Tag Archives: Hong Kong

Hong Kong ekonom tycker att gula ekonomi cirkel inte kan leva längre

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Mar. 5 (Greenpost) — Några dagar sedan kom en grupp av Hong Kong Demonstrationer till Stockholm och frågade svenska stöda gula ekonomi cirkel och straffa andra som inte komma överens med dem.

Enligt en report från Kina Nyheter Service, CNS, Hong Kongs ekonomer tycker att gula ekonomi cirkel idea inte kan leva längre. Varför?

Ekonom Guan Zhuozhao sa att ekonomi har ekonomiska norm, inte samma som politiker. Ekonomi beror på hur mycket kapital du har och hur mycket kunder du har, det är svårt att samarbeta med stora kompaniet i Hong Kong.

Han sa att Gula Ekonomi cirkel som baserades av politiska ide kan skapa division mellan olika grupper.

Ekonom Mai Cuicai sa att ekonomi eller affairs har relation med gender, ålder och inkomster, men sällen med politiska ide. Gula Ekonomiska Cirkel är inte normala ide och kan inte accepterades av alla.

Ekonom Cai Zongjian sa att Gula Ekonomiska Cirkel ida inte kan leva längre i Hong Kong för att flesta inte vill ha division. När situationen blir fridfull, blir livet normalt. Basera av politiska ide kan Gula Ekonomiska Cirkel inte gå längre.

De Flesta Människor i Hongkong vill se Välstånd, Stabilitet, utan Våld och Kaos 香港繁荣稳定止暴制乱是大多数人的心声

2020年3月2日  |  没有评论

                                                作者 魏民 Skribenter Wei Min

Hong Kong, som har berömts som "Östens pärla", har behållit sin välmående och stabila status sedan sin återkomst till Kina den 1 juli 1997, och dess produktion, liv, handel och handelskultur har varit fortsatt stark. utveckling. I ögonblicket av den sydöstasiatiska finanskrisen eskorterade centralregeringen aktivt och passerade krisen smidigt. Sedan dess, med den snabba utvecklingen av fastlandsekonomin, har Hong Kong också stigit. Utbyten mellan Hong Kong och interiören har blivit allt vanligare.

Men en incident i juni 2019 bröt stabiliteten i Hong Kong. På grund av svårigheterna med brottsbekämpning orsakad av mord på ungdomar i Taiwan av en Hong Kong man hoppas Hongkongs särskilda administrativa regionregering att diskutera bestämmelserna om huruvida utlämning av gärningsmän kan genomföras mellan Hong Kong och Taiwan och Fastland, som har mött stark motstånd från oppositionen och unga studenter och medborgare. 

Med den kontinuerliga koncessionen av Hong Kongs regering insisterade ett stort antal studenter i Hong Kong på några så kallade modiga och orättvisa studenter, och till och med ett stort antal Hong Kong-medborgare var inblandade i den. 

Det fanns många demonstrationer, vilket fick trafiken i Hong Kong att förlamas. Före distriktsvalet befann sig Hong Kong i ett mycket kaotiskt och våldsamt stadium.
Vissa studenter eller ungdomar kastade till och med bensinbomber för att attackera polisen, vilket orsakade Hong Kongs sociala ordning och trafikordning stördades allvarligt.  Demonstrationen, som varade i nästan ett halvt år, påverkade Hongkongs ekonomi, särskilt turistnäringen. Eftersom Hong Kong också är en viktig port till fastlandet har fastlandsekonomin också påverkats med allvarliga konsekvenser. Lyckligtvis stöder de flesta i Hong Kong inte ungdomars våld. De höll till och med en marsch för att stoppa våld och stödja regeringen i Hong Kong för att återställa ordningen så snart som möjligt. De flesta av våra landsmän i Hong Kong uttalade att våld inte är en lösning på problemet och att våld inte bör vidtas ändå. Fred och stabilitet kan leda till välstånd. Det kan sägas att fred och stabilitet och undertryckandet av våld är rösterna för de flesta. Utan en fredlig och stabil miljö påverkas den ekonomiska utvecklingen och det sociala livet mycket negativt. 

Det är beklagligt att gangsterna under ledning av Li Zhiying fortfarande var engagerade i sabotage vid det tidpunkt då det nya koronaviruset rasade. Fem gangstere inklusive Xu Zhifeng och andra gangster sprang till den svenska huvudstaden Stockholm för att ansluta sig till Hong Kong, Xinjiang och andra anti-Kina elementen som är kopplade i serie för att hålla anti-Kina-rallyaktiviteter.  Den här vi vill hoppas att påminna dem inte göra dåliga saker till Hong Kong och Fastland, sluta dina tänker att fortsätta störda ordningen i Hong Kong.  






Den här artikel är skribenters egen åsikter utan den här webben.

Foto(3) Hong Kongs Folk Demonstrerar mot Våld

Stockholm, 30 december (Greenpost) – Demonstrationerna som ägde rum den 9 juni och 16 juni 2019 var fredliga.

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Demonstrationen stoppade dock inte bara utan eskalerade. I augusti började olika våld äga rum inklusive förstörelse av kontor och bankomater. För att motverka våldet inledde folket i Hong Kong en demonstration mot våld.

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Många människor stod hand i hand och ropade parolen om att rädda Hong Kong.

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Detta var en fågelperspektiv av demonstrationen för att motverka våld.

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Hong Kong borde inte vara i störning längre.

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På grund av det heta vädret och det regniga vädret blev paraply verkligen en scen.

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Detta var en fredlig demonstration mot våld.

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Above photos came from web source.

Denna affisch skriver skyddande Hong Kong.

Många människor i världen berörde Hong Kongs situation och höll demonstrationer med insisterande på ett land två-system och motsätter sig Hong Kongs våld och uppror.

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Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Den 9 september samlade de kineserna i Sverige i Sergeltorg för att visa sin inställning att stoppa våld och återuppta social ordning samtidigt som man uppmanar studenter och medborgare i Hong Kong att älska och skydda fred och stoppa våld.

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Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

De demonstrerade också sin inställning bredvid parlamentet att uppmana studenter och medborgare i Hong Kong att stoppa våldet. Vad du än gör är ok, men inte gör det på våldsamt sätt, sa en deltagare.

Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Foto (2) Hong Kongs Demonstration vände sig till vålt

Stockholm, 30 december (Greenpost) – Från den 9 juni demonstrerade en miljon människor till slutet av november 2019 i Hong Kong. Under den här perioden såg Hong Kong allvarliga våldshändelser. Demonstrationen inleddes med diskussionen om utlämning av kriminella misstänkta från Hong Kong till Taiwan Provinsen eller det kinesiska fastlandet. Det utvecklades senare till våldsam konflikt mellan demonstranter och polisen när vissa ungdomar kastade bensinbomber till polisen och vanliga människor. När situationen var mest allvarlig antog USA en lagförslag om Hongkongs “demokrati” och hotade att ge sanktioner mot affärsfolk eller tjänstemän i Hong Kong.

Konflikten eskalerade på grund av stöd och anstiftning från USA och många intressegrupper i Hong Kong. Vissa ungdomar tyckte att de var modiga att göra och kasta bensinbomber till polisen och vanliga människor, även om de visste eller inte var medvetna om att det var ett brott mot lagen. Elden fick många människor att ha skadats och drabbats av brinnande smärta. Oavsett vilken typ av ursäkt, är överträdelsen av lag dömt att dömas och straffas av lagen. Följande är några bilder för att visa dig situationen.

(Tänk på att dessa foton inte är lämpliga för barn.)

Rioters sätt upp eld vid en tunnelbanestation, en offentlig plats.

Rioters sätt upp eld vid en bankautomat, vilket skadar allmän egendom.
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Sätt upp eld på en offentlig plats.

I början var demonstrationen fredlig. Men gradvis blev antalet ungdomar utbredd med att sabotera offentliga fastigheter eller en lagstiftande myndighet och bankens ATM-byggnad.

Uppror som kastade bensinbomber till polisen orsakade eld.
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Hong Kong Polytechnique University såg mycket eld den 17 november 2019. FOTO FRA REUTERS WEB.

Enligt rapporter använde många studenter kemikalier för att göra skadliga vapen och de utövade hur man kastade bensinbomber i simbassängen. De kastade bomberna till den plats där polisen befann sig och orsakade många bränder.

Polisen anklagade upprorna för att använda skadliga vapen inklusive bensinbomber, pilbågar och stålboller samt tegelstenar för att attackera polisens försvarslinje. En polismedias kontaktperson sköts i det lilla benet med pilen. En upprorpolis drabbades av stålkulan.

Den 17 november kvällen gav polisen en mycket allvarlig varning om att den våldsamma åtgärden har nått upploppsnivån. Varje person som stannade och stödde upprorna skulle utsättas för brott. Polisen varnade för att de medborgare som stödde upprorna kunde behandlas som att begå upprorbrott.

Vid midnatt den 17 november offentliggjorde polisen i Hong Kong ett ultimatum via facebook om att demonstranterna inte skulle använda bensinbomber, pilar, bilar och något skadligt vapen för att attackera polisen. Om de fortsätter att vidta dessa farliga åtgärder kommer polisen, under förutsättning att de inte har något annat val, att använda vapen på låg nivå inklusive solida kulor för att skjuta tillbaka.

Bensinbomb orsakade eld.

Olika bilder visar att bensinbomben skadade människor och skadade de offentliga fastigheterna.

En kinesisk journalist från fastlandet slogs av uppror. Trots att det bara var ett fall där journalister attackerades i så allvarlig grad, är det fortfarande för allvarligt och borde inte ha hänt.


Olika bilder visar att många människor skadades. Lång tidskamp med polisen, demonstranter kunde inte kontrollera deras humör. Deras agerande blockerade inte bara trafiken utan också lätt att orsaka skador.

Den tapper kämpade med polisen.

En bensinbomb kastades på en kamrats kropp.
Den tapper kastade bensinbomber till polisen, helt mot lagen

En person skadades i knäna。
En sanitetsarbetare skadades allvarligt och dog efter att han skickades till sjukhuset.

Händelsen som ägde rum i Hong Kong var en fruktansvärd tragedi. Unga människor lyssnade på de dåliga människors anstiftning. De var inte medvetna om att de hade fel, även om de gjorde det, skulle de inte korrigera. Tvärtom, de gick på fel väg ännu längre. Tiden kommer att visa att de hade fel och de kan först inse det senare efter en tid.

Den kinesiska regeringen har alltid insisterat på systemen One Country Two Systems. Vad de än gör, gillar de att se det kontinuerliga välståndet och stabiliteten i Hong Kong. Alla de som kunde tänka kommer att förstå att den verkliga demokratin eller friheten inte är så här. Den verkliga demokratin och friheten är baserad på fredlig miljö, rationellt tänkande, självdisciplin, kompromiss och ansvar. Våldshandling kan endast orsaka skador och att skada eller skada kommer att stimulera hat. Detta är inte vad folk vill ha.

För dem som vidtagit extrema åtgärder kommer de att dömas av lagen och troligtvis straffas enligt lag. De som älskar fred hoppas se Hong Kong fortsätta att vara välmående och stabilt.

Foton från webbkälla, text av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foto(1) Orientaliska Pälla Hong Kong Återvände till Kina

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 30(Greenpost) — En stor ceremoni för återkomst av Hong Kong till Kina hölls kl. 00:00, 1 juli 1997, som markerar ett slut på det brittiska kolonialstyret i Hong Kong i över 150 år. Det markerade också början på ett land, två system i Hong Kongs särskilda administrativa region.

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Precis klockan 00:00, 1 juli 1997, steg Kinas Red Star Flag och Hongkong SAR flagga.

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En stor mottagning hölls för att fira Hong Kongs återkomst till moderlandet, Kina.

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En formell ceremoni om inrättandet av Hong Kong SAR-regeringen hölls och guvernören svarades in.

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Tung Chee-hwa svarades in som den första Hong Kong SAR-guvernören.

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Under mer än ett decennium förhandlingar, Kina och Storbritannien nådde en överenskommelse om att återlämna Hong Kong till Kina senast den 30 juni 1997. Hong Kong kommer att implementera One Country Two Systems som designades av Kina. Det betyder att Hong Kong kommer att styras av Hong Kong People och har principiellt hög autonomi. När Hong Kong återvände till Kina var kineserna mycket glada och stolta.

Återvändandet av Hong Kong till Kina har spelat en viktig roll för Kinas reform och öppnande. Många affärsfolk från Hong Kong kom till fastlandet för att investera. Vissa utländska affärsmän kom också till Kina för att investera genom Hong Kong, som fungerade som en viktig bro mellan Kina och västländerna.

Hong Kong blev ett frontland för Kinas reform och öppnande för att öppningen av Guangzhou och Shenzhen faktiskt var direkt till Hong Kong. De två platserna ligger så nära Hong Kong och kommunikationen mellan de två sidorna hade inga hinder. Hong Kong har behållit sin välstånd och stabilitet.

Många vet att en stor grupp unga kultur- och konsttalanger åkte till Hong Kong och gav ett stort bidrag till Hongkongs kulturella välstånd.

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Hong Kong är full av skyskraper, ett gott tecken på välstånd.
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Vackra Hong Kong vid solnedgången.
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Carrie Lam Linzheng Yuee svarades in som Hong Kong SAR-guvernör den 1 juli 2017.


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President Xi Jinping besökte Hong Kong och välkomnades av studenter.

Photo Reports(3) Hong Kong people against the violence

Stockholm, Dec. 30(Greenpost) — The demonstrations that took place on June 9 and June 16th, 2019 were peaceful.

However, the demonstration not only didn’t stop, but escalated. By August, various violence began to take place including the destruction of offices and bank ATMs. To counter attack the violence, Hong Kong people launched a counter violence demonstration.

Many people stood hand in hand and shouted the slogan of rescuing Hong Kong.

This was a bird eye view of the demonstration to oppose violence.

Hong Kong should not be in disorder any more.

Due to the hot weather and rainy weather, umbrella indeed became a scene.

This was a peaceful demonstration against violence.

Above photos came from web source.

This poster writes protecting Hong Kong.

Many people in the world concerned Hong Kong’s situation and held demonstrations themed Insisting on One Country Two Systems and opposing Hong Kong’s violence and riot.

Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

On September 9th, overseas Chinese in Sweden held a rally in Sergeltorg to demonstrate their attitude to stop violence and resume social order while calling on students and citizens in Hong Kong to love and protect peace and stop violence.

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Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

They also demonstrated their attitude beside the parliament to call on Hong Kong students and citizens to stop violence. Whatever you do is ok, but not do it in violent way, said one participant.

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Photo reports(2) Hong Kong’s peaceful demonstration turned into violence

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Dec. 30(Greenpost) — From June 9th one million people demonstration to the end of November 2019, Hong Kong experienced some serious violent events. The demonstration started with the discussion of the extradition of criminal suspects from Hong Kong to Taiwan or Chinese mainland. It later developed into violent conflict between demonstrators and the police when some young people threw petrol bombs to the police and ordinary people. When the situation was most serious, the US passed a bill about Hong Kong’s “Democracy” and threatened to give sanctions to Hong Kong business people or officials.

The conflict escalated due to the support and instigation from the US and and many interest groups in Hong Kong. Some young people thought they were brave to make and throw petrol bombs to the police and the ordinary people even though they knew or were not aware that was a violation of law. The fire caused a lot of people to have been injured and suffer from the burning pain. No matter what kind of excuse, the violation of law is doomed to be judged and punished by the law. The following are some photos to show you the situation.

(Mind you, these photos are not suitable for children.)

Set up fire by a subway station, a public place.
Set up fire at a Bank ATM machine, damaging public property.
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Set up fire in a public place.

At the very beginning the demonstration was peaceful. But gradually the action of sabotaging public properties or legislative authority office and bank’s ATM building by some youngsters became rampant.

Rioters throwing petrol bombs to the police caused fire.
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Hong Kong Polytechnique University saw a lot of fire on November 17th, 2019. PHOTO FROM REUTERS WEB.

According to reports, many students used chemicals to make detrimental weapons and they exercised how to throw petrol bombs in the swimmingpool. They threw the bombs to the place wherever the police was around and caused a lot of fires.

The police accused the rioters of using detrimental weapons including petrol bombs, bows and steel balls as well as bricks to attack the police defence line. A police media liaison officer was shot in the small leg by the arrow. A riot police was hit by the steel ball.

On November 17th evening, the police issued a very serious warning that the violent action has reached the riot level. Any person who stayed and supported the rioters would be subjected to commit riot crime. The police warned that those citizens who supported the rioters could be treated as to commit riot crime.

Upon midnight on Nov. 17th, Hong Kong police issued an ultimatum through facebook that the demonstrators should not use petrol bombs, arrows, cars och any detrimental weapon to attack the police. If they continue to take these dangerous action, the police will, under the condition of having no other choice, use the low level weapon including solid bullets to shoot back.

Petrol bomb caused fire.

Various photos show the petrol bomb hurt people and damaged the public properties .

A Chinese journalist from mainland was beaten by rioters. Even though it was only one case of journalist being attacked to such a serious degree, it is still too serious and shouldn’t have happened.


Various photos show that many people were wounded. Long time struggle with the police, protesters couldn’t control their mentality. Their action not only blocked the traffic, but also was easy to cause injuries.

The so-called Brave Warrior fought with police.
A petrol bomb was thrown onto a peer’s body.
The so-called Brave Warrior threw petrol bombs to the police, completely against the law.
A person was injured in the knees。
A sanitation worker was injured seriously and died after he was sent to the hospital.

The event that took place in Hong Kong was a dreadful tragedy. Young people listened to the instigation of the bad people. They were not aware that they were wrong, even if they were, they would not correct. On the contrary, they walked on the wrong way even further. Time will tell they were wrong and they can only realise that later after some time.

Chinese government has always insisted on the One Country Two Systems. Whatever they do, they like to see the continuous prosperity and stability in Hong Kong. All those who could think will understand that the real democracy or freedom is not like this. The true democracy and freedom are established on the basis of peaceful environment, rational thinking, self discipline, compromise and responsibilities. Violent action can only cause injuries and that injury or hurt will stimulate hatred. This is not what people want.

For those who took extreme actions, they will be judged by the law and likely be punished according to law. Those who love peace hope to see Hong Kong continue to be prosperous and stable.

Photos from web source, text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Photo Reports(1)”Oriental Pearl” Hong Kong returned to China

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 30(Greenpost) — A grand ceremony on returning of Hong Kong to China was held at kl. 00:00, July 1st, 1997 marking an end of the British colonial rule of Hong Kong for over 150 years. It also marked the beginning of One Country, Two Systems in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.

Precisely at 00:00, July 1st, 1997, China’s Red Star Flag and Hongkong SAR flag rose.

A grand reception was held to celebrate the returning of Hong Kong to the motherland, China.

A formal ceremony on the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR government was held and the governor was sworn in.

Tung Chee-hwa was sworn in as the first Hong Kong SAR governor .

Through more than a decade negotiations, China and Britain reached an agreement to return Hong Kong to China by June 30th, 1997. Hong Kong will implement One Country Two Systems which was designed by China. That means Hong Kong will be ruled by Hong Kong People and enjoys high level autonomy in principle. When Hong Kong was returned to China, Chinese people were very happy and proud.

The returning of Hong Kong to China has played an important role to China’s reform and opening up. A lot of Hong Kong business people came to the mainland to invest. Some foreign business people also came to China to invest through Hong Kong which served as an important bridge between China and western countries.

Hong Kong became a front for China’s reform and opening up because the opening of Guangzhou and Shenzhen was actually directly to Hong Kong. The two places are so near to Hong Kong and the communication between the two sides had no hurdles. Hong Kong has kept its prosperity and stability.

Many people were aware that a large group of young cultural and art talents went to Hong Kong and made great contribution to Hong Kong’s cultural prosperity.

Hong Kong is full of skyskraper, a good sign of prosperity.
Beautiful Hong Kong upon sunset.
Carrie Lam Linzheng Yuee was sworn in as Hong Kong SAR governor on July 1, 2017.
President Xi Jinping visited Hong Kong and was welcomed by students.

Ambassador Gui Congyou expresses to SVT China’s solemn positions of firmly opposing “Hong Kong independence” and related riots

On 5 September, during an interview with SVT journalist, Ambassador Gui Congyou expressed China’s solemn positions on the current situation in Hong Kong.

Ambassador Gui said, a “Hong Kong separatist came to Sweden yesterday to propagate “Hong Kong independence”, and a few Swedish people joined her in a gathering and provided platform and support for her propaganda, which we firmly oppose. “Hong Kong independence” severely violates the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of Hong Kong, and challenges the red line of the “one country, two systems” principle, which the nearly 1.4 billion Chinese people, including Hong Kong residents, strongly oppose. The “Hong Kong independence” rioters stormed the Hong Kong Legislative Council building, desecrated the national flag and emblem of China, assaulted police officers, tourists and journalists. Their violent behaviors have gone far beyond the scope of free expression of opinions and are definitely intolerable by any country or society under the rule of law.

Ambassador Gui said, we hope that people in Sweden will see clearly the nature of “Hong Kong independence” activities, explicitly support the “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong, explicitly oppose “Hong Kong independence” and extreme violence of Hong Kong separatists, rather than echo and support Hong Kong separatists and their extreme violent behaviors. Safeguarding the “one country, two systems” principle and the social stability, development and prosperity of Hong Kong serve the interests of the whole international community including Sweden. It is hoped that SVT will relay the above serious positions of China to the wide Swedish society.

Why Did Sweden Set Free Qiao Jianjun first and then arrest him again?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, July 4(Greenpost) — Recently when I heard Kina from a news watched by my husband, I was attracted to it and had a look at the news. Then I replayed it with his computer and got to know that Qiao Jianjun was arrested because America wanted him.

It is really interesting to see this news and think of Swedish Supreme Court and Police behaviour.

Earlier, I saw the picture that Qiao was arrested again and he said he got evidence and he denied all the accusations.

Who is Qiao Jianjun? Greenpost reported in early report that Qiao was suspected to be the No. 3 out of 100 wanted suspects by the Chinese Police. These 100 wanted suspects were accused of corruption crimes and huge amount of embezzlement or appropriation of public money. Most of them used to work in the State owned enterprises.

So far, 55 of them have gone back to China to surrender either willingly or being extradited and have experienced fair trial according to China’s judicial procedures.

Qiao was suspected to be the one who worked in Henan Branch of China’s Food Group, a key state owned corporation. He was accused to have taken 300 million yuan to escape to America in 2011. His ex wife Zhao Xiaolan divorced him in 2001 and later went to America and bought a lot of properties including a villa, a shop and others.

Qiao changed his name and married again and came to Sweden in 2011 according to reports. After long time investigation, Chinese police was almost certain that he was Qiao, the suspect they were looking for and informed Swedish police hoping that they would cooperate to crack down on crimes.

Swedish police arrested Qiao last year and kept him in detention. But on June 19th, the Supreme Court decided to set him free. According to reports from the Swedish and international media that the action had something to do with the Hong Kong situation where the students were against the revision of law to extradite suspects to the place where they had criminal actions.

It was reported that the revision of the law in Hong Kong was caused by a case between Hong Kong and Taiwan which saw the loopholes in the law. According to Chinese Foreign Affairs Ministry briefing, the case refers to Mr. Chen from Hong Kong Killed his girlfriend in Taiwan. Taiwan side wanted Mr. Chen to be extradited to Taiwan, but the two sides had no agreement or treaty on this issue. Thus Hong Kong SAR decided to revise the law involving the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan so that they got an agreement.

Analysts guess that maybe because Hong Kong does have a lot of suspects who are wanted by the mainland, they are so afraid of this law being passed. Thus they especially are against the revision to send the suspect to China’s mainland. Otherwise why does the slogan only focuses on the part to extradite to the mainland?

It is also suspected that behind the students there are some forces who could be just those suspects or the suspects supporters. They provided students with money and one American man even encouraged the students to challenge the police with violence.

This man was dug out with internet information as a so called human rights teacher in the mainland and later was expelled out by the Chinese Authority. He mainly taught the students how to demonstrate and how to deal with the police and instigated violence.

No one knows who is exactly behind the scene, but openly one can read British Foreign Affairs Ministry’s statement indicating support or voicing sympathy with the students. It is also known that one of the leaders of the students is still the one who led the paraply movement a couple of years ago.

Swedish reporter Petersson also reported that the students demonstration in Hong Kong was more violent than before. It was not peaceful demonstration any more. It is more antagonism in the action which violated current law of disturbing the public order.

Ok, with such a background, Swedish Supreme Court decided to set Qiao Jianjun free. This was very strange. The second strange thing was that the Supreme Court hasn’t given a written verdict yet. But the person was just set free.

Then, on June 24th, SVT reported that Qiao was arrested again because America wanted him. Qiao was accused by American police that he was suspected to conduct money laundry for 100 million. Therefore he was wanted to be extradited to America.

Now it is even more strange that Swedish court and police refused to cooperate with Chinese police but obey the American police immediately.

Why? I don’t know why. But I guess that shows Swedish police listens more to America than to China. Similar to that British little brother must obey American big brother otherwise, America will cut off your milk supply(trade link).

After my Chinese version of article was published, one reader said either to China or to America, but just not stay in Sweden at large.

Analysts hold that Sweden shouldn’t behave as if she likes to harbor criminals. It is better to extradite Qiao back to China so that he could get a fair trial. If you admit the crime and sincerely regret your behaviour , compensate all the losses, there should be consideration of reducing the penalty.

As far as I know(I used to have a student who studied English with me and worked in China’s Supreme Procuratorate ), China has tried its best to restrict death penalty.

One example of a case in 2000, Erwei was killed by his neighbour with a knife. Erwei was just 25 years old. The neighbour was 60 years old. Both held a knife from the kitchen, the young was running out of the door and the older chased him. Then the young got stuck by a stick and he fell down on the ground. The older man cut him on the ankle of the foot. When he was sent to the hospital, Erwei died of over bleeding.

Such tragedy should have been avoided if our society was more civilised. But unfortunately it happened due to little chore(poverty). According to the criminal law, if you kill someone, you should be punished to be killed. This was believed by Erwei’s relatives too. But the court didn’t sentence the elder man to death penalty immediately, but to execute after two years. That usually means the man will be life imprisonment but not be killed.

Erwei’s mother was not satisfied with the sentence and shangfang or visited upper level of court for many years. Later, she got what she wanted. That was the school fees and living expenses for Erwei’s daughter till 18 years old. At that time the girl was just 5 years old.

This case reflected the situation in China that many people were still struggling with the food and clothes in 2000. Meanwhile, the court tried according to the facts and even with purposely killing crime, since Erwei held a knife too, the other was not sentenced to death.

My student said the court or procuraterate usually dealt with the case with humanitarian concerns. The dead has died, the most important thing is for those who live to have a better life. Therefore, they often try to get more compensation for the victim instead of just getting the other being sentenced to death(meaning not to die).

China used to have very severe punishment for criminal crimes. But after reform and opening up, more and more economic crimes appeared while the so called hooligan crime cases decreased because people were more open than before.

Opinion: The Ghost of June Fourth is not scattered

Greenpost, Stockholm

Looking at the situation in Hong Kong, it reminded me of June Fourth. According to a Youtube video, it showed a woman skrieking to the police told them to refuse the Hong Kong government order and go home because those students are so young that they are called children. She claimed that if the police go home, they will scatter.

But things didn’t happen as she said. There is a lot of similarities between this and thirty years ago. Thirty years ago, University students in Beijing, mostly bachelor- seekers, went to Tianmen Square to have a hunger strike. They said they wanted to ask the government to fight against corruption, increase the teachers salaries and several others. With good slogans of supporting the communist party and so on, many people began to sympathize with the students and provide food and drinks to them.

After 7 days, the government declared curfew and wanted to clear the Tianmen Square. We observers who were post graduate seekers or Phds went back to the campus waiting for the restart of courses.

However, due to the support from everywhere and there were more people gathering in Tiananmen Square causing the collapse of transport and even the workers began to take part in. When I passed by Tiananmen Square on June 2, I saw Xiaobo Liu and Hou Dejian giving speeches and I heard that they were giving 72 hours hunger strike.

I heard the loudspeaker along the Chang’an Avenue began to change tones. That were not students any more. That was workers who said they were going to take violent action against the government.

I arrived my dormitory about 2 o’clock in the morning of June 3 and when I woke up again, it was lunch time already. Then I heard the loud speaker again and again warned the citizens not to go to the street because a curfew had been implemented. If you went to the street, you had to take the consequences yourself.

I listened the warning and remained at the campus.

On the June 5, when I went out to the Baiyi Film Production Plant, I notice on the way from Gongzhufen to Liuliqiao, many military trucks were burned.

It was a sad story. For thirty years, I just wonder why students must stay in the Tiananmen Square and even wanted to burn themselves for the so called Utopia democracy.

I saw a lot of good tents stationed in the Tiananmen Square on the second of June. I was told that the tents all came from Hong Kong.

Recent Youtube video showed that there were an organization called Zhilianhui or Supporting Tiananmen Federation. This Zhilianhui got a lot of donation from Hong Kong and sent the money to Beijing.

Student leaders such as Cailing at that time cried and shouted that they would stay in Tiananmen Square waiting for bloodshed.

From the very beginning, I didn’t think the students decided to occupy the Tiananmen Square forever even with the price of their lives. They just wanted to give a push to the government to reform and stop corruption.

But later, especially after June 20th, students should have left the Tiananmen Square, but they didn’t because there were such a lure that they were supported by the people and workers. If they withdrew, the movement would just end peacefully. Some people didn’t like to see that, they wanted to change China immediately, if you talked about their good intention.

But reflecting that after thirty years, you could find out that indeed there were a small group of growups who wanted to use the students as a shield. Then the students who received money also said they were already in the blacklist, they would stay to the last minute.

Many Beijing citizens ignore the government’s order of martial law, they even took the antiganism action to block the trucks of the PLA men to enter Tiananmen Square. They seemed to let the Tiananmen Square occupied forever.

It was obvious that there were forces behind some students leaders. It turned out that later these people got their passport of America or France. In an interview with Voice of America, a business man whose family name was Chen admitted that he helped 133 students or professors or teachers to leave the mainland through a boat from Shenzhen and via Hong Kong, they went to America or Paris again.

Chen said he was asked by Zhilianhui.

For many years, we reflected on this issue. How can we avoid bloodshed? How can we let our voice heard and how we should behave under this circumstances?

Those day I thought we were spoiled as the prince and princess of the God. We thought we could change the world within a few days. With such naivety, we caused the damage to the society and other people, especially those who supported us.

Later when I went to New Zealand, I observed how they demonstrated to call for increase of students stipend. They queued a long queue with flags and shouted slogans walking to the city center in Christchurch, the third largest city in New Zealand and the famous university was University of Canterbury. I followed the queue and walked less than half an hour. And then the students went back to their campus or home. I asked them what else they would do, they said, that’s the end. We finished here. The next was for the parliament to discuss this issue. They gave time to the parliament.

Supposed Chinese students really went back to the campus even on May 30th, when students leader Wang Dan declared the hunger strike and activities in the Tiananmen Square came to an end. The conflict would have been avoided.

The students splitted, the radicals gained the wind. They lost the original purpose or they changed the purpose because they were bought out by the Hong Kong or other areas bigger force.

From this point of view, Deng Xiaoping saw very clearly. They demanded him to step down, he understood that they wanted the communist party to step down.

The communist party has struggled for 88 years. They have experienced bloodshed themselves. Through the long march, they gained support of the people. Their struggle was very hard and their goal has been to lead the Chinese people first out of foreign oppression and establishing the new People’s Republic. And then they led the people to conduct socialist construction and built a relatively very equal society. Mao said women could hold half of the sky. This slogan was so sound that many Chinese women became drivers, workers and relied on themselves instead of relying on their husband. Women status advanced substantially.

With Chinese medicine, China built its own medical system and substantially prolonged people’s life expectancy. Baby’s death rate decreased a lot. During Mao Zedong period, China was a relatively poor but also very equal society. Many families in the countryside had more than three children. Many families such as mine had six or seven children. A large Human Resources were accumulated.

This human bonus provided great force of labor and paved a good way for later reform and opening up in China.

Great enthusiasm were shown after reform and opening up. People’s enthusiasm caused over heated economy. That caused people’s disatisfaction, especially the intellectuals because they felt their knowledge didn’t serve them to earn a better salary. Compared with the butchers, their salary was lower.

When Deng Xiaoping thought we could take market economy because poverty was not the purpose of socialism. He called it Socialist market economy with Chinese characteristics.

That was to put down the ideological debate and take up development no matter it was socialism or capitalism. China should try to have a new way.

After the June Fourth, China was puzzled for two years. Similar to the time after Mao’s death. But then in 1992, Deng Xiaoping said China should be bold enough to take bigger steps in developing economy. Then private sector became prosperous.

Especially after 2000 when China privatized real estate industry and 2001 after joining in the WTO, Chinese development surged.

Now let’s talk about the Hong Kong students. It is understood that the young students had passions to sacrifice for certain cause. But this was due to their hormons or young enthusiasms. But I think that woman should persuade the students to scatter. Why should they stay there week after week? Any city, people must be aware of order. Without public order, the city will be in chaos. That will do harm to everybody or do good to nobody, except your enemies who wish to see the chaos or to see someone dares to challenge the Hong Kong government or even the central government.

Some people often like to see people challenge the communist party because they simply think they are in power too long. For no reasons, they simply didn’t like the big power. They like to separate others so that it is easy to deal with. Many countries are small and they like small countries because it is easy to deal with.

I don’t rule out outside force support for the students in Hong Kong. Usually the government would not take action against the students because they knew they are young, innocent and sometimes ignorant. But they would likely take action if there is really outside forces. Then they would not be so tolerant.

Hong Kong returned to China in 1997. We were happy that it returned and would like to have a visit. But then I heard that Hong Kong didn’t like the mainlanders to visit. Therefore, there is a pass requirement. However, immediately after that Asian financial crisis took place. Hong Kong SAR came to Beijing and asked Premier Zhu Rongji to help. Premier Zhu Rongji led a large delegation to buy in Hong Kong and thus rescue Hong Kong from the crisis.

To be honest, I think the travel pass limitation should be eradicated. People should be easy to go to Hong Kong, this would be good for trade in Hong Kong.

In fact, as some experts pointed out, Hong Kong benefit from China’s opening up. But when China really opened wider its door, Hong Kong somewhat lost its bride advantage.

But for the current situation, they are against the change of law or judicial procedure for criminals to be able to be sent to the place where they should be tried. This was hard to understand. Some western countries such as Sweden using this as an excuse not extraditing Qiao Jianjun to China. What does it mean? It means you want to harbor criminals right? What do Hong Kong Students mean? Do you want harbor criminals? Do you indicate that you want Hong Kong to be a place to harbor criminal in other areas?

According to the explanation from the Chinese media, this time it was due to a killer suspect from Hong Kong who should be sent to Taiwan for trial, but because Hong Kong doesn’t have such extradition law, they couldn’t do that. This was unfair for the Taiwan victim. But students refused to revise such a law meaning they refuse to send wanted criminal suspect to certain place.

They don’t use normal way to voice their opinion, but take such radical action. I suggest they should go back to their campus and continue to study. They should not stay there all the time affecting the public transport and public order.

Obviously either someone supports them or some of them are radicals or extremists. We shall see.