China’s Longyan delegation visits Hammarbysjostad in Stockhollm
25/10/12 11:20
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 22(SCBR)– Guo Shufan, Deputy Director of
People’s Congress of Longyan city in Fujian Province
Southeast China and his delegation Monday paid a visit to
Symbocity–Hammarbysjöstad in Stockholm.

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 22(SCBR)– Guo Shufan, Deputy Director of
People’s Congress of Longyan city in Fujian Province
Southeast China and his delegation Monday paid a visit to
Symbocity–Hammarbysjöstad in Stockholm.

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 22(SCBR)– Guo Shufan, Deputy Director of
People’s Congress of Longyan city in Fujian Province
Southeast China and his delegation Monday paid a visit to
Symbocity–Hammarbysjöstad in Stockholm.

Hammarbysjöstad is a world famous sustainable city which has
reduced environmental impact by half with a well considered
construction planning between the municipality and the developers.
The motivation was that we wanted to apply for 2004 Olympic
Games and we wanted to build a green Olympic Village here.
“We didn’t expect it was so successful when we planned it,”
said Björn Cederquist, an architect who participated in the designing
from the beginning in 1996.
They built a tramline which is connected with the main subways
and bus line as well as a cruise line which offer people to go to
work in the morning and come back from work in the evening.
The Stockholm city provided infrastructure of waste colliecting and
sewage collecting infrastructures. But developers must clean up
the land and pay for it when the residential area is connected with
the city infrastructure.
As a residence, you can just move in without doing any renovation
because everything is already there.
“The main thing is all the waste water is sent to water treatment
plant for treatment before being discharged to the ocean, and during
the process, it produces biogas, district heating and cooling, as well as
fertilizer,” Cederqvist said.
He also said that the rain water is collected in a canal and the waste
is collected with underground vacuum apparatus so that it reduces
noise and traffic while the heating coming out of waste burning comes
back to the residential area for district heating again.
Guo was impressed by the infrastructure being built before the
residential apartments were built.
Stockholm was the first European Green Capital in 2010 just because
it has had district heating since 1950s and all the waste water has
been collected and treated since 1960s, more and more green
cars are used and all the buses are using either biogas or ethanol.
So the air quality in Stockholm is fresh and the city is clean and
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 22(SCBR)– Guo Shufan, Deputy Director of
People’s Congress of Longyan city in Fujian Province
Southeast China and his delegation Monday paid a visit to
Symbocity–Hammarbysjöstad in Stockholm.

Hammarbysjöstad is a world famous sustainable city which has
reduced environmental impact by half with a well considered
construction planning between the municipality and the developers.
The motivation was that we wanted to apply for 2004 Olympic
Games and we wanted to build a green Olympic Village here.
“We didn’t expect it was so successful when we planned it,”
said Björn Cederquist, an architect who participated in the designing
from the beginning in 1996.
They built a tramline which is connected with the main subways
and bus line as well as a cruise line which offer people to go to
work in the morning and come back from work in the evening.
The Stockholm city provided infrastructure of waste colliecting and
sewage collecting infrastructures. But developers must clean up
the land and pay for it when the residential area is connected with
the city infrastructure.
As a residence, you can just move in without doing any renovation
because everything is already there.
“The main thing is all the waste water is sent to water treatment
plant for treatment before being discharged to the ocean, and during
the process, it produces biogas, district heating and cooling, as well as
fertilizer,” Cederqvist said.
He also said that the rain water is collected in a canal and the waste
is collected with underground vacuum apparatus so that it reduces
noise and traffic while the heating coming out of waste burning comes
back to the residential area for district heating again.
Guo was impressed by the infrastructure being built before the
residential apartments were built.
Stockholm was the first European Green Capital in 2010 just because
it has had district heating since 1950s and all the waste water has
been collected and treated since 1960s, more and more green
cars are used and all the buses are using either biogas or ethanol.
So the air quality in Stockholm is fresh and the city is clean and