Tag Archives: Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Utländska Journalister Besöker Xinjiang-serien (8) – Maiquer, Impression Gobi Vin, Changji snacks och Xinjiang Theatre

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Okotober. 22(Greenpost)– På eftermiddagen den 26 augusti gick över 30 kinesiska och utländska journalister in i Xinjiangs Changji High-Tech Industrial Utveckling Zone, Maiquer Group Co. Ltd., Impressed Gobi Winery och Changji Snack Street, och tittade på “En tusen gånger kommer till Western Region “utförs på Xinjiang Grand Theatre.

På mitten av höstfestivalen äter kinesiska alltid månkaka, inte bara för gott skull, utan även fortsätter kultur och tradition.

När vi kom in i företaget kan man lukta den goda lukten av månkakan och uppskatta olika vackra förpackningar av kakor.

Så många månkakor producerades faktiskt här. Kinesiska gillar att skicka vänner och släktingar månkakor som presenter. Inte konstigt! Eftersom Xinjiang har bra solsken och vetekvaliteten är mycket bra. Således är olika produkter gjorda av mjöl av Xinjiang också mycket bra.

Maiquer importerade en hel uppsättning mjölkproduktionslinje från Sverige med totalt 200 miljoner yuan (eller 33 miljoner US-dollar). Shaliyef, vice direktör för Xinjiang Information Office sa i Xinjiang, människor är väldigt ärliga och pålitliga. Det har aldrig varit en falsk livsmedelsproduktrapport.

Titta på dessa vackra bilder av olika mejeriprodukter, det är verkligen så attraktivt.

Prata om mat, man måste nämna att Xinjiang också producerar vin. Journalister kom till ett tusen tunnland druvplantage och besökte Impression Gobi Winery.

Fuqiang, chef för vingården sa att han namngav sitt företag Impression Gobi och tog ödla som hans företags totem är för att han tycker att ödla har en oupphörlig ansträngning. Han arbetade själv på detta område i tio år och ackumulerade sitt “första fat guld” och investerade cirka 20 miljoner yuan (3,3 miljoner dollar) i denna vingård.

Naturligtvis gav vingården inte bara arbetstillfällen för de lokala lantarbetarna, men också försäljningsmöjligheten för de lokala småskaliga druvkultivarna. Därför gjorde han ett bra bidrag till den lokala ekonomiska utvecklingen.

Han sa att hans vingård var mycket speciell eftersom han använde APP sofeware för att låta sina kunder se hur druvan växer och vet att dessa druvor är rena organiska druvor.

Efter att ha smakat rött och vitt vin i Yinxiang Gobi eller Impression Gobi gick journalister vidare till Changji matstad.

Det första intrycket är att byggnaden här är mycket konstnärlig och full av kultur.

Den gråfärgen och den levande skulpturen innebär en konstnärlig atmosfär.

I denna matgata kan man smaka på alla typer av mat och kultur. Arkitekturen i sig är en konst och kultur.

Chefen för matgatan sa att de har ett strikt förvaltningssystem med bonus för att uppmuntra den goda restaurangen och de som gjorde ett dåligt jobb kommer att vara kostsamma också. Och de diskuterar också och har en bedömning så att en bra arbetsstil bildas.

För att välkomna journalister bad ledningen i matgatan också olika restauranger att ta med sig specialrätt så att journalisterna kan smaka på dem. På grund av efterfrågan från min läsare tog jag en hel del bilder av Xinjiang-mat.


Stekt Geda, en sorts nudlar, köttbullar, handplockat ris med nötkött, stekt motton, Jiasha och handplockad fårkött är alla specialiteter för Xinjiang och det sprider sig nästan över hela Kina.


På kvällen åkte vi till Xinjiang Grand Theatre och tittade på den enorma prestationen En tusen gånger att gå till Västra Regionen. Det känns som att gå tillbaka till antiken då husvagnen gick i Gobi-öknen. Plus VR, tider går fram och tillbaka. Det är verkligen magnifikt och underbart!

I Xinjiang finns god ekologisk mat och gott vatten, med vacker konst, sång och dans. Den autonoma regionen Xinjiang Uygor gillar att knacka på potentialen i kärnområdet i Silk Road Economic Belt genom att främja turism och locka turister från hela Kina och även världen.

Det är också en slags grön ekonomi. Jag måste säga att teaterns uppträdande En tusen gånger att gå till västra regionen har samlat historia, kultur, kärlek och folklore allt på scenen. Så publiken kan njuta av det väldigt mycket. Föreställningen kombinerad med VR och moderna ljud- och videoeffekter bildar ett starkt intryck på människor. Det är bara bra!

Foto och text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (2) – Besök Xinjiang Software Park

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 25 augusti (Greenpost) – En grupp av 21 kinesiska och 14 utländska journalister besökte Xinjiang Software Park den 25 augusti efter att de hade besökt Urumqis Kina Järnväg Express anpassningscentret. Syftet av besöket är en del av reportage om Xinjiang som kärnområde av siden väg ekonomiska bältet som länkar kina och Asien och europa.

Med totalt 410 tusen kvadratmeter byggnad, och ett område på 14 hektar, har Xinjiang Software Park godkänts som en provinsnivåpark. Xinjiang har försökt sitt bästa för att göra parken till ett högt mark inom mjukvaru- och informationsindustrins koncentration, uppstart, innovation och utveckling.

Xinjiang Software Park insisterar på att “odla och utveckla software tjänsten som sitt uppdrag”, vilket ger full uppmärksamhet åt de unika fördelarna med Xinjiangs läge, språk, talanger och kultur och integrerar de industriella fördelarna med Xinjiang. Under ledning av den autonoma regionen och Urumqis partiutskott och regering, kommer software parken att ligga till grund för FoU, produktion och industrialisering av outsourcing av programvara och informationstjänstindustrin, och för att föra full uppspelning av den industriella agglomerationseffekten och fördelar med skalan. Parken använder cloud computing, Internet of Things, Internet och Beidou-navigering som de fyra ledande industrier att odla och sträva efter att bygga “Xinjiang” som en software- och informationsservice industripark med Xinjiang-funktioner, förstklassigt i västra område och avancerat Kina .

Två av de mest imponerande sakerna här är 2025-programmet som President Xi Jinping föreslog att Kina skulle flytta från en stor teknologisk nation till en teknologisk kraft. Under ledning av sådana strategiska mål utvecklar alla delar av landet aktivt olika avancerade teknologier som smart teknologi, stora data och cloud computing.

Den andra är språkcentret här. Människor kan välja sitt eget språk med ett tryck på en knapp. Det finns Uyghur-språk, kinesiska, franska, engelska och många andra språk. Varje inmatning eller röst kan översättas. På så sätt kan man fördjupa förståelsen och undvika missförstånd. Språkkunskaper är mycket viktiga i Xinjiang där det finns flera etniska grupper som bor och arbetar där.

Självklart finns det också en smart teknik som imponerar reportern, det vill säga användningen av droner i vården. Om det finns en patient i ett samhälle kan dronen känna av det med fjärranalys och sedan rädda patienten så snart som möjligt.

Viktigt informationsområde för “Fem Centers” på Siden Vägen  Ekonomiska Bältet

Xinjiang Software Park har lockat mer än 200 företag i parken, inklusive mer än 30 företag över utsetts storlek, inklusive Xinjiang Broadcasting och Television Network, Honglian Information, Aerospace Information och Puhui Information. Den industriella klustringseffekten börjar dyka upp. I framtiden kommer parken att etablera Beidou-serien av industriella demonstrationsbaser, såsom demonstrationsbasen för navigeringsapplikation, demonstrationsbasen för kultur och teknikintegreringsindustrin, Smart City och Smart Community Demonstration Base, och Dells Internet Application Demonstration Base.

Det kommer att bli förstklassig software park och informationstjänstindustrin högland i västra region. Samtidigt kommer parken aktivt organisera företag att gå ut genom att organisera utställningar och offentliga kampanjer och stärka utbytet och samarbetet mellan företagen genom organisationen av toppmötet och tekniska utbytesmöten och främja uppgraderingen och omvandlingen av hela industrin .


Xinjiang Software Park ligger i Urumqi, huvudstaden i regionen. De utestående talangerna i Xinjiang samlas här. Samtidigt byggs träningsbasen med en yta på 12.000 kvadratmeter i parken. Det passerar genom Tsinghua University, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang University of Finance och Ekonomi, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Normal University och andra länders välkända universitet, såväl som välkända företag i hemlandet och utomlands, som Oracle, Microsoft, Neusoft, etc., att bygga tillsammans en träningsbas för parken, bygga ett begåvat högland och använda resurserna i högutbildning Park i utvecklingszonen för att bygga ett högland för IT-talenter i västra regionen.

Politiskt stöd på flera nivåer

Xinjiang Software Park ligger i den nationella utvecklingszonen. Det är den enda autonoma programvaruparken i regionen på Xinjiang, som är gemensamt inrättad av den autonoma regionens ekonomiska och informationskommitté och utvecklingszonen (Toutunhe-distriktet). Företagen i parken kan njuta av den nationella, autonoma regionen och Urumqi-stadsnivån och till och med utvecklingsområdet (Toutunhe District) relevant politik. De kan också njuta av vissa preferenspolitiker i Software Park, Technology Business Incubator och Liuchuang Park för de studenter som kom tillbaka från utlanderna  börgar deras startup företagen. 

Bekvämt transport

Xinjiang Software Park ligger intill Wukui Expressway i väst, Suzhou Road i norr, och bara 10 minuters bilresa från Urumqi International Airport i norr. Det ligger 2,5 kilometer från höghastighetstågets transportcentrum i öster. Det har höghastighetståg, linjetrafik, långdistansbuss och järnvägstransitering. Omfattande transporter som stadsbuss och bekvämt transport. 5 km från stadens centrum tar 15 minuter. Ett antal busslinjer passerar genom parken.

Perfekt affärspaket

Xinjiang Software Park ligger i Urumqis nya centrum, nära Urumqi Comprehensive Bonded Zone och Urumqi Logistics Hub. Det ligger i kärnområdet av höghastighetståg och Bainiao(Hundra fåglar) Lake New District. Det stöds av 246 tunnland cloud computing industripark och står inför 2,5 kvadratkilometer service outsourcing bas. Intill Wanda, Baoneng avancerade kommersiella komplex, kommer parken att utvecklas harmoniskt med Urumqi västerut nya stadsområde, centrum av den framtida staden.

Intelligent parkförvaltning Parken har kompletta stödmöjligheter, utrustade med dual-loop strömförsörjning, höghastighetsnät och full täckning av WIFI. Det använder cloud computing och Internet of Things teknik för att anta intelligent hantering av kortet. Det har 5A landmärke kontorsbyggnader, affärshotell, expert lägenheter och avancerade affärsmöten. Centret, finanscentret, presentationscentret, 5D-biografen, den västerländska restaurangen, fitnesscentret och andra faciliteter kan förbättra företagets externa image och förbättra kontorets effektivitet.


Xinjiang Software Park sitter på en ekologisk park på 350 000 kvadratmeter stor grön dal, intill det planerade ekologiska bostadsområdet och är omgiven av rika pedagogiska resurser som grundskolor och gymnasieskolor och daghem.

Avancerat tekniskt plattformsstöd

Xinjiang Software Park har blivit en nationell plattform för teknik inkubatorer och nationella programvaror public service plattformar. Den använder den mest avancerade cloud computing-tekniken för att ge företagen en rad professionella tjänster som inkubation, mjukvaruutveckling, testning, applikation och släpp.

One-stop, diverse professionella tjänster

Xinjiang Software Park följer konceptet att skapa värde för företagen. Parken har en one-stop servicehall och förmedlingshallen och har ett professionellt serviceteam för att tillhandahålla engångstjänster som projektdeklaration, patentansökan, projektfinansiering, beskattning och juridiskt samråd. Samtidigt åtar sig parken aktivt programvaran och tjänsten outsourcing verksamhet i den autonoma regionen och även Central- och västra Asien, men prioriterar parkföretagen. Genom att bygga en resursdelningsplattform uppmuntras företagen i parken att genomföra affärskontrakt, och offentliga upphandlingsprojekt ges företrädesrätt till parkföretag.

Xinjiang har 1.66 million kvarkilometer och 21 million folk med rika resurer  i rytum, råvaru och energi. Det är kommunikation centrum mellan kina inland och Asien och Europa.  En bra framtid väntar.

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (1) -Kina-Europe Express Länkar Dig och Mig

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 19. Okt(Greenpost) — Tro det eller inte, det är mycket troligt att en flaska tomatketchep på bordet av en Neapel-familj transporteras av Kina-Europe Express via Urumqi-anpassningscentret, huvudstaden i Xinjiang Uyghors autonoma region.

Som journalist från Greenpost from Sweden, tillsammans med 14 journalister från 14 länder i Asien och Europa, har jag varit i Urumqi-inriktningscentralen och bevittnat att Harmony Freight Train sätter sig härifrån till Horgos Port och går vidare till Europa med full frakt i 41 europeiska standardhytter. Det var den 25, augusti, 2018.

Nan Jun, vice generaldirektör för Xinjiang Järnvägs internationella transport Co Ltd sa att “tåget som ska börja nu är 1486-tåget sedan 26 maj 2016 och 654: e sedan 1 januari 2018”.

-Sedan Kinas Järnväg Express började har vi blivit välkomna av våra kunder eftersom vi har ökat vår transportkapacitet väsentligt från en gång i veckan till en gång om dagen och nu tre gånger om dagen. Så våra järnvägslinjer ökar också från 4 linjer till 19 linjer som täcker 23 platser. Hastigheten ökar ytterligare genom att optimera den inhemska transporttiden och genom aktivt samarbete med våra partners utomlands. Vi har förkortat tiden från 66 timmar till 44 timmar och nu tar det bara 40 timmar att anlända till Almaty. Tiden till Tyskland har också förkortats från 16 dagar till 13,5 dagar. Kostnaden minskar också. -sade Nan.

Nan Jun sade att tåget kan nå så långt som Neapel i Italien via Ryssland, Belorus, Polen, Tyskland och Italien. När tåget kom tillbaka kom det med massa från Finland och transporterades till Korla i Xinjiang för att producera gröna produkter. Samtidigt transporterades även andra europeiska produkter tillbaka.

Han sa att årets mål är att nå 1400 gånger och 80 procent av dem kommer att vara från punkt till punkt. De produkter som de skickade ut är inte bara att vara Xinjiang Products, utan även containrar från Yiwu, östra Kinas Zhejiang-provins. Det tar bara en dag att komma hit. Och då kommer det att transporteras till London. Tåget är i internationell standard eftersom tåget som går till Storbritannien, kommer att ändra spåret eftersom det använder olika spår. Urumqi-omgruppering centret gör att de brådskande produkterna går först och andra produkter går efter. Det är här att de kommer att byta spår och byta container först. Kostnaden minskade och effektiviteten ökade.

Kina Railway Express i Urumqi gör Xinjiang till ett kommunikationscentrum för bält- och väg initiativ som förbinder Kina och Centralasien och Europa och blir kärnzonen när det gäller att främja ekonomi och handel med relevanta länder. Detta har varit Xinjiangs bidrag, vilket till och med väsentligt bidrar till världshandeln. Hittills har det funnits 19 järnvägslinjer som förbinder Kina och omvärlden och ungefär hälften av dem via Xinjiang Uygor Autonom Region Nordvästra Kina och hälften av dem via Heilongjiang-provinsen, Nordöstra Kina.

Vissa människor i västvärlden tvivlar på Kinas syfte att bältet och väginitiativet, men för att göra lasttransporter lättare, göra världsaffären lättare att göra och gynna alla involverade, viktigare att tillhandahålla goda varor till alla kunder är det verkliga syftet och detta är bara ett bra exempel på bältet och väginitiativet.

Detta var det första stoppet som kinesiska och utländska journalister har stoppat. Det andra stoppet kommer att vara Xinjiang Software Park. Vänligen håll dig stillad. Följa oss!

Bild och Text  av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series(1)-China Europe Express Links You and Me

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug.25(Greenpost)—Believe it or not, it is very likely that a bottle of tomato ketchep on the table of a Naples family is transported by China Europe Express via Urumqi  realignment center, capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As a journalist from Greenpost, together with 14 journalists from 14 countries in Asia and Europe, I have been to Urumqi  realignment center and witnessed the Harmony Freight Train set off from here to Horgos Port and go on to Europe with a full load of cargo in 41 European standard cabins.

Nan Jun, Vice General Manager of Xinjiang Railway’s international transportation Co. Ltd. said that “the train that will start now is the 1486th train since May 26, 2016 and the 654th since January 1, 2018″.

“Since the start of China Railway Express, we have been welcomed by our customers because we have increased our transportation capacity substantially from once a week to once a day and now three times a day. So our railway lines are also increasing from 4 lines to 19 lines covering 23 places. The speed is increasing further by optimising the domestic transportation time and through active cooperation with our partners abroad. We have shortened the time from 66 hours to 44 hours and now it takes only 40 hours to arrive in Almaty. The time to Germany has also been shortened from 16 days to 13.5 days. The cost is also decreasing. ” said Nan.

Nan Jun said that the train can reach as far as Naples in Italy via Russia, Belorus, Poland, Germany and Italy. When the train came back, it came with pulp from Finland and transported to Korla in Xinjiang to produce green products. Meanwhile, other European products were also transported back.

He said this year’s goal is to reach 1400 times and there will be 80 percent of them to be from point to point. The products they sent out is not only to be Xinjiang Products, but also containers from Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang province. It only takes one day to arrive here. And then it will be sent to London. The train is in international standard because the train that goes to Britain, will change the track since it is using different track. Urumqi cargo realignment center makes the urgent products go first and other products go after. It is here that they will change the track and change the cars. The cost decreased and the efficiency increased.

China Railway Express in Urumqi makes Xinjiang  a communication hub for Belt and Road Initiative linking China and central Asia and Europe  and become the core zone in promoting the economic and trade with relevant countries. This has been the contribution made by Xinjiang which even substantially contributes to the world trade.

So far, there has been 19 railway lines linking China and outside world and about half of them via Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region  northwest China and half of them via Heilongjiang province, northeast China.

Many people in the western world doubts about China’s purpose of Belt and Road Initiative, but to make cargo transportation easier, make world business easier to be done  and benefit all involved, more importantly to provide good goods to all the customers is the real purpose and this is just a good example of Belt and Road Initiative.

This was the first stop Chinese and foreign journalists have stoped. Its second stop will be Xinjiang Software park. Please stay tuned.

Video: Birgit Nilsson Prize winner Nina Stemme: I was a coward when I was 10 or 11

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 12(Greenpost) — Nina Stemme, Birgit Nilsson Prize winner held a press conference today and said she was a coward when she was 10 or 11 years old because she wanted to be a musician then, but she dared not because she was afraid of failure.

Stemme is not only a great singer, she is almost a philosopher because her motto is Hurry slowly.

She is also a kind of linguist and speaks perfect English with perfect voice.

She told us about her childhood and about her experience in voice training. She said after all, it was she who should be on the stage in the end, so she must train herself hard and well.

Nina Stemme receives her Birgit Nilsson Prize from the King

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 12(Greenpost)– Swedish born top Soprano Nina Stemme received her Birgit Nilsson Prize from the hands of the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf in the Royal Opera House in Stockholm last night.

The Birgit Nilsson Prize press photo.

Queen Silvia and about 1000 guests including journalists attended the awarding ceremony.  With the red carpet, many prominent figures wear beautiful dress attending the ceremony.

Queen Silvia, King Carl, Stemme and Reisch. press photo. 

After the moving performance of Bryn Terfel of Wagner The Flying Dutchman and Birgitta Svenden’s Laudatio,  Mary BEth Peil announced the prize presentation.

Internationally famous Stemme is in great demand worldwide. She is a frequent guest at the Metropolitan Opera in New York, La Scala in Milan, Wiener Staatsoper, Opera Bastille in Paris and the Royal Opera Houses in London and Stockholm, to name just a few. As a dramatic soprano, Nina Stemme has continued the great tradition of Kirsten Flagstad and Birgit Nilsson.

She has been celebrated for her roles as Wagner’s Isolde, Brünnhilde and Kundry; Strauss’ Salome and Elektra; as well as Puccini’s Turandot and Fanciulla.

Having received many international awards over the years, Nina Stemme was recognized as the 2018 Birgit Nilsson Prize recipient for her interpretations of the dramatic soprano repertoire with her respect for the composer’s intentions, her tireless dedication to the dramatic soprano repertoire, and for being a great Wagnerian soprano of today.

The Birgit Nilsson Prize press photo. 

Then Stemme received the prize from his Majesty King Carl XVI Gustaf.

press photo.  Domingo.

Placido Domingo, Birgit Nilsson Prize Recipient 2009 sent a video congratulation.

On Friday,  Stemme met journalists at a press conference in the Royal Opera House in Stockholm again.

Nina Stemme at press conference. Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson. 

Answering a question by Greenpost.se,  Stemme tells us about her childhood.

“I grew up in Stockholm, my parents got to study at university. As a child, I went to a choir in addition to school. I was good at school because I worked hard. I worked hard because I knew that if I worked hard, I can go where I like to go. But I was a coward, I wanted to learn opera when I was 10 or 11 years old, but I dare not because I was afraid of failure.” said Stemme.

She said she tried a little bit of everything, such as playing violin and piano, going to concerts and operas.  But she was kind of well grounded in many ways, she even went to university to study business and economics, but later still music and opera took over.

She has performed in almost all the famous opera houses in the world and become a well-known singer.

But she insists on her philosophy of hurry slowly meaning that she would say no if she thinks the project is too soon or too big. She did what she promised but she would not promise if she couldn’t manage.

In giving advice to young people, she said it is all about music, but not just competition.  It is just a test to see where you are.

 Birgit’s costumes.  Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Earlier the press was also taken to have a round of Birgit Nilsson’s museum.

It showed a lot of costumes Birgit Nilsson used to wear and how she started her career.  Born in 1918, Birgit Nilsson came from Skane and she was able to sing very early.

With a strong mind, she said she was almost wanting to commit suicide when she first came to Stockholm and performed in the Opera House.

But later, she had carried out over 40 years of soprano career. Her husband was a business man and opened many restaurants.  Before she came to the end of her career, she decided to establish the Birgit Nilsson Foundation to award those who made great contributions to classical music.  She also left a will to give the first Birgit Nilsson prize to Placido Domingo who used to sing together with her.  This will was carried out in 2009 when the first prize was issued.

Professor Reisch.  Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Press photo.

Professor Rutbert Reisch, President of Birgit Nilsson Foundation hosted the press conference and he also spoke at the awarding ceremony.

Acupuncture Science Association Sweden successfully held its member assembly and profeciency test

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM,  Acupuncture Science Association Sweden successfully held its member assembly and academic lectures as well as the WFAS International Profeciency Test for Acupuncture-Moxibustion Practitioners on Sept. 22, 2018.

The background of the lecture and the doctor’s test was the visit of Wang Shenhe, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Societies Academy and Director Zhang Zijun to Sweden.

They visited the Belt and Road Swedish Education Base under the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Stockholm, Sweden, WFAS.  Wang and Zhang visited the education base and made an important speech titled “How can China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences lead Chinese medicine to go abroad.”

The head of the education base, the executive committee of the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Associations, and the President of the Swedish Academy of Acupuncture and Academic Research, Yang Chungui, after listening to the speech of President Wang, said that they will further strengthen cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and report to President Wang on the joint development plan of the “Belt and Road” joint education base especially emphasized that Jiemei Lawyer and Bengt Wahrolén lawyer of Guohao Law Firm are helping us to fight for acupuncture legislation in Sweden.

President Wang and Director Zhang listened to Yang’s report and expressed appreciation. President Wang also stated that he would strongly support cooperation with Sweden and promote the realization of the goals according to the plan.

The next day, Counselor Dai from the Chinese Embassy in Sweden met with President Wang, Director Zhang, President Yang and Jiemei. Counselor Dai said that the embassy wish the smooth development of the education base in Sweden and promote the success of Chinese medicine acupuncture in Swedish legislation.

President Wang also indicated that he will actively cooperate with the work process. The Swedish Academy of Acupuncture and Moxibustion held the 2018 General Assembly and Academic Lecture on September 22, and the International Acupuncturist Examination was held at the same time.

The Society has invited Yang Jinhong, Executive Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Hospital, and Dr. Li Jian, a general practitioner of Swedish Skarpnäck Vårdcentral, to explain the valuable experience of clinical application of acupuncture from two different perspectives: Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

At the same time, the Society also invited Dr. Wang Zefeng, the person in charge of the Chinese Medicine Museum, Dr. Guo Wanchun, the editor of the European Edition of the World Traditional Chinese Medicine magazine, and Yang Liran, the principal of the former Swiss-Chinese Chinese School, to attend the conference.

Yang Jinhong, deputy dean of the hospital, is an expert in acupuncture treatment of neurological diseases, and is also a standardization expert in acupuncture and moxibustion of Chinese medicine and a member of the editorial board of evidence-based acupuncture.

The lecture titled by Dean Yang is “Experience of Acupuncture Therapy for Intractable Diseases”, which explains in detail the experience of acupuncture treatment for refractory facial paralysis, postherpetic neuralgia, epilepsy and motor neuron disease. Dr. Zhang Chenrui acted as an interpreter. 

Dr. Li Jian is a well-known orthopedic expert in Guangzhou, China, and a Ph.D  from the Karolinska Institute of Sweden. He  used Chinese, English and Swedish  to talk about ” Local Analgesic Mechanism of Fascial Tissue Acupuncture  and “Lateral hip pain treatment with the combination of west medicine and traditional Chinese medicine”.  The wonderful lectures by Dean Yang and Dr. Li deeply attracted the audience. Everyone took pictures and took notes, for fear of missing any knowledge point.

The two keynote experts also patiently answered the questions of the audience. With just a few words, they could explain the key points and showed their rich knowledge and profound academic attainments of the experts and won applause.

Meanwhile,WFAS International Profeciency Test for Acupuncture-Moxibustion Practitioners in Sweden in 2018 was also held.

The International Acupuncturist Examination is currently the highest level of acupuncture professional examination in the world. This year, senior acupuncturists such as Reijo Pöyhöne and Wei Wei participated in the examination. Dr. Reijo Pöyhöne has been working in traditional Chinese medicine for acupuncture and moxibustion in Sweden for more than 20 years. He has written a number of Chinese medicine acupuncture teaching materials. Dr. Wei has 10 years of clinical experience in Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a master’s degree in Chinese medicine. He has been practicing medicine in Sweden for more than 10 years. These senior physicians take the exam and will greatly promote the development of acupuncture in Sweden.


It is the duty of our acupuncturists to improve acupuncture and moxibustion and better serve patients.


Top stories: Swedish General Election’s preliminary result appears deadlock

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 10(Greenpost)– Swedish people cast their votes yesterday on Sept. 9.  A total of 7.3 million people out of 10 million voted in 6004 stations with 36 thousand people working on election event.

About 85% of the eligible voters cast their votes.

The preliminary results in Sweden shows that the ruling Social Democratic Party won 28.4% votes and 100 seats in the parliament while the opposition Moderate party won 19.8% and 70 seats in the parliament.

The third is Swedish Democratic Party winning 17.6% of votes and 63 seats in the parliament.

The fourth is Center party 8.6% and 31 seats in the parliament.

The fifth is Left Party 7.9 % and 28 seats in the parliament.

The six is Kristian Democratic Party 6.4% and 23 seats in the parliament.

The seventh is Liberal Party 5.5% and 19 seats in the parliament while the last is Green Party 4.4% and 15 seats in the parliament.

According to traditional blocks, the red-green block, Namely Social Democratic Party, Green Party and Left Party won 40.6% of the total votes and 143 seats in the parliament while the Alliance including Moderate, Center, Liberal and KD won 40.3% of the total votes and also 143 seats in the parliament.

The right wing Democratic Party won 63 seats.

The final result will be announced on Wednesday when all the votes abroad have been calculated.

But how will that change the scenario,  it is hard to say.

So far, suppose what Social Democratic Party leader said holds, to woo Center and liberal party to join the red-green block,  also under the condition that the left party (who insists non profitable in education) is included, then Lofvin can make a cabinet with five parties of 193 seats.

Now Jimmie Akesson waved his olive branch to the Moderate Party leader Ulf Kristersson. If they join hands, those five parties can have 206 seats and became majority in the parliament.

Other possibilities are the two big blocks join hands and form a 286 seats majority. But in that case, either left or green could be left out.

But what will be final result? We shall still wait till Wednesday and if that day the problem cannot be solved, the election results will be dragged on to the end of the month.

It is time for Swedish to see the bigger picture and made wise decisions.  The good thing is that SD didn’t surpass M or 20%.

But it is said many of those who are abroad might support SD, if that is the case, we have to wait and see.

If SD can reach 20%, then they will very likely be in government unless the two blocks join hands.

Foto and text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Why should Nordic countries build fast train?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, June 27(Greenpost)– Nordic Ministers for Transport and Infrastructures have met to discuss financing the infrastructure especially crossing borders recently.

This is a gesture in the right track.  I strongly recommend Nordic countries invest in fast train track and operation. Why?

When I came to Sweden in 2006, I thought Swedish train was quite good. But when I went back to China three years later, that was in 2009, China began to operate the fast train in Northeast China, the Concord Train was more than 250 kilometers per hour and I noticed that Swedish journalists were very positive about it too.

But soon people played down this idea to say that it was too expansive, Sweden doesn\t have that amount of people.  This was also said in China. We don\t have a lot of money. We have a lot of people, but people were poorer.  But after the fast train went into operation, they were full very soon.  A lot of young couples took the fast train instead of driving a car or took the slow train.

Traveling time was substantially shortened. People are happy and people are proud. People take the chance to do business.

I think the fast train has three advantages:

First, it shortens the travelling time. It means there will be more travelling and more business chances and more meeting time.  More meeting time will give more ideas. It is good for communication.

Second, Sweden has fewer people, but if the transporting time is halved, it means there will be more chance to do business.

Thirdly,  people have to think in the long run, the same as you think of the tunnel bana in the 1940s.  Man must be forward-looking.

If Nordic countries can make joint efforts to invest in fast train and build it from Oslo to Gothenburg and to Stockholm or from Karlstad and then build it to Malmo and to Copenhagen, then it will substantially shorten the travelling between countries. It will be a project benefiting the future of nordic countries.

Anyway, people are willing to pay a certain amount to improve the railway conditions, but if you pay a little more and build the fast train with Chinese speed between 250 -300 kilometers per hour, it will greatly promote Nordic market.

I encourage the Nordic ministers to talk more about it and take action as soon as possible.  I am sure it will promote nordic economy substantially.

Chinese Artist Li Li’s works exhibited during Stockholm Kulturnatt

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, May 16 (Greenpost)– Chinese Artist Li Li’s works has been exhibited at the Belt and Road Nordic Spring International Peace and Cultural Festival as well as Stockholm Kulturnatt.

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou spoke at the exhibition.

“I believe the cultural festival, art exhibition and film playing will be conducive to Sino-Swedish relations and world peace because cultural communication is also part of belt and road initiative.” said Gui.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson, President of China-Europe Cultural Association said that the main purpose of the exhibition is to contribute to world peace and cultural exchange and improving mutual understanding between the two sides.

A total of 200 people attended the cultural festival.  Li Li’s art works were part of the cultural festival.  Li Li is a member of China’s Artists Association.

More photos:

Text and photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.



How to understand Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative(BRI)?

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, March 28(Greenpost)– A lot of people simply understands Xi Jinping’s Belt and Road Initiative as that China has over capacity in infrastructure construction, so China wants to sell out their over capacity.

Yes, without any extra capacity, one cannot do anything for export. But there is a deeper intention in the infrastructure construction.

The world faces a lot of challenges due to the backward of the productivity. The backward productivity was due to poor infrastructure. Over 40 years development in China, we found roads and transport are very important for development.

In 2000, when I came back from Zimbabwe, I went back via Paris and and I took Paris metro. At that time I thought if only Beijing had such kind of metro that can direct to many places!  At that time Beijing only had one line and the round line, only two lines. By 2008, Beijing has many subway lines. Now it has 14 lines. You can go anywhere by subways.

Also you can drive anywhere by car because the road has linked the city and the countryside.

But this development was not seen in many countries such as central Asia or Africa.  With Chinese efforts a lot of places are linked with roads. With good roads, people are easy to do business.

China has a slogan, Yao Xiang Fu, Xian Xiu Lu. If you like to be rich, you should first build roads.  Roads link people and with people’s link, you can build a market and demand.

China holds that basic infrastructure can help development.  Then Belt and Road Initiative is not just limited to infrastructure construction. It can be education, it can be culture, it can be medicare and innovation. As long as any idea that is conducive to development and improving people’s living standards, it will be good.

Ancient Chinese people move from China to Europe via land silk road and sea silk road.  The reason it is called  silk road is that it used to transport silk, porslin and tea to Europe from China.  But the road was not very good. Now China likes to develop together with other countries to build good road and other things.

People likes to ask why do you do that? What is your purpose? What kind of profit can you get? If you really dig up that, one can say that once you have the infrastructure, one can trade.  But a lot of times, people just think as long as we can do something together, it will be good. As long as there is demand, we like to meet it.

China is a great country. That has a big capacity of helping each other. In stead of launching a war, China likes to construct and develop with other countries.  Chinese people has such a mindset that we human being should help each other and joint hands to deal with climate issues and other challenges mankind face.

So I think belt and road initiative can be any subject and can be along the silk road, and can be not along the silk road.



Swedish Chinese TV: 2017 Right Livelihood Prize issued in Vasa Museum

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 1(SCT, Greenpost) –2017 Right Livelihood Prize has been issued to Robert Bilott (USA), Colin Gonsalves (Indien), Khadija Ismayilova (Azerbajdzjan) and Yetnebersh Nigussie (Etiopien) by Kenya Human Rights activist and UN rapportage Maina Kiai. Khadija ISmayilova from Azerbajdzjan could not come out, but she showed up in video on Dec. 1. The issuing ceremony was held in the beautiful Vasa Museum.

Filmed by Xuefei Chen Axelsson


A wave of discussing the 19th CPC Congress arises in Sweden

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 31(Greenpost)– A craze discussing the 19th CPC Congress has arisen in Sweden beginning with a grand seminar held by Institute of Security and Development Policy.

Gui Congyou, Chinese Ambassador to Sweden gave a keynote speech at the opening of the seminar.

“The successful convening of the 19th CPC congress has arounsed world wide attention.  The CPC national congress has analysed the domestic and international situation, made such an important judgement that China’s Socialism with Chinese Characteristics  has entered a New Era, elected a new term of leaders of the  CPC central committee and mapped out new policies and strategic deployment . It is of great significance for realizing Chinese people’s dreams of a good life and the common development together with the world people, it is a blessing for both the Chinese and world people. ”

Gui Congyou said the Communist Party of China will not forget its mission of leading the Chinese people to live a better life.  It’s first goal is to secure a decisive victory in building a moderately prosperous society in all aspects and the second goal is to build a modernized socialist China by 2035.

Gui Congyou said during this process, China has gradually entered the center stage of the world and China will shoulder greater responsibilities for example in peace-keeping forces, in coping with the climate change, anti-terrorism and poverty elimination.

According to the CPC’s goal, in three years, China will completely wipe out the extreme poverty of its 1.3 billion population. Currently the poor is still accounting for 4 percent of the total population or about 40 million which is about four times of the Swedish population.

Gui Congyou said China loves peace and insists on the peaceful coexisting principle and will not interfere in other countries’ domestic affairs. It also opposes  interference in other country’s domestic affairs. China will never seek hegemonism. China opposes nuclear proliferation.

Gui Congyou said his mission to Sweden is to make friends and facilitate to deepen bilateral relations between China and Sweden and China will never forget that Sweden was the first western country that established diplomatic relations with China and has always been actively developing relations with China, in which made great contribution to China’s development.

He welcomes Sweden to further cooperation with China in innovation, green economy, energy saving and environmental protection, intelligence manufacturing and many other aspects such as in the United Nations.

He said China under the leadership of the CPC is a builder of the world peace, a contributor of the global development and obeying the world order and rules.

The host of the seminar was Ambassador  Per Eklund who is a board member of the ISDP.

The panalist of the seminar was Li Junfeng, Political Counselor of the Chinese Ambassy to Sweden, Dr. Oskar Alman from Uppsala University,  Lora Daalman, director of China and Global Security Program of Stockholm International Peace Research Institute or SIPRI and Dr. Kristina Sandklef,  Director of Sandklef Asia Insight.

Dr. Alman said he was a little bit worried about the election procedures in China but after the congress he felt not that worried. On the other hand, he also felt the concentration of power might be better for implementing environmental protection policies for example, so it depends on how you look at it and there is a lot of tradeoffs.

Dr. Kristina Sandklef said she held that there will be more cooperation opportunities if China holds its promise of giving the same treatment of foreign enterprises, or as generous as Sweden in giving market access to Chinese companies.

Lora Saalman, Director of China and Global Security Program of SIPRI said she noticed China’s strengthening of combat capability and modernization of its weapons, but in general, China’s number of armed forces is not on the increase.

The panelists also discussed about gender equality issue, election procedures and many other aspects.

In the evening, Stockholm Chinese Assistance Center led By James Wang Jianrong also held a seminar discussing the 19th CPC National Congress.

Meanwhile, in Sveavägen 41 in Stockholm, ABF hosted a seminar on a book titled Mao i Sverige or Mao in Sweden–1963-1986 written by a Phd student  Ingrid.

She said she had lived in China for a few years and spoke very fluent Chinese. She found there were many Mao followers since 1963 when famous Swedish journalist Myrdal wrote a lot of books and reports about China and was received by Mao.  But by 1986, the leftists almost died out.  In fact, there are still many people who are very much interested in talking about China and caring about China.

According to ABF news, there will be another seminar titled China after the Communist Party Congress on the evening of November 9 in ABF.

Sinologists Börje Ljunggren,  former Swedish Ambassador to China and author, Torbjörn Loden, professor emeritus in Chinese language and culture and Malin Oud, chinese friend and chief of Raoul Wallenberg’s Institute’s Stockholm Office will be the panelists.

Sources say on Thursday, Chinese leaders in Sweden will also hold a seminar discussing about the 19th CPC National Congress and the Xi Jinping Thought on China entering new era of Socialism with Chinese Characteristics.

It cannot be root out that there will be more such seminars in the near future.

The 19th National Congress of the Communist Party of China has mapped out a new blue print for the next stage of development. That is to wipe out poverty by 2020 and to basically become a modern society by 2035.  By 2050, China will comprehensively become a modern and beautiful country in all aspects.




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