中华人民共和国驻瑞典特命全权大使桂从友阁下开启“2021年瑞典欢乐春节”庆典活动,祝在瑞华侨华人和各界中瑞友人牛年吉祥如意!H.E. Mr. Gui Congyou, Ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Sweden, unveils 2021 “Happy Chinese New Year” online celebration in Sweden and wishes all overseas Chinese in Sweden, Chinese and Swedish friends in all sectors of society a Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox!
中华人民共和国驻瑞典特命全权大使桂从友阁下致辞 Remarks by Ambassador Gui Congyou
过去的一年,新冠疫情肆虐全球,许多活动不得不暂停或取消。通过斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心、在瑞华侨华人以及中、瑞各界友人的共同努力,2021年“欢乐春节”从线下走到线上,以全新的形式推出,节目丰富多彩,充满着浓郁而温馨的中国年味。各位新老朋友足不出户就能感受丰富多彩的中国春节文化魅力。Over the past year, COVID-19 has been raging around the world, causing many events to be suspended or cancelled. Thanks to the joint efforts of China Cultural Center in Stockholm, overseas Chinese in Sweden and Swedish friends, 2021 “Happy Chinese New Year” is able to continue online this year. This year’s activities include all kinds of virtual exhibitions, performances, lectures and interactive experiences, creating a warm and typical Chinese New Year atmosphere. Old and new friends can feel the colorful charm of Chinese Spring Festival culture without leaving home.
“欢乐春节”全球启动仪式及开幕音乐会 “Happy Chinese New Year” Global Opening Ceremony and Concert
“欢乐春节”是中国对外文化交流覆盖最广、参与人数最多、海外影响最大的综合性品牌活动,迄今已在瑞典举办十八届,增进了中瑞两国人民的了解和友谊。”Happy Chinese New Year” is a comprehensive brand of China’s external cultural exchange with the widest coverage, the largest number of participants and the greatest overseas influence. So far, 18 editions have been held in Sweden that have facilitated mutual understanding and friendship between Chinese and Swedish people.
2021“欢乐春节”开幕演出 中瑞线上联欢会 2021 “Happy Chinese New Year” Online Gala
节目单Program 歌曲《我的深情为你守候》/ 杨筱音Female Solo: My Affection Awaits You / Yang Xiaoyin 舞蹈《雪国的新年祝福》/ 桑娜·祖马林Dance: New Year’s Greetings from Winter Wonderland / Sanna Zommarin
古琴演奏《良宵引》、《梅花三弄》/ 邓红Guqin Solo: Tune for a Peaceful Night; Three Variations on the Plum Blossoms / Deng Hong 儿童歌曲串烧:《春晓》/ 樊晨曦;《读唐诗》/ 赵欣慧;《游子吟》/ 瑞蔼龄;《祖国、祖国我爱你》/ 张雨然Children’s Song Mix: Spring Morning / Fan Chenxi Reading Tang Poetry / Zhao Xinhui Song of the Parting Son / Elin ReiniusMotherland, I Love You / Zhang Yuran
扬琴演奏 《节日的天山》/ 杨晶莹 Yangqin (Chinese Dulcimer) Solo: Festival on Tianshan / Yang Jingying
钢琴曲《山丹丹开花红艳艳》/ 唐诗雨Piano Solo: Red Lilies Crimson and Bright / Tang Shiyu 《京剧小段 – 新春祝福》/ 郝景霞Peking Opera: Blessings for the Spring / Hao Jingxia
2021“欢乐春节”线上庆典将持续至2月26日(农历正月十五元宵节),为大家带来各种有趣的在线体验,敬请关注! 2021 “Happy ChineseNew Year” online celebration will last until February 26 (the Lantern Festival) in Sweden to share with you a variety of virtual experiences. Follow us and enjoy! 《过年》剪纸动画Paper Cut Animation Chinese New Year
Longquan Celadon Experience Tour
Happy Chinese New Year of the Ox: Virtual Exhibition of Chinese Zodiac Design
Red Plum Blossoms Chinese Chamber Concert
A Taste of China: Chinese New Year Gourmet Workshop
The Luster of Wood and Color: The Virtual Exhibition of Woodcut New Year Paintings
Ice show: Acrobatics on Ice
National Dance Drama: Follow The Mother River
Chords of the New Year: Spring Festival Symphonic Concert
中国年:文化与设计Chinese New Year: Culture and Design
在线•互动•轻课堂《话年俗•看技艺•读文化——品品春节的味道》Customs · Technique · Culture – Elements of Chinese New Year
牛气冲天——国际友人的“中国年味”Bullish – A Taste of Chinese New Year by Foreign Friends
京昆线上贺岁《兰陵王》、《真假美猴王》 Peking Opera and Kun Opera: The Prince of Lanling and The Real vs. The Fake Monkey King
A Show to the World: Picturesque Zhejiang – Online Exhibition of Dynamic Zhejiang Culture and Tourism
“新年纳余庆,嘉节号长春”,这幅春联寓意新年享受着先代的遗泽,佳节预示着春意常在,承载着人们对社会安宁祥和的祈盼。祝大家新春快乐,2021吉祥如意! “Enjoy ancestors’ legacy in the New Year; the joyous festival heralds the everlasting spirit of the spring.” This spring festival couplet has been carrying people’s hope for peace and social harmony for centuries. China Cultural Center in Stockholm hereby wishes you a Happy Chinese New Year and all the best in 2021!
中心官网/Website: https://www.cccstockholm.org/ Facebook: China Cultural Center in Stockholmhttps://www.facebook.com/China-Cultural-Center-in-Stockholm-110983273921638 Instagram: chinaculturalcenterinstockholmhttps://www.instagram.com/chinaculturalcenterinstockholm/
Tik Tok: cccinstockholmhttps://www.tiktok.com/@cccinstockholm 地址/Address:Västra Trädgårdsgatan 2, Stockholm
中秋节是中华民族重要的传统节日,有着古老的传说和动人的故事,承载着人类对团圆和睦、美好生活的愿景。2020年9月28日,由文化和旅游部国际交流与合作局主办,中外文化交流中心、斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心承办的大型品牌活动“天涯共此时——中秋节”线上文化周盛大启幕,为瑞典朋友们呈现一出异彩纷呈的线上庆典。Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese festival representing people’s wishes for a harmonious and prosperous life. Today, online event “Mid-Autumn Festival: A Moonmoment to Remember” hosted by the Bureau of International Exchange and Cooperation of China’s Ministry of Culture and Tourism and jointly organized by the Network of International Culturalink Entities and China Cultural Center inStockholm is launched to celebrate the festival and present a colorful series of online shows to Swedish friends.
The event centers on inheritance of Mid-Autumn Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival culture, contemporary China and Mid-Autumn Festival and travel and leisure during the festival, displaying a variety of activities, including online exhibitions and concerts, short video display, streaming and mini training classes, etc., to reveal people’s wishes for harmonious coexistence and healthy and happy life.
“Mid-Autumn Festival: A Moonmoment to Remember” Online Cultural Week will last till October 5, building a channel that transcends time, space and national boundaries, enabling us to stand on the same planet and tell our stories under the same bright full moon. We sincerely invite you to follow our official website, Wechat official account, Facebook page and Tik Tok to enjoy a colorful Mid-Autumn Festival!
“Mid-Autumn Festival: A Moonmoment to Remember” Online Cultural Week
Virtual Exhibition: All About Mid-Autumn Festival
中秋是丰收的季节,硕果累累是大自然对辛勤劳作的回报。中秋有饱满的圆月,银色月光寄托人们对家庭团聚的情思。中秋是自然的定格与循环,诠释着古人“天人合一”理念。中秋节,这是一个祈盼人间万般圆满的美好节日。 Mid-autumn is the harvest season, and abundant crops are nature’s reward for a year’s hard work. The Mid-Autumn Festival, with its iconic full moon, embodies people’s longing for family reunion. Mid-Autumn Festival is part of the annual cycle, illustrating the concept of “unity of man and nature” from ancient China, a celebration of happiness and contentment.
Guided by a fluffy moon bunny, the virtual exhibition goes through various sections including “Encountering the Mid-Autumn Festival”, “Mid-Autumn Festival Customs” and “More to learn about the Mid-Autumn Festival”. Using virtual 3D immersive displays to integrate audiovisual content, games and animation, the exhibit introduces the origin of the Mid-Autumn Festival, folk culture and the time-honored values of family and harmony.
Mid-Autumn Festival is originated in China, but is celebrated around the world. We share the moon, the earth and human civilization itself. We wish each other a long and happy life to share the beautiful moonlight, even though we may be miles apart.
The variety show The Oriental Beauty in Blossom is performed by artists from China Oriental Song and Dance Troupe. Centered on the theme of “moon”, the stage recreates classical Chinese architecture and a mesmerizing festive atmosphere. Audiences are able to connect with the heartwarming emotions and receive the good wishes transcending time and space.
节目单 / Programme
Dance:Blossoming Jasmine
编导:周莉亚、刘翠Scenarists: Zhou Liya and Liu Cui
表演:王海田、于洋、袁嘉莹、路诗瑶 等Performers: Wang Haitian, Yu Yang, Yuan Jiaying, and Lu Shiyao et al. 在浓郁江南气息的旋律中,以灵动的精美展现中国符号,摇曳生姿、翩然而至。In the rhythm with the strong style of the Riverside towns in South China, it shows Chinese symbols with flexible exquisiteness. They are so charming and comes with lightness.
Dance:The Rats Fight and Frolic编导:陈锐Scenarist: Chen Rui表演:赵幸龙、张峻赫、何仲达、丁太聪、肖金宇Performers: Zhao Xinglong, Zhang Junhe, He Zhongda, Ding Taicong and Xiao Jinyu 五鼠相争,嬉笑怒骂,百态众生。演透世间万象,一笑尽释前尘。Five rats compete with each other, making fun with different forms. They perform different phenomena in the world and forget the past with smiles.
Instrumental music performance: The Sing of the Sun and Moon by Guzheng作曲:邓翊群Composer: Deng Yiqun编配:曲大卫Orchestrator: Qu Dawei古筝:赵洁楠Guzheng: Zhao Jienan钢琴:曲大卫Piano: Qu Dawei打击乐:陈崴Percussion music: Chen Wei曲目以民乐的铿锵演奏传递中国古典文化中的铁血柔情。The track shows tenderness of determined people in the Chinese classical culture through the powerful performance of folk music.
Opera dance :Elegance of Peking Opera编导:刘翠、李冬子、滕宇Scenarists: Liu Cui, Li Dongzi and Teng Yu男旦:孙根The male Dan: Sun Gen大武生:文畅Martial role: Wen Chang表演:龚莹、程笑园、韩旭、王紫晨 等Performers: Gong Ying, Cheng Xiaoyuan, Han Xu, and Wang Zichen et al. 戏曲传统的男旦演绎雍容,华贵,端庄,典雅,似牡丹吐蕊之繁茂,如霓裳羽衣之华美!The woman’s character(a male in female disguise) in traditional opera is elegant, luxury, dignified, and graceful. It is as luxuriant as stamens of peonies and it is as magnificent as rainbow-colored and feathered costumes!
Dance:The Rabbit Invites the Moon编导:刘翠Scenarist: Liu Cui表演:王晶、孙鹏、王祖鹏、何仲达Performers: Wang Jing, Sun Peng, Wang Zupeng, and He Zhongda 卯兔邀月,月上影翩跹,月下意缠绵。一花一叶一堂春,一生一世一双人。The rabbits invite the moon with the light shadow and lingering below the moon. The flower and the leaf decorate the hall in spring, we shall accompany each other through this life.
Magic: Be Extremely Delighted编导:曲蕾Scenarist: Qu Lei表演:曲蕾、崔嵘崴Performers: Qu Lei and Cui Rongwei 在巧妙的变化中,将最中国的服饰、色彩与中秋的情思,串联起一幅月圆人团圆的美好图景。In the skillful changes, the costumes with the Chinese style, colors and affections of the Mid-Autumn Festival link together to create a beautiful scene of family reunion under the full moon.
Dance:The Rooster Reincarnates编导:刘翠Scenarist: Liu Cui表演:孟庆旸Performer: Meng Qingyang 酉鸡傲立,风姿卓然!啼鸣于天下,唤醒东方灿烂!接引祥瑞普降,举世惊叹!The rooster stands proudly with the magical charm! It crows to arouse brilliance of the orient! It guides the arrival of auspicious sign and makes the world feel amazing! 月升Moon lifting
Dance :Raising the Wine Cup and Ask the Blue Sky编导:何利山Scenarist: He Lishan表演:孙根、张翰、阿尔曼、王校渲 等Performers: Sun Gen, Zhang Han, Arman and Wang Xiaoxuan et al. 源自宋代词人苏轼的《水调歌头》,以水墨元素的古典舞蹈,传递举杯邀明月的情思。It comes from the Prelude to Water Melody of Su Shi, a ci poet in the Song Dynasty. With the classical dance of Chinese ink painting elements, it transfers the affection of inviting the moon with drinks.
Song:The Moon & Birds in Haziness作词:琼瑶Lyricist: Qiong Yao作曲:古月Composer: Gu Yue演唱:徐晶晶Performer: Xu Jingjing 月朦胧鸟朦胧 萤火照夜空The moon & birds in hazinessGlowworms lighten the night sky.山朦胧树朦胧 秋虫在呢哝The mountains & birds in hazinessAutumn insects are whispering.花朦胧夜朦胧 晚风叩帘胧Flowers & night in hazinessNight breeze knocks at the curtain.灯朦胧人朦胧 但愿同入梦Lamps & people in hazinessIt hopes to fall asleep together.
Dance:National Beauty and Heavenly Fragrance编导:刘翠Scenarist: Liu Cui表演:孟庆旸、管洁、单羽、闫凤瑜、王一婷 等Performers: Meng Qingyang, Guan Jie, Shan Yu, Yan Fengyu and Wang Yiting et al. 全景式还原《簪花仕女图》中的仕女人物,再现一幅雍容华贵的盛唐画卷。The program restores the image of the maidens in the Portrait of a Flower-wearing Maid in a panoramic way,revealing the magnificent and luxury scenery of the flourishing Tang Dynasty.
String music sextet :Elixir of Love演奏:中国交响乐团Performer: China National Symphony Orchestra欢快轻盈的旋律表现月下花丛中轻歌曼舞的幸福场景,传递人间圆满的美好祝愿。The cheerful and light rhythm shows the happy scene of light dance in flowers below the moon, expressing the best wish of successfulness of the mortal world. 月圆Full moon
Percussion music and dance:The Horses Gallop in the Clouds编导:沈晨Scenarist: Shen Chen表演:曾明、陈锐、孙根、杨一鹏、崔嶸巍、肖金宇、丁太聪、庞冠宇 等Performers: Zeng Ming, Chen Rui, Sun Gen, Yang Yipeng, Cui Rongwei, Xiao Jinyu, Ding Taicong, and Pang Guanyu et al. 旭日东升,万马奔腾!马蹄激荡、马首昂扬,越过重峦,追风逐日,驰骋九霄云海!The sun rises in the east and the horses gallop! Heads held high and hooves beating against the ground, they cross the mountains, as if chasing the wind, the sun and the clouds!
出 品:中国东方演艺集团Presented by: China Oriental Performing Arts Group Co.,Ltd演 出:中国东方歌舞团Performer: China Oriental Song and Dance Troupe出品人:景小勇Producer: Jing Xiaoyong总监制:高 艾Senior producer: Gao Ai监 制:史自文、陈新华、刘鹏、何利山Supervisors: Shi Ziwen, Chen Xinhua, Liu Peng and He Lishan导 演:刘翠、刘鑫Directors: Liu Cui and Liu Xin文学撰稿:徐珺蕊Copywriter: Xun Junrui英文翻译:Translator(English): Wang Chengze摄制、后期制作:中国东方演艺集团舞美中心影视组Camera crew and post-production: Film & TV Group of Stage Art Center in China Oriental Performing Arts Group拍摄场地:东苑戏楼Site: Dongyuan Theatrical Stage鸣 谢:龙泽五洲国际文化投资(北京)有限责任公司Acknowledgement: Longze Wuzhou International Cultural Investment (Beijing) Co., Ltd.
中心官网/Website: https://www.cccstockholm.org/ Facebook: China Cultural Center in Stockholmhttps://www.facebook.com/China-Cultural-Center-in-Stockholm-110983273921638 Tik Tok: cccinstockholmhttps://www.tiktok.com/@cccinstockholm 地址/Address:Västra Trädgårdsgatan 2, Stockholm
Jay Chou, one of the most iconic Chinese pop music artists for the post-80s and 90s generations. His music can always pinpoint and reflect your emotions and thoughts. On the 20th anniversary of his first album, he released a single Mojito that went viral on the internet with his typical music style featuring an integration of Chinese and Western elements. The relaxed and dynamic melodies showing rich Latin American characteristics and the sweet lyrics expressing love remind you of the beautiful memories in the youth.
After the single was released on June 12, a wave of “Mojito fever” started spreading online as people were sharing photos of sipping mojito in the bars, cafes or equally exquisite homemade cocktails on social media. Havana, Cuba, home of mojito, made the travel lists of more people. While on the other side of the planet, on the vast land of Northern Europe, what drinks are brewed here?
Tina Stafrén/imagebank.sweden.se 自史前时代以来,谷物就是斯堪的纳维亚最重要的食物来源,烹饪方式也多种多样:煮粥、烤面包、作为配料制成其他食物,或是发酵酿成啤酒。经过漫长的发展,许多饮品的传统却几乎未曾改变:mjöd蜂蜜酒、麦芽啤酒、圣诞葡萄汁julmust以及谷物或马铃薯酿成的烈酒schnapps等等。 Since prehistoric time, cereals have been the most important source of food in Scandinavia and there were many ways of using it – boil to porridge, bake bread, as ingredients in other foods and of course, ferment it to make beer. The beverages have been developing for a long time, though many have remained almost the same; mjöd made of honey, beer and julmust from malt, schnapps from grain or potatoes, etc.
Image by Meritt Thomas Mjöd, or mead in English, is an alcoholic beverage made by fermenting honey, water and yeast, the Vikings’ favorite. Different herbs, fruits, grains or spices can be added to create various flavors. In the epic poem Beowulf, the hero of Geats, a tribe in modern southern Sweden, aided the king of the Danes to defeat monster Grendel. The place where they held feasts and drank mjöd were called “mead hall”. In China, records of mead can date back to BC 780 during the Western Zhou dynasty in the emperor’s banquets. It was popular during the Tang and Song dynasties – as recorded in Compendium of Materia Medica by Li Shizhen in the Ming dynasty, Sun Simiao, the King of Medicine in China, used mead to treat diseases such as rubella.
In January 1733, sailors of the Swedish East India Company found Batavia Arrack, a double pot-stilled “rum” based on sugarcane molasses on an unplanned stop in Batavia (now Jakarta) on the Island of Java, Indonesia. For the long sail back to Gothenburg, “punch” was created, and so was the tradition of Swedish Punsch. Punsch consists of spirit (Batavia Arrack), sugar, citrus/acidic wine, spice/tea and water. A glass of warm punsch with ärtsoppa—pea and ham soup—was a common Thursday-night tradition;even today, special occasions are frequently toasted with punsch.
Helena Wahlman/imagebank.sweden.se Glögg, or mulled wine, is a warm beverage best enjoyed during the cold weeks leading up to Christmas. It tastes even better if you drink it with gingerbread snaps. As a popular feature at Swedish outdoors Christmas fairs, glögg is usually made of red wine, sugar, spices such as cinnamon, cardamom, ginger, cloves, and optionally also stronger spirits such as vodka or brandy. There are non-alcoholic versions as well. Glögg can be bought ready-made in cups or bottles, or made from prepared spice packages, or from scratch. In Sweden, this is a beverage consumed almost exclusively during the Christmas season, usually with raisins and blanched almonds added.
Tina Stafrén/imagebank.sweden.se瑞典蒸馏制作schnapps烈酒的历史可以追溯到15世纪晚期。最初用于药物治疗,之后,会在酒中加入草药和香料,更加有益于健康。到了17世纪,schnapps日益大众化,并成为瑞典人的传统饮品。至今,在瑞典人的圣诞和仲夏节餐桌上,仍然会提供鲱鱼、面包、奶酪和调入茴芹、茴香或枯茗等香料的schnapps烈酒,更不能少了传统的祝酒歌。
小龙虾派对 Crayfish Party – Tina Stafrén/imagebank.sweden.se Schnapps has been distilled in Sweden since the late 1400s. It was first used as a medication and herbs and spices were added to increase the salutary effects. Schnapps became more commonplace in the 1600s and has been a part of Swedish culinary traditions. Still the Swedish people commence both Christmas and Midsummer feast with herring, bread, cheese and schnapps spiced mostly with anise, fennel or cumin, followed by traditional drinking songs.
Image by Pasi Mämmelä According to the famous Swedish food researcher Richard Tellström, it requires six times more malt and therefore cereals to make strong beer, so it is only used at feasts; slåtteröl (harvest beer), gravöl (funeral beer), barnsöl (baptizing beer) and most importantly, julöl (Christmas beer). Svagdricka (weak beer) is served for daily use and is still common at Christmas. Julmust 圣诞葡萄汁
Image by Aurelie Luylier Must葡萄汁是瑞典节庆宴会中最常出现的非酒精饮料,由麦芽、啤酒花及多种香料酿制而成。上世纪初,瑞典圣诞特饮julmust面世,成为啤酒和schnapps烈酒的替代品。在其他节日期间,也会看到must的身影,比如复活节时的påskmust和仲夏节前后的sommarmust。 Must is still one of the most popular non alcoholic malt beverages for feasts in Sweden, made of malt, hop and a variety of spices. And julmust (Christmas must) was launched in the beginning of last century as an alternative to beer and schnapps. It is called påskmust during Easter and sommarmust around Midsummer.
Tina Stafrén/imagebank.sweden.se 在这片寒冷的土地,饮酒是再正常不过的事。大量本可制成食物的土豆和谷物被酿成了酒类。19世纪初,瑞典建立了首个规范适量饮酒的组织。1914年,酒类实行定量配给制,直至1955年被废除,并成立了国营酒类商店Systembolaget。尽管瑞典法定饮酒年龄为18岁,但是必须年满21岁才可以在Systembolaget消费。 Drinking is wide spread in these cold latitudes and large quantities of potatoes and cereals that could have been used as food are distilled in almost every household. In the beginning of the 19th century, the first organization for moderate drinking was created. A little later, in 1914, rationing was imposed which lasted until 1955, when Systembolaget was founded as a part of the sobriety movement, a special shop only for alcoholic beverages which had limited opening hours and only sold to people over 21 years old.
烈酒博物馆 Museum of Spirits – Tina Stafrén/imagebank.sweden.se 即使在地中海葡萄酒文化的强烈影响下,瑞典的酒文化依然有其独树一帜的魅力。从产于瑞典南部并风靡全球的绝对伏特加(Absolut Vodka),到继承与创新并存的本土酿酒厂,将古老的传统不断传承发展。 Even with strong influences from the Mediterranean wine culture, many smaller local breweries are arising with both traditional old recipes and newer creations besides the world famous Absolut Vodka manufactured in southern Sweden. So the deep rooted traditions continue to develop.