Is United Front a “threat”?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Beijing, Oct. 14 (Greenpost) – On Oct.1, TV 4 in Sweden published a news about China in KALLA FAKTA which seemed to have found a big secret about China. That is the United Front Work Department and its relations with overseas Chinese.

Last night I couldn’t sleep, I began to read in English about what is United Front. The study about United Front started in Canterbury University in New Zealand in 2017 and then Australian thinktank continued to publish articles and papers to explain the United Front’s role in the Communist Party of China.

When I read TV4 article, I see the language is like this, whenever they mentioned China, they will mention like China dictatorship as Chinese authorities. I just wonder if China is a dictatorship, why do they have other eight parties and many social organizations and people’s communities, trade union and workers federations and friendship federations for overseas Chinese and many others?

In the articles, it explained that United Fronts is an organization to make friends with overseas Chinese and many others. In other words, I think it shows the Communist Party is not a dictatorship, but rather democratic because they would absorb all the people’s opinions and suggestions for the benefit of all the people in society in their ruling.

It sounds like a secret for many westerners because they have never seriously studied about Communist Party of China. They thought it was the same as the former Soviet or other socialist country. But the fact is CPC is really special. It is the world’s largest party which has nearly 100 million members. Almost among every 13 people, there is one party member. And this party member must abide by the party’s charter and really serve the people. He or she must be very healthy, capable in leading the people for a better life. CPC is a ruling party, but it must serve the people. For example, to get rid of extreme poverty. Now with the overwhelming amount of real estate, you can see it is easy to meet people’s demand. China is not a shortage economy any more. The supply is larger than the demand. The main problem is how to distribute the wealth.

China is dealing with this problem now. For example, if a person got cancer, he or she would have minimium cost in treatment at hospital. This is a good welfare system.

Elderly care is very well in cities. For example the senior citizen who is above 60, there will be no need to pay bus or park fees. It is free for them.

Chinese culture is to pay attention to family relations. And this family can be inside China and can be international. China likes to keep good relations with overseas Chinese. This was a great improvement in China. During the 1960 and 1970s even 1980s, we dare not say that we have overseas relatives. Why? Because then the overseas relative would be treated as a traitor or enemy. But now people feel proud to have an overseas relative because we think western countries living standards are quite high and advanced. We have to learn from them.

About 10 years ago, Sweden was also open to teach the Chinese how to live a better life. The visitors not necessarily bought a lot of gifts but learn more ideas and implemented in reality. Now I find that many ideas were really realized in reality. A lot of new parks and lakes with clean water and green grass have been built. The environment has substantially improved. Now we begin to appreciate the blue sky when we took it for granted in the 1980s and even before that time.

It is true that United Front means to unite all the friends and try to make friends with all the people who love peace and development. But what is wrong with it? Even God said those who have self-discipline will have no problem. Learning from each other and make common progress is not a problem.

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