Monthly Archives: August 2019
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 从媒体人到发现水危机,从发现危机到寻找解决问题的办法,公众环境领军人物马军用自己的实际行动来帮助解决中国水危机问题。他不仅提出问题,而且积极解决问题,为中国污水治理和环境保护事业做出了不可磨灭的贡献。
只要搜索Blue Map,或者蔚蓝地图,就可以找到。
Video: Water Expert Josh Weinberg: Remarkable to provide clean drinking water for over one billion people in China
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 30(Greenpost) — China has made remarkable progress in fighting against water pollution and it is a great achievement to provide clean drinking water for over one billion people in China. Meanwhile, there are still a lot of challenges for China to face, says Josh Weinberg during an interview with Greenpost’s journalist Xuefei Chen Axelsson during the World Water Week held in Stockholm between Aug. 25-30.
Upon the National Day on October 1 in China, Weinberg wishes everyone a Happy National Day and continues to make progress in building a clean and beautiful country in China.
Video: Swedish Water Expert Jan Lindqvist: What China has done is extraordinary and unprecedented
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 30(Greenpost) — Jan Lindqvist, a senior expert working in Stockholm International Water Institute went to China in December 1979 for the first time. He has recalled his experience then and told us that China has made extraordinary and unprecedented progress since then. Greenpost’s chief editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson has interviewed him on the opening plenary session day during the World Water Week in Stockholm. Please watch the video.
Professor Jan Lindqvist said he actually studied Economics but he got a professor job in water department in Linköping University because water issue is not just about water itself, it needs engineers, biologists and economists and many others to solve the complicated water issues.
Professor Lindqvist led a project called from Field to Fork and called on people to stop wasting food and live a healthy lifestyle in modern times.
He said with the increase of population and the expansion of production and consumption, how to balance the individual needs with the limitation of natural resources on us is also an important issue for us to think about and choose the right and healthy way to live.
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 据海外媒体报道,乱港头目黄之锋被抓。此前有报道说,黄之锋曾在前段时间会见美国大使馆人员,策划对香港进行制裁。黄之锋也是两年前在香港带头占中的小头目。
北欧绿色邮报网 评论员 陈雪霏
长江 长城 黄山 黄河在我心中重千斤
无论何时 无论何地心中一样亲
长江 长城 黄山 黄河在我心中重千斤
无论何时 无论何地心中一样亲
就算生在他乡也改变不了我的中国心 [4]
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 由简晖副校长率领的江西中医药大学代表团29日下午访问北欧中医药中心即碧云学院,与中心的医师和学员举行了座谈并现场巡诊治疗。







River flow pioneer Dr Jackie King receives 2019 Stockholm Water Prize

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson Stockholm, 28 August (Greenpost 2019) – Dr Jackie King received the 2019 Stockholm Water Prize on Wednesday for her pioneering research on water flows. Her work has led to a new kind of tools to help decision-makers assess actual costs and benefits of alterations to rivers. The prize was presented to Dr King by H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Patron of Stockholm Water Prize, at a Royal Award Ceremony during World Water Week in Stockholm. When congratulating the laureate, H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, praised Dr King’s ground-breaking research on river ecosystems and the social structures depending on healthy rivers, adding: “This is an important contribution to one of the great global water challenges of our time.” Dr King made a comment about her prize. “The award shines a light on African rivers and African science and through me recognizes all African scientists. They stand by me tonight as none of us works alone.” In its citation, the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee noted that “Dr Jacqueline King has, through scientific rigour, selfless dedication and effective advocacy, transformed the way we think, talk and work with water as a flow of and for life.” Dr. King is an aquatic ecologist who co-founded the Freshwater Research Unit at the University of Cape Town where she was active for almost four decades. She became influential in the recently established field of Environmental Flows, initially focusing on South African rivers. Later she has worked as a researcher and consultant in more than 20 countries and with governments of the Mekong, Zambezi, Indus and Okavango River Basins, among others. In addition to her consultancy work, King is Extraordinary Professor at the Institute for Water Studies, University of the Western Cape. Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director of SIWI, emphasized the importance of bridging the gap between science and policy: “Dr King’s research has provided tools for decision-makers to enable them to consider the benefits and costs around the management of river systems. Thanks to this new level of detail, governments can now make more informed choices on how they proceed with developing their water resources,” Mr Holmgren said. Dr King has advanced the scientific understanding of water flows and developed tools and methods to assess the full range of costs and benefits when managing or developing river systems. She began developing her models as a researcher at the University of Cape Town, funded by South Africa’s Water Research Commission and influenced South Africa’s 1998 National Water Act. Today her work is increasingly guiding governments and institutions across the globe. Dr King’s work has been recognized with both the Gold and Silver Medals from the Southern African Society of Aquatic Scientists and with South Africa’s “Women in Water” Award in the research category. She was also the 2016 recipient of WWF-South Africa’s “Living Planet Award”. Her academic work includes over 100 refereed items in books, international journals and conference proceedings. The Stockholm Water Prize is the world’s most prestigious water award. It honours women, men and organizations whose work contributes to the conservation and protection of water resources, and to the well-being of the planet and its inhabitants. All nominations are reviewed by the world-leading experts of the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee. Thereafter the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences makes the final decision which is confirmed by the Board of SIWI. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is patron of the prize. Stockholm Water Prize Founders (2019) are: Ålandsbanken, Bacardi, Poul Due Jensen Foundation, Ragn Sells, Water Environment Federation, Xylem Inc. SIWI is an international water institute working to solve global water challenges by improving how water is used and managed. SIWI organizes World Water Week – the leading annual event on global water issues – and the Stockholm Water Prize and Stockholm Junior Water Prize, which are awarded during World Water Week. Photo by Jonas Borg |
Macinley Butson from Australia wins Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2019
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Stockholm, August 27,(Greenpost 2019) – This year’s water prize winner seems to be mostly from the Southern Hemisphere. After Jackie King from South Africa has won the Stockholm Water Prize, on Aug. 27, Macinley Butson from Australia has won the prestigious 2019 Stockholm Junior Water Prize.
H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden presented the prize at an exciting award ceremony during World Water Week, held annually in Stockholm.

Macinley Butson’s project developed a new, novel and innovative ultraviolet sticker to accurately measure large UV exposures for solar disinfection of water. The SODIS sticker is capable of accurately measuring the solar UV exposure required to sanitize drinking water through two innovative products built together.
As an elated Macinley received her prize from H.R.H Crown Princess Victoria of Sweden.

“I am still in complete shock. There are no words to describe how I am feeling because I can’t process what has just happened. Amazing people have inspired me so much this year and I never expected this outcome Everyone here is doing so much amazing things and I feel confident the future is in good hands and I will never forget the connections I made here in Stockholm” said Mackinley Butson
In their citation the Jury noted that: “This year’s winning project addresses public health through renewable energy and water. The project embodies simplicity and affordability leaving no one behind. Water for society: including all! This invention is practical, ready and globally deployable. The project demonstrates experience and expertise by a dedicated and creative young scientist.”
Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director of SIWI, was very impressed by this innovative project
This inspirational project has immense potential for local and global communities. My hope is that this project will act as a catalyst to inspire others both young and old to innovate for new and sustainable ways to access clean and potable water,” Holmgren said.
A Diploma of Excellence was also awarded to Diana Virgovicova, United Kingdom, for her discovery of a New Photocatalyst to Solve Water Pollution. In their citation the Jury stated that Diana Virgovicova has.“solved a long-lasting challenge by opening new windows in using fundamental science combined with the most recent technics within chemistry to formulate a novel molecule with with high potential in promising future water treatment“
China’s students were also among the champions from 35 countries, they were national champions in their own country.
River flow champion wins 2019 Stockholm Water Prize
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Stockholm, Aug.28(Greenpost) — On March 19th, SIWI announced that Dr Jackie King was named the 2019 Stockholm Water Prize Laureate for her game-changing contributions to global river management. This evening she will receive the prize from the hands of his excellency Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf in the City Hall. The following picture was an interview with her at the opening plenary session of the World Water Week in Stockholm from Aug. 25-31.

She has advanced the scientific understanding of water flows, giving decision-makers tools to assess the real costs and benefits of river system development. Dr King led the development of the tools as a researcher at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, and then as Honorary Professor at the University of the Western Cape.
With colleagues she created methods to demonstrate ecological and social implications of damming and de-watering rivers. On receiving news of the prize, Dr King said: “I find it humbling, energizing and rewarding. I have never sought high-profile jobs but was happy to be a working scientist, free to say what I felt needed to be said.”
Her commitment to raising awareness of the value of rivers and their importance for millions of people has made Dr King highly regarded by academics and water managers globally. In its citation, the Nominating Committee notes that “Dr Jacqueline King has, through scientific rigour, selfless dedication and effective advocacy, transformed the way we think, talk and work with water as a flow of and for life.”
Dr King’s work influenced South Africa’s 1998 National Water Act and is increasingly guiding governments and institutions across the globe. “Governments developing their water resources understand the potential benefits but not necessarily the costs in terms of degrading rivers. We can now show these ecological and social costs at a similar level of detail to the benefits shown by planners. It is a new kind of information to help governments better understand the trade-offs involved in development as they decide on their preferred future,” she says.
Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director at SIWI, comments that “Dr King has helped decision-makers understand that healthy river ecosystems are not a luxury, but the basis for sustainable development.”
The prize is awarded by SIWI in cooperation with the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, which is responsible for assessing the nominations, and will be presented by H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden, Patron of Stockholm.
北欧绿色邮报网 评论员 陈雪霏
Who will win the Stockholm Junior Water Prize 2019? China is among the 35 participants
The prestigious Stockholm Junior Water Prize has come a long way since its inception 23 years ago. Today, 35 countries participate in the competition, all striving to win this coveted award for water ingenuity. It truly is a global event bringing together young scientists and innovators onto the big stage in Stockholm. The process for these young visionaries in getting to Stockholm is a long one. The participants are the champions of their own national competitions selected from literally thousands of entries. The solutions they bring to World Water Week are truly inspiring and the SJWP award ceremony represents the culmination of their outstanding work. In 2019 the participants hail from; Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belarus, Brazil, Canada, Chile, China, Cyprus, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, Hungary, Israel, Italy, Japan, Latvia, Malaysia, Mexico, the Netherlands, Nigeria, Norway, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and United States. The Award will be live-streamed 19.30 – 21.30, Tuesday 27 August. All times are Central European Time (CET). Don’t miss out on meeting these inspiring young innovators and visionaries. |
World Water Week opens with calls for action on water equality
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Stockholm,Aug. 26 (Greenpost) – Humanity can only tackle today’s major challenges if access to water is distributed more fairly. When World Water Week, the leading event on global water issues, opened on Monday, speakers called for a drastic shift in how water is shared and managed.

World Water Week 2019 is held from the 25-30 August in Stockholm, Sweden, with this year’s theme being Water for Society: Including all. The conference is organized by the Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) and has been running for 29 years.
In his welcoming address, SIWI’s Executive Director Torgny Holmgren stressed the importance of using water to solve global challenges. “Many in our societies are not aware of the vital role that water plays in realizing prosperity, eradicating poverty and tackling the climate crisis. Together, we can change that perception and unlock the potential of water-related solutions,” Holmgren said.
Peter Eriksson, Minister for International Development Cooperation from the Government of Sweden also advocated for better water governance and warned that with current trends, 52 per cent of the world’s population and 40 per cent of global grain production could be put at risk by 2051, adding: “Poor and marginalized populations will be disproportionately affected, which will further worsen the rising inequalities.”
River champion Dr Jackie King, Stockholm Water Prize Laureate 2019, found it encouraging that the rights of nature are increasingly recognized and noted that “We have the methods and the technology, but need the momentum to make them work.”
Access to open data is one of most important technological changes, said Ma Jun, Founder of the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs, China, whose pollution database plays an important role to protect water quality. He now pushes for more transparency.
Victoria Tauli-Corpuz, UN Special Rapporteur on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, spoke about how ecosystems are more protected where the rights of indigenous peoples are respected. She asked the water community to condemn the growing violence against indigenous activists: “If those who try to protect the environment are killed, there is less of a chance for us all to protect the last biodiversity resources.”
More than 2000 delegates will attend the week long global water event.
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2019南京经开区创新发展恳谈会在斯德哥尔摩成功举办。




阿特拉斯克普克新建的中国分公司Epiroc CEO莱恩介绍了他们为什么到中国去发展。他说,中国发展迅速,我们在1990年代就在南京设厂,后来还到无锡去发展,也在上海有办公室。他们在中国有1300多名员工。他说,他们在中国生产,但实际上销往世界各地。他们也跟随中国的政策调整,以南京为基地,但向西行。他们的主要产品就是采矿业的设备。



随后,吴权和瑞典皇家科技大学老师,于默奥的初创人脸识别公司CEO Per Kvarnbrink分别签署了合作协议。

