
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)——8月28日乌普兰维斯比市三德贝得伊斯佳学校(瑞典文是Sandbergska Competens)一到九年级的全体师生300多人举办了丰富多彩的“中国日”活动。







DSC_1956  (左图)中国日的主要策划者孙凯和索非亚与两位舞狮演员合影。










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“因为我们都是学生家长,所以我们希望办一所好学校。我们学校也却是在本地区最好的学校。在这里,每个学生都有一个电脑或者一个Ipad。” 她说,他们也从中国学习了一点纪律严明的方面,让学生稍微注意一下纪律,同时也保持瑞典的风格,结果,中瑞结合的效果很不错。

DSC_2112 DSC_2116 DSC_2127


DSC_2072  DSC_2070吃完午饭,学生们又返回到教室,继续做他们的手工艺品。



DSC_2176 DSC_2177一个小姑娘拿着风筝在操场奔跑一圈,到头了,她对记者说,真好玩儿!






北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)--今天晚上,7岁的女儿突然跟我说,妈妈我想给你看,这都是我自己做的。原来,她用手机设计盖了一撞非常豪华的房子。有床,漂亮的阳台,水滑梯,很多窗户和门,花坛,她还居然画了一个十字架,是耶稣的墓地。红绿粉黄各种颜色搭配非常优美。她整天用的这个软件叫Minecraft, 是个非常好玩儿的游戏软件。

上午老公给我看晚报娱乐版上的一张照片。一个男子,络腮胡子,胖乎乎的脸,戴个礼帽。其实他只有36岁。这个人就是Minecraft的发明人马尔库斯.佩尔松(Marcus Notch Persson)。他把这个游戏软件卖给了微软,卖了18亿克朗。他自己净赚10亿克朗。








Swedish King issues award to Rajendra Singh



DSC_1696 隆重的颁奖仪式和往年一样在斯德哥尔摩市政厅举行。陈雪霏拍摄









Dear Distinguished Partner/Counterpart/Expert/Resource Person,






As part of efforts to protect the environment and address the challenges of air, water and soil pollution through appropriate prevention and control strategies, the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO), with the support of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of China, established the Integrated, Intelligent, and International Platform for Environmental Technology (3iPET). 3iPET aims at taking advantages of the technologies and cooperation network of governments, companies, and private organizations in China and other countries to provide both online and offline services to showcase and promote Chinese and foreign environmental technologies to solve the environmental problems locally and globally.

FECO is organizing the first ever 3iPET contest to select the top 100 environmental protection technologies in each of the areas of air, water and soil (including solid waste) pollution prevention and control. The contest will be organized between August and October 2015, and the best 100 adjudged technologies in each of the three categories will be published in the “Top 100 technologies for 3iPET” for Air, Water and Soil (including solid waste) pollution prevention and control. The selected technologies will be promoted through the 3iPET platform.

In recognition of the expertise and active involvement of your organization in the promotion of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) and the global network of your programmes and activities we hereby solicit for your support and assistance in disseminating the information about the contest within and outside China to environmental technology suppliers and promoters. Please find attached information materials and guidelines on the contest. The electronic copies of the information materials and guidelines can be downloaded from the official FECO website atwww.mepfeco.gov.cn

It will be appreciated if you can kindly assist in publicizing the contest by disseminating the attached information and materials. Please revert in case you need additional information or further clarifications.

We thank you for your support and cooperation.


Chen Liang

Director General

Foreign Economic Cooperation Office

Ministry of Environmental Protection of China


To whom it may concern:

Call for Participation in 3iPET Cooperation Hubs

In order to advance environmental protection in China, the development and adoption of advanced and practical environmental technologies are an important means to improve environmental quality. At the same time, China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” promotes the continuing trend for Chinese environmental technologies and industries to “go out” to promote clean development globally. To support China’s efforts in the “three battles” of preventing and controlling water, air and soil pollution, and its implementation of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of Ministry of Environment Cooperation (MEP/FECO) developed the International, Intelligent and Integrated Platform for Environmental Technologies (3iPET), relying on its advantages in international cooperation in environmental protection. 3iPET was officially launched in June 8th, 2015.


3iPET relies on the Internet and powerful database, and combines online and offline service. Its functions include integration and exhibition, evaluation and screening, matchmaking and promotion of environmental technologies, technology services, which serves as an exchange and communication platform. Its goals include promoting domestic and foreign exchange and cooperation with respect to environmental technologies, facilitating import and export of environmental technologies, and providing technical support for China’s efforts in pollution control. The organizational structure of 3iPET includes a steering committee, strategic partners, technology service alliances, a domestic and international cooperation hub platform, and expert consultancy teams. For further information, please visit http://3ipet.mepfeco.org.cn.


We now sincerely call for your joining 3iPET as an international cooperation hub. The international cooperation hubs will conduct information exchange with 3iPET. Through 3iPET, international hubs can obtain information about domestic and international environmental protection policies, global environmental technologies, domestic and international projects, and industrial cooperation opportunities, and will be responsible for providing information about international environmental protection policies, advanced abroad environmental technologies providers, international technological mergers & acquisitions and related projects abroad on a regular basis. Additionally, 3iPET will cooperate with hubs to support technology matchmaking, technology promotion, industrial incubation, project demonstration, financial and business combination opportunities, and policy dissemination.


If you are interested, please complete the information form of 3iPET International Cooperation Hub in the attached Annex, and send it via email to FECO by August 31st, 2015. My colleagues Ms. Tang Lu and Ms. Li Haoting will be at your disposal if you have any question, and you can reach them through:

Tel: 010-82268877, 010-82268880

Fax: 010-82200586

E-mail: tang.lu@mepfeco.org.cn, li.haoting@mepfeco.org.cn

Annex: Information Form for 3iPET International Cooperation Hub


We warmly welcome your participation and contribution. It is our sincere hope that we could achieve win-win cooperation through 3iPET cooperation hubs.


Chen Liang

Director General

Foreign Economic Cooperation Center

Ministry of Environment Cooperation of China


Attachment: Information Form for 3iPET International Cooperation Hub




Information Form for 3iPET International Cooperation Hub

Contact person: Telephone:
Fax: E-mai:






China calls for submission of applicable technologies for contest

Stockholm, Aug.26 (Greenpost)–China is calling for submission of applicable technologies for technologies contest in environmental protection.

The news was released by the delegation from Ministry of Environment Protection of China  during the ongoing  World Water Week in Stockholm during Aug. 23-28, 2015.

The details is as the following:

Dear Distinguished Partner/Counterpart/Expert/Resource Person,






As part of efforts to protect the environment and address the challenges of air, water and soil pollution through appropriate prevention and control strategies, the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office (FECO), with the support of the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MEP) of China, established the Integrated, Intelligent, and International Platform for Environmental Technology (3iPET). 3iPET aims at taking advantages of the technologies and cooperation network of governments, companies, and private organizations in China and other countries to provide both online and offline services to showcase and promote Chinese and foreign environmental technologies to solve the environmental problems locally and globally.

FECO is organizing the first ever 3iPET contest to select the top 100 environmental protection technologies in each of the areas of air, water and soil (including solid waste) pollution prevention and control. The contest will be organized between August and October 2015, and the best 100 adjudged technologies in each of the three categories will be published in the “Top 100 technologies for 3iPET” for Air, Water and Soil (including solid waste) pollution prevention and control. The selected technologies will be promoted through the 3iPET platform.

In recognition of the expertise and active involvement of your organization in the promotion of environmentally sound technologies (ESTs) and the global network of your programmes and activities we hereby solicit for your support and assistance in disseminating the information about the contest within and outside China to environmental technology suppliers and promoters. Please find attached information materials and guidelines on the contest. The electronic copies of the information materials and guidelines can be downloaded from the official FECO website at www.mepfeco.gov.cn

It will be appreciated if you can kindly assist in publicizing the contest by disseminating the attached information and materials. Please revert in case you need additional information or further clarifications.

We thank you for your support and cooperation.


Chen Liang

Director General

Foreign Economic Cooperation Office

Ministry of Environmental Protection of China


To whom it may concern:

Call for Participation in 3iPET Cooperation Hubs

In order to advance environmental protection in China, the development and adoption of advanced and practical environmental technologies are an important means to improve environmental quality. At the same time, China’s “Belt and Road Initiative” promotes the continuing trend for Chinese environmental technologies and industries to “go out” to promote clean development globally. To support China’s efforts in the “three battles” of preventing and controlling water, air and soil pollution, and its implementation of the “Belt and Road Initiative”, the Foreign Economic Cooperation Office of Ministry of Environment Cooperation (MEP/FECO) developed the International, Intelligent and Integrated Platform for Environmental Technologies (3iPET), relying on its advantages in international cooperation in environmental protection. 3iPET was officially launched in June 8th, 2015.


3iPET relies on the Internet and powerful database, and combines online and offline service. Its functions include integration and exhibition, evaluation and screening, matchmaking and promotion of environmental technologies, technology services, which serves as an exchange and communication platform. Its goals include promoting domestic and foreign exchange and cooperation with respect to environmental technologies, facilitating import and export of environmental technologies, and providing technical support for China’s efforts in pollution control. The organizational structure of 3iPET includes a steering committee, strategic partners, technology service alliances, a domestic and international cooperation hub platform, and expert consultancy teams. For further information, please visit http://3ipet.mepfeco.org.cn.


We now sincerely call for your joining 3iPET as an international cooperation hub. The international cooperation hubs will conduct information exchange with 3iPET. Through 3iPET, international hubs can obtain information about domestic and international environmental protection policies, global environmental technologies, domestic and international projects, and industrial cooperation opportunities, and will be responsible for providing information about international environmental protection policies, advanced abroad environmental technologies providers, international technological mergers & acquisitions and related projects abroad on a regular basis. Additionally, 3iPET will cooperate with hubs to support technology matchmaking, technology promotion, industrial incubation, project demonstration, financial and business combination opportunities, and policy dissemination.


If you are interested, please complete the information form of 3iPET International Cooperation Hub in the attached Annex, and send it via email to FECO by August 31st, 2015. My colleagues Ms. Tang Lu and Ms. Li Haoting will be at your disposal if you have any question, and you can reach them through:

Tel: 010-82268877, 010-82268880

Fax: 010-82200586

E-mail: tang.lu@mepfeco.org.cn, li.haoting@mepfeco.org.cn

Annex: Information Form for 3iPET International Cooperation Hub


We warmly welcome your participation and contribution. It is our sincere hope that we could achieve win-win cooperation through 3iPET cooperation hubs.


Chen Liang

Director General

Foreign Economic Cooperation Center

Ministry of Environment Cooperation of China


Attachment: Information Form for 3iPET International Cooperation Hub




Information Form for 3iPET International Cooperation Hub

Contact person: Telephone:
Fax: E-mai:












中国大厨走进北欧 走向世界


photo (61) 瑞典华人餐饮协会会长吴俊博在开幕式上致欢迎词说,去年,他受国侨办方面邀请到四川接受厨师培训,才有了今天国际厨艺大师李万民大师一行的到访。


photo (60)兼任四川省烹饪协会会长的李万民先生表示,他们此前已经在芬兰,丹麦进行了厨艺表演,每次都有三百人参加。




photo (48) photo (49) photo (51) photo (52) photo (53) photo (54) photo (55)


photo (59)photo (58)在昨天的川菜品尝期间,成都的艺术家们还表演了茶艺,变脸等文艺节目。


photo (62)瑞典25 Måltid董事长,特级厨师,美食家Johan Åkersberga出席并致辞。

photo (50)另外,受邀嘉宾还有瑞典华人总会执行会长叶沛群,瑞京华人协会会长柳少会,瑞典华人总会副会长伍王令,瑞典维京论坛主席刘晨,华总秘书长唐兵,瑞典中华医学会会长段茂利,青田同乡会秘书长甘建广,瑞典华人高尔夫协会会长蒋宏斌,瑞典武医协会会长曾庆宗,熊猫饭店董事长黄炳旺,以及人民日报北欧记者刘仲华,人民网记者李枚忆,瑞典的美食编辑Jimmy Forsman,大约30人出席品尝会。尤其是瑞典朋友兴致勃勃地观看表演。

photo (56)photo (57)据不完全统计,这是近10年来首次在瑞典接待中国大陆烹饪代表团来访。当然,中国厨师也几乎遍及世界各地,但国内厨师组团出访到瑞典在近10年来,尚属首次。


Zurich invests USD 10million to drive innovation in flood resilience

Stockholm, August 25(Greenpost)– Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich) has joined efforts with the Global Resilience Partnership to launch the Global Resilience Challenge Water Window.

  The Water Window is a grant-based competition focused on building resilience to different water challenges, including floods. 

Zurich is the first private sector member of the Resilience Partnership and provides a USD 10 million investment to fund solutions to build flood resilience. The Global Resilience Partnership and Zurich call on other corporations to join them so that all can better realize a resilience dividend.

 Zurich will invest USD 10 million as part of its long-term commitment to the Global Resilience Partnership (the Resilience Partnership), convened by The Rockefeller Foundation, the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida). The Resilience Partnership is driving a shared global resilience agenda, where humanitarian and development planning is better aligned, deploying precious resources to support innovations, which will build stronger communities that are able to overcome chronic stresses and better handle inevitable shocks.

 The Global Resilience Challenge Water Window (the Water Window) invites submissions that will build resilience to different water challenges and which stand to benefit of millions of people. The Water Window will seek to support innovative solutions – or to scale up those that are already working – that fall within one or more focus areas of the Resilience Partnership overall:   technology; innovative financing, including risk transfer mechanisms; measurement & diagnostics (e.g.  tools that enable better understanding problems and risk caused by water); policy; and learning & innovation (including   community practices that enhance awareness, education, engagement, female empowerment, and action orientation).  Zurich will look specifically for innovations aimed at enhancing flood resilience in line with its global flood resilience program launched in 2013. The funding is provided by the Z Zurich Foundation.

 The Water Window’s goal is to identify and realize strong solutions that will be shared through an open learning platform. Zurich and other corporations joining the Water Window will be part of the challenge’s assessment, selection and development processes. KPMG East Africa Limited, the implementing partner of the first Global Resilience Challenge, will also be the implementing partner of the Water Window, handling all administrative and operational issues.

 Beyond the Water Window, Zurich will play an active role in the Resilience Partnership by contributing its market-leading resilience measurement expertise, engaging on finding optimal financing solutions, or supporting the development and implementation of public policy.

 Chief Executive Officer Martin Senn said: “Water is one of the most critical development challenges we face today. Tens of millions of people struggle to gain access to clean drinking water every day; a shortage of water is limiting economic growth in many countries, while flooding affects more people each year than any other form of natural disaster. At Zurich, we believe we have a responsibility to use our expertise in insurance and risk management to help communities and households build resilience against such globally interconnected risks. With the commitment of USD 10 million we will build on the progress of our flood resilience program. We invite other companies to join us in the water resilience challenge, where there are a host of issues to focus on beyond floods.”

 “Crisis is the new normal, and with so much of the world’s population living on or near water, flooding is often the source of crises,” said Dr. Judith Rodin, president of The Rockefeller Foundation.

“The Global Resilience Partnership is leading the charge to build resilience across the Sahel, the Horn of Africa, and South and Southeast Asia, and Zurich is an excellent addition because of the expertise they can lend to spur innovation in building resilience to flooding. We look forward to welcoming other corporations to the Resilience Partnership, because when communities are resilient, so too are businesses. That’s part of the dividend of investing in resilience.”


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For broadcast-standard and streaming-quality video and/or high resolution pictures supporting this news release, please visit our Multimedia Pressroom.

Zurich Insurance Group (Zurich) is a leading multi-line insurer that serves its customers in global and local markets. With more than 55,000 employees, it provides a wide range of general insurance and life insurance products and services. Zurich’s customers include individuals, small businesses, and mid-sized and large companies, including multinational corporations, in more than 170 countries. The Group is headquartered in Zurich, Switzerland, where it was founded in 1872. The holding company, Zurich Insurance Group Ltd (ZURN), is listed on the SIX Swiss Exchange and has a level I American Depositary Receipt (ZURVY) program, which is traded over-the-counter on OTCQX. Further information about Zurich is available at www.zurich.com.

Corporate responsibility is a key part of Zurich’s strategy and supports its mission to help its customers understand and protect themselves from risk.  Zurich is focusing on its strengths as a business, and on key enablers of success – actions it needs to take to achieve its strategic objectives. Zurich thinks about corporate responsibility in the same way, focusing on seven areas that either make use of its insurance, risk management and investment expertise, or are enablers of Zurich’s success. They are:

• Enhancing community flood resilience (see more on Zurich’s global flood resilience program)

• Investing our Group assets responsibly [Zurich is a signatory of the Principles of Responsible Investment (PRI)]

• Working with Zurich corporate customers to help them understand and manage their corporate responsibility risks

• Community investment locally and through the Z Zurich Foundation

• Environmental performance, and health and safety management in its office buildings

• Diversity and inclusion in its workforce

• Responsible supply chain management

Zurich participates in the Dow Jones Sustainability Indices (DJSI), FTSE4Good and CDP.

Zurich has been a signatory of the UN Global Compact since 2011 and is committed to making the Global Compact and its principles part of Zurich’s strategy, culture and day-to-day operations.


Managing Water Resources for Green Growth and Equity

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 25 (Greenpost)– The workshop  “Managing Water Resources for Green Growth and Equity” was held on Tuesday at the ongoing World Water Week in Stockholm.

Director-General of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida), Ms. Charlotte Petri Gornitzka, delivered a keynote speech on green growth and equity.

Practitioners and analysts have given the distinctive development trajectories of countries and regions, the pathways through which water can contribute to green growth and equity.

Dr. Akissa Bahri (African Development Bank), Mr. Dhesigen Naidoo (Water Research Commission, RSA), Ms. Sofia Ahlroth (World Bank Group), Mr. Dammika Sirinesa (National Development Bank PLC) and Dr. Casey Brown (University of Massachusetts) have been the panelists.

今日头条— 瑞典首相勒夫文:我们有一个共同点--没有水我们都不能活


photo (44) 瑞典首相斯蒂芬.勒夫文致开幕词时强调人类有很多不同点,但是我们有一个共同点,那就是,没有水我们都不能活。




photo (42)他语气沉重地说,也约旦相反,马绍尔群岛面临着被淹没的危险,过去10个月中,发生越来越频繁的台风,暴雨等问题,海水离他的人民越来越近。根据科学家们的建议,如果全球气候增加两度,世界三分之二的地区都将被海水淹没。


photo (41)







photo (45)印度斯德哥尔摩水奖获得者辛格给人巨大鼓舞,经过三十年的努力,这个曾经学习医学的医生却带领当地人民创建了7条河,1200多个小溪和蓄水地带,当地人民生活福祉极大提高。他的秘诀是,水问题是全球的,但解决问题的办法一定是地方的,因地制宜的。






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Sweden strives for gender equality in film industry

Stockholm, Aug. 22(Greenpost)– Sweden is striving for gender equality in film industry as voices are getting louder in the global film industry regarding gender inequality.

(Video:    http://mediaroom.sweden.se/)

A growing body of research and statistics points to what many have been arguing for decades: women are not represented equally behind or in front of the camera.

The Swedish film industry has certainly been no different. Back to 2012, with only 32 percent of Swedish state-funded features produced by women, and women directors and screenwriters underrepresented, Anna Serner, CEO of the Swedish Film Institute (SFI), decided that something needed to be done.

Serner explains, “When I started three and a half years ago, we had an assignment to aim for a 40/60 average of long feature films, in the key positions of director, screenwriter and producer. Of course this always means 40 percent women, but I would say that you should always aim for 50/50 over time”.

Serner has become a bit of a rock-star figure internationally in championing gender equality in the film industry. Her proactive, no-nonsense approach with its proven results has gained worldwide attention from the film industry and media alike.

“What I did was to be very clear in the goal and made an action plan for reaching the goal by the end of 2015. And it took us (only) two and a half years, to reach the goal”.

With four out of five Swedish feature film receiving funding from SFI, their “Towards Gender Equality in Film Production ” action plan naturally had a major effect on what films have been made. Being  expected with any shake-up to the existing system, arguments and criticism ensued from both the creative and the business sides of the industry. Even neighboring Scandinavian countries with a similar film funding system questioned the need for such an aggressive program.

Serner’s views have remained steady. “One very common argument is that you shouldn’t do this because it limits the creativity, the freedom of speech and the quality of the artistic level of films. I would say exactly the opposite, actually, that you need gender equality and you need to get the underrepresented voices… to get quality”.

Who gets to make films is one important aspect of equality in the film industry, how women are represented in front of the camera is another.

Sweden also attracted an unexpected amount of worldwide attention for an initiative by a small art house movie theatre in Stockholm.

Ellen Tejle, Director of Bio Rio, explains,

“Back in 2013, we read that only 30% of women in film had speaking roles, and it got us thinking, ‘We need to do something ourselves! But we don’t produce films, we are just showing them’”.

What the theatre did was to develop the world’s first film classification, “A-rate”, to show if a film passes The Bechdel Test. The Bechdel Test was inspired by American animator Alison Bechdel’s idea from 30 years ago, a basic measure to see if women are fairly represented in a film.

For a film to pass The Bechdel Test, the movie must • have at least two female characters • they must both have names • they must talk to each other about something other than a man. As simple as it was, the “A-rate” campaign sent a shock wave through the industry and media from over eighty countries picked up the story.

The Bechdel Test was used in a number of analyses that followed including the oft-quoted analysis in 2014 by New York based FiveThirtyEight, showing that, of Hollywood films produced since 1990, those which passed the Bechdel test actually had a better return on investment.

Tejle cautions, “We realize that the Bechdel Test is only one tool to evaluate film, and it is not a guarantee of quality or equality, but it gets people talking about women’s representation. I know that, since A-Rate, people have been changing their scripts and changing the casting, and that’s amazing!”.

If Serner has anything to say about it, Sweden will continue to push the gender quality question forward .

“Women tell stories with a new perspective, and that’s what feels new, original, and unique. “ She adds with a smile, “There are a lot of countries that talk about things, but we are the only country that actually does things! You can criticize and you can have opposition, but that is a way of making progress”.

Sweden’s view of the new climate agreement

Stockholm, Aug. 21(Greenpost)–From 30 November to 11 December, the world’s leaders will gather in Paris for the twenty-first session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. The session is particularly important since the countries are to agree on a new global climate agreement that will apply from 2020.

The Government wants to see a global, fair and legally binding climate agreement that will help keep global warming as far below two degrees Celsius as possible. The agreement must allow countries to take ever more ambitious emission reduction measures over time.

Sweden wants to see legally binding emissions limitation commitments for all countries. All countries should contribute according to their responsibilities and respective capabilities. Sweden also wants the agreement to cover support to low-income countries’ implementation of measures for both emission reductions and adaptation. Support should cover financing, technology diffusion and capacity-building. In particular, support is needed to strengthen efforts in the poorest and most vulnerable countries.

Being able to measure, report and verify countries’ emissions is a prerequisite for stronger commitments over time. The agreement must therefore contain fundamental principles for a common regulatory framework for transparency and monitoring of countries’ commitments and implementation.

All countries should present their contributions to the new agreement in good time before the Paris session. The EU’s decision to reduce emissions by at least 40 per cent by 2030 is an important step, but a higher level of ambition is needed from both the EU and other parties that have submitted their bids.

The Government considers that a higher level of ambition prior to 2020 is important, both to close the gap between what countries are doing and necessary emission reductions, and to build confidence in the negotiations.

Much work remains before a new agreement can be put into place

Many difficult issues remain to be solved before and during the session in Paris, including what parts of the new agreement should be legally binding, how adaptation and emission reductions can be given equal political importance in the agreement, how climate financing can increase and which countries should contribute.

Reaching a global climate agreement in Paris is expected to be a major challenge, and even if an agreement is reached it will not provide a complete solution to the problem of climate change. The new agreement is needed to create a platform for more ambitious climate commitments and enhanced global action in the years ahead. However, a number of political and technical issues will remain after Paris, for example the detailed reporting regulations and market mechanisms under the new agreement.

Stock Market on Aug. 20

Stockholm, Aug 20(Greenpost)–Stock Market crashed again in Stockholm.

The American fund decreased almost tow percentage points to 1.33 percent from 3.2 percent standing at 651.98 kr yesterday.

Asian fund decrease to minus 11 with a loss of 5564.

Handelsbanken China fund decreased most to 14279 by  16.23 percent. The price decreased to 126 from 152.

Handelsbanken Hållbergenergi decreased by almost 14 percent with a loss of 3398.

Both the European fund and Multiasset are decreasing by over 1000 kr.

In total, the funds ran at a loss of almost 30 thousand kronor. Now only the American fund is in positive while all the others ran at a loss.















China Focus: Economists confident of medium-term 7-percent growth

BEIJING, Aug. 18 (Xinhua) — Economists have high hopes China can keep GDP growth above 7 percent over the next five years, as leading officials prepare to discuss 2016-2020 development at a key political meeting.
Economic growth is high on the agenda of October’s plenary session of the Communist Party of China Central Committee, which will cover the 13th Five-year Plan (2016-2020).
These five years are critical if Chinese leaders are to realize their goals of doubling 2010 GDP and per capita income and completing the building of a moderately prosperous society by 2020.
“China’s potential growth can exceed 7 percent,” said Tsinghua University economist Hu Angang, using the technical term for the maximum pace an economy can sustain over the medium to long term without stoking inflation.
“China set a growth target of 7 percent for the 2011-2015 period, but the de facto annual growth was 7.8 percent on average. Potential growth will be lower in the 2016-2020 period, but it should be above 7 percent. I expect the de facto annual growth to be around 7.5 percent,” Hu said.
Fan Gang, an advisor to the central bank monetary policy committee, said he was confident of 7-percent growth in the long run and that more pessimistic analysts “had not taken cyclical factors such as overcapacity into account.” He believes the problem of overproduction by China’s industries will ease sooner rather than later.
“China is still in a relatively high growth range. The growth rate of 7 percent or above could last till 2023 backed by the three state strategies [the Belt and Road regional infrastructure and trade network, greater integration of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei Province, and the Yangtze River Economic Belt], deepening reform, industrial upgrading and urbanization,” said Liu Wei, deputy president of Peking University.
Wang Yiming, deputy director of the Development Research Center of the State Council, predicted the economy will resist looming downward pressure thanks to emerging favorable conditions.
These include industrialization and urbanization, openings for Chinese enterprises during global economic adjustment, and increasing consumption, according to Wang.
Enormous investment opportunities lie in areas including poverty reduction, environmental protection, water conservation and urban renovation, he added.
Economists also believe official campaigns to integrate technology such as cloud computing, robots and new materials with traditional industries, and to develop the country’s central and western regions will also aid growth.
However, as policymakers have accepted China entering a period of plateauing but more stable economic growth, and one of great strategic opportunities but also complicated challenges, Wang advised them to perfect macro regulation by improving fiscal and monetary policies and to be on the lookout for risks to prevent economic volatility.
The government should back reforms to create growth momentum, and stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship in high-tech industries, he added.
Ba Shusong, chief economist at the China Banking Association, pointed to various issues hampering growth. As the criteria used to evaluate officials’ performance change, local officials might be less motivated in wooing investment, Ba said, also citing rising labor costs as a problem.  Enditem