Turkey, third largest humanitarian donor in 2013

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, June 10 (Greenpost)–Turkey has become a more visible global actor over the past decade according to its humanitarian aid.

Its growing aid budget made it the world’s third largest humanitarian donor in 2013, according to a report published in Saferworld.

It has increasingly been focusing on conflict-affected states.

Since 2011, through the deployment of high numbers of aid workers to Mogadishu, the Turkish government and Turkish non-governmental organizations have markedly expanded aid operations in Somalia.

Turkey has been recognized through its humanitarian diplomacy.


Iceland to raise interest rate by half a percent

The Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) of the Central Bank of Iceland has decided to raise the Bank’s interest rates by 0.5 percentage points. The Bank’s key interest rate – the rate on seven-day term deposits – will therefore be 5%, a statement reaching here from Iceland’s central bank said.

According to newly published national accounts, GDP growth measured 2.9% in Q1/2015. Consumption and investment grew by 6.4% and domestic demand by almost 10%. These figures, together with the strong recovery of the labour market, indicate that economic activity is growing broadly in line with the Bank’s May forecast.

Although inflation is still low, the inflation outlook has deteriorated markedly from the Bank’s last forecast, and inflation expectations have continued to rise. The outlook is for higher inflation than the Bank projected in May because wage increases recently negotiated have been significantly larger than was assumed in the May forecast.

In order to facilitate the conclusion of wage settlements, the Government has announced measures that will increase public expenditures and reduce tax revenues. This will entail an easing of the fiscal stance, other things being equal, as they have not been financed. Furthermore, the authorities have announced measures aimed to prepare for liberalisation of the capital controls. Some of these measures will generate revenues for the Treasury, and it is important that these revenues be allocated so as not to stimulate the domestic economy still further, i.e. by activating the hitherto sterile component of money holdings. The MPC will monitor developments closely and will take appropriate countervailing measures if necessary. In recent MPC statements, the Committee has repeatedly pointed out that large pay increases and strong growth in demand could undermine the recently achieved price stability and require that interest rates be raised again. The outlook for developments in wage costs, the increase in inflation expectations, and indicators of robust demand growth make it unavoidable to respond to the worsening inflation outlook now, even though inflation is still below target. Furthermore, it seems apparent that a sizeable rate increase will be necessary in August, followed by further rate hikes in the coming term, so as to ensure price stability over the medium term.

Overnight lending: 6.75%
Seven-day collateralised lending: 5.75%
Seven-day term deposits: 5.00%
Current account: 4.75%

My Splendid Experiences in New Zealand


By Chen Xuefei

F rom March 2003 to April 2004, I stayed in New Zealand as a visiting scholar. It’s hard to describe my feelings and experiences over there. If I have to describe the place in one word the first thing that pops into my head is “beautiful”. But clearly, that‟s not enough: the longer I think about it the more I realize that a single word doesn‟t really do it justice, and it at least needs to be modified. “Absolutely beautiful” is what I‟ll leave you with for the time being. And the Kiwi people are very nice as you can always hear a “hello” even you just meet them in the street. The following are a few segments of my unforgettable experiences in New Zealand.

Beautiful Campus in A Beautiful City

It was a rainy morning when I arrived on the campus. I stood in front of the University of Canterbury‟s Students’ Union Building waiting for Head of Department Jim Tully to pick me up. I was stunned by the beautiful trees growing all over the campus. There was a maple forest before my eyes and most of the maple leaves were red or yellow. I couldn’t help thinking: “This is exactly the place where I‟d like to stay.” Jim arrived. Then, much to my surprise, he went to buy some birthday cake for one of the 20 students in Graduate Diploma in Journalism class. Jim remembers everybody’s birthday and buys some cake to help add a “sweet” element to the special day. As we got to the classroom, it was almost time for the next class. Jim introduced me to the 20 students and then began the class focusing on objective reporting in journalism. To improve my skills and get to know more about journalism in the west, I joined this class. I almost got lost when I tried to go back to the bus stop after class as the campus is, especially for someone who has just arrived, a little confusing. It’s huge and well forested, with trees and flowers everywhere. Fortunately, there is a map almost in every corner and an arrow to show where you are. When I left the campus, I ended up in another beautiful place, Hagley Park. The park is located between my apartment and the campus, and I pass through it everyday. It’s a huge park, and if you walk around it, it takes more than an hour. Most of the trees in the park are hundreds of years old; but there is at least one tree which is very young, planted by the Mayor of Gansu, Christchurch‟s sister city. There were very few people in the park, which is surprising considering its beauty. The botanical garden in the center of the park is surrounded by a stream where people can take small boats to see the surrounding beauty. And, interestingly enough, there‟s a sailor wearing handsome uniform that moves up and down the stream in a boat. The day before I left Christchurch for Beijing, I went to the park again and began to think there really is a “Heaven on Earth”. The city of Christchurch got its name from a Christian church located in the city center. The church was built in the 18th century and still serves the people everyday and is a place that proudly displays the city‟s history. Not very far from the church, is the newly-opened art gallery that shows modern aspects of the city. It is made of glass and hosts both modern and classic art exhibitions. Some of the most common descriptions I heard from Chinese students are “fresh air”, “blue sky” and “beautiful gardens”. And they are right! Christchurch is a real garden city.

An Unforgetable Dinner

People often asked me what I eat and if I cook. To tell you the truth, most Chinese staying abroad cook for themselves, and I was by no means an exception. It‟s less expensive and makes it a little easier to keep the tastes of home alive and well. Here I‟d like to tell you about a special dinner I had with my Kiwi classmates. We went on a reporting trip to the Marlborough Express newspaper in Blenheim, in the northern part of New Zealand‟s south island. Jim drove us there on June 16th, and the next day we went to work at the Marlborough Express. Our assignments were to write soft stories like profiles for their weekend edition. I interviewed a few Asian students including some from China, Japan, South Korea and Thailand. They all expressed that it was a good place to study because of its beauty, tranquility. However, while many of them cherished the opportunity of studying abroad, they usually discovered that there was no “taste like home”. They were not used to having bread or drinking milk twice a day. Although the schools took measures to hire Asian cooks to serve them Asian food every Tuesday, they still missed eating good hometown food all the time. After work, we went to the Countdown supermarket to buy some food for our meal. This evening, we would cook dinner in pairs. After we arrived at our Motel, Jim said: “You can start now.” The two Nicolas, Nicola B and Nicola W, started first. They took a big piece of pan cake, and then they put mushrooms, tomatoes, peppers and many other things on it. They were making pizza! After this, they put it in the oven to bake. And then the other students follow suit. I also tried to make a pizza, my first one! “To my surprise,” I said to Jim, “I didn‟t realize western food can also help create such a good atmosphere. It reminds me of Chinese Spring Festival when every member of the family joins hands to make dumplings. I feel at home!” “Yes,” Jim replied. “food always helps create a good atmosphere and good feelings.” It‟s true. Especially when my pizza was ready, I felt very warm to say the least. When I took my pizza out, Jim said it looked very good. In fact, it tasted even better! It was a great dinner! It was the first time I‟d ever eaten with a large group of students outside of China and I feel it was unforgettable.

Celebrating Spring Festival in RNZI

Another unforgettable thing was celebrating Spring Festival at Radio New Zealand International where I worked for almost 3 months. RNZI has only 11 permanent staff, but runs 24 hour programs. It was fun to be there. I didn‟t realize what time of year it was until I started to receive a few emails of festival greetings, which meant Spring Festival or Chinese New Year was on the way! The next day at noon, I went out to get some sweets, which they call lollies in New Zealand. I put the candy on the table which stands in the middle of the newsroom. “Hello everyone, please take some candies to celebrate the Chinese New Year!” “Wow! Happy New Year, Xuefei!” my Kiwi colleagues cheered. Janine and Penny were both born in the year of monkey. They were very happy to know that this year belonged to them. “What is it like to be a monkey?” Janine couldn‟t help asking. “Well,” I said, “it’s just like a monkey, intelligent, clever, smart and hard-working also. By the way, my mother was born in the year of monkey too.” Then, everyone starts to wonder what symbol is his or hers. In the end, we found out that Walter, Koro and Steven and I were all born in the year of horse. Then we drew the conclusion that horses make good journalists and editors because they are enthusiastic, independent and hard-working. And here the four horses are at different ages with Walter older and Koro younger than me. Then Lynda wondered what her birth symbol was and I guessed that it must be ox. An ox is definitely a good worker. It‟s true with Lynda, mother of two extremely energetic boys, who was very hard working and efficient, a good journalist. Sara turned out to be a rat, intelligent, sensitive, and easygoing. Then someone found some information about the Chinese zodiac and printed it out in English. As Linden came over, I told her that she was a tiger. “What is a tiger like?” She asked. “Just like you, in charge, very demanding and also capable.” I said. She burst out laughing. Linden is the manager and she is a good team leader because you can often hear laughter coming out of her office. And if you have any worries, she‟s also an amazing problem solver! Then the ladies started thinking of their partner‟s or children‟s birth symbol. After an enthusiastic discussion about their zodiac signs, people went back to work. As Penny came back to her desk after an interview, she said, “Our life is not the same any more.” I didn‟t really know what she was getting at. No one pointed out what she meant. But after a while I began to understand that the knowledge they gained caused them to wonder about their family members’ signs: what year their parents were born; and what kind of character their children and friends had. It gave people a new way of understanding others. It doesn‟t matter where they‟re from, the zodiac applies as equally to Chinese people as it does to Kiwi‟s and everyone else around the world. Everyone cares about their fate, their luck, their future and their relatives. It‟s a thread that links us all together. Even the next day we continued to talk about it. And we found out that Don‟s birth symbol was also monkey. Johnny was a rabbit and he would like to come to China some day soon. And a colleague of Steven‟s found out that he was born in the year of the dog. He said his mother even gave him a name Damin, which, at least in his opinion, is a dog‟s name. There weren‟t any fireworks or big family reunions, but I felt I had a great Spring Festival celebration in RNZI‟s newsroom.

Farewell to the University of Canterbury

200405The year passed so quickly that I barely had time to catch my breath, but the time came that I had to say goodbye. Why? The campus is a sacred place, it‟s fun, it‟s hard, it‟s frustrating and totally unforgettable. In fact, I didn‟t really feel that the campus has anything to do with academics; rather, it seemed much more like a social place to me, where I, and everyone else for that matter, could socialize freely. It was fun to practise Teeline or short-hand in English during journalism classes and I also found that I‟d developed a serious interest in media law along the way. Interviewing Chinese and other Asian students in Bleinheim was a wonderful experience. But what I found even more inspiring was to see students protest an increase of their tuition fees. As a visiting scholar from China Radio International, I really enjoyed sitting in the classroom, listening to lectures and having heated discussions with classmates. I was deeply impressed with the professors‟ attitudes and lectures; yet, I could also feel the stress they experienced during recent restructuring. I felt the library was extremely convenient because you only needed one card for everything.

The University of Canterbury has over a hundred years of history, yet it‟s also a melting pot for people coming from all over the world. It doesn‟t matter where you‟re from, anyone from anywhere can become a member of it. Goodbye, Canterbury, I loved you at first sight, and I will love you forever! (Chen Xuefei)



W020150617090680508993陈育明大使在一带一路研讨会上致辞。     照片选自使馆网站。





一带一路战略研讨会在斯德哥尔摩举行。 图文 陈雪霏


(请听采访陈大使音频Interview with Chinese Ambassador Chen Yuming)

“我相信本次研讨会是富有建设性的,有利于促进中国与相关各国包括中瑞之间的投资与合作,对与会者和瑞典公众了解一带一路战略都是大有益处的。” 陈大使说。

瑞典安全与发展政策研究院主任尼古拉. 斯万斯特罗姆(Niklas Svanström)告诉北欧绿色邮报网记者,本次研讨会是他们组织的有关纪念中瑞建交65周年系列活动之一。同时,他认为,既然“一带一路”战略对中国的经济发展,中国与外界联系都是非常重要的,同样,这对欧洲与亚洲的联系也是非常重要的。因此,他认为,欧洲在基础设施规划和投资时,也要考虑中国的一带一路战略。如果双方真能互相联系起来发展,必将对中欧的经济发展是一笔宝贵的财富。

(请听采访Svanström Interview with Niklas Svanström from ISDP)


本次研讨会由中国大使陈育明首先致辞。瑞典商务部秘书Oscar Stenström,也在开幕式上作了讲话。瑞典中亚大使彼得森,中银国际控股有限公司首席经济学家,中国人民大学经济学院教授、博士生导师,美国南加洲大学客座教授,上海交通大学兼职教授,北京大学经济研究中心 研究员曹远征也应邀参加研讨会。


(请听采访华为音频:Interview with Mr. Kenneth Fredriksen from Huawei)








photo (30)photo (29)

北京最近的蓝天白云。  转发自北航吴文忠教授微信照片。



报告撰写人是著名的气候经济学家尼可拉斯·斯泰恩(Nicholas Stern)和分析家菲尔古斯·格林(Fergus Green)。

“从对主要排放领域的分析中我们得出结论,中国的温室气体排放很可能不会等到2030年达到峰值,而是很可能到2025年就已达到峰值。甚至还可能更早。”  声明说。








此间舆论认为,该报告结果表明,中国政府过去一年采取的严厉措施,确实减少了煤炭的使用,对减少温室气体排放起到了切实效果。原来所说的18年,也有望缩短到13年甚至更短。凡事有惯性,一旦形成良性循环,中国环境在10年内出现巨大改善也不是不可能的。 当然,这需要政府,企业,社会和全中国人民齐心协力的共同努力。

INGRID Bergman in her own words to be shown in Sweden

INGRID Bergman in her own words to be shown soon in Sweden

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, June 8 (Greenpost)– I’m Ingrid, a documentary film by Stig Björkman has moved the audience very much at its premier for the professional film makers and cinema owners as well as journalists.


Ingrid Bergman, a great actress who won oscar award

twice the best actress and once best supporting actress in

Hollywood was remembered by her children and the one who used to work with her.

Stig Björkman can be her biggest fan as he collected all her films,

pictures and many more.

Now with interviews with her four children and her diary, Björkman

directed a successful film.

China Headlines: China launches three more free trade zones

China Headlines: China launches three more free trade zones 
    Stockholm, June 5 (Greenpost) --Three new free trade zones (FTZ) began official operation on Tuesday as China seeks to draw more international commerce. 
    The new zones were established 18 months after the first FTZ was unveiled in the financial hub Shanghai, which was designed to help streamline the overloaded administrative approval system and encourage innovation and internationalization. 
    Officials expect the new FTZs in Tianjin, Guangdong and Fujian will boost economic reform, promote trade and facilitate investment in new areas as the world's second largest economy moves away from an unsustainable export-dependent model. 
    Provincial-level officials attended the launching ceremony at the three zones Tuesday, when dozens of business licenses were ceremonially granted to registered enterprises. 
    Some businesses have already experienced the increased efficiency of working in the new zones. 
    Liu Qiya, the chief financial official with Tuwei Tongli Electrical Technology based in Xiamen, an open coastal city of Fujian, said his company was granted an operational license for the zone just three days after the application was submitted. The same procedure in other parts of the province could take weeks. 
    Antonio Fossanti, CEO of the Italian RDS, said the reason his retail company chose to operate in the Tianjin zone is the one-stop solution of problems concerning policy, customs, trade and marketing. 
    According to a detailed plan released on Monday, the new zones will be based on the Shanghai FTZ but catered to utilize their geographical locations. 
    By its first anniversary, the Shanghai zone had seen nearly 12,000 registered enterprises lured by a better trade and investment environment. 
    The Tianjin zone aims to better integrate the northern municipality with Beijing and Hebei Province. It will prioritize modern service industries, including shipping, culture and equipment manufacturing. 
    The Guangdong zone will deepen economic cooperation between the mainland and neighboring special administrative regions Hong Kong and Macao. It will have three bases in the cities of Guangzhou, Shenzhen and Zhuhai. 
    The Fujian zone will focus on developing economic cooperation between the mainland and Taiwan. It will cover three areas in Xiamen, Fuzhou and Pingtan, a new industrial park targeting investment from Taiwan. 
    The Shanghai zone, which has been more than quadrupled in size since it was established, will continue to strive for "the greatest openness" to facilitate investment and trade with currency convertibility and a sound legal environment. It will also further open its service and manufacturing industries. 
    All zones must adhere to the negative list, which details 122 prohibited or restricted areas for foreign investment, ranging from Internet news services, production of radio and television programs to non-ferrous metal mining. This number has been reduced from 139. 
    Foreign investors will be subject to the same rules and regulations for new investment as domestic firms. 
    Experts believe that these fresh zones are strategically important for the "belt and road" initiative, which aims to better connect Asia, Europe and Africa, as a way to boost investment and consumption. 
    Shao Yu, Shanghai-based chief economist of the Orient Securities Co.,Ltd., said the four FTZs will be crucial "supporting points" for the belt and road initiative. 
    "More opening-up moves are needed in regions such as southwestern Yunnan and Tibet for the new strategic layout," he said. 
    Wang Shouwen, assistant minister of commerce, said the new zones will not just copy the Shanghai zone but also break fresh ground in areas such as investment administration, trade regulation and financial systems. 
    The replication of successful reform measures is a common strategy in the reform and opening-up drive. The Shenzhen Special Economic Zone, founded in 1980, has been rolled out along the entire east coast over the past three decades. 
    That zone allowed foreign investment to develop the manufacturing industry, a driving force behind the economic boom of previous decades. 
    FTZ fever has caught the attention of officials across the country, with many pushing for their regions to be included in the next batch of FTZs. 
    However, observers warn that the central government must ensure that the FTZs are used to pioneer reform measures, and that their policies are correctly implemented. 
    Foreign business groups have said that the Shanghai zone brought improvements but they expected "more tangible benefits" of financial reforms, such as full convertibility of the yuan. Enditem
Source Xinhua
Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson


Latest news: China’s Eastern Star Ship righted

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, June 5(Greenpost)–The search and rescue team has righted the capsized cruise ship in the Yangtze River following more than 12 hours of work, according to CRI.

MAIN201506051123000032894148641 (1)

The operation started Thursday night after no more survivors were found following three days of search and rescue efforts.

The rescue headquarters says righting the ship would help find the missing people “in the shortest possible time”.

The death toll from the shipwreck stands at 97.

More than 350 remain missing.

Only 14 people have been found alive so far.

Chinese Premier Li Keqiang has been to the rescue site twice to direct the rescue work, look at the rescued persons and the soldiers,

divers and many others.

The ship was believed to capsize due to the severe storm and the

tornado it met.

The ship capsized within just a couple of minutes. It was too quick to

send out rescue signals.  The message was sent out after a guide swam out of the river.

The last one who was rescued out was a 65 year old lady.

Chinese army, navy and air force as well as transportation and communication ministries have all sent out people to the site.

More than 4600 soldiers and 200 divers participated in the rescue.

China Headlines: China eyes bigger global role with Chinese solutions

China Headlines: China eyes bigger global role with Chinese solutions

Stockholm, June 5 (Greenpost) — China on Sunday pledged to play a bigger role in international affairs while stressing its commitment to peace and justice by advancing win-win cooperation and common development.
Foreign Minister Wang Yi highlighted old Chinese wisdom and modern approaches in the country’s diplomacy at a press conference on the sidelines of the national legislature annual session.
The top Chinese diplomat took an array of questions on subjects ranging from China’s relations with the United States and Russia, to a military parade it will stage to mark the victory in World War II and the situation on the Korean Peninsula and warring northern Myanmar.

The minister said China’s diplomacy in 2015, with two main themes of peace and development, will focus on making progress in the “Belt and Road” infrastructure initiatives.
China has said on many occasions that the initiatives, proposed by President Xi Jinping to upgrade cooperation between countries in Asia, Europe and Africa, are not exclusive and not a tool of geopolitics like the Marshall Plan.
Wang turned to a musical metaphor, “The initiatives are not a solo for China, but a symphony performed by all the countries involved.”
The hallmark of Chinese diplomacy with major countries is win-win cooperation, he said.
It includes upholding an independent foreign policy of peace and equality among all countries, he said, adding that these ideas originate from Chinese traditions and reflect the socialist principle.
He said China is blazing a new diplomatic path of “making partners rather than allies.”
China has established formal economic partnerships with more than 70 countries and many regional organizations.
While advocating that the current international order needs to be updated, Wang said his country has “no intention of overturning it or starting all over again,” 70 years after the end of WWII and the founding of the United Nations.
“It is very important to safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of developing countries which are in the majority of the world,” he said.
The minister promised to work with other countries to increase cooperation in combating cross-border corruption, an extension of the anti-graft declaration adopted during the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation meetings last year in Beijing.

On relations between China and the United States, Wang said the world’s two biggest economies should not “magnify problems through a microscope,” but instead “use a telescope to look ahead to the future.”
He said that President Xi’s scheduled visit to the United States in September will inject “new momentum” into one of the world’s most important partnerships.
The minister also noted that Beijing and Washington, as they exert “pioneering efforts” to build a new model of major-country relations, will encounter obstacles along the path, calling for more trust between them.
With Russia under Western sanctions over the Ukraine crisis, Wang said that China’s relations with Russia will not be affected by “international vicissitudes” and are not aimed at any third party.
The two countries, with a comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination, will prioritize cooperation in areas including railways, finance and oil and gas.
Meanwhile, Wang said China will cooperate more with Africa on industrialization, sanitation and security and peace. It will also liaise with India to facilitate settlement of the boundary issue.
This year marks the 70th anniversary of China’s victory in the Chinese people’s War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression. Uncertainties overshadow ties between China and Japan, with territorial and historical disputes being far from resolved.
Wang, a former Chinese envoy to Japan, asked Japanese politicians to use their sense of conscience in judging history 70 years after Japan lost the war.
China is planning commemorative events, including a military parade, to mark the 70th anniversary and will invite foreign leaders to China for the commemorations.
China welcomes the participation of “anyone who is sincere about coming,” Wang said.
“By staging those commemorations, China will expand its convergence with other peace-loving countries and peoples,” said Prof. Gong Fangbin at the National Defense University of the People’s Liberation Army.

With its growing presence worldwide and increasingly interwoven interests in some regions, China has been seeking to address global hotspot issues by “putting forward Chinese solutions.”
“The most striking feature of China’s diplomacy last year was its activeness,” said Zhang Yunling, an international studies specialist who is also a member of the National Committee of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference. “It matches China’s role as a major player in the world.”
Over the past year, China, which has been following the principle of non interference with internal affairs of other countries, mediated on a host of regional issues, including in Afghanistan, Iran and South Sudan.
“When approaching a hotspot issue, we first need to take the pulse, adopt an objective and impartial attitude, and understand where the issue has come from and establish conceptions based on facts,” said Minister Wang, taking a metaphor from traditional Chinese medicine.
He pledged to follow a multi-pronged approach that seeks a political settlement addressing the concerns of all involved, rather than resorting to the use of force or sanctions.
The minister also urged stability in the conflict-hit northern Myanmar and called for calmness and restraint as the situation on the Korean Peninsula entered another delicate period.
Wang said that China would properly handle regional conflicts and advocate dialogue between cultures, religions and ethnic groups to counter terrorism, which was called by him as a “common scourge to mankind.”
The minister defended China’s construction on South China Sea islands and reefs, saying the move is lawful and justified.  Enditem


Source   Xinhua

Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Facebook: chenxuefei7

Twitter: chenxuefei7@hotmail.com


Chinese companies strive to lead development in 5G technology

Chinese companies strive to lead development in 5G technology 
    BARCELONA, Mar.4 (Greenpost) -- Chinese telecommunications firms such as Huawei look certain to lead the development into 5G technology, if events at the 2015 Mobile World Congress (MWC) currently being held here are anything to go by. 
    With the Internet of Things (IoT) and the Internet of Vehicles (IoV) hot topics in Barcelona, it is obvious that the 4G network simply isn't going to be enough to carry the estimated 100 billion internet connections that are needed, something Huawei's acting CEO, Ken Hu has described as "a huge challenge for the mobile industry." 
    "Everything will be connected: our toothbrushes, our sneakers, glasses, watches...as well as forklifts and robotic arms used in factories," said Hu, stressing that 5G, with a capacity 1,000 times greater and an estimated 100 times faster than current 4G networks, can make that connected future possible, providing the speed needed for self-driven vehicles, for example. 
    Hu is not alone in thinking that way. Jurgen Escalon from Wibro Technologies commented to Xinhua: "obviously we are waiting for it (5G), in some parts we are still waiting for 4G to work but I think we are part of the business where this will help us to deliver. It's more mobile," 
    Escalon expects companies such as Huawei to be leading the charge towards 5G, but admitted he hoped they would not be the only contenders. 
    "It looks like Chinese companies will be in the lead, but there are strong contenders in other parts too, so we hope the competition will help drive it faster," he said. 
    At the MWC, Huawei signed a collaboration agreement with Japan's major mobile operator, DOCOMO for both companies to test 5G remote access technology (RAT) in the latest of a series of agreements with countries from all around the globe. Huawei backed the commitment further, announcing plans to invest at least 600 million U.S. dollars in research and development in the technology over the next three years. 
    "5G development needs a standard to be defined, but as I see it, it's for supplying load for the IoT, developing to support the massive uptake of video on demand and to realize the extent and proliferation we are going to rely on mobile data to interact with our world. It is very interesting and exciting," said Colin Brown from Spark Connect in New Zealand, which has Huawei as their core provider. 
    "We are interested in seeing where the evolution takes us. We see China playing a big role on our part," he concluded. 
    Orlando Pereira from Paraguayan mobile operator, VOX, highlighted the role Chinese companies had already played in 4G development, and expects to see something similar in the case of 5G. 
    "5G is making very rapid progress, it is a relatively new technology and there is not a lot of information which has been made public," he explained. Pereira speculated it would "probably need a spectrum of frequencies and that is going to depend on the distribution in the world and in that we think that the Chinese companies are once again going to be important." 
    Hu agreed, having previously said the "telecom sector should open its doors and proactively embrace and dialogue with other industries to define 5G standards." 
    "Our ability to imagine the future is still quite limited, but we know it will be a super-connected and super-intelligent world and we are at the beginning of the beginning," he said.  Enditem
Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Commentary: More trust from the West in China-Africa cooperation key to Africa’s takeoff

Commentary: More trust from the West in China-Africa cooperation key to Africa’s takeoff


by Guo Jun

Stockholm, June 5 (Greenpost)– The year 2015 marks the 15th anniversary of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC), a milestone which has seen China and Africa accelerate their steps in expanding cooperations in various fields for the past 15 years.

Infrastructure projects built by Chinese companies are quickly popping up around the continent. Up to now, China has completed 1, 046 projects in Africa, building 2,233 kilometers of railways and 3,530 kilometers of roads, among others, promoting intra-African trade and helping it integrate into the global economy.

However, as Africa is benefiting from the fruits of trust established with China very long time ago, some in the West have been watching all these with doubtful, or green eyes, hence fantastic theories like “neocolonialism” and “China is exploiting Africa’s resources” are floating up.

Believers of such theories seem to ignore the simple fact that Western powers have been holding their grounds in production of natural resources like oil, gas and minerals in many African countries.

According to a report quoted by the Wikipedia, joint ventures between foreign companies and Nigerian government account for approximately 95 percent of all crude oil output in Nigeria, while local independent companies operating in marginal fields account for the remaining 5 percent. And the top six foreign companies operating in Nigeria are all of western origin, including Shell Nigeria who accounts for 50 percent of Nigerian’s total oil production.

The same story happens in many other African countries: Angola, Zambia, Botswana, etc., a story neglected by some people in the West perhaps because they have taken this for granted for too long to remember.

China has grown into one of the major trading partners with Africa. Winning infrastructure project bids with lower cost, quick delivery and good quality, buying and selling goods for each other’s needs, at both parties’ willingness, aren’t these market economy practices?

“Some say that China is conducting ‘concrete diplomacy’ by helping Africa with infrastructure development. I believe that is what badly needed by Africa in pursuing economic growth,” China’s Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Hua Chunying told a recent press briefing.

Infrastructure projects, investment in manufacture and aids in health sector are China’s main gifts to Africa as the continent strides towards a more integrated and promising one, especially with a continental free trade zone encompassing 26 African countries being close at hand.

Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni told the Financial Times in October 2014 that his main preoccupation was to build efficient infrastructure capable of providing inexpensive services to boost GDP growth to double digit levels.

He said China was a desirable partner in this endeavor not only because of its funding capabilities but also because it desists from interfering in the internal affairs of other countries.

Africa is big enough to consume investment from China and the West. According to the World Bank, an extra 93 billion U.S. dollars is needed every year over the next decade to bridge the infrastructure deficit alone in Africa.

The efficient West-China cooperation on the continent will provide greater opportunities for African countries, particularly in the area of technology transfer, peace and security operations as China is increasing its coordination with United Nations peacekeeping missions.

There should be more confidence and trust from the West in the engagement between China and Africa, and also more trust from the West that China is a reliable partner to cooperate to help Africa loose no time in taking off so as to benefit the whole world. Enditem

Source  Xinhua

Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Facebook: chenxuefei7

Twitter:  chenxuefei7@hotmail.com


China Focus: China, ADB can tap “belt and road” potential

China Focus: China, ADB can tap “belt and road” potential


Stockholm, June 5(Greenpost)– The Asian Development Bank (ADB) and China can make use of the huge potential in infrastructure and energy along the belt and road, said ADB Vice President Zhang Wencai.

“Belt and road” refers to the Silk Road economic belt and the 21st century maritime Silk Road proposed by China in 2013 for improved cooperation between countries in Asia, Europe and Africa.

The belt and road will result in increased investment that will improve connectivity across Central Asia, Zhang said in an interview with Xinhua.

The ADB can work with China to translate the concept into concrete action through the Central Asia Regional Economic Cooperation (CAREC) program, Zhang said.

The CAREC program is an ADB initiative launched in 2001 to promote regional cooperation in transport, energy and trade between its 10 members, including Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, China, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan.

“China can contribute to the economic corridor development in the CAREC region by sharing its experience in logistics, infrastructure, economic zones, spatial economic agglomeration, urbanization and public-private partnerships,” he said.

“Large investment needs for infrastructure in the region create large funding gaps,” he said.

All CAREC countries have substantial needs in energy development, Zhang added.

An ADB study in central Asia found that investment of about 36 billion U.S. dollars is needed before 2022 for power infrastructure in four countries.

“Given the large funding gap, China could look into co-financing with the ADB and other multilateral institutions in CAREC countries, and share its technical and management skills in large infrastructure projects,” he said. Enditem

Source  Xinhua

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

facebook: chenxuefei7

twitter: chenxuefei7@hotmail.com




China produced 29.05 million electric bicycles (e-bikes) in 2014, basically equal with that for 2013, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.


Meanwhile, the output of human-powered bicycles dropped 0.9 percent year on year to 62.02 million units.


In December, the output of electric bicycles and human-powered bicycles declined 1.7 percent and 0.4 percent year on year, to 2.74 million units and 5.67 million units respectively.


In 2014, China’s bicycle manufacturing industry witnessed a year-on-year two percent rise in value of export delivery, with sales-output ratio at 98.1 percent. In December, the value of export delivery grew 0.9 percent year on year, and the sales-output ratio was 94.8 percent.


China’s large bicycle manufacturers, each with more than 20 million yuan of annual business revenue, saw their total main operating revenue rise 10.3 percent year on year in 2014, their total gross profit grow 16.1 percent year on year, and their total tax payments increase 10.1 percent year on year. Enditem

Source Xinhua

Editor and translator: Xuefei Chen Axelsson 编译陈雪霏


China’s clock output down 0.1 pct on year in 2014

China’s clock output down 0.1 pct on year in 2014


Stockholm, June 5(Greenpost)– China produced 145.02 million clocks in 2014, down 0.1 percent year on year, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.

The output of watches declined 3.5 percent year on year to 182.54 million units.

In December, China’s clock output and watch output reached 12.4 million units and 21.28 million units, down 19 percent and 17.6 percent year on year, respectively.

In 2014, China’s clock and watch manufacturing witnessed a year-on-year 10.7 percent increase in value of export delivery, and its accumulated sales-output ratio was 98.6 percent.

China’s large-scale clock and watch manufacturing enterprises, each with more than 20 million yuan of annual business revenue, saw a year-on-year rise of 8.7 percent in main operating turnover. Their total profit and paid taxes grew 25.7 percent and 3.5 percent year on year, respectively. Enditem

Source Xinhua

Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson