Huzhou has a lot to learn from Sweden
STOCKHOLM, Aug.31(SCBR)– Gao Yi, advisor of Huzhou Municipal Government,
Zhejiang Province, East China said that Swedish ways of supporting development
and growth are worthwhile to learn.

Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson
after hearing the presentations from the Swedish Agency for Economic and
Regional Growth in Stockholm on Friday.
“What Swedish is doing today will be done in China tomorrow. For example,
we are also doing e-government service, but how to combine all the windows into
one is sitll not done yet in China,” Gao said.
“In terms of environmental driven market is also a very good measure China can
practice since China has a big demand in solving environmental problems, here it
sounds more to act to prevent the environment than to treat the pollution when
it happens, in China, it is still just relying on the environmental sector to stop it,”
Gao said.
He invited the Swedish host to visit China and Huzhou in the future to bring
Swedish new ideas and practices there and deepen bilateral cooperation.
Wilhem Von Seth, senior advisor of Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional
Growth gave a presentation about his agency to the Chinese guests.
“Tillvaxtverket, the Swedish Agency for Economic and Regional Growth is mainly
to help small and medium sized companies to grow and promote regional
development,” von Seth said.
In Sweden, 99 percent of the companies are small and medium sized companies
and they have 2 to 249 employees and 96 percent of companies are those who
have only less than 10 employees.
How to help business to start? Helene Svidberg, head of the section in
said they just want to make it easier for anyone who wants to start a business.
“ is one of our product to make it easier for people to start business.
One can register and got permit just through this website, it is jointly managed by
Swedish Tax Agency, Swedish Business Registration Agency and Tillvaxtverket,”
Svidberg said.
“We also have a business startup day when six government agencies, employment
agency, social insurance company, Tax Agency, Business Registration agency and
customs organized together by economic and growth agency, ” she said this was
the close cooperation between different sectors of the government for the
convenience of the people who want to start up or drive businesses.
Jocob Bemgard, financial officer from International Affairs said Sweden supports
environmentally driven market development.
“For example, if people have a product in renewable energy, waste management,
waste water treatment, transportation and so on, and people like to develop that
in the international market, then people can apply funds from the government,”
Bemgard said. The idea is to support the company with half of the funding while
the other half must be funded by the companies themselves.
Chinese version.
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