STOCKHOLM, Jan 2(Greenpost) — Chinese President Xi Jinping sent out his annual New Years Greetings at the beginning of the new year 2020. China has done this for 30 years.
It was since 1990 Chinese leader began to send out greetings to their overseas listeners through China Radio International and Chinese listeners through China’s National Radio and also through TV.
He reported various progress China has made over the past year. He sent his greetings to overseas Chinese and Compatriots in Hong Kong and Macao.
Although China is facing economic slowdown, China is still the fastest developingg country in the world. China’s GDP amounted to 100 trillion yuan in comparison of 120 trillion yuan of debt in the United States.
Therefore, China is still very promising country in the world. China has benefitted from its habit of saving money. After two years when China’s security net is built people will be able to spend more money and increase consumption.
Stockholm, 30 december (Greenpost) – Demonstrationerna som ägde rum den 9 juni och 16 juni 2019 var fredliga.
Demonstrationen stoppade dock inte bara utan eskalerade. I augusti började olika våld äga rum inklusive förstörelse av kontor och bankomater. För att motverka våldet inledde folket i Hong Kong en demonstration mot våld.
Många människor stod hand i hand och ropade parolen om att rädda Hong Kong.
Detta var en fågelperspektiv av demonstrationen för att motverka våld.
Hong Kong borde inte vara i störning längre.
På grund av det heta vädret och det regniga vädret blev paraply verkligen en scen.
Detta var en fredlig demonstration mot våld.
Above photos came from web source.
Denna affisch skriver skyddande Hong Kong.
Många människor i världen berörde Hong Kongs situation och höll demonstrationer med insisterande på ett land två-system och motsätter sig Hong Kongs våld och uppror.
Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Den 9 september samlade de kineserna i Sverige i Sergeltorg för att visa sin inställning att stoppa våld och återuppta social ordning samtidigt som man uppmanar studenter och medborgare i Hong Kong att älska och skydda fred och stoppa våld.
Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson
De demonstrerade också sin inställning bredvid parlamentet att uppmana studenter och medborgare i Hong Kong att stoppa våldet. Vad du än gör är ok, men inte gör det på våldsamt sätt, sa en deltagare.
Stockholm, 30 december (Greenpost) – Från den 9 juni demonstrerade en miljon människor till slutet av november 2019 i Hong Kong. Under den här perioden såg Hong Kong allvarliga våldshändelser. Demonstrationen inleddes med diskussionen om utlämning av kriminella misstänkta från Hong Kong till Taiwan Provinsen eller det kinesiska fastlandet. Det utvecklades senare till våldsam konflikt mellan demonstranter och polisen när vissa ungdomar kastade bensinbomber till polisen och vanliga människor. När situationen var mest allvarlig antog USA en lagförslag om Hongkongs “demokrati” och hotade att ge sanktioner mot affärsfolk eller tjänstemän i Hong Kong.
Konflikten eskalerade på grund av stöd och anstiftning från USA och många intressegrupper i Hong Kong. Vissa ungdomar tyckte att de var modiga att göra och kasta bensinbomber till polisen och vanliga människor, även om de visste eller inte var medvetna om att det var ett brott mot lagen. Elden fick många människor att ha skadats och drabbats av brinnande smärta. Oavsett vilken typ av ursäkt, är överträdelsen av lag dömt att dömas och straffas av lagen. Följande är några bilder för att visa dig situationen.
(Tänk på att dessa foton inte är lämpliga för barn.)
Rioters sätt upp eld vid en tunnelbanestation, en offentlig plats. Rioters sätt upp eld vid en bankautomat, vilket skadar allmän egendom. Sätt upp eld på en offentlig plats.
I början var demonstrationen fredlig. Men gradvis blev antalet ungdomar utbredd med att sabotera offentliga fastigheter eller en lagstiftande myndighet och bankens ATM-byggnad.
Uppror som kastade bensinbomber till polisen orsakade eld.
Hong Kong Polytechnique University såg mycket eld den 17 november 2019. FOTO FRA REUTERS WEB.
Enligt rapporter använde många studenter kemikalier för att göra skadliga vapen och de utövade hur man kastade bensinbomber i simbassängen. De kastade bomberna till den plats där polisen befann sig och orsakade många bränder.
Polisen anklagade upprorna för att använda skadliga vapen inklusive bensinbomber, pilbågar och stålboller samt tegelstenar för att attackera polisens försvarslinje. En polismedias kontaktperson sköts i det lilla benet med pilen. En upprorpolis drabbades av stålkulan.
Den 17 november kvällen gav polisen en mycket allvarlig varning om att den våldsamma åtgärden har nått upploppsnivån. Varje person som stannade och stödde upprorna skulle utsättas för brott. Polisen varnade för att de medborgare som stödde upprorna kunde behandlas som att begå upprorbrott.
Vid midnatt den 17 november offentliggjorde polisen i Hong Kong ett ultimatum via facebook om att demonstranterna inte skulle använda bensinbomber, pilar, bilar och något skadligt vapen för att attackera polisen. Om de fortsätter att vidta dessa farliga åtgärder kommer polisen, under förutsättning att de inte har något annat val, att använda vapen på låg nivå inklusive solida kulor för att skjuta tillbaka.
Bensinbomb orsakade eld.
Olika bilder visar att bensinbomben skadade människor och skadade de offentliga fastigheterna.
En kinesisk journalist från fastlandet slogs av uppror. Trots att det bara var ett fall där journalister attackerades i så allvarlig grad, är det fortfarande för allvarligt och borde inte ha hänt.
Olika bilder visar att många människor skadades. Lång tidskamp med polisen, demonstranter kunde inte kontrollera deras humör. Deras agerande blockerade inte bara trafiken utan också lätt att orsaka skador.
Den tapper kämpade med polisen. En bensinbomb kastades på en kamrats kropp.Den tapper kastade bensinbomber till polisen, helt mot lagen En person skadades i knäna。En sanitetsarbetare skadades allvarligt och dog efter att han skickades till sjukhuset.
Händelsen som ägde rum i Hong Kong var en fruktansvärd tragedi. Unga människor lyssnade på de dåliga människors anstiftning. De var inte medvetna om att de hade fel, även om de gjorde det, skulle de inte korrigera. Tvärtom, de gick på fel väg ännu längre. Tiden kommer att visa att de hade fel och de kan först inse det senare efter en tid.
Den kinesiska regeringen har alltid insisterat på systemen One Country Two Systems. Vad de än gör, gillar de att se det kontinuerliga välståndet och stabiliteten i Hong Kong. Alla de som kunde tänka kommer att förstå att den verkliga demokratin eller friheten inte är så här. Den verkliga demokratin och friheten är baserad på fredlig miljö, rationellt tänkande, självdisciplin, kompromiss och ansvar. Våldshandling kan endast orsaka skador och att skada eller skada kommer att stimulera hat. Detta är inte vad folk vill ha.
För dem som vidtagit extrema åtgärder kommer de att dömas av lagen och troligtvis straffas enligt lag. De som älskar fred hoppas se Hong Kong fortsätta att vara välmående och stabilt.
Foton från webbkälla, text av Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Dec. 30(Greenpost) — En stor ceremoni för återkomst av Hong Kong till Kina hölls kl. 00:00, 1 juli 1997, som markerar ett slut på det brittiska kolonialstyret i Hong Kong i över 150 år. Det markerade också början på ett land, två system i Hong Kongs särskilda administrativa region.
Precis klockan 00:00, 1 juli 1997, steg Kinas Red Star Flag och Hongkong SAR flagga.
En stor mottagning hölls för att fira Hong Kongs återkomst till moderlandet, Kina.
En formell ceremoni om inrättandet av Hong Kong SAR-regeringen hölls och guvernören svarades in.
Tung Chee-hwa svarades in som den första Hong Kong SAR-guvernören.
Under mer än ett decennium förhandlingar, Kina och Storbritannien nådde en överenskommelse om att återlämna Hong Kong till Kina senast den 30 juni 1997. Hong Kong kommer att implementera One Country Two Systems som designades av Kina. Det betyder att Hong Kong kommer att styras av Hong Kong People och har principiellt hög autonomi. När Hong Kong återvände till Kina var kineserna mycket glada och stolta.
Återvändandet av Hong Kong till Kina har spelat en viktig roll för Kinas reform och öppnande. Många affärsfolk från Hong Kong kom till fastlandet för att investera. Vissa utländska affärsmän kom också till Kina för att investera genom Hong Kong, som fungerade som en viktig bro mellan Kina och västländerna.
Hong Kong blev ett frontland för Kinas reform och öppnande för att öppningen av Guangzhou och Shenzhen faktiskt var direkt till Hong Kong. De två platserna ligger så nära Hong Kong och kommunikationen mellan de två sidorna hade inga hinder. Hong Kong har behållit sin välstånd och stabilitet.
Många vet att en stor grupp unga kultur- och konsttalanger åkte till Hong Kong och gav ett stort bidrag till Hongkongs kulturella välstånd.
Hong Kong är full av skyskraper, ett gott tecken på välstånd.Vackra Hong Kong vid solnedgången. Carrie Lam Linzheng Yuee svarades in som Hong Kong SAR-guvernör den 1 juli 2017.
President Xi Jinping besökte Hong Kong och välkomnades av studenter.
Stockholm, Dec. 30(Greenpost) — The demonstrations that took place on June 9 and June 16th, 2019 were peaceful.
However, the demonstration not only didn’t stop, but escalated. By August, various violence began to take place including the destruction of offices and bank ATMs. To counter attack the violence, Hong Kong people launched a counter violence demonstration.
Many people stood hand in hand and shouted the slogan of rescuing Hong Kong.
This was a bird eye view of the demonstration to oppose violence.
Hong Kong should not be in disorder any more.
Due to the hot weather and rainy weather, umbrella indeed became a scene.
This was a peaceful demonstration against violence.
Above photos came from web source.
This poster writes protecting Hong Kong.
Many people in the world concerned Hong Kong’s situation and held demonstrations themed Insisting on One Country Two Systems and opposing Hong Kong’s violence and riot.
Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson
On September 9th, overseas Chinese in Sweden held a rally in Sergeltorg to demonstrate their attitude to stop violence and resume social order while calling on students and citizens in Hong Kong to love and protect peace and stop violence.
Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson
They also demonstrated their attitude beside the parliament to call on Hong Kong students and citizens to stop violence. Whatever you do is ok, but not do it in violent way, said one participant.
Stockholm, Dec. 30(Greenpost) — From June 9th one million people demonstration to the end of November 2019, Hong Kong experienced some serious violent events. The demonstration started with the discussion of the extradition of criminal suspects from Hong Kong to Taiwan or Chinese mainland. It later developed into violent conflict between demonstrators and the police when some young people threw petrol bombs to the police and ordinary people. When the situation was most serious, the US passed a bill about Hong Kong’s “Democracy” and threatened to give sanctions to Hong Kong business people or officials.
The conflict escalated due to the support and instigation from the US and and many interest groups in Hong Kong. Some young people thought they were brave to make and throw petrol bombs to the police and the ordinary people even though they knew or were not aware that was a violation of law. The fire caused a lot of people to have been injured and suffer from the burning pain. No matter what kind of excuse, the violation of law is doomed to be judged and punished by the law. The following are some photos to show you the situation.
(Mind you, these photos are not suitable for children.)
Set up fire by a subway station, a public place. Set up fire at a Bank ATM machine, damaging public property. Set up fire in a public place.
At the very beginning the demonstration was peaceful. But gradually the action of sabotaging public properties or legislative authority office and bank’s ATM building by some youngsters became rampant.
Rioters throwing petrol bombs to the police caused fire.
Hong Kong Polytechnique University saw a lot of fire on November 17th, 2019. PHOTO FROM REUTERS WEB.
According to reports, many students used chemicals to make detrimental weapons and they exercised how to throw petrol bombs in the swimmingpool. They threw the bombs to the place wherever the police was around and caused a lot of fires.
The police accused the rioters of using detrimental weapons including petrol bombs, bows and steel balls as well as bricks to attack the police defence line. A police media liaison officer was shot in the small leg by the arrow. A riot police was hit by the steel ball.
On November 17th evening, the police issued a very serious warning that the violent action has reached the riot level. Any person who stayed and supported the rioters would be subjected to commit riot crime. The police warned that those citizens who supported the rioters could be treated as to commit riot crime.
Upon midnight on Nov. 17th, Hong Kong police issued an ultimatum through facebook that the demonstrators should not use petrol bombs, arrows, cars och any detrimental weapon to attack the police. If they continue to take these dangerous action, the police will, under the condition of having no other choice, use the low level weapon including solid bullets to shoot back.
Petrol bomb caused fire.
Various photos show the petrol bomb hurt people and damaged the public properties .
A Chinese journalist from mainland was beaten by rioters. Even though it was only one case of journalist being attacked to such a serious degree, it is still too serious and shouldn’t have happened.
Various photos show that many people were wounded. Long time struggle with the police, protesters couldn’t control their mentality. Their action not only blocked the traffic, but also was easy to cause injuries.
The so-called Brave Warrior fought with police.A petrol bomb was thrown onto a peer’s body. The so-called Brave Warrior threw petrol bombs to the police, completely against the law. A person was injured in the knees。A sanitation worker was injured seriously and died after he was sent to the hospital.
The event that took place in Hong Kong was a dreadful tragedy. Young people listened to the instigation of the bad people. They were not aware that they were wrong, even if they were, they would not correct. On the contrary, they walked on the wrong way even further. Time will tell they were wrong and they can only realise that later after some time.
Chinese government has always insisted on the One Country Two Systems. Whatever they do, they like to see the continuous prosperity and stability in Hong Kong. All those who could think will understand that the real democracy or freedom is not like this. The true democracy and freedom are established on the basis of peaceful environment, rational thinking, self discipline, compromise and responsibilities. Violent action can only cause injuries and that injury or hurt will stimulate hatred. This is not what people want.
For those who took extreme actions, they will be judged by the law and likely be punished according to law. Those who love peace hope to see Hong Kong continue to be prosperous and stable.
Photos from web source, text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Dec. 30(Greenpost) — A grand ceremony on returning of Hong Kong to China was held at kl. 00:00, July 1st, 1997 marking an end of the British colonial rule of Hong Kong for over 150 years. It also marked the beginning of One Country, Two Systems in Hong Kong Special Administrative Region.
Precisely at 00:00, July 1st, 1997, China’s Red Star Flag and Hongkong SAR flag rose.
A grand reception was held to celebrate the returning of Hong Kong to the motherland, China.
A formal ceremony on the establishment of the Hong Kong SAR government was held and the governor was sworn in.
Tung Chee-hwa was sworn in as the first Hong Kong SAR governor .
Through more than a decade negotiations, China and Britain reached an agreement to return Hong Kong to China by June 30th, 1997. Hong Kong will implement One Country Two Systems which was designed by China. That means Hong Kong will be ruled by Hong Kong People and enjoys high level autonomy in principle. When Hong Kong was returned to China, Chinese people were very happy and proud.
The returning of Hong Kong to China has played an important role to China’s reform and opening up. A lot of Hong Kong business people came to the mainland to invest. Some foreign business people also came to China to invest through Hong Kong which served as an important bridge between China and western countries.
Hong Kong became a front for China’s reform and opening up because the opening of Guangzhou and Shenzhen was actually directly to Hong Kong. The two places are so near to Hong Kong and the communication between the two sides had no hurdles. Hong Kong has kept its prosperity and stability.
Many people were aware that a large group of young cultural and art talents went to Hong Kong and made great contribution to Hong Kong’s cultural prosperity.
Hong Kong is full of skyskraper, a good sign of prosperity. Beautiful Hong Kong upon sunset. Carrie Lam Linzheng Yuee was sworn in as Hong Kong SAR governor on July 1, 2017.President Xi Jinping visited Hong Kong and was welcomed by students.
STOCKHOLM, Dec. 28(Greenpost) — At a press conference held on December 9, the Information Office of the State Council, Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region Party Committee Deputy Secretary and Autonomous Region Chairman Xuekelai Zakr announced that all the students who have participated in the studies aiming at eradicating extremist ideas and getting vocational skills education and training have graduated now.
However, some people who are overseas have recently announced on foreign social media that their so-called “relatives” and “friends” in Xinjiang are currently silent and have no trace of them. To answer these questions, Global Times sent out two journalists to Xinjiang to find these “relatives ” and “friends” and they found them in their home.
Global Times reporters sorted out the so-called "person-seeking posts" posted on dozens of accounts on various social platforms abroad, verified the information of the so-called "lost contact" personnel with relevant Xinjiang authorities, and went to Xinjiang to interview a number of missing parties. It was found that many so-called "lost contact" people lived happy and stable lives in their hometowns.
In addition, the reporter also found that the so-called "tracing post" was actually initiated by many overseas "East Turkistan" elements in an attempt to slander and attack the policy of governing
Xinjiang again. Rusian Abbas, Arslan Idayetti, the initiator of the "Uyghur Movement", and Harim Tila Uygur, the initiator of the "I am also a Uyghur", are members of the "East Turkistan" organization. These "East Turkistan" elements are responsible for posting and fabricating information and pictures of various so-called "lost contacts" to create public opinion. Some anti-China non-governmental organizations such as "Human Rights Watch" and some media and scholars have contributed to overseas social platforms.
Graduates have a happy life, asking why my brother is lying
Just like what happened before, some overseas people have used official information to fabricate many stories on foreign social media that "those students are still missing and lost contact", including 23-year-old Ruze Maimai Ti Atawola. His overseas brother Methito Atiwola declared that Ruzie Maeti Attawala, who had studied at the training center, had no news after graduation. What is the current situation of Maimai Atavula? When a Global Times reporter saw him at a shoe factory in Hetian County, Xinjiang on the 18th, he was working in front of a sewing machine, and the eyebrows raised from time to time showed his seriousness and focus. In 2017, Rzemai Mai Atwula went to the education center for learning because of extreme thoughts. After finishing last year, he went to work in this factory. Mai Mai Atavola told the Global Times reporter that his classmates have all graduated and have found a job. When he was studying at the training center, Abulaiti was at the same house Factory work. Now, Rzemai Maiatwola, who works 8 hours a day, can earn 2,500 yuan a month. "I have to work harder. If I do more work, I should get 3,000 yuan."(equivalent purchasing power of 15000 kronor or even more in Sweden because the local price is much lower.)
Ruze Mai Maiti Atawola and his family lived in a house built by the government. Ruze Mai Maiti Atawola took a reporter from Global Times to visit his home. The 80-square-meter house was spacious and clean, and there were sheephouse, cowsheds and a few acres of land behind. The third elder brother of Maimaiti Atavola, Abdug McGatt Atawula, told reporters that there are 7 acres of land in the home. They grew tomatoes, white radish, cabbage and grapes this year and earned 16,000 yuan.
Just the day before the reporter came to interview, Ruze maimaiti Atavola had just married with his girlfriend who had known him for many years. Preparing for the wedding became the busiest work but it was the happiest thing for him. Ruze Maimaiti Atavula, who turned from a boyfriend into a husband, showed the Global Times reporter a marriage certificate and a photo of his wife.
"For the wedding, I also bought a western suit, and we went to make a good-looking wedding photo. "
Mentioned newlyweds, Ruze Mai Maiti Atawola, looked a little shy, but the smile on his face showed the joy from his heart.
For this happy family, the elder brother Matito Totti Atavola is a pain that everyone does not want to bring up. A Global Times reporter learned from relevant departments that Metotoh Attawura left the country in September 2018, frequently smeared Xinjiang on foreign social media. Recently, he declared on foreign social media that Ruze Maimaiti Atavola was “missing”.
More than 2 months ago, Abdul McGee Attawola and Methito Hetti Atta Wola were on the phone, and this was the last time the whole family contacted their eldest brother. Abdugmadji Atawula said, “The elder brother asked Rutmemaiat Atawula at the time. I told him that his brother had already graduated and now he was working. I do n’t know why he tells lies. “
In fact, during the study at the training center, Ruze maimaiti Atavola and other students have never had so-called "lost contact" or "missing". They can go home and contact their families normally. The White Paper on Vocational and Technical Education and Training in Xinjiang released on August 16 this year mentioned that the personal freedom of trainees in the training center is guaranteed in accordance with law. The education and training center implements boarding system management. Students can go home regularly, take leave on occasion, and have freedom of communication.
"Brother, you said that you went abroad to study, but you are colluding with foreign separatist forces and attacking our country's good policies. I don't know why you lie." Ruzhe Maimaiti Atavula asked in an interview, I couldn't restrain my sorrow. Now our lives are getting better and better. With a new house, we built a sheepfold and raised cattle and sheep."
Ruze Mai Maiti choked and said, "I hope you don't collude with the separatist forces. Dad is getting older, and our whole family misses you very much."
Abdullah Klimu Abdullah is at home safe and sound
For those who have colluded with the "three forces" overseas and are constantly "spilling dirty water" in Xinjiang, using photos and information that they do not know how to obtain, they have fabricated what they call "relatives" and "friends" in Xinjiang. The story of "oppression" and "imprisonment" is a common tactic. 47-year-old Abdullah Klimu Abdullah lived a peaceful life in Urumqi. It was not until he was told by a Global Times reporter that his photos and personal information were being used as anti-China tool.
When Global Times reporter came to Abdul Klimu Abdul Rey's house, he was watering the flowers and plants he raised on the balcony. Planting flowers is also his greatest hobby. Abdullah's home is decorated in a typical Uyghur style with exquisite wallpapers on the walls and floral carpets on the floor. Because of his vision loss a few years ago, Abdullah Klimu Abdullah chose to retire early from the bus company. Now he can receive more than 2,000 yuan per month as pension. Then he is also allowed to work as a cleaner in a company. "I can get 3,800 yuan a month. The staff in the community are very concerned about me, and often come home to ask if there are any difficulties that need to be resolved," said Abdu Klimu Abdurayi. His 19-year-old son will soon get a computer major Of secondary school diploma. Abdullah Klimu Abdullah told the Global Times reporter that he has no relatives and friends outside China, and no one knows who made the rumor. He is "missing." Our lives and work are normal, and we are living a happy life, so don't disturb us anymore. "
“Some people say I’m missing, but I’m doing well here. These are rumors that have ruined our lives and slandered Xinjiang. ” Taier Ablaiti, who was also used to make rumors about “missing”, told Global Times reporter in an interview.
Taier Abreti, 26, is an ordinary villager in Alali Township, Shule County, Kashgar, working in a restaurant in the town. When a Global Times reporter came to interview, he was serving the guests.
Taier Ablait led the reporter to visit this restaurant named “Bright Star”. Traditional Xinjiang cuisine is served on the first floor, and lamb skewers are grilling on the shelves at the door. The second floor is a western food area opened by the restaurant owner on the advice of Tail Abletti, which is new to local villagers.
Global Times reporter saw that the wall on the second floor was affixed with a wallpaper printed with a starry pattern. There was a red sofa near the table and a coffee machine on the counter. “We can make burgers, pizzas, and young people and children alike.” Speaking of his own Western food area, Taier Ablaiti looked particularly excited. With regard to his current job and a monthly salary of more than 3,000 yuan, Taier Ablaiti is very satisfied and plans to save some more money to open his own restaurant in the mainland.
“My younger brother is studying accounting in Xi’an,” said Taier Abletti. If possible, it would be better to open a restaurant in Xi’an to take care of his younger brother while earning money.
Daughter rumors parents are missing, family hopes to correct evil
Also missing on foreign social media were an old couple who lived in Kuqa County, Aksu Prefecture, 63-year-old Aziz Niyazi and 55-year-old Maiye Yiyi. Aizizi, who had been working in the Kuche River Water Management Bureau of the Kuche Water Resources Bureau, retired in July this year.
Now he lives with his eldest son, Yusupu, to help take care of the young grandson and enjoy the happy family life. When the Global Times reporter came to Aziz Niyaz’s house, he was playing with his grandson with a toy car. “The child is more than 3 years old and is ready to go to kindergarten. He can now count to 30. He has also learned a few English words with his father.” Mentioning his grandchildren, Ai Zezi, like all the elderly people, cannot help smiling all the time.
Ai Zezi lives a simple and regular life after retirement. He gets up at 7 o’clock every morning, goes downstairs to do morning exercises, and then goes home to take over his son-in-law to take care of his little grandson.
In addition, Ai Zezi likes watching news programs. “Our country is developing very fast now. I ’m a farmer. I used to have a hard time. I relied on livestock to grow mechanized farms.” Aiziz told the Global Times reporter about the good days now.
“My retirement pension is more than 5,300 yuan per month. The state’s various policies for benefiting the people in Xinjiang involve all aspects of life, medical care, pensions, road transportation, and 15-year compulsory education from birth. We don’t have to worry about it. ” The Aziz Niyaz couple had three children, all of whom studied medicine. After his eldest son, Yusup Aiziz graduated from Xinjiang Medical University with a master’s degree, he has been working in Kuqa County People’s Hospital since 2015. Aiziz Niyazi told the Global Times reporter that the eldest daughter Ma Yiremu went to Canada to study, and the youngest daughter Buaguier has gone to school in France. They have not contacted us for 2 years.
“How are you doing, I hope they can come back early to reunite. ” Yusupu told the Global Times reporter that parents often miss two younger sisters, especially their mother, and whenever they mention them, they cannot help crying.
Source: Translated from Global Times Chinese version. by Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Dec. 9 (Greenpost) — Hua Chunying, Spokesperson of the Chinese Foreign Ministry said recently that the US House of Representatives just passed the Uyghur Human Rights Policy Act of 2019. This bill deliberately smears the human rights condition in Xinjiang, slanders China’s efforts in de-radicalization and counter-terrorism and viciously attacks the Chinese government’s Xinjiang policy.
” It seriously violates international law and basic norms governing international relations, and grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs. China is strongly indignant at and firmly opposed to it.” said Hua.
She continues to say that Xinjiang-related issues are not about human rights, ethnicity or religion, but about fighting violence, terrorism and separatism.Previously, Xinjiang suffered gravely from extremism, violence and terrorism. Faced with severe circumstances, the government of Xinjiang Autonomous Region lawfully fought violent and terrorist crimes while addressing the root causes. Our efforts include advancing de-radicalization, economic growth, ethnic solidarity, social harmony and stability. Thanks to those efforts, Xinjiang hasn’t seen a single terrorist attack over the past three years. Those endeavors are endorsed by all 25 million people of various ethnic groups in Xinjiang. They are also China’s contribution to the global counter-terrorism cause.
She also said the international community speaks highly of China’s Xinjiang policy. Since the end of 2018, over 1,000 representatives have visited Xinjiang in more than 70 groups, including officials from various countries, regions and international organizations, and people from the press, religious groups and the academic circle. They acclaimed that Xinjiang’s experience in counter-terrorism and de-radicalization was worth learning from. In March this year, the Council of Foreign Ministers of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation adopted a resolution which commended China’s efforts in providing care to Muslim citizens. In July, ambassadors of over 50 countries to the UN Office at Geneva co-signed a letter to the president of the UN Human Rights Council and the High Commissioner for Human Rights, applauding China’s respect and protection of human rights in its counter-terrorism and de-radicalization efforts. In October, at the Third Committee session of the 74th UNGA, more than 60 countries commended in their statements the tremendous human rights progress achieved in Xinjiang, China. All those are strong proof that the US accusations on Xinjiang-related issues are entirely against facts and the mainstream public opinion of the international community.
“We state our position clearly to the US that as Xinjiang is part of China, its affairs are purely domestic affairs that allow no foreign interference. This US bill smears our efforts in counter-terrorism and de-radicalization, which only reveals America’s double standards on counter-terrorism and further exposes to the Chinese people its hypocrisy and malicious intentions.” said Hua.
“The Chinese government and people are determined in safeguarding national sovereignty, security and development interests. Under the pretext of Xinjiang-related issues, the US attempts to sow discord among various ethnic groups in China, undermine prosperity and stability in Xinjiang, and contain China’s growth. But its attempt will never succeed. We urge the US to correct its mistakes at once, prevent this bill from becoming law, and stop using Xinjiang-related issues to interfere China’s internal affairs. China will take further reactions according to how the situation develops.” said Hua.
STOCKHOLM, Dec. 9(Greenpost)– A large scale photo exhibition featuring on China’s development over the past 70 years is underway in Chinese Cultural Center in Stockholm.
Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou spoke at the opening ceremony.
“The founding of the People’s Republic of China 70 years ago was of immense significance in the 5000 years of history of the Chinese nation, which profoundly altered the destiny of the Chinese people. Over the past 70 years, under the leadership of the Communist Party of China, the Chinese nation has achieved a great transformation, from standing up to becoming rich and growing strong, trailblazing a path of Socialism with Chinese characteristics and creating a miracle of rapid economic growth and long-lasting social stability.
The extraordinary achievements of China owe a lot to exchanges and cooperation with countries including Sweden and people around the world. China is the second largest economy, the biggest trading nation and the largest developing country in the world. China cannot grow without the world, and the world cannot develop without China. China’s door will only open up wider to the world, and will continue to share the dividends of its development with countries around the world.”
To help other countries get a more objective, comprehensive and accurate understanding of China and better grasp the opportunities presented by China, we specially host this international exhibition of pictures. It has three sections: “Standing-up of the Chinese People”, “Spring Breeze of Reform and Opening up” and “Forging Ahead in a New Era”. The more than 160 precious and vivid pictures speak of every small step of the journey of the seven decades traversed by the new China, bringing to life the memories shared by the Chinese people and displaying the chronicle of the transformation of the country. I believe this exhibition will give you a better understanding of the past, present and future of China, and an idea of how Chinese people hope to join hands with people around the world for a community with a shared future for mankind and building a brighter future.
STOCKHOLM, December 8(Greenpost)–Top diplomats from the African Union joined the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden and the Belt and Road Institute’s (BRIX) members in a special seminar on December 5 in Stockholm to outline the great progress being achieved in realizing Africa’s development goals in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Moreover, the seminar’s more important aspect was to explore the massive potential imbedded in making Africa the greatest economic powerhouse on the planet in the coming decades and how Sweden, Europe and China can cooperate with the African nations to accelerate and benefit from this promising perspective.
The seminar was initiated by Stephen Brawer, Vice-President of BRIX and moderator of the event. He welcomed everyone and gave a brief history of how BRIX came into being, and about its two other very successful seminars in 2019. The BRIX, which is only one year old, emerged out of a high-level seminar on the strategic and economic impact of the BRI held in May 2018 and organized jointly by the Schiller Institute and the China-Sweden Business Council (CSBC). He emphasized that BRIX works to disseminate knowledge of BRI as a global development process, and to present facts and knowledge based on deeper reflections, and not on superficial opinion based on prejudice and geopolitical agendas. Thus, BRIX believes that in the future, disinformation and propaganda that are spread in Sweden against BRI should be addressed in a more clear and assertive way.
Egypt’s ambassador, Mr. Alaa Hegazy, gave the welcoming speech as representative of the African Union (AU), since Egypt is the current Chairman of the AU. He emphasized the importance of the Belt & Road Initiative for the implementation of Africa’s development plans that have been around for a long time and lacked only the construction starts. He presented the AU’s Agenda 2063 plan for a continental rail and road network, electrification and industrialization. Ambassador Hegazy explained that the AU has several cooperation mechanisms with the EU, UN, Japan, etc., but cooperation with the BRI has been the most dynamic and effective of these mechanisms.
The ambassador of the People’s Republic of China to Sweden, Mr. Gui Congyou gave, the keynote speech of the seminar in which he gave a detailed picture of the extensive cooperation that has been established between China and Africa in the context of the BRI. Ambassador Gui referenced the September 2018 Summit of the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation (FOCAC) in Beijing and the results of that summit. He said: “China-Africa joint construction of the “Belt and Road” initiative has accelerated, and 40 African countries and the AU Commission have signed cooperation documents with China on the “Belt and Road” initiative. We have formulated a country plan based on the actual needs of Africa. We will implement a total of more than 880 China-Africa cooperation projects in the next three years.”
Concerning Chinese-Swedish perspectives, the Ambassador stated: ”The Swedish government has many aid and cooperation projects for Africa, and many large Swedish companies such as Volvo, Scania, and ABB have extensive operations in Africa. China is willing to work with other countries in the world, including Sweden, to complement each other’s strengths and make positive contributions to peace, stability and development in Africa.”
Ethiopia’s Ambassador, Mr. Deriba Kuma showed the audience how Africa’s plans for modernization and industrialization are being implemented. Ethiopia is well on its way to realizing its plans to become a middle-income country by 2025, transitioning from an agricultural-based society to an industry-based one. “Ethiopia is a major beneficiary in the Belt and Road Initiative. Since the country has embarked on expanding its infrastructure network across the nation like roads, railways, telecom and airports; the technical as well as financial support from the Government of China side has helped a lot”, Ambassador Deriba said. He added that “Ethiopia, through its vision of becoming a middle-income country by 2025, has launched an ambitious plan of constructing twelve industrial parks across the nation. Major Chinese companies have participated in the construction of these industrial parks and even some Chinese companies are constructing their own industrial parks in Ethiopia.” He emphasized that “Ethiopia has a plan to have 30 industrial parks by the year 2025. I hereby would like to call up on those competent companies to actively engage in this endeavor either through constructing the industrial parks or by leasing the sheds that could help them to participate in manufacturing of different products.”
Ambassador Kuma also reminded the audience that his country’s Prime Minister, H.E. Dr. Abiy Ahmed, will be receiving the Nobel Peace Price next week. This is an appropriate recognition of the path Ethiopia has taken towards social, political and economic reform.
South Africa’s Chargé d’Affaires, Duncan Sebefelo discussed his country’s economic visions and plans, and the challenges and opportunities that exist today. He referenced the major investments China has made in key projects in his country. After the turn of the year, South Africa become the chairman of the AU, outlining the philosophical principles that the AU has for the economic cooperation projects. Mr. Sebefelo explained how important the BRI is for the development goals of the African continent.
The board member of BRIX, Hussein Askary, made a thorough presentation on “retooling Africa’s rise”. With the help of charts, pictures and maps, he showed how BRI is helping in realizing Africa’s goals. He emphasized that BRIX does not exist to cheer on China or Africa, who can take care of themselves. BRIX’s goal is that Sweden should be part of this process of cooperation and not miss the train towards economic prosperity and stability in the world. In order to achieve that, Sweden’s and Europe’s attitude towards Africa has to change first. He contrasted this attitude to that of China. While Sweden and the Eu considered Africa “a problem”, China considers Africa “an opportunity”. Askary explained that a major part of this problem is the “aid” mentality. He argued that the Chinese way of “empowering rather than helping”, which is to supply Africa with the “tools” for development such as infrastructure, industrialization and technology transfer is the most suitable for Sweden and Europe to follow. Under the heading “SDG acrobatics” (Sustainable Development Goals), he talked about how Sweden and the EU are redefining the UN development agenda in 2030, so that the most important priority goals to be addressed (poverty, hunger, healthcare, electricity education, water, industrialization, etc.) are placed at the bottom of the priority list, while Climate Action, goal no. 13, is at the top. In conclusion, he explained that with the help of China and the BRI, Africa is well on the way to realizing its Agenda 2063. But he asked how faster can this agenda be realized if Sweden and the EU contribute to it?
The Norwegian former member of parliamentary, and co-founder of Ichi Foundation, Mr. Thore Vestby, talked about the Norwegian cooperation with Africa, which has been largely restricted to aid through NORAD. But a new focus on cooperation has been established in 2012 through the Norwegian African Business Association by leading Norwegian companies ( Norway also needs to establish cooperation with BRI, Vestby emphasized, and a shift in the attitude in Norway towards China and the BRI is necessary. He congratulated the Swedish BRIX for its successful work and announced that a “BRIX Norway” will be started in the new year.
BRIX member and private consultant, Mr. Lars Aspling, explained in his presentation that now 16 of 28 EU countries have already signed agreements (MOU) with China to cooperate with the BRI. This shows that such an agreement, or even a mere positive opinion on BRI, as France and Finland have expressed, need not necessarily to divide the EU. Although the Swedish government, with its proposal for a new China strategy, adheres to EU policy, there are, thus, no legal issues that hinder Sweden from joining the BRI. But only a lack of political will stands in the way, he stated. Aspling gave a tour of the necessary investments that need to be made in northern Europe, Scandinavia and Sweden to be able to rise to the levels of productivity necessary in the new BRI era.
Aspling seized the opportunity to announce that a new report that BRIX has just published about what BRI on the importance of Sweden’s cooperation with the BRI can now be downloaded from the BRIX website. (Https://
The seminar’s moderator, Stephen Brawer, led the closing panel debate where the speakers answered questions fielded by the audience.
BRIX chairman Ulf Sandmark commented on the question and discussion about corruption in Africa by pointing out that BRI has a focus on real investments that are not handed over as sums of money like the investments made by the West. The BRI investments are delivered as cement, steel, machinery and input products for the projects. “Cement is difficult to put into a bank account, which means that BRI has an intrinsic mechanism to prevent corruption,” he said.
In closing the seminar, moderator Stephen Brawer again emphasized the need to present fact-based information and knowledge about BRI, and made a point of thanking the effort that TV100 and Fredrik Vargas make through their important work in reporting the proceedings of this seminar.
Zimbabwen Ambassador Alice also attended the seminar.
19 diplomats from 15 countries (mostly from Africa) participated in the seminar which was attended by 60 guests.
STOCKHOLM, December 8( Greenpost )–Toppdiplomater som representerar den Afrikanska Unions medlemsländer i Sverige deltog tillsammans med Kinas ambassadör i ett välbesökt seminarium organiserad av Belt and Road Institutet i Sverige (BRIX) den 5 december i Stockholm med temat Det nya Afrika Växer” (The New Africa Emerging).
Seminariets deltagare presenterade och diskuterade den enorma förändringen och utvecklingen som pågår i flera delar av Afrika för att förvekliga Afrikas visioner och utvecklingsmål i sammanhanget av Belt and Road Initiativet / Nya Sidenvägen Initiativet (BRI).
Ännu viktigare var diskussionen om den obegränsade utvecklingspotentialen som kan växa ur ett aktivt samarbete mellan Sverige, Kina och Afrika för att accelerera och få nytta av detta lovande perspektiv.
Seminariet inleddes av Stephen Brawer, viceordförande för BRIX och moderator för seminariet. Han välkomnade alla och gav en kort historien om hur BRIX blev till, och om dess två andra väldigt lyckade seminarier i 2019. Han betonade att BRIX jobbar för att sprida kunskap av BRI som en global utvecklingsprocess, och presentera fakta och kunskap baserade på djupare reflektioner och inte på ytlig opinion byggd på fördomar och politiska syften. På så sätt anser BRIX att i fortsättning ska desinformation och propaganda som sprids i Sverige mot BRI bemötas tydligare och med mer kraft.
Egyptens Ambassadör Alaa Hegazi höll välkomsttalet som företrädare för Afrikanska Unionens (AU) ordförandeland. Han betonade hur viktigt Belt & Road Initiativet är för genomförande av Afrikas utvecklingsplaner som funnits länge och endast saknat byggstarterna. Han presenterade AU:s plan Agenda 2063 för ett kontinentalt järnvägs- och vägnät, elektrifiering och industrialisering. Ambassadör Hegazy förklarade att AU har flera samarbetsmekanismer med EU, FN, Japan osv, men samarbetet med BRI är den mest dynamiska och resultatgivande i Afrika idag.
Kinas ambassadör Gui Congyou höll huvudtalet på seminariet och berättade om det omfattande samarbetet som utvecklats mellan Kina och Afrika inom ramen för BRI. Han hänvisade till toppmötet i september 2018 för Kina-Afrika Samarbetsforum (FOCAC) i Peking och resultatet av toppmötet. ”Kina-Afrikas gemensamma byggande av BRI har påskyndats, och 40 afrikanska länder och AU-kommissionen har undertecknat samarbetsdokument med Kina om initiativet. Vi har formulerat planer för enskilda afrikanska länder baserad på Afrikas faktiska behov. Vi kommer att genomföra totalt mer än 880 Kina-Afrika samarbetsprojekt under de kommande tre åren.” Vad gäller det kinesisk-svenska perspektivet sade ambassadören Gui: ”Den svenska regeringen har många bistånd- och samarbetsprojekt för Afrika, och många stora svenska företag som Volvo, Scania och ABB har omfattande verksamhet i Afrika. Kina är villigt att arbeta med andra länder i världen, inklusive Sverige, för att komplettera varandras styrkor och ge positiva bidrag till fred, stabilitet och utveckling i Afrika. ”
Etiopien Ambassadör Deriba Kuma visade hur Afrikas planer för modernisering och industrialisering håller på att förverkligas. Etiopien är på god väg att förverkliga sina planer att till 2025 bli ett medelinkomstland som övergår från ett jordbruksbaserat samhälle till ett industribaserat, berättade ambassadör Kuma. Det var en föraning av vad som vi kommer att höra mer om när Etiopiens premiärminister nästa vecka skall ta emot Nobels Fredspris för sitt fredsarbete med alla länder på Afrikas Horn.
Sydafrikas beskickningschef Duncan Sebefelo talade om de betydande summor som Kina investerat i projekt i hans land. Efter årsskiftet blir Sydafrika ordförandeland för AU och han redogjorde för de filosofiska principer som AU har för de ekonomiska samarbetsprojekten.
Styrelsemedlemmen i BRIX Hussein Askary visade med bilder och kartor hur BRI bidragit till att börja förverkliga Afrikas projektplaner och berättade om den optimism som de skapat. Han betonade att BRIX finns inte för att heja på Kina eller Afrika. De kan sköta sitt. BRIX målsättning är Sverige ska vara med detta samarbete och inte missa tåget mot ekonomiskt välstånd och stabilitet i världen.
Askary berättade om den otroliga skillnaden mellan den europeiska och svenska attityden mot Afrika som är en återstod av den gamla koloniala mentaliteten och hur Kina betraktade Afrika som en mycket viktig partner. Problemet stort sett ligger i den misslyckade bistånds mentaliteten som dominerar EU:s agerande. Askary argumenterade att det kinesiska sättet att tillförse Afrika med ”verktygen” för utvecklingen som infrastruktur, industrialisering och teknologiöverföring är den mest lämpliga för Sverige och Europa att följa. Under rubriken ”SDG2030 akrobatik” (FN målen för hållbar utveckling) berättade han om hur Sverige och EU gör om FN:s utvecklingsagenda 2030, så att de viktigaste målen att ta itu med (fattigdom, hälsa, utbildning, vatten, energi, industrialisering osv.) placeras längst ned, medan klimatfrågan, som är nr 13, sätts högst upp. Avslutningsvis, förklarade han att med hjälp av Kina och BRI Afrika är på god väg att förverkliga sitt Agenda 2063, men frågade om hur snabbare denna agenda kan förverkligas om Sverige och EU bidrar till den?
Den norske tidigare stortingsledamoten Thore Vestby, och styrelsemedlem i Ichi Foundation, talade om det norska samarbetet med Afrika, som i hög grad varit inskränkt till bistånd genom NORAD. Men en ny inriktning på samarbetet har upprättats 2012 genom NABA-Norwegian African Business Association av ledande norska företag ( Även Norge behöver upprätta samarbete med BRI, sa Vestby, kommer att startas. Han kongratulerade den Svenska BRIX för sitt framgångsrika arbete och tillkännagav att ett ”BRIX Norge” ska startas i det nya året.
BRIX-medlemmen och konsulten Lars Aspling berättade i sin presentation att det är nu 16 av 28 EU-länder som har ingått avtal (MOU) med Kina för att samarbeta med BRI. Det visar att ett sådant avtal, eller ett positivt yttrande om BRI, som Frankrike och Finland uttalat, inte nödvändigt behöver splittra EU. Även om svenska regeringen med sitt förslag till ny Kinastrategi håller sig till EU:s politik, så är det således inga legala frågor som hindrar Sverige utan enbart en brist på politisk vilja, fastslog han.
Zimbabwen Ambassador to Sweden Alice attended the seminar.
Aspling annonserade att den nya rapporten som BRIX just publicerat om vad BRI handlar om och vikten att Sverige samarbetar med BRI finns nu att ladda ner från BRIX hemsida.
Seminariets moderator Stephen Brawer ledde den avslutande paneldebatten där talarna fick svara på publikens många frågor och kommentarer.
BRIX ordförande Ulf Sandmark kommenterade diskussionen om korruption i Afrika med att påpeka att BRI har en inriktning på reala investeringar som inte överlämnas som penningsummor likt Västvärldens investeringar. BRI-investeringarna levereras som cement, stål, maskiner och insatsprodukter till projekten. ”Cement är svårt att sätta in på ett bankkonto, vilket gör att BRI har en inneboende mekanism för att hindra korruption”, sa han och uttryckte samtidigt sin glädje över att så många gamla och nya vänner deltagit i seminariet.
Moderator Stephen Brawer betonade igen behovet av att presentera faktabaserad information och kunskap om BRI, och gjorde en poäng av att tacka insatsen som TV100 och Fredrik Vargas gör genom deras viktiga arbete att förmedla i sitt reportage vad har presenterats i seminariet.
19 diplomater från 15 länder (flest från Afrika) deltog i en publik på sammanlagt 60 personer. Svenska media representerades av den fristående TV-kanalen TV100 som dokumenterade hela seminariet, inklusive paneldebatten där den kinesiska ambassadören gjorde sin kommentar till de svensk-kinesiska relationerna.
STOCKHOLM, Nov. 29(Greenpost) — Hunan Cultural and Tourism Promotion conference was successfully held at Sheraton Hotel in Stockholm on Friday.
Yu Xinrong, Secretary of Party Committee of Department of Culture and Tourism of Hunan Province, Central China said Hunan enjoys very rich tourism resources and has many cultural relics such as Yueyanglou Pagoda, Mawangdui cemetery, Maozedong’s hometown. The famous Zhangjiajie tourism spot was the shooting site for animation Avanda, its beauty has attracted many people.
Yu said that Hunan also has China’s largest lake Dongting Lake which stretches over 400 kilometers. Hunan has many ethnic minorities thus has rich culture. Hunan’s cuisine is famous for its hotness. The pheonix city and Furong Town are famous for its history.
The ancestors of the Chinese nation, Emperor Yan and Emperor Shun were buried in Hunan, Zeng Guofan and Zuo Zongtang were born in Hunan and became famous for their achievements in Chinese history. Hunan also boasts many ethnic groups which all have their own culture and traditions.
Yu Xinrong welcomed Swedish friends to visit Hunan and enjoyed the diversity in Hunan.
Cecilia Rahmqvist, Director of Laplands tourism bureau in northern Sweden also introduced Kiruna’s Ice Hotel, Tree Hotel and Ice tourism resources. She said that they used solar energy to keep the ice even in summer. She welcomed Chinese tourists to visit them.
Liu Fang, President of Hunan and Hubei Town-fellow Association in Sweden expressed her welcome to the Hunan delegation. She said her association has been promoting Hunan and Hubei culture in Sweden by holding Duanwu festival every year.
During the promotion conference, audience also watched promotion video which showed all the beautiful tourism resources and infrastructure in Hunan and impressed the audience a lot.
Cao Diefeng, Counselor of Education department of Chinese Embassy in Sweden also attended the conference.
Other guests include Zhu Jinchuan, General Manager of Air China in Stockholm, Zhang Shouting, President of Nordic China Sustainable Development Association and Ulf from BRIX.
During the promotion conference, a dozen of pictures showing the beauty of Hunan were also displayed.