
北欧绿色邮报网特稿   作者 广州  梁柏洪
















  • 部分照片来自央视下载和海军战友提供。
  • 作者为广州地区55军战友联谊会长。








Sweden calls for UN action on climate change

 STOCKHOLM, Aug. 11(Greenpost) — Margot Wallström, Minister for Foreign Affairs and Isabella Lövin Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate in Sweden recently jointly issue an article calling the United Nations to take real action on climate change issues.  The text is as the following published on Swedish government website.

Today the members of the United Nations Security Council are meeting to discuss climate change and security for the first time in seven years. In recent years, clear signs of climate change have made it difficult to turn a blind eye.

The aim of today’s meeting, chaired by Sweden, is to increase understanding about the exacerbating effects of climate change on conflict.

In Sweden this year, spring and summer have been characterised by extreme weather. Water shortages, forest fires and crop failures have become recurring news stories. The issue feels increasingly relevant and part of our reality. Extreme heat is now also affecting Canada and California, while extreme rainfall across Japan has led to two million people being evacuated from their homes, and more than 120 people have died.

But people in poor countries are those hardest hit by the adverse impacts of climate change. There, resilience to extreme weather events and crop failure is extremely low. Women are often disproportionately vulnerable in these situations. Fragile countries risk being stuck in a vicious cycle of instability and climate risks.

A few days ago, Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström, UN Deputy Secretary-General Amina Mohammed and other United Nations and African Union representatives conducted a joint visit to Chad and Niger. In doing so, we continue the focus on a region where the link between climate change and security is particularly clear. This will help us better understand the various dimensions of the conflict, such as links to terrorism, lack of development, gender inequality and the impact of climate change. The visit made clear that traditional security measures are not enough to promote peace and security.
Last year, the Security Council also travelled to the Lake Chad region. After the trip, Sweden initiated a ground-breaking resolution that was the first to identify the impact of climate change on a specific conflict, and called for the UN to strengthen its capacity to respond. This marked the beginning of a new approach to climate change in the Security Council.

The Sahel region of West Africa has been hit hard, especially Mali and the Lake Chad region. Shorter and less predictable rainy seasons have increased competition for scarce resources, exacerbating existing tensions between herders and settled farmers. People’s livelihoods and food security are threatened, further increasing people’s vulnerability. In countries where resilience to crisis is weak and social and economic security extremely limited, we see more and more people being recruited by extremist groups offering money and food. Many choose to leave their homes and flee.

Another telling example is the many small island state that are at risk of being submerged when sea levels rise. It is difficult to image the consequences of entire nations potentially disappearing.

These are only a few examples of the link between climate and conflict. We need to better understand how climate interacts with, and at times reinforces, patterns of conflict. Without this understanding, we — the international community — will never be able to take fully informed decisions to promote peace and prevent conflicts.
Sweden has worked intensively to bring greater international attention to the issue. The international community must be better at understanding, highlighting and committing to action against the threats of climate change. This means improving conflict prevention work.
The United Nations Security Council, whose primary responsibility is the maintenance of international peace and security, must lead the way. We simply cannot ignore this issue in our quest for sustainable and peaceful development. Since Sweden took its seat on the Security Council, we have worked continuously to raise awareness of this issue. And we have achieved many important results. Sweden is working with other like-minded countries to draw attention to climate-related security risks, and we have seen results in regions including West Africa and the Sahel, and countries such as Somalia and Mali. We also work strategically with incoming Security Council members to ensure that the issue continues to receive the attention it deserves when Sweden is no longer a member.

Sweden is doing its share, in foreign policy, climate policy and aid policy. Sweden is demonstrating global leadership in climate finance and development cooperation, and is the highest per capita donor to most of the largest multilateral climate funds. Climate and conflict perspectives are continuously integrated into development cooperation, and a range of contributions focusing on climate and security are being implemented.

The Government also supports the establishment of an international research centre for climate and security, the Stockholm Climate Security Hub, which will engage some of the leading Swedish research institutes in the field. This will be launched in conjunction with World Water Week in August with the aim of promoting knowledge development and policy dialogue in the area, not least to support the UN and other multilateral actors with evidence-based analysis.
Today’s Security Council debate on climate and security was far from self-evident. But our efforts are met with ever-clearer support from countries on all continents, and with great gratitude especially from the many affected countries that are already experiencing the grave effects of climate change.

We are now looking ahead to next year’s UN climate summit. If we are serious about the Global Goals, including global sustainable development and peace and security, then climate-related security risks must be on the global agenda. The situation is acute. And we have no time to lose.

Margot Wallström
Minister for Foreign Affairs

Isabella Lövin
Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate

Sweden to allocate a further 80 million kronor to contribute to improving the global marine environment

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 10(Greenpost) — In connection with the one-year anniversary of the UN Ocean Conference in New York co-chaired by Sweden and Fiji, the Government has decided to finance a number of new international ocean projects. To continue demonstrating leadership, the Government is allocating a further SEK 80 million to contribute to improving the global marine environment.

“Action for clean and healthy oceans is a government priority. The Ocean Conference was a breakthrough for global ocean action and now it’s a matter of implementing the impressive to-do list drawn up by governments, business and other stakeholders. These initiatives will contribute to this action,” says Isabella Lövin, Minister for International Development Cooperation and Climate.

The Government’s global ocean action focuses on four areas: reducing the impact of climate change on the oceans, reducing marine litter, reducing destructive and illegal fishing and strengthening the protection of marine areas.

The SEK 80 million will go to a total of 15 different international projects, related in various ways to the four priorities. Continued efforts to reduce marine litter is a particular focus area the Government is working actively in, both nationally and internationally.

“Plastics in the oceans is a huge problem. But since the Ocean Conference, things have begun to happen. More and more countries are addressing the unsustainable use of single-use plastic, the use of intentionally added microplastics in a range of products, and the need to rid beaches and coastal areas of plastic waste. A great deal remains to be done, but there is hope,” says Minister for the Environment Karolina Skog.











Kinas ambassad: ”organskörden” är en lögn

Påståendet att den kinesiska regeringen skördar organ från Falun Gong-anhängarna är en otäckt lögn, en bluff och en fars, skriver Folkrepubliken Kinas ambassadör i Sverige i en replik.


Gui Congyou
Folkrepubliken Kinas ambassadör i Sverige

REPLIK. Dagens Samhället publicerade den 28:e juni en debattartikel ”Oetisk organhandel kräver en svensk lagstiftning”, som grundlöst anklagade den kinesiska regeringen för att ha ”länge tillåtit att organ skördas från dödsdömda fångar i samband med avrättningar”. Artikeln innehåller mycket av lögner och fördom mot Kina, bara för att svartmåla Kina. Det är oacceptabelt.

De kinesiska lagarna förbjuder organhandel, och ingen utlänning är tillåten att resa till Kina som turister för att få organtransplantationen. Och så tidigt som 1:a januari 2015 genomfördes ett totalförbjud i Kina mot att använda de avrättades organ för transplantation. Härom åren har Kina framgångsrikt omställt källor för organen för medicinska transplantationer. Antalet organdoneringar och utförda transplantationer stiger varje år. I den historiska statistiken, tills maj 2018, har det funnit totalt 17 600 organdoneringar efter dödfall, där 49 000 större organ donerats. På den 27:e International Congress of the Transplantation Society på 1 juli i år, berättade Jose Nunez, programledare för transplantation på WHO som är ansvarig för att inspektera världens organtransplantation, att det bara inte kan vara sant att Kina utför 60 000 till 100 000 organtransplantationer årligen, siffran är nästan lika stor för hela världens!

Falun-Gong, eller känd i Sverige som Falun-Dafa, är en helt antimänsklig, antivetenskaplig och antisamhällelig sekt. Deras påstående och anklagelse om ”den kinesiska regeringen skördar organ från Falun-Gong anhängarna” är en otäckt lögn, en bluff och en fars, fabricerade, dirigerade och skådespelade av Falun-Gong själv, bara för att smutskasta Kina och få till sig sympati av det internationella samfundet. Dessvärre uppmuntra Falun-Gong offentligt på sin egen media deras anhängare att förfalska. Till exempel, de publicerade flera artiklar, bl.a. en som heter ”Rekommendera fler kollegor i Fastlandskina att ta ansvar och erbjuda material för tortyrvisningar” där man skrev tydligt ”man kan be andra anhängare att modellera med vissa toryverktygliknande saker, och ta foto.” Den australiska världsberömda experten på organtransplantation, Dr. Campbell Fraser, sade också att Falun-Gongs påstående om organstölder är helt lögner med syfte att lura till sig sympatier och förverkliga sin dolda politiska agenda.

Vi hoppas hjärtligt att det svenska folket ta del i sanningen och inte bli lurad av Falun-Gong och dess anhängare. Den kinesiska ambassaden är villig att ta konstruktiva och uppriktiga dialoger om relevanta frågor med både tidningen och dess läsare.

Det här är en opinionstext publicerad i Dagens Samhälle. Åsikterna som uttrycks i artikeln står skribenten/skribenterna för.

来源:中国驻瑞典使馆和Dagens Samhälle.


北欧绿色邮报网报道:近日,瑞典《北雪平报》(Norrköping Tidningar)刊登“法轮功仍然被追捕”一文,无端指责中国“迫害”“法轮功”学员,甚至蔑称中国“摘取法轮功学员的器官”。有关内容纯属谎言,充满了偏见,是对中国的恶意抹黑,完全不可接受。我馆已致信《北雪平报》表示坚决反对,并阐明中方立场如下:




