Why should Nordic countries build fast train?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, June 27(Greenpost)– Nordic Ministers for Transport and Infrastructures have met to discuss financing the infrastructure especially crossing borders recently.

This is a gesture in the right track.  I strongly recommend Nordic countries invest in fast train track and operation. Why?

When I came to Sweden in 2006, I thought Swedish train was quite good. But when I went back to China three years later, that was in 2009, China began to operate the fast train in Northeast China, the Concord Train was more than 250 kilometers per hour and I noticed that Swedish journalists were very positive about it too.

But soon people played down this idea to say that it was too expansive, Sweden doesn\t have that amount of people.  This was also said in China. We don\t have a lot of money. We have a lot of people, but people were poorer.  But after the fast train went into operation, they were full very soon.  A lot of young couples took the fast train instead of driving a car or took the slow train.

Traveling time was substantially shortened. People are happy and people are proud. People take the chance to do business.

I think the fast train has three advantages:

First, it shortens the travelling time. It means there will be more travelling and more business chances and more meeting time.  More meeting time will give more ideas. It is good for communication.

Second, Sweden has fewer people, but if the transporting time is halved, it means there will be more chance to do business.

Thirdly,  people have to think in the long run, the same as you think of the tunnel bana in the 1940s.  Man must be forward-looking.

If Nordic countries can make joint efforts to invest in fast train and build it from Oslo to Gothenburg and to Stockholm or from Karlstad and then build it to Malmo and to Copenhagen, then it will substantially shorten the travelling between countries. It will be a project benefiting the future of nordic countries.

Anyway, people are willing to pay a certain amount to improve the railway conditions, but if you pay a little more and build the fast train with Chinese speed between 250 -300 kilometers per hour, it will greatly promote Nordic market.

I encourage the Nordic ministers to talk more about it and take action as soon as possible.  I am sure it will promote nordic economy substantially.

Nordic ministers discussed infrastructure financing

STOCKHOLM, June 26(Greenpost) — Infrastructure financing is undergoing a fundamental change, where relying on public budgetary resources alone is not a sustainable option. It is important to find new financial instruments and practices to enable efficient infrastructure development on a long-term basis, according to a statement from Finland.

Such new instruments were explored in the seminar “Rethinking Infrastructure Financing in the Nordics”.

The participants included the Finnish Minister of Transport and Communications Anne Berner, Norwegian Minister of Transport and Communications Ketil Solvik-Olsen, Icelandic Minister of Transport and Local Government and Nordic Cooperation Sigurdur Ingi Jóhannsson, and Director-General Ola Nordlander from the Swedish Ministry of Enterprise and Innovation.

“A well-functioning and up-to-date infrastructure is a prerequisite for competitiveness. Any delays or failures in the projects may cause substantial economic and social costs. It is most natural for us to work together to find the best practices,” says Minister of Transport and Communications of Finland Anne Berner.

“Infrastructures in the Nordic countries have a lot in common. Being able to share our ideas and solutions is important to maximize the possibilities and utility from future projects. Getting the most out of the funds we invest in infrastructure is the key to building a transport system that fits future needs,” says Ketil Solvik-Olsen, Minister of Transport and Communications of Norway.

“It is very important not only to discuss the investment itself but also how to finance operation and maintenance. I am looking forward to learn about the views and experiences of the other Nordic Countries. Communications and transport are merging and the future is interesting,” says Sigurdur Ingi Jóhannsson, Minister of Transport and Local Government and Nordic Cooperation, Iceland.

What next?Discussion about the financial instruments continues among the Nordic countries. There are significant benefits to be gained in infrastructure financing especially from transboundary investments and coordinated transport policies.

Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson









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编辑 陈雪霏