial från alla övervakningskameror och mobiltelefoner att hantera.
– Vi har analyserat ett enormt material från de övervakningsfilmer som funnits i huvudsak på Drottninggatan och i tunnelbanan, även privata telefoner har tagits om hand och gåtts igenom, säger Göran Häggblad, utredningsledare Noa.
I den här utredningen har polisen tillämpat principen för FLO, som står för ”Family Liaison officer” och som är en ny arbetsmetod inom svensk polis. Den innebär att särskilt utbildade utredare arbetar med kontakten med brottsoffren och deras anhöriga. Metoden används vid grova brott, framför allt i samband med mordutredningar.
– FLO-utredarna har hållit i allt från förhör till vissa praktiska detaljer, och brottsoffer och deras anhöriga har fått kontinuerlig information om hur utredningen har gått framåt, säger Göran Häggblad
Förundersökningsprotokollet innefattar nästan 9000 sidor, och utöver utredare har bland annat analytiker, tekniker, bildbearbetare, IT-specialister och personalresurser på NFC deltagit.
– Det har varit ett resurskrävande utredningsarbete, och vi har haft väldigt bra samarbete inom hela polisen i Sverige. Vi har också haft bra samverkan med Säkerhetspolisen, säger Christer Nilsson, chef för utredningsenheten på Noa.
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China International Import Expo CIIE to be held in Shanghai on Nov. 5-10
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Jan. 30 (Greenpost) — China International Import Expo is to be held in Shanghai during November 5-10, 2018, said Wang Dongtang, Deputy Director General of Department of Foreign Trade of Ministry of Commerce.
He made the remark during a presentation in Stockholm about the November expo.
Wang said it was Chinese President Xi Jinping proposed the expo during last year’s belt and road summit in Beijing. The purpose is to provide chances for foreign exporters to sell in China.
China will invite all the buyers home and abroad to attend the expo and buy the products and services in order to balance the Sino-foreign trade.
Wang said the expo will provide a good platform for the important exporters and importers to make a deal efficiently to balance the world trade.
Han Xiaodong, Chinese counselor of Commerce at the Chinese Embassy in Sweden said it was for the first time that Swedish export to China to reach surplus in 2017. This means Swedish products are welcomed in China.
Elizabeth Soderstrom, Secretary General of Sweden-China Trade Council also attended the presentation and express good luck to the expo.
Over a hundred entrepreneurs, CEOs and government attended the route presentation of China International Import Expo.
Photo&Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 由中国商务部对外贸易司副司长王东堂率领的中国国际进口博览会代表团1月30日在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩举行了路演,吸引了上百家瑞典政府,企业和机构的负责人。
王东堂说,报名方式分三种,一种是直接在网上通过网站报名,第二种是通过瑞典投资促进署Business Sweden, 第三种报名方式就是现场索取表格,现场报名。
IKEA founder Kamprad died at age of 91
IKEAs founder Ingvar Kamprad died at age of 91 on Sunday.
He founded IKEA when he was just 16 and he began to sell things when he was 8. He established the IKEA shopping model and give people a lot of comfort, convenience and choices. So he created a model of shopping and a model of life.
People are attracted to go to IKEA and stay the whole day there to consume and both adults and children can enjoy it.
He established a model that makes Sweden known around the world.
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典宜家家居创始人坎普拉德28日在斯莫兰的家中去世,享年91岁。
上周总共卖了43套房。最贵的是Birkagantan上的一套四居室,在马太教堂边上,价值1930万克朗,平均每平方米是13万零405克朗。周三成交的。 在Gästrikegatan这条街上,也是在马太教堂西边,周二成交了一套一居室的公寓,价格是13万零263克朗,总价247.5万,该数字是从家庭住宅销售机构获得的。 最便宜的公寓是在Gustav Vasa区的Hagagatan那条街上的一个三居室,总价值是542.5万克朗,平均每平方米是69551克朗。
斯德哥尔摩分东西南北四个区,:东区Östramalm, 西区 Västramalm, 南区Södermalm, 北区 Norrmalm. 在北区有著名的Odenplan,是根据北欧神话里的大神Oden乌登命名的。这里有著名的瓦萨公园,也是根据瑞典第一个皇帝瓦萨大帝的名字命名的。维多利亚公主住在哈加公园。
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 北欧理事会于1月23-24日在瑞典议会举办为期两天的闭门研讨会。但其中,24日的数字化论坛对媒体开放。
然后是Exponential AB公司总裁克劳迪娅.乌尔松介绍了2030年的北欧,阐述了新技术将对市民和社会的影像。
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 瑞典世界文化博物馆23日在其下属的博物馆之一地中海博物馆首次举办活动安排交流会。
主讲人是乌普萨拉大学博士生Katarina Blomkvist 和Ivo Zander. 他们认为很多瑞典企业通过内部更新和创新可以增强企业发展潜力。现在瑞典政府应该多支持小企业发展,而不是只停留在支持开创公司的起步阶段。
Har du lite tid över i morgon eftermiddag? Då rekommenderar jag ett besök på Estrad där Katarina Blomkvist och Ivo Zander från Uppsala universitet föreläser om intraprenörskap. De menar att förnyelse i befintliga företag är en förbisedd potential i många svenska bolag, och att vi bör lägga mer krut på det (och kanske fokusera lite mindre på startups). Forskarna kommer att berätta vilka organisatoriska faktorer som främjar respektive hindrar ett levande intraprenörskap – och hur du kan påverka dem för att utveckla ditt företags intraprenöriella förmåga.