Category Archives: China

Top news: Chinese Dongfeng Race Team win the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, June 25(Greenpost, Chineseonline)– Chinese Dongfeng Race Team won the Volvo Ocean Race 2017-18 in the closest pass in race history.

Skipper Charles Caudrelier led his team to victory on the final leg of the race, a 970-mile sprint from Gothenburg, Sweden to The Hague.

Incredibly, it marked the first leg win for the team — it couldn’t have come at a better time.

Three teams started Leg 11 of the race on Thursday in a dead heat on the overall leaderboard. The finishing order between MAPFRE, Team Brunel and Dongfeng Race Team at The Hague would determine their place on the overall race podium.

Each of those three teams led at various points on the leg and had their opportunities to grab the prize.

But it was Caudrelier and his crew who made a bold call on Saturday evening to take a coastal route to the finish, which squeezed them tight against the shoreline and separated from the other leaders by a series of Exclusion Zones.

“We were not in such a good position, but we trusted our choice and we pushed,” Caudrelier said. “The others didn’t follow us, but we believed and we won…”

The decision hurt the team in the short term as they tumbled down the leaderboard. But by Sunday morning, with less than 100 miles left to race, weather routing projections had the top boats finishing within minutes of each other. None had been able to break away overnight, despite the significant splits on the race course.

“We knew that we would fall behind initially and that if it came good it would only be at the end. The last position report (1300 UTC on Sunday) we were 27-miles from the finish and they were 20-miles and we thought it was over. But then I did a small weather routing and it showed we could end up one-mile ahead so I woke everyone up and said, ‘let’s push!’”

As the teams finally converged again on Sunday afternoon, just a few miles from the finish, it was Dongfeng Race Team, flying down the coast from the north sliding in front of the offshore group, to earn their first leg win, propelling Caudrelier’s team to overall victory.

“We always trusted each other. Nobody thought we were going to win this last leg, but I had a good feeling,” an emotional Caudrelier said, after thanking his supporters and team. “I said ‘we can’t lose, we can’t lose, we can’t lose’… and we won!”

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

The overall results make this the closest finish in the 45-year history of the race and marks the first win for a Chinese-flagged team. It also means Carolijn Brouwer and Marie Riou were on board as the first women sailors to win the Volvo Ocean Race.

Xabi Fernández’s MAPFRE was third on the leg, which put the team into second overall.

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

“It has been tough,” Fernández admitted. “We sailed very well the whole way around the world and on this leg as well, so naturally we’re a bit disappointed. We were very, very close this time, but it was not quite enough. So we have to say congratulations to Dongfeng who sailed a little bit better than us.”

Team Brunel skipper Bouwe Bekking would have liked nothing more than to win the race for the first time in eight tries with a home finish in The Netherlands. But it wasn’t to be. His fourth place leg finish left the team in third place overall.

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

“Third place, still on the podium, I think we can be pretty proud of that as a team,” he said. “We thought we had made the right choice (to go further offshore) and we expected a windshift. It came 90-minutes too late and that was the race. But that’s yacht racing. And of course we have to congratulate Dongfeng and MAPFRE for their results.”

Second place on the final leg into The Hague was Dutch skipper Simeon Tienpont and his team AkzoNobel, who had previously secured fourth place on the overall leaderboard.

“It’s incredible to finish on the podium in our hometown,” Tienpont said. “We would have loved to have been fighting into The Hague for the final podium but to have set the 24-hour speed record and to get six podium finishes in the race is a testament to the job everyone on our team – on the boat and on shore – have done.”

Vestas 11th Hour Racing had already been locked into fifth place on the scoreboard and after a promising start to Leg 11, had a disappointing seventh place finish on the leg.

“We have a great group of folks on this team,” skipper Charlie Enright said. “We’ve been through a lot and I’m not sure any other group could have dealt with the challenges we have faced the way we did. It’s something special and we’re going to continue to work together moving forward. This was a tough way to go out certainly, but we have one more opportunity with the In-Port Race this weekend.”

That In-Port Race, scheduled for Saturday afternoon, will determine the sixth and seventh place positions in this edition of the Volvo Ocean Race. Both SHK/Scallywag and Turn the Tide on Plastic finished the Volvo Ocean Race on equal points.

The tie-break mechanism is the In-Port Race Series, where David Witt’s Scallywag team currently holds the lead. But Dee Caffari’s Turn the Tide on Plastic is just three points behind and a strong finish on Saturday could lift them off the bottom of the leaderboard.

© Ainhoa Sanchez/Volvo Ocean Race

“We can’t help but smile today. We’ve done it,” said Caffari. “This leg was like the longest In-Port Race ever. A lot of corners to go around, and we gave it 100 per cent and left nothing in the tank.”

For David Witt, the finish was bittersweet the loss of John Fisher overboard in the Southern Ocean top of mind.

“I have very mixed emotions right now,” Witt said dockside immediately after finishing. “I’m incredibly proud of our team both on and off the water. We’re very tight and we have gone through a lot… But I’m also sad of course. I didn’t finish it with my best mate (John Fisher) who we started with. So very mixed emotions, but I’m glad we finished it.”

The teams will celebrate their accomplishments and take well-earned rest on Monday. The rest of the week will see activities in The Hague building towards the final In-Port Race and Awards Night on June 30.

Volvo Ocean Race Leg 11 Final Leaderboard — Saturday 23 June
1. Dongfeng Race Team – 3 days, 3 hours, 22 minutes, 32 seconds
2. team AkzoNobel – 3 days, 3 hours, 38 minutes, 31 seconds
3. MAPFRE – 3 days, 3 hours, 39 minutes, 25 seconds
4. Team Brunel – 3 days, 3 hours, 45 minutes, 52 seconds
5. Turn the Tide on Plastic – 3 days, 3 hours, 56 minutes, 56 seconds
6. SHK / Scallywag – 3 days, 4 hours, 01 minutes, 32 seconds
7. Vestas 11th Hour Racing – 3 days, 4 hours, 05 minutes, 36 seconds

Volvo Ocean Race Overall Points Leaderboard after Leg 11
1. Dongfeng Race Team – 73 points
2. MAPFRE – 70 points
3. Team Brunel – 69 points
4. team AkzoNobel – 59 points
5. Vestas 11th Hour Racing – 39 points
6. SHK / Scallywag – 32 points *
7. Turn the Tide on Plastic – 32 points *

* Should there be a tie on the overall race leaderboard at the end of the offshore legs, the In-Port Race Series standings will be used to break the tie.


SCT:Experience Chinese Embassy Open House in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM, June 13(Greenpost, Chineseonline)– Chinese Embassy in Sweden held Open House in Stockholm on Sunday.

Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou and his wife Madame Song Jingli who leads Sunshine class at the Embassy and the whole Embassy staff welcomed over 100 guests from Stockholm Future School and Stockholm University. The following video shows a glance of the Open House.

Filmed and produced by Xuefei Chen Axelsson


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– ECCE中欧国际文化教育商贸发展协会和Lilla Akademien音乐学校6月10日在斯德哥尔摩联合举办夏季音乐会。

STOCKHOLM, June 13(Greenpost, SCT)–ECCE and Lilla Akademien Music Skola held Summer Concert in Stockholm on Sunday.

中欧国际文化教育商贸发展协会(ECCE)会长双焱说, ECCE成立于瑞典斯德哥尔摩市。今年我们迎来了中欧成立6周年庆典。协会的组织会员有瑞典Lilla Akademien 交响乐队、多位瑞典著名艺术家和指挥家、瑞京中欧北极之声合唱团和北极之声儿童合唱团、北欧合唱研究所;合作伙伴有瑞典皇家音乐学院、Lilla Akademien 音乐学校、瑞典 Gosskör 高斯合唱团、北京金帆交响乐团、中国民族舞蹈研究会、中国北京夕阳秀中老年文化事业发展基金会、澳大利亚中华文化协会、澳大利亚黄河合唱团英国朴茨茅斯华人协会等。中欧国际文化教育商贸发展协会(ECCE)不仅为来自中国的艺术家和本地的华人艺术家在音乐、歌唱、舞蹈、美术、摄影、书法、民乐演奏,以及中国戏曲、武术表演方面提供一个发展交流的平台,而且通过国际文化艺术交流,加强了与欧洲各国各地区的相互了解和友好合作,为在海外弘扬中华文化和增进中瑞两国以及中欧文化艺术交流作出应有的贡献。

ECCE President Shuang Yan said ECCE was established six years ago. Over the past six years it has developed a lot of member organizations and cooperation partners by providing platform for artists and these organizations. It also contributes a lot to cultural and art exchange between China and Europe.

她说,2017年8月来自世界各国的艺术团队参加了中欧组织的第四届斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节和国际比赛,青少年夏令营活动来自中国广州和上海学校近150名师生跟Lilla Akademien和Sundbybergs musikskola进行了文化访问交流。2018第五届斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节和国际比赛,青少年夏令营活动将在八月拉开序幕,希望大家继续支持我们的活动。

In 2017,  art troupes from all over the world participated in the fourth Stockholm International Art Festival and Competition. 150 teachers and students  from Guangzhou and Shanghai  visited Lilla Akademien and Sundbybergs musikskola.

2018 the fifth Stockholm International art festival and international competition as well as youth summer camp will begin in August this year.

中国驻瑞典使馆商务处参赞韩晓东,中国驻瑞典使馆领事部主任张磊,瑞典皇家音乐学院前音乐系系主任Rolf Lindblom教授,NIEA北 欧 国 际 交 流 协 会 会长季展有先生,瑞京华人协会会长 柳少惠先生,瑞典华人总会名誉会长白亨利先生,中欧会员代表瑞典SE银行Johan Eklund先生和中欧文化协会会长、北欧中华网北欧绿色邮报网主编陈雪霏女士出席。


Zhang Lei, director of Consulate at the Chinese Embassy spoke highly of ECCE’s contribution to cultural exchanges between China and Sweden.

音乐会以瑞京北极之声青少年合唱团演唱《欢乐颂》,《森林里的小精灵》和《Do Re Mi》, 电影《音乐之声》片段三个曲目开始。

The concert began with a Manadema av Beethoven, In the hall of the Mountain King and Do Re Mi.

ECCE会长, 2013年西班牙国际音乐比赛金奖获得者双焱演奏了钢琴《春江花月夜》。ECCE President Shuang Yan played the Moonlight on the Spring River.

获得2015斯坦威国际 艺术节钢琴比赛三等奖和Stockholm Music Competition国际音乐比赛的金奖双龙龙演奏钢琴《Giga》.

Shuang Longlong who won Stockholm Music Competition first prize played Giga.

Alexander 14岁演奏了《Orange o Black Crystal》. 金鑫瑞演唱了《桃花诺》。她也演奏了钢琴曲。韩雨荷演奏钢琴曲。Elias Shen 9岁演奏俄罗斯乐曲Variation. 

Alexander 14 plays Orange o Black Crystal composed by Rolf Lindblom.

本次演出得到了Stockholm Kulturskola, Sundbybergs Kurturskola 和Adof Fredrik Musikklasser的演奏员的支持和参与。

更多图片 more photos :




Han Yuhe played Valse Lente o Masquerade。

Omar Jaberi from Sundbyberg Stad

Rapheal  W S  Chopin Waltz op 64.

金鑫蕊演奏贝多芬 Pathetique Sonata sats 3.

Elias Shen. Ryskatemas variation.

图文/陈雪霏 av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

   SCEA and China-Sweden Startup Forum encourage young entrepreneurs to come to China

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, May 29 (Greenpost) – Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association sponsored China-Sweden Startup Forum has encouraged Swedish young people to come to China to establish their businesses.

Being held in Stockholm’s KTH on May 25, over a hundred Swedish students and overseas Chinese students attended a forum titled Dragon Slide meaning that people are afraid of going to Chinese market, but the Chinese Dragon will actually bring a lot of opportunities for entrepreneurs.

Zhang Qiaozhen, President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association opened the forum and explained the mission of her association.

Zhang Qiaozhen said her association has held various summit between China and Sweden. For example, they held Nordic exhibition gallery during China International Cultural Fairs in Shenzhen in early May. In November they will participate in the China International Technology Achievement Fair (High-tech Fair) and host Nordic exhibition gallery to build up bridges in science and culture between Nordic countries and China. She called on young entrepreneurs to participate in her Nordic exhibition gallery in November this year.

She said under the leadership of President Xi Jinping, China has lowered its development speed and sought for high quality and efficiency. China is stepping on the green and low carbon and sustainable development road. This will not only be conducive to Chinese people but also contribute to the global development. Sweden has a lot of good experience worthwhile for China to learn.

Zhang Qiaozhen’s speech won a lot of response from the young entrepreneurs.

Juan Mauritz, founder of Swedish Startup Forum and SISP Chinese regional director Ulf Borbos also introduced their responsibilities at the opening of the forum.

Daigang, Counselor of Science and Technology of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden also attended the forum. He discussed the startups with Zhang Qiaozhen during the forum.

During the forum, Swedish entrepreneurs and professionals explained why people should go to China to develop with their own experiences and the difficulties and lessons.

The forum also arranged a program called Explore China meaning that they will arrange students to visit China and 777 students registered. Finally 16 were selected to have the chance to go to China to visit enterprises.

Many people are interested in exploring China, but they have language and cultural difficulties and that is what Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association likes to serve for them.

The forum attracted one than a hundred students and young entrepreneurs and they also commended the forum is very interesting and informative.

Text/Xuefei Chen Axelsson,

Photo/ provided by Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association.

Editor/ Xuefei Chen Axelsson



Acupuncture Science Association in Sweden’s yearly meeting held in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM, April 25(Greenpost)—Acupuncture Science Association in Sweden held its first yearly meeting in Stockholm on April 21.

Yang Chungui, President of the association made an important speech.

He reiterated that his association is  a member of the World Federation of Acupuncture-Moxibustion Societies, observes the latter’s charter and relevant regulatations as well as Swedish relevant regulations. It also observes the WHO’s acupuncture standards which conduct treatment according to standards, aims at improving acupuncture doctors medical level and better serves the patients.

Yang expressed his gratitude to Swedish counterparts, Chinese Ambassador Gui who attended the Belt and Road Acupuncture seminar in 2017 and colleagues Elisa Liao, Xuehong Ma Yang, Dongqing Zhang, Defeng Lin, Sandra Tiejun Chen, Mehdi Ghazi, Shuhui Hu, Tie Xu and other colleagues for their donation to the association enabling the convening of the international academic exchange.

Yang said the association has developed rapidly over the past year. Another 14 acupuncture doctor passed the exam. Many of them have practised acupuncture for over 20 years. Academic exchanges continued. 2017 Sino-Swedish Belt and Road Acupuncture Summit Forum was held and a seminar on three needle treatment was also held.

Yang suggested an international acupuncture trade union be established and a website on Chinese acupuncture set up in order to better serve the acupuncture doctors and patients.

Yukio Danisman made a finance report on the association’s accountancy.

Bengt Wahrolen, a senior lawyer made an important speech on collective insurance for the acupuncture doctors . He promised to help pushing the Swedish Leg. Akupunktur Doktor and make them compatible with the Swedish medical care system.

Wahrolen also stated that after auditing, it is proved that the association’s funding came from their members yearly fee and members donation. They haven’t received any  government subsidies.

Then President Yang and Vice President Zhang Dongqing issued certificate for the 14 members who passed the exams.

All the doctors got a white uniform, a medal and a name bar to show their responsible attitude.

Vice President Zhang led the doctors to study the association’s charter and President Yang talked about the financial management system in the association.

Secretary Li explained Swedish International Acupuncture Doctors Management System.  During the discussion, all the questions from the members were answered showing the completion of the association’s various regulations and systems.

Vice President Zhang gave a presentation on Clinic Experience of Acupuncture Against Irritable Bowel Syndrome in Sweden.

Doctor Li Jian on Application of modern medicine and TCM on the treatment of knee osteoarthritis.

After academic exchange, all the doctors went to Doctor Yang’s clinic. Doctor Yang gave two patients’ treatment with embedding thread acupuncture. This method proved to be effective  for those who cannot get pregnant.

Doctor Defeng Lin showed his burning acupuncture method. The free treatment meeting stimulated even more heated discussions in sharing experiences and members have great confidence in the association’s acupuncture treatment level and formation of Swedish acupuncture legislation to accept these doctors’ treatment into the Swedish system.

Finally, the acupuncture doctors attended the Stockholm Kulturnatt Belt and Road Nordic Spring International Peace and Cultural Festival to enjoy some beautiful music and dances.

The yearly meeting was hosted by Vice Secretary Youji Lin and council member Yang Xi served as interpreter between Chinese and Swedish.

About 30 member doctors attended the meeting which also had a Taiji show in the middle.


Text and Photo/Xuefei Chen Axelsson. Part of the photos are from the association.


SCEA signs MOU with Foshan Business Bureau

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, April. 23(Greenpost)—Swedish-Chinese Entrepreneur Association’s Vice President and Executive Manager Zhang Luping signed a Memorandum of Understanding  on cooperation with Su Yan, director of Foshan Business Bureau in Stockholm on April 20.

The signing came upon Foshan Mayor Zhu Wei’s visit to Sweden with a business and official delegation. SCEA Vice President Zhang Luping gave a brief introduction of the hosts.

David Lindblom from SCEA gave a brief introduction about Sweden saying that Sweden is an innovative country which has invented many products ranging from match to safety belt, from heart rescue machine to Skyppe and GPS locating system.

Joana Wang gave a brief introduction about SCEA aiming at serving as a bridge between Sweden and China.

Ulf Borbos gave an introduction about science park with one of the project is to find Chinese cooperation partners. Ms Wang serves as interpreter.

Mayor Zhu said he is very much interested in medical care cooperation with Karolinska Institute because in his city, they have achieved full scale urbanization meaning all the people enjoy the same urban medical care system. So they have enough patients for medical research while the medical  research environment is very good.

Retired Karolinska Institute Associate Professor in tumor Hu Lifu who is still very active in promoting Sino-Swedish medical cooperation introduced briefly about Karolinska Institutet.

The meeting also involved in two young startup forum founder who aims at helping young people to exchange between China and Sweden. They plan to take Swedish young people to China to visit Shenzhen, Guangzhou or Foshan.

Mayor Zhu welcome all to visit Foshan, the third largest city in Guangdong province, the vanguard of China’s reform and opening up begun in 1978.

Finally Zhang Luping and Su Yan signed the MOU on bilateral cooperation in exchanging business and trade information and providing assistance for each other when needed.

Zhang Yi, vice president of Swedish Chinese Federation was also present at the meeting.



Historiskt trendbrott: Kina större exportmarknad än USA för företag i Stockholm

För första gången är exporten från Stockholms län till Kina större än till USA.

Det visar en ny analys från Stockholms Handelskammare.

– Kinas starka tillväxt har bidragit till att man nu gått om USA som Stockholms viktigaste exportmarknad. Paradoxalt nog kan Donald Trumps tullar göra så att USA försvagas ytterligare då dessa kommer göra Kina än mer intressant. Det är bra när Sverige och Stockholm handlar med Kina men vi skulle tjäna på att fördjupa den transatlantiska relationen. Därför bör Trump lägga ned sina tullar och Sverige borde driva på för att EU fortsätter samtalen om ett frihandelsavtal med USA, Andreas Hatzigeorgiou, chefsekonom på Stockholms Handelskammare.

Analysen, som bygger på statistik från SCB, visar att företag från Stockholms län i allt högre grad exporterar till Kina. Detta samtidigt som exporten till USA minskat över tid.

År 2007 värderades Stockholms varuexport till Kina endast till omkring fyra miljarder kronor samtidigt som varuexporten till USA hade ett värde på 26 miljarder.

Tio år senare uppgår varuexporten från Stockholm till Kina till omkring 16 miljarder, vilket är cirka en miljard kronor mer än varuexporten till USA.

– För Sverige är Kina fortfarande en mindre marknad än USA, men förändringen vi ser i Stockholm under de senaste åren är exceptionell. Det kan mycket väl vara en fingervisning om framtiden, för Stockholm går inte sällan i första ledet för förändringar. Om Donald Trumps tullar leder till en eskalerande handelskonflikt skulle jag inte bli chockad om Kina går om USA som Sveriges viktigaste exportmarknad utanför Europa, säger Andreas Hatzigeorgiou.

Handelskrig skulle skada världsekonomin. Samtidigt finns vissa möjligheter för svenska företag.

– Donald Trump har undantagit svenska och europeiska företag från sina tullar. Det innebär att vår konkurrenssituation i USA faktiskt på marginalen kan förbättras. Dessutom innebär Kinas motåtgärder mot USA drabbar amerikanska företag, vilket i sin tur kan gynna våra svenska företags kamp om kontrakt i Kina. Världen behöver med frihandel, men om nu världens stormakter vill införa tullar måste Sverige se till att utnyttja situationen till vår fördel, säger Andreas Hatzigeorgiou.

Om Stockholms Handelskammare
Stockholms Handelskammare är den ledande organisationen för företag och företagare i huvudstadsregionen som omfattar Stockholms län och Uppsala län. Vår verksamhet spänner från det lokala till det internationella planet och vi är engagerade i allt som kan förbättra företagens villkor; från bostadsmarknaden i regionen till internationell frihandel. Vi är en populär mötesplats för våra 2 000 medlemsföretag som har en halv miljon anställda. Handelskammaren är också en betrodd tredjepart med ett av världens ledande skiljedomsinstitut. Läs mer om Stockholms Handelskammare

Analysis: Trump and Chinese farmers

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

US President Donald Trump recently announced that he has endorsed the order to increase tariff for imported steel and aluminium. As a result, a lot of Chinese products that are exported to the US will face a higher tariff.

Chinese Ministry of Commerce immediately responded that China will increase its tariff against the America grain exported China.

Why was China responding so quickly? Because China has imported American grain or corn at a so low price that it affected the Chinese farmers’ interest. Why?

Because Chinese farmers earned more money before China imported American grain.  My brother Shemin whose name means a member of the socialist commune is a farmer.  He was both happy and sad when I talked with him over the phone.  He was happy to tell me that he harvested 40 tons of corn marking the highest production over the years.  But he was not very happy when talking about how much he earned.

He said that he earned just about 60 thousand yuan or 10 thousand dollars for the whole year. Compared with a couple of years ago,  when the price of the corn was at one yuan or 1.2 yuan, he could have earned 80 thousand yuan with the current harvest amount.  But now the price was only 70 percent of the previous one.  although the productivity increased, the profit decreased.

Why? Because Chinese government said the market is deciding the price and China is open to allow import of grain from America.  Those pig raising entrepreneurs or farmers spend large amount of dollars imported grains from America with much lower prices.  So the American cheap grain actually make the Chinese small farmers lower their income.

This will be very bad for Chinese agriculture because then the Chinese farmers or peasants will leave their land and go to the city to find jobs to earn a salary instead of labouring in the farms with so low income.  In the long run, the peasants are forced to be out of their land and larger contractors will come to the countryside to contract the land, then the monopoly of the larger business people will have right to decide the price and the price will be getting higher, either due to the cost or due to the monopoly. But then the ones who complain will not only be farmers, but the urban citizens.

So far, Chinese government has get rid of agricultural tax and also give a little subsidies.  But that subsidies are so little compared with the French farmers’.  That is only 200 yuan per mu or 30 dollars per acre.  That is too little.

I hope the Chinese government should consider this issue and really care about farmers’ interest.

Chinese ambassador wants direct flights between Iceland and China

Stockholm, March. 24(Greenpost)–Chinese Ambassador Jin Zhijian said China likes to have direct flights between Iceland and China.

Jin Zhijan, ambassador for China in Iceland says speaking to Morgunblaðið that he would like to strengthen the cooperation between Iceland and China in several fields.

As examples of those fields he cites the matters of the Arctic, geothermal heat and the travel industry. He would like direct flights between Iceland and China, a key factor, he believes, in a close cooperation between the two countries.

“I think it’s quite possible to begin direct flights between China and Iceland because there is a constant surge in people wanting to travel between the two countries. He also pointed out that direct flights increase business between the two countries.

Swedish PM Lofven was interviewed by CGTN Tian Wei in China

STOCKHOLM, March. 21(Greenpost) – Swedish Prime Minister Stefan Lofven was interviewed by CGTN’s Tian Wei  to find out about his personal story, and how Sweden and China can better cooperate during his visit to China participating the World Economic Forum.

According to him, Sweden values the work and cooperation on climate change and clean energy with China. As the first western country to establish diplomatic relations with the PRC, Sweden is also eagerly looking at other potential points of cooperation on security, trade, and other global issues. Prior to becoming prime minister, Lofven worked as a welder before becoming an active trade unionist. He rose to become chairman of the trade union IF Metall from 2006, until being elected leader of the Social Democrats in 2012. The hard days of being a welder gave him a deeper appreciation for the conditions of grassroots people, and, in his own words, made him more pragmatic and down to earth.




The deputies  first approved the draft law of the national institution reform.
Then the voting process started.

Xi Jinping was elected as the Chinese president with a full vote of 2970 votes out of the total member of 2980 in which 10 absent.

Li Zhanshu was elected as the new chairman of the National People’s Congress Standing Committee.

Wang Qishan was elected as vice president of the People’s Republic of China.
Wang Chen was elected as vice president of the NPC standing committee together with others.

The elected leaders swore in front of the new constitution that was passed a few days ago during this session of the NPC Congress.

The result was even welcomed by the weather because it snowed and rained after such a dry winter in Beijing.

The premier will be elected on March 18th. please stay tuned.

Xuefei Chen Axelsson reporting from Beijing.