北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 王恩博)报道:中国正努力促进形成强大国内市场。中国国家发展和改革委员会副主任兼国家统计局局长宁吉喆24日在北京表示,此举意义很大,需从四方面着力。
四是着力推进产业升级,这是调结构、促发展的积极举措。相关措施包括完善5G、人工智能等新型基础设施,深入推进战略性新兴产业集群发展工程;加强传统制造业重点领域技术改造;积极推动制造业与生产型服务业融合发展等。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
Category Archives: China
2019世界制造业大会签约项目638个 投资总额7351亿元
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 夏莹)报道:2019世界制造业大会成果新闻发布会24日在安徽合肥举行。据介绍,此届大会集中签约项目638个,投资总额达7351亿元(人民币,下同),项目数、投资总额分别较去年增长46%和64%。
2019世界制造业大会由中国工业和信息化部、科技部、商务部和安徽省人民政府等11家单位共同主办,大会还发布了《2019世界制造业大会合肥倡议》。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈毅雪霏)
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 张蔚然 黄钰钦)报道:9月23日,设在北京梅地亚宾馆的庆祝新中国成立70周年活动新闻中心正式启动对外接待服务。
新闻中心网站已于9月21日开通。同时,为方便中外记者通过更多渠道了解新闻中心各项服务内容和相关信息,新闻中心还开设了微信公众号,并首次开设新浪微博账号和今日头条号。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 李亚南)报道:中国国家卫生健康委员会扶贫办专职副主任曾云光23日在北京表示,中国近年来深入推进健康扶贫工作,努力实现贫困人口基本医疗有保障。目前,农村贫困人口的大病、重病住院医疗费用报销比例达90%左右。
曾云光说:“我们将进一步聚焦聚力深度贫困地区,加大指导支持力度,到2020年全面打赢健康扶贫攻坚战。”(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
首届中欧篮球冠军杯落幕 上赛季CBA亚军新疆队夺冠
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 韩璐)报道:22日,首届中欧篮球冠军杯结束了3天的赛程在重庆落幕。最终,来自中国男子篮球职业联赛(以下简称CBA)的新疆队以两胜一负的战绩夺冠,俄罗斯诺夫哥罗德俱乐部和来自CBA的广东队分获第二、三名。
而另一只来自CBA的球队广东队,则在头号球星易建联缺席的情况下,以1胜2负的战绩获得季军。除了在揭幕战对阵德国EWE奥尔登堡俱乐部的比赛中取得开门红,在后面的比赛中,广东队分别输给老对手新疆队和俄罗斯诺夫哥罗德俱乐部,无缘冠军争夺。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 王晓斌)报道:第四十八届世界海洋矿产大会23日在海南三亚开幕,来自中、美、英、德等超过20个国家和地区的近200名专家学者将在五天的会期中,针对环境、规程和技术等方面内容就如何可持续开发海底矿产资源展开探讨。
世界海洋矿产大会由总部在美国夏威夷的国际海洋矿产协会(International Marine Mineral Society,简称IMMS)组织召开,是目前全球海洋矿产研究与开发领域参与范围最广,规模最大且最具影响力的国际会议,至今已有40余年历史,每年9-10月在不同会员所在国城市举办。
本届大会主办地三亚濒临深海,距1000米深度的海域航程仅80海里,对于海洋矿产开发研究有着天然的优势。近年来,三亚加速集聚国内优势海洋开发利用相关资源,中国科学院深海科学与工程研究所、招商局工业集团有限公司、中国船舶工业集团有限公司等国内优势海洋开发利用相关单位相继进驻。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 郭超凯)报道:北京时间9月23日5时10分,中国在西昌卫星发射中心用长征三号乙运载火箭及配套远征一号上面级,以“一箭双星”方式成功发射第47、48颗北斗导航卫星。
此次发射的北斗导航卫星和配套运载火箭(及配套远征一号上面级)分别由中国航天科技集团有限公司所属的中国空间技术研究院和中国运载火箭技术研究院抓总研制。这是长征系列运载火箭的第312次飞行。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
波兰开拓中国—东盟市场 深化“一带一路”合作
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 黄令妍)报道:波兰共和国驻中国大使赛熙军表示,波兰有意开拓欧洲以外的广阔市场,进一步推动与中国—东盟区域的经贸往来,深化“一带一路”合作。
波兰商会副会长Marek Kloczko表示,中国—东盟博览会搭建了波兰与东盟国家交流的新平台,将为波兰企业更好地融入“一带一路”建设,打开中国和东盟市场,寻找投资合作伙伴创造机遇。
广西与东盟陆海相连,是21世纪海上丝绸之路和丝绸之路经济带有机衔接的重要门户,广西与波兰贸易保持较快增长势头。广西壮族自治区副主席秦如培在中国—波兰企业家圆桌会上表示,当前中国(广西)自贸试验区获批,广西建设面向东盟的金融开放门户进入实施阶段,将促进广西和“一带一路”沿线国家开放合作迈上新台阶,也为波兰打开新兴市场带来机遇。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
Chinese Embassy in Sweden holds grand celebration on the 70th anniversary of the National Day
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Sept. 20(Greenpost) Chinese Ambassador to Sweden Gui Congyou has said that China has achieved the great leap forward from standing up to being healthy and wealthy.

He made the remark at a grand celebration over the 70th anniversary of China’s National Day held in the Grand Hotel in Stockholm.
“Seventy years ago, the founding of the People’s Republic opened a new era for the Chinese nation. From then on, the Chinese people drove away all foreign invaders and ended more than a hundred years of humiliation. China was lifted from a semi-colonial state into an independent sovereign country. The Chinese people overthrew the rule of feudalism and bureaucrat-capitalism, and became owners of the country for the first time.
China ended the fighting between warlords and brought the divided country back into one that is solidary, united, peaceful and stable. The Chinese people started to shake off poverty and backwardness and embarked on a path of economic development and improvement of people’s life. Chinese people started to eliminate various types of epidemics and put in place a robust health care system.
The founding of new China boosted the national liberation movements across Asia, Africa and Latin America, which advanced global progress and promoted peace, democracy, progress and development for human kind.” Gui said.

Over the 70 years especially the 40 years of reform and opening up, tremendous and rapid changes in China transformed the country. In 2018, China’s GDP exceeded 90 trillion RMB, more than 1,300 times as that of 1952 on an absolute value basis, and China became the second largest economy in the world; GDP per capita of China today is nearly 10,000 USD, nearly 550 times of that of 1952; foreign trade stands at USD 4.6 trillion today, over 4000 times of that of 1952, making China the largest country in trade in the world. Over the past 40 years, the share of China’s GDP in the world increased from 1.8% to 16%, and China has been the engine for global growth, contributing over 30% annually. China is the second largest destination for global investment, attracting 98% of top 500 companies to invest.
At the same time, various social undertakings in China also made significant progress. The population under absolute poverty in China was reduced from over 700 million 40 years ago to less than 10 million today, contributing 90% to global poverty reduction. Life expectancy increased from 35 years in 1949 to 77 years in 2018. Illiteracy rate was reduced from 80% to the current 4.9%. China has successfully addressed the issue of run-down areas in major cities, with per capita housing area reaching 45m²and private houses accounting for 70%. China built up the largest education system in the world, with average education years at 13.5 years per person. China has the largest number of R&D personnel and the second largest number of international science papers and citations in the world. The number of patent applications and grants in China ranks the first in the world. The capacity under construction in wind, hydro, solar and nuclear power in China ranks first in the world, and the proportion of coal-fired power in the energy portfolio decreased from 80% to 60%. China is also the first country to successfully address desertification and realize the receding of desert and advancement of inhabitants.
Over the past 70 years, the Chinese people realized a tremendous transformation from standing up to becoming better-off, achieving what took developed countries several centuries to achieve. Today, socialism with Chinese characteristics has entered a new era, and is advancing towards the dream of building China into a great modern socialist country.

China is still yet to realize complete reunification. A stronger China does not mean we will attack, bully or take from others, rather it means we can better protect ourselves from being attacked or bullied by others, better defend against others invading and robbing what is ours, and protect our sovereignty, security, territorial integrity and development interests. China will continue to commit itself to domestic development. No matter how much progress we make, we will follow defense-oriented foreign and defense policies, seek to co-exist in peace with all other countries and pursue win-win cooperation. China will never take an expansionist path, and will never seek its development at the expense of others. China will continue to be committed to expanding opening up, and its door will only open up wider, since we are keenly aware that isolation leads to backwardness, and backwardness leaves one vulnerable. We welcome exchanges with all other countries with open arms. The 1.4 billion Chinese people, which account for 1/5 of world population, getting stronger, is an important force for human development and world peace and security, and major contribution to addressing various global threats and challenges.
Gui noted that on 9 May 1950, Sweden became the first Western country to go beyond differences in political systems and ideologies and establish diplomatic relations with China, and helped with China’s development and reform and opening up. It benefited China, Sweden and the whole world. Today we have with us many Swedish friends that have been devoted to China-Sweden friendship and China’s development. The Chinese people are grateful for that and will never forget you! China’s development has entered a new era. Next year we are going to celebrate the 70thAnniversary of China-Sweden diplomatic relations, which presents our bilateral relations with new opportunities. On the basis of mutual respect, equality and non-interference, the Chinese side is willing to strengthen engagement, dialogue, communication and consultations with Sweden, and exchange state governance practices. Building on the rapid growth in the past two years, trade between China and Sweden grew by another 3.7% from January to August this year, exceeding USD 10 billion, and the Swedish side continues to maintain a surplus.
He stressed that China is willing to further expand trade and investment cooperation with Sweden, and explore cooperation in new areas such as tackling climate change, innovation, sustainable development and smart cities. It is hoped that China and Sweden will remain true to the original aspirations when we established diplomatic ties, join hands together for the development of our two countries and for a better world, and make due contributions to building a community with a shared future for human kind.

Swedish Foreign Trade Minister Anna Halberg also attended the reception and spoke highly of China’s great contribution to the United Nations.
“We recognized China’s contribution to the United Nations and we like to continue to work together with China. “
She said she is happy to see the increase of import and export from and to China over the past two years. She said China has become the largest trading partner with Sweden in Asia. And she is glad to see this trend continues.
She admits that Sweden and China has different opinions in certain issues, but she also promised to continue the dialogue and find a channel to talk.

Swedish State Secretary in Foreign Affair Ministry also attended the celebration on behalf of the Foreign Minister.
In addition, Swedish Army, Navy and Airforces Generals also attended the reception. They will send a large troupe to attend the October dubbed Military Olympics to be held in Wuhan, Hubei Province in China.
A total of 600 Chinese and Swedish guests from all walks of life in Sweden including overseas Chinese attended the grand celebration on Friday.
Photo and Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社(记者 李洋)报道:中国文字丝路行——《汉字》国际巡展当地时间20日晚在法国里昂证券宫揭幕。
此次展览由经济日报社、中国侨联、中国驻里昂总领事馆牵头,中国文字博物馆联合河南省侨联、河南省人民政府新闻办公室等单位承办。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
中国的发展将给世界带来什么?对于这一问题,时间无疑给出了最好的回答。70年来的发展早已证明,中国给世界带来的是机遇不是威胁,是和平不是动荡,是进步不是倒退。新时代的中国,将继续为世界经济增长开辟新空间,为国际贸易和投资搭建新平台,为增进各国民生福祉作出新贡献。(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou on China’s Achievements and Challenges
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
October 1 marks the 70th anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China. Upon this date, Xuefei Chen Axelsson had an exclusive interview with Ambassador Gui Congyou on Sept. 14, 2019.
Stockholm, Sept. 16(Greenpost) – Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou has said that Chinese people under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, CPC, through unremitting efforts and hard work of the past 70 years, have experienced profound economic and social transformation from a poor and weak China to a relatively healthy wealthy society。This is a historic leap forward towards our goal of realizing the great rejuvenation of China.

Ambassador Gui made this remark during an exclusive interview with Xuefei Chen Axelsson, chief editor and founder of Green Post(www.greenpost.se) , a Swedish Chinese media aiming at promoting sustainable development in Sweden and building bridge between China and Sweden.
“Over the past 70 years, especially over the past 40 years of development, over 1.3 billion people have all used mobile phones and internet in addition to having enough food and clothes. China’s contribution to world economic development surpasses 30 percent. China continues to be the second largest destination of foreign direct investment. China becomes more open minded and more confident than before. Such a China will create more opportunities for the world. ” said Gui.
A series of figures show that Chinese people’s disposable per capita income has increased nearly 60 times more than that in 1949, 20 times more than that in 1978. China’s average life expectancy reaches 77 years old and over 800 million people have been lifted out of poverty.
“China has been a good member in safeguarding the world peace, a good peace builder, development contributor and international order keeper.”
Gui said that China has planned to completely eliminate absolute poverty by 2020 and realize modernization by 2035 and basically reach the middle developed countries level by 2050 and followed this road map to go forward step by step.
He said during this process, China also initiated the Belt and Road initiative and helped those countries who like to join this initiative and shared Chinese technologies and innovations, for example the Beidou Navigation system.
Talking about challenges ahead, Gui said the Chinese average GDP has not reached ten thousand dollars yet, which is less than 20 percent of the Swedish average GDP. Chinese development is not very balanced and western regions still need further development while eastern regions have developed much better.
By the end of next year, China still needs to eradicate the absolute poverty by 10 million people(which is equivalent almost the whole Swedish population).
Gui said China still faces the challenge of enjoying a better environment in some areas in China. But Chinese people are determined to solve its problems and challenges while developing further with higher quality. Through 70 years of development experiences, Chinese people are confident that they will realize their development goal along with achieving the United Nations 2030 development goals.
On Sino-Swedish relations, Ambassador Gui spoke highly of bilateral relations.
“About 260 years ago, Swedish Gothenburg Boat sailed to China and opened a marine route to China. Sweden became the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with China and signed technical cooperation agreements with China.”
During the new development era, China and Sweden have become the largest trade partners with each other between Nordic countries and Asia.
So far there are 9000 Chinese students studying in Sweden and becoming the largest number of overseas students group. In addition to Air China, Eastern Airline also opened direct flight between Stockholm and Shanghai coping with the increasing number of tourists. China EU express also opened its maiden voyage with Swedish timber export to China last year.
About his impression on Sweden, Ambassador Gui said that Swedish King Carl Gustav VXI told him to visit all over Sweden and have a good look when he met the King. And he did visit up north to the countryside, down to the south and east and west of Sweden. He felt Sweden is really beautiful.
He found Swedish people’s awareness of environmental protection and climate is high. And most of them are very friendly.
“I think Sweden and China are mutually complementary in green tech cooperation and environmental protection. We can deepen the cooperation in this and other fields. ” said Gui.
About the question with media, Ambassador Gui said that media is a bridge between the two sides by expressing opinions and stances of the two sides. Only when he found some media facts were not correct, he would like to point out the facts which provide with true information.
“I found those incorrect information show that the writer has never been to China or get a full picture about China. China has really made great progress over the past years. With the rapid development of new technology, such as internet and high speed train, China’s progress for the better also speeded up. Welcome Swedish media to visit China and have a good look. ” said Ambassador Gui.
Full Chinese version please see the following link.
北欧绿色邮报网援引中新社 ( 作者 林波 ) 报道: “爸爸中秋快乐”“爷爷中秋快乐”“太公中秋快乐”……9月13日,在浙江省宁波市宁海县梅林街道河洪村百岁老人何和水的家中,一家人正向他道着中秋的祝福。
“有太平盛世,才有百岁中秋。”又是一年月圆时,又是一年中秋月,跨过一个世纪的岁月长河,何和水直言,月满情满人团圆,“四世同堂过中秋,五世同堂犹可待。”(责任编辑查正富 主编陈雪霏)
CPPCC Vice Chairman and CAST President Wan Gang Visits Sweden
STOCKHOLM, Sept. 9th(Greenpost)– Wan Gang, Vice Chairman of Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference and President of China Association for Science and Technology(CAST) has given a presentation about Science and Technology Development in China over the past 70 years during his ongoing visit to Sweden.

Wan Gang said during this visit, his main purpose is to push forward bilateral scientific cooperation, scientists and students exchanges and propose the cooperation and joint research in both South Pole and North Pole as well as the third pole, which is the Qinghai Tibet Plateau.

He said he was very concerned about the climate change in the Qinghai Tibet Plateau which could cause severe damage to the nature and the people.
He also made a presentation report about China’s Science and Technology Development over the past 70 years in China.

The report was presented at the IVA conference center and moderated by Magnus Breidne, Vice President of the Royal Swedish Academy of Engineering Sciences.
“I am glad to have Wan Gang here. He is an old friend of us and he visited Sweden last year. He is Vice Chairman of CPPCC. He used to study in Germany and later went back to China to revolutionise China’s science and innovation. Today he will talk about China’s 70 years science and innovation”. said Breidne.
Professor Wan Gang got a Phd in engineering in Germany. He is Vice Chairman of the 13th National Committee of the CCPPC, President of the 9th National Committee of the China Association for Science and Technology and Chairman of the Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Party.
Wan Gang graduated with a bachelor degree from Northeast Forestry University in 1978 after which he joined its faculty. From 1979 to 1981, he was a postgraduate in experimental mechanics at the Structural Theories Research Institute of Tongji University,where he got his master’s degree in 1981 and served as a faculty member. Between 1985 and 1991, he studied and obtained doctorate at the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Technical University Clausthal in Germany. From 1991 to 2001, he worked in Audi Corporation in Germany.
During his presentation, Wan Gang explained why he resigned from Audi and went back to China. It was the former Ministry of Science and Technology Zhu Lilan who visited Germany and met him and asked him about new energy automobile, whether it was suitable to develop in China and why. Wan Gang explained and he found it was such a mission that he could shoulder the responsibility. So in January 2001, he took the post as dean of the New Energy Automobile Engineering Center, Tongji University in Shanghai, China. He worked successively as Assistant to President of Tongji University from August 2001 to Vice President from June 2003 and President from July 2004. In November 2006, he was elected Vice President of the Shanghai Association for Science and Technology. In December 2006, he became Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of China Zhi Gong Party and was elected Chairman in December 2007.
It means he is not a CPC party member. But he was promoted according to his capability. From April 2007 to March 2018, he served as Minister of Science and Technology for 11 years. From 2003, he served as member of the National Committee and its standing Committee of the 10th CPPCC, a political consultative conference working parallel with the National People’s Congress, the top legislative body. CPPCC functions as an advisor for NPC. A lot of large national projects were proposed by CPPCC members and then approved by NPC.
Wan Gang became Vice Chairman of the 11th CPPCC in March 2008 and successively that of the 12th and 13th CPPCC in March 2013 and March 2018 respectively. Since June 2016, Wan Gang was elected President of the 9th National Committee of CAST.
Established in 1958, CAST is a public organization for scientific and technological professionals, as well as the largest non profit science and technology organization in China. It consists of national-level learned societies, local associations for science and technology and grassroots organizations.
CAST is committed to serving science and technology professionals, promoting innovation-driven development, enhancing public scientific literary, and supporting the government’s policymaking concerning science and technology. It has also been dedicated to safeguarding the legal rights and interests of scientists, promoting academic exchange, organizing science and technology professions to push forward scientific and technological innovation, popularizing scientific and technological innovation, awakening young people’s enthusiasm for science and technology, commending excellent scientific and technological professionals and conducting international nongovernmental scientific and cultural exchanges.
Wan Gang said China is very open minded and likes to cooperate with all the countries in the world. So far it has cooperation with 160 countries and share scientific and technological achievement in many ways.
Wan Gang said for example China’s Beidou Navigation system, it can be used in the sea navigation system. So far about 50 thousand Chinese fishing boats installed Beidou Navigation system to avoid going across the borderline at sea. The system can also be used in the vast grassland to serve the farmers.
He said if the arctic organizations join the Belt and Road Initiative or initiate a cooperation mechanism with China, either with BRI or South Pole North Pole and the third Pole joint research projects, Beidou Navigation system can be shared and offer good navigation service for the boats at the sea and connected to the land too.

Over 100 scientists and students from both China and Sweden attended the presentation. Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou also attended the presentation and welcomed Vice Chairman Wan Gang.
Wan Gang’s visit marks the highest level visit this year from China.
Ambassador Gui Congyou expresses to SVT China’s solemn positions of firmly opposing “Hong Kong independence” and related riots
On 5 September, during an interview with SVT journalist, Ambassador Gui Congyou expressed China’s solemn positions on the current situation in Hong Kong.

Ambassador Gui said, a “Hong Kong separatist came to Sweden yesterday to propagate “Hong Kong independence”, and a few Swedish people joined her in a gathering and provided platform and support for her propaganda, which we firmly oppose. “Hong Kong independence” severely violates the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and the Basic Law of Hong Kong, and challenges the red line of the “one country, two systems” principle, which the nearly 1.4 billion Chinese people, including Hong Kong residents, strongly oppose. The “Hong Kong independence” rioters stormed the Hong Kong Legislative Council building, desecrated the national flag and emblem of China, assaulted police officers, tourists and journalists. Their violent behaviors have gone far beyond the scope of free expression of opinions and are definitely intolerable by any country or society under the rule of law.
Ambassador Gui said, we hope that people in Sweden will see clearly the nature of “Hong Kong independence” activities, explicitly support the “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong, explicitly oppose “Hong Kong independence” and extreme violence of Hong Kong separatists, rather than echo and support Hong Kong separatists and their extreme violent behaviors. Safeguarding the “one country, two systems” principle and the social stability, development and prosperity of Hong Kong serve the interests of the whole international community including Sweden. It is hoped that SVT will relay the above serious positions of China to the wide Swedish society.