Tag Archives: Gui Congyou

Ambassador Gui Briefs ECDC on Chinese Efforts to Combat COVID-19

Stockholm, On 13 February, Ambassador Gui Congyou visited European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and briefed Director of ECDC Dr. Andrea Ammon on the efforts by the Chinese side to control the Novel Cronavirus Pneumonia (NCP) epidemic.

Ambassador Gui said, there is a Chinese saying that goes “lives are of paramount importance”. Immediately after the unexpected NCP outbreak, the Communist Party and Government of China took the most comprehensive, thorough and stringent measures even beyond the standards of WHO, which is to put the security and health of 1.4 billion Chinese people at first and to prevent the epidemic from spreading to other countries to the maximum extent out of responsibility for people all over the world. The Chinese side is launching a general offensive against the outbreak by preventing new infections, decreasing the number of cases and doing our best to reduce the rate of severe cases and mortality, increasing the number of cured patients and patients discharged from hospitals. The Chinese side is confident and capable of defeating the epidemic at an early date. In a globalized world, no country is insulated from the others. The Chinese side is willing to strengthen cooperation with ECDC to jointly fight the epidemic and contribute to the global cause of public health.

Dr. Ammon said, since the outbreak, every day the Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention provides data and information regarding the virus to ECDC transparently and openly, which helps ECDC to provide recommendations to EU member states based on scientific evidence. I sincerely thank my Chinese colleagues for that. There are some cases in Europe where Chinese people were discriminated, which my colleagues and I regret to see. It is not the European way. Health authorities from EU countries stressed the importance of being united with China at the difficult time. A number of EU countries also donated medical supplies to China via WHO. The ECDC hopes to keep close contact with Chinese authorities, and work to defeat the outbreak as soon as possible.

After the meeting, Dr. Ammon accompanied Ambassador Gui and his delegation on a tour around ECDC.

Högt deltagande på BRIX seminarie: Afrika och Belt & Road “Det Nya Afrika växer med Belt & Road”

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, December 8( Greenpost )–Toppdiplomater som representerar den Afrikanska Unions medlemsländer i Sverige deltog tillsammans med Kinas ambassadör i ett välbesökt seminarium organiserad av Belt and Road Institutet i Sverige (BRIX) den 5 december i Stockholm med temat Det nya Afrika Växer” (The New Africa Emerging).

Seminariets deltagare presenterade och diskuterade den enorma förändringen och utvecklingen som pågår i flera delar av Afrika för att förvekliga Afrikas visioner och utvecklingsmål i sammanhanget av Belt and Road Initiativet / Nya Sidenvägen Initiativet (BRI).

Ännu viktigare var diskussionen om den obegränsade utvecklingspotentialen som kan växa ur ett aktivt samarbete mellan Sverige, Kina och Afrika för att accelerera och få nytta av detta lovande perspektiv.

Seminariet inleddes av Stephen Brawer, viceordförande för BRIX och moderator för seminariet. Han välkomnade alla och gav en kort historien om hur BRIX blev till, och om dess två andra väldigt lyckade seminarier i 2019. Han betonade att BRIX jobbar för att sprida kunskap av BRI som en global utvecklingsprocess, och presentera fakta och kunskap baserade på djupare reflektioner och inte på ytlig opinion byggd på fördomar och politiska syften. På så sätt anser BRIX att i fortsättning ska desinformation och propaganda som sprids i Sverige mot BRI bemötas tydligare och med mer kraft.

Egyptens Ambassadör Alaa Hegazi höll välkomsttalet som företrädare för Afrikanska Unionens (AU) ordförandeland. Han betonade hur viktigt Belt & Road Initiativet är för genomförande av Afrikas utvecklingsplaner som funnits länge och endast saknat byggstarterna. Han presenterade AU:s plan Agenda 2063 för ett kontinentalt järnvägs- och vägnät, elektrifiering och industrialisering. Ambassadör Hegazy förklarade att AU har flera samarbetsmekanismer med EU, FN, Japan osv, men samarbetet med BRI är den mest dynamiska och resultatgivande i Afrika idag.

Kinas ambassadör Gui Congyou höll huvudtalet på seminariet och berättade om det omfattande samarbetet som utvecklats mellan Kina och Afrika inom ramen för BRI. Han hänvisade till toppmötet i september 2018 för Kina-Afrika Samarbetsforum (FOCAC) i Peking och resultatet av toppmötet. ”Kina-Afrikas gemensamma byggande av BRI har påskyndats, och 40 afrikanska länder och AU-kommissionen har undertecknat samarbetsdokument med Kina om initiativet. Vi har formulerat planer för enskilda afrikanska länder baserad på Afrikas faktiska behov. Vi kommer att genomföra totalt mer än 880 Kina-Afrika samarbetsprojekt under de kommande tre åren.” Vad gäller det kinesisk-svenska perspektivet sade ambassadören Gui: ”Den svenska regeringen har många bistånd- och samarbetsprojekt för Afrika, och många stora svenska företag som Volvo, Scania och ABB har omfattande verksamhet i Afrika. Kina är villigt att arbeta med andra länder i världen, inklusive Sverige, för att komplettera varandras styrkor och ge positiva bidrag till fred, stabilitet och utveckling i Afrika. ”

Etiopien Ambassadör Deriba Kuma visade hur Afrikas planer för modernisering och industrialisering håller på att förverkligas. Etiopien är på god väg att förverkliga sina planer att till 2025 bli ett medelinkomstland som övergår från ett jordbruksbaserat samhälle till ett industribaserat, berättade ambassadör Kuma. Det var en föraning av vad som vi kommer att höra mer om när Etiopiens premiärminister nästa vecka skall ta emot Nobels Fredspris för sitt fredsarbete med alla länder på Afrikas Horn.

Sydafrikas beskickningschef Duncan Sebefelo talade om de betydande summor som Kina investerat i projekt i hans land. Efter årsskiftet blir Sydafrika ordförandeland för AU och han redogjorde för de filosofiska principer som AU har för de ekonomiska samarbetsprojekten.

Styrelsemedlemmen i BRIX Hussein Askary visade med bilder och kartor hur BRI bidragit till att börja förverkliga Afrikas projektplaner och berättade om den optimism som de skapat. Han betonade att BRIX finns inte för att heja på Kina eller Afrika. De kan sköta sitt. BRIX målsättning är Sverige ska vara med detta samarbete och inte missa tåget mot ekonomiskt välstånd och stabilitet i världen.

Askary berättade om den otroliga skillnaden mellan den europeiska och svenska attityden mot Afrika som är en återstod av den gamla koloniala mentaliteten och hur Kina betraktade Afrika som en mycket viktig partner. Problemet stort sett ligger i den misslyckade bistånds mentaliteten som dominerar EU:s agerande. Askary argumenterade att det kinesiska sättet att tillförse Afrika med ”verktygen” för utvecklingen som infrastruktur, industrialisering och teknologiöverföring är den mest lämpliga för Sverige och Europa att följa. Under rubriken ”SDG2030 akrobatik” (FN målen för hållbar utveckling) berättade han om hur Sverige och EU gör om FN:s utvecklingsagenda 2030, så att de viktigaste målen att ta itu med (fattigdom, hälsa, utbildning, vatten, energi, industrialisering osv.) placeras längst ned, medan klimatfrågan, som är nr 13, sätts högst upp. Avslutningsvis, förklarade han att med hjälp av Kina och BRI Afrika är på god väg att förverkliga sitt Agenda 2063, men frågade om hur snabbare denna agenda kan förverkligas om Sverige och EU bidrar till den?

Den norske tidigare stortingsledamoten Thore Vestby, och styrelsemedlem i Ichi Foundation, talade om det norska samarbetet med Afrika, som i hög grad varit inskränkt till bistånd genom NORAD. Men en ny inriktning på samarbetet har upprättats 2012 genom NABA-Norwegian African Business Association av ledande norska företag (norwegianafrican.no). Även Norge behöver upprätta samarbete med BRI, sa Vestby, kommer att startas. Han kongratulerade den Svenska BRIX för sitt framgångsrika arbete och tillkännagav att ett ”BRIX Norge” ska startas i det nya året.

BRIX-medlemmen och konsulten Lars Aspling berättade i sin presentation att det är nu 16 av 28 EU-länder som har ingått avtal (MOU) med Kina för att samarbeta med BRI. Det visar att ett sådant avtal, eller ett positivt yttrande om BRI, som Frankrike och Finland uttalat, inte nödvändigt behöver splittra EU. Även om svenska regeringen med sitt förslag till ny Kinastrategi håller sig till EU:s politik, så är det således inga legala frågor som hindrar Sverige utan enbart en brist på politisk vilja, fastslog han.

Zimbabwen Ambassador to Sweden Alice attended the seminar.

Aspling annonserade att den nya rapporten som BRIX just publicerat om vad BRI handlar om och vikten att Sverige samarbetar med BRI finns nu att ladda ner från BRIX hemsida.

Seminariets moderator Stephen Brawer ledde den avslutande paneldebatten där talarna fick svara på publikens många frågor och kommentarer.

BRIX ordförande Ulf Sandmark kommenterade diskussionen om korruption i Afrika med att påpeka att BRI har en inriktning på reala investeringar som inte överlämnas som penningsummor likt Västvärldens investeringar. BRI-investeringarna levereras som cement, stål, maskiner och insatsprodukter till projekten. ”Cement är svårt att sätta in på ett bankkonto, vilket gör att BRI har en inneboende mekanism för att hindra korruption”, sa han och uttryckte samtidigt sin glädje över att så många gamla och nya vänner deltagit i seminariet.

Moderator Stephen Brawer betonade igen behovet av att presentera faktabaserad information och kunskap om BRI, och gjorde en poäng av att tacka insatsen som TV100 och Fredrik Vargas gör genom deras viktiga arbete att förmedla i sitt reportage vad har presenterats i seminariet.

19 diplomater från 15 länder (flest från Afrika) deltog i en publik på sammanlagt 60 personer. Svenska media representerades av den fristående TV-kanalen TV100 som dokumenterade hela seminariet, inklusive paneldebatten där den kinesiska ambassadören gjorde sin kommentar till de svensk-kinesiska relationerna.

Foto Xuechao, Text Brix

Xinjiang Photo Exhibition held in China Cultural Center in Stockholm

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 24(Greenpost) — As part of the China’s Landscape in Swedish Eyes photo exhibition, Xinjiang photo exhibition has been held in China Cultural Center in Stockholm.

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou spoke highly of the exhibition.He welcomed Swedish friends to visit China.

Jointly held by Green Post and Kamera & Bild Magazine, China’s Landscape in Swedish Eyes photo exhibition attracted folks from all walks of life.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson, Editor of Green Post has exhibited 30 photos featuring Xinjiang’s China-Europe Express Realignment Center, Grand Bazar, 12 Muqam, Burqin’s colorful strand, Kanas lake and Xinjiang Theatre as well as Gaubao plant that changes Gobi into oasis.  She visited Xinjiang in August as part of a mission to cover the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Eleven Swedish photographers went to Beijing’s Jinshanling Great Wall, Zhangjiajie and Lijiang River in november and brought back great China’s landscape.

The exhibition was welcomed by Swedish people.   Claes Grundsten said their trip to China was comprehensive and satisfactory.

Johan Wessel said it was very nice to have such a joint exhibition so that Swedish and Chinese in Sweden could understand China better and enjoyed the beautiful landscape.

Lena Weilandt said she went to China 30 years ago and it is very good that she could go back to China again 30 years later.

She saw great changes in China where there are a lot of high buildings, but she also saw old China somewhere in the market and street. She is very proud and glad to have such an exhibition and she will share the photo with family members, friends and colleagues.

Many people from other parts of the country to look at the exhibition.

Kitty Larsson came from Värmland to watch the photos. She said China was great and she loved China.

Nicolas Yiming came from Västerås with Swedish friend and was impressed by the Xinjiang photo. He said looking at the photo, he felt Altay sceneries and arkitectures are similar to that of Sweden.

Boel Lindberg, Director of the International Department of Swedish Foreign Ministry who is in charge of international correspondents visited the exhibition.

“It is really very beautiful, I almost like to think of going there to have a visit. You can even make post cards with them.” said Lindberg.

Marianne BJörklund, reporter from DN also visited the exhibition.  She said she was impressed by the beautiful sceneries in Xinjiang and that in Zhangjiajie.

SVD reporter, Chinese communities leaders and many others also came to watch the exhibition.

Many Swedish were impressed by Xinjiang’s sceneries and felt it is similar to that in Sweden.

Through the exhibition, visitors have a better understanding and a good look at China’s beautiful landscape.

The week long exhibition ended on Dec. 22, but it will open again on January 7 till the end of January before the next exhibition begins.

If you have time, you can still come and have a look.

Ambassador Gui Congyou Gives Exclusive Interview with SVD on Xinjiang and the Gui Minhai Case

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 13(Greenpost) — On 16 November 2018, during an interview with SVD journalist Mikael Törnwall on China-Sweden economic and trade relations, Ambassador Gui Congyou answered questions on Xinjiang and the Gui Minhai case.

Mikael Törnwall asked if he could extend his questions from bilateral investment between China and Sweden to the controversies between the two governments. There are two issues. First is the issue of Chinese Uygurs. Some people in Sweden claim that China uses Uygurs in Sweden as spies. Second is the case of Gui Minhai.

Following is the main points of Ambassador’s comments.

Ambassador Gui said, the interview was originally proposed to be about China-Sweden economic and trade cooperation, but I’m also open to questions beyond this subject. I would take this more as a discussion between friends. The so-called “Chinese Uygur issue” is something deliberately crafted by some people who either lack knowledge of the true situation or look at China through colored spectacles and with prejudice and stereotype. There is a folk song popular among nearly 1.4 billion Chinese people, “the 56 ethnic groups in China are like 56 flowers in a garden, and the 56 brothers and sisters are a big family.” The Uygurs are an equal member of the big Chinese family of 56 ethnic groups. The system of regional ethnic autonomy is implemented in Xinjiang, and the languages and cultures of all ethnic groups living there have been well inherited and developed. Xinjiang, once a backward region, now enjoys rapid economic and social development, thanks to the help of the Central Government and sister provinces. In the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union, the border between China and Central Asia was opened up, and the three forces of terrorism, extremism and separatism from abroad madly infiltrated into Xinjiang. These forces recruited innocent young people there, trained them overseas, and then brought them back. Over these years, thousands of violent terrorist attacks, targeted at civilians, have been carried out. The most active of them is the “East Turkistan” terrorist organizations. These forces have also infiltrated into other provinces of China and carried out deadly terrorist attacks. For example, in 2014, “East Turkistan” terrorists stabbed and slashed at innocent people at random in the Kunming Railway Station of Yunnan Province, killing dozens of civilians. The perpetrators had all received terrorist training abroad. Graphics of their violent killing have been made public by the police.

While resolutely countering violent terrorist crimes, China also draws on the experience of other countries and puts an emphasis on preventive measures.

Poverty and ignorance are the root causes of extremism and terrorism.

The preventive measures Xinjiang takes are to bring around people who are influenced by terrorism and extremism and have committed minor offenses when involved in terrorist and extremist activities, and provide them with free vocational training, aiming to help them get rid of terrorist and extremist tendencies, master vocational skills, secure employment and stable incomes, and reintegrate into the society. Relevant measures are warmly welcomed by people of all ethnic groups across Xinjiang and trainees from vocational training institutions. Thanks to these measures, there have been no violent terrorist attacks in Xinjiang for 22 consecutive months.

Now Xinjiang is generally stable. Its economy is enjoying a good development momentum. The various ethnic groups live in harmony, and people’s livelihood is steadily improving. A few years ago when violent terrorist attacks occurred frequently in Xinjiang, no domestic or foreign tourists dared to travel there. With a stable social environment, Xinjiang registered more than 100 million trips by domestic and foreign tourists in 2017, and this record was broken by September this year. Obviously, descriptions of Xinjiang by some people and media in the West are completely incompatible with the real Xinjiang. Some people hype up the so-called “Uygur issue” only out of bad political motives. You are welcome to travel to Xinjiang, to see the actual situation for yourself and enjoy the beautiful scenery there.

On the case of Gui Minhai, I have made extensive exchanges with the Swedish Government, Parliament, media and ordinary people. Some forces, media and people in Sweden exploit this case simply for political reasons. They never talk about what a person Gui Minhai is and what he did. I would like to tell you the truth.

In the 1990s, Gui Minhai came to Sweden to study and got Swedish citizenship. Unlike most other Chinese students studying in Sweden, he was obsessed with making big money. He illegally established a school at the University of Gothenburg and enrolled more than 100 students from China by deception. He promised these students MBA degrees and good living conditions, and tricked each of them to pay him a large sum of money. But the fact is there isn’t any MBA degree in Swedish universities even till today. He put over 20 students in one big room with very poor living conditions. His fraudulent activities cast these students into predicament and eventually led to two of them killing themselves, which shocked the Swedish society. The Swedish education authorities intervened and the University of Gothenburg managed to calm the waters. Relevant documents are still there. SVT broadcast a news report on this on 23 June 1999 and there are also reporting on local media of Gothenburg, which you can refer to if you are interested. Faced with punishment of Swedish law, Gui Minhai fled back to his hometown Ningbo, Zhejiang, China.

In Ningbo, he appeared as an “overseas Chinese merchant”, and the angry victims of his fraud reported to the Chinese police, the record of which is readily available for reference. One late night in December 2003, Gui Minhai killed a young college girl while drunk driving in Ningbo and escaped from the scene. The Chinese court handled the case according to law and sentenced Gui Minhai to two years in prison with a two-year reprieve for the crime of causing traffic casualties. To escape from punishment of the law, Gui Minhai used a fake identity to get a passport and fled out of China while still on probation. He was then engaged in illegal activities by smuggling books into China’s mainland and obtained a lot of ill-gotten gains through such criminal acts. In 2015, Gui Minhai returned to China and turned himself in, and the Chinese judicial authorities executed the former sentence of two-year imprisonment according to law. In October 2017, Gui Minhai was released in accordance with law after completing his two-year term for the crime of causing traffic casualties. He chose to stay in Ningbo to keep his old mother company. But during that period he got involved in criminal acts, again, when he illegally collected China’s state secrets and attempted to flee abroad, under the instigation of some forces and people in Sweden. The Chinese police had to take coercive measures against him in accordance with law.

At present, the Chinese judicial authorities are handling this case in accordance with law and legal procedures of China, and Gui Minhai himself has repented. At the same time, the Chinese side fully safeguards the legitimate rights and interests of Gui Minhai, including the right to medical treatment. Some Swedish media claimed that Gui Minhai was suffering from amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) and dying, which is not at all consistent with the facts. At the beginning of this year, the Chinese side arranged medical checkups for Gui Minhai carried out by experts from top hospitals in Shanghai. The diagnosis showed that Gui Minhai only had common cervical spondylosis. But some people in Sweden did not believe it, and proposed to send a Swedish doctor for Gui Minhai. The Chinese side agreed, and a Swedish doctor went to see Gui Minhai in mid-August and agreed with the diagnosis of Chinese doctors. Gui Minhai is in good physical and mental condition.

For such a person who has committed numerous crimes, some Swedish forces, media and people just ignore the facts and keep pressuring China and unreasonably demanding his release. It is a severe interference in China’s judicial sovereignty, serious violation of the spirit of the rule of law, and a display of their ignorance of law. China and Sweden have maintained close communication on the Gui Minhai case. The Chinese side has made clear to the Swedish side the facts of the Gui Minhai case and China’s positions, that is, to deal with the case according to law and legal procedures of China. This is all the truth of the Gui Minhai case.

Source   Chinese Embassy

Chinese Ambassador Gui says China pays great attention to China-Europe relations

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 10(Greenpost)– Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou said that China attaches great importance to China-Europe relations and he likes to listen to all the participants opinion on how to better improve China-Europe relations.

Ambassador Gui said that this year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening-up in China. Reform and opening-up, started 40 years ago, have transformed China from a country shackled by rigid planned economy to a vibrant socialist market economy, and from a closed economy and society to one increasingly interconnected with the world. All the Chinese people benefit from reform and opening-up, as no one will live under the poverty line and all will lead a good life. Global economy benefits from China’s reform and opening-up as China’s economic growth contributes over 30% to global growth. Countries around the world benefit from China’s reform and opening-up because China generates tremendous development opportunities and dividends as it is set to become the world’s largest consumption market.

China’s reform and opening-up also contributes to world peace and security. The fact that China maintains social and political stability and is delivering a better life to nearly 1.4 billion people undoubtedly generates strong impetus to keep the momentum of global and regional security and stability.

Gui said that “some people speculate that China’s development threatens other countries, to which I would like to stress that it is not in the DNA of the Chinese nation to threaten and invade other countries. In the 5000 years of Chinese history, China has never waged a war of conquest against other countries. As a nation that endured over a hundred years of colonial invasion and enslavement by Western powers, we know too well the pain of being occupied and enslaved. As Chinese people often say, “do not do to others what you would not have them do to you.” In the vocabulary of China’s foreign policies, words like “invading other countries” and “seeking hegemony” have no place”. Gui said.

“There are also people saying that China is more assertive, which is a serious misunderstanding and misinterpretation of China’s foreign policies. Over a hundred years of colonial invasion and occupation of China led to the fact that China is still yet to realise complete national reunification. Anti-China separatist forces, such as “Taiwan independence”, “Tibet independence”, “East Turkestan” as well as “Hong Kong independence”, are doing everything to sabotage and hinder the reunification of China. What we must do in response is to firmly uphold national unity and advance the process of national reunification. In other words, we will not let any country, any force, any organization or any individual take away any inch of China’s rightful territory. What we are doing is opposing others to break into our house and rob our things rather than barge into others’ house and rob their things.” said Gui.

Gui said that Sweden is the first Western country to establish diplomatic ties with China. As a major Nordic country and an important member of the EU, Sweden leads the world in innovative, green and sustainable development. Just like China, Sweden is committed to upholding world peace and security, and resolving disputes through political and diplomatic means. These factors set up the foundation and favorable conditions for long-term and steady growth of China-Sweden relations. With high importance attached to its relations with Sweden, China is willing to strengthen dialogue, communication and cooperation in all areas, and work with Sweden to make contributions to world peace, development and security .

It is true that our two countries are different in our political systems and ideologies. But it is exactly these differences that make dialogue, exchanges and cooperation more necessary. Because we are different, we need to improve together by learning from each other. However, we oppose exaggerating or politicising these differences and turning them into obstacles of our relations, rather we hope to work together to turn these differences into highlights and propellers of our relations. To make this happen, we need to treat each other as equals, respect each other, refrain from interfering in each other’s internal affairs and work together for shared benefits.

Gui said that the 19th CPC National Congress that was successfully convened last October established the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, and set the goal to build China into a great modern socialist country by the middle of this century.

To achieve the goal, China will deepen reform, open up wider to all countries and regions of the world, and carry forward with reform and opening-up with utmost resolve and confidence. The first China International Import Expo that is being held represents a major initiative and effort reaffirming China’s determination to open up wider. Like I said at the beginning, China’s reform and opening-up benefits the whole world, and deepened reform and opening-up will only benefit the world even more. We are committed to improving socialist democracy and rule of law, upholding and improving human rights and delivering a better life to all Chinese people. These efforts will bring about greater social and political stability and economic prosperity.

But no matter how much progress China makes in its development, even when China’s GDP per capita reaches the level of Sweden at USD 50,000, China will still stick to a peaceful development path and its peaceful foreign policy, remain committed to building a community with a shared future for mankind rather than interfere in other countries’  internal affairs, invade other countries or seek world dominance. Thousands of years of human history told us one thing, that is any empire that invades, enslaves or occupies other countries will eventually fail and crumble. That is what all of us need to learn and more importantly heed from history.

The Chinese side attaches great importance to developing China-Europe relations. In terms of how, I prefer to hear your thoughts and suggestions, concluded Gui.

Gui Congyou: Kina och Sverige bör samarbeta inom BRI

Stockholm, Aug. 21, (Greenpost)–Kinesiska Ambassador Gui Congyou sa att Kina och Sverige bor samarbeta inom Belt and Road Initiative pa arkikel i Svenska Dagbladet.


Med avseende på debattartikeln i Svenska Dagbladet den 6 augusti, “Sverige bör få EU att ställa tydliga krav på Kina”, vill jag poängtera att en del av debattartikeln innehåller förvriden information om Kinas Belt and Road Initiative (BRI) samt grundlösa misstankar och anklagelser mot så kallade kinesiska strategiska intentioner, till och med Kinas näringspolitik. Innehållet är i hög grad missledande och skadligt mot det framtida svensk-kinesiska samarbetet inom BRI. Därför hoppas jag att kunna passa på att presentera BRI för SvD och dess läsare, så att missförstånd kan rättas och samarbeten mellan Kina och Sverige även Europa främjas för förstärkt välstånd för våra folk.

BRI, som framställdes av Kinas president Xi Jinping, är ett viktigt initiativ för internationellt samarbete. Kärnan i initiativet är att man ska bygga vinn-vinn-samarbeten runt den infrastrukturella anslutbarheten med samlade fördelar och krafter från olika håll. Under de fem åren sedan BRI lanserades har man kunnat redovisa många framgångar. Handelsvolymen mellan Kina och BRI-länderna uppnådde 5 000 miljarder dollar, fler än 80 ekonomiska samarbetszoner har byggts upp längs de nya sidenvägarna, som skapade 244 000 nya jobb i länderna.

Trots att BRI kommer ifrån Kina, tillhör detta dock hela världen, eftersom man alltid tillämpar principer av omfattande samråd, gemensamma konstruktioner och delade vinster. BRI betyder aldrig att Kina skulle tvinga något annat land, utan Kina vill genom överläggningar ansluta alla parters utvecklingsstrategier, för en gemensam planering av olika projekt. BRI är inte heller någon “kinesisk Marshallplan”. Kina skulle inte ensidigt finansiera andra länder med bistånd, utan alla parter inklusive Kina och BRI-länder och organisationer skulle bygga tillsammans med samlade resurser. Kina monopoliserar inte BRI, i stället kommer alla deltagare att få del av resultaten tillsammans. BRI är inte något geopolitiskt verktyg för Kina, därför att Kinas utrikespolitik aldrig söker inblandning i andra länders interna politik eller någon form av influensområde. BRI betyder inte att bara Kina ska utföra projekt utomlands, alla parter som vill är lika välkomna att starta eller vidga samarbeten i Kina. BRI är öppet, ur det kinesiska perspektivet vill man hjärtligt samarbeta med alla aktörer, inte bara bilaterala utan även multilaterala samarbeten är också aktuella.

BRI är ett genomskinligt initiativ som följer internationella regler. BRI som ett storskaligt globalinitiativ kan inte lyckas utan regler. I den gemensamma kommunikén från det första BRI-forumet för internationella samarbeten utfärdades tydliga löften om transparens och regelstiftning, där man lyfte fram projektens ekonomiska, sociala och hållbara egenskaper samt goda samordningar i ekonomisk tillväxt, samhälleliga framsteg och miljöförvaltning. På grund av dessa kan världen ha förtroende för BRI:s framtid. I det Internationella Finansforumets (IFF) Kina-rapport 2018 finner man en enkät om BRI, där 92 procent av de intervjuade centralbankerna räknade med att BRI skulle kunna stötta upp ländernas ekonomi och en majoritet trodde även att BRI kan lyfta landets BNP-tillväxt med 1 procent.

Kina stöttar ständigt den europeiska integrationen samt Europas solidaritet, stabilitet och välstånd. BRI bjuder Kina och Europa på en ny plattform för att göra jämlika och ömsesidigt gynnsamma samarbeten. Hittills har Kina och 11 EU-länder undertecknat mellanstatliga BRI-avtal. Frakttåg mellan Kina och Europa har gjort sammanlagt 10 000 resor med räckvidd till 42 städer i 14 europeiska länder. Sverige har alltid stått för frihandel, öppen utveckling, grön och innovationsdriven tillväxt, som är mycket förenliga med BRI-värderingarna. Svenska företag är världsledande inom bland annat infrastrukturteknik, avancerade utrustningar, smart city och grön transport, som erbjuder Sverige stora möjligheter att vara med i BRI-samarbetet, och Sverige bör inte ligga efter när det gäller BRI-deltagande.
Med glädje har vi upptäckt ett ökande intresse för BRI från Sveriges olika sektorer. Vi välkomnar Sverige att studera och även aktivt delta i BRI. Vi välkomnar också det svenska Utrikespolitiska Institutet att starta Stockholm Belt and Road Observatory. Vi hoppas att den nya plattformen kommer att verkligen främja BRI-kunskap och den kinesisk-svenska vänskapen. Ambassaden är förberedd för kontakt och utbyte med observatoriet. Vi är angelägna att få konstruktiva förslag om hur Kina och Sverige kan samarbeta inom BRI, dock vill vi inte få grundlösa misstankar och anklagelser av vissa svenska personer med färgade glasögon. Kina och Sverige bör samarbeta inom BRI, tillfällen finns redan i dag!

Gui Congyou
Folkrepubliken Kinas ambassadör i Sverige











Kinas ambassad: ”organskörden” är en lögn

Påståendet att den kinesiska regeringen skördar organ från Falun Gong-anhängarna är en otäckt lögn, en bluff och en fars, skriver Folkrepubliken Kinas ambassadör i Sverige i en replik.


Gui Congyou
Folkrepubliken Kinas ambassadör i Sverige

REPLIK. Dagens Samhället publicerade den 28:e juni en debattartikel ”Oetisk organhandel kräver en svensk lagstiftning”, som grundlöst anklagade den kinesiska regeringen för att ha ”länge tillåtit att organ skördas från dödsdömda fångar i samband med avrättningar”. Artikeln innehåller mycket av lögner och fördom mot Kina, bara för att svartmåla Kina. Det är oacceptabelt.

De kinesiska lagarna förbjuder organhandel, och ingen utlänning är tillåten att resa till Kina som turister för att få organtransplantationen. Och så tidigt som 1:a januari 2015 genomfördes ett totalförbjud i Kina mot att använda de avrättades organ för transplantation. Härom åren har Kina framgångsrikt omställt källor för organen för medicinska transplantationer. Antalet organdoneringar och utförda transplantationer stiger varje år. I den historiska statistiken, tills maj 2018, har det funnit totalt 17 600 organdoneringar efter dödfall, där 49 000 större organ donerats. På den 27:e International Congress of the Transplantation Society på 1 juli i år, berättade Jose Nunez, programledare för transplantation på WHO som är ansvarig för att inspektera världens organtransplantation, att det bara inte kan vara sant att Kina utför 60 000 till 100 000 organtransplantationer årligen, siffran är nästan lika stor för hela världens!

Falun-Gong, eller känd i Sverige som Falun-Dafa, är en helt antimänsklig, antivetenskaplig och antisamhällelig sekt. Deras påstående och anklagelse om ”den kinesiska regeringen skördar organ från Falun-Gong anhängarna” är en otäckt lögn, en bluff och en fars, fabricerade, dirigerade och skådespelade av Falun-Gong själv, bara för att smutskasta Kina och få till sig sympati av det internationella samfundet. Dessvärre uppmuntra Falun-Gong offentligt på sin egen media deras anhängare att förfalska. Till exempel, de publicerade flera artiklar, bl.a. en som heter ”Rekommendera fler kollegor i Fastlandskina att ta ansvar och erbjuda material för tortyrvisningar” där man skrev tydligt ”man kan be andra anhängare att modellera med vissa toryverktygliknande saker, och ta foto.” Den australiska världsberömda experten på organtransplantation, Dr. Campbell Fraser, sade också att Falun-Gongs påstående om organstölder är helt lögner med syfte att lura till sig sympatier och förverkliga sin dolda politiska agenda.

Vi hoppas hjärtligt att det svenska folket ta del i sanningen och inte bli lurad av Falun-Gong och dess anhängare. Den kinesiska ambassaden är villig att ta konstruktiva och uppriktiga dialoger om relevanta frågor med både tidningen och dess läsare.

Det här är en opinionstext publicerad i Dagens Samhälle. Åsikterna som uttrycks i artikeln står skribenten/skribenterna för.

来源:中国驻瑞典使馆和Dagens Samhälle.

Kinesiska ambassadör Gui: Att främja den traditionella vänskapen för att fördjupa vårt gemensamma intresse

 STOCKHOLM, July 26(Greenpost)– Kinesiska ambassadör Gui Congyou har skrivit den här artikel om hans jobb i Sverige.  Full text är nedende:
Jag har arbetat som den tjugonde kinesiska ambassadören i Sverige i nästan ett år.

Fast Kina och Sverige är geografiskt långt ifrån varandra, är vår vänskap långvarig och väletablerad. Så tidigt som 1739 seglade Ostindiefararen Götheborgs till Kina och kinesiska porsliner, silke och te fick komma till Sverige längs den maritima sidenvägen. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige inte deltog i västmakternas invasion och plundring i den tid när Kina var svagt och sårbart. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige är det första västlandet som upprättade diplomatiska förbindelser med Folkrepubliken Kina. Det politiska modet och den strategiska visionen av dåtidens svenska ledare är mycket beundransvärt. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige stöttade Kinas rättsliga plats i FN, och efter Kinas reform och öppnande, blev Sverige en gång till det första västlandet som undertecknade handels-och investeringsavtalet med Folkrepubliken Kina och därefter aktivt utförde ekonomiska och tekniska samarbeten, vilka bidrog mycket till Kinas ekonomiska och samhälleliga utveckling.

Nuförtiden går relationer mellan Kina och Sverige ständigt framåt. I juni 2017 reste Sveriges statsminister Stefan Löfven till Kina för World Economic Forum, och träffade Kinas president Xi Jingping och premiärminister Li Keqiang och nådde viktiga överenskommelser om att vidare främja kännedom om varandra och fördjupa pragmatiska samarbete med hänsyn till principerna av ömsesidigt respekt och jämlikhet. De viktiga överenskommelserna ska utforma framtidens kinesiska-svenska relationer. Samtidigt fanns det frekvent bilaterala besökt på olika nivåer i 2017. 6 svenska ministrar besökte Kina och 26 kinesiska delegationer på vice-ministers eller ministers nivå kom till Sverige.

Samarbeten mellan Kina och Sverige håller fart i olika område. I många år har Sverige varit Kinas främsta affärspartner i Norden och Kina Sveriges största i Asien. I fjol steg handelssiffran mellan Sverige och Kina med 29 % till 15 miljarder US Dollar. Sveriges export till Kina ökade med 24 % och redovisade ett överskott av 690 miljoner US Dollar. Volvo och Geely:s “äktenskap” har skapat tiotusentals jobb och blivit ett framstående exempel på samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige även Europa.

Mellan Kina och Sverige har man etablerat 31 par vänorter, där utbyte förstärkt och samarbete fördjupade. Enligt SCB:s statistik är antal hotellövernattningar av kinesiska turister i Sverige 203 000 i 2014, 258 000 i 2015, 323 000 i 2016 och mer än 400 000 i 2017. Kinesiska turister är nu den största kundgruppen av tax-free handel i Sverige. I juni 2017 undertecknades det första mellanstatliga utbildningsavtalet och antalet kinesiska gäststudenter i Sverige steg till 8000. Det kinesiska kulturcentret i Stockholm spelar en viktig roll i att förmedla den kinesiska kulturen och traditionell konst.

Sedan jag anlände i Sverige den 18:e augusti i fjol har jag haft omfattande kontakt med den svenska regeringen och samhället. Jag känner att de goda relationerna mellan Kina och Sverige ännu kan förbättras, det finns verkligen stora möjligheter.

Vi har liknande utvecklingslinjer och är ekonomiskt komplimenterande till varandra. Den 19:e nationella kongressen för det kinesiska kommunistiska partiet har framgångsrikt avslutats och nya utvecklingsambitioner fastställts. Under President Xi Jingpings stadiga ledarskap har Kina sjösatt 5 nya utvecklingskoncept som är innovation, balanserad tillväxt, en grön ekonomi, öppnande samt inkluderande utveckling. Det kinesiska folkets önskemål för det goda livet kommer att förverkligas och arbetet för moderniseringen av Kina ska träda intill en ny epok.

Inom 5 år kommer Kina att importera mer än 8 biljoner dollar av varor, och investera 750 miljarder dollar utomlands. Antalet turister som reser till utlandet kommer att vara fler än 500 miljoner. I de kommande 10 åren planerar Kina att investera nästan 600 miljarder dollar inom den gröna ekonomin. The Belt and Road initiativet kommer att öppna upp en ny betydelsefull möjlighet för att utveckla samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige.

Vi har också omfattande överenskommelser och mycket gemensamma intresse i internationella frågor. Vi är fast beslutna att upprätthålla det globala frihandelssystemet. Vi motsätter oss protektionismen och främjar en öppen världsekonomi. Vi aktivt deltar i multilaterala handlingarna för klimatfrågan och främja genomförande av Parisavtalet. Vi är starkt engagerade i världsfred, stabilitet och säkerhet, förespråkar dialog i konfliktlösningen och vi både motsätter oss alla former av terrorism.

Att främja en sund, stabil och hållbar utveckling av relationer mellan Kina och Sverige gynnar inte bara oss själv, det kommer också att främja en allsidig utveckling av relationer mellan Kina och EU samt världens fred, stabilitet och välstånd.

Relationer mellan Kina och Sverige står inför en ny historisk startpunkt. Som Kinas ambassadör till Sverige vill jag, tillsammans med mina svenska vänner, implementera våra ledares viktiga överenskommelser, med ömsesidigt respekt, för gemensam nytta. Vi skall fördjupa samförstånd och utvidga samarbeten, främja kulturella utbyten och främja överläggningar i globala och regionala frågor. Tillsammans ska vi skapa en bättre framtid för det kinesiska svenska samarbetet, och ett bättre liv för våra folk.

Ambassador Gui Congyou Meets with Members of the Professional Foreign Correspondents Association

 STOCKHOLM, May 30(Greenpost)–On 23 May, Ambassador Gui Congyou met with foreign journalists in Sweden from the Professional Foreign Correspondents Association (PROFOCA), including its Chairperson Ms. Chen Xuefei and Secretary General Mr. Wasserman, at the Embassy. Political Counsellor Zhang Biao attended the meeting.

Ambassador Gui spoke positively of the interest PROFOCA gives to China. He said that China, since the reform and opening up 40 years ago, has made remarkable achievements and captured the interest of more and more media outlets. With China becoming increasingly open, it is hoped that foreign journalists will have a deeper understanding of China and report the stories of China objectively and truthfully, so as to play a positive role in improving the understanding of China by Sweden and other countries in the world.

The foreign journalists in Sweden said that the development of China has attracted broad attention from the international community. China’s innovation and technological achievements, such as mobile payment and high-speed rail, have taken the lead in the world. They will go to China more often to conduct field interviews and introduce the real China to Sweden and the world, on the basis of the principle of objective and balanced reporting.

Source: Chinese Embassy

Chinese Artist Li Li’s works exhibited during Stockholm Kulturnatt

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, May 16 (Greenpost)– Chinese Artist Li Li’s works has been exhibited at the Belt and Road Nordic Spring International Peace and Cultural Festival as well as Stockholm Kulturnatt.

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou spoke at the exhibition.

“I believe the cultural festival, art exhibition and film playing will be conducive to Sino-Swedish relations and world peace because cultural communication is also part of belt and road initiative.” said Gui.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson, President of China-Europe Cultural Association said that the main purpose of the exhibition is to contribute to world peace and cultural exchange and improving mutual understanding between the two sides.

A total of 200 people attended the cultural festival.  Li Li’s art works were part of the cultural festival.  Li Li is a member of China’s Artists Association.

More photos:

Text and photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.



Ambassador Gui Congyou Celebrates Professor Chen Zhu’s Winning of the 2018 Sjöberg Prize

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou said  China is willing to further strengthen international cooperation on medical research with Sweden and other countries and contribute more to the health of all human beings.

On 14 April, Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou held a reception at the Embassy to celebrate Professor Chen Zhu’s winning of the 2018 Sjöberg Prize. Prof. Chen Zhu and his wife Prof. Chen Saijuan, President of the Karolinska Institutet Mr. Ole Petter Ottersen, International Director at the Swedish Red Cross Mr. Melker Mabeck, Chairman of the Sjöberg Foundation Mr. Ingemar Sjöberg and other scientists and eminent persons from the Swedish medical and health care communities, and all the diplomats at the Embassy attended.

In his speech, Ambassador Gui, on behalf of all the embassy staff, extended warm congratulations to Prof. Chen on his winning of the 2018 Sjöberg Prize. Ambassador Gui said Prof. Chen Zhu and his research team, through tireless long efforts and in collaboration with French scientists, developed a new targeted treatment for leukemia. They have saved thousands of lives in China and across the world and made great contributions to the development of the world’s medicine and human health. The 2018 Sjöberg Prize is a recognition of their long-term, in-depth research and joint efforts to overcome the world’s medical problems, and also an endorsement of their successful international cooperation in science and technology. Prof. Chen’s visit to Sweden to receive the award is of great significance in promoting the friendly cooperation between China and Sweden and enhancing international cooperation in related fields. Ambassador Gui said that strengthening the prevention and control of major diseases is an important component of the Healthy China initiative proposed at the 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. China is willing to further strengthen international cooperation on medical research with Sweden and other countries and contribute more to the health of all human beings.

Prof. Chen said in his speech that the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences’ conferring the 2018 Sjöberg Prize on him once again made the “China Solution” for treating acute promyelocytic leukemia the focus of attention in the world medical community. This research result is a successful example of international cooperation. It is a beautiful story of the East meeting the West and the combination of traditional Confucianism and modern Western medicine. Scientific research transcends national borders. In scientific and health research, scientists from across the world share the same belief and are committed to serving human health, which in turn promotes mutual trust and people-to-people links among countries. It is an essential component of the Belt and Road Initiative, and also an important content in the construction of a new type of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind. Prof. Chen said he and his team would continue working with partners both at home and abroad to understand the mechanisms behind other types of hematological malignancies and to develop innovative and effective therapeutic strategies through collaboration, for the well-being of human society.

Prof. Chen said over the years China and Sweden have maintained a good momentum of development in scientific and technological cooperation and have conducted broad and effective cooperation in various fields such as health, water resources, energy, mining, space, etc. The friendship between the two peoples has a long history, and the merchant ship from the 18th Century, the Göteborg, has become a unique symbol of China-Sweden friendly exchanges. Sweden is also the first Western country to establish diplomatic relations with China, and the bilateral relations have continued to grow to new levels, with China becoming Sweden’s most important trading partner in Asia. He expressed the hope that China-Sweden friendly cooperation will continue to deepen and make more positive contributions to world peace and development.

President of the Karolinska Institutet Mr. Ottersen said the winning of the 2018 Sjöberg Prize by Prof. Chen vividly explained how medical research could bring hope to thousands of patients and promote friendship and mutual trust among countries. We all agree that medical research can become an important component of the Belt and Road Initiative and that extensive cooperation should be carried out in the health field to bring health and hope to the people along the routes. Karolinska Institutet is willing to strengthen cooperation with scientists from China and other countries to tackle medical problems and jointly promote health and medical equality, to the greater benefit of the people of all countries.

In 2016, the Swedish entrepreneur Mr. Bengt Sjöberg donated 2 billion Swedish kronors (about 250 million US dollars) to establish the Sjöberg Foundation for the promotion of scientific research in the fields of cancer, health and environment. The Sjöberg Prize funded by the Sjöberg Foundation is conferred by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Ambassador Gui Congyou says China to be the world’s largest consumer market by the end of this year

 On 20 April, Ambassador Gui Congyou gave an exclusive interview at the Embassy with the program Ambassadorial Interview Series of the Swedish Institute for Security and Development Policy (ISDP). Ambassador Gui answered questions on China-Sweden relations, international trade, China’s foreign policy, China-Europe relations and other topics from Dr. Lars Vargö, distinguished fellow of ISDP and former Swedish Ambassador to Japan and South Korea.

Following is the full text of the interview:

1. Q: China and Sweden have long maintained friendly relations, the basis of which is mainly trade. The continuous development of China presents important opportunities for Sweden. If China’s economic growth slows down, what impact will it have on China-Sweden economic and trade relations ?

Gui Congyou: In recent years, China-Sweden relations have maintained steady development, and practical cooperation in all fields has continued to expand. For many years China has been Sweden’s largest trading partner in Asia and Sweden China’s largest in the Nordic region. Bilateral trade volume reached USD15 billion last year, a year-on-year increase of nearly 20%, while export from Sweden to China grew by 27%. For the first time in 25 years, Sweden has shifted from deficit to surplus in trade with China, which has fully reflected China’s strong demand for premium Swedish products and the great potential in cooperation between the two countries.

In the 40 years since the reform and opening up, China has scored great achievements in economic and social development. Over the past five years since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC), China has unswervingly pursued the vision of innovative, coordinated, green and open development that is for everyone, accelerated the transformation of the growth model, and improved the economic structure. The 19th CPC National Congress held last year emphasized that China’s economy has been transitioning from a phase of rapid growth to a stage of high-quality development. The lowering of China’s economic growth target is for the purpose of transformation and innovation, which leads to improvement in the quality and returns of development. In the first quarter of this year, China’s GDP increased by 6.8% year-on-year, and the national economy has maintained steady performance with a good momentum for growth. The basic role of real economy and consumption in economic development has continued to strengthen. China is expected to surpass the United States as the world’s largest consumer market by the end of this year.

President Xi Jinping has solemnly announced that China will adopt a series of new and major measures to further opening up, including significantly broadening market access, creating a more attractive investment environment, strengthening protection of intellectual property rights, and taking the initiative to expand imports. In order to meet the demand of the vast Chinese consumers for high-quality foreign products, China will hold its first International Import Expo in Shanghai this November. While many other countries have held export expos, few have held an import expo. China holding the Import Expo fully demonstrates that it is dedicated to further opening up and willing to import more products. We look forward to the participation of Swedish companies to bring premium and competitive products to the Chinese market and expand two-way investment, so that China-Sweden trade and investment cooperation will develop towards greater breadth, deeper levels, and higher quality.

2. Q: What should policy makers in China and Sweden do to help defuse friction in global trade? What role can companies play?

Gui Congyou: At this stage of economic globalization, all countries in the world have already been bound together for good or ill. Frictions in trade are natural due to structural differences among different economies. The key is that all countries should uphold the principle of openness and win-win cooperation and resolve disputes through constructive dialogue under the framework of the multilateral trading system. As all WTO members have solemnly pledged, “should any dispute or friction occur, they will not seek unilateral actions that may heighten confrontation but will rather seek remedies through the dispute settlement system, and observe its rules and its rulings.”

Therefore, not only China and Sweden, but all policy makers in the world should stay rational and refrain from politicizing trade issues. Instead, they should act responsibly and bring trade issues back to the multilateral trading system for consultations and resolve them in accordance with business rules through negotiation. Punitive tariffs imposed outside the WTO framework are very likely to lead to a trade war. History has proved and will continue to prove that such a practice will harm both others and self.

To adjust trade imbalances, it is ultimately necessary to use market instruments and allow companies to be the main player. Most of the trade, investment, and technology transfer take place among multinational corporations, therefore they should actively take part in the discussions on global governance and the formulation of global trade rules. At the same time, companies should strengthen their awareness of avoiding trade frictions by taking proactive measures, and be given more play in dealing with trade frictions.

3. Q: At the 19th CPC National Congress, President Xi Jinping outlined the Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. What does China’s role as a major country mean to Sweden?

Gui Congyou:The 19th CPC National Congress established the Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. Its most remarkable highlight in foreign policy is the call for promoting the new form of international relations and championing the development of a community with a shared future for mankind, in the pursuit of major country diplomacy with Chinese characteristics.

Since ancient times, the Chinese people have believed in the values of harmony among nations, a world of equality and peace, and brotherhood among peoples. After the founding of the People’s Republic, China initiated the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, which have become the basic principles for the development of state-to-state relations that transcend social systems and ideology, and have been accepted by the vast majority of the countries in the world. The report of 19th CPC National Congress emphasized that China will continue to hold high the banner of peace, development, cooperation and mutual benefit and uphold its fundamental foreign policy goal of preserving world peace and promoting common development. China remains firm in its commitment to strengthening friendship and cooperation with other countries on the basis of the Five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence, and to forging a new form of international relations featuring mutual respect, fairness, justice, and win-win cooperation. China will develop itself in the process of stepping up cooperation with the rest of the world, and benefit the world in the process of being further integrated into the world.

China and Sweden are traditionally friendly countries with no historical dispute or conflict of interests. We share many common topics and interests in areas like maintaining world peace and stability, globalization, free trade and climate change. China’s development means opportunities for Sweden. It is hoped that the Swedish side will seize the historic opportunity to continuously strengthen coordination and cooperation with China, so that we can jointly make more positive contributions to the world on the way toward building a new form of international relations and a community with a shared future for mankind. As I said to my Swedish friends, cooperation between China and Sweden can produce the effect of one plus one being greater than two.

4. A: Innovative technologies have great significance for both China and Sweden. China aims to become a scientific and technological leader by 2030. Sweden has similar ambitions. Stockholm hopes to become the Silicon Valley of Europe. How can the two sides cooperate to achieve these goals?

Gui Congyou: President Xi Jinping emphasized in the report of 19th CPC National Congress that China must firmly implement the strategies of invigorating China through science and education and innovation-driven development, and set higher targets for future international cooperation in scientific and technological innovation.

Sweden, a world leader in technological innovation, has made important contributions to human scientific progress. The Swedish scientific research community has always been committed to open cooperation. China and Sweden have great potential in scientific and technological innovation cooperation.

The leaders of the two countries reached an important consensus on strengthening China-Sweden scientific and technological innovation cooperation. When he met with Prime Minister of Sweden Stefan Löfven in June 2017, President Xi Jinping stressed the importance to associate China’s 13th Five-Year Plan, innovation-driven development strategy, and “Made in China 2025” with Sweden’s “Smart Industry” strategy, to strengthen cooperation in fields such as clean energy, smart cities, life sciences, green finance, high-speed rail and aerospace. This important consensus by the two leaderships has set a clear direction for Chinese-Swedish scientific and technological innovation cooperation.

Last August, Vice Chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and Minister of Science and Technology Wan Gang visited Sweden, and co-chaired with the Minister of Higher Education and Research Helene Hellmark Knutsson the 4th meeting of China-Sweden Joint Committee on Scientific and Technological Cooperation. The two sides agreed to conduct “2+2” cooperation, or joint research projects that involve a scientific research institution and a company from each side. This shows that China-Sweden scientific and technological innovation cooperation is not a one-way flow of technology, but rather joint development of new world-class technologies with the participation of businesses from both countries. In this way, results of joint research can be transformed into productivity more quickly, to better serve economic and social development and enhance the well-being of the two peoples.

5. Q: Sweden is a member of the European Union. The relationship with EU is one of the most important foreign relations for Sweden. The EU is also an important partner of China. How does China look at China-EU relations?

Gui Congyou: The China-EU relationship is one of the most important bilateral relations in the world. It is of strategic significance to both China and Europe and world peace and development. During his first visit to Europe as the Head of State of China in 2014, President Xi Jinping proposed the development of partnerships for peace, growth, reform and civilization and a comprehensive strategic partnership with a stronger global influence, which has pointed the direction for the development of the China-EU comprehensive strategic partnership under the new situation.

At present, China is deepening reform in all areas, and advancing the modernization of its national governance system and governance capacity. It is accelerating the advancement of new-type industrialization, informatization, urbanization, and agricultural modernization, and speeding up the development of the socialist market economy, democratic politics, advanced culture, harmonious society, and ecological civilization. We will work tirelessly to realize the two centenary goals and the Chinese dream of national rejuvenation. The EU is undergoing governance, industrial and social transformation, promoting smart, sustainable and inclusive growth and striving to lift its international competitiveness. China’s rapid development has become a good opportunity for Europe’s development and prosperity, while Europe with its economic strength and time-honored civilization is also one of the most important partners for China’s reform and development. China-EU cooperation has never been more urgent. We hope Europe will take a long-term perspective, surpass differences in social systems, cultural traditions and ideologies, respect the development path chosen by China, and regard China’s development as a major opportunity, to work together with China for common development.

6. Q: Another important issue for Sweden is Russia. Due to Ukraine, the “Salisbury incident” and other issues, the relationship between the EU and Russia has become increasingly tense, and Sweden is highly concerned about this. How does China view the tension between the EU and Russia?

Gui Congyou: The EU is undoubtedly an important pole in the multi-polar world. China has always attached great importance to Europe and regarded developing relations with Europe as a priority of China’s diplomacy. China continues to support the process of European integration. As a global power and permanent member of the UN Security Council, Russia is also a pole and has important influence in international and regional affairs.

China has consistently advocated that disputes between countries should be properly resolved through friendly negotiations. All countries should obey international law and the basic norms of international relations and avoid taking any actions that intensify contradictions. As the international community is facing many challenges, all countries should reject the cold war mentality, give up confrontation, and work together to safeguard world peace, stability and tranquility, to jointly build a new type of international relations of mutual respect, fairness and justice, and win-win cooperation. The EU and Russia are neighbors that cannot be moved away. The only right choice for the two sides is dialogue and cooperation.

7. Q: In recent years, conflicts have increased across the world. Sweden is concerned about this. China sticks to the principle of non-interference in the internal affairs of other countries. Can China and Sweden cooperate to promote world peace and stability?

Gui Congyou: Absolutely. No matter how powerful it becomes, China will always safeguard world peace, contribute to global development, and uphold international order. China firmly remains committed to the path of peaceful development. It will be more active in maintaining international and regional security, and contribute more of Chinese experience, Chinese wisdom and Chinese approaches to improve international governance. China is firmly dedicated to political settlement of international and regional hotspot issues and strives to play a constructive role in bridging disagreements and promoting peace talks.

Sweden is also committed to safeguarding world peace and stability and advocates the settlement of disputes through diplomatic means. We appreciate this. China and Sweden can certainly strengthen cooperation in international and regional issues, and step up communication and coordination on dealing with global challenges, addressing regional hotspot issues, combating terrorism and promoting international development, so as to jointly make greater contributions to global peace and stability.

8. Q: What advice do you have for Swedish youth who want to learn about China? What should they do and what kind of opportunities do they have?

Gui Congyou: In the past 8 months as China’s ambassador to Sweden, I’ve found that young people from both China and Sweden are becoming more and more interested in each other, which is a good thing. As of the end of last year, there were more than 8,000 Chinese students studying in Sweden and nearly 400,000 Chinese tourists to Sweden, most of whom are young people. For Swedish young people who want to learn about China, I have the following suggestions for their reference.

To understand China, one must first understand China’s development path. China follows the path of socialism with Chinese characteristics. The 19th CPC National Congress declared that Socialism with Chinese Characteristics has entered a new era and has embarked on a new journey of building a great modern socialist country. Second, one must understand China’s system of political parties. China has CPC as the ruling party, but it’s not “one-party dictatorship” as referred to by some Westerners. Instead, it adopts a system of multiparty cooperation and political consultation, specifically cooperation and consultation with eight democratic parties. Third, one must understand China’s history and culture. China has more than 5,000 years of civilization and history and has created a splendid Chinese civilization. But in modern times, it has also experienced deep misery caused by aggression, enslavement and plunder. Only by knowing the journey of the Chinese people in the past can one understand the pursuit and dream of the Chinese people today. Fourth, I suggest that young people in Sweden read the book The Governance of China by Xi Jinping. This is the key to understanding contemporary China. This book records the thinking and practice of President Xi Jinping on governing the country and embodies the essence of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era. It provides a window for comprehensively sensing and understanding China today and is the most authoritative book for in-depth comprehension of Chinese path, concept and approaches in the new era.

Seeing is believing. I also sincerely hope that young people in Sweden, whether as students or tourists, will go to China and take a look around to have a comprehensive and in-depth understanding of China’s past, today and the future. With sincerity and good faith, Swedish friends certainly could truly appreciate the Chinese story, Chinese miracle and Chinese spirit. I myself and the Chinese Embassy in Sweden will definitely do our best to help Swedish friends from all walks of life to better understand China.

Source , Chinese Embassy.

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou Sends Letter of Condolence to Sweden on the Passing of the IKEA Founder

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Feb. 1(Greenpost) —  On 30 January,  Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, Gui Congyou sent a letter of condolence to the Swedish Ministry for Foreign Affairs on the passing of the IKEA founder Ingvar Kamprad.

Ambassador Gui said he was deeply saddened by the unfortunate news that the IKEA founder Mr. Ingvar Kamprad passed away and would like to express deep condolences and sincere sympathy to his bereaved family.

Gui said China highly appreciates Mr. Kamprad’s outstanding contributions to promoting China-Sweden friendship and economic and trade cooperation and will always remember him.

The Chinese side stands ready to work with Swedish friends to continue expanding bilateral friendly exchanges and cooperation.

Kamprad is remembered by many Chinese as a man who is very thrifty to himself, but very  generous to the poor or those who are in need.

Text from Chinese Embassy website and photo from website.

Kinesiska ambassadör Gui Congyou: Att främja den traditionella vänskapen för att fördjupa vår gemensamma nytta

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 14(Greenpost)– Gui Congyou, Kinesiska ambassadören  i Sverige har skrivit en artikel om relation mellan Kina och Sverige.  Han kom till Sverige den 18 i augusti, 2017.

Att främja den traditionella vänskapen för att fördjupa vår gemensamma nytta

 Jag är ärad för att bli den tjugonde kinesiska ambassadören i Sverige.

Fast Kina och Sverige är geografiskt långt ifrån varandra, är vår vänskap lång och väletablerad. Så tidigt som 1739 kom kinesiskt porslin, silke och te längs den maritima sidenvägen till Sverige, när Ostindiefararen Götheborgs seglade till Kina. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige inte deltog i västmakternas invasion och plundring när Kina var svagt sårbart. Vi kommer alltid ihåg att Sverige var det första västlandet som upprättade diplomatiska förbindelser med Folkrepubliken Kina. Det politiska modet och den strategiska visionen av dåtidens svenska ledare var beundransvärt. Vi kommer ihåg att Sverige stöttade Kinas rättsliga plats i FN. Och efter Kinas reform och öppnande, blev Sverige en gång till det första västlandet som undertecknade handels-och investeringsavtalet med Folkrepubliken Kina och därefter aktivt utförde ekonomiska och tekniska samarbeten, vilka bidrog mycket till Kinas ekonomiska och samhälleliga utveckling.

Nuförtiden har relationen mellan Kina och Sverige ständigt utvecklats. Juni 2017 besökte Sveriges statsminister Stefan Löfven Kina för World Economic Forum, där han träffades med Kinas president Xi Jingping och premiärminister Li Keqiang och nådde viktiga överenskommelser om att vidare fördjupa kännedom och pragmatiska samarbete med hänsyn till principer av respekt och jämlikhet. Sådana viktiga överenskommelser kommer att utforma framtidens kinesiska-svenska förhållande. Samtidigt finns frekvent bilaterala besökt på alla nivåer, i år har 6 svenska minister besökt Kina och 30 kinesiska delegationer över vice-ministers nivå kommit till Sverige.

Sakliga samarbeten mellan Kina och Sverige håller fart. I många år har Sverige varit Kinas främsta affärspartner i Norden och Kina Sveriges största i Asien. Från januari till augusti i år steg handelssiffran mellan Sverige och Kina med 19.3%, och uppgick till 12.17 miljarder US Dollar. Samtidigt ökade Sveriges export till Kina med 27.9% med en överskott av 690 miljoner US Dollar. Volvo och Geely har skapat tiotusentals jobb i och blivit ett gott exempel på samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige till och med Europa.

Kina och Sverige har skapat 31 par vänorter, mellan städerna stärkts utbyte och samarbete djupare. Enligt SCB:s statistik är antal hotellövernattningar av kinesiska turister i Sverige 203 000 i 2014, 258 000 i 2015, 323 000 i 2016 och 336 000 från januari till oktober i år. Kinesiska turister är nu den största kundgruppen av tax-free handel i Sverige. Juni 2017 undertecknades det första utbildningsavtal mellan två stater och nu finns det över 8000 kinesiska gäststudenter i Sverige. Det kinesiska kulturcentret i Stockholm spelar en viktig roll i att förmedla den kinesiska kulturen och traditionell konst.

Sedan jag anlände till Sverige den 18 augusti i år har jag haft omfattande kontakt med den svenska regeringen och samhället. Jag känner att den goda relationen mellan Kina och Sverige ännu kan förbättras, och står inför viktiga möjligheter.

Vi har liknande utvecklingslinjer och är ekonomiskt komplimenterande till varandra. Den 19:e nationella kongressen för det kinesiska kommunistiska partiet har framgångsrikt avslutats av nya utvecklingsambitioner fastställts. Under President Xi Jingpings stadiga ledarskap har Kina sjösatt 5 nya utvecklingskoncept som är innovation, balanserad tillväxt, en grön ekonomi, öppnande och inkluderande utveckling. Det kinesiska folkets önskemål för det goda livet kommer att förverkligas och arbetet för moderniseringen av Kina skall träda intill en god period.

De närmaste fem åren kommer Kina att importera mer än 8 biljoner dollar av varor, och investera mer än 750 miljarder dollar utomlands. Antal turister som reser utomlands kommer att vara fler än 500 miljoner. Under de kommande tio åren planerar Kina att investera nästan 600 miljarder dollar i den gröna ekonomin. The Belt and Road initiativet kommer att öppna upp en ny betydelsefull möjlighet för att utveckla samarbete mellan     Kina och Sverige.

Våra två länder har omfattande överenskommelser och mycket gemensamma intresse när det gäller internationella frågor. Vi är fast beslutna att upprätthålla det globala frihandelssystemet. Vi motsätter oss protektionismen och främjar en öppen världsekonomi. Vi aktivt deltar i multilaterala handlingarna för klimatfrågan och främja genomförande av Parisavtalet. Vi är starkt engagerade i världsfred, stabilitet och säkerhet, förespråkar dialog som verktyg för att lösa problem och vi är båda starkt mot alla former av terrorism.

Att främja en sund, stabil och hållbar utveckling av förbindelserna mellan Kina och Sverige handlar inte bara om de två länderna och dess folk, utan också att främja en allsidig utveckling av förbindelserna mellan Kina och EU samt världsfred, stabilitet och välstånd.

Relationen mellan Kina och Sverige står inför en ny historisk utgångspunkt. Som Kinas ambassadör till Sverige vill jag tillsammans med mina svenska vänner implementera våra ledares viktiga överenskommelser på grund av principer av ömsesidigt respekt och jämlikhet samt gemensam nytta. Vi skall fördjupa samförstånd och vidga samarbeten, främja kulturella utbyten och stärka överläggningar i globala och regionala frågor. Tillsammans skapar vi en bättre framtid för det kinesiska svenska samarbetet, och ett bättre liv för våra folk.

Redaktör Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

China Cultural Center in Stockholm holds the largest exhibition in its history

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 19(Greenpost)– China Cultural Center in Stockholm is holding the largest exhibitions since its establishment in September 2016.

Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou spoke at the opening of the three exhibitions. One is Born in the 60’s China Contemporary Art Exhibition & Invitational Exhibition for Swedish Artists. The third is Qian Yuqing’s Chinese calligraphy and Ding Yazhong’s  landscape ink Paintings.

“Art is a language that all the people can appreciate. Although China’s contemporary art has a short history, it has become an important art form in China and even in the world. China’s rapid development and great changes have become an inspiration and a source for artists.”  said Ambassador Gui.

“By learning from the western art, Chinese artists have explored deeply about Chinese traditional culture in recent years, by holding this exhibition, I am sure it will promote bilateral cultural exchanges through art works from both China and Sweden.” said Ambassador Gui.

Director of the China Cultural Center In Stockholm and Cultural Counselor of Chinese Embassy in Stockholm, Pu Zhengdong said he is proud to present these three kinds of exhibitions which he believed to have been historic and plays an important role in promoting bilateral understanding and exchange of cultures.  This has been the main purpose of the center and now it really meets the goal.

Anders Nyhlen, planner of the exhibition said he was very glad to attend this exhibition.

“I have held exhibitions relation to China for six times. Many Swedish artists like to know about China since China develops so fast. This time we have eight Swedish artists participating in the exhibition and I think we welcome the Chinese artists to come to Sweden. ” said Nyhlen.

Professor Zhang Fangbai who is also artist and one of the focal persons for the exhibition said he is very grateful to have a chance to exhibit Chinese contemporary art again in Sweden because this has been very conducive for the Chinese contemporary arts development. These kinds of exhibitions in Stockholm affect Chinese artists a lot and Chinese artists were inspired by Swedish artists.

Artist Han Zhongren said by looking at the Swedish artists works, he felt he could understand what those artists are seeking for and he felt that they are seeking for similar goals and shoulder similar responsibilities.  Han’s works are mainly about environmental protection theme.

Qian Yuqing used to be a policeman. But he loved Chinese calligraphy since childhood and calligraphy has always been his hobby. Now he treats the hobby as his main task and quitted the police job.  He loved calligraphy and if he couldn’t get both, he quitted the police job and keeps the calligraphy job.  He said Chinese and western artists actually can learn from each other.  These exhibitions are just the way for them to exchange ideas. He got inspiration from the Swedish artists and he hopes Swedish artists can get some inspiration from him.

Ding Yazhong has his own art gallery, Jia Ji Art Gallery, and has his own art school. He also loves art since childhood.  His specialty is to use special red ink color to paint the landscape. His works show  people a beautiful feeling of autumn symbolising good harvest and beautiful autumn.  China is indeed experiencing the good harvest in many aspects.

The exhibitions opening attracted many audiences.  It will last till 28th of November.

There is also a digital exhibition during the whole exhibitions.

Text/Photo  Xuefei Chen Axelsson