All posts by 北欧绿色邮报网

After 15 years working in the mainstream media in China, I came to Sweden to establish my family. After almost ten years of freelancing for other media, now I created this website, hoping to spread information in sustainable development, sharing life experiences with readers both in China and Sweden, serving as a bridge. I enjoy the good environment in Sweden, fresh air, clean water, blue sky and beautiful flowers. 陈雪霏,女,1966. 摩羯座,满族,出生在辽宁省凌海市,班吉塔镇,地藏寺村。兄弟姐妹6个当中最中间的一个。和二哥一样是全科人,就是哥姐弟妹都有,幸福感很强。万能血型,很容易打交道。喜欢高大上,但同情弱者,追求平等,公平正义,善良,是环保主义者,提倡节俭,从不浪费一粒粮食。创立瑞中桥绿色科技文化公司就是为中瑞绿色科技文化牵线搭桥。 教育程度:英国米德赛思大学可持续发展领导力硕士,英语和国际政治双学士,文学和法学学士。新西兰坎特伯雷大学访问学者。 工作经历,中国国际广播电台工作15年,驻津巴布韦两年,采访过南非总统曼德拉,津巴布韦总统穆加贝。 2008年采访过瑞典首相赖因费尔特。 2006-2010 人民网驻斯德哥尔摩特约记者。 2010-2012 新华社斯德哥尔摩报道员 2012-至今中国国际广播电台英语环球广播自由撰稿人 《环球时报》,《生命时报》特约记者。 《北欧时报》副社长,英文主编,《北欧绿色邮报网》社长,主编。, wechat: chenxuefei7, facebook: chenxuefei7





美国物理学家、作家、编剧、加州理工学院教授。伦纳德·姆沃迪瑙出生于芝加哥,父母都是犹太人大屠杀的幸存者。 27岁获得物理博伯克利理论士学位,毕业后在加州理工学院做研究。31岁裸辞,带着自己写的一个剧本和6000美金只身前往洛杉矶。





永别了,布鲁斯音乐之王B.B. (King)金




金是5月14日去世的。享年89岁。 他于1925年出生在密西西比。1949年录制发行第一张唱片。他是吉他手,词曲作者和演唱者。

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1994年春夏之交,北京亮马大厦的硬石餐厅开业,除了把猫王的像嵌在玻璃窗上以外,他们还专门邀请了B.B.King 来华进行一晚上的独唱音乐会。

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B.B.金曾经在美国军队里服役,服役之后,他在田纳西州的孟菲斯开始了音乐生涯,做主持人。每年进行300多场演出,他的第一首榜首歌曲是《你知道我爱你》You know I love you. 田纳西州有很好听的乡村歌曲,他的风格也是摇滚,流行和乡村音乐特点都有。

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他的合作者有Eric Clapton, Elton John, Sherryl Crow等。在这些商业合作中,取得了不少经济效益。1969年的唱片The thrill is gone《激情不再》(获得极大成功。1979年他成为第一个布鲁斯音乐人到前苏联去演唱。1987年被收入美国摇滚明星名录。他在2006年获得格莱美奖,当年也获得布什总统发的总统自由勋章。2009年再获格莱美奖,到2012年他获得了15次格莱美奖。当年还到白宫为奥巴马演唱,Sweet Home Chicago, 《甜美的家乡芝加哥》。

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图文    陈雪霏



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1994年5月13日记者与B.B. King在北京亮马大厦硬石餐厅新闻











他说,中国与瑞典相隔万水千山,但两国人民心灵相通,友谊源远流长,双方文化交流绽放了绚丽的火花,转化为两国交往史上浓墨重彩的华章。哥德堡号商船,曾在两国间穿梭,搭起沟通的桥梁,瑞典探险家,斯文.赫定在中国发现楼兰古城, 瑞典考古学家安德生在中国发现仰韶文化遗址和马家窑文化,这些都成为中国考古史上精彩的一页。






他还特别指出今天正赶上西方的传统节日情人节,“我们相聚在中西方文化的交汇点,预示着中瑞文化交流将迎来新的春天。”陈大使最后还入乡随俗地用瑞典语向上千观众祝贺新年好-Gott Nytt År!



















greenPosted by chenxuefei Thu, May 28, 2015 20:38:55













图文  陈雪霏 2014-11-6 恩雪平水公园。









Stockholm International Film Festival presents a new award

Stockholm International Film Festival presents a new award

CulturePosted by chenxuefei Thu, May 28, 2015 14:21:08

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, May 28(Greenpost) — Stockholm International Film Festival to be held during Nov. 11-22 will present a new international film award: Stockholm Impact Award with a prize sum of 1 million SEK (approx. 120 000 USD).

Git Scheynius, festival director said the prize is one of the biggest film awards in the world.

“We are proud to present this new award, which will be one of the biggest film awards in the world. Several factors point to Stockholm as an ideal platform, the timing after Toronto and AFM is attractive for a European launch. The festival has great experience with high profile directors who’ve enjoyed the distinctive Nordic ambience of the city.”

Impact is a section for headstrong visionaries who reflect our contemporary world.The prize of 1 million SEK should be used as a support for the further work and development of new film projects.

Between seven and ten films from all over the world will participate in the competition. The films should be at least 72 minutes long and have their world, international or European premiere at Stockholm Film Festival.

All the competing directors will be invited to the festival to present their films and to take part in a seminar held at the City Hall in Stockholm. The prize is made possible with the contribution of City of Stockholm.

The 26th Stockholm International Film Festival November 11-22 2015.

Stockholm International Film Festival started in 1990 and is today one of the leading competitive film festivals in Europe. The festival takes place every year in November with more than 200 films from more than 60 countries. More than a festival: we organize exclusive screenings and the popular Summer Cinema – an outdoor mini-festival. Every year in spring the Stockholm International Film Festival Junior brings the latest films to youngsters between 6 and 16 years of age.

Music Tech Fest Scandinavia to be held in Umeå

STOCKHOLM, May 25(Greenpost)– Music Tech Fest (MTF) is a three day long festival of music ideas. It began in London in 2012 and has since toured Berlin, Boston, London, Wellington and Paris. Now it has come to Umeå and Sliperiet at Umeå University, Sweden. The mission is to create new music formats and invent new musical instruments, software and experiences through experimentation and play – exploring technology, voice and movement, according to news reaching here from Umeå, northern Sweden.

Sliperiet invited Music Tech Fest founder Michela Magas and director Andrew Dubber to Umeå in 2014 and asked them to bring the festival to the city to host a Music Tech Fest for the whole of Scandinavia. As a result of that visit, they decided to move their home-base and global festival headquarters from Britain to the newly opened innovation centre at Umeå University and Umeå Arts Campus.

“We were so impressed with the culture, intellectual energy and lifestyle here. This is where we want to live,” says Michela Magas.

“MTF is an interactive meeting place for artists, performers, researchers, entrepreneurs, academia and the music industry. The festival has brought together partners like Warner Music, SoundCloud, BBC, Sonos, Spotify, Shazam, among many others,” says Marlene Johansson, director of Sliperiet who co-hosts the festival.

She also points out that the festival means a lot to establishing Sliperiet as it attracts international bloggers, hackers, artists, media and industry seeking to interact and co-create with talents and businesses in the Nordic region. The vision is to produce an annual Music Tech Fest Scandinavia in Umeå.

“Sweden is the world’s largest music exporter per capita. Umeå is at the forefront of music, design, art and innovation. It’s a buzzing city and a fantastic weekend destination surrounded by some of the most breathtaking nature you’ll ever encounter – it also just happens to have the fastest broadband connection in the Western world. Umeå is the ideal platform for MTF Scandinavia,” says Andrew Dubber.

The festival is open to the public and is free of charge.

Music Tech Fest Scandinavia is:

• An interactive music experience where the line between stage and audience is blurred.
• A weekend-long workshop where people can invent and explore new ways of creating music.
• A collaborative co-creative space for the future of music.
• A playful and groundbreaking experiential milieu.
• An international meeting place for musicians, hackers, artists, makers, music industry professionals, creative people, technology startups, music lovers and geeks of all kinds.

The program includes:

• Back-to-back performances and live demonstrations of music tech throughout the weekend on the main outdoor stage
• 24-hour hackathon competition in music technology and instrument invention
• Volvo Kids Hackathon – where children learn to build and perform with creative technologies
• Toontrack Trackathon competition for music producers
• Jam Camp where anyone can pick up and instrument and play
• Innovations in music and technology
• Presentations, demonstrations and hands-on exploration
• Academic symposium

Music Tech Fest is being held in collaboration with Sliperiet and Umeå Arts Campus.

Toxic pesticide globally banned after unprecedented vote at UN meeting on chemicals

STOCKHOLM, May 25(Greenpost)– Delegates from more than 90 countries took the unprecedented step of voting for a global ban on pentachlorophenol – a proven toxic pesticide and contaminant found in wildlife and human biomonitoring studies worldwide, according to news reaching here from Swetzerland.

The historic vote came at the combined meetings of the Basel, Rotterdam, and Stockholm Conventions – which usually make decisions by consensus – after India repeatedly blocked action.


During the meeting, India surprisingly rejected the findings of the Stockholm Convention’s own scientific expert committee in which they participated. Switzerland triggered the voting procedure – the first in the history of the convention. Ninety-four countries voted in favor of global prohibition of pentachlorophenol; two opposed; and eight countries abstained.


“We commend the global community for this important decision which will help ensure that the Indigenous Peoples of the Arctic and the traditional foods on which they depend are protected against toxic pentachlorophenol,” said Pamela Miller of Alaska Community Action on Toxics.

The delegates of the Stockholm Convention also supported international bans on two other industrial chemicals that harm the global environment and human health: chlorinated naphthalenes and hexachlorobutadiene.


Delegates at the Rotterdam Convention failed to list two deadly substances, chrysotile asbestos and a paraquat formulation, despite the fact that exporters would simply have been required to notify and get permission from importing countries. Belarus, Cuba, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, and Russia all opposed listing chrysotile asbestos. Guatemala, India, Indonesia, and Paraguay blocked listing of the paraquat formulation.


“All the candidate substances meet the Convention criteria according to the treaty’s own expert committee,” said Mariann Lloyd-Smith, IPEN Sr. Policy Advisor. “That means that a small handful of opposing countries and their powerful industry representatives undermined the treaty with a political decision that disrespects governments’ right to know what substances are entering their borders. They simply put their own economic and trade interests before the health and well-being of the global environment and its inhabitants.”





The Basel Convention considered e-waste guidelines that would exempt equipment destined for repair from the treaty’s hazardous waste trade control procedures, a measure that would open the door to unscrupulous traders claiming all broken equipment as “repairable.” The

Convention President pushed a decision to adopt this exemption after the meeting lost interpretation due to the late night hour. Latin American countries protested the procedure and conduct of the meeting.


“Developing countries struggling with e-waste would benefit from good Basel ewaste guidelines,” said Tadesse Amera, Pesticide Action Nexus, Ethiopia. “But they do not want

loopholes that allow dumping under the excuse of repair. We needed stronger measures, not a weakened treaty.


The EU pushed dangerous clean-up standards of 1000 ppm for three toxic flame retardant chemicals widely used in building insulation, upholstery and electronics (HBCD, PentaBDE, and OctaBDE). In contrast, the waste clean-up limit for PCBs and other substances already listed in the treaty is 50 ppm – 20 times lower than the EU proposal. For the first time, delegates settled on two options for HBCD (100 ppm or 1000 ppm) and two options for PentaBDE and OctaBDE (50 ppm or 1000 ppm). Although the EU pushed a weak standard that undermines the Stockholm Convention, China and Iran pushed for the more protective standards (50 ppm and 100 ppm) that are more consistent with the serious threats posed by POPs.