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Bonzun AB(口袋孕育)公司创始人、2019瑞典女性创业年度人物Bonnie Roupe 讲述了她在中国创业的经历。她说,她发明了一个关于帮助孕妇的APP,可以用虚拟形式教授孕妇很多有关孕产妇的知识,让妇女少受生孩子的痛苦。她说,她在上海工作四年了,感觉中国的创新意识也是很强的,她觉得她在中国受到了很大鼓舞。她说,作为一个有两个孩子的母亲能够到中国去创业,那么其他的青年也肯定能。她鼓励年轻人到中国去创业。她说她目前在中国有两百万用户,她希望她的APP用户更广泛,惠及更多的妇女。

瑞典创新局国际事务部项目主任Ciro Vasquez表示瑞典创新局非常重视年轻人的创新意识,瑞典的未来能立于不败之地主要依赖于年轻人。因此,他非常高兴看到学生们能够努力通过创新加强中瑞友好关系。

瑞典国际学生和校友会主席Adrian Stymne讲述了瑞典对外交流的历史。最早可以追溯到莎士比亚笔下的王子哈姆雷特,后来有很多国王王子到国外留学访问。在欧盟专门有一个支持青年学生进行国际访问游学的项目,欧盟花了大笔资金支持数百万学生在欧盟国家互访。该项目就是典型的维持和平的项目。因此,中国大使馆能支持这个项目非常好。



来自瑞典各行各业各个机构的朋友们欢聚在一起。他们中有在中国投资很成功的企业家,也有刚刚起步进入中国市场的新锐; 有在全球拥有一千万用户的2019瑞典女性创业年度人物,也有在中瑞中欧合资企业工作的普通职员; 有早年在中国高校留学今天携手前来的老两口,也有即将结伴而行赴华留学的小伙伴们; 有致力于中瑞教育科技文化交流的杰出学者,也有刚刚起步正在刻苦学习汉语的大学生;有主管对华合作的瑞典政府官员,也有深入研读习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的瑞典高中生。今天,他们因为中国走到一起,讲述他们的中国故事,交流他们的中国体验,似乎有说不完的话,热闹非凡。



相关链接:English video

http://www.greenpost.se/2019/06/01/ambassador-gui-holds-the-1st-swedish-chinese-alumni-association-in-sweden/(opens in a new tab)


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 5月29日下午,斯德哥尔摩Vinge律师事务所专家埃里克.拉格洛夫就将于2020年生效的欧盟外商投资新规范向瑞典的中国企业家们进行了解读。







北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 5月29日中国驻瑞典大使馆经商处迎来重庆市两江新区,重庆市工商联,政协委员等企业家代表团近20人来访座谈。


出席座谈会的还有国浩律师事务所的揭梅,Vinge律所的律师顾群,普华永道瑞典事务所中国区总经理赵丽杰,国航斯德哥尔摩营业部总经理朱津川,斯德哥尔摩商业区的Jenny胡, 北欧集团CEO鲍近,医疗设备公司的熊曼文和南京Lily丝绸公司代表Lily,北欧绿色邮报网的陈雪霏总编等在瑞典的企业家、律师和媒体。他们分别介绍了在瑞典投资兴业或瑞典公司到华投资兴业需要注意的问题和建议。





习近平会见第九届世界华侨华人社团联谊大会和中华海外联谊会五届一次理事大会代表 汪洋参加会见




  5月28日,党和国家领导人习近平、汪洋等在北京人民大会堂会见第九届世界华侨华人社团联谊大会和中华海外联谊会五届一次理事大会全体代表。 新华社记者 李学仁 摄 

  5月28日,党和国家领导人习近平、汪洋等在北京人民大会堂会见第九届世界华侨华人社团联谊大会和中华海外联谊会五届一次理事大会全体代表。 新华社记者 李学仁 摄 

  5月28日,党和国家领导人习近平、汪洋等在北京人民大会堂会见第九届世界华侨华人社团联谊大会和中华海外联谊会五届一次理事大会全体代表。 新华社记者 丁林 摄 

  5月28日,党和国家领导人习近平、汪洋等在北京人民大会堂会见第九届世界华侨华人社团联谊大会和中华海外联谊会五届一次理事大会全体代表。 新华社记者 丁林 摄 

  5月28日,党和国家领导人习近平、汪洋等在北京人民大会堂会见第九届世界华侨华人社团联谊大会和中华海外联谊会五届一次理事大会全体代表。 新华社记者 丁林 摄 





Ambassador Gui Congyou attends the Second Belt and Road Forum in Stockholm and delivers a key not speech titled Jointly Build a High Quality Belt and Road for a Future of Sustainable Development

STOCKHOLM, May 31,(Greenpost) — Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou made a key note speech titled Jointly Build a High Quality Belt and Road for a Future of Sustainable Development. The whole text is as the following:

Excellences, experts, scholars and friends from the business community,

Good morning.

Last month, the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation was successfully held in Beijing, leading the joint efforts to build a high quality Belt and Road into a new stage. Today’s seminar hosted by the BRIX group is very timely and relevant, and will certainly promote China-Sweden “Belt and Road” cooperation.

Over the past six years since President Xi Jinping proposed the “Belt and Road Initiative”, our BRI circle of friends has grown ever bigger, quality of cooperation ever better and prospects for development ever brighter. Over 150 countries and international organizations signed cooperation agreements with China to build the BRI together. Nearly 40 heads of state and government and nearly 5000 foreign participants from over 150 countries and international organizations attended the second Belt and Road Forum for International Cooperation, achieving 283 cooperation outcomes and signing contracts worth over USD 64 billion. These numbers fully demonstrate that the BRI is consistent with the trend of times and meets the need of all parties involved.

The Belt and Road is a road of open cooperation. The BRI is not a geopolitical game, nor is it an exclusive club. Instead, the BRI is based on extensive consultation, joint contribution and shared benefits, and is committed to multilateralism and open world economy. The Forum in Beijing saw the signing of over 100 bilateral cooperation documents in areas like transportation, trade, technology, culture and exchanges between think tanks, the establishment of a national standards information platform among the Belt and Road partner countries, and the signing of third party market cooperation documents. The BRI is a joint project that combines our respective strengths into a synergy for shared development.

The Belt and Road is a road of sustainable development. The BRI focuses on the fundamental issue of development, and helps countries along the route to break the bottleneck of development. A World Bank study shows that BRI cooperation helps reduce the cost of global trade and increases the global economic growth by at least 0.1%. The BRI pursues high standard cooperation to improve people’s lives and promotes sustainable development. It adopts widely accepted rules and standards, contributes to job creation and poverty reduction, and ensures commercial and fiscal sustainability. It is a major contribution to 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN. The BRI is no “debt trap”, rather it helps many countries to get out of the “trap of underdevelopment”.

The Belt and Road is a road of green and clean cooperation. The BRI pursues open, green and clean cooperation and aims to promote green development. The BRI launches green infrastructure projects, makes green investment and provides green financing to improve the ecological environment, and supports the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. In pursuing Belt and Road cooperation, everything should be done in a transparent way, and we must have zero tolerance for corruption and show strong commitment to clean governance. During the second BRI Forum in Beijing, the BRI International Green Development Coalition was established, the Green Investment Principles for the Belt and Road Development was issued and the Beijing Initiative for Clean Silk Road was launched.

The BRI pursues openness, interconnectivity and consensus through consultation. It values integrity and follows rules. This is especially important in a world of surging protectionism and unilateralism. I know people are closely watching the trade war started by the US. The US brandishes the baton of protectionism and uses administrative means to abuse tariffs, which severely damages the norms of international trade, harms the interests of other parties and increases the uncertainties of global economy. The US also abandoned market principles, in total disregard of international rules, used executive powers to suppress Chinese companies, which we firmly oppose. The US is a “rule breaker” and a “faith breaker”. The US bears full responsibility for the trade war, as it is unilaterally started by the US. China does not want a trade war, but we are not afraid of fighting one, and we will fight to the end. This is safeguarding our legitimate rights and interests, and also defending an open global economy and the multilateral trading system.

Dear friends,

China and Europe are at the two ends of the Belt and Road. Europe is a natural partner and direct beneficiary of building a high quality Belt and Road. China-Europe freight trains have conducted 14,000 trips, connecting China and 50 cities in 15 European countries. The Joint statement of the 21st EU-China Summit reiterated that the two sides will continue to forge synergies between the EU strategy on Connecting Europe and Asia as well as the EU Trans-European Transport Networks and China’s Belt and Road Initiative. The Belt and Road cooperation between China and the EU has bright prospects. It is in our mutual interests and will deliver benefits to hundreds of millions of people.

Sweden has good conditions to participate in jointly building the Belt and Road. As a firm advocate for multilateralism and free trade, Sweden has a pioneering spirit and a long line of achievements in green, innovative, open and sustainable development, which is highly compatible to the joint contribution to Belt and Road. Trade between China and Sweden has been hitting new records year after year, reaching USD 17.15 billion in 2018. China is now the largest trading partner of Sweden outside of the EU, and Sweden continues to maintain a trade surplus with China. This March, the first Nordic-China Smart City Cooperation Conference was held in Stockholm, which established a new effective platform for deepening our cooperation. There are also great prospects for China and Sweden to work together to address climate change and to carry out cooperation in third party markets. Joint contribution to the Belt and Road will undoubtedly provide a broader platform for Sweden to play its strength, and open up greater room for its development. The opportunities for China-Sweden Belt and Road cooperation are here. We welcome all sectors of Sweden to join the Belt and Road circle of friends and build a brighter future of sustainable development.

My wishes for a full success of the seminar. Thank you!

Ambassador Gui was interviewed by Gunnar Vagerstam Vice Chairmen for TV for Civil Society and Xuefei Chen Axelsson, Editor and Reporter of Green Post(www.greenpost.se)