
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 据芬兰外交部消息,芬兰总统29日宣布任命新任驻北京和斯德哥尔摩大使。

新任驻北京大使是莱娜-凯莎米库拉。她将于2021年9月1日上任。 米库拉现任芬兰外交部非洲中东司司长。她是2017年开始担任这个职务的。2016-2017年她担任叙利亚局势监督高级顾问。2011年到2016年,她在芬兰驻以色列首都特拉维夫使馆担任大使。她曾担任芬兰驻欧盟总代表,在澳大利亚首都堪培拉,希腊首都雅典和匈牙利首都布达佩斯工作过。她是1992年加入外交部工作的。她曾获得法学硕士学位。(Leena-Kaisa Mikkola to serve as Head of Mission at Finland’s Embassy in Beijing, starting on 1 September 2021. Mikkola will move to Beijing from the Ministry’s Department for Africa and the Middle East, where she has worked as Director General since 2017. In 2016–2017, she served as Senior Adviser responsible for monitoring the situation in Syria.  In 2011–2016, Mikkola worked as Finland’s Ambassador in Tel Aviv. Her career in the Diplomatic Service includes posts in the Permanent Representation of Finland to the EU in Brussels and the Embassies of Finland in Canberra, Athens and Budapest. Mikkola joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1992. She holds a Master of Laws degree. )

同时,芬兰总统也任命迈莫.亨利克松为芬兰驻瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩大使。履职日期也是2021年9月1日。亨利克松从2016年开始至今在芬兰外交部俄罗斯东欧和中亚司任司长。2015到2016年,她在礼宾司工作。 2010年到2014年,她在芬兰驻挪威大使馆担任大使。她的外交生涯包括在布达佩斯和莫斯科履职。她是1989年入部工作的。她是双硕士,法律硕士和工商管理硕士。

( Maimo Henriksson to serve as Head of Mission at Finland’s Embassy in Stockholm, starting on 1 September 2021. Henriksson will move to Stockholm from the Foreign Ministry’s Department for Russia, Eastern Europe and Central Asia, where she has worked as Director General since 2016. Before that, in 2015–2016, she served as Chief of Protocol. In 2010–2014, Henriksson worked as Finland’s Ambassador in Oslo. Her career in the Diplomatic Service includes posts in Budapest and Moscow. Henriksson joined the Foreign Ministry in 1989. She holds two university degrees: Master of Laws and Master of Science in Economics and Business Administration.

同时,芬兰总统还任命欧克-帕卡 萨尔米米为芬兰驻美国洛杉矶总领事。任期也是从2021年9月21日开始。萨尔米米目前在芬兰国际事务学院担任访问学者。他在2016年到2020年曾在芬兰团队担任大使。2013年到2016年,他任芬兰驻OECD大使和UNESCO大使。 他的外交生涯包括在巴黎和布鲁塞尔担任外交官。他是1997年入部工作的。他获得社会学硕士学位。

(The President of the Republic appointed Counsellor for Foreign Affairs Okko-Pekka Salmimies to serve as Consul General at Finland’s Consulate General in Los Angeles, starting from 1 September 2021. Salmimies will move to Los Angeles from the Finnish Institute of International Affairs, where he is currently Visiting Senior Fellow. In 2016–2020, he served as Ambassador for Team Finland. In 2013–2016, Salmimies worked as Ambassador and Head of Mission at the Permanent Delegations of Finland to the OECD and to UNESCO in Paris. In the Diplomatic Service, he has also held posts in Paris and Brussels. Salmimies joined the Ministry for Foreign Affairs in 1997. He holds a Master’s degree in Social Sciences.)
