China and Sweden: Who Copies Who?

 By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Beijing, Oct. 14(Greenpost) – All advanced human civilization achievements can be learned and spread. When I was in Sweden, I went to Ikea to buy furniture. Then I saw the six small spoons which have different sizes. I was amazed and felt happy and surprised how Swedish people were so clever to give such a good measurement in the kitchen.

Then one day I went to the Far Eastern Museum in Stockholm, on the second floor they had a wonderful exhibition of Chinese antiques dating back to Xia and Shang Dynasty. The exhibition was well deployed with time schedule of Xia, Shang, Zhou, Qin, Han,,,Tang,Song, Yuan, Ming,Qing sequence. When you come to the Qin Dynasty,except Terra Cotta, you will see a bronze measurement instrument of six small spoons with different sizes. Oh, whose idea came first? Who copied who?

I was also surprised that in China we cannot see this and a lot of the antiques especially in the Xia and Shang dynasties, we can’t see them in China. We have forgotten our ancestors glorious culture and art. When we went to Great Britain Museum, American Museum, Museum in Switzerland and Gothenburg Museum, we saw a prosperous and rich China in many ways. The poverty in the 1950s, 60s and 70s has brainwashed the Chinese about what is a rich life. But people were more spiritual and people felt more equal because most of the people were poor.

When China became opening up, a lot of people went abroad, especially the elite Chinese went abroad despite of all kinds of difficulties because the gap between the west and China was too big.

I have interviewed a famous singer who said he could earn 1000 dollars by washing dishes a month with spare time while in China the formal permanent job would only earn him 20 dollars. With such a gap, people think there are gold in western countries. But now such gap has substantially narrowed down.

Judging from those second hand apartment, you can see how rich some newly-riched Chinese have become. 20 year old 150 or 174 square meters apartment, they don’t want it any more. They want to have new apartments. They want to have lift and live in a cleaner area with better environment and better maintainence in the area where it is almost like a garden.

Meanwhile, the old town is still the same as 20 years ago, not much change.

The young generation enjoy the more resources, but less time for eating and sleeping. Sometimes it can be too much food, sometimes it can be just western fast food. In the past, most Chinese were slim and even in their body. Nowadays we also have a lot of overweight, obesity children. Distorted resting time cause various health problems. The young generation has more eye-sight and teeth problems. Thus to plant tooth is a very popular business now.

While western countries see China as a “threat“, I just wonder how China can threat the west. Isn’t it you who made a Frankistan Giant? Or is it you dislike another country which is more like you? How have you threaten China with your culture? How much Chinese culture has been wiped out? When thinking of these questions we have to think that the global village made us interdependent and influence each other so much. Some people are nolstalgic and didn’t want to accept this globalization trend they started themselves. Sorry the trend is difficult to stop once the global machine or mechanism started.

Since China has learned from the western countries, in fact, both good and bad are included. Many problems western countries have experienced China is experiencing. One obvious problem is the substantial reduction of the population. Many schools in the countryside have to be closed and many hospitals have been replaced by barefoot kind of doctors and drug stores.

Urbanization is still going on in China. Young people move to the city while their parents still live in the countryside where there are only elderly people. While big cities absorbed all the migrant workers, their parents remain to live in small cities. Thus it is easier to see more older people in third level cities such as my hometown Jinzhou. Why are you afraid of China and think China as a threat? Ten years ago when I accompanied a delegation from South China to visit elderly home and small businesses, the leader with the delegation said thanks for your invitation because Today’s Sweden will be tomorrow’s China. In other words, today’s China is western countries yesterday. People are getting old. Senior citizen accounts for more than 20 percent of the population while the younger generation didn’t want to work as hard as the older generation. They relied on their parents more. Why do we have such a trend? Industrialization trend. When all the infrastructure has been improved, other development potential needs to be tapped. What is the future? Mankind must find a better way to go on. Do not live in a bad cycle of dynasties.

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