









Ärade ambassadör Gui Congyou och fru Song Jingli,

Ärade gäster, damer och herrar, och vänner

I egenskap av ordförande för China-Europe Cultural Association, PROFOCA och Greenpost, är jag jätteglad att vi ska fira tre olika evenemang. Först ska vi fira Stockholms Kulturnatt med alla svenska vänner. Som en kinesiska förening känner vi oss stolta att delta i Sveriges sociala aktiviteter och visa något av vår kultur. Det här är en bra signal att Sverige och Stockholm har en öppen och internationell atmosfär.

För det andra ska vi fira 2018 ”Belt and Road Nordic Spring International Peace and Culture Festival”. Den här är andra gången vi håller en sådan festival. ”Belt and Road” initiativet är en idé av Kinas President Xi Jinping. Syftet är att stärka fred och utveckling genom ökad handel och samarbete. Sverige har en lång tradition av handel med Kina som sträcker sig tillbaka till 1700-talet och jag tänker på Ostindiska kompaniet. Ni minns säkert det åter­skapad träskeppet ”Göteborg” som uppmärksammades i media för några år sedan.


Kina och Sverige har haft goda förbindelser under lång tid och vi hoppas det ska fortsätta.

Affärs- och kultur-kontakter har en del gemensamt.  Därför vill vi bidra med att förmedla något av kinesisk kultur här ikväll.


Det tredje vi ska visa är Beijingskonstnär Li Lis konstverk av vatten och bläck. Vi har ett mindre antal konstverk och som jag hoppas ni ska uppskatta.


Vi hoppas att kvällen skall bidra till att öka förståelse och utbyte mellan Sverige och Kina.




Kinas relation till omvärlden har utvecklats mycket de senaste årtiondena och bygger till stor del på hur Kina betonar fred och ömsesidig utveckling. Vi är stolta över Kinas fredliga avsikter. Krig och fiendskap har inget med ömsesidig uthållig utveckling att göra. Förståelse och respekt för varand­ras kultur är ett led i att stärka fred och goda förbindelser. Med ”Belt and Road initiative”hoppas vi att de fredliga- så väl som de ekonomiska banden ska stärkas och att levnadsnivån ska höjas i Kina och i hela världen.




Vår förening arrangerade ”Nordic Spring international Peace and Culture Festival” förra året.

Vi deltog i aktiviteter vid Chinese Cultural Center i Stockholm, lyssnade på kände artist Pu Cunxins föreläsning och smakade kinesiskt te och tittade på sydkinas konst.  Vi organiserade Taiji och kinesiska danslektioner och promenader. Som journalist, var jag i Kina några veckor och rapporterade från 19 CPC Congress och ser med egna ögon hur Kina deklarerar en ”ny tid”. Vi ska försöka organisera en resa för utländska journalister i Sverige att komma till Kina och rapportera i år.


Tack till alla er som bidrar här i kväll. Utan er kan vi inte göra så mycket.


I år ska vi fortsätta tjäna våra medlemmar och läsare och bidra med utbyte mellan Kina och Sverige. Hoppas ni ska uppskatta vårt program som innehåller kinesiska, amerikanska, ryska och svenska bidrag. Vi bjuder både på musik, mat, och även filmvisning.  Vi hoppas att detta ger tillfälle till reflektion och tankar om vår framtid.


Jag hoppas att det ska bli en trevlig kväll – och låt os ”ooah hela natten”!



2018 “Belt and Road” Nordic Spring Peace and Culture Festival held on Stockholm Cultural Night

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, April. 21(Greenpost) – 2018 Belt and Road Nordic Spring Peace and Cultural Festival and Li Li’s Chinese Paintings Exhibition  have been successfully held as a part of Stockholm Cultural Night which was a cooperation with over 100 museums, galleries, opera houses and other cultural locations to open free to the public from 18:00-24:00 on April 21.

The festival was held by China-Europe Cultural Association, Professional Foreign journalist Association or PROFOCA in cooperation with Chinese Teachers Association in Sweden.

Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou spoke highly about the festival.

“The opening of the Stockholm Cultural Night and Belt and Road International Peace and Cultural Festival is of great significance in such a period of time. China and Sweden have enjoyed  very good relations and the bilateral relations are on a new historical starting point with great potential to tap. With Chinese style in  Stockholm Cultural Night, it will make the night even more beautiful and be conducive to Sino-Swedish relations. ” said Ambassador Gui.

“China proposes Belt and Road initiative based on the principle of discussing together, jointly building and sharing the result to improve relations with various countries and  expand cooperation with various countries. People to people relation is one of the five parts of belt and road initiative and cultural exchange is an important way to communicate with each other. ”  he said.

“I understand that tonight there will be a big banquet of culture including instrument performance, dancing and singing, and Chinese woman artist Li Li’s painting and the Chinese film Romance on the Lushan Mountain, I hope you all have a good evening.  ” said Ambassador Gui.

China-Europe Cultural Association is a non-political , non-religious organization consisting 75% of Chinese women in Sweden aiming at enhancing Chinese culture and enrich their life in Sweden and serving as a bridge between China and Sweden.

Ambassador Gui said he also welcomed journalists from PROFOCA and other foreign friends to visit China. Over the past 40 years of reform and opening up, China has experienced great changes. Since the 18th Party’s Congress, China has entered a new era. Now China enjoys stable social and political environment and high quality economic development.  Nearly 1.3 billion people have shrugged off poverty and the rest 50 million will eradicate their poverty situation by 2020. In the International arena, China plays an important role in maintaining world peace, security and stability.  It is a main force for world harmony. I believe the journalists can find some good news from China.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson, President of China-Europe Cultural Association and PROFOCA explained why they held this event.

She said to be part of the Stockholm Cultural Night made her proud to be able to contribute to the cultural life in Stockholm with some Chinese flavour. This is also a sign that Sweden is open and international.

“We hold 2018 Belt and Road Nordic Spring Peace and Culture Festival in order to guard world peace.  Belt and Road Initiative proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping is not to impose Chinese influence by purpose, but treat it as a way to promote peace and development. Sweden was the destination of the maritime silk road taking the boat Gothenburg as an example. We like to promote cultural exchanges between China and Sweden and China and Europe. ” said Chen Axelsson.

“The third is to celebrate the exhibition of Beijing women artist Li Li. Although it is a small scale of 30 small pieces of paintings, it is profound and a real action of bilateral cultural exchange. ” she said.

As a journalist herself, Chen Axelsson said while China insists on peace and development, some other parts of the world are not very peaceful. She held that violence and conflict are the biggest enemy of sustainable development. We condemn all kinds of violence.  Violence and conflict are a result of illiteracy. Belt and Road initiative aims to avoid violence and conflict. Through peace and development, people’s living standards can be improved. Without peace, there will be no development. We must value the peaceful environment. We believe that cultural exchange is conducive to understanding between different people and countries, and further avoid conflict and maintain world peace and stability.

Last year, we held the first Nordic Spring International Cultural Festival, we also held other cultural activities such as holding lectures and listening to Chinese actor Pu Chunxin’s presentation held in Chinese Cultural Center . By learning Chinese culture, we feel more peaceful and life is more joyful.  By going to China and reporting the Party Congress, I saw China’s peaceful transition to a new era aiming at wiping out poverty completely and building a modern Chinese society. We shall continue to work hard to serve the members and contribute to Sino-Swedish good relations.

The performances began with Swedish Chinese Children’s choir’s singing.

Dong Jiajun’s Hulusi performance is very beautiful. The music is really very good for ear. Hulusi is an instrument from China’s Yunnan Province, Southwest China.

He Ruiyu sang the song Rolling up the Bamboo Curtain beautifully.

Chinese women choir also sang very well. Some of them are the mothers of the children’s choir .

Natali Dansstudio’s girls brought modern dance.

Tang Shiyu sang a beautiful Chinese song called the size of the heaven.


Li Zhanchun sang Tianbian, Little Populars Tree and I love you China reminding us the beautiful China of the 1980s.

Ric Wasserman sang Bob Dylan’s song Blowing in the wind.

Li Jia sang a song about Chinese River Liuyanghe.

Zhai Yijia played erhu horse racing, a master piece by Erhu.

Hao Jingxia sang the classic Kunqu Dream in the Garden looking like Peking opera.

Uppsala Confucius Class pupils performed a singing and dancing program attracting the attention of other children.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson sang an inner Mongolian song Take me to the Prairie.

Finally Ambassador Gui and all the artists and guests sang together My Motherland led by Li Jia.


Ric Wasserman also sang many other blues style songs with American flavour making the festival international.

Beijing woman artist Li Li’s paintings stand by the wall around the hall which hosts more than 200 people.

The programs attracts Swedish, Russians, Americans and Chinese.  The Chinese food is also part of Chinese culture.

Finally a film Romance on Lushan Mountain was played to end the cultural night at midnight.

Also present at the cultural night were Dou Chunxiang, Education Consular, Zhang Lei, Consular department director, Consular Li Xiaojie and Luo Jinsheng. Ye Peiqun, Execultive President of Sveriges Kinesiska Förbund, Duan Maoli, Anhui Association of Science and Commerce in Sweden, Jack Yu, President of Sino-Swedish Life Science Association, Yin Chang, Kinesiska Riksförbundet I Sverige, Sun Kai, President of Chinese Teachers Association in Sweden, Zhao Lijie, Vice President of China-Europe Cultural Association, Zhouzheng, Secretary of Europe-Asia Cultural Promotion Association, Yang Chungui, President of  Acupuncture Science Association Sweden and Zhao Lijie, Vice President of China-Europe Cultural Association.

The festival was hosted by Åsa and Arthur Lou Guofeng.

Text/Xuefei Chen Axelsson,  Photo/Wu Ming.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 4月21日,斯德哥尔摩春意盎然,阳光明媚。瑞典针灸学术研究学会会员大会胜利召开。


杨会长代表学会向关心支持举办2017瑞典国际针灸会议的领导、同仁表示衷心的感谢。感谢桂从友大使出席会议并鼓励学会依照中医药“一带一路”规划在瑞典稳步发展。感谢廖蓉医师(Elisa Liao)、马雪虹(Xuehong Ma Yang)医师、张东青医师(Dongqing Zhang)、林德锋医师(Defeng Lin)、陈铁君医师(Sandra Tiejun Chen)、Mehdi Ghazi医师、胡淑慧医生(Shuhui Hu)、徐铁(Tie Xu)博士夫妇等人慷慨解囊,捐助学会。得益于各位同仁和朋友的无私帮助,学会于2017年顺利召开了国际性学术交流大会。



司库(Yukio Danisman)做了2017年财务报告,公布了收支明细,得到全体会员的认可。

之后,学会的法律顾问,国浩律师事务所瑞典办事处资深律师Bengt Wahrolén做了重要讲话,从法律角度说明了几个关键问题。


然后Wahrolén律师列举了相关法律,详细阐述了在瑞典国际针灸医师可以使用针灸医师(Akupunktur Doktor),并将帮助推动瑞典卫生部门认可注册针灸医师(Leg. Akupunktur Doktor),与瑞典卫生体系接轨。



大会进入颁发证书环节,瑞典针灸学术研究学会杨会长为揭梅(Maggie Jie)和Bengt Wahrolén两位律师颁发了法律顾问聘书。









