据中新社哈尔滨2月14日电 (记者 史轶夫 王妮娜)编挂49辆满载3000吨三江平原大米专列14日下午在佳木斯站发出,开往疫情防控一线湖北省孝感市,这是黑龙江省支援湖北省的首列捐赠大米专列。
Monthly Archives: February 2020
Novel coronavirus to be included in generally hazardous communicable diseases – the aim is to prevent the spread of the disease
The severe infection caused by the novel coronavirus will from now on be included in the list of generally hazardous communicable diseases. The amendment to the Government Decree on Communicable Diseases will enter into force on 14 February.
A communicable disease is generally hazardous if it is highly infectious, dangerous and its spread can be prevented by measures (such as a quarantine or isolation) aimed at persons who have contracted the disease, been exposed to the pathogen or are justifiably suspected to have been infected or exposed.
Until now, the infection caused by the novel coronavirus has been considered a communicable disease that is justifiably suspected of being generally hazardous. Based on this suspicion alone, a physician in charge of communicable diseases in public service may decide on quarantining a person who has been exposed to the disease but is without symptoms, and isolating an infected person, as well as ordering persons working in certain tasks to stay away from work. However, the classification as a generally hazardous infectious disease clarifies the situation.
Like other coronaviruses, the novel coronavirus identified in China may cause a mild or severe disease (COVID-19). There is currently no information available on how common the milder forms of the disease are since the most severe cases are typically detected first at the beginning of an epidemic. The structure of the new virus and its modes of transmission are similar to the previously known coronaviruses SARS and MERS, which cause serious diseases and are already in the list of generally hazardous communicable diseases.
On 30 January 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared the new coronavirus detected in the Chinese city of Wuhan a Public Health Emergency of International Concern. All countries must therefore actively monitor infections caused by the novel coronavirus, identify cases of the disease early, isolate the infected persons and trace the people who have been exposed to the infection to prevent further infections.
Quarantine is intended for symptomless persons who have been exposed to the disease – isolation is for those who have contracted the disease
The doctor responsible for communicable diseases may assign a person without symptoms or his/her possessions to quarantine if that person has been exposed to a generally hazardous communicable disease. The purpose of quarantine is to prevent the spread of the communicable disease into the population by restricting the person’s movements. The person is normally quarantined at his/her home. The doctor may end the quarantine once it has been confirmed that the person does not have the disease. The quarantine period is usually no longer than a couple of weeks.
According to the Communicable Diseases Act, a person can be placed in isolation if he/she has been exposed to a generally hazardous communicable disease and had symptoms of the disease. The purpose of isolation is to prevent the spread of the communicable disease into the population by limiting the person’s movements and treating the communicable disease as quickly as possible. The patient is placed in isolation in a hospital, where he/she is examined and treated in accordance with the Health Care Act.
Russia is alarmed by a US Air Force visit to Norway’s Jan Mayen
Norway’s defense minister insists the Arctic island won’t be used for military activities. By Reuters -February 13, 2020398Share on FacebookTweet on Twitter

MOSCOW/OSLO — Russia said on Thursday it was alarmed by a trip that a U.S. Air Force unit took to a Norwegian Arctic outpost and urged Oslo to refrain from what it said were de-stabilizing moves in the strategic region.
A squadron of U.S. Air Force staff visited Norway’s air base on the island of Jan Mayen in the North Atlantic in November to test the airfield and to see whether U.S. C-130J Super Hercules military transport planes can land there.
[A US helping hand to Norway in Jan Mayen also extends the Pentagon’s Arctic reach]
The potential for conflict in the Arctic has grown as climate change has made the region more accessible, and Russia has built up its own military presence there while touting the potential of the Northern Sea Route across its northern flank.
Moscow has repeatedly raised concerns over NATO-member Norway’s military spending, its moves to develop its military infrastructure and the deployment of foreign military personnel in the country.
Commenting on the U.S. visit to the island, the Russian Foreign Ministry told Reuters Moscow believed Norway’s recent military activity was ultimately aimed at Russia and that such actions destabilize the region.
“…the sheer fact of the possible presence of the U.S. Air Force on the island, albeit occasional, is alarming,” it said.
“We hope Oslo will be responsible and far-sighted in building its policy in the north and will refrain from actions that undermine regional stability and damage bilateral relations,” the ministry said.
Earlier this month, Moscow accused Norway of restricting its activities on the archipelago of Svalbard, a remote chain of islands in the Arctic, and said it wanted talks with Oslo to have the issue resolved.
The U.S. Air Force visit has also raised questions in Oslo.
Norwegian Defense Minister Frank Bakke-Jensen has played down the implications of the visit on the security situation in the north and Norway’s relationship with Russia.
“Individual transport flights to Jan Mayen with planes from allied countries will not impact the security policy picture in the north,” he told parliament.
He said a request to help with transport flights to Jan Mayen was sent to allied countries in 2019 as Norway’s air force was stretched.
He said planes from military forces from Austria, Sweden, Denmark and France had flown to Jan Mayen between 2017 and 2019.
“Jan Mayen will not be used for military activities,” he said.
Reporting by Maria Kiselyova in Moscow and Gwladys Fouche in Oslo.
据中新社北京2月13日电 (梅亚雯)新冠疫情仍在持续。2018年诺贝尔经济学奖得主保罗·罗默(Paul M.Romer)接受中新社采访时指出,现在评估疫情的经济影响为时尚早,眼下最重要的是拯救生命。
“在经济政策方面最好不要反应过度。”接受中新社采访的2001年诺贝尔经济学奖得主迈克尔·斯宾塞(Michael Spence)也表示,政府首先要努力控制病毒传播,同时照顾被感染和脆弱的人群。社会保障制度应发挥作用,在经济和财政上为他们伸出援手。这不仅有利于民众,也有利于整个经济。
全国病例一日激增1.5万例 辽疆首现两位八旬老人病亡
据中新社北京2月13日电 (郭超凯)中国国家卫健委最新数据显示,全国12日新增确诊病例15152例,相比11日的2015例增加近7倍。全国湖北以外地区新增确诊病例九连降,辽宁和新疆两省首次出现死亡病例。
北欧绿色邮报网主编 陈雪霏
瑞典有句古话叫“是朋友不用解释, 不是朋友解释也没有用。”还有一句有趣的话是“有这样的朋友,我们不需要敌人。”这些话都是硬道理,但是软着说。很清楚,朋友之间,都是主动示好,不会落井下石。不是朋友,即使道歉也是违心的,被逼出来的道歉,很别扭,即使道歉了,你也不相信。另外,你硬要求人家道歉,人家也不一定道歉。或者是即使道歉了,也是迫不得已。到这份儿上了,就没意思了。更主要的是要化悲痛为力量,化悲愤为力量,总结经验,提升自己。这样会更容易让人尊敬。
我想说的还是那句话,要坚守中庸之道,不要过激。矫枉过正,过犹不及都不是最好的。最好的就是中庸。瑞典有个词叫Lagom, 我看和中庸之道十分匹配。很多人对中庸的理解是平庸,但是,中庸绝对不是平庸,而是恰到好处。
而这次疫情也可以充分看到海内外国内外,患难见真情,一方有难,八方支援的中国精神。国内兄弟省市之间的互相帮助,凸显中国特色。平时,内地支持新疆内蒙,此时,他们也回馈内地大哥,你们曾经帮助我们,现在我们也真心支持你们。只要这种精神在,就能感染人,鼓舞人。中国驻瑞典大使桂从友发表署名文章,团结是抗疫的良方。这个观点我非常赞同,世界(华)人民大团节万岁,中国人民大团结万岁! 这两句在天安门城墙上闪亮的话语,就是我们为之奋斗的伟大理想和中国精神!
据中新社北京2月13日电 (李京泽 郭超凯)近期多位新冠肺炎患者在短时间内由轻症转为重症的案例频繁见诸报端,进而引发民众对轻、重症的广泛讨论。事实上,横亘在两者之间的警戒线很大程度上取决于患者自身的免疫力。
据中新社武汉2月13日电 (徐金波 杨永勇)为支援武汉打赢新冠肺炎疫情防控战,中国20多支地方医疗队和军队共计3000多名医护人员,13日搭乘飞机抵达武汉天河机场。
国家卫生健康委医政医管局监察专员郭燕红13日表示,此前已从全国29个省、自治区、直辖市和新疆生产建设兵团,调集了近两万多名医护人员组成了180多个医疗队支持湖北和武汉。(完) (中新社图片/ 摄)
据中新社哈尔滨2月13日电 (记者 史轶夫 王琳)13日晚,由哈尔滨医科大学附属第一、第二医院320名医护人员组成的黑龙江省第四批医疗队在哈尔滨誓师出征、飞往武汉,这支“精锐之师”将整建制接管武汉市第一医院2个重症病区。
面对疫情港企不退反进 增资东莞9000万港元
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社东莞2月13日电 (李映民 李纯)记者13日从广东东莞茶山镇政府获悉,面对新冠肺炎疫情,该镇港资企业香港太兴饮食集团在节后复工的第二天(2月11日)就决定增资9000万港元,用于扩大生产,并同步加速零售市场的研发投入。

据中新社北京2月12日电 (记者 刘舒凌)台湾心脏外科名医、私立振兴医院院长魏峥11日接受中新社记者电话访问时表示,应对新冠肺炎疫情事关人道,两岸理应互相协助、一同面对。两岸人民的感情,不可因疫情及其相关政治操弄而撕裂。
台湾医界、学界近来已就两岸共同防控新冠肺炎疫情多次发声。1月31日,台湾医事联盟协会理事长高明见、台湾大学生物科技研究所教授杨宁荪等数十位专家学者和民间人士在台北发出声明,呼吁台湾民众共体时艰,给予大陆民间必要的协助,也希望台当局为两岸间必要物资运输及防疫人员来往提供便利,以助防疫合作。(完) 编辑 陈雪霏
Swedish FM Linde presents the 2020 Statement of Foreign Policy Stressing Cooperation and Solidarity
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 12(Greenpost) –Minister for Foreign Affairs Ann Linde has just presented the Government’s Statement of Foreign Policy to the Riksdag.
The Statement summarised the Swedish Government’s foreign policy priorities for 2020, includes a new announcement on strengthened efforts to combat organised crime. Also notable in the Statement is a stronger focus on security in Europe ahead of Sweden assuming the role of Chair of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe in 2021.

Photo: Government Offices of Sweden/Kristian Pohl
“My principal duty is to work for security in Sweden. International developments affect us, regardless of whether they involve security in our neighbourhood, climate change or the pushback against democracy. Organised crime is a good example of this, because it has clear international links,” said Minister for Foreign Affairs Ann Linde.
Another new announcement is that the Government is strengthening its focus on trade union rights abroad as part of its Drive for Democracy, launched last year in the Statement of Foreign Policy.
The whole text is as the following:
The Government’s Statement of Foreign Policy 2020
Mr/Madam Speaker, Honourable Members, Representatives of the Diplomatic Corps, Ladies and Gentlemen,
Sweden’s foreign policy is conducted with the aim of creating security in our country and around the world.
The conflicts, climate emergency and refugee flows of recent years show that events far from our national borders also affect us in Sweden.
The world is becoming increasingly unpredictable – and it’s getting closer. The ongoing coronavirus outbreak shows how interconnected the world is.
There are those who think we should close the door to cooperation. As if the problems would disappear if we just shut our eyes. I am convinced that we must respond to a troubled world by increasing cooperation and solidarity. International problems require international responses.
People around the world are demonstrating for freedom and justice. The climate movement brings millions of people together on the streets. We have a responsibility to listen to their urgent calls.
Well-functioning international cooperation and international law are the foundation of an international order in which rules and agreements take precedence over the concept of ‘might is right’. This order is necessary for Sweden to be safe and secure.
We stand up for diplomacy, dialogue and cooperation. This is how we defend our interests, values and security. This is how we make the world safer.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
The EU is our most important foreign and security policy arena. No other actor is a greater guarantor of Sweden’s economy, security and peace. Sweden will participate fully in EU cooperation and in shaping it in a way that safeguards Sweden’s interests.
The United Kingdom has now left the EU and the time has come to look to the future. Sweden will continue to maintain as close and comprehensive a relationship as possible with the United Kingdom.
We are also strengthening relations with leading Member States, such as Germany and France, and enhancing Nordic cooperation. This makes our region more secure and sustainable. In the Nordic Council of Ministers, the Government is pushing for implementation of the common vision that the Nordic region will become the most sustainable and integrated region in the world by 2030.
A renewed Arctic Strategy will be presented during the year.
For several years, the rule of law and respect for the EU’s fundamental values have been undermined in some Member States. Together with the European Commission and other Member States, Sweden takes a clear stand against this trend.
Many people today are concerned that EU enlargement is moving too fast. We take this seriously. At the same time, close relations with the countries of the Western Balkans are important to our common security and economy. We want to find a way forward that unites the EU and that clearly contributes to reform efforts in the Western Balkans. Here, the prospect of eventually becoming a member is important.
The European Commission has previously proposed that negotiations be started with Albania and North Macedonia. Sweden has been prepared to support this.
Sweden supports the proposal for a review of the enlargement process, and it is important that all essential requirements are met before a country can become a member.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
Diplomacy is our primary line of defence.
The Defence Commission emphasises the importance of safeguarding our sovereignty and Swedish interests. This means being able to use all the instruments we have at our disposal – political, diplomatic, economic and military – in a coherent manner. This is how we build common security.
I would like to express special thanks to the Swedes taking part in our civilian and military operations in areas such as Afghanistan, Iraq, Mali and Ukraine. You are making an invaluable contribution to peace and security – internationally and in Sweden.
Europe must take greater responsibility for its own security.
The EU’s Common Foreign and Security Policy must be strengthened so as to defend the EU’s interests and values around the world.
Our security is strengthened by stability and economic growth in the EU’s neighbourhood. We stand by our commitments to support reform processes in Ukraine and other countries in the EU’s eastern neighbourhood.
The Eastern Partnership recently reached its 10-year milestone. Sweden will continue to promote the Partnership in the EU.
We also want to show that a southern partnership is possible. Close cooperation with the countries of North Africa is already in place. But this must be enhanced and the EU must provide support for the stability and development of these states.
Sweden’s security policy remains firmly in place. Our non-participation in military alliances serves us well and contributes to stability and security in northern Europe. It requires an active, broad and responsible foreign and security policy combined with enhanced defence cooperation – particularly with Finland – and credible national defence capabilities. We will contribute to long-term stability and security in our part of Europe.
Rapid technological advances, not least within cyber security and AI, are creating new challenges in the grey area between competitiveness, trade and security policy.
Sweden’s foreign and security policy builds on cohesion in the EU and increased cooperation on a broad front: in the Nordic and Baltic Sea regions, in the UN and the OSCE, and through partnership with NATO. A strong transatlantic link is important for the security of Europe and the United States.
The UN plays an important role for peace and security, development and human rights, and is a central arena for Sweden’s response to global challenges. The UN will remain a cornerstone of our foreign and security policy. We support Norway’s candidacy for a seat on the United Nations Security Council.
Sweden will not remain passive if another EU Member State or a Nordic country suffers a disaster or an attack. We expect these countries to act in the same way if Sweden is affected. We must therefore be able to both give and receive support, civilian as well as military.
Sweden’s role as Chair of the OSCE in 2021 will be based on our strong engagement for the European security order. Upholding the OSCE’s jointly agreed principles and commitments is a major security interest for Sweden.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
Everyone has the right to live in safety regardless of where they live. This applies both here at home and in other countries. No one should need to look anxiously over their shoulder on their way home from school or work.
Since autumn 2014, the Government has implemented a range of measures against organised crime, including stricter penalties and more police officers, and has also conducted important crime prevention activities.
But we know that this kind of crime also has links abroad.
We are therefore introducing new initiatives to reinforce law enforcement via our embassies and international cooperation.
We will appoint an ambassador at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs tasked with coordinating the MFA’s work against organised crime and supporting Swedish law enforcement authorities.
Our embassies will be instructed to monitor the issue of crime with links to Sweden. Our embassies in places such as the Western Balkans, the South Caucasus and Latin America will be specially tasked with prioritising this issue.
The Government will continue the successful efforts against organised crime in the Council of the Baltic Sea States and within the framework of the Barents Euro-Arctic Council, the EU Eastern Partnership and the Nordic Council of Ministers.
Sweden will enhance efforts to stop the flow of weapons and drugs, and take new steps against cross-border crime and terrorism. Europol and Eurojust are central to this work.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
Global warming is affecting us here and now.
It is not just a matter of direct consequences of more extreme weather – an unstable climate also disrupts the economy, food security and our welfare and security.
Climate change exacerbates tensions and conflicts. Sweden will continue to show leadership through climate diplomacy that encourages other countries to raise their ambitions.
The EU is a necessary force in global climate action. Sweden will continue to show leadership both in and outside the EU and will be the world’s first fossil-free welfare nation. Our climate efforts are ranked the highest in the world. We have doubled our contribution to the Green Climate Fund. We are working at home and internationally for a just transition.
Functioning ecosystems are essential for all life. Forests, wetlands and oceans are home to a rich biodiversity. The marine environment is under enormous pressure from climate change, overexploitation, pollution and eutrophication. The Government wants to see a global target of 30 per cent of oceans designated as marine protection areas.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
Democracy around the world continues to be challenged and questioned.
This trend is threatening the foundation of our safety and security. Sweden is therefore increasing its efforts to defend and promote democracy around the world through the Drive For Democracy initiative.
We are building alliances with like-minded countries and organisations that want to help strengthen democracy. The appropriation to democracy aid has been increased.
We are increasing support to ensure open societies, particularly for free and independent media and freedom of the press.
We are defending and promoting the rights of LGBTI people.
We are strengthening our measures to combat corruption, which is one of the worst obstacles to development. All suspicions of corruption in aid are followed up and addressed.
We are boosting the significance of trade as a platform for dialogue on human rights and democracy. Swedish export credits for investment in exploration and exploitation of fossil fuels must cease by 2022.
Increasing antisemitism is a growing concern all over the world and a threat to democracy. The Prime Minister has therefore taken the initiative to hold an international conference in Malmö in October 2020 for Holocaust remembrance and combating antisemitism.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
The rights of women and girls are under attack. Conservative forces are trying to restrict the right of women and girls to decide over their own bodies and lives.
Issues relating to women, peace and security, as well as women’s sexual and reproductive health and rights, are especially important to stand up for.
To reverse this trend, courageous action is needed at all levels. This is why we are pursuing a feminist foreign policy.
It is gratifying that we have been joined by countries such as Canada, France, Luxembourg and Mexico.
Within the EU, Sweden and France have taken the initiative to improve the effectiveness of the EU’s gender equality work, and we are establishing a feminist trade policy.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
Around the world, more than 165 million people are in need of humanitarian assistance. The 2030 Agenda provides a roadmap for sustainable development that permeates Sweden’s work. Sweden’s development assistance is effective and world-class. The Government remains committed to the 1 per cent goal.
War is a catastrophe for people and societies. Children are often the worst affected. Here at home, in the UN and in the EU, Sweden is working to safeguard rights and strengthen the protection of children.
It is important that the EU has a common asylum system that provides legal certainty, is humane and sustainable, and in which all countries take their responsibility. The right to asylum must be protected.
Extreme poverty has been falling since 1990, but inequality is rising.
Inequality is not only unjust and a barrier to economic development – it also creates a breeding ground for tensions and conflict. We have seen examples of this in several major demonstrations around the world, not least in Chile. Greater equality is part of Sweden’s foreign policy.
The Global Deal initiative promotes social dialogue and sustainable growth globally. In certain countries, standing up for trade unions and decent working conditions means risking your life. Trade union rights are part of our Drive for Democracy and will be raised in all Ministry for Foreign Affairs country reports on human rights.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
World trade contributes to lifting entire countries out of poverty and to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda.
As a member of the EU, Sweden is pursuing a policy for free and fair trade that contributes to sustainable development and creates jobs throughout the country. Every third job in Sweden depends on our trade with the rest of the world.
We are mobilising our efforts with an updated export and investment strategy for the whole of Sweden.
Expo 2020 in Dubai will showcase Swedish companies’ competitiveness in innovation and sustainability.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
We cannot take a passive stance on the nuclear threat.
Developments are alarming: arms control agreements are being abandoned. Nuclear weapons arsenals are being expanded and modernised.
Disarmament and non-proliferation are central foreign and security policy priorities for the Government.
Through the Stockholm Initiative on Nuclear Disarmament, the Government is contributing to the upcoming Review Conference of the Parties to the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. This work is now being advanced at a new ministerial meeting in Germany.
As Chair of the International Atomic Energy Agency Board of Governors, Sweden is taking responsibility for non-proliferation. Compliance with the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action nuclear deal is central.
Within the framework of the Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons, Sweden is pushing for an effective international ban on lethal autonomous weapons systems that are incompatible with the requirements of international law.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
Our close relationship with the United States is of central importance to Sweden’s security and prosperity.
A functioning international community presupposes an engaged United States. It is troubling that the United States is withdrawing from multilateral cooperation. The Government is working to ensure that trade relations with the United States work well, and that threats of new trade barriers are not carried out.
The Government’s Russia policy remains unchanged.
Where we have common interests we, like the EU, can and should cooperate with Russia. This benefits our security, and stability in our neighbourhood.
We condemn Russia’s aggression against Ukraine and its illegal annexation of Crimea. These breaches of international law challenge the European security order. Sweden supports Ukraine’s sovereignty and territorial integrity, and every country’s right to choose its own security policy path.
We are working to ensure that the EU sanctions against Russia are maintained for as long as the reasons for their introduction remain.
Sweden stands ready to contribute to the easing of regional tensions and to dialogue in the Middle East.
We are continuing our engagement in the global coalition against Daesh. Kurds, Christians and other minorities in the region must be protected.
The Government is keen to have good relations with both Israel and Palestine. Sweden – like the rest of the EU – is working for a solution based on international law in which two states can coexist in peace and security.
The Government has condemned Iran for the shooting down of a civilian aircraft which claimed the lives of 17 people who were resident in Sweden. We demand an independent and transparent investigation.
We both cooperate and engage in critical dialogue with Turkey. The EU has condemned Turkey’s offensive in north-eastern Syria. At the same time, the Syrian regime has ruthlessly bombed its own country to rubble for almost nine years. All licences for Sweden’s exports of military equipment to Turkey have been withdrawn.
The humanitarian, political and economic crisis in Venezuela is worsening day by day. Together with the international community, we are working for a peaceful solution.
Increasing polarisation in Bolivia is serious and has led to escalating violence and vandalism.
China’s increasingly active role in the global arena presents opportunities and challenges. We welcome the Riksdag’s consensus on the written communication on our China policy.
We are conducting a frank and open dialogue with China based on our own interests and those of the EU. Human rights and freedom of expression are important aspects of this.
India is an important global actor and partner for Sweden. It is a significant market that will play an increasingly important role for growth and employment in our country.
At the UN Climate Action Summit in New York, Sweden and India launched the Leadership Group for Industry Transition to ensure a fossil-free future for heavy industry.
The African continent has a young population. If the many young people there receive access to education and employment, a number of African countries could develop at a rapid pace. But the challenges are also great.
Human rights, democracy and gender equality are priorities in Sweden’s Africa policy, along with migration and trade. It is important to support sustainable development in Africa. This can involve girls’ schooling and increased access to electricity.
The security situation in the Sahel continues to be very troubling, not least in Mali. The region is characterised by weak states. The situation is a breeding ground for radicalisation.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
The Ministry for Foreign Affairs handles many consular cases. These can involve anything from crises and disasters to deprivation of liberty. Most people are helped without publicity, but some cases receive a lot of attention.
The work to help Swedes in distress abroad is always conducted with the best interests of those affected in mind.
Mr/Madam Speaker,
In troubled times, with a harsh tone from world leaders and aggressive big-power behaviour, Sweden is showing that another path is possible.
With an open and democratic environment, with tough debates but also a striving for consensus, we are showing that freedom, equality and openness are not yesterday’s solutions.
Sweden is, and will continue to be, one of the world’s best countries to live in, and we are making a difference around the world. This is something we Swedes should be proud of.
今日头条:⼼系疫区 共克时艰 瑞典华⼈总会第⼀批医疗援助物资顺利到达宜昌三院
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)据来自瑞典华人总会消息,2020年1⽉29⽇-2⽉11⽇,历经14天的艰难险阻,瑞典华⼈总会第⼀批医疗救援物资完成从采购、运输清关到达定向指定医院湖北省宜昌第三⼈⺠医 院。
据了解, 1⽉30⽇,带着瑞典华⼈总会捐赠者们沉甸甸的爱⼼委托,第⼀批救援物 质(50000个医⽤⼿术⼝罩和990个N95呼吸防护⼝罩,价值8475欧元即 90121.46克朗)从芬兰赫尔⾟基装箱等待运输。由于货舱爆仓,救援物资在芬 兰焦急等待五天后,于2⽉4⽇挤上了由吉祥航空⻜往上海浦东国际机场的航 班。2⽉7⽇,经过繁琐的报关流程,这批货物终于清关成功。

2⽉11⽇,救援物资到达定向指定医院宜昌市第三⼈⺠医院,由院负责⼈ 验收⼊库。⾄此,瑞典华⼈总会历经⻓达14天的艰⾟努⼒,50990件物品⼀件 不少地安全到达前线医护⼈员⼿⾥。我们坚信,能抗能打的宜昌三院在治愈91 岁全国最⾼龄新型冠状病毒肺炎感染者痊愈后,定能精⼼救治更多的患者出 院。

瑞典华人总会表示,战役还在继续,我们没有时间来体会此批物资所遇到的艰⾟和困难,也来不及向各位分享每⼀步背后的故事,因为我们第⼆批物资已经集结完毕,将于 今⽇(2020年2⽉12)运往丹⻨哥本哈根。瑞典华⼈总会第⼆批物资将定向捐 赠到湖北省⻩冈市中⼼医院和浠⽔县中医院。疫情就是命令,我们将全⼒与时 间赛跑,争取早⽇将驰援⻩冈的物资运到前线医务⼈员⼿中。
附:第⼀批物资公示:https://www.kineser.se/index.php/2015-03-30-20-55- 29/661-2020-02-02-02-55-30