Tag Archives: Xuefei Chen Axelsson


北欧绿色邮报网北京报道(特派记者陈雪霏)10月23日中午12时, 刚刚在中国共产党第二十届中央委员会第一次全体会议上当选的中共中央总书记习近平和中共中央政治局常委李强、赵乐际、王沪宁、蔡奇、丁薛祥、李希在人民大会堂同采访中共二十大的中外记者亲切见面。











“新征程上,我们要始终弘扬全人类共同价值。当今世界面临前所未有的挑战。我们历来主张,人类的前途命运应该由世界各国人民来把握和决定。只要共行天下大道,各国就能够和睦相处、合作共赢,携手创造世界的美好未来。我们将同各国人民一道,弘扬和平、发展、公平、正义、民主、自由的全人类共同价值,维护世界和平、促进世界发展,持续推动构建人类命运共同体。” 习近平说。


“几天来,记者朋友们对大会进行了充分报道,向全世界传递中国声音、传播中国共产党的主张,使世界的目光注视中国。感谢你们的辛勤工作,大家辛苦了。欢迎大家多到中国各地走一走、看一看,客观真实向世界讲好中国故事,讲好中国共产党故事,讲好我们正在经历的新时代故事。” 习近平亲切地对记者们说。









蔡奇,1955年12月生,福建尤溪人,经济学博士,政治局常委,中央书记处书记, 北京市委书记。冬奥会主席。



图 /新华社。 文/陈雪霏

Commentary: China shows sincerity in talks while the US shows its destroyer

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Jan.7(Greenpost) — Sino-US trade talks began in Beijing on Monday while the US sent a  missile destroyer to the South China Sea area.

This round of trade talk started with China’s sincerity to stop the trade war and really start trade talks.  To show China’s sincerity, China has announced to buy American soybeans and even rice. China has decreased four times the import tariff.  All these measures show that China is very sincere to suspend the trade war because a trade war is neither good to China nor to America or any other country.

Why? Because the economic law shows that only by trading more, the world economy can be vital, protectionism will lead to slow down of the world economy which will be good to nobody.

On the contrary, Trump sent a missile destroyer to South China Sea to show his muscles.  But analysts hold that this action only shows that Trump is either stupid or he really played such a game that he would let people know that he is very unpredictable.

He has shown that when he first met Xi Jinping in his Florida villa when he said he sent a bomb to Syria just before they began to talk Sino-US relations.

And after he and Xi announced to have three months ceasefire of the so-called “trade war”, Canada arrested a Chinese business-person.  So the American action, to be precise, the Trump action shows that he is really not very confident and he wanted to show that he was tough and not easy to deal with.

The current world still requires more cooperation than conflict to meet the demands of the people.

China has always tried all means to promote development by various peaceful means and policies and sometimes even take initiative to benefit all parties such as the Belt and Road Initiative.

As many historians and sinologists have pointed out, China has always been a peace loving country and it has never invaded any country, thus, its action mostly aims to get people more jobs, reduce poverty and build a prosperous China as well as the world.

Analysts hold that China could further reduce the import tariff. On the one hand, it will make the US feel more balanced, on the other hand, it will be good for the Chinese buyers too.  This is a good way to satisfy the Chinese demand of international famous brands and they don’t need to buy it abroad, but buy it in China through more imports.

This will not only help solve the trade surplus issue, but also let Chinese people enjoy the higher living standards. When the Chinese are satisfied with their demand on famous brands, they will love their own country even more because those so called famous brands are just normal brands in other countries. For example, the watch in Switserland, Ford in America, Volvo(China’s now) in Sweden, these brands in China are treated as famous, but in its own country, for example, volvo in Sweden, it is just so natural that people buy it just as if Chinese will buy a red flag or a Chinese tooth paste.

So when the border is open and easier to go across, the imbalance will be solved and that will be conducive to the world.

China definitely should be thankful for the entry of WTO, but Chinese also work very hard to realize its development.  It makes the Chinese feel also awkward that it is always the west that complains about China and gives pressure to China.

Recalling China’s economic situation in 1980s when China just began to open up, China was very cautious of opening up and worried that the western power would buy up China’s land or ownership and so on, and that is why the 49 percent and 51 percent of ownership was established.

When I came to Sweden 12 years ago and asked Swedish whether they worried about their selling of companies to the Germans for example Siemens,  do they worry about ownership? They said they didn’t worry because as long as the company is in Sweden, it will pay tax to Sweden and provides jobs.  But now when China wanted to buy a port or something, Sweden began to worry about sovereignty and secrecy and so on.

Eight years ago when Li Shufu’s Geely purchase Volvo, many people also worried about Chinese companies will bring Volvo to China.  But now it shows that Geely keeps its promise and this has become the successful purchase case between China and Sweden and even in the world.

Why is that? I think it shows that if a company develops well and it will go international. Once it becomes international, it will benefit many people who involve in it. It will promote the world economic development.

But if one shows protectionism, it will stimulate conflicts not just in economic field, if one is not careful, it will involve other factors. That is why there is war and conflict.  Thus as responsible countries, big powers should take the consideration of the world economic situation, not just think it is only about you and me.

Obviously protectionism shows a county’s weak points and that is why it wants to protect its own economy.

Sweden is a small country, but it has a big mind and always been open in trade and let its companies compete in the international economy. Many companies died young, but it also raised the world’s largest per capita famous brands and innovation.  And why people like to try innovation? Because they think in the long term and try the best for anything they like. Time tells who will win in the end.

On this point, I think both US and China should learn from Sweden.

Finally, just heard the news that Tesla has launched a grand ceremony to open production factory in Shanghai now. This is another real action China has taken to allow foreign enterprise to establish solely foreign owned enterprise in China. This is the fulfilment of China’s promise of market access.

This should be a very positive action from Chinese side to turn the trade war into a trade talk.  It forms a sharp contrast with the sending of missile destroyer.

Video: Kina Ambassadör Gui Pratar på Kinaslandskap genom svenska ögon Fotografi

STOCKHOLM,  Jan. 7(Greenpost) — Kina Ambassadör Gui Pratade på Kinaslandskap genom svenska ögon Fotografi december 15, 2018. Fotografi ska pågå till slutet av januari i China Cultural Center in Stockholm.

The exhibition will last till the end of this month.

Ambassadör Gui Congyou accepterade en skriftlig intervju med svenska kinesiska medier

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 3 Januari (Greenpost) — Kinas ambassadör Gui Congyou accepterade en skriftlig intervju med svenska kinesiska medier den 29 december, 2018 på kinesiska.  Här är en översättning av intervjun.

Fråga: Kära ambassadör Gui Congyou, hur utvärderar du utvecklingen av förbindelserna mellan Kina och Sverige under det senaste året?

Svar: 2018 var ett mycket viktigt år för både Kina och Sverige. År 2018 var det första året för Kina att fullt ut genomföra den 19: e partikongressens anda och 40-årsdagen av Kinas reform och öppnande. Sverige höll allmänt val i september detta år. Under det gångna året har förbin­del­serna mellan Kina och Sverige upprätthållit en stabil utveckling totalt sett, och nya presta­ti­oner har gjorts genom samarbete inom olika områden. För det första upprätthöll de två sidor­na utbyten och utbyten på alla nivåer och inom olika områden. De två ländernas diplo­matiska avdelningar upprätthöll regelbunden kommunikation. Svensk infrastrukturminister Tomas Ene­roth ledde en delegation att delta i den första ”China International Import Expo” som hölls i Shanghai i början av november. På regional och kommunal nivå har ett flertal besök och utbyten ägt rum inom ekonomi, handel, vetenskap och utbildning. Detta i god pragmatisk anda som gagnat vidare samarbete mellan våra länder.

För det andra fortsatte det ekonomiska och handelssamarbetet att växa snabbt. Från januari till oktober ökade den kinesisk-svenska bilaterala volymen med 17% till 12,4 miljarder US-dol­lar. Den årliga volymen och Sveriges handelsöverskott med Kina förväntas nå nya höjder. Kina-Sverige “One Belt, One Road”-samarbetet har gjort positiva framsteg. China Eastern Airlines har öppnat ett direktflyg från Shanghai till Stockholm. Det svenska länet Dalarna har öppnat sina dörrar till staden Ganzhou i Jiangxi-provinsen i östra Kina. Under mötet i Shang­hai ”China International Import Expo” tecknade svenska företag kontrakt för 500 miljoner US-dollar med kinesiska företag.

För det tredje har utbyten och samarbete inom vetenskap och teknik, kultur och utbildning fortsatt i bra fart. Professor Chen Zhu, en berömd kinesisk vetenskapsman, vann det svenska Sjöberg-priset. Kinas förening för vetenskap och teknik och Kungliga Tekniska Högskolan undertecknade ett samarbetsavtal. Den första kinesiska kulturfestivalen hölls framgångsrikt i välkända Kungsträdgården i Stockholm. Flera välkända kinesiska artist-trupper uppträdde under året i: Stockholm, Göteborg och Falköping, och blev mycket väl mottagna av lokal­befolkningen.

För det fjärde har Kina och Sverige genomfört nära kommunikation och samordning på den multilaterala arenan. Mot bakgrund av den internationella situationen, full av osäkerhet, stöder Kina och Sverige stark multilateralism, förespråkar frihandel och motsätter sig uni­lateralism och protektionism. De två länderna har genomfört en effektiv samordning inom ramen för den multilaterala ramen, såsom FN: s säkerhetsråd, och genomförde sund kom­munikation om heta frågor t.ex. i DPRK: s kärnvapen och Jemen och gemensamt engagerade för att upprätthålla världsfred, stabilitet och utveckling.

Samtidigt såg vi också att förhållandena mellan Kina och Sverige har störts av några negativa faktorer under året. Den svenska polisens behandlingen av tre kinesiska turister hotade deras grund­läggande mänskliga rättigheter, såsom personlig säkerhet och värdighet. SVT produ­cerade ett inslag om dessa kinesiska turister i ett satirprogram som vi uppfattade som grovt förolämpade och orsakade stark indignation och högljudda protester från alla kineser och det stora antalet utländska kineser. Detta skadade den goda bilden av Sverige i Kina. Vi fortsätter att uppmana den svenska sidan att öppet och uppriktigt be om ursäkt för den negativa hän­delsen. Några politiker och media i Sverige har anklagat Kina, men de förstår inte Kina och vad vi anser vara Kinas inre ange­lägenheter. Dessa negativa faktorer har utan tvekan skapat onödiga hin­der för utveckling av vänskapligt samarbete mellan Kina och Sverige. Vi är starkt emot detta.

I allmänhet anser jag att det vänliga samarbetet är det viktigaste för de kinesisk-svenska förbindelserna. Att främja den positiva utvecklingen av de bilaterala förbindelserna är de båda folkens gemensamma ambitioner. Fördjupningen av de kinesisk-svensk förbindelserna har djup potential och breda utsikter. Kina har alltid varit engagerat i att främja den fortsatta utvecklingen av samarbete Kina-Sverige. Vi hoppas att den svenska sidan kommer att gå hand i hand med den kinesiska. Vi försöker bygga konsensus och skapa vinn-vinn-samarbeten som ger gynnsamma förutsättningar för en sund och stabil utveckling av förbindelserna mellan Kina och Sverige. Detta i en anda av ömsesidig respekt och likabehandling, men förstås med reservation för de skillnader här är i synsätt.

Fråga: Svenska medierna har en ny förståelse för dig. De tycker att du verkligen gillar att möta svenska medier. Du pekar ofta på sina misstag. Vad är din kommentar till den här kommentaren?

Svar: Medierna är en viktig bro mellan de två folken och spelar en viktig roll för att öka den ömsesidiga förståelsen mellan de två sidorna. Jag har noterat att med den snabba utvecklingen i Kina och den fortsatta expansionen av samarbetet mellan Kina och Sverige, ger de svenska medierna allt mer uppmärksamhet åt Kina. Det finns många objektiva och positiva rapporter om utvecklingen av Kinas reformer och att landet öppnats under de senaste 40 åren. Ömse­sidigt samarbete i ekonomisk och handelsinvestering, vetenskaplig och teknisk innovation, energibesparing och miljöskydd. Sådana rapporter kommer att hjälpa det svenska folket att fullständigt och bättre förstå Kina och underlätta en jämn utveckling av de bilaterala för­bin­delserna.

Samtidigt finns det fortfarande några medier och journalister i Sverige som tittar på Kina med färgade glasögon. De är fulla av fördomar, stereotyper, okunnighet och arrogans mot Kina och klandrar Kina för ‘kallt krig’ mentalitet. Detta Kina som de skriver om är långt borta från det riktiga samtida Kina. Vissa medier tillåter bara att de snedvrider Kina, men de kan inte låta andra prata om Kinas prestationer och Kinas ställning. Det här är en allvarlig kränkning av journalistiken moraliska principer. Det är en typisk media-tyranni och den allmänna opini­ons­diktaturen, och bidrar inte till en smidig utveckling av de kinesisk-svensk relationerna.

För att förhindra att dessa snedvridna rapporter gör svenskar misstänksamma och på sikt påverkar det vänliga samarbetet mellan våra folk måste vi påpeka dessa misstag och klargöra Kinas position. Vi välkomnar de svenska vännernas konstruktiva kommentarer, men tvekar inte att försvara vad vi uppfattar är rätt och vill motverka att fördomar mot kineser och Kina som land sprids.  Vi påpekade att vissa medier och journalister har gjort misstag i hopp om att de ska fortsätta bidra till kinesiskt-svenskt vänskapligt samarbete. Vi hoppas att svenska folket ska ha full tillgång till information och förstå ett autentiskt Kina på ett objektivt sätt. Jag hoppas att några svenska medier och journalister kommer att släppa arrogans och för­domar, och verkligen följa journalistikens etik och behandla Kina på ett objektivt och rättvist sätt. Som ambassadör är dörren till dialog och kommunikation alltid öppen.

Fråga: 2019 är 70-årsdagen av Kinas grundande av Folkrepubliken Kina och 69-års­jubileet för inrättandet av diplomatiska förbindelser mellan Kina och Sverige. Vilken är din syn på kinesisk-svenska relationerna under den här viktiga historiska perioden? Vilka större händelser förväntas inträffa?

Svar: 2019 är 70-årsdagen för grundandet av Nya Kina. Det är ett viktigt år för att nå målet att bygga ett välfungerande samhälle på ett allsidigt sätt och uppnå målet för det första år­hund­radet. Erfarenheten från de gångna 40 årens reformer och öppnade mot omvärlden, lär oss att vi måste fokusera framöver på innovation, samordning, ”grön utveckling”, öppenhet och del­ning och sätta mycket långsiktiga mål. Återupplivandet av den kinesiska drömmen fortsätter. Det kommer definitivt att ge nya viktiga möjligheter till utvecklingen av de kinesisk-svenska förbindelserna.

År 2019 kommer Kina och Sverige att genomföra fler dialoger och utbyten på alla nivåer och på olika områden för att öka utbytesfrekvensen och förbättra ömsesidig förståelse. Den svenska regeringsbildandet pågår fortfarande. När den nya svenska regeringen har tillträtt är vi villiga att kommunicera med den svenska sidan för att gemensamt planera utvecklingen av de bilaterala förbindelserna i nästa steg. De två sidorna bör fortsätta att utöka det pragmatiska samarbetet inom olika områden, genomföra det konsensus som nås och aktivt utvidga sam­arbetet inom områdena innovation, grön ekonomi, energibesparing och miljöskydd samt avancerad tillverkning, så att de två folken kan få mer känsla av vinst.

Vi är villiga att gå hand i hand med svenska vänner för att fira 70-årsdagen för Folkrepubliken Kinas grundande och 69-årsdagen för upprättandet av diplomatiska förbindelser mellan Kina och Sverige. Vi kommer att vidarebefordra den traditionella vänskapen mellan de två länder­na och fullt ut utveckla potentialen för samarbete för att injicera positiv energi och ny driv­kraft i de kinesiskt-svenska förbindelserna.

Fråga: Vilka är dina förväntningar för de utländska kineserna i Sverige?

Svar: I 2018 implementerade ambassaden resolut Xi Jinpings socialistiska ideologi med kinesiska egenskaper i den nya eran, upprätthållande av principen om “diplomati för folket”, aktivt genomförande av partiet och regeringens Huiqiao Huimin-politik (politik som är bra för kineserna) och säkerställande att moderlands oro för det stora antalet utomeuropeiska kineser genomförs. Ambassaden uppskattade och stödde aktivt de utländska kineserna i deras an­strängningar att bygga ett harmoniskt samhälle, genomföra kinesisk utbildning och skydda landets legitima rättigheter och intressen i Sverige och genomföra en rad praktiska åtgärder för att söka konsulära handlingar. Ambassadens konsulära avdelning kommer år 2019 offici­ellt att byta namn till konsulatavdelningen. Denna förändring framhäver den allt viktigare betydelsen av det kinesiska arbetet i ambassadens övergripande arbete och återspeglar am­bas­sadens beslutsamhet för att bättre tjäna de utländska kineserna. Jag hoppas att det stora antalet utländska kinesiska följeslagare genom våra ansträngningar kommer att känna mer verkliga känslor av lycka och lycka.

Den stora processen av reform och öppnande i Kina under 40 år, har visat att det stora antalet utländska kineser är viktiga vittnen, deltagare och bidragsgivare till reform och öppnande. Det hoppas att de utländska kinesiska landsmännen kommer att utnyttja den historiska möjlig­he­ten till den nya reformrundan och öppningen av moderlandet, fortsätta att vidarebefordra den härliga patriotismens tradition och älska landet, stäkra skydda moderlandets återförening, ta hand om och stödja moderlands utveckling, aktivt främja det pragmatiska samarbetet och humanistiska utbytet mellan Kina och Sverige och främja enastående kinesisk kultur. Att göra nya bidrag till den kinesiska drömmen om att bygga ett välskött samhälle på ett allsidigt sätt och inse den stora föryngringen av den kinesiska nationen.

Inför 2019 skulle jag vilja ta tillfället i akt att utvidga välsignelserna för det nya året till det stora antalet kineser. Jag önskar er allt det bästa under det nya året, dra fördel av moderlands utveckling, dela moderlandets utbyte av välstånd och väckelse, och uppnå bättre livsstil.


“China Landscape in Swedish Eyes” photo exhibition held in Stockholm

“China Landscape in Swedish Eyes” photo exhibition held in Stockholm

China Plus Published: 2018-12-24 09:20:33


Claes Grundsten's photo of Jinshanling Great Wall in Beijing taken on November, 2018. [Photo: China Plus]

Claes Grundsten’s photo of Jinshanling Great Wall in Beijing taken on November, 2018. [Photo: China Plus]

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A photo exhibition featuring China’s landscape has been held in Stockholm, Sweden.

 Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou spoke highly of this exhibition.

“We hope more Swedish friends will visit China and see with their own eyes a modern China, experience the culture, progress and the dynamism in Chinese society, and also importantly the friendship and hospitality of the Chinese people,” said Gui.

Most of the photos on show were taken during a visit to Xinjiang by Xuefei Chen Axelsson of Green Post in August and a visit to Beijing, Zhangjiajie and Guilin in November by eleven other Swedish photographers.

The photographer not only visited places of interest, but also key facilities serving the Belt and Road Initiative such as a realignment center of China-Europe Railway Express.

Landscape in Zhangjiajie taken by Claes Grundsten, famous Swedish landscape photographer in November, 2018. [Photo: China Plus]

Landscape in Zhangjiajie taken by Claes Grundsten, famous Swedish landscape photographer in November, 2018. [Photo: China Plus]

Among the participants is Claes Grundsten, a famous landscape photographer in Sweden.

“All together, this journey to China is very extensive and comprehensive and we were satisfied with the trip,” said Claes Grundsten.

Photo Journalist Johan Wessel said it was very good to have such an exhibition

“I think it was a nice exhibition and a nice opportunity to show the beautiful landscape of China both for the Swedish people in Sweden and the Chinese people in Sweden, and it was also nice to cooperate with you and your newspaper the Green Post and it was a nice cooperation between Green Post and the Kamera & Bild,” Johan said.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson, Editor of Green Post showed Mr. Gui Congyou, Chinese Ambassador to Sweden about Moon Bay Phot in Kanas region in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. [Photo: China Plus]

Xuefei Chen Axelsson, Editor of Green Post showed Mr. Gui Congyou, Chinese Ambassador to Sweden about Moon Bay Phot in Kanas region in Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region. [Photo: China Plus]

The photographers also include Lena Weilandt who returned to China decades after her first trip there.

“It was wonderful. I was there 30 years ago. So it was amazing to be able to be back there again 30 years later and see the beautiful landscape and meet the people. Somethings have changed a lot, big cities and very modern, but you can also find the old China in the market and streets, for instance. I think we are all very proud and happy to show our pictures here and we all show our pictures to our families and friends the photo communities,” Lena Weilandt said.

The week-long exhibition has attracted people from all walks of life in Sweden.

“China landscape in Swedish Eyes” Photo Exhibition opens in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 16(Greenpost)– China Landscape in Swedish Eyes Photo Exhibiton opens on Saturday in China Cultural Center in Stockholm. 

Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou attended the opening ceremony.

“I have looked at the photos and feel quite excited to see China’s spectacular landscape through Swedish lens. In the exhibition one can see Kanas lake and Yadan landscape in Xinjiang and the spectacular mountains in Zhangjiajie, as well as the beautiful River Li.”

Ambassador Gui said this exhibition, jointly held by Green Post, a web multi-media and Kamera & Bild Magazine is a positive people to people communication between China and Sweden.

“This year marks the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up and China has experienced a lot of changes and living standards have improved a lot. We welcome Swedish friends to China to have a look. ”

Web newspaper Green Post editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson also spoke at the opening ceremony.

She said that she went to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in western China during Aug. 24-31 this year together with 14 journalists from 13 countries along the silk road to see Xinjiang’s development in tourism industry and other aspects. The project goes along with the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. She visited Urumqi, Changji, Burqin, Altay and Kanas where there are rich tourism resources. The landscape includes Gobi, forests, Mountains and lakes. The Yadan landscape was formed by wind but the name was given by Swedish explorer Sven Hedin. The trip is worthwhile and the purpose was to wake some interest for both industries and tourists.

Claes Grundsten said that Magazine Kamera & Bild arranged this trip with many competent photographers with travel bureau Zoom.

He said the group visited the Great Wall, the famous Tiger Leaping Gorge, National Park Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province in Central China and the beautiful longji in River Li in Guilin city, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in South China.

“It was the first time I went to China, ….It was a very good trip, we are very satisfied with the trip.”

Journalists, Photographers and Photograph lovers:

Claes Grundsten         Johan Wessel             Charlie Malmqvist

Lena Weilandt             Patrik Brolin                Kitty Eide Larsson

Anna Bernström          Eva Pettersson            Hans-Åke Olsson

Anders Petersson        Leif Lundin

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Curator: Anders Nylen

A total of 120 people including friends and colleagues of the photographers attended the opening ceremony.

Johan Wessel said to Green Post that it is very good to have such a joint photo exhibition so that people can see many places in China.





Jinshanling, Great Wall.

The exhibition will last till December 22, 2018. It is jointly held by Green Post and Kamera & Bild Magazine.

Info:”China‘s Landscape in Swedish Eyes” Photo Exhibition to be held in Chinese Cultural Center in Stockholm on Dec 15-22

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

A special Photo Exhibition on China’s beautiful landscape in Beijing, Zhangjiajie, Guilin and Xinjiang Autonomous Region  will be held in Chinese Cultural Center in Stockholm on Dec 15-22.

                “China’s  landscape in Swedish Eyes” Photo Exhibition

2018 Photo Exhibition of Beijing, Zhangjiajie, Lijiang and Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region

The exhibition is jointly held by Green Post, a webb newspaper and multi-media and Kamera & Bild Magazine.

China is a multifaceted country with large variety of landscape and places with many different kinds of cultures meeting. Tourism has a great future in China both for Chinese and foreigners. There is a lot to see here! Here we show you the photos from two different tours.

Web newspaper Green Post editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson went to Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region in western China in Aug. 24-31 this year together with 14 journalists from 13 countries along the silk road countries to see Xinjiang’s development in tourism industry. The project goes along with the Belt and Road Initiative proposed by President Xi Jinping. She visited Urumqi, Changji, Burqin, Altay and Kanas where there are rich tourism resources. The landscape includes Gobi, forests, Mountains and lakes. The Yadan landscape was formed by wind but the name was given by Swedish explorer Sven Hedin. The trip is worthwhile and the purpose was to wake some interest for both industries and tourists.

Magazine Kamera & Bild arranges various photo trips to various parts of the world regularly with travel bureau Zoom. In November this year, a group of 15 photo enthusiasts led by Swedish famous landscape photographer Claes Grundsten and photo journalist Johan Wessel. The group visited Beijing and Great Wall, the famous Tiger Leaping Gorge, National Park Zhangjiajie in Hunan Province in Central China and the beautiful longji in River Li in Guilin city, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in South China.

Through our pictures, together we like to show you some Chinese rich culture and beautiful natural landscape. We hope to give you some deeper impression about China.


Journalists, Photographers and Photograph lovers:

Claes Grundsten         Johan Wessel             Charlie Malmqvist

Lena Weilandt             Patrik Brolin                Kitty Eide Larsson

Anna Bernström          Eva Pettersson            Hans-Åke Olsson

Liz Löfstrand               Anders Petersson        Leif Lundin

Xuefei Chen Axelsson


The time for the exhibition will be from Dec. 15 to 22.  13:00-18:00. open to public.

Guided tour: 14:00,   16:00.

The opening ceremony will be held at 11:30 Dec. 15.(by invitation)

And closing ceremony will be held at 16:30 -17:30 on Dec. 21.

That will be a celebration of the fourth anniversary of China-Europe Cultural Association and the Christmas and New Year celebration concert!

Organizer: Green Post,  Kamera & Bild Magazine.

Address: China Cultural Center  in Stockholm.

Västra Trädgårdsgatan 2,  Kungsträdgården,  Stockholm.

Free Entry!


Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series(11)–Xinjiang Yadan landforms, amazing and attractive

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 23(Greenpost) — On the morning of August 28th, Green Post reporter went together with the Chinese and foreign journalist group to the colorful beach in Burqin County, Xinjiang’s No.1  Beach. 

On that day, the weather was fine and the sky was clear. The three big sheep in front of the colorful beaches left a deep impression.

Going inside, the first thing that comes into view is the two galloping horses. This is one of the few artificial art.

The reason why the colorful beach is special is because it has a desert scenery, a desert climate and plants, a strange Yadan landform, a river flowing into the Arctic Ocean and an indomitable Populus euphratica.

The word Yadan is actually the name given by the famous Swedish explorer Sven Heding. It refers to the landscape that is subject to wind erosion. It is very fragile and cannot be trampled, but it is very strange. The shapes can be left to people’s imagination. The Yadan landform, or Yardang, is a typical wind erosion landform. “Yadan” means “a hill with a steep wall” in Uyghur. Due to the abrasive effect of the wind, the lower part of the hill is often subjected to strong denudation and gradually forms a concave shape. If the rock formation in the upper part of the hill is relatively loose, it will easily collapse under the action of gravity to form a steep wall, forming a Yadan landform. Some of the landforms look like ancient castles, commonly known as the Devil City. The famous Devil City Scenic Area is located in the World Devil City Scenic Area in the Urhe District of Karamay City. It is understood that the Yadan landform has only been formed for more than 250 years.

The landform of the colorful beach is so colorful. Red, yellow, green and white are available.

Sometimes you will feel like a lion or a tiger, and sometimes you will have the image of a small animal.

The river here is called the Irtysh River and is more than 4,000 kilometers long. It is the only water system in China that flows to the Arctic Ocean. According to the tour guide, the river flows northwest, just the opposite of all other rivers in China. The fish in the river is called a pike, a fish that eats fish. This year, the climate is relatively dry, so there is a small island like a turtle in the middle. When the amount of water is large, it will be submerged. The river is almost never frozen because it is a flowing river.

Another landscape of the colorful beach is wind power. Wind power does not belong to tourist attractions, but it gives visitors another view. The two companies don’t talk about it, but when they look together, they are so harmonious and beautiful. Wind power is a clean energy source. Just in line with the concept of ecological civilization.

Liu Qiang, head of the colorful beach scenic spot in Burqin County, said that the plant is called a camel thorn, mainly grown in the Gobi Desert. He said that the colorful beaches showed different colors according to the different angles of the sun’s refraction. Its four-star tourist attraction has attracted 300,000 visitors this year. They hope to attract 500,000 visitors by the end of the year. This scenic spot is still under construction. In the future, electronic interpretation equipment will be provided, sculptures will be set up, local customs will be introduced, and more public toilets will be established.

Ye Suqin, director of the Burqin County Tourism Bureau, said that this year, the tourism industry in Burqin County is expected to attract 5 million tourists. The development of the global tourism industry has driven the development of related industries. Tourism has accounted for 42% of the national economy. The tourism-driven employment rate accounts for 35% of the total employment rate. Taxes account for 16%. Per capita tourism income accounts for 35% of total income. This is also evidence of the Burqin County tourism brand. They built this as a five-A scenic spot. Realizing the integration of property rights, the integration of tourism city and the integration of people and scenery, is Jingmei, people are more beautiful, the whole city is a scenic spot, everyone is a tourism ambassador, she said.

The dead tree crown is also a manifestation of biodiversity, it may produce aphids to attract birds!

It is yellowish here.

Here it is purple!

Here is a hole!

All kinds of wonders and colorful colors coexist harmoniously to form a beautiful picture.

Look at this landform, as if it were a terracotta warrior, and it seems to be  thousand horses. It is shocking.

The foreign media participating in this reporting trip include NHK from Japan, Nordic Green Post Network of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Toro News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency of Kyrgyzstan,  media from Bangladesh, NET TV of Indonesia, and journalists from India, Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and Uzbekistan. They are journalists from countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and come to explore the mysteries of the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt in Xinjiang Uyghor Autonomous Region.

Photo and Text   Chen Xuefei

Foreign Journalists visit Xinjiang” series (10) Gobi changed into oasis with Gebao Apocynum Venetum

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 23 (Greenpost) — In the afternoon of August 27th, the reporters went to Gaubau Kender base town of Burqin County in the Altay region with the interview team of the Silk Road Economic Belt in the Altay area. 

Along the way, through the window, people can see many of the posters of General Secretary Xi Jinping and various ethnic minorities.  The caption is that Xijinping and Xinjiang people are hand in hand and heart by heart.

When the bus drove to the Gebao plant base, a beautiful scenery appeared in front of the reporter. Here is the endless growth base of Gebao. In a row, a strain of Ge Bao is planted according to the guidance of scientists and according to a certain plant spacing and line spacing.

So what is Ge Bao Ma, what is its use? It is understood that Gebao kenaf is a new variant of Apocynum venetum. Apocynum venetum was the late agricultural economist Dong Zhengjun who conducted an agricultural research in the Luobu Plain in Xinjiang in the summer of 1952. It was found that the local wild hemp grew particularly vigorously and the fiber quality was particularly excellent. At the same time, in view of the fact that the Chinese people’s food and clothing have not yet been resolved, under the social background and material conditions at that time, the implementation of the oleander red and white wild hemp in all parts of the country is called apocynum, which is conducive to the industrialization of the promotion and settlement of cotton grain land acquisition and growing. The fiber needs can play a considerable role, this is the original intention of Apocynum ye named by Mr. Dong Zhengjun. However, unfortunately, due to human destruction, climate deterioration and other reasons, Apocynum venetum has not been artificially planted according to the wishes of Mr. Dong Zhengjun, and suffered a large number of arsenic farming. Hasty success and disorderly development  resulted that the kenaf was on the verge of extinction, and the quantity and quality of white linen has dropped dramatically.

Luobu or Rob kenaf, in the Tang Dynasty “new revision of the grass” book, and the Ming Dynasty “salvation of the grass”book called “ze paint”, the modern “Chinese higher plants” called “tea flower.” In 1977, Rob kenaf and Robb white  were officially entered into “Chinese Flora”, and Apocynum venetum Linn (Apocynum venetum Linn) was designated as Apocynum venetum L. In the same year, Rob kenaf was recorded in the Pharmacopoeia of the People’s Republic of China, and the total flavonoids of the iconic ingredients were 0.6%. Gebao red hemp is a treasure, hemp seeds can be made into tea, stems and leaves can be made into fiber, and become the material of underwear. It can also make  the Gobi Desert greener.

     From 123 mu(8.2hectare) to 30,000 mu(2000 hectare)

Originally, Liu Qitang (Liu Ban Ge), the chairman of Huatian Textile Fashion (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd., decided to become attached to Apocynum yepa in order to realize his dreamed life. Since 2002, together with China’s famous experts in wild plants, grassland ecology, remote sensing measurement, Chinese medicine chemistry and other areas related to Apocynum venetum, the research team have been in the Yellow River Basin, Hexi Corridor, Qaidam, Tarim reserves and values ​​of 29 apocynum historical distribution areas such as Zhun Geer were repeatedly investigated and evaluated. It was found that it is located at 87 degrees in Tokyo, 47 degrees north latitude, and the northernmost part of the world is the farthest from the coast. Altay’s Alahaq East Gobi still has 123 acres of apocynum. Due to the special temperature difference, wind and light, heat and  water, the plant produces more active ingredients related to stress resistance, and is different in morphology from apocynum growing in other areas, which has attracted the attention of authoritative experts.

According to the national qualification agency, the average effective brass content of the plant was 2.38%. It was researched by Xiao Zhengchun, the director of the former Chinese Apocynum Research Center, and Zhang Weiming, a researcher at the Nanjing Wild Plant Comprehensive Utilization Research Institute, and the internationally renowned plant taxonomy Professor Li Bingtao. They all hailed this plant as “Gobi Treasure” and named it  Altay Gebao Apocynum Venetum Red.

In order to save Gebao kenaf, since 2007, Gebao Company has artificially planted 26,000 mu(1800hectare) of Gebao kenaf  for over 10 years time, accounting for 90% of the total amount of Chinese kenaf. In 2012, Beijing Forestry University conducted an ecological environment assessment.

The results showed that the community was highly quadrupled, the vegetation carbon storage increased by 4 times, the soil microbial biomass increased by 76%, and the water use efficiency increased by 60%. The soil wind erosion modulus is reduced by 80%. The planting of Gebao kenaf can greatly improve the ability of the Gobi desert to prevent wind and sand. Let alone, the top fruit of the Gebao plant can be drunk as tea.

I saw a lot of sea buckthorn trees in the General Mountain. The seabuckthorn tree can be said to be a kind of green tree that grows against driness. The Gebao kenaf is a good way to transform the Gobi Desert into grassland.

In 2012, in order to save the ecological environment of Lake Aibi, based on the successful implementation of the rescue project of Gebao kenaf in Altay, the desert-changing oasis project, with the invitation by Jinghe County People’s Government, the Aibi Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve Administration, Gebao Group jointly implemented the first phase of the Aibi Lake project and planted 100,000 mu(6667hectare)of Gebao plants.

After 10 years of biomimetic planting, the area was rated as the 3A tourist attraction of Altay Gebao sea of flowers in Xinjiang, which was based on the Gebao kenaf eco-industry, featuring Gobo kenaf tea to improve sleep, and integrating Chinese medicine to maintain health. Folklore show, leisure vacation, sightseeing tour, science experience are all gathered in one eco-tourism circle.

Standing on the GI tower with 123 steps to save the gems and pebbles, you can feel their enthusiasm to welcome visitors from all over the world.

According to reports, the Gebao kenaf project has great practical significance. First of all, it is a successful case of preventing desertification. Here is the ideal to turn the Gobi into an oasis. Among them, Gebao Company invested a lot of money, manpower and material resources. At the same time, many scientists and academicians participated in it, and through scientific research, the Gobi became an oasis and expanded the lake area.

Second, Gebao kenaf is also a kind of traditional Chinese medicine. It is said that Gebao kenaf health care products can improve people’s health. According to China Center for Disease Control, China has more than 300 million patients, and more than 200 million people have cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. On average, one person dies of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases every 30 seconds, and one third of healthy people have sleep obstacles, resulting in a sub-healthy population as high as 76%. Gebao kenaf can be a natural health food for people with high blood pressure, high blood fat and sleep disorders.

Liu Qitang’s daughter Liu Xiaoyu told reporters that this project was his father’s hard work. After many years of long search, he finally found Rob kenaf. Then they carried out large-scale artificial planting of Rob kenaf and realized 30,000 mu(2000 hectare) of green grassland. They also plan to plant another 50,000 mu(3333 hectare) and turn the Gobi Desert into an oasis.

The nearby lake water level used to decrease. but after more than 10 years of remediation and greening, the surface of the lake has expanded. It can be seen that artificial planting can achieve environmental improvement. At the same time, Gebao kenaf can develop derivative industries while controlling desertification, and establish a demonstration for the transformation of local traditional agriculture and animal husbandry. It has directly increased the income of farmers and herdsmen and improved their cultural quality, achieved sustainable economic development. The construction of ecological civilization is a national strategy, and the Gebao kenaf project truly reflects the concept of green mountain is also golden mountain. Gebao kenaf products include food, tea, health underwear, socks, hats and other clothes products.

President Hu Jintao and Xi Jinping listened to the introduction of the ecological restoration project of Xinjiang Altay Gebao kenaf  in 2010 and 2012 respectively.

In 2012, the United Nations Peace Ambassador, international piano superstar Lang Lang and Gebao Group CEO Liu Qitang based on the common environmental protection concept,  gave the official name of Langlang Shenzhen Concert Hall as “Langlang, Gebao Concert Hall”. Lang Lang and Ge Bao have made an indissoluble bond in the project of benefiting the country and the people of the world.

In order to strengthen the support for the project, Lang Lang, who has always been concerned about environmental protection, is also helping to promote Gebao kenaf. Gebao brand ads can be seen at both Altay and Kanas airports. Of course, the local government also gives great support to this project. They believe that this not only improves the environment, but also increases the income of farmers and herdsmen, so it is a good thing for the benefit of the country and the people.

The foreign media participating in this interview include NHK from Japan, Green Post of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Toro News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency of Kyrgyzstan, media  of Bangladesh, NET TV of Indonesia and India, Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and Uzbekistan. They are journalists from countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and come to explore the mysteries of the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Photo and Text  Xuefei Chen Axelsson


Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang “-serien (10) Gobi bytte till oas med Gebao Apocynum Venetum

STOCKHOLM, 23 oktober (Greenpost) – På eftermiddagen den 27 augusti gick journalisterna till Gaubau Kender bas i Burqin County i Altay-regionen med intervjupersonen i Silk Road Economic Belt i Altay-området.

På vägen, genom fönstret, kan folk se många av affischerna till generalsekreterare Xi Jinping och olika etniska minoriteter. Bildtexten är att Xijinping och Xinjiang människor är hand i hand och hjärtat av hjärtan.

När bussen körde till fruängen i Gebao såg ett vackert landskap framför reportern. Här är den oändliga tillväxtbasen av Gebao. På en rad planteras en stam Ge Bao enligt forskarnas vägledning och enligt en viss växtavstånd och linjeavstånd

Vad är Ge Bao Apocynum Venetum? Det är underförstått att Gebao kenaf är en ny variant av Apocynum venetum. Apocynum venetum var den sena jordbruksekonomen Dong Zhengjun som genomförde en jordbruksforskning i Luobu Plain i Xinjiang sommaren 1952.

Det visade sig att den lokala vildhampen växte särskilt kraftigt och fiberkvaliteten var särskilt utmärkt. Samtidigt med tanke på det faktum att det kinesiska folks mat och kläder ännu inte har lösts, under den sociala bakgrunden och de materiella förhållandena vid den tiden, genomfördes oleanderens röda och vita vilda hampa i alla delar av landet kallas apocynum, vilket bidrar till industrialiseringen av främjande och avveckling av bomullsgrödor och förvärv av växter. Fiberbehoven kan spela en betydande roll, det här är den ursprungliga avsikt Apocynum namnges av Mr. Dong Zhengjun.

Men, tyvärr, på grund av mänsklig förstöring, klimatförstöring och andra orsaker, har Apocynum venetum inte artificiellt planterats i enlighet med Dong Zhengjuns önskningar och drabbats av ett stort antal arsenikodlingar. Större framgång och oordnad utveckling resulterade i att kenaf var på gränsen till utrotning.

Luobu eller Rob kenaf, i Tangdynastin “Ny granskning av gräset” och Mingdynastin “Frälsning av gräset” boken kallad “Ze Paint”, kallade de moderna “kinesiska högre plantorna” teblomman. År 1977 inleddes Rob Kenaf och Robb White officiellt i “Chinese Flora” och Apocynum venetum Linn (Apocynum venetum Linn) betecknades som Apocynum venetum L. Samma år registrerades Rob Kenaf i Folkrepubliken Kina, och den totala flavonoiden av de ikoniska ingredienserna var 0,6%. Gebao röd hampa är en skatt, hampfrön kan göras till te, stjälkar och löv kan tillverkas i fiber och bli material av underkläder. Det kan också göra Gobi grön.

   Från 123 mu(8.2 hektar) till 30 000mu(2000 hektar)

Ursprungligen bestämde Liu Qitang (Liu Ban Ge), ordföranden för Huatian Textile Fashion (Hong Kong) Co., Ltd. att bli knuten till Apocynum yepa för att förverkliga sitt drömda liv. Sedan 2002 har forskargruppen, tillsammans med Kinas berömda experter på vilda växter, gräsmark ekologi, fjärranalysmätning, kinesisk medicin kemi och andra områden relaterade till Apocynum venetum, varit i Yellow River Basin, Hexi Corridor, Qaidam, Tarim reserver och värden av 29 apocynum historiska distributionsområden som Zhun Geer undersöktes och utvärderades upprepade gånger.

Det visade sig att det ligger 87 grader i altitud, 47 grader nordlig latitud, och den nordligaste delen av världen ligger längst bort från kusten. Altays Alahaq East Gobi har fortfarande 123 mu apocynum. På grund av den speciella temperaturskillnaden, vind och ljus, värme och vatten, producerar växten mer aktiva ingredienser som är relaterade till stressmotstånd och skiljer sig från morfologin från apocynum som växer på andra områden, vilket har uppmärksammat auktoritativa experter.

Enligt nationella behörighetsbyrån var det genomsnittliga effektiva mässingsinnehållet i anläggningen 2,38%. Det undersöktes av Xiao Zhengchun, chef för det tidigare kinesiska apocynum forskningscentret, och Zhang Weiming, en forskare vid Nanjing Wild Plant Comprehensive Utilization Research Institute och den internationellt berömda växt taxonomin Professor Li Bingtao. De alla välkomnade denna växt som “Gobi Skatt” och hette det Altay Gebao Apocynum Venetum Red.

För att spara Gebao kenaf, sedan 2007, har Gebao Company artificiellt planterat 26 000 mu(1800 hektar) av Gebao kenaf i över 10 år, vilket står för 90% av den totala mängden kinesiska kenaf. Under 2012 genomförde Beijing Skog Universitet en ekologisk miljöbedömning. Resultaten visade att samhället var mycket fyrdubblade, vegetationskolagret ökade med 4 gånger, jordmikrobiell biomassa ökade med 76% och effektiviteten i vatten ökade med 60%. Jordens erosionsmodul reduceras med 80%. Planteringen av Gebao kenaf kan kraftigt förbättra Gobi-ökens förmåga att förhindra vind och sand. Äntligen kan Gebao-plantans toppfrukt vara berusad som te. Jag såg många havtorn i det allmänna berget. Seabuckthorn träd kan sägas vara ett slags grönt träd som växer mot dricka. Gebao kenaf är ett bra sätt att förvandla Gobi-öknen till gräsmark.

Under 2012, för att rädda den ekologiska miljön vid sjön Aibi, baserat på det framgångsrika genomförandet av räddningsprojektet av Gebao kenaf i Altay, ökenbyte-oasprojektet, med inbjudan från Jinghe County People’s Government, Aibi Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve Administration, genomförde Gebao Group gemensamt den första fasen av Aibi Lake-projektet och planterade 100 000 mu (9999 hektar) av Gebao-växter.

Efter 10 år av biomimetisk plantering, var området rankat som 3A turistattraktion av Altay Gebao hav av blommor i Xinjiang, som grundades på Gebao kenaf ekoindustrin, med Gebao kenaf te för att förbättra sömnen och integrera kinesisk medicin för att upprätthålla hälsa. Folklore show, fritid semester, sightseeing tour, vetenskap erfarenhet samlas alla i en miljö turism cirkel.

Stå på GI-tornet med 123 steg för att spara pärlor och stenar, du kan känna sin entusiasm för att välkomna besökare från hela världen.

Enligt rapporter har Gebao kenaf-projektet stor praktisk betydelse. Först och främst är det ett framgångsrikt fall för att förhindra ökenspridning. Här är det perfekta att göra Gobi till en oas. Bland annat investerade Gebao Company mycket pengar, arbetskraft och materialresurser. Samtidigt deltog många forskare och akademiker i det, och genom vetenskaplig forskning blev Gobi en oas och utvidgade sjöområdet. För det andra är Gebao kenaf också en slags traditionell kinesisk medicin. Det sägs att Gebao kenaf hälsovårdsprodukter kan förbättra människors hälsa.

Enligt Kina Center for Disease Control har Kina mer än 300 miljoner patienter, och mer än 200 miljoner människor har hjärt-kärlsjukdomar och cerebrovaskulära sjukdomar. I genomsnitt dör en person av kardiovaskulära och cerebrovaskulära sjukdomar var 30: e sekund, och en tredjedel av friska människor har sömnhinder, vilket resulterar i en sub-sund population så hög som 76%. Gebao kenaf kan vara en naturlig hälsokost för personer med högt blodtryck, högt blodfett och sömnstörningar.

Liu Qitangs dotter Liu Xiaoyu berättade för reportrar att detta projekt var hans pappas hårda arbete. Efter många års lång sökning hittade han äntligen Rob Kenaf. Sedan genomförde de storskalig konstgjord plantering av Rob kenaf och realiserade 30 000mu (2000 hektar) grönt gräsmark. De planerar också att plantera 50 000 mu (3333hektar) och förvandla Gobi-öknen till en oas. Den närliggande vattennivån i närheten brukade minska.

Men efter mer än 10 år av sanering och grönning har ytan av sjön expanderat. Det kan ses att artificiell plantering kan uppnå miljöförbättringar. Samtidigt kan Gebao kenaf utveckla avledda industrier samtidigt som man kontrollerar ökenspridning och skapa en demonstration för omvandling av lokalt traditionellt jordbruk och djurhållning. Det har direkt ökat inkomsterna från bönder och herdsmen och förbättrat sin kulturella kvalitet, uppnått hållbar ekonomisk utveckling. Konstruktionen av ekologisk civilisation är en nationell strategi, och Gebao kenaf-projektet återspeglar verkligen begreppet grönt berg är också det gyllene berget. Gebao kenaf produkter inkluderar mat, te, hälsa underkläder, strumpor, hattar och andra kläder produkter.

President Hu Jintao och Xi Jinping lyssnade på introduktionen av det ekologiska restaureringsprojektet av Xinjiang Altay Gebao kenaf respektive 2010 och 2012.

Under 2012 gav FN: s fredsambassadör, den internationella pianostjärnan Lang Lang och Gebao Group, VD Liu Qitang, baserat på det gemensamma miljöskyddskonceptet, det officiella namnet på Langlang Shenzhen Concert Hall som “Langlang Gebao Concert Hall”. Lang Lang och Ge Bao har gjort en olöslig obligation i projektet för att gynna landet och världens folk. För att stärka stödet till projektet bidrar Lang Lang, som alltid har varit oroad över miljöskydd, att bidra till att främja Gebao kenaf. Gebao varumärkesannonser kan ses på både Altay och Kanas flygplatser. Naturligtvis ger kommunen också stort stöd till detta projekt. De tror att detta inte bara förbättrar miljön utan också ökar inkomsterna hos bönder och herdar, så det är en bra sak till förmån för landet och folket.


De utländska medier som deltar i denna intervju inkluderar NHK från Japan, Green Post of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Tolo News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency i Kirgizistan, media i Bangladesh, NET TV i Indonesien och Indien, Egypten, Pakistan, Malaysia , Turkiet och Uzbekistan journalister. De är journalister från länder längs Silk Road Economic Belt och kommer att utforska mysterierna kring kärnområdet i Sidenväg Ekonomiska Bältets Kärnområdet–Xinjiang.

Foto och Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson


Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang” Series (9)- Xinjiang’s Altay – Tourism Becomes A Pillar Industry

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 23(Greenpost) — It takes more than an hour from Urumqi to Kanas Airport in the Altay region. On August 27th, more than 30 reporters from China and abroad took the opportunity to come to the Altay area. When we got off the plane, I felt that the temperature dropped immediately. Cloudy and drizzle, 14-27 degrees, the temperature difference was relatively large. Yet, your reporter found that the weather forecast was quite accurate.

At this time, we changed the bus, because when we arrived in Altay, we came to the real mountain area. To get to the top of the mountain, we need to drive a rugged mountain road. Of course, it is just rugged and the ground is still flat. Because this is just a few years after the central government invested 200 billion yuan or about 33 billion US dollars. The slope is like a terraced field. I thought to myself that only the Chinese Communist Party has truly changed its land with great enthusiasm. Because he has a large number of party members and cadres who can persist in afforestation for decades. It is said that the survival of a tree here costs almost 10,000 yuan, planting, watering, protection, and many tree species are also very valuable. It is believed that in the long run, there is great economic, social and ecological benefit.

In this almost impossible place, it is hard to turn the barren hills into an oasis. When we reached the top of the mountain, we saw this stone monument, General Mountain. Why is it called General Mountain? It is not known. According to the investigation, there was a general mountain in Nanjing during the Song Dynasty Yue Fei era. However, here is also called General Mountain, it must be the heroic spirit, the meaning of the invincible land.

From the General mountain, you can see a modern green city built by the river. It is understood that the Altay region is located in the northern part of Xinjiang, bordering Russia, Kazakhstan, and Mongolia.

The border line is 1,197 kilometers long, with a total area of ​​118,000 square kilometers. The six counties and one city under the jurisdiction are border counties. By the end of 2017, the total population in Altay is 671,600, consisting of 36 ethnic groups.

Altay has the reputation of Gold Mountain and Silver River. The tourism resources are unique, with 25 scenic spots above Grade A, 3 national 5A scenic spots, 1 World Geopark and 4 National Forest Parks, enjoying the reputation of One Thousand Miles Gallery.

Ice and snow resources are uniquely endowed. It is located in the world’s skiing gold latitude, snow quality is very high, snow temperature, dryness, humidity and other ski conditions are world-class, ice and snow culture has a long history, known as the origin of human skiing.

Altay also has a geographical and ecological advantage. She is the only region in northwest China that borders Russia. It is the northern channel of the Silk Road Economic Belt and an important node city for the construction of the China-Mongolia-Russia economic corridor. There are four state-class land ports, of which Jiklimin port is open to Russia, and has been included in the autonomous region’s plan.

Altay has a superior ecological environment, featuring a golden sign of clean air,  land and water. The air quality all year round reaches the national level 1 standard, which is known as “natural oxygen bar”. The soil  is of good quality, unpolluted and organic. It is a relatively water-rich region in Xinjiang, known as the “water tower” of northern Xinjiang, with an annual runoff of 12.3 billion cubic meters, accounting for 13.6 percent of the whole Xinjiang. It is one of the six forest regions in China and the largest natural forest region in Xinjiang, with a forest coverage rate of 22.65 percent. The superior ecological system has been identified by the state council as a water-conserving mountain and grassland ecological functional area.

The Altay regional government is striving to build a ‘pure land’ Kanas, Snow Altay, and become a place of great beauty, harmony and happiness in Xinjiang, and is the most inhabitable place. There are more than 200 high-quality tourism resources such as glacial rivers, forest grasslands, lake wetlands, geological wonders, and desert Gobi, which are national and even world-class ecological areas. Ice and snow resources are unique and the skiing conditions are world class. The air quality has reached the national first-class standard throughout the year and is recognised as the summer resort of leisure and health.

After more than 20 years of hard work, the reception capacity has been greatly improved. There are already 26 travel agencies, 11 branches, 40 star-rated hotels and 90 star-rated farmhouses.

The person in charge of the district government said that it will continue to promote the construction of key projects such as Altay Mountain Wild Snow Park, the General  Mountain Ski Resort, Kanas Hemu Snow Township, development of ski camps, rescue supply stations, flight bases and other winter tourism related projects. Taking Altay International Ice and Snow Festival as a carrier, the festival will continue to be held, Burqin County Haze Festival, Fuhai Winter Festival, Car Ice Rally, Kanas Ice and Snow Festival and Hemu Spring Festival Celebration will be held to attract tourists.

The Altay region also intends to promote the development of the property industry, self-driving tour, air travel (building three regional airports, 15 helicopter landing points), relying on the port, the national gate and the Corps husband and wife  meeting station to build a red tourism and patriotism education base, special tours including the desert Base surfing tour and more. In short, they will make great efforts in aviation, railway and highway construction. The state invested 200 billion yuan in Xinjiang to develop tourism. The Altay region has been the vanguard.

The reporters went to the top of General Mountain through the rugged  Road, overlooking the entire Burqin County. A clear river passes through the city. The county town is surrounded by mountains and the river  flows in the middle of the town.

According to reports, there were not so many trees in the mountains here, but in the past ten years, party members and cadres here have taken the lead in planting a large number of trees. Among them, seabuckthorn trees have a great effect on wind and sand fixation, and the fruits can be made into beverages. The Gobi Desert has changed a lot. Local people use drip irrigation technology to water new trees, which ensures survival.

The local official said that they actively implement General Secretary Xi Jinping’s motto “Green Mountains and clean rivers are gold mountain and silver mountains “. Since 2008, Altay has carried out large-scale afforestation activities in various areas such as General Mountain, Camel Peak, and Altay City in the spring and autumn. Through the joint efforts of the cadres and the masses in the city for 10 years, a total of 28,000 mu of spruce, birch, scotch pine and other trees of 27 kinds of more than 2 million plants have been planted. The urban green area reached 38.7%, and the urban air quality index is 100%. The average value of PM2.5 is only 14. It ranks first among 29 cities in Xinjiang. The General Mountain Forest Park, Camel Peak Forest Park and National Garden City were built. The living environment has improved markedly and the people feel the life is getting better and better.

Photo and text Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (7) – National unity family, big party lunch with three ethnic groups

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 17(GreenPost)  — On August 26th, over 30 Chinese and foreign media reporters walked into the Urumqi Qidaowan District Management Committee‘s Emerging Community National Unity Courtyard to participate in the national unity family activities.

The reporters interviewed the community head and people of various ethnic groups, visited the community and ethnic families, and had lunch with the people of all ethnic groups. They witnessed the laughter and customs of the people in the national compound and tasted the delicious food with ethnic characteristics in Xinjiang.

When we got off the bus, the reporter saw the lanterns here, and there were several large tables on the street in the yard. People from all walks of life sat together. The table is full of food, hand-picked rice, fried noodles, watermelon, Honung, grapes and other foods. The watermelon here is really big and sweet.

The tour guide said that there was a true story of Adi Aisha. Adi Aisha was a worker at the Urumqi Chemical Plant, mainly engaged in the transportation of raw materials for the manufacturing of sulfuric acid. No matter it was windy or rainy, rain or snow, all the year round, he was uninterrupted, and the task was overfulfilled every month. He had been appraised as a model worker in the factory many times, and he had become an example for young people in the chemical plant at that time. Before his death, he donated his lifelong savings of 1,000 yuan (estimated to the current 120 US dollars) to the factory to reward good comrades who are active in work and national unity. Adi Aisha was not just an ordinary person, but carrying a kind of spirit. Over the past 32 years since his death, he has become a spiritual symbol for carrying forward the purpose of national unity. He made the “Adi Aisha” national unity flower blossom in Shuimogou area and passed on from generation to generation. This was also the best example set by an old party member to establish a national unity family.

In order to commemorate Adi Aisha, people have erected his statue here.

According to the member of the CPPCC National Committee and the first secretary, Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi, the community was established in the 1980s. Inhabited by three ethnic groups, the Uygur, the Han and the Hui, the party organizations play an important role here, and closely unite the various nationalities. They take the local party organization as the core, engage in various activities or learning, and promote the unity of everyone. They also set up cooperatives. At the cooperative, everyone weave handicrafts together. Through activities, people are closely united. Another important part is the National Unity Courtyard. “We must pass on the spirit of Adi Aisha,” said Tiemuer Niyazi.

Why is this unity particularly important? Mudan Tiemuer Niyazi said that Xinjiang is a multi-ethnic area, and the unity of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang is our lifeline. From the history to the present, all ethnic groups must live together and make progress together. Without national unity, there will be no stability in Xinjiang, and national unity is what we must do. Without national unity, there is no harmonious society in Xinjiang. All ethnic groups are equal, living together and united together. It doesn’t mean that Xinjiang was not united before, we have always been united. The July.5 incident in 2009 was such an event that the “three forces” outside the country incited to undermine our unity and peace. This incident was the one that the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang were opposed to.

On August 26th, it was the last day of the National Festival “Kurban festival” in Xinjiang. The folks in the community seemed to be born musical, singing and dancing, old and young, they were all very  happy to celebrate the festival this way.

Not only do they sing traditional songs,  children also dance modern tap dancing.

Mier Guli. Anne sang a beautiful “Singing a Song to the Party”. This song has been sung for decades, and now it is still so beautiful, especially the singing of Mier Guli, very moving.

“Hulunbeier Prairie”, a Mongolian song makes more people feel endless joy, harmony and peace. Singing can convey strong feelings and love. This was the life of the Xinjiang people. They are as free and secure as they can. What the reporter feels here is to uphold the leadership of the party. At the same time, the party members go deep into the grassroots and the masses. The party members  and masses are all very happy. Especially for the elderly, when reporters interviewed them, they all said that life is very happy now. In their later years, they were well cared for by the party and the government.

The lunch food is from every family that brings a dish to eat here. It may also be that everyone can bring a program if possible. In short, this kind of cultural activity in the open-air plaza of the community is actually what has been going on in China since the liberation. It is a cultural entertainment that many people like because it is affordable. You don’t need to go to the theater to experience the culture. As one style of culture activity, this cultural atmosphere is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people.

In fact, in order to strengthen national unity, in recent years, Xinjiang has formulated and implemented a series of new policies to promote national unity. One of them is the policy of national unity and family. For example, regional units have recently sent people to the farmers and herdsmen’s homes in southern Xinjiang to give gifts, such as giving children’s toys, showers, tables and chairs, etc., to visit there five or six times a year. To enhance mutual understanding, just as the eastern region helps the western region, the provincial capitals want to help brothers and sisters in other regions. This kind of participation, communication and exchange is a form of democracy, nationality, and for people’s livelihood. It embodies mutual help, but not mutual dismantling.

Tasting Xinjiang’s hand-picked rice, Hamimelon and large watermelon, you can feel the sunshine here is sweet, the fruit is sweet, and the people live happily.

This interview was a field interview conducted by the Chinese and foreign media organized by the State Council Information Office into the core area of ​​the Xinjiang Silk Road Economic Belt.

It is understood that Xinjiang covers an area of ​​more than 1.66 million square kilometers, with four of Sweden’s land area. The total population living in this area is 22 million, which is equivalent to the total population of two Sweden. There are 56 ethnic groups living in the vast land of Xinjiang. Among them, there are 13 ethnic groups living here for generations. They are Uygur, Han, Kazak, Hui, Mongolian, Kirgiz, Xibo, Manchurian, Tajik, Uzbek, Daur, Tatar and Russian.

Since ancient times, Xinjiang has been a multi-ethnic area and a region of cultural resources. Xinjiang is known as the Western Region. It is a long corridor of ethnic migration and history. It is a holy place for multicultural exchanges, an integral part of Chinese culture, and an all-night place for the ancient Silk Road. In 60 BC, the Western Han Dynasty unified the Western Region and established the Western Regions, which marked the official entry of the Xinjiang region into the Chinese territory. In 1884, the central government established the province in Xinjiang, and took the meaning of newly recovered homeland. Xinjiang officially replaced the ancient name of “Western Region”. For thousands of years, the people of all ethnic groups in Xinjiang have worked together on this land to create a splendid civilization. Historical and cultural sites, cultural relics reflect the cultural characteristics of different ethnic groups  and witnessed  the development of Xinjiang’s history and the changes of various national cultures. Buddhism, Islam, Christianity, Catholicism, Orthodoxism, Taoism and many other religions coexist here. Eastern and Western cultures blend here. The four ancient civilizations converge here. The Chinese national master, Ji Xianlin, said that in the world’s long history and far-reaching influence, there are only four cultural systems: ancient Greece, China, India, and Islam. There is no fifth, and the place where these four cultures meet is only in Xinjiang in China. There is no second. Therefore, Xinjiang is a unique place in the world.

Xinjiang has 18 national first-class ports, not only relying on China’s domestic large market with a population of 1.3 billion, but also facing the large channel of material circulation, personnel exchanges and cultural integration that also has 1.3 billion Central and South-West Asian markets. Xinjiang is the core area of ​​the “Silk Road” economic belt. Through the China-European freight train, it is expected to become a transportation hub connecting Central and South-West Asia and even Europe. The future will play a more important role and continue to write a new era of Silk Road civilization. The foreign media participating in this interview include NHK from Japan,Green Post of Sweden, Echo News of Belgium, Toro News of Afghanistan, Gikabar National News Agency of Kyrgyzstan, United Arab Emirates of Bangladesh, NET TV of Indonesia India, the mainstream media of India and Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and Uzbekistan media. They are journalists from countries along the Silk Road Economic Belt and come to explore the mysteries of the core area of ​​the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Photo /text    Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign Journalists Visit Xinjiang Series (6)—Protecting classical treasure Twelve Muqam of Xinjiang

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 26(Greenpost) – In Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region, there is such a grand oral culture treasure”Twelve Muqam”. What kind of  classic work it is  and how is it passed on? On August 26, more than 30 Chinese and foreign media reporters walked into the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theater to interview about the protection and inheritance of Muqam.

The theatre building with its strong artistic features is more beautiful against the blue sky and white clouds. Going into the yard, you can see a sculpture. It was the sculpture of Twelve Muqam’s inheritor, Turdi Ahong (1881-1956).

Qiao Siming, secretary of the Party Committee of Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre, said that in the early days of liberation, an old man in Xinjiang called Turdi Ahong (1881-1956),  was the only one who could play Twelve Muqam completely. Muqam is very large, with twelve sets, one set for two hours, all played down,  it will take one day and one night. These twelve sets of tracks are all oral.

At that time, with the special care of Premier Zhou Enlai, experts were sent to record, to record and translate with the best recording equipment. Qiao Siming explained that Muqam originated  from five or six hundred years ago, and Muqam means a set of songs. Twelve Muqam, which is relatively large, is mainly spread in southern Xinjiang. In addition to Twelve Muqam, there are Yili Muqam in Dongjiang and Turpan Muqam in Northern Xinjiang. Most of the words in the poems and philosophies, folk customs, and some love themes and scenes in social labor. After ten years, it was not until 1961 that it was all sorted out, and it has been published to date, and there have been published books and audio-visual products. In order to commemorate the old man’s contribution to the inheritance of Twelve Muqam, we specially created a statue for him. UNESCO has rated it as an intangible cultural heritage and refers to all Muqam. According to research, the earliest Muqam was sung in the ancient Mongolian language of Chaer, ancient Uyghur. Later, it was translated into Uyghur and then translated from Uyghur into Mandarin. This is a complicated process.

In 1989, in order to protect and pass on Twelve Muqam, the Central Government funded the establishment of the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre. In 2005, Muqam was named as a World Intangible Cultural Heritage by UNESCO. The intensity of protection, research and inheritance has been further increased.

He said that the Xinjiang Muqam Art Troupe is a state-owned unit, the government budget, and often goes abroad. They have visited more than 100 countries and regions. At the same time, they often go to the towns and countryside to perform for the people .

Twelve Muqam began with a solo male singer, accompanied by various instruments, using music, poetry, chorus, ensemble and solo to reflect the life and love of the Xinjiang Uygur people. The coordination and cooperation of various musical instruments sounds like the western classical orchestra.  . It is magnificent and beautiful. The melody is cheerful with both fast melody and lyrical, and it is very touching.

They are all professional players with a total of 200 members.

Yi Mingjia. Saiyiding has been working on the  rewap instrument for 18 years and is an expert in the  rewap instrument. . He said that they often go out to perform and offer twelve Muqam to the people.

In addition, the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre also has a dance performance department. The dancers dedicated a performance to Chinese and foreign journalists.

Twelve Muqam is a major contribution of the Uyghur people to the splendid culture of the Chinese nation. It uses music, literature, dance, drama and other languages ​​and art forms to express the beautiful life and noble sentiments of the Uyghur people and reflects their ideals and pursuits, as well as the joys and sorrows produced under the historical conditions of the time.

It combines traditional music, music, literature, art, drama and dance. It combines lyricism and narrative. This form of music is unique in the art history of all nations of the world.

The origin of Twelve Muqam has two main points in terms of times and geographical factors. One is the set of songs and songs developed on the basis of traditional music that has been handed down from ancient times. The second is local music, namely Kuche, Kasgar, Turpan, Hami and Hetian music and Daolang music. This era and regional factors are intertwined into one another, forming a national-style characteristic that originated from the Uyghur people’s way of life, national characteristics, moral values ​​and psychological qualities.

China attaches great importance to the protection of intangible cultural heritage. On May 20, 2005, Twelve Muqam was approved by the State Council to be included in the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage.

Every time Muqam played, Qiongnaiheman part was so deep and rich, Dastan was smooth and cheerful, and lyrical; Maixilaipu was singing and dancing, and the performance was pushed to the climax.

After the founding of the People’s Republic of China, the parties and governments at all levels attached great importance to the collection and arrangement of traditional Chinese music. They organized special people to record, take notes and publish the music of “Twelve Muqam”, and recorded, organized and published the lyrics. On the one hand, the excellent cultural heritage of Twelve Muqam was inherited, and on the other hand, it has been enhanced.   “Larke Song and Dance” adapted from Muqam is refreshing; “Ai Lipu and Sainaim” sung with Muqam music is known as the Uygur’s “Dream of Red Mansions”; the transplanted opera “Red Lantern” “, produced a huge response in China, but also changed into a movie. At the beginning of the 21st century, the autonomous region had an institution specializing in the study of Twelve Muqam. The Twelve Muqam, published on the staff, opened up a new path for its exploration and research to the world.

On October 24, 2007, at 18:05, the “Chang’e I”, which was successfully launched, was equipped with 31 songs. The “Twelve Muqam” selection was included.


Photo and Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson (Part of the content was translated from the website of the Xinjiang Muqam Art Theatre)

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (3) – Upplev Xinjiangs service och kinesisk-svensk handel

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 26 augusti (Greenpost) – Programmen för kinesiska och utländska journalister är ganska fulla och utmärkta aktiviteter skedde en efter en. Men i ett ögonblick, du är ute av batteriet, vad kan du göra?

Så hade jag bråttom för att lämna hem och med misstag tog jag fel laddare. När jag verkligen ville ladda batteriet fungerade laddaren inte. Jag tog den gamla. Den nyinköpta var kvar hemma. Jag frågade alla kollegor som tog de stora kamerorna, men ingen av dem hade samma batteri som min, D7000 Nikon. De flesta av deras var kanon. Utan annat val, var jag tvungen att fråga den informationskollega som kunde se om hon kunde hjälpa mig att fråga någon butik att köpa eller låna en batteriladdare. Självklart, om det var i Peking eller Shanghai, skulle jag inte ha varit så orolig eftersom jag är säker på att det kommer att finnas en liknande laddare för mig att använda och det finns många olika typer av laddare. Men det här är i Xinjiang och vi ska gå till Changji på eftermiddagen, jag var verkligen misstänksam och kände mig hopplös. Men jag vill fortfarande försöka, så jag frågade Lyu Yan. Kanske det har!

Så frågade Lyu Yan flera butiker och mobiliserade många av sina resurser, men inget hopp. Hon sa att vi bara kan lägga på hopp på Changji. Ja, Changji har högteknologiska industripark. Vid klockan fyra när vi kom fram till vingården berättade hon för mig att en kollega i Changji hittade denna D 7000 batteriladdare i en Nikon-butik. Det var kamrat Yu Jian som hittade det och frågade mig om jag gillar att köpa det eftersom det inte är originaltyp. Jag sa så länge det fungerar, jag borde köpa det. Så jag sa, köp!

På kvällen när vi hade middag gav Yu Jian mig ett plastpaket. Det ser mycket mindre ut och smalare. Originalladdaren har fyra tänder, nu laddaren har bara två tänder, men den markerar positiv och negativ sida. Original har en lång tråd, den här har ingen tråd, istället kan den anslutas direkt till väggen. Jag var inte säker på om det fungerade. När jag slutade middag gick jag till bussen för att hämta mitt batteri och försökte det omedelbart i den närliggande affären. Det röda ljuset sken omedelbart. “Det fungerar!” Jag kunde inte hjälpa att gråta ut. “Rätt, Rätt, det fungerar!” Det räddade verkligen min dag. Än enbart kostar den kinesiska 80 yuan(100kr) medan den svenska kostar över 600 yuan(700kr).

På eftermiddagen besökte kinesiska och utländska journalister ett företag Maiquer som producerade mejeriprodukter och veteprodukt. Bolaget importerade en uppsättning svensk mjölkproduktionslinje med totalt 200 miljoner yuan. Produkterna är bra och sorten är många inklusive dumplings och kakor. Jag tycker att det här är ett bra exempel på kinesisk-svenskt samarbete och Kina kan lära av Sverige på många sätt.

Kineserna fick sin egen innovation efter att ha läst från väst. Kinas snabba tåg är ett sådant fall, det är också delade cyklar. Idéerna kom från väst, men senare förbättrade kineserna det och gjorde det ännu bättre. Mänsklig civilisation bör skapas i denna process genom att lära av varandra och göra framsteg. Och de tävlar också med varandra.

Dagens laddare är liknande. Kina laddad batteriladdare sparar material. Det här är en typ av innovation. Det är enkelt och praktiskt. Man måste naturligtvis fortsätta att göra ansträngningar i sin egen innovation och fortsätta att skapa nya produkter.

Foto och Text av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series (3)–Experiencing Xinjiang’s service and Sino-Swedish Trade

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 26(Greenpost)—The programs for the Chinese and foreign journalists are quite full and excellent activities happened one after another. But at key moment, you are out of battery, what can you do?

So I was in a hurry to come out of home and by mistake, I took the wrong charger. When I really wanted to charge my battery, the charger didn’t work. I took the old one.The newly bought one was left at home. I asked all the colleagues who took the big cameras, but none of theirs had the same battery as mine, the D7000 Nikon. Most of theirs were Cannon. Without other choice, I had to ask the capable information colleague to see if she can help me ask any shop to buy or borrow a battery charger.

Of course, if it were in Beijing or Shanghai, I would not have been so worried because I am sure there will be similar charger for me to use and there are many different kinds of charger. But this is in Xinjiang and we are going to go to Changji in the afternoon, I was really suspicious and feel hopeless. But I still would like to give a try, so I asked Lyu Yan. What if it has!

So Lyu Yan asked several shops and mobilized many of her resources, but no hope. She said we can only put on hope on Changji. Right! Changji has high-tech Industrial park. By four o’clock, when we arrived in the grapeyard, she told me that a colleague in Changji found this D 7000 battery charger in a Nikon shop. It was Comrade Yu Jian who found it and asked me if I like to buy it because it is not original type. I said as long as it works, I should buy it. So I said, buy!

In the evening when we had dinner, Yu Jian gave me a plastic package. It looks much smaller and narrower. Original charger has four teeth, now the charger has only two teeth, but it marks positive and negative side. Original has a long wire, this one doesn’t have any wire, instead it can plug in directly to the wall. I was not sure if it worked.

When I finished dinner, I went to the bus to fetch my battery and immediately tried it in the nearby shop. The red light shone immediately. “It works!”I can’t help crying out. “Right, Right, It works!” It really saved my day.  Let alone, the Chinese one cost 80 yuan while the Swedish on cost over 600 yuan.

In the afternoon, Chinese and foreign journalists visited a company Maiquer which produced dairy products and wheat product. The company imported a set of Swedish milk production line with a total of 200 million yuan. The products are good and the variety is many including the dumplings and cakes. I think this is a good example of Sino-Swedish cooperation and China can learn from Sweden in many ways.

Chinese people got their own innovation after learning from the west. China’s fast train is such a case, so is the shared bikes. The ideas came from the west, but later, the Chinese improve it and make it even better. Human civilization should be created in this process by learning from each other and making progress. And they also compete with each other.

Today’s charger is similar. China made battery charger saves material. This is a kind of innovation. It is simple and practical. Of course, man still needs to continue to make efforts in its own innovation and continue to make new products.

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson