Tag Archives: Uppsala

Sino-Swedish Biomedicine seminar held in Uppsala

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 21(Greenpost)– Changsha National High-tech Industrial Development Zone delegation held a seminar with Research Institute of Sweden and Uppsala Bio on Thursday in Uppsala to discuss cooperation in biomedicine.

The seminar was presided over by Zhao Shouting, Nordic Chinese Sustainable Development Association.

Song Jie,  deputy director of  the Changsha National High-tech Industrial Development Zone delegation gave a brief introduction about his zone.

“CNHDZ is Hunan Province’s Silicon Valley and ranks top 10 in innovation capability. We have issued a new policy to encourage more overseas enterprises and talented people to open businesses in the zone. ”

Song said the grants can be as high as twenty million yuan every year and the total is 100 million per year.

The zone is very strong in biomedicine and really likes to cooperate with Swedish counterparts.

He said Changsha was the place that raised the first artificial baby and held the largest frozen sperm bank.

He welcomes Swedish companies to cooperate with their counterparts.  He promised that the government is just willing to provide a platform for enterprises to cooperate.

Johan Laurell gave a brief introduction about Research Institutes of Sweden or RISE. He is the marketing manager.

He said RISE includes a lot of industries including food and medicine and plays a role of helping enterprises to find their international partners.

Erik Forsberg from Uppsala Bio introduced his company which is a very famous Swedish biomedicine company.

The famous Pfizer company used to be part of it.  Forsberg said it is good to understand what kind of cooperation model will be and will bring more relevant companies to meet next time.

Jan Peter Axelsson used to work in Pfizer and now in Vascaia also introduced his company, his colleague and his own expertise. He is good at providing automatic and efficient  production method.

Zhou Wenqiang is Chief Scientist from Hunan Fangsheng Pharmaceutical Co. Ltd

Hao Zou is General Manager from Hunan Hua Rui Biological Technology Co. Ltd.

Huang Qingxi is from Central Bio-MD Valley Technology Co. Ltd

Guo Xialing is Board Chairman of Argus (Hunan) Pharmaceutical Ltd.  She said she is looking for experts in fermentation.

The two sides also discussed partnerships, cooperation model, platforms and mechanisms to deepen the cooperation between the two sides.

Photo and Text:  Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Shanxi Delegation visits Uppsala

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, May 29(Greenpost)–Shanxi delegationen besökte Uppsala om förnyelseenergi.

DSC_0281Lena berättade för delegationen att Uppsala Kommunen har målet att bli carbon neutral på 2020.

DSC_0286De har byggt ett högt hus med el som kan tillväxa 40 percent el för hissen, lampa och värm vatten.

DSC_0297Priset av huset är högt, med för långsikt syn, det är en investering.

Kommunen också uppnuntrar public att cyklar mer istället att köra bil.

DSC_0278Till sist besökte delegationen Storkyrkan och gick genom stangatorna.

DSC_0292Det kändes bra och Uppsala är mycket vacket.


Bilder/Text/Xuefei Chen Axelsson