The Ministerial Committee on European Union Affairs also discussed the UK’s withdrawal from the EU. The withdrawal agreement enters into force 1 February, and it will dismantle all cooperation based on the UK’s EU membership in an orderly manner. The future relations must now be renegotiated in all sectors. The Commission will give proposals for a negotiating mandate that covers all sectors on 3 February, and this is to be approved at the General Affairs Council on 25 February.
“Tomorrow the UK is no longer a member of the EU. Finland respects the UK’s decision. Thanks to the withdrawal agreement, Brexit will take place in an orderly manner, which is a good thing. Now it is time to look into the future and focus on negotiating as close partnership relations with the UK as possible,” Prime Minister Sanna Marin says.
俄罗斯的摩尔曼斯克通常有数千中国游客,但现在旅游业也受到影响。卡拉半岛旅游业受到严重影响。该地区的旅馆经理在接受当地媒体采访时表示,旅游业受到严重影响,估计2月份很多旅游团的出行被取消,他们的营业额也会直线下降达80%。一个Park In 饭店的经理表示,过去一个星期,收入减少了150万卢布。 俄罗斯已经宣布关闭所有中俄之间的关口,避免冠状病毒的感染和传播。
据畅通国际公众号显示,申通快递芬兰,瑞典分公司联合瑞典畅通国际Wasa Nordic Management AB 表示愿尽自己的绵薄之力,为海外华人搭建便捷快速的防疫物资通道。自1月27日起特为在北欧地区的华人华侨及其他关心中国疫情的人士提供免费使用芬兰申通快递邮寄防疫物资回国(只限捐赠物资),所有捐赠物资江直接运往国家指定捐赠中心或机构。