Category Archives: Chinese circle


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国国家京剧院著名老旦演员袁慧琴15日晚在斯德哥尔摩王后大街的瑞典舞蹈博物馆为中瑞京剧爱好者和戏迷们做了一台精彩的演讲。中国驻瑞典大使桂从友和夫人也出席了演讲并观看了演出。


袁慧琴老师说,京剧作为体现中国特色的、典型的、重要的非物质文化遗产,是一 种集音乐、舞蹈、文学、美术等多个领域于一体的艺术形式。其多元的 构成要素,蕴含着丰富的审美特征,它具有非常独特的美,进而使中国 京剧艺术,迸发出持续的生命力和深远的影响力。京剧也是第一个走向 国际舞台、代表中华民族文化的表演艺术。在国际艺术舞台上,中国京 剧被列为“世界三大戏剧体系之一”。


袁慧琴说,其实如果能把京剧讲明白了,实际上20小时也不够。京 剧艺术所包含的任何一个元素,都可以讲上一个多小时。比如:中国京剧的历史形 成、中国京剧的世界地位、中国京剧的美学特征、中国京剧的四功五法、中国京剧的 舞台布置、中国京剧的行当和流派、中国京剧的脸谱、中国京剧的演唱技巧、中国京 剧的表演程式、中国京剧的音乐特征、中国京剧的剧目、中国京剧的代表性人物等。

Timothy 天木也是中国京剧院毕业的。表演三岔口片段。

因此,她先是就京剧从服饰到唱腔,从动作到眼神,一投足,一皱眉,一个眼神,一个动作等都具有充分涵义的角度介绍了京剧的深刻内涵:一:京剧艺术的独特美, 二:京剧舞台的写意美, 三:京剧人物的造型美, 四:京剧表演的虚拟美, 五:京剧服饰的绚丽美, 六:京剧脸谱的夸张美, 七:京剧手势的变化美, 八:京剧行当的多样美, 九:京剧音乐的和谐美 ,十:京剧唱腔的传神美。

袁慧琴是中国国家京剧院著名京剧表演艺术家,25 岁获得中国戏曲表演最高奖——梅花奖;三次获得中国电视剧最高奖——飞天奖;第一个在中国最高表演殿堂——国家大剧院,举办个人专场演唱的京剧演员; 主演的电影《对花枪》,在好莱坞中美电影节上,获得“金天使”奖;连续十多年,受邀在中国最盛大的电视盛典——《春节联欢晚会》上演出; 被誉为国宝级艺术家,代表着东方大美,在外交场合为许多国家元首演出;先后受邀到北京大学、武汉大学、中国音乐学院等诸多中国高等院校演讲。现任:全国政协委员、全国政协科教文化委员会委员、民建中央文化委员会副 主 任、中国传媒大学戏剧戏曲研究中心主任、中国国家京剧院艺术发展中心主 任、 中国国家京剧院艺术指导。




谭帅饰演《盗御马》片段中的窦尔敦 。

















今天非常高兴有机会来到(),和朋友们一起,交流中国的国粹艺术——京剧。 我是中国国家京剧院的演员,我叫袁慧琴。

在我正式开讲之前,我想先问问现场的朋友们,有了解中国京剧的吗?哪怕是了 解一点点也行。有的话,请举手! 说句实话,当我接到这个讲座任务的时候,我还是 有些犹豫的。虽然我在国内的大学里面,讲过很多场关于京剧艺术的讲座,也深受大 学生们的欢迎,但是来到这里,我还是有些忐忑。理由是:1、我面对的听讲对象,是 外国朋友,基于文化和地域 的差异,这给讲座增加了一些难度;2、中国京剧源于中 国戏曲,中国戏曲源于中国文 化,所以,要把中国京剧讲全、讲透的话,那就不是一 个多小时的时间可以完成的。 但我又是有一些把握的,因为,美是人类共同追求的, 艺术之美,更是不受国界限制的。

不瞒朋友们说,为了准备这次讲座,我是煞费苦心,因为要讲的内容实在太多, 京 剧艺术所包含的任何一个元素,都可以讲上一个多小时。比如:中国京剧的历史形 成、中国京剧的世界地位、中国京剧的美学特征、中国京剧的四功五法、中国京剧的 舞台布置、中国京剧的行当和流派、中国京剧的脸谱、中国京剧的演唱技巧、中国京 剧的表演程式、中国京剧的音乐特征、中国京剧的剧目、中国京剧的代表性人物,等 等等等。怎么办呢?如果想要做到面面俱到,很有可能面面都讲不透,与其这样,不 如艺海拾贝,讲几个重点。

所以,今天我将从了解京剧、理解京剧、欣赏京剧和体验京剧,四个方面展开。 我 的讲座主题是:东方戏韵——中国京剧艺术之美。










Mitt namn är Yuan Hui Qing. Jag är skådespelerska och jag skall berätta lite om Pekingoperan.

Det är mycket glädjande att få möjlighet att komma till Falköping och visa upp en del av den kinesiska nationaloperan.

Först vill jag börja med att fråga; Hur många av er har sett Pekingoperan? Ni kan räcka upp handen!

Jag har varit lite nervös inför denna föreläsning pga. kulturella olikheter men samtidigt tror jag att strävan efter estetiken, konstens skönhet, inte har några nationella gränser.

En timmas presentation av Pekingoperan  är egentligen allt för kort varför jag valt att nämna utvalda delar.







25 岁获得中国戏曲表演最高奖——梅花奖;



l 主演的电影《对花枪》,在好莱坞中美电影节上,获得“金天使”奖;

l 连续十多年,受邀在中国最盛大的电视盛典——《春节联欢晚会》上演出;

l 被誉为国宝级艺术家,代表着东方大美,在外交场合为许多国家元首演出;

l 先后受邀到北京大学、武汉大学、中国音乐学院,等诸多中国高等院校演讲;

l 现任:全国政协委员、全国政协科教文化委员会委员、民建中央文化委员会副 主 任、中国传媒大学戏剧戏曲研究中心主任、中国国家京剧院艺术发展中心主 任、 中国国家京剧院艺术指导、享受中国国务院特殊津贴专家。



一:了解中国京剧艺术之美(常识介绍篇) 二:理解中国京剧艺术之美(视频解说篇) 三:欣赏中国京剧艺术之美(名家示范篇) 四:体验中国京剧艺术之美(现场互动篇)

Föreläsningens innehåll:

  1. Lär känna Pekingoperan (introduktion)
  2. Förstå Pekingoperan (videokommentarer)
  3. Uppskatta Pekingoperan (visning)

4, Upplev Pekingoperan (interaktion)






一:京剧艺术的独特美 二:京剧舞台的写意美 三:京剧人物的造型美 四:京剧表演的虚拟美 五:京剧服饰的绚丽美 六:京剧脸谱的夸张美 七:京剧手势的变化美 八:京剧行当的多样美 九:京剧音乐的和谐美 十:京剧唱腔的传神美

Lär känna Pekingoperan:

  1. Den unika skönheten i Pekingoperans konst
  2. Pekingoperans scenframställning
  3. Pekingoperans karaktärer utformas av modellering, masker
  4. Pekingoperans virtuella skönhet
  5. Pekingoperans kostymkonst
  6. Pekingoperans ansiktsmålningar – överdimensionerad konst

7.Pekingoperans gester förändringens konst

8.Pekingoperans verksamhetsområden

9.Pekingoperans musikharmonier

  1. Pekingoperans sånguttryck.




京剧作为体现中国特色的、典型的、重要的非物质文化遗产,是一 种集音乐、舞蹈、文学、美术等多个领域于一体的艺术形式。其多元的 构成要素,蕴含着丰富的审美特征,它具有非常独特的美,进而使中国 京剧艺术,迸发出持续的生命力和深远的影响力。京剧也是第一个走向 国际舞台、代表中华民族文化的表演艺术。在国际艺术舞台上,中国京 剧被列为“世界三大戏剧体系之一”。


Pekingoperans unika  skönhet

Pekingoperan representerar ett viktigt kulturarv och vill beskriva typiska kinesiska egenskaper. Det är en konstform som integrerar musik, dans, litteratur, konst och många andra områden. Dess olika element innehåller rika estetiska egenskaper, och den har en mycket unik skönhet, vilket gör att den kinesiska operakonsten uttrycker en stark vitalitet. Pekingoperan är också den enda konstform som representerar den kinesiska kulturen. På den internationella konstarenan har Pekingoperan listats som ett av de tre stora dramasystemen i världen.




戏剧舞台的场景,是对现实生活的模仿,不可避免地要处理虚和实 的关系。西方的戏剧舞台,大都采用的是写实的手法,而中国京剧的舞 台,则是采用写意的道路,最为突出的特征就是简约。舞台上只有简单 的一桌二椅,一会儿是皇宫内院,一会儿是破瓦寒窑,一会儿是中军宝 帐。有的时候,舞台上甚至没有任何的布置,但依旧可以描绘出和感受 到精彩的场景。观众看重的不是外在的形似,而是内在的神似,一种可 以驰骋想象的意境。

Freehand i Pekingoperas scenen.


Scenariot försöker efterlikna det verkliga livet, hantera förhållandet mellan det falska och det verkliga. Den västerländska teatern försöker oftast använda en realistisk teknik, medan scenen i den kinesiska operan skapas med ett enkelt och humoristiskt uttryck. Scenen kan vara ett enkelt bord och två stolar, ibland har scenen inte ens någon dekor alls, men man kan ändå förstå och känna den sagolika scenen. Publiken söker inte den yttre formen, utan vill skapa en inre ande, en känsla och fantasi.








京剧人物造型,俗称“扮相”,是通过具有艺术形态的戏曲服饰和 化装谱式构成的京剧舞台形象。具体包括:服饰美、头饰美、俊扮美、 脸谱美和整体呈现的综合美。它是用中华民族的审美意趣和观念方法, 把艺术精髓体现在京剧舞台上,有着自己独特的美学体系;它与表演浑 然一体,以形传神,形神兼备,形式和内容高度统一,体现出独特的符 号美学构思和巧妙的表达意境,达到京剧艺术美的最高境界。

Skönheten i Pekingoperans rollfigurer

Pekingoperan, känd för sitt “exklusiva uttryck”, är ett brett spektrum av scener, konstformer, kostymer och smink. Den innehåller särskilt uttrycksfulla klänningar, huvudbonader, stiler och masker. Det är med tyngdpunkt på den estetiska inlevelsen som kineserna vill återspegla konsten i operan, man vill skapa ett unikt konstnärligt innehåll; allt blandat i en harmoni med helhet och levande former. Man vill återspegla den unika konstnärliga sinnebilden av kloka idéer. Då har man uppnått Pekingoperans högsta nivå.
















在京剧舞台上,演员模仿的生活动作时逼真的,但动作指向的物质 实体并不存在。如:开门的动作是真实的,但舞台上并没有门。这种不 用实物来模仿生活的表演,就叫做虚拟表演。这种经过了艺术提炼加工 的、写意虚拟的表演形式,与其它戏剧形式相比,具有更大的自由度和 弹性,不仅解放了舞台时空,给艺术创造带来了表现的自由,也培养了 观众的想象力,让演员的表演和观众的联想,融为一体。它是中国京剧 艺术的魂,极具魅力和美感。

Pekingoperans virtuella skönhet

på operascenen i Pekingopera  vill skådespelarna imitera livet genom olika verklighetstrogna kroppsställningar. handlingen med att öppna en dörr är sann,men det finns ingen dörr på scenen. en sådan prestation som imiterar livet utan tillgång till fysiska objekt kallas virtuell framställning. konst med en virtuell föreställning ger , i jämförelse med andra former av drama, en större frihet och flexibilitet, inte bara för att fritt skapa ett scenrum utan också för att odla och stimulera publikens fantasi. skådespelarna agerar och publiken göra egna tolkningar. det är själen i Pekingoperan, och den har stor charm och skönhet.









京剧舞台上的服装,也称“行头”,是构成舞台美术和人物造型的 重要元素。剧中人所处时代、身份地位、性格、形象的不同,他们穿戴 的服饰也就不同。它最大的特点是不分季节,具有很强的兼容性。不过 在具体穿戴时,非常严格,有“宁穿破,不穿错”的说法。整个舞台给 人以豪华绚烂之感,精美的刺绣、夸张的图案、鲜明的色彩、考究的质 地,其本身就具有很高的观赏价值。

kostymerna i Pekingoperans “XingTou”utgör viktiga element i scenkonsten och karaktärsbygget. skådespelarnas rollfigurer kan vara olika i tid, identitet, status karaktär och utseende, deras kostymer är därför anpassade till dessa förhållanden. typiskt är dock att kostymerna inte förändras med årstiderna. kostymeringen lyfter föreställningen och ger människorna en känsla av lyx och skönhet. man använder uttrycksfulla broderier, med överdrivna mönster, klara färger och utsökta mönster.



京剧脸谱,是一种具有中国文化特色的特殊化妆方法。由于每个历 史人物或某一种类型的人物都有一种大概的谱式,就像唱歌、奏乐都要 按照乐谱一样,所以称为“脸谱”。京剧脸谱艺术是广大戏曲爱好者, 非常喜爱的一门艺术,国内外都很流行,已经被大家公认为是中国传统 文化的标识之一。脸谱主要有三个特点:美与丑的矛盾统一;与角色的 性格关系密切;其图案是程式化的。它的艺术特色,主要表现在变形、 传神、寓意三个方面。


Skådespelarens sminkning görs med en särskild metod och på typiskt  kinesiskt vis. Eftersom varje historisk figur eller en viss typ av tecken har ett särskilt uttryck följer sminkningen s.k. noter som reglerar vilken typ av sminkning som skall göras.  Sminkningen är en konst i sig och har stor betydelse. Både i Kina och utomlands är den mycket populär och sedd  som ett kännetecken för den traditionella kinesiska kulturen. Det finns tre huvuddrag i ansiktsmakeupen; skönhet, fulhet och förhållandet mellan karaktärerna, mönstret är stiliserat. Dess konstnärliga egenskaper manifesteras huvudsakligen i tre aspekter: vanställande, livlighet och bildlig framställning.







在京剧表演中,手势是很重要的一个表演手段,细微的手势,表示 着剧中角色的种种心情变化。因此,对每个微妙的动作,都有着精细的 规定。尤其要说的是,中国京剧大师梅兰芳先生的兰花指,堪称一绝。 前苏联戏剧家梅耶荷德说:“看过梅兰芳的表演,再到我们那的剧院去 走一遭之后,我看把我们所有演员的手都砍去得了,因为它们毫无用 途,既然我们看到的这些手,不过是袖口露出来的一个肉疙瘩,他们既 不能表现什么,也不能表达什么,或者只能表达一些不该表达的东西, 那么,我们何不把这些手砍去算了。”由此可见,京剧手势之魅力。


I Pekingoperan har olika gester stor betydelse i framförande, de subtila gesterna indikerar humörförändringarna i rollen. Därför finns det regler för alla subtila handrörelser. Varje liten rörelse speglar dina djupa känslor – Mei Lanfangs uttryck. Mei Lanfang var en kinesisk, mycket känd, operaskådespelare som var en mästare på att uttrycka känslor med hjälp av olika handrörelser.












京剧舞台上的角色根据其性别、性格、年龄、职业及社会地位的不 同,划分为生、旦、净、丑四种类型,在京剧专门名词里称作“行 当”。生行是扮演男性角色的一种行当,包括老生、小生、武生等。旦 行是扮演女性的角色,分青衣、花旦、武旦、老旦等。净行俗称“花 脸”,一般扮演男性角色,分正净、副净和武净。丑行又称“三花 脸”,专门扮演行动滑稽、语言幽默,相貌丑而不怪,很风趣的男性角


Pekingoperas mångfald av roller

I Pekingoperas scen olika karaktär grund av deras olika kö årder yrke och olika statist kan delas “sheng” Dan””jing””Chou” fyra grunp . i Pekingopera kalla vi “handan” den “sheng” är mänligt rollen , den innehåll gamla man , pojken och krigare.”DangHang”är kvinling roll deras “qingYi””huadan””wudan””laodan”. “Jing” är “hualian” oftas är mänling rollen den delas “zhengjing “fujing”wujing” “chou”man kallas också “tre blommors ansikt” oftar spela funny, humor , ibland företräder onda människor .








俗话说:”一台锣鼓半台戏”。这里所说的”锣鼓”泛指戏曲乐队,虽 然夸张,却道出了乐队伴奏在戏曲艺术当中的重要作用。京剧乐队由弦 乐、管乐、弹拨乐和打击乐组成,分成”文场”和”武场”,故也有人把它 称为”文武场”。”文场”是指京剧乐队中的京胡、京二胡、月琴、三弦、 中阮、大阮、笛子、唢呐、笙等乐器及其演奏者。“武场”是指鼓板、 大锣、铙钹、小锣等乐器及其演奏者。鼓板在京剧乐队中,是起指挥作 用的乐器。





Pekingoperas musiks skönhet

Musikinstrumenten består av sträng- och blåsinstrument och olika slagverk.

musikkompositionen delas upp i “wenchang” och “Wuchang”också kallad “civila och militära områden””wenchang”refererar till operainstrument i “Jinghu” Yueqing”BerjingErhu” Sanxian,ZhongRuan, Daruan,flöjt, Suona, Sheng. “wuchang”refererar till instrument ,trumman, gong-gongen och cymbalerna.

I Pekingoperan är truminstrumenten en mest commande.

















京剧的唱腔分为“二黄”和“西皮”两种声腔。 “二黄”是一种节 奏舒缓、旋律平稳、唱腔较为凝重、浑厚、稳健的声腔,适合表现沉 郁、肃穆、悲愤、激昂的情绪。“西皮”是一种节奏紧凑,旋律起伏变 化较大,唱腔流畅、轻快、明朗、活泼的声腔,适合表现欢快、坚毅、 愤懑的情绪。

Pekingoperans aria – livlig och vacker

Sången framförs i huvudsak på två olika sätt. “ErHuang” är en typ av rytm, melodi, där sången är mer värdig, stabil och kraftfull. Det är  robusta melodier som lämpar sig  för att uttrycka en sorgsen, högtidlig, ilsken eller passionerad känsla. “XiPi” är snabbare, går antingen högre upp eller ner, sången är livlig, glad och ljus och lämpar sig  för att framföra tålamod och motbjudande känslor.








通过现场观看京剧《杨门女将》的视频表演片 段,进一步了解、认识、体会、感受,中国京剧艺术 之美。

舞台、行当、服饰、头饰、手势、台步、音乐、 唱腔、脸谱,等等京剧元素,在一个片段中,将会集 中体现。(边看边解说,增加直观感)




Förstå skönheten i den kinesiska Pekingoperan

Se en pekingopera ”kvinnlig general för Yang Familjen” genom ett live-videoklipp! försök förstå mer; upplevelsen, känslorna eller den kinesiska  operans konstnärliga skönhet.

Scenen, handlingen, kläderna, huvudbonaderna, gesterna, musiken, sången, ansiktsuttrycken och Pekingoperans grundelement, kort sagt: hur den gestaltas.







一:游园惊梦 二:三岔口 三:盗御马 四:霸王别姬 五:杨门女









在中国戏曲史上,比京剧形成更早的,是昆曲, 它也是目前在中国颇为流行的一种戏曲形式。《牡丹 亭》是昆曲的经典保留剧目,其中,最为引人入胜的 当属杜丽娘与柳梦梅那亦真亦幻的爱情故事。因教书 先生教授了《诗经》中“关关雎鸠,在河之洲;窈窕 淑女,君子好逑。”之词,杜丽娘萌生伤感之情,在 与丫鬟一起游览了自家的后花园之后,更生伤春之 情,回来后竟然梦中与一手持折柳的公子在花园内有 了一番云雨之情,在梦醒之后独自入后花园寻找梦里 多情郎。由此,也就有了昆曲《牡丹亭》中杜丽娘 “游园”、“惊梦”和“寻梦”等几段戏。



Peony Pavilion Synopsis

Kunqu (“Kun-melodier”) är den äldsta fortfarande spelade operaformen i Kina. den har en 600år gammal historia. Från 1500-talet in på 1700-talet var den helt dominerande och den ses som förfader till många av de nyare lokala operaformerna, exempelvis  HYPERLINK “”Pekingoperan. Kunqu förlorade snabbt popularitet i slutet av kejsartiden men spelas fortfarande på flera håll i landet.

Peony Pavilion tillhör den klassiska repertoaren av Kunqu Operan. Den mest fängslande föreställningen är Du Li Niangs sanna kärlekshistoria .




《三岔口》为京剧传统短打武生剧目。故事说的 是中国宋朝年间,焦赞因杀死谢金吾而被发配到沙门 岛,途中住进刘利华店中。任堂惠奉命暗中保护焦 赞,也住进此店。夜间,任、刘双方发生误会,一场 恶战,焦赞出面,方解此围。

Tre vägkorsningar  Synopsis

“Tre vägkorsningar” är en annan form av kroppsspråk i den traditionella Pekingoperan. Historien utspelas  under Songdynastin. Jiao Zan dödar Xie Jinwu och skickas till Salmonella Island. På vägen dit övernattar han  på ett vandrarhem. Hans beskyddare har också tagit sig in där och ett missförstånd uppstår  mellan ägaren och beskyddaren.







中国清代康熙时,久居河间府的绿林好汉窦尔 墩,在比武时,被黄三太用暗器所伤,羞愤之下到连 环套聚义,仇恨始终铭记于心。10 多年后,窦尔墩 听说梁九公代替康熙皇帝,乘骑皇帝御赐宝马到城外 射猎,这个消息勾起窦尔墩的强烈回忆,他与众兄弟 在山寨上大摆酒宴,并把来此山寨的前因向大家和盘 托出。随后独自下山,夜入御营盗走了御马,又将一 封书信留下,信中言明盗马之事乃是黄三太所为,妄 图借官府之手加害黄三太,以报当初比武受到暗算之 仇。

Den stulna hästen

Den här historien utspelar sig under kejsaren Kangxis tid i Qing-perioden. En man vid namn Dou Erdun är en sorts  hjälte som deltar i en kamptävling. Där blir han försåtligt skadad av en lömsk fiende. 10 år senare får han höra ett rykte om att kejsarens närmaste man ska på jakt med kejsarens häst. Dou Erdun  stjäl hästen och lämnar ett brev där det står att den lömska mannen tagit den. Detta  är en sorts  hämnd.







秦末,楚汉相争。韩信命李左车诈降项羽,诓项 羽进兵。在九里山十面埋伏,将项羽困于垓下(今中 国安徽省灵璧县东南)。项羽突围不出,又听得四面 楚歌,疑楚军尽已降汉,在营中与虞姬饮酒作别。虞 姬自刎,项羽杀出重围,迷路,至乌江,感到无面目 见江东父老,自刎江边。

Farväl min konkubin – Synopsis

I slutet av Qingdynastin  under Chu-Han kriget. Generalen för Chu, Xiang Yu och hans män, blir omringade  i nuvarande Anhui-provinsen. Xiang Yu misstänker att hans egna har lierat sig med fienderna. Han har bjudit in sin konkubin och man dricker vin som avsked. Konkubinen tar sitt liv. Xiang Yu misslyckas att fly undan fienden och tar också sitt eget liv.



宋仁宗时,西夏进犯,杨宗保抗敌殉国。部将孟 怀元、焦廷贵回京报警。杨府正设宴庆宗保五十寿 辰。柴郡主、穆桂英闻报惊痛,又恐太君百岁高龄闻 耗发生不测,遂多方遮掩。太君觉察,力抑悲痛,命 焦、孟讣告仁宗。主战派寇准劝仁宗亲临杨府吊唁。 佘太君、穆桂英痛斥主和的王辉,请缨出战,一战而 败西夏之王文。王文设计诱杨文广入伏,佘太君将计 就计,令穆桂英母子入葫芦谷,更由宗保之马夫驭所 乘老马寻得栈道,夹攻歼灭敌军,凯旋而归。

Kvinnliga generaler-Jang-familjen

Detta utspelar sig under Songdynastin (960–1279 Xixia- folket invaderar Songdynastins territorium. En krigare vid namn YangZongBao vill  skydda sitt land men dör martyrdöden. Hans närmaste man  reser tillbaka till YangZongBars hembygd och upplyser om hans död.YangZongBaos familj är  i full gång att fira hans 50-årsdag. När hans fru får  dödsbudet blir hon förkrossad men vill  inte berätta vad som hänt  för sin svärmor. YangZongBaos mor har  ändå förstått det . Modern vill  då tillsammans med styvdottern ta tjänst i hären för att få utlopp för sorgen .Därefter vinner man kriget mot Xixia.







一:示范画脸谱 二:示范台步 三:试穿服装 四:试戴髯口 五:教唱京剧念白 六:示范京胡独奏

Upplev  Pekingoperans skönhet

Visa ansiktsmålning

Visa hur går man på scenen

Pröva att sätta på kläder

Pröva att sätta på lösskägg

Lära sig att sjunga

Visa ett utpräglat instrument





下面请朋友们欣赏一首《京剧是诗》,这样一首介绍中国京剧艺术审美特征的 诗,或许对大家更进一步认识京剧艺术,有所裨益:

一声“苦哇”!太阳飘了过去, 一 段慢板,地球转动停止。 一举杯,一次宴会, 一转身,行程万里。 时空的跳跃,浓缩于虚虚实实, “哇呀”花脸的怒吼, “喂呀”青衣的哭泣。

夸张的美, 含蓄的美。 超越着生活的模拟。

一个手势,那是感情的触角, 一个手的造型,那是性格的写照。并 拢四指——庄重,

张开五指——豪放。 松弛的手指——苍老, 兰花指——描绘出女性的娇丽。 一招一式都在节奏中, 唱念做打都在旋律里。 音乐性可听又可看, 在灵感中浑然一体。 管弦,声带,打击乐, 发出民族的音色。 帕瓦罗蒂惊讶地倾听, 震得房顶落土的黑头, 羞得云雀远遁的青衣。 狂风般的气势,情语般的细腻, 胜过普希金的手笔。 桨,意识着船,鞭,渲染着马,

边锣是水,更鼓是夜。 意象纷呈,物象转移。 舞台上得其“意”,而忘其“形”, 观众者知其“形”,而解其“意”。 京剧是诗,诗是京剧!

Till slut, mina vänner, vill jag att ni lyssnar på en dikt som heter ”Pekingopera  är en poesi”. Det  är en dikt som introducerar Pekingoperans estetik  och kan vara till nytta för en vidare förståelse: Ett rop “kowa”! Solen har passerat förbi, jordens rotation har långsamt avstannat.

Lyft ett glas! Festen är igång.

Vänd dig om! Förflytta dig 1 000 mil. Tid och rum flyter ihop. det sanna beblandas med det falska

“Vaja” vrålar Hualians. “Aija” gråter Qings yi. Överdriven skönhet, reserverad skönhet.

bortom simulering av livet. En gest , den får känslan att fodas. En handrörelse , som skildarar karaktären. tätt ihop, fyra fingrar- högtidligt , fem öppna fingrar- djärvt och ohämmat. slappa fingrar- gammal musik-visar kvinnlig skönhet. Ett trick i rytmen, sången läsningen, handlingen,spelet ,finns i melodin.Musikalitet är hörbar och kan ses som en integrerade helhet i inspirationen.

Orkester, sång, slagverk, nationella toner. Pavarotti lyssnade med häpnad, skakade på takets svarta huvud, en blyg blond, avlägsen QingYi. vindens våldsamhet, det ömtåliga språket, bättre än Pushkins texter. En skeppspropeller, medvetenhet, piska, gör en häst, Gong kantvatten, Genggu natt. Bilder uppstår, bilder förändras. Scenen har sin mening man glömmer sin form.”publiken känner dess form och förklarar  dess mening” Beijingoperar är poesi och poesi är Pekingopera!



120 Guangzhou musik elever besökte Sundbybergs Kulturskolan

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, den 2.sept. (Greenpost)– Det var den 14 i augusti när 120 elever och lärare från Guangzhou ungdomar musik delegation besökte kulturskolan i Sundbyberg.

De var hjärtlig välkomnade av Sofie Aspeqvist, Kulturchef i Sundbyberg.

– Det är fantastiskt att ni har kommit hela vägen hit för att hälsa på oss, och det ska bli väldigt roligt att spela för varandra. Jag ska väldigt kort berätta om den enhet jag är ansvarig för. I enheten så ingår Kulturskolan med musik, konst, dans, teater och bild och form. Varje vecka kommer ungefär 1300 elever.  I enheten har jag också ansvar för stadens konst, den  konsten och den offentliga fasta konsten utomhus. –sa Aspeqvist.

-Jag har också ansvar för den kulturprogramverksamhet som vi har som vi har som är för dem som bor i äldrevården och för barn och vuxna. Vi har också ett hus för utom det här, som heter Allaktivitetshuset som föreningar, där många föreningar skapar sina egna arrangemang.–sa Aspeqvist.

Aspeqvist sa att Sundbyberg stad har idag 47 000 invånare, det är inte så mycket men det kommer att bli fler, vi kommer att bli 80 000 invånare om 15 år.

-Det är Sveriges minsta till ytan kommun och är den mest tättbefolkade, men jämfört med Kina så tycker nog det inte är så många. Nu är ni här och även om vi inte pratar samma språk så har vi musiken gemensamt, och nu ska det bli jättekul att få lyssna på er! –

Magnus Bohman som leder verksamheten här på musikskolan i Sundbyberg tackade för den fina musiken.

–Det är fantastiskt att ni kommer från Kina och vi är i Sverige och vi pratar samma språk precis som Sofie sa. Musikskolan i Sundbyberg, där jobbar 14 stycken musiklärare, vi undervisar på trumpet, fiol, piano, gitarr, slagverk och flera andra instrument. Varje vecka så möter vi cirka 560 elever och vi har stor fokus på ensembleverksamhet här i Sundbyberg. Vi har blåsorkester precis som ni, stråkensamble, piano orkester, folkmusik, körer, och så vidare. Så som sagt, stor fokus på samspel. Det var jätteroligt att få höra på er och ni är jättevälkomma hit till Sundbyberg, Sverige, och det skulle vara trevligt att få komma till Kina och hälsa på.– sa Bohman.

Studenterna från båda sidorna spelade fantastisk musik. Sedan tog Bohman delegationen rund skolan och det fanns kinesisk översättning på varjerum.

1. Keramikverkstad 陶瓷工作室
2. Syatelje 缝纫工作室
3. konstateljé 艺术工作室
4. aggregat 爱吉瑞高特
5. musikskolan 音乐学校
6. replokalen musik 1 排练厅
7. dansstudion dans 1 舞蹈排练厅
8. teaterstudion teater ateljén 戏曲排练厅,剧场
9. Orkestersalen 交响乐排练厅
De två skolornas elever och lärare hälsade vänskapligt innan de skildes åt.

Gittarlärare Anders Delin och fiolärare Irina Kensborn från Sundbybergsmusikskola lyssnade på kinesiska och svenska studenterskonserten.

Bilder av Shuang Yan och Texter av Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Stephen McCaffrey in international water law receives 2017 Stockholm Water Prize

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Aug. 31(Greenpost)–Professor Stephen McCaffrey received the 2017 Stockholm Water Prize on Wednesday, for his unparalleled contribution to the evolution and progressive realization of international water law.

The prize was presented to Stephen McCaffrey by H.M. Carl XVI Gustaf, King of Sweden, at a ceremony in Stockholm City Hall during the ongoing World Water Week.

 In its citation, the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee recognized Professor McCaffrey’s “path-breaking leadership and legal scholarship in international water law. He has made a unique contribution in three specific areas: his seminal work on Treaty negotiation; his major scholarly works, including his book The Law of International Watercourses and; his leadership providing expert legal advice, wise counsel, training and facilitation of complex negotiations with a wide range of stakeholders.”

Dr Letitia Obeng, Member of the Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee, said: “Professor McCaffrey is an internationally respected pioneer in water law and in diplomacy. Today’s international lawyers stand on his shoulders”.

Water flows where it will and has no regard for national or regionally drawn boundaries. Beneficial hydrological, social, and economic linkages can be fostered among countries which share transboundary waters, with their equitable use promoting peace and development.

Nearly 40 per cent of the world’s population lives in countries that share river basins. Increasing stress on water resources globally will require the reasonable and equitable use of transboundary waters. Improved management of transboundary waters reduces the potential for conflict, fosters socio-economic development, promotes shared benefits, and supports healthy ecosystems and services.

On receiving the Prize, Professor McCaffrey said: “I accept this very special award not only on my own behalf, but also on behalf of many women and men who work so hard in the field to ensure that fresh water can be brought to people in ways that do not strain international relations, but which in fact affirmatively produce win-win solutions for countries and people on the ground in accordance with law”.

Stephen McCaffrey, Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of the Pacific, McGeorge School of Law, in Sacramento, California, is the single most respected authority on International Water Law. His work continues to influence scholars, legal practitioners and policy-makers and contribute to the sustainable and peaceful management of shared waters.

In an interview with, McCaffrey said the future lies on cooperation. Only through cooperation can people cope with water issues peacefully and can benefit from cooperation.


“Cooperation over shared waters is becoming increasingly important, as we witness higher demand coupled with growing scarcity. Stephen McCaffrey is a true inspiration for us in this area, as well as and an important guide, through his works and his wisdom”, said SIWI’s Executive Director Torgny Holmgren.

More about Professor Stephen McCaffrey

Professor McCaffrey has been acting as legal counsel to states in several negotiations concerning international watercourses. He has served as counsel in many inter-state disputes over shared water resources, for example between Argentina and Uruguay, Pakistan and India, and Slovakia and Hungary, which have been heard by international courts and tribunals.

He has guided, often multi-year negotiation processes among riparian countries with respect to transboundary water law, for example, on the Nile, Mekong, and Ganges, some with numerous countries involved.

In earlier writings, Professor McCaffrey articulated the human right to water which was later recognized by the UN General Embassy as a right in 2010. Additionally, he has provided critical insights, linking water law to policy, conflict resolution, benefit sharing, and environmental protection over the years.

About Stockholm Water Prize

The Stockholm Water Prize is a global award founded in 1991 and presented annually by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) to an individual, organization or institution for outstanding water-related achievements. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is patron of the prize.

Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Top story: Sino-Swedish Innovation & Entrepreneurship Centre and Representative Office of Zhong Guancun Yonghe Hangxing Science Park established in Sweden

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 26(Greenpost)– Sino-Swedish Innovation &entrepreneurship Centre and Respresentative Office of Zhongguancun Yonghe Hangxing Science Park has been established in Sweden. The unveiling ceremony was held on Friday.

Anna Lindstedt, Swedish Ambassador to China spoke at the unveiling ceremony.

“Sino-Swedish Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center is a great example of such cooperation when Chinese and Swedish professionals come together with government agencies to create this platform and as Swedish Ambassador in China, I welcome such initiative in motion. We should all welcome, encourage and support the multitude platforms and initiatives taken by several levels but with different stakeholders.”

Lindstedt said more accessible and cooperative platforms are needed to fulfil the compatibility that existed between our two countries.  Last year, she also unveiled the plaque in Zhouguancun in Beijing.

Han Xiaodong, Counsellor of Commerce at the Chinese Embassy in Sweden also spoke at the ceremony.

“Innovation is one of the five development concepts in China and the Chinese government is encouraging the young people to do business creatively and driving innovation. And Sweden is very strong in innovation, so I would say we have a lot of common interest to further collaborate.”

Han hopes that the innovation centre will make more efforts to help Swedish companies to go to China and more Chinese companies to Sweden.  Last year, China imported more goods from Sweden than exported to Sweden.

Sun Shaoming said their centre will actively promote bilateral cooperation through an interpreter.

“SSIEC is the first platform built for creating exchange and cooperation in science and the technology, culture, innovation and entrepreneurship between our two countries, the center will provide efficient, convenient and high quality services for the Swedish enterprises in China and will actively promote business cooperation between the two countries.”

Lindstedt and Sun Shaoming jointly unveiled the plaque for the centre.

Several companies including China and European Entrepreneur Association signed agreements or MOUs during the conference.

Zhang Ling gave an introduction about the new centre.

Björn Elmqvist, Managing Partner, ELMSQUARED AB, Gao YONGJIE, CFO, Project Manager of Gudinna Investment Consulting, Ms. Jane Jeppsson, CEO of In-Nordic AB and Wang Kaihong were the panellists  discussing the chances and difficulties as well as cultural shocks in Sino-Swedish cooperation.

Wang Kaihong(second from right) was appointed to be the first representative of the Zhongguancun Yonghe Hangxing Science Park in Sweden.

Photo and text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson







Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 6

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held in Musikaliska on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017第四届斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节闭幕式音乐会8月20日在斯京圆满落下帷幕。视频如下:

Section 6: Yellow River Cantata

23. Piano solo: Ode to the Yellow River (Yellow River piano concerto), performed by Yan Shuang Lindblom

24. Song: Wrath of the Yellow River, soloist: Zou Rongmei, accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

25. Song: Defend the Yellow River, performed by all the artists, accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

Closing song

Chorus Beethoven Ninth Symphony “Ode to Joy” performed by all the artists,

accompanists: Anders Delin(guitar), Jing Wu (flute), Shiyu Thang(piano)

The concert ended with Prize awarding ceremony & group photo.

Filmed by Xuefei Chen Axelsson. Text: Åsa Wretman.

Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 5

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held in Musikaliska on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017第四届斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节闭幕式音乐会8月20日在斯京圆满落下帷幕。视频如下:

Section 5: The Most Dazzling Folk Style

17. Songs: good people good dreams, the dream of the field, performed by Stockholm Chinese Choir

18. Chinese cheongsam show performed by Winnet Tang Cultural Exchange Association

19. Vineyard song, performed by Anhui Rainbow Choir, conductor: Jian Zhang

20. Jasmine flower, song soloist: Rongmei Zou, conductor: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang

performed by Anhui Rainbow Choir and Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir


21. Song solo: bright future, performer: Jia Li

22. Indian dance, From Layali Orientaliska Dansakademi

Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 4

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 4: Nordic Fellings

13. Piano solo: The Witch (Tchaikovsky), performer: Leo Long Lindblom, the winner of Stockholm International Music Competition

Piano solo: Dream, performer: Annes Fewiy, this is a song he produced by himself

Piano solo: Sonata, performer: Amy-Louise Hohnsson

14. Bach sonata in C major 2nd movement for flute and piano, performer: Jing Wu

15. Guitar solo: Vivaldi guitar concerto second movement, performer: Anders Delin, from Royal Swedish Academy of Music

16. Scheidler sonata in D major, piano: Yan Shuang Lindblom, flute: Jing Wu, guitar: Anders Delin

Video:The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 3

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 3: European and Chinese Charm

Seven-person dance: Chinese calligraphy and painting, performed by Xuanjiang Shi,

dancers: Weibing Hui, Jinping Chen, Meng Jin, Haiwa Liu, Wei Guo, Xuemei Lin, Cuiling Lu.

From Norwegian Chinese Music and Song Dance Troupe

Song solo: Father’s grassland and mother’ river, performer: Xiaoyin Yang

Qipao Show

“Bai Yulan” Cheongsam Fashion Show: Songs from a secret garden, performers: Hong Zhou, Tao Wen, Ping Xia and so on. From Sweden Shanghai Association

Sing sing So Performers: Ruiling Jin, Fuyang Kuang, Xinrui Jin, Chengyin Li, Zhuangli, From Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir

accompanist: Yan Shuang Lindblom

Video: Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival 2

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 2: Poems of the West

Semi chorus: Moscow Nights and Katyusha, performed by Inga Hägstöm and so on, from Russia Vesna Choir

Song: Hawthorn tree, performed by Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir.

conductor: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang

Chorus Nanping night bell, performed by Ruijing Arctic Voice Choir

conducter: Xiaoyin Yang, accompanist: Shiyu Tang


Video: The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017 The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 24 (Greenpost)– The Closing Ceremony Concert of 2017  The Fourth Stockholm International Arts Festival was held on Aug.20, 2017.  The videos is as the following:

Section 1: Elegance of the East

Three-person classical dance: Myth of the Star and Moon.

Artists: Jinping Chen, Hui Weibing, Meng Jin, from Norwegian Chinese Music Song and Dance Troupe

Chinese zither solo: Regret and Hate of Linan, artist: Jin Xinrui

Peking opera: Stopping the horse, artist: Timothy Pilotti

Piano and dance: Spring Flowers in a moonlit Night on the River,

Piano: Yan Shuang Lindblom

  1. Wuxi opera: Bird on the branch artist: Yingying Zhu

2017 Stockholm International Arts Festival Promotes China Dream, Peaceful Harmonious World

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

2017  Stockholm International Arts Festival has just concluded with its theme focusing on China Dream and a Peaceful and Harmonious World.

Wang Changning, Director of the Consulate of the Chinese Embassy said the festival presents different styles of arts from many different countries including China and Sweden. This is conducive to promoting China Dream and mutual understanding between Chinese and Swedish people and promoting the world peace.

“I think this festival is very meaningful in serving as a bridge between Chinese and Swedish people through music , singing and dancing.” said Wang.

Shuang Yan, director of the festival said this has been the fourth International Arts Festival which had been held in Australia, Spain and Russia.

This time it is held in Stockholm and jointly organized by Europe-China International Culture, Education and Business Development Association and Beijing Sunset Show Foundation.

Timothy Pillotti plays Peking Opera, Stopping the Horse. 

“The main purpose is to promote China Dream and building a peaceful and harmonious world through cultural exchange and communication.” said Shuang.

Zhu Yingying performs Xi Opera A Bird on the Branch very vividly. 

Shuang said there were four main parts of the festival including the music camp participated by Chinese and Swedish students, World Peace Day celebration concert, collectively and individual music contests and the grand closing concert.

Ruijing Voice of Arctic Choir, commander Yang Xiaoyin. 

The concert attracted a lot of famous Chinese professional artists from China, Sweden and Norway as well as art troupes from these countries.

Zou Rongmei sings Jasmine Flower. 

Zou Rongmei, Li Jia, Yang Xiaoyin and Zhu Yingying are professional singers while Shuang Yan plays piano, Wu Jing plays flutes and Jin Xinrui plays Gu Zheng. Timothy Pittli plays Peking Opera and Anders Delin plays Guitar.

Li Jia sings Glorious Future.

There are also many amateur choirs and dancing troupes performed during the concert.

Sofie Aspeqvist, Head of Cultural Affairs of Sundbyberg Municipality said it was very interesting.

“I am overwhelmed I couldn’t imagine what evening it would be.   I am overwhelmed by the participants, they are really doing their best of all ages, either professionals or amateurs, they are all doing their best , the glimpse of everybody doing their most, and it is fantastic, I think. And it is a generous feeling, I would say, it is very supportive and everybody is supporting the other.”

Layali Orientalska Dansakedemien performs oriental dance.

Aspeqvist said this concert is also very meaningful.

“It is wonderful that music and dancing and singing unites people across borders, because even if we don’t speak the same  language but we can sing and dance and perform together and that is really fantastique, ” said Aspeqvist.

The famous Chinese Yellow River Music and singing by Zou Rongmei were very well performed this time with all the participants singing in a concert.

Leo Long Lindblom became the youngest piano player during the concert.

About five hundred people including both Chinese and other nationalities audiences attended the grand closing concert and gave their constant warm applauses during the two hours and a half concert.

With almost a year of preparation and long time exercises, every one has played to their best and gave the audience a very good impression with all kinds of performances, singing and dancing.

After the concert, a grand award issuing ceremony for the afternoon contest was also held with honorary guests and artists and choirs.

More photos:

Jin Xinrui plays Guzheng.

Russian Vesna Choir sing Russian songs.

Norwegian Chinese Dance Troupe.

Voice of Arctic Choir.

Norwegian Dance Troupe.

Singer Yang Xiaoyin sings Father’s Prairie and Mother’s River.

Pianist student from Sundbybergs Stad.

Chinese women play Qipao show and umbrella dance.

Wu Jing plays flute.

Anders Delin plays Gitar.

Shuangyan, Wujing and Anders Delin play tremble.

Three men sing a Chinese song Good people have good dreams.

Swedish Chinese choir sing the Field of Dreams.

Anhui Rainbow Choir.

Award issuing ceremony.

Zhang Qiaozhen, right, Director of Sweden-Chinese Entrepreneurs Association gives diploma to Zhang Jian, Commander of Anhui Rainbow Choir.

The concert concludes.

Four hosts: Kuang Fuyang, Åsa Wretman, Deyan, Huang Sisi.

Horary guests Wang Jianrong, Wang Changning, Liushaohui and Liang jinsheng.  Reporter front, Chen Xuefei.

Photo by Tangbing. Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

China’s High Speed Train, World No. 1

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 9(Greenpost)– China’s High Speed Train or Gaotie is really good.  The train number begins with capital letter G as Gaotie, High Speed Train.

High Speed Train in China means the speed is more than 300 kilometers per hour. If it is a little less than 300 kilometers, it is called Dongche or begins with capital letter D.  And if it is fast speed train which means they stop fewer stops, but the speed is still the traditional one, then it begins with K, meaning kuaiche or fast train.

But Gaotie is really another category. It is comparable to airplane.

During my visit to China this summer from June to July for more than a month, I travelled to Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Jinzhou, Shenyang and Dalian. I took Gaotie all the time including Dongche.

They are all very comfortable, very fast, low noise, everyone has a seat and the seat is the same as in the airplane. The space is even broader.

The conductors provide good services and the sanitation is very good. It has air conditions and sometimes, it has a table too.  The comfort can be comparable to the Swedish train, but the speed is really fast.

From Beijing to Tianjin, just half an hour.  Shanghai to Suzhou just takes half an hour.  Shenyang to Dalian just takes two hours.

There are food and water supplies in the train.  You can either eat in the train kitchen or in your own seat.  Hot water is also provided.  With such a speed, people have no sense of stress, but quite relaxed.  The temperature is kept almost permanently 24-26 degrees.

Each time I even lived near the high speed train station. From there, there is often subway stations too. So it is very convenient to travel to any place in the city.

From Tianjin to Shanghai and from Suzhou to Beijing,  both take about five hours, less than half of the previous times.

Compared with airplane, people don’t need to travel far away to the airport.  It just uses public transport, one can arrive there easily.  Of course if you like to drive, you can have parking place there too.

All the high speed stations and waiting rooms are very good.  It is new, convenient and attractive.

I believe if China’s high speed train is built in other developed or developing countries, it will also greatly be conducive to their economic development and improvement of people’s living quality.

It is especially good for business people.  But for ordinary people now many began to take high speed train for their travel because it is still cheaper compared with airplane and it is more importantly comfortable.

2. Visiting my parents in Beijing

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 8(Greenpost) — My parents came to Beijing just days before we arrived in Beijing on Thursday.

The first cry of Wang Xueting was broadcast at China Radio International on the New Year’s Eve of 2003. Gaowa, a beautiful civil servant, Annie and the little boy who loves the ball from Sweden. He also drank Swedish vanling to grow to two years. 

On Saturday we decided to go to my brother’s home to see my parents.  On the way, we informed Gao Wa to come too. Gao Wa was my cousin’s daughter. My cousin Yanqiu did me a great favor by encouraging me to go to Linghai or Jinxian Senior High School. She said to me that summer, “If you succeeded in entering the No.1 Senior High School, you will have one step into any university.”

I did, and that paved me the way from Dizangsi village to Linghai county, and from Linghai county to Shenyang City and from Shenyang to Beijing, and from Beijing to Sydney, Harare, Cape Town, Cape of Good Hope, Namibia, Mozambique, Canada, France, German, Spain, USA and New Zealand. Finally, Stockholm Sweden, my second hometown!

The wing of thoughts flew quickly. As the car arrived in Shiliju, we had to get off and embrace the heat again. For me, it was just wonderful to feel warmth. But my daughter kept on saying it is hot.

As we came into the 20th floor two room apartment, Ms Wang was cooking and my mother was planning what to cook.  The two and half year old boy was running around in the room and he began to talk a lot of words.

The room was filled with happy atmosphere.  Whenever you have a two to three year old child around, you will feel happy. That was the time with my niece and my daughter.  Children are the hope of our future and we feel happy to see them growing.

My mother’s back bent a little more seriously, but her spirit was high. Obviously she was happy to see us. She has been enduring all the lonely time over the year and now we came.

My father woke up since we came. He went out in the morning and in the evening as usual. He likes to dance as an exercise.  He got a few more white hair, but he still has a lot of black hair. His voice is still sonorous.  His memory is still very good and he still talks energetically.

Soon my brother came. He came with my second brother,  my sister in law and my nephew who is a driver.  They came from Tianjin, the second largest municipality in China, two hours drive from Beijing.

It was a surprise for me. I thought I would go to Tianjin to see them so that they don’t need to come here. But they came. I still feel very happy and moved.  My sister in law is still energetic.

Gao Wa came too. She also drove a car. She works as a village head assistant after graduating from university as a master degree graduate. That is called University student village official! Literal translation.  But it was a good intention.  She will become a civil servant after this service.

We took a lot of photos and we were happy together. Again, a lot of people under the wings of parents.  No matter how far away we have been, finally we have to come back to see my parents.

2017 China trip- landing in Beijing 1

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7(Greenpost)– Seven or 7 seems to be my lucky number this year.  My husband, my daughter and I finished our China trip on 2017-07-27. And I like to have a review from today.  Please stay tuned.

London visit paves the way to China

I am a Chinese and I love China no doubt about it. But sometimes I was tired of China. That is why I can live in Sweden for 11 years now and still not too tired yet. Except the first three years, I almost went back to China every year or even twice a year for some years.

Last year, I told my daughter that we all should go to China this summer because it had been three years since they went to China last time.

She said she didn’t want to go simply because Chinese people are too warm to her. They always said she is beautiful, Pretty, Piaoliang.  Since the first time she went to China, she was like a little angel and people queued the long queue to see her.

She is a good mix of Chinese and Swedish. When I was in Harare, Zimbabwe, my German teacher married with a native Zimbabwan and their mixed child was claimed to be the best.  When I was a child, when thinking of having a mixed child, it was almost a curse. But as China opens up and we are more and more in favor of the western culture, my child is very well accepted in China.

However,  she has become a little picky about China. For example, in Beijing in winter it was actually very hot inside the room. Chinese people talked too loud compared with Swedish people and so on.  Although in my eyes it was obvious that we should go to China this summer, they had to discuss it many times. My daughter said she wanted to go to London first in stead of America or China.

I said ok, then you must go to China in the summer! I booked the tickets right after we came back from London.  To be honest, we didn’t visit too much of London. Except Crystal Palace and Queens Hotel, we didn’t go to London Tower or Big Ben. But that turned out to be good.

My daughter always mentioned her London trip and wanted to go again because she lived in Queens Hotel!

Visiting China will use the same strategy. Not visit famous tourist sites, but just stay in hotels or at home to relax. Take a walk in the park nearby and doing nothing normal.

Coming back from Shanghai, my brother in law asked whether we had been to the tallest building in Shanghai, I said please don’t ask us about the most popular place!

Eight hours flight didn’t seem to be too long because we not only ate two Chinese meals with just right amount for our stomach, but also watched films.

Jackie Chan played a professor and found a gold treasure in India.  With the shuttle of time and the beauty of actresses, especially the part when Jackie Chan was driving with the big lion, it killed all our sleepiness!

Air China is very comfortable and just after a couple of times of travelling, I decided to fix Air China as my flight because I don’t like to save some money but to travel through Amsterdam, Copenhagen or Helsinki to spend at least three or four extra hours. Once I and my daughter travelled via Amsterdam, we had to stay one night at the airport and the next day we had to travel to Heathrow Airport in order to go to Stockholm! Enough is enough.  I’d rather spend a little more money to fly direct than go round about.

Chinese girls are beautiful and nice and it is very good that they both speak English and Chinese.  As time goes by, I like to save my energy as much as possible.

Beijing Airport is the same as before.  It is large, broad and bright. It was due to the 2008 Olympics, Beijing Airport was improved. Immediately you can feel the water saving facilities in the toilet.  All the water tap used sensing devices.  Without sensing, no water comes out!

It was easy because I put a smaller suitcase inside the big suitcase just in order to use them when we went back to Stockholm.  There were so little things we could take from Sweden to China.  When coming back, we have a lot to take.

As we came out of the customs, my sister and brother in law showed up to receive us.  She just bought a BMW last summer after she came back from Indonesia where she worked for two years.  I suggested she buy Volvo, but she chose the landrover BMW in the end. She wanted to drive in the countryside or tourist sites in suburban Beijing.

I felt privileged to have them receive us.  If I were alone, I would like to take the fast train or subway to go home.

It was my brother in law who drove the car. He drove a car in Namibia when we were both working in Africa.  Later he turned out to become my brother in law.  The world was actually not big.  After going around the globe for  a whole round, I came to Sweden from New Zealand.

Arriving at home, I felt hungry. My brother in law cooked dumplings for us and we ate a lot together with dried Toffo salad.  Then we had a sleep which can be counted as 24 hours because we slept almost in a stretch to next day and next day. The room was hot and it felt like a free sauna! Sweat streams out easily out of forehead and neck.

Beijing, a warm Beijing warmly welcomed us!

A far more cleaner Beijing is waiting for us!

I feel very glad because I look forward to seeing many of my friends, classmates and most importantly my parents, my father, 84 and my mother 74! PLUS THEIR GRANDSON, 2.5 years old!

China is willing to work with all parties in the Arctic

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 7(Greenpost)–China is willing to facilitate maritime transport and work with all parties in the Arctic. Exchanges and coordination with relevant countries are encouraged in this area. Closer cooperation will be carried out to improve the market environment for international transportation and to facilitate maritime transportation. China is willing to enhance customs cooperation with countries along the Road, and to promote information exchange, mutual recognition of customs regulations,and mutual assistance in law enforcement, according to a vision issued by China’s NDRC on June 20, 2017.

Strengthening the connectivity of information infrastructure and networks. Information networks will be improved in countries along the Road by jointly building a system with broad coverage for information transmission, processing, management and application, a system for information standards and specifications, and a network security system, thus providing public platforms for information sharing.

Participating in Arctic affairs. China is willing to work with all parties in conducting scientific surveys of navigational routes, setting up land-based monitoring stations, carrying out research on climatic and environmental changes in the Arctic, as well as providing navigational forecasting services. China supports efforts by countries bordering the Arctic in improving marine transportation conditions, and encourages Chinese enterprises to take part in the commercial use of the Arctic route. China is willing to carry out surveys on potential resources in the Arctic region in collaboration with relevant countries, and to strengthen cooperation in clean energy with Arctic countries. Chinese enterprises are encouraged to join in sustainable exploration of Arctic resources in a responsible way. China will actively participate in the events organized by Arctic-related international organizations.

Source: Xinhuanet