但很快,适应力很强的徐曙光融入了校园生活,由于有全额奖学金支持,一年可读三个学期,他很快完成了数学系课程得硕士学位,同时他还攻读了计算机专业,并提前获得该专业硕士学位。第三年,他又攻读商业管理博士学位,是少数获得南加大商学院最高博士奖学金的学生之一。此时出现了人生转机。1990年夏天,徐曙光进入美国500强大型百货连锁企业百老汇连锁控股(BWY.NYSE,后和美国最大的连锁百货Federated Department Stores,Inc.合并)任实习财务分析员,由于表现出色,公司力聘他为财务和信息部经理。经过考虑,徐曙光认为机会难得,放弃攻读博士学位,加盟百老汇,他的母亲为此还耿耿于怀。4年后,徐曙光跟随百老汇CFO跳槽到美国纽约上市公司Santa Anita娱乐房地产投资基金(SAR.NYSE)任财务总监。其后又被聘请到美国统一投资公司任首席运营官,2年间,该公司的投资回报率和良性资产提高了若干倍。“一系列的职场经历让我懂得,不管什么产业,其发展都违背不了经济规律。看清市场供求是关键,在供求关系以及市场价格之间出现不对称时,低风险、高回报机会就会出现,如果再能将内部的管理效率同时提高上来,那你的业绩就会比同行高出几倍。”1997年,已在商圈小有名气的徐曙光进入美国太平洋之家APH。这是一家社区开发公司,其产品是大众化别墅小区,公司在三个州都有不小规模的投资。当时加州地产类投资从1991年开始下滑到全面走入最低谷,很多的地产投资公司经营不良,其中包括APH。公司被迫重组,徐曙光买下了公司100%股份,成为APH董事长,并带领其走出低谷。此后,徐曙光陆续投资美国医疗办公领域、在家乡建设服装出口工厂、在辽宁投建旧城改造产业……一系列投资收益,让徐曙光身价百倍,也让其成为拥有数家企业的“董事长专业户”。
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 今天我们要带小伙伴们领略一座高颜值的城市——浙江西部的古城衢州!她位于钱塘江源头、浙闽赣皖四省边际,市域面积8844平方公里,辖柯城、衢江2个区,龙游、常山、开化3个县和江山市。她可是一座让你一见倾心、再见倾情的城市哦。不信?一起来瞧瞧~Today, we are about to take you to a beautiful city – the ancient city of Quzhou in the west of Zhejiang province. It is located in the upper reaches of the Qiantangjiang River, adjoining Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and Anhui provinces, covering an area of 8844 km² and governing Kecheng and Qujiang districts, Longyou, Changshan and Kaihua counties and Jiangshan city. Quzhou is quite a metropolitan that you would love at first sight. Sounds improbable? Let’s have a look ~
Diverse Nature 衢州因山得名、因水而兴,仙霞岭山脉、怀玉山脉、千里岗山脉将衢州三面合抱,常山江、江山江、乌溪江等九条江在城中汇聚一体。
Quzhou is named after the surrounding mountain and flourishes because of the waters. Xianxialing Mountains, Huaiyu Mountains and Qianligang Mountains encircle the city in which nine rivers, including Changshan River, Jiangshan River and Wuxi River, converge.
六春湖 Liuchun Lake
全市森林覆盖率71.5%,人均公园绿地面积15.2平方米,是浙江的重要生态屏障、国家级生态示范区、国家园林城市、国家森林城市,2018年12月获联合国“国际花园城市”称号。 With a forest coverage rate of 71.5% and per capita green space of 15.2 ㎡, Quzhou is an important ecological barrier, a national eco-demonstration zone, a national garden and forest city in Zhejiang province. It was honored as “International Garden City” by the United Nations in December 2018.
鹿鸣山公园 Lumingshan Park
根宫佛国 The Root Palace Buddhist Culture Tourism Zone
根宫佛国 The Root Palace Buddhist Culture Tourism Zone江郎山是浙江第一个世界自然遗产,钱江源国家公园是华东地区唯一的国家公园体制试点,龙游姜席堰与都江堰、灵渠等一同跻身世界灌溉工程遗产名录。 Mount Jianglang is the first world natural heritage in Zhejiang province inscribed on the World Heritage List as part of China Danxia; Qianjiangyuan National Forest Park is the only pilot national park in East China; Jiangxiyan Irrigation System was added to World Heritage Irrigation Structures list along with Dujiangyan Irrigation System and Lingqu Canal, etc.
夕照江郎山 Sunset at Mount Jianglang / 郭红营 Guo Hongying
Quzhou municipality was built in the third year of Chuping era under the reign of Emperor Xian of Eastern Han dynasty (192 A.D.) with over 6000-year history of civilization. In 1994, it was named the national historical and cultural city for its profound cultural legacy.
南孔祭典 Commemoration of Confucius “天不生仲尼,万古如长夜”。孔子家庙“普天下唯二焉”,一在山东曲阜,一在浙江衢州。每年9月28日,千余名海内外儒学专家、孔子学院代表等汇聚一堂,在衢州孔氏南宗家庙的大成殿前,纪念中国古代伟大思想家、教育家和儒家学派创始人、世界著名文化名人孔子诞辰。 “Without Confucius, all ages would have been in the dark”. There are only two family temples of Confucius in the world, one in Qufu, Shandong province, and the other in Quzhou, Zhejiang province. On September 28, more than 1000 scholars of Confucianism and representatives of the Confucius Institute at home and abroad engage in annual gathering in front of Dacheng Hall of Confucius’s family temple in Quzhou to commemorate the birth of the great philosopher, educator, founder of Confucianism and a world-famous cultural icon.
孔氏南宗家庙 Family Temple of Confucius in Quzhou“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”。1941年,金庸从嘉兴转入衢州中学(现衢州一中),度过了他难忘的高中时代。《一事能狂便少年》《人比黄花瘦》是金庸在衢州一中读高二时发表的,也是他一生最早公开面世的作品。 Chinese wuxia novelist Jin Yong was transferred to Quzhou Middle School (currently Quzhou No.1 Middle School) in 1941. His first works were published during his sophomore year in the school.
2004年10月27日 金庸先生应邀回到母校衢州一中 Mr. Jin Yong was invited to visit Quzhou No.1 Middle School on October 27, 2004
Yang Jizhou, a native of Sanqu (present-day Liuduyang Village, Quzhou, Zhejiang), was a renowned acupuncturist of the Ming dynasty. His work The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion has been translated into 7 languages and introduced to over 180 countries and regions in 79 versions since its publication in 1601.
《针灸大成》 The Great Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion
Quzhou is also the birthplace of weiqi (the game of go) culture. Story about a woodman Wang Zhi playing weiqi in Lanke Mountain with immortals was told as early as the Eastern Jin dynasty (317 – 420), the earliest written record of weiqi in China. Lanke Mountain was subsequently known as “the immortal land of weiqi”.
Quzhou is adjacent to Nanping of Fujian province in the south, Shangrao and Jingdezhen of Jiangxi province in the west, Mount Huangshan of Anhui province in the north, and Jinhua, Lishui and Hangzhou in the east. With complete systems of air, railway, highway and water transport, Quzhou has long been the transport hub and distribution center of Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi and Anhui provinces, known as “the junction of four provinces and five transports”.
沿江公路 River highway
礼贤桥 Lixian Bridge
Dynamic City 老衢州们都说,“不识水亭门,枉为衢州人。”自2016年9月修缮后重新开街以来,水亭门历史文化街区面貌焕然一新,年轻、时尚、活力。
Quzhou locals say that if you don’t know Shuiting Gate, you are hardly a local. Shuiting Gate Historical and Cultural Block was reopened to public after renovation in September 2016 to present a young, fashionable and energetic city landscape.
水亭门历史文化街区 Shuiting Gate Historical and Cultural Block
Xunfeng Tower and Duze Old Street mark the nostalgic sentiments in north Quzhou. In 2019, Duze Old Street in Qujiang District dating back to the Qing dynasty was grandly opened after renovation, attracting numerous visitors as the new Internet-famous site.
Quzhou – a city of history, modernity and future, where green mountains lie and lucid rivers flow, where integrated industrial and cultural development is realized.
Baked pancake, sesame glutinous rice pudding, steamed bread with scallion, crystal cake, pocket pancake, Kaihua river snail, Changshan tribute noodles, Longyou steamed sponge cake, Jiangshan gong cake, Shuangqiao rice noodles, Beixiang sweet dumplings …… It’s never too late to savor the taste of the city.
红糖麻糍 Sesame glutinous rice pudding with brown sugar
山粉肉圆 Starchy meat ball
汤瓶鸡 Pottery stewed chicken
廿八都豆腐 Nianbadu tofu
气糕 Steamed cake
葱花馒头 Steamed bread with scallion
青蛳 River snail
漂丸 Fish meat ball soup
苏庄炊粉 Suzhuang steamed meat and vegetables俗话有说:一座衢州城,半城烤饼香。衢州烤饼分为小烤饼和大烤饼,馅主要有葱花、猪肉、梅干菜,也可以加别的馅,但最好吃的还是梅干菜馅。热乎乎的小烤饼,咬一口,满嘴香脆~
As the saying goes, the aroma of baked pancake fills half of Quzhou city. Quzhou baked pancakes are divided into small pancakes and large pancakes with scallion, pork, salted vegetable and other fillings. Salted vegetable filling is the most recommended – one bite of the hot pancake gives you a mouthful of rich flavor and crispy enjoyment~
Diverse nature, profound culture, full openness and dynamic city …… Quzhou always offers more. If you want to know more about this thousand-year-old city, you are more than welcome to pay a visit. The city of courteousness awaits your presence.
智慧新城 Smart new city
智慧新城大草原 Great lawn of smart new city
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中心官网/Website: https://www.cccstockholm.org/ Facebook: China Cultural Center in Stockholmhttps://www.facebook.com/China-Cultural-Center-in-Stockholm-110983273921638 Instagram: chinaculturalcenterinstockholmhttps://www.instagram.com/chinaculturalcenterinstockholm/
Tik Tok: cccinstockholmhttps://www.tiktok.com/@cccinstockholm 地址/Address:Västra Trädgårdsgatan 2, Stockholm
2004年,我到英国Middlesex大学,Forum for Future(未来论坛)和LEAD International国际领导力项目学习。这是三家一起办学,学完拿一个硕士学位,叫可持续发展领导力硕士,也是一个部分由洛克菲勒基金会资助的项目。当时,我想,我已经工作十五年了,把我那宝贵的青春也都献给了祖国的广播事业。我该想想未来。我已经快四十岁了。还没有成家,所以,我就赶紧地抓住机会学习,也借此机会完成了我个人的终身大事。 同时,我也想知道到底什么是可持续发展。