Category Archives: Exchange

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series(1)-China Europe Express Links You and Me

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug.25(Greenpost)—Believe it or not, it is very likely that a bottle of tomato ketchep on the table of a Naples family is transported by China Europe Express via Urumqi  realignment center, capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As a journalist from Greenpost, together with 14 journalists from 14 countries in Asia and Europe, I have been to Urumqi  realignment center and witnessed the Harmony Freight Train set off from here to Horgos Port and go on to Europe with a full load of cargo in 41 European standard cabins.

Nan Jun, Vice General Manager of Xinjiang Railway’s international transportation Co. Ltd. said that “the train that will start now is the 1486th train since May 26, 2016 and the 654th since January 1, 2018″.

“Since the start of China Railway Express, we have been welcomed by our customers because we have increased our transportation capacity substantially from once a week to once a day and now three times a day. So our railway lines are also increasing from 4 lines to 19 lines covering 23 places. The speed is increasing further by optimising the domestic transportation time and through active cooperation with our partners abroad. We have shortened the time from 66 hours to 44 hours and now it takes only 40 hours to arrive in Almaty. The time to Germany has also been shortened from 16 days to 13.5 days. The cost is also decreasing. ” said Nan.

Nan Jun said that the train can reach as far as Naples in Italy via Russia, Belorus, Poland, Germany and Italy. When the train came back, it came with pulp from Finland and transported to Korla in Xinjiang to produce green products. Meanwhile, other European products were also transported back.

He said this year’s goal is to reach 1400 times and there will be 80 percent of them to be from point to point. The products they sent out is not only to be Xinjiang Products, but also containers from Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang province. It only takes one day to arrive here. And then it will be sent to London. The train is in international standard because the train that goes to Britain, will change the track since it is using different track. Urumqi cargo realignment center makes the urgent products go first and other products go after. It is here that they will change the track and change the cars. The cost decreased and the efficiency increased.

China Railway Express in Urumqi makes Xinjiang  a communication hub for Belt and Road Initiative linking China and central Asia and Europe  and become the core zone in promoting the economic and trade with relevant countries. This has been the contribution made by Xinjiang which even substantially contributes to the world trade.

So far, there has been 19 railway lines linking China and outside world and about half of them via Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region  northwest China and half of them via Heilongjiang province, northeast China.

Many people in the western world doubts about China’s purpose of Belt and Road Initiative, but to make cargo transportation easier, make world business easier to be done  and benefit all involved, more importantly to provide good goods to all the customers is the real purpose and this is just a good example of Belt and Road Initiative.

This was the first stop Chinese and foreign journalists have stoped. Its second stop will be Xinjiang Software park. Please stay tuned.

Acupuncture Science Association Sweden(ASAS) doctors participated in the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 18(Greenpost)– Three  representatives of Acupuncture Science Association Sweden  participated in the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum October 13-14, 2018, co-sponsored by China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine International TCM Minimally Invasive Community, the Chinese Medicine Research Promotion Association Chinese Medicine Minimally Invasive Professional Committee, the Henan Provincial Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Pain Society, and the Henan Soft Tissue Disease Research Association.

The International Forum on Minimally Invasive Pain Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine was held in Zhengzhou City. President of ASAS, Yang Chungui, Vice President Zhang Dongqing, and  Dr. Li Jian attended the forum. On the eve of the formal convening of the forum, Chinese  Academician Shi Xuemin and Master Tang Zuxuan arrived successively too. Both experts are honorary presidents of ASAS. Under the leadership of Master Wu Hanqing (Master Wu is also the honorary president of the ASAS), Doctor Yang, Zhang and Li got the chance to meet the academicians.

The latter three reported to  Academicians Shi, Tang and Master Wu about the development of ASAS, and witnessed the process of Master Tang receiving students.

On October 13, when the forum officially opened, President Yang, as the vice chairman of the International Chinese Medicine Minimally Invasive Community of the Chinese Medicine Association, sat in the first row of the rostrum.

Vice President Zhang and Li Jian sat in the first row of VIP seats.

Vice President Zhang and Li Lizhi were also employed as executive directors of the International Chinese Medicine Mini-invasion Community of the Chinese Medicine Association.

Experts such as Academician Shi Xuemin, Master Tang Zuxuan and Master Wu Hanqing gave wonderful lectures at the forum. The theme of this forum is acupuncture treatment for pain. Acupuncture in Sweden’s legislation needs to elaborate the mechanism of acupuncture treatment of pain, Yang, Zhang and Li listened carefully to the lectures of the experts, and were deeply inspired to deepen the understanding of acupuncture treatment of pain and to strengthen the confidence of acupuncture in Swedish legislation. Afterwards, President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Li Jian also participated in the “Three-dimensional Anatomical Class of Water Needle Knife”. Through field anatomy, they intuitively and deeply understood the water needle knife such as the “three-way positioning of the fourteen meridian muscle fascia zone”. The advanced technology and safety points of acupuncture operation will lay the foundation for a new acupuncture technical lecture on acupuncture safety technology lectures and acupuncture and needle technology to solve the problem of myofascial problems. President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Director Li obtained the certificates of study after completing the anatomy class.

Under the recommendation of Prof. Wu Hanqing, Chairman of the International Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Mini-invasive Community of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Honorary President of ASAS, accompanied by Dean Zhou Youlong, School of International Education, Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Doctor Li Jian visited the Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

With that, three representatives of ASAS concluded their academic exchange during the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum.

Edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson




























Arctic Council meeting of environment ministers ends with talks about future cooperation

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 13(Greenpost)– The Arctic Environment Ministers’ meeting held in Rovaniemi 11-12 October ended with discussions about cooperation in addressing climate change, protecting biodiversity and preventing pollution in the Arctic region.
The two-day meeting brought together ministers and high-level representatives from the eight Arctic Council States and from six Permanent Participants representing the indigenous peoples of the Arctic. The Observer countries and organisations of the Arctic Council had also been invited.

Many participants noted with grave concern the rapid ongoing changes in the Arctic confirmed by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change Special Report on Global Warming. The IPCC acknowledges that the Arctic is warming two to three times faster than the global average. Many countries presented their national actions, including plans to speed up the reductions of the greenhouse gas and black carbon emissions as well as reducing emissions through innovation. Observer states were invited to strengthen their actions to reduce black carbon emissions. The need to increase cooperation on adaptation in order to strengthen the resilience in changing climate was discussed.

Participants welcomed the Agreement to prevent unregulated commercial fishing on the High Seas of the Central Arctic Ocean signed on 3 October in Greenland. In order to strengthen ecosystem resilience in changing conditions, measures and mainstreaming are needed to promote ecosystem-based approaches to management, and conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity; cooperation to develop a network of marine protected areas (MPAs) in collaboration with indigenous peoples and reduce marine plastic litter was highlighted by many. It was noted that international cooperation is needed to address long-range pollution that ends up in the Arctic region, including new emerging contaminants. The need to strengthen and sustain Arctic monitoring and observations, and use the best available scientific and Indigenous knowledge was discussed.

“On behalf of Finland’s Chairmanship, I wish to thank the Member States, Permanent Participants and Working Groups of the Arctic Council for their valuable inputs in preparing for this meeting and what we have now achieved”, said the Minister of the Environment, Energy and Housing, Mr. Kimmo Tiilikainen. Finland also announced its support for international and regional collaboration on reducing black carbon emissions. The preparation of the summary of the meeting by the Finnish Chairmanship will continue in cooperation with the Arctic States and Permanent Participants.

This was the first meeting of the Arctic Council Environment Ministers in five years. The outcome of the meeting will be shared with the Arctic Council Ministerial meeting to be held in May 2019 and contribute to future environmental cooperation of the Arctic Council.

source: Finlands environment ministry

Seminarium om Kinas medier Hölls i Stockholm

Av Jan Peter Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 3(Greenpost) — En Seminarium om Kinas medier : propaganda, kontrol och konkurrens hölls av SNS den 3 oktober i Stockholm.

Ett 50-tal personer med stort intresse för Kina samlade vid lunchtid i SNS, Studie­förbundet Näringsliv och Samhälle, lokaler i centrala Stockholm.

Professor David Strömberg och journalist och författare Ola Wong var inbjudna att tala över temat: Kinas medier: propa­ganda, kontroll och konkurrens. Davids bidrag finns också som SNS analys rapport nr: 51, se

Några av de frågeställningar David Strömberg tog upp:

  1. Hur har tidningar och sociala media utvecklats i Kina de senaste decennierna?
  2. Vilken grad av regimtrogenhet ser vi i kinesiska tidningar och varför ser vi avvikelser?
  3. Vilken roll har sociala medier i Kina och vilken betydelse har regimens censur?

Den metod David och hans forskargrupp använder är en automatiserad teknik att med hjälp av datorer gå igenom stora textmängder och mäta frekvens av väl valda nyckelord och ur detta bygga upp en förståelse. Textmaterialet har hämtats från:

  • Tidningsartiklar 1999-2010 från 117 tidningar lagrade digitalt WiseNews
  • Samtliga blogginlägg 2009-2013 på Weibu ca 13,2 miljarder.

Vad är då resultaten av de här studierna? 

Först och främst hade vi under åren 1990-2010 en stark utveckling av kinesiska media och antalet dagliga tidningar ökade från ca 200 till 1000 i hela landet.  Detta ska jämföras med att i västvärlden haft en nedgång i antalet tidningar.

Under den studerade perioden kunde man se en ökad nivå av kritiskt granskande journalistik. Ett skäl till detta är att kineser i allmänhet, precis som vi i väst, är intresserad av att läsa granskande artiklar. Ur den analys av tidningsartiklar som gjorts kunde man ganska klart se ett samband mellan kritiskt granskande innehåll och bättre ekonomi för aktuell tidning. Alla tidningar är knutna på något sätt till kommunistpartiet och värnar förstås om parti-lojalitet men man har också ett behov av att tidningarna ska läsas av många och att tid­nings­­utgivning ska generera vinst. Dessa delvis motstridiga mål och hur de hanteras är något som intres­serade Davids forskargrupp speciellt. Mer finns att läsa i SNS rapporten tidigare nämnd.

Vidare skapades det sociala mediat Weibu 2009 som har likheter med Twitter och fick på några få år ett par hundra miljoner kineser att skriva bloggar. De första åren var det möjligt att ha blogg-konton helt anonymt vilket bidrog till populariteten. För några år sedan började myndigheterna inskränka möjligheterna att vara anonym på internet, men detta är inte infört i speciellt stor omfattning, så uppfattar David det.

Faktum är att sociala media har haft (och verkar fortfarande ha) en viktig funktion för att kanalisera viktig konstruktiv kritik för samhällsfunktioner trots utbredd censur.  Ett skäl är att censuren sker på nationell nivå. På nationell politisk nivå är där ett intresse att få information om brister på regional och lokal nivå. Därför uppfattar man att sociala media kan fortsätta.

Tidningarna ägs och kontrolleras på regional och lokal nivå och där finns betydligt mindre intresse att sprida kritiska nyheter och därför är censuren här mycket starkare.

Ola Wong som bott och verkat i Kina under många år, men nu stationerad i Sverige, uppfattar att Davids beskrivning säkert väl speglar den tid som varit. Han har sett framväxten av allt bättre journalistik och många nya viktiga tidningar. Men där fanns också brister och flertal journalister avslöjades som korrupta och allmänhetens förtroende sjönk för tidningar under en period innan Xi Jiping kom till makten, enligt Ola.

På senare år har kinesiska medias möjligheter till kritisk journalistik begränsats väsentligt, enligt Ola Wong.  Detta uppfattar han gäller både inhemska journalister och utrikes­korres­pondenter. Ett mått på detta är ett index som Freedom House ställer samman för varje år över världens länder, se SNS rapport 51 tidigare nämnd. Pressfriheten i Kina bedöms nu vara tillbaka på samma nivåer som gällde 1990.

Seminariet avslutades med en längre frågestund och här ett axplock:

Det är inte planerat någon uppföljande studie av förändringarna i Kinas mediaklimat de senaste åren av David och hans forskargrupp.

Däremot jobbar de med att studera hur kritik av läkemedel i Kina kanaliseras i sociala medier och vilken betydelse det har för att förbättra situationen.  Kina brottas med problem med undermåliga läkemedel och här är ett stort intresse både för den enskilde personen och för myndigheter på olika nivåer att komma till rätta med detta.

Flera frågor kretsade kring Kinas omfattande projekt kring ”medborgarbetyg”. Detta kan liknas vid vårt system kring kreditvärdighet som våra banker använder, men är betydligt mer omfattande. Detta system är fortfarande i sin linda men tester görs redan idag i större skala i vissa regioner.

Hur ställer sig då kineser till att bli ”övervakade” på det här sättet? En norsk studie visar att på en arbetsplats är kineser minst lika avogt inställda till övervakning, om inte mer, än vi i väst. Samtidigt är det så att den allmänna uppfattningen är att det är lätt att bli lurad i olika sam­man­hang, inte minst i affärer. Det publika medborgarbetyget ger då möjlighet till större transparens och ökat förtroende människor emellan.

Vi ser i hanteringen av privat information en stor skillnad där vi i Europa nyligen infört GDPR med stark betoning på den personliga integriteten.

En frågeställning som vi bara nuddade vid är att i väst har vi en växande medvetenhet om medias fokus på det “exceptionella” som ofta är negativa nyheter medan förståelse för de “långsamma positiva skeenden” i världen inte rapporteras på samma sätt. En namnkunnig kritiker är den framlidne professorn Hans Rossling med sin bok Factfullness, se

Slutsatsningen är att det finns stor skillnader mellan kinesiska och sveriges medier, men i kina ny media spelade mycket större roll i samhälle och ibland det hjälper ordinarie människör så att deras röstar kan höras.



这是在2018年北极生物多样性大会上发布的酸化评估报告。报告指出,由于全球温室气体排放造成了化学,生物和社会经济的影响。不断提升的酸化条件可能通过各种方式来影响海洋生物。 有些生物可能在低的PH值情况下变形增长。也可能是食物链结构或者是肉食动物的关系等会发生变化。

The continuing acidification of the Arctic Ocean is projected to have significant ecological and socio‐economic impacts over coming decades, with consequences both for local communities and globally. This is the overarching finding of the 2018 Arctic Ocean Acidification Assessment, presented today at the 2018 Arctic Biodiversity Congress. The assessment, conducted by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) of the Arctic Council, updates a 2013 assessment, and presents the chemical, biological and socio‐economic impacts of ocean acidification, which is driven primarily by global greenhouse gas emissions. Increasingly acidic ocean conditions can affect marine organisms in a variety of ways. Some may experience altered growth, development or behavior if exposed to low pH at certain life stages. Others may experience indirect effects, such as changes in their food web structures or predator–prey relationships. Falling ocean pH levels – which are changing most quickly in the Arctic – are acting in tandem with other environmental stressors, such as rising air and sea temperatures, to drive significant changes in marine ecosystems, with impacts on the communities that depend upon them. While some organisms will benefit and others will suffer negative effects, we can expect a complex array of impacts on marine ecosystems. To better understand the socio‐ economic consequences of these impacts, AMAP commissioned a series of regionally focused case studies to examine how shifts in ocean chemistry may affect valuable ocean resources and northern economies. The assessment presented the findings from five case studies:  Norwegian kelp and sea urchins: This study modeled how ocean acidification and warming might impact yields of sea urchins, of which there are large and currently unexploited stocks off the coast of northern Norway. The model simulations found that harvest yields declined sevenfold over the next 30 years, with warmer sea temperatures as the main driver, but with effects exacerbated by acidification.  Barents Sea cod: The case study developed a model to examine the combined effects of fishing, warming, and acidification on cod, which has been a commercially important fishery for centuries. It found that ocean acidification greatly increases the risk of the collapse of the fishery compared with the risk it faces from ocean warming alone.  Greenland shrimp fishery: Shrimp accounts for between one third and a half of the value of Greenland’s fisheries. This study involved building a bio‐economic model to better understand how the fishery might respond to acidification and other environmental stressors, and the socio‐economic implications of those changes. It showed that uncertainty at all stages of analysis, from the rate of acidification, to its biological, ecological and economic impacts, meant such modeling is of limited value. Nonetheless, it illustrates that actions can be taken to better manage stocks and build community resilience in the face of uncertainty.  Alaska’s fishery sector: Researchers developed an index to measure risk faced by different regions within Alaska from ocean acidification, the first time such an exercise has been conducted focused on a high‐latitude region such as the US state. It found uneven impacts, with southern Alaska facing the greater risk, due to its dependence on susceptible species, forecast rapid changes in chemical conditions in the region, and its low levels of socio‐economic resilience.  Arctic cod in Western Canadian Arctic: While it is not commercially fished, Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida, also termed polar cod) is a key forage species for the food web that supports the region’s Indigenous communities, and there is already evidence of its distribution shifting northwards as the ocean rapidly warms. Modeling and analysis tools were combined with observations to identify the potential effects of climate change and ocean acidification, finding they will likely cause significant changes in species composition in the region. Overall, the case studies show that effects of acidification, in combination with other stressors, are highly uncertain. This uncertainty underscores the urgent need for increased monitoring in the region, and for research that looks at the effects on species of a number of environmental stressors acting in combination. It is not only ecosystems and societies in the Arctic that are set to be impacted by ocean acidification in the region. The assessment also reviewed evidence that low‐pH waters are being exported to shelf regions of the North Atlantic, which are biologically productive and support important commercial fisheries. ENDS

Ambassador Gui Congyou attended the BRI summit and BRIX establishment ceremony in Stockholm

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 5(Greenpost)– Chinese Ambassador Gui Congyou has said that the establishment of the Belt and Road Execultive Group has great significance.

He made the remark at the second Belt and Road Summit Forum in Stockholm on Sept. 28 when the Belt and Road Executive Group was announced to establish.

Ambassador Gui said the Swedish Boat Gothenburg opened a maritime silk road 260 years ago between China’s Guangzhou and Gothenburg in Sweden.  In 2007, a replica of the Gothenburg boat sailed to China again and Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf also visited China then, beginning new cooperation between China and Sweden and calling for further sailing and cooperation along the belt and road route.

A week ago, belt and road initiative between Sweden and China made a milestone progress. That was the first China-Europe Freight Train started from Dalana in Sweden with full load of Swedish best timber to leave for East China’s Ganzhou city, Jiangxi province via Gothenburg and Hanberg Germany.  Sweden exported timber to China and when the train comes back, it can load Chinese agricultural products to Europe and Sweden.

Gui said President Xi Jinping put up forward the belt and road initiative, with the purpose to expand the further cooperation along the silk road countries on the current basis of infrastructure, finance and cultural fields.  For example, the cooperation between China and Khazakstan have set a good example for other countries.

He congratulate the establishment of belt and road Executive Group or BRIX and welcome others to participate in the initiative actively.


BRIX Chairman Ulf Sandmark explained the belt and road initiative and its significance in the world.  He held that BRI is not only good for developing countries to cooperate with China but also for developed countries to cooperate with China and with each other under the framework of BRI.

Stephen Brawer, vice Chairman of the Belt and Road Executive Group in Sweden, also pointed out the strategy of the BRI. He also reviewed the Forum on China-Africa cooperation FOCAC,which was held in Beijing in early September. During the summit, 53 African nations linked up with the BRI to fulfill the African Union’s Agenda 2063 for continent-wide modern infrastructure interconnectivity between all the capital African cities and the elimination of poverty.

Kitty Smyth, a UK strategy and PR senior adviser for Sino-European Public relations, said  the BRI, launched by President Xi Jinping in 2013, has a philosophical dimension of creating harmony. She then spoke about how it could foster a new type of international relations and forge partnerships of dialogue with no confrontation and of friendship rather than alliance.  Smyth advised Sweden to establish institutions capable of developing long term BRI cooperation with China.

Chairman of the CSBC   Ali Farmandeh said there is great potential for business partners in belt and road initiative.  He stressed that the BRI is much more than Chinese production of Swedish goods.  The New Silk Road is not something far away, as many in the northern corner of Europe think. Among the 70 nations that have joined the BRI, there are also neighbors in Europe, who are already building their parts of the world connectivity network, projects where Swedish buisinesses can take part immediately.

SinceusCEO Wu Ying shared her experience of helping Swedish startups successfully doing business in China.

Panalist of BRIX and Belt and Road summit forum spoke at the forum.

Lydia Liu, one of the Executive Group members who is also a Swedish Chinese said BRIX establishment will push forward Sweden to join the Belt and Road Initiative as soon as possible. China has welcomed Sweden many times to participate in belt and road framework and like to share its development opportunities especially Swedish small and medium sized enterprises to have a win  win cooperation with China.

Hussein Askary who has translated a book about BRI into Arabic language was the host of the forum.

Photo and text  Xuefei Chen Axelsson.


Background of Nobel Prize history

The Nobel Peace Prize has been awarded 98 times to 131 Nobel Laureates between 1901 and 2017, 104 individuals and 27 organizations. Since the International Committee of the Red Cross has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize three times (in 1917, 1944 and 1963), and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize two times (in 1954 and 1981), there are 24 individual organizations which have been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize. Click on the links to get more information.

The Nobel Peace Prize 2018

The 2018 Nobel Peace Prize has not been awarded yet. It will be announced on Friday 5 October, 11:00 a.m.

The Nobel Peace Prize 2017

International Campaign to Abolish Nuclear Weapons (ICAN) “for its work to draw attention to the catastrophic humanitarian consequences of any use of nuclear weapons and for its ground-breaking efforts to achieve a treaty-based prohibition of such weapons”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2016

Juan Manuel Santos “for his resolute efforts to bring the country’s more than 50-year-long civil war to an end”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2015

National Dialogue Quartet “for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2014

Kailash Satyarthi and Malala Yousafzai “for their struggle against the suppression of children and young people and for the right of all children to education”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2013

Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) “for its extensive efforts to eliminate chemical weapons”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2012

European Union (EU) “for over six decades contributed to the advancement of peace and reconciliation, democracy and human rights in Europe”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2011

Ellen Johnson SirleafLeymah Gbowee and Tawakkol Karman “for their non-violent struggle for the safety of women and for women’s rights to full participation in peace-building work”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2010

Liu Xiaobo “for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2009

Barack H. Obama “for his extraordinary efforts to strengthen international diplomacy and cooperation between peoples”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2008

Martti Ahtisaari “for his important efforts, on several continents and over more than three decades, to resolve international conflicts”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2007

Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and Albert Arnold (Al) Gore Jr. “for their efforts to build up and disseminate greater knowledge about man-made climate change, and to lay the foundations for the measures that are needed to counteract such change”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2006

Muhammad Yunus and Grameen Bank “for their efforts to create economic and social development from below”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2005

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) and Mohamed ElBaradei “for their efforts to prevent nuclear energy from being used for military purposes and to ensure that nuclear energy for peaceful purposes is used in the safest possible way”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2004

Wangari Muta Maathai “for her contribution to sustainable development, democracy and peace”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2003

Shirin Ebadi “for her efforts for democracy and human rights. She has focused especially on the struggle for the rights of women and children”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2002

Jimmy Carter “for his decades of untiring effort to find peaceful solutions to international conflicts, to advance democracy and human rights, and to promote economic and social development”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2001

United Nations (U.N.) and Kofi Annan “for their work for a better organized and more peaceful world”

The Nobel Peace Prize 2000

Kim Dae-jung “for his work for democracy and human rights in South Korea and in East Asia in general, and for peace and reconciliation with North Korea in particular”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1999

Médecins Sans Frontières “in recognition of the organization’s pioneering humanitarian work on several continents”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1998

John Hume and David Trimble “for their efforts to find a peaceful solution to the conflict in Northern Ireland”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1997

International Campaign to Ban Landmines (ICBL) and Jody Williams “for their work for the banning and clearing of anti-personnel mines”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1996

Carlos Filipe Ximenes Belo and José Ramos-Horta “for their work towards a just and peaceful solution to the conflict in East Timor”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1995

Joseph Rotblat and Pugwash Conferences on Science and World Affairs “for their efforts to diminish the part played by nuclear arms in international politics and, in the longer run, to eliminate such arms”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1994

Yasser ArafatShimon Peres and Yitzhak Rabin “for their efforts to create peace in the Middle East”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1993

Nelson Mandela and Frederik Willem de Klerk “for their work for the peaceful termination of the apartheid regime, and for laying the foundations for a new democratic South Africa”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1992

Rigoberta Menchú Tum “in recognition of her work for social justice and ethno-cultural reconciliation based on respect for the rights of indigenous peoples”

The Nobel Peace Prize 1991

Aung San Suu Kyi “for her non-violent struggle for democracy and human rights”.


Dr. Mukwege and sexual crime victim Murad win 2018 Nobel Prize in Peace

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 5(Greenpost)– Berit Reiss Andersen, Chair of The Norwegian Nobel Committee has announced that the Norwergian Nobel Committee has  decided to award the Nobel Peace Prize for 2018 to Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad for their efforts to end the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict, according to a live broadcast of Nobel Prize.

“Both laureates have made a crucial contribution to focusing attention on, and combating, such war crimes. Denis Mukwege is the helper who has devoted his life to defending these victims.” she said. 

Nadia Murad is the witness who tells of the abuses perpetrated against herself and others. Each of them in their own way has helped to give greater visibility to war-time sexual violence, so that the perpetrators can be held accountable for their actions.

The physician Denis Mukwege has spent large parts of his adult life helping the victims of sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Since the Panzi Hospital was established in Bukavu in 2008, Dr. Mukwege and his staff have treated thousands of patients who have fallen victim to such assaults. Most of the abuses have been committed in the context of a long-lasting civil war that has cost the lives of more than six million Congolese.

Denis Mukwege is the foremost, most unifying symbol, both nationally and internationally, of the struggle to end sexual violence in war and armed conflicts. His basic principle is that “justice is everyone’s business”. Men and women, officers and soldiers, and local, national and international authorities alike all have a shared responsibility for reporting, and combating, this type of war crime.

The importance of Dr. Mukwege’s enduring, dedicated and selfless efforts in this field cannot be overstated. He has repeatedly condemned impunity for mass rape and criticised the Congolese government and other countries for not doing enough to stop the use of sexual violence against women as a strategy and weapon of war.

Nadia Murad is herself a victim of war crimes. She refused to accept the social codes that require women to remain silent and ashamed of the abuses to which they have been subjected. She has shown uncommon courage in recounting her own sufferings and speaking up on behalf of other victims.

Andersen said that Nadia Murad is a member of the Yazidi minority in northern Iraq, where she lived with her family in the remote village of Kocho. In August 2014 the Islamic State (IS) launched a brutal, systematic attack on the villages of the Sinjar district, aimed at exterminating the Yazidi population. In Nadia Murad’s village, several hundred people were massacred. The younger women, including underage children, were abducted and held as sex slaves. While a captive of the IS, Nadia Murad was repeatedly subjected to rape and other abuses. Her assaulters threatened to execute her if she did not convert to their hateful, inhuman version of Islam.

She described Nadia Murad as just one of an estimated 3 000 Yazidi girls and women who were victims of rape and other abuses by the IS army. The abuses were systematic, and part of a military strategy. Thus they served as a weapon in the fight against Yazidis and other religious minorities.

After a three-month nightmare Nadia Murad managed to flee. Following her escape, she chose to speak openly about what she had suffered. In 2016, at the age of just 23, she was named the UN’s first Goodwill Ambassador for the Dignity of Survivors of Human Trafficking.

“This year marks a decade since the UN Security Council adopted Resolution 1820 (2008), which determined that the use of sexual violence as a weapon of war and armed conflict constitutes both a war crime and a threat to international peace and security. This is also set out in the Rome Statute of 1998, which governs the work of the International Criminal Court. The Statute establishes that sexual violence in war and armed conflict is a grave violation of international law.  A more peaceful world can only be achieved if women and their fundamental rights and security are recognised and protected in war.” said Andersen. 

She said this year’s Nobel Peace Prize is firmly embedded in the criteria spelled out in Alfred Nobel’s will. Denis Mukwege and Nadia Murad have both put their personal security at risk by courageously combating war crimes and seeking justice for the victims. They have thereby promoted the fraternity of nations through the application of principles of international law.

Dr. Denis Mukwege actually won the Rightlivlihood Prize, dubbed as the Alternative Nobel Prize in Stockholm five years ago.  So it is recognized that his winning is well justified.

This year’s Nobel Peace prize is considered to be fair and all the winners deserve such prize for their contribution to mankind.


Acupuncture Science Association Sweden successfully held its member assembly and profeciency test

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM,  Acupuncture Science Association Sweden successfully held its member assembly and academic lectures as well as the WFAS International Profeciency Test for Acupuncture-Moxibustion Practitioners on Sept. 22, 2018.

The background of the lecture and the doctor’s test was the visit of Wang Shenhe, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Chinese Medical Societies Academy and Director Zhang Zijun to Sweden.

They visited the Belt and Road Swedish Education Base under the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion in Stockholm, Sweden, WFAS.  Wang and Zhang visited the education base and made an important speech titled “How can China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences lead Chinese medicine to go abroad.”

The head of the education base, the executive committee of the World Federation of Acupuncture and Moxibustion Associations, and the President of the Swedish Academy of Acupuncture and Academic Research, Yang Chungui, after listening to the speech of President Wang, said that they will further strengthen cooperation with the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and report to President Wang on the joint development plan of the “Belt and Road” joint education base especially emphasized that Jiemei Lawyer and Bengt Wahrolén lawyer of Guohao Law Firm are helping us to fight for acupuncture legislation in Sweden.

President Wang and Director Zhang listened to Yang’s report and expressed appreciation. President Wang also stated that he would strongly support cooperation with Sweden and promote the realization of the goals according to the plan.

The next day, Counselor Dai from the Chinese Embassy in Sweden met with President Wang, Director Zhang, President Yang and Jiemei. Counselor Dai said that the embassy wish the smooth development of the education base in Sweden and promote the success of Chinese medicine acupuncture in Swedish legislation.

President Wang also indicated that he will actively cooperate with the work process. The Swedish Academy of Acupuncture and Moxibustion held the 2018 General Assembly and Academic Lecture on September 22, and the International Acupuncturist Examination was held at the same time.

The Society has invited Yang Jinhong, Executive Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Acupuncture Hospital, and Dr. Li Jian, a general practitioner of Swedish Skarpnäck Vårdcentral, to explain the valuable experience of clinical application of acupuncture from two different perspectives: Chinese medicine and Western medicine.

At the same time, the Society also invited Dr. Wang Zefeng, the person in charge of the Chinese Medicine Museum, Dr. Guo Wanchun, the editor of the European Edition of the World Traditional Chinese Medicine magazine, and Yang Liran, the principal of the former Swiss-Chinese Chinese School, to attend the conference.

Yang Jinhong, deputy dean of the hospital, is an expert in acupuncture treatment of neurological diseases, and is also a standardization expert in acupuncture and moxibustion of Chinese medicine and a member of the editorial board of evidence-based acupuncture.

The lecture titled by Dean Yang is “Experience of Acupuncture Therapy for Intractable Diseases”, which explains in detail the experience of acupuncture treatment for refractory facial paralysis, postherpetic neuralgia, epilepsy and motor neuron disease. Dr. Zhang Chenrui acted as an interpreter. 

Dr. Li Jian is a well-known orthopedic expert in Guangzhou, China, and a Ph.D  from the Karolinska Institute of Sweden. He  used Chinese, English and Swedish  to talk about ” Local Analgesic Mechanism of Fascial Tissue Acupuncture  and “Lateral hip pain treatment with the combination of west medicine and traditional Chinese medicine”.  The wonderful lectures by Dean Yang and Dr. Li deeply attracted the audience. Everyone took pictures and took notes, for fear of missing any knowledge point.

The two keynote experts also patiently answered the questions of the audience. With just a few words, they could explain the key points and showed their rich knowledge and profound academic attainments of the experts and won applause.

Meanwhile,WFAS International Profeciency Test for Acupuncture-Moxibustion Practitioners in Sweden in 2018 was also held.

The International Acupuncturist Examination is currently the highest level of acupuncture professional examination in the world. This year, senior acupuncturists such as Reijo Pöyhöne and Wei Wei participated in the examination. Dr. Reijo Pöyhöne has been working in traditional Chinese medicine for acupuncture and moxibustion in Sweden for more than 20 years. He has written a number of Chinese medicine acupuncture teaching materials. Dr. Wei has 10 years of clinical experience in Beijing Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine and a master’s degree in Chinese medicine. He has been practicing medicine in Sweden for more than 10 years. These senior physicians take the exam and will greatly promote the development of acupuncture in Sweden.


It is the duty of our acupuncturists to improve acupuncture and moxibustion and better serve patients.


Video视频: Shenzhen International Image Promotion and City Plus Exhibition

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 20(Greenpost)– During the Shenzhen International Image promotion event and “City+” exhibition held in Stockholm, Liu Ang, Deputy Director of the Office of the Shenzhen municipal government said Shenzhen and Stockholm have many opportunities for mutually beneficial collaboration in the fields of sustainable development, technology innovation, culture, healthcare and education.

He said that Shenzhen is the first and the most successful special economic zone in China, and it is the frontier and window for the world to learn about the achievements and development of the reform and opening in China. It has developed from “the small fishing village across Hong Kong” to a great city with equal economic entity compared to Hong Kong.

Shenzhen is the youngest first-tier cities in China, it was found 38 years ago, and the average age of population is only 33 years old.

Shenzhen is also a city of innovation in China and even worldwide. Many big technology and financial innovative companies gather in Shenzhen and Shenzhen provides a sustainable development environment for medium and small business.

Further more, Shenzhen is a low-carbon green city. It has the best city air in China, the cleanest public transportation system, more than 50 % of urban green coverage rate, and the precious mangrove forest coastline.

President Xi jingping once said: “The friendship between nations depends on people’s affinity”. It is the same for the friendship between cities.

Han Xiaodong,  Counselor of Commerce at the Chinese Embassy in Sweden said both Shenzhen and Stockholm are very innovative cities.  They have very extensive potential in deeper cooperation.

Frederik Cho, Vice Chairman of Sweden China Council said he has witnessed the development of Shenzhen and believed that Shenzhen is really a good place for young entrepreneurs or innovators.

Zhang Qiaozhen, President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and Nordic Innovation Center said Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and Nordic Innovation Center have become the bridges and platforms between Chinese and Nordic enterprise and governments in promoting the exchange of information and mutual development. So we share the common ground with ‘city+’ organization. Therefore we are deeply honored to be able to participate in this event.

“ Nordic Innovation Center is the incubating platforms for Nordic Innovation programs, and we are active in many international cities in China and the Nordic region. Our mission is to select and help Nordic enterprises that suit Chinese capital requirements and industry positioning to enter the Chinese market. We are willing to provide consultation and solutions for Nordic enterprises that are seeking Chinese capital and market to gain insights about Chinese industry policies, local financing, marketing and operations. Furthermore, we are willing to contribute to the promotion of Shenzhen International Image event.” said Zhang Qiaozhen.

Guo Hang Program Officer from Shenzhen International Cooperation and Exchange Foundation gave a demonstration of the City Plus platform.

About 100 people including famous fashion designer Galo participated in the event.

Earlier the delegation visited the Nordic Innovation Center.

Chinese 中文


Video: China likes to attract more Swedish buyers and sellors to “Canton Fair” and Shanghai CIIE Fair

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 14(Greenpost) — China Import&Export Trade Fair and China International Import Expo promotion conference has been held in Stockholm.


Zhang Qiaozhen, President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and focal person in Nordic Innovation Center made a welcome remark.

“Over the past 61 years, Canton Fair has been a grand international fair growing up along with New China and a witness for China’s reform and opening up.  ”

Zhang Qiaozhen said over the past decade, Canton Fair has strengthened China and the World’s Trade relations and become the first promotion platform for foreign trade.

Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association is an organization that serves as a bridge between Nordic enterprises and enterprises and government in information exchange, mutual help and cooperation and win-win.  “We shall help those companies that are suitable to develop in China to find partners in China and even help them find funding and provide marketing solutions.  Canton Fair is a good platform for you to go to China and Asian market.”


Han Xiaodong, counselor at the Chinese Embassay in Sweden said Sweden has seen surplus in trade with China. This implies that Chinese people have a strong demand of Swedish goods. He welcomes Swedish enterprises to attend the Canton Fair and China International Import and Export Fair.


Elisabet Söderstrom, Secretary of Sweden-China Trade Council said at the conference that although there are many media in the society, there is still the need to meet face to face.  Canton Fair and China International Import and Export Fair. She said that Huawei and Volvo are actually also their members.


Fredrik Uddenfeldt, Director of Asia Region in Invest Sweden said trade between China and Sweden has increased a lot. Sweden has exported more products to China than to America. Sweden’s enterprises in China also see increases in a number of over 100. China’s manufacturing industry are the best and some products are even better than that in Europe.  So he encouraged enterprises to go to China to attend the two fairs.


Lena Miranda, Chairman of Sweden Incubater and CEO of Jönköping Incubater said that it is time for both Sweden and China to do real businesses, it is not just a visit, but do real business.  Canton Fair and CIIE are good platform for businesses.


Ye Jijiang, Vice Chairman of China Foreign Trade Center finally made a promotion about Canton Fair and CIIE.

“China is melting into the world and the world also needs China. Over the past 61 years, one can see that Canton Fair is one of the most professional trade fair platform. ”

With the 123 fairs over 61 years, China has become the largest export freight trade country.  Canton fair has become the largest fair in the world. During the Spring Fair, a total of 667 Swedish attended the fair among 203346 people.

The 124 fair will be held in Canton between Mid October and Nov. 4.  Ye Jijiang welcome all the Swedish entrepreneurs to attend the fairs.

Moreover, Nov. 5-10, China International Import Expo  will be held in Shanghai, with 2800 enterprises from 130 countries and regions being registered.

The CIIE will be a great platform for bilateral trade.

The two sides also held a small scale close door meeting before the conference.

Over 100 Swedish entrepreneurs and Swedish-Chinese entrepreneurs attended the conference to exchange ideas and shared information。

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 在瑞中企业家协会和北欧创新中心协调组织下,中国进出口商品交易会和中国国际进口博览会推介会14日上午在斯德哥尔摩斯喜来登大饭店成功举办。

瑞中企业家协会会长、北欧创新中心负责人张巧珍首先致欢迎辞。她说,广交会从1957年成立,已经走过了 61个年头,可以说,广交会,是伴随着新中国成长的 国际贸易盛会,也是见证中国改革开放的 国际贸易盛会。

几十年来,广交会加强了中国与世界的贸易往来,已成为中国外贸 第一促进平台。瑞中企业家协会、北欧创新中心,作为北欧企业与企业之间,企业与政府之间的信息交流、互帮互助、共赢发展的友谊桥梁与北欧创新孵化平台,我们非常荣幸,能够参与举办这次广交会推介活动。我们致力于优选并帮助适应中国资本和产业定位的北欧企业走进中国,愿意为寻求中国资金和中国市场的北欧项目,提供 产业政策解读、落地融资、市场化运营等的解决方案。广交会 一定是一个能够让您的企业和产品走进中国及亚洲市场最好、最便捷的平台。



瑞典投资促进署亚太区负责人佛雷德里克. 乌登费尔德 (Fredrik Uddenfeldt)也在推介会上致辞。他说,中瑞贸易非常强劲。瑞典向中国的出口已经超过对美国的出口。瑞典在中国的企业也增加了100多家,达到600多家。中国成为制造业的最佳选择,有些产品质量甚至超过了欧洲国家。广交会是个很有名气的品牌,希望大家能够抓住机会参加。

瑞典国家孵化器主席和银雪平孵化中心的CEO莱纳.米兰德( Lena Miranda)说,现在是中瑞之间真正做生意的时候了,人们不愿意到中国去只是学习考察,中国人来瑞典也不想只是考察,而是想真正做生意。因此,广交会和中国进口博览会,就是真正做生意的平台和机会,希望大家能去参加。












English version.

China likes to attract more Swedish buyers and sellors to “Canton Fair” and Shanghai CIIE Fair

China likes to attract more Swedish buyers and sellors to “Canton Fair” and Shanghai CIIE Fair

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept. 14(Greenpost) — China Import&Export Trade Fair and China International Import Expo promotion conference has been held in Stockholm.

Zhang Qiaozhen, President of Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association and focal person in Nordic Innovation Center made a welcome remark.

“Over the past 61 years, Canton Fair has been a grand international fair growing up along with New China and a witness for China’s reform and opening up.  ”

Zhang Qiaozhen said over the past decade, Canton Fair has strengthened China and the World’s Trade relations and become the first promotion platform for foreign trade.

Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association is an organization that serves as a bridge between Nordic enterprises and enterprises and government in information exchange, mutual help and cooperation and win-win.  “We shall help those companies that are suitable to develop in China to find partners in China and even help them find funding and provide marketing solutions.  Canton Fair is a good platform for you to go to China and Asian market.”

Han Xiaodong, counselor at the Chinese Embassay in Sweden said Sweden has seen surplus in trade with China. This implies that Chinese people have a strong demand of Swedish goods. He welcomes Swedish enterprises to attend the Canton Fair and China International Import and Export Fair.

Elisabet Söderstrom, Secretary of Sweden-China Trade Council said at the conference that although there are many media in the society, there is still the need to meet face to face.  Canton Fair and China International Import and Export Fair. She said that Huawei and Volvo are actually also their members.

Fredrik Uddenfeldt, Director of Asia Region in Invest Sweden said trade between China and Sweden has increased a lot. Sweden has exported more products to China than to America. Sweden’s enterprises in China also see increases in a number of over 100. China’s manufacturing industry are the best and some products are even better than that in Europe.  So he encouraged enterprises to go to China to attend the two fairs.

Lena Miranda, Chairman of Sweden Incubater and CEO of Jönköping Incubater said that it is time for both Sweden and China to do real businesses, it is not just a visit, but do real business.  Canton Fair and CIIE are good platform for businesses.

Ye Jijiang, Vice Chairman of China Foreign Trade Center finally made a promotion about Canton Fair and CIIE.

“China is melting into the world and the world also needs China. Over the past 61 years, one can see that Canton Fair is one of the most professional trade fair platform. ”

With the 123 fairs over 61 years, China has become the largest export freight trade country.  Canton fair has become the largest fair in the world. During the Spring Fair, a total of 667 Swedish attended the fair among 203346 people.

The 124 fair will be held in Canton between Mid October and Nov. 4.  Ye Jijiang welcome all the Swedish entrepreneurs to attend the fairs.

Moreover, Nov. 5-10, China International Import Expo  will be held in Shanghai, with 2800 enterprises from 130 countries and regions being registered.

The CIIE will be a great platform for bilateral trade.

The two sides also held a small scale close door meeting before the conference.

Over 100 Swedish entrepreneurs and Swedish-Chinese entrepreneurs attended the conference to exchange ideas and shared information。

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Xinjiang’s Kanas Scenic Spot-the most beautiful and spectacular scenery in the world

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Kanas Scenic Spot is the most beautiful and spectacular scenic spot in Altay, in Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region and even in the world. Under the jurisdiction of Altay Prefecture, Northeasten part of Xinjiang,  Kanas Scenic Spot is part of the nicknamed one thousand kilometer gallery.

It is an area of over 10 thousand square kilometers, receiving about 4.6 million tourists last year and is expected to receive 6 million by the end of this year.  So far they have received 3 million. They plan to open the area to tourists from all over China and even the world. In the past the area was closed due to the heavy snow.  Now tourism have been prioritized as a pillar industry.

Why is it so attractive and what is special with Kanas? Because it enjoys many only’s.

It is the only extension zone of Siberian taiga forests, the only distributed areas of Siberian animals and plants, the only Arctic water system nationwide in China, the only Mongolian Tuva habitation throughout the nation, the only scenic spot with European or Canadian style scenery(others dubbed it as Switzerland, but it is Kanas in Altay, Xinjiang ) in China and the only natural reserve that borders with another two countries across China.

Kanas lake in the rain on Aug. 28, 2018.  Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

To promote tourism industry and facilitate infrastructure, starting from this year, Xinjiang adds 10 flight courses including Urumqi-Kanas, Turpan-Kanas tourism charter and the new train and bus routes inside and outside Xinjiang are constantly increasing as well.

A group of 15 foreign journalists from 14 countries including Japan, Sweden, Belgium, Afghanistan, Kyrgyzstan, Bangladesh, Indonesia, India, Egypt, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey and Uzbekistan and together with 22 Chinese journalists visited  Kanas Lake and Kanas Pavillion.  The beautiful scenery stunned everybody when they visited it.

We were told to take the PLA overcoat and umbrella with us because it will be very cold on the top of the hill.  Most people did that except me.  I thought as long as it is green, it should be tolerable.

As we climbed up to the top, it began to rain. Feeling like climbing the Mountain Tai in Shandong Province,  East China, we also saw very beautiful white cloud covering the green trees and merging with the blue and green lake water.

All the trees here are very green and fresh. All the bush under the trees are also beautiful because they showed different colors.  Biodiversity is very obvious here.

When we climbed to over 500 stairs, I thought we had passed two thirds of the stairs. Every movement up, we found a new angle to see the lake. It is green water.  It looks like the lake in Calgary in Canada, I think, but it also looks like the gulf in Norway or the river in southern New Zealand and yet it is right here in Altay, China. It is just beautiful, clean and beautiful with the jade blue or creamy green. It feels like a treasure.

As we stepped up the steps, it rained even heavier. The white cloud didn’t disperse quickly. On the contrary, it emerged and extended to the lake. When the lake water almost covered by the white cloud, it looked so beautiful.

Tourists from Zhejiang province and Henan province or even Northeast China were walking in the rain. They all commended the place to be very beautiful and spectacular.

When we arrived finally to the top by walking 1100 stairs, we came into the pavillion to have a good panorama view of the Kanas River or lake.

The saying goes that one goes up to look at  the lake and goes down to look at various flowers.  One can described it as a sea of flowers with a great diversity.

The pavillion is called the fish-watching  platform.

Then one went down. It was just so beautiful. It was such a joy to have this trip because it is so clean.

Kanas Lake is  famous also for changing colour with seasons and weather change in spring, summer and autumn. The water color is actually steel grey in May, light green or bright green in June, milky white with slight blue and green in July, dark green in August, and emerald in September and October. From November to next April, it is the icing period, when the whole Kanas Lake becomes a silver white world, the color  still changes

due to sunny or cloudy days and to high or low clouds.

In the afternoon, the journalists took a sightseeing boat floating on the lake.  They experienced the beautiful water scenery and took a lot of photos.

Kanas lake with a history of about 200 thousand years is like a crescent,with the altitude of 1.374 meter, 24.5 kilometer long, 2.2 km wide maximum, 1.87 kM wide and the depth is 120 meters on average. and 197 meter deep maximum. Boasting an area of 45.78 km2, the lake has a storage capacity of 5.4 billion cubic meters , equivalent to 4 cubic meter for each of the 1.3 billion people in China.  It is also the deepest freshwater lake in China.

The fairy tales about water monster are spread here among the people, it is suspected that there are huge fish in this lake to welcome the people.

Kanas Lake, in the middle-mountain forest belt at the southern foot of Altay Mountains, is a loop moraine barrier lake through glacial scour in the quaternary ice age. Huge glacier covered Altay Mountains and then slid downward along the mountain terrain due to its gravity. During the process, the glacier bottom and the massif has strong friction and caused extrusion, transportation and digging, then the front end of the glacier melted gradually, the meltwater discharged downward, and tills accumulated in large quantities at the mouth of Kanas Lake, forming a loop moraine of about one kilometer wide and 50-70 meter high, which barred the valley, where meltwater from glacier and snow collected year after year to gradually form the beautiful Kanas Lake today.

Sleeping one night in Friendship Peak in Buerqin,  we headed for Yuehu Hotel to see the Kanas Lake.

Kanas Lake, deep in Altay mountains is within the scope of Kanas River basin, with the supplementary water mainly by melt water from the Friendship Peak and the Kuitun Peak, Altay Mountains and precipitation over the lake area. Kanas River with its rise in the Kanas Glacier at the Friendship Peak, the highest peak of Altay Mountains, 125 km long in total, flows from the northeast to the soutnwest and meets Hemu River at Jiadengyu to become Buerqin River, which finally goes into Irtysh River.

Kanas Lake is the core and cream of the state-level Kanas Nature Reserve, and a highlight of nature, where the natural ecological environment remains primitive with mountains embracing in manner of layer upon layer, dense forest, lush meadow, clear water, blue sky, green mountains, white clouds, snow-covered peaks, and grassy marshlands…all in an integral whole, and all too beautiful to be absorbed completely at once.

After seeing the Kanas lake, the journalists visited Zhalat Tourism Cooperative.  Zhalat Tourism Cooperative was established by Yerkebatu, a villager of Kanas Village in April 2015. It is the first one of its kind led and founded by village-level party organization, with the registered capital of 535 thousand yuan or about 80 thousand US dollars.

A beautiful Tuwa woman Ouchun welcomed the journalists to a wedding room first.  She explained that the wedding room is a pure wooden house without any spike. The house was built with tree trunk. And they put moss into the rift between wood blocks. Ouchun explained that this was the traditional way of building tree house and the moss will become shrinking in winter and blossom in summer. They also put liquid of pine trees into the wood.

Ouchun said all the quilts, mattress and furnature are made by themselves. In the family exhibition room, they hold a photo of the PLA doctors came to them to treat the patients and the people here participate national skiing meeting in 1958.

Ouchun said the most special thing for this cooperative is to make the skin skiing board. They will help to go up the hill easily  to prevent backward falling and go down faster.

The family has about 20 members and they have 12 rooms. The whole cooperative has 25 rooms with the construction area of 800 square meters and 8 artists to exhibit and sell more than 100 kinds of products and present shows of songs and dances.

In 2017, the Cooperative realized operating income of 500 thousand yuan .  It has attracted 50 thousand tourists accumulatively.

The ecological house style is Mongolian Tuwa  style, but also very similar to the Swedish style.

Ouchun said it is estimated that there are only 2000 Tuwa people whose ancester was Mongolians.  They have developed more and more tourism now. But they also rely on animal husbandry.

Finally,  all the journalists entered into a Mongolian style dome house and listened to the artists performance.

The cooperative is market oriented takes original – ecology culture as the priority, centers on original- ecology culture experience products, enhances its business through sales of cultural tourist products and highlights group tourists led by tour guide while attracting self-help tourists, to build the brand of original – ecology culture experience.

They have a primary school here with 100 pupils. When they go to middle school, they will go to the county to have boarding school.

The artists performance were wonderful and with welcoming wine ceremony people also observed how people made milk wine.

After this trip, people went back to the Yuehu Lake Hotel and had lunch.  The lunch was delicious because it had a good variety of food.

In the afternoon, the journalists went through the fairy bay of the Kanas River.

Then they stopped in the Moon Bay before they came to the lying dinasour bay.

By the end of the day, they arrived in Hemu Hotel with Swedish wooden house style.

The tree trunk here is far better than that in the cooperative. This is such a high level hotel which is very customer friendly. Outside in the yard, there are all kinds of plants and flowers. Canal streams flow naturally with fishes swimming in it.  It is such a beautiful place.

All these natural resources with huge investment from the government and the priority on tourism make the local herdmen benefit a lot in recent years.

The theme of this trip was to visit the tourist sites themed on Silk Road Economic Belt.  It’s obvious that the Chinese government has invested heavily in Xinjiang’s Altay prefecture and support the local policy of putting ecological construction on priority and realized the green development.

The local leaders clearly remembered President Xi Jinping’s idea of Green mountains and rivers are actually the gold and silver mountains.

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson.