Category Archives: Green-tech

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (3) – Upplev Xinjiangs service och kinesisk-svensk handel

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 26 augusti (Greenpost) – Programmen för kinesiska och utländska journalister är ganska fulla och utmärkta aktiviteter skedde en efter en. Men i ett ögonblick, du är ute av batteriet, vad kan du göra?

Så hade jag bråttom för att lämna hem och med misstag tog jag fel laddare. När jag verkligen ville ladda batteriet fungerade laddaren inte. Jag tog den gamla. Den nyinköpta var kvar hemma. Jag frågade alla kollegor som tog de stora kamerorna, men ingen av dem hade samma batteri som min, D7000 Nikon. De flesta av deras var kanon. Utan annat val, var jag tvungen att fråga den informationskollega som kunde se om hon kunde hjälpa mig att fråga någon butik att köpa eller låna en batteriladdare. Självklart, om det var i Peking eller Shanghai, skulle jag inte ha varit så orolig eftersom jag är säker på att det kommer att finnas en liknande laddare för mig att använda och det finns många olika typer av laddare. Men det här är i Xinjiang och vi ska gå till Changji på eftermiddagen, jag var verkligen misstänksam och kände mig hopplös. Men jag vill fortfarande försöka, så jag frågade Lyu Yan. Kanske det har!

Så frågade Lyu Yan flera butiker och mobiliserade många av sina resurser, men inget hopp. Hon sa att vi bara kan lägga på hopp på Changji. Ja, Changji har högteknologiska industripark. Vid klockan fyra när vi kom fram till vingården berättade hon för mig att en kollega i Changji hittade denna D 7000 batteriladdare i en Nikon-butik. Det var kamrat Yu Jian som hittade det och frågade mig om jag gillar att köpa det eftersom det inte är originaltyp. Jag sa så länge det fungerar, jag borde köpa det. Så jag sa, köp!

På kvällen när vi hade middag gav Yu Jian mig ett plastpaket. Det ser mycket mindre ut och smalare. Originalladdaren har fyra tänder, nu laddaren har bara två tänder, men den markerar positiv och negativ sida. Original har en lång tråd, den här har ingen tråd, istället kan den anslutas direkt till väggen. Jag var inte säker på om det fungerade. När jag slutade middag gick jag till bussen för att hämta mitt batteri och försökte det omedelbart i den närliggande affären. Det röda ljuset sken omedelbart. “Det fungerar!” Jag kunde inte hjälpa att gråta ut. “Rätt, Rätt, det fungerar!” Det räddade verkligen min dag. Än enbart kostar den kinesiska 80 yuan(100kr) medan den svenska kostar över 600 yuan(700kr).

På eftermiddagen besökte kinesiska och utländska journalister ett företag Maiquer som producerade mejeriprodukter och veteprodukt. Bolaget importerade en uppsättning svensk mjölkproduktionslinje med totalt 200 miljoner yuan. Produkterna är bra och sorten är många inklusive dumplings och kakor. Jag tycker att det här är ett bra exempel på kinesisk-svenskt samarbete och Kina kan lära av Sverige på många sätt.

Kineserna fick sin egen innovation efter att ha läst från väst. Kinas snabba tåg är ett sådant fall, det är också delade cyklar. Idéerna kom från väst, men senare förbättrade kineserna det och gjorde det ännu bättre. Mänsklig civilisation bör skapas i denna process genom att lära av varandra och göra framsteg. Och de tävlar också med varandra.

Dagens laddare är liknande. Kina laddad batteriladdare sparar material. Det här är en typ av innovation. Det är enkelt och praktiskt. Man måste naturligtvis fortsätta att göra ansträngningar i sin egen innovation och fortsätta att skapa nya produkter.

Foto och Text av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series (3)–Experiencing Xinjiang’s service and Sino-Swedish Trade

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 26(Greenpost)—The programs for the Chinese and foreign journalists are quite full and excellent activities happened one after another. But at key moment, you are out of battery, what can you do?

So I was in a hurry to come out of home and by mistake, I took the wrong charger. When I really wanted to charge my battery, the charger didn’t work. I took the old one.The newly bought one was left at home. I asked all the colleagues who took the big cameras, but none of theirs had the same battery as mine, the D7000 Nikon. Most of theirs were Cannon. Without other choice, I had to ask the capable information colleague to see if she can help me ask any shop to buy or borrow a battery charger.

Of course, if it were in Beijing or Shanghai, I would not have been so worried because I am sure there will be similar charger for me to use and there are many different kinds of charger. But this is in Xinjiang and we are going to go to Changji in the afternoon, I was really suspicious and feel hopeless. But I still would like to give a try, so I asked Lyu Yan. What if it has!

So Lyu Yan asked several shops and mobilized many of her resources, but no hope. She said we can only put on hope on Changji. Right! Changji has high-tech Industrial park. By four o’clock, when we arrived in the grapeyard, she told me that a colleague in Changji found this D 7000 battery charger in a Nikon shop. It was Comrade Yu Jian who found it and asked me if I like to buy it because it is not original type. I said as long as it works, I should buy it. So I said, buy!

In the evening when we had dinner, Yu Jian gave me a plastic package. It looks much smaller and narrower. Original charger has four teeth, now the charger has only two teeth, but it marks positive and negative side. Original has a long wire, this one doesn’t have any wire, instead it can plug in directly to the wall. I was not sure if it worked.

When I finished dinner, I went to the bus to fetch my battery and immediately tried it in the nearby shop. The red light shone immediately. “It works!”I can’t help crying out. “Right, Right, It works!” It really saved my day.  Let alone, the Chinese one cost 80 yuan while the Swedish on cost over 600 yuan.

In the afternoon, Chinese and foreign journalists visited a company Maiquer which produced dairy products and wheat product. The company imported a set of Swedish milk production line with a total of 200 million yuan. The products are good and the variety is many including the dumplings and cakes. I think this is a good example of Sino-Swedish cooperation and China can learn from Sweden in many ways.

Chinese people got their own innovation after learning from the west. China’s fast train is such a case, so is the shared bikes. The ideas came from the west, but later, the Chinese improve it and make it even better. Human civilization should be created in this process by learning from each other and making progress. And they also compete with each other.

Today’s charger is similar. China made battery charger saves material. This is a kind of innovation. It is simple and practical. Of course, man still needs to continue to make efforts in its own innovation and continue to make new products.

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Building sustainability 2018 held in Stockholm 绿色建筑大会在斯京举行

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct.24(Greenpost) — Building sustainability 2018 opened in Stockholm on Wednesday with co hosts of Stockholm Stad and Sweden Green Building Council.

Jeanette Reuterskiöld, President of Sweden Green Building Council spoke at the opening.

Anna König Jerlmyr, Financeborgrarråd, Stockholms City also spoke at the opening.

Monica von Schmalensee, arkitect of White arkitects gave a presentation about the sustainable future cities.

Then Svante Axelsson, National Coordination Fossilfree Sweden, Agneta Wannerstrom, Group leader on sustainable business development, Malin Löfssjögård, VD Svensk Betong, Swedish cement sector and Helen Axelsson, energy and environment director of processing owners in steel sector talked about the future in fossilfree competitivity.

Emma Hult, Environment party official talk about housing policies.

And then in the housing sector, Anders Sjelgreen, general director of housing agency, Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd,  VD of Swedish building industry, Maria Pleiborn, from WSP, Robert Vangstad from Nyhem Bostad, Claudia Wörmann, SBAB and HEnrik Friman from Andelsowner company M2 talked about how they will help realize fossilfree society.

Building sustainability 2018 will last two days to 25th and then on 26 there will be study visits to see how to build green buildings.




Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series (2)—Visiting Xinjiang Software Park

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 25(Greenpost)— A group of 21 Chinese and 14 Foreign journalists visited Xinjiang Software Park on Aug. 25 after they had visited the Urumqi realignment center.

With a total of 410 thousand square meter of building area, and an area of 14 hectares, Xinjiang Software Park has been approved as a provincial level park. Xinjiang has tried its best to make the park a high land in software and information industry concentration, starting up, innovation and development.

Xinjiang Software Park insists on “cultivating and developing the software service industry as its mission”, giving full play to the unique advantages of Xinjiang’s location, language, talents and culture, and integrating the industrial advantages of Xinjiang.

Under the leadership of the autonomous region and the party committee and government of Urumqi, the software park will form a base for R&D, production and industrialisation of software outsourcing and information service industry, and to bring into full play of the industrial agglomeration effect and the benefits of scale.

The park uses cloud computing, Internet of Things, Internet and Beidou navigation as the four leading industries to cultivate and strive to build “Xinjiang” as a software and information service industrial park featuring Xinjiang features, first-class in the west, and advanced China.

Two of the most impressive things  here are the 2025 program that President Xi Jinping proposed that China should move from a large technological nation  to a technological power. Under the guidance of such strategic objectives, all parts of the country are actively developing various advanced technologies such as smart technology, big data, and cloud computing.

The other is the language center here. People can choose their own language with a push of a button. There are Uyghur language, Chinese, French, English and many other languages. Any input, or voice, can be translated. In this way, one can deepen  understanding and avoid misunderstandings. For example, the Belgian journalist said i French, then it immediately translated into Chinese. The ability of languages is very important in Xinjiang where there are  multi-ethnic groups living and working.

Of course, there is also a smart technology that impresses the reporter, that is, the use of drones in medical care. If there is a patient in a community, the drone can sense it by remote sensing technology and then rescue the patient as soon as possible.

Important information data area for “Five Centers” on the Silk Road Economic Belt

Xinjiang Software Park has attracted more than 200 enterprises in the park, including more than 30 enterprises above designated size, including Xinjiang Broadcasting and Television Network, Honglian Information, Aerospace Information, and Puhui Information. The industrial clustering effect is beginning to appear. In the future, the park will establish Beidou series of industrial demonstration bases such as the Navigation Application Demonstration Base, the Cultural and Technology Integration Industry Demonstration Base, the Smart City and Smart Community Demonstration Base, and the Internet of Things Application Demonstration Base.

It will become the first-class software park and information service industry highland in the west. At the same time, the park will actively organize enterprises to go out through organizing exhibitions and public promotion meetings, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation between enterprises through the organization of summit forums and technical exchange meetings, and promote the upgrading and transformation of the entire industry.

Quality talent support

Xinjiang Software Park is located in Urumqi, the capital of the country. The outstanding talents in Xinjiang are gathered here. At the same time, the training base with an area of ​​12,000 square meters is built in the park. It passes through Tsinghua University, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Normal University and other countries’ well-known universities, as well as well-known enterprises at home and abroad such as Oracle, Microsoft, Neusoft, etc., jointly to build a training base for the park, build a talented highland, and use the resources of the Higher Education Park in the development zone to build a highland for IT talents in the western region.

Multi-level policy support

Xinjiang Software Park is located in the national development zone. It is the only autonomous region-level software park in Xinjiang, which is jointly established by the Autonomous Region’s Economic and Information Committee and the Development Zone (Toutunhe District). The enterprises in the park can enjoy the national, autonomous region and Urumqi city level and even the Development Zone (Toutunhe District) relevant policies. They can also enjoy some preferential policies in Software Park, Technology Business Incubator and Liuchuang Park for returned overseas talented people to start up their business.

Convenient transportation

Xinjiang Software Park is adjacent to Wukui Expressway in the west, Suzhou Road in the north, and only 10 minutes drive from Urumqi International Airport in the north. It is 2.5 kilometers away from the high-speed rail district transportation hub in the east. It has high-speed rail, intercity railway, long-distance bus and rail transit. Comprehensive transportation such as city bus and convenient transportation. 5 km from the city center takes 15 minutes. A number of bus lines pass through the park.

Perfect business package

Xinjiang Software Park is located in the new center of Urumqi’s future city, close to Urumqi Comprehensive Bonded Zone and Urumqi Logistics Hub. It is located in the core area of ​​high-speed rail zone and Bainiao Lake New District. It is backed by 246-acre cloud computing industrial park and faces 2.5 square kilometers of service outsourcing base. Adjacent to Wanda, Baoneng high-end commercial complex, the park will develop harmoniously with Urumqi westward new urban area, the center of the future city.

Intelligent park management

 The park has complete supporting facilities, equipped with dual-loop power supply, high-speed network and full coverage of WIFI. It uses cloud computing and Internet of Things technology to adopt intelligent management of the card. It has 5A landmark office buildings, business hotels, expert apartments and high-end business meetings. The center, financial center, display experience center, 5D cinema, coffee western restaurant, fitness center and other facilities can fully enhance the external image of the company and improve office efficiency.

Living environment

The Xinjiang Software Park sits on a 350,000-square-meter “Great Green Valley” ecological park, adjacent to the planned ecological residential area, and is surrounded by rich educational resources such as primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

Advanced technology platform support

Xinjiang Software Park has become a national platform for technology incubators and national software public service platforms. It uses the most advanced cloud computing technology to provide enterprises with a series of professional services such as incubation, software development, testing, application and release.

One-stop, diverse professional services

Xinjiang Software Park adheres to the concept of creating value for enterprises. The park has a one-stop service hall and intermediary service hall, and has a professional service team to provide one-stop services such as project declaration, patent application, project financing,  taxation and legal consultation. At the same time, the park actively undertakes the software and service outsourcing business of the autonomous region and even the Central and Western Asia, but gives priority to the park enterprises. By building a resource sharing platform, enterprises in the park are encouraged to realize business outsourcing, and government procurement projects are preferentially issued to the park enterprises.

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (2) – Besök Xinjiang Software Park

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 25 augusti (Greenpost) – En grupp av 21 kinesiska och 14 utländska journalister besökte Xinjiang Software Park den 25 augusti efter att de hade besökt Urumqis Kina Järnväg Express anpassningscentret. Syftet av besöket är en del av reportage om Xinjiang som kärnområde av siden väg ekonomiska bältet som länkar kina och Asien och europa.

Med totalt 410 tusen kvadratmeter byggnad, och ett område på 14 hektar, har Xinjiang Software Park godkänts som en provinsnivåpark. Xinjiang har försökt sitt bästa för att göra parken till ett högt mark inom mjukvaru- och informationsindustrins koncentration, uppstart, innovation och utveckling.

Xinjiang Software Park insisterar på att “odla och utveckla software tjänsten som sitt uppdrag”, vilket ger full uppmärksamhet åt de unika fördelarna med Xinjiangs läge, språk, talanger och kultur och integrerar de industriella fördelarna med Xinjiang. Under ledning av den autonoma regionen och Urumqis partiutskott och regering, kommer software parken att ligga till grund för FoU, produktion och industrialisering av outsourcing av programvara och informationstjänstindustrin, och för att föra full uppspelning av den industriella agglomerationseffekten och fördelar med skalan. Parken använder cloud computing, Internet of Things, Internet och Beidou-navigering som de fyra ledande industrier att odla och sträva efter att bygga “Xinjiang” som en software- och informationsservice industripark med Xinjiang-funktioner, förstklassigt i västra område och avancerat Kina .

Två av de mest imponerande sakerna här är 2025-programmet som President Xi Jinping föreslog att Kina skulle flytta från en stor teknologisk nation till en teknologisk kraft. Under ledning av sådana strategiska mål utvecklar alla delar av landet aktivt olika avancerade teknologier som smart teknologi, stora data och cloud computing.

Den andra är språkcentret här. Människor kan välja sitt eget språk med ett tryck på en knapp. Det finns Uyghur-språk, kinesiska, franska, engelska och många andra språk. Varje inmatning eller röst kan översättas. På så sätt kan man fördjupa förståelsen och undvika missförstånd. Språkkunskaper är mycket viktiga i Xinjiang där det finns flera etniska grupper som bor och arbetar där.

Självklart finns det också en smart teknik som imponerar reportern, det vill säga användningen av droner i vården. Om det finns en patient i ett samhälle kan dronen känna av det med fjärranalys och sedan rädda patienten så snart som möjligt.

Viktigt informationsområde för “Fem Centers” på Siden Vägen  Ekonomiska Bältet

Xinjiang Software Park har lockat mer än 200 företag i parken, inklusive mer än 30 företag över utsetts storlek, inklusive Xinjiang Broadcasting och Television Network, Honglian Information, Aerospace Information och Puhui Information. Den industriella klustringseffekten börjar dyka upp. I framtiden kommer parken att etablera Beidou-serien av industriella demonstrationsbaser, såsom demonstrationsbasen för navigeringsapplikation, demonstrationsbasen för kultur och teknikintegreringsindustrin, Smart City och Smart Community Demonstration Base, och Dells Internet Application Demonstration Base.

Det kommer att bli förstklassig software park och informationstjänstindustrin högland i västra region. Samtidigt kommer parken aktivt organisera företag att gå ut genom att organisera utställningar och offentliga kampanjer och stärka utbytet och samarbetet mellan företagen genom organisationen av toppmötet och tekniska utbytesmöten och främja uppgraderingen och omvandlingen av hela industrin .


Xinjiang Software Park ligger i Urumqi, huvudstaden i regionen. De utestående talangerna i Xinjiang samlas här. Samtidigt byggs träningsbasen med en yta på 12.000 kvadratmeter i parken. Det passerar genom Tsinghua University, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang University of Finance och Ekonomi, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Normal University och andra länders välkända universitet, såväl som välkända företag i hemlandet och utomlands, som Oracle, Microsoft, Neusoft, etc., att bygga tillsammans en träningsbas för parken, bygga ett begåvat högland och använda resurserna i högutbildning Park i utvecklingszonen för att bygga ett högland för IT-talenter i västra regionen.

Politiskt stöd på flera nivåer

Xinjiang Software Park ligger i den nationella utvecklingszonen. Det är den enda autonoma programvaruparken i regionen på Xinjiang, som är gemensamt inrättad av den autonoma regionens ekonomiska och informationskommitté och utvecklingszonen (Toutunhe-distriktet). Företagen i parken kan njuta av den nationella, autonoma regionen och Urumqi-stadsnivån och till och med utvecklingsområdet (Toutunhe District) relevant politik. De kan också njuta av vissa preferenspolitiker i Software Park, Technology Business Incubator och Liuchuang Park för de studenter som kom tillbaka från utlanderna  börgar deras startup företagen. 

Bekvämt transport

Xinjiang Software Park ligger intill Wukui Expressway i väst, Suzhou Road i norr, och bara 10 minuters bilresa från Urumqi International Airport i norr. Det ligger 2,5 kilometer från höghastighetstågets transportcentrum i öster. Det har höghastighetståg, linjetrafik, långdistansbuss och järnvägstransitering. Omfattande transporter som stadsbuss och bekvämt transport. 5 km från stadens centrum tar 15 minuter. Ett antal busslinjer passerar genom parken.

Perfekt affärspaket

Xinjiang Software Park ligger i Urumqis nya centrum, nära Urumqi Comprehensive Bonded Zone och Urumqi Logistics Hub. Det ligger i kärnområdet av höghastighetståg och Bainiao(Hundra fåglar) Lake New District. Det stöds av 246 tunnland cloud computing industripark och står inför 2,5 kvadratkilometer service outsourcing bas. Intill Wanda, Baoneng avancerade kommersiella komplex, kommer parken att utvecklas harmoniskt med Urumqi västerut nya stadsområde, centrum av den framtida staden.

Intelligent parkförvaltning Parken har kompletta stödmöjligheter, utrustade med dual-loop strömförsörjning, höghastighetsnät och full täckning av WIFI. Det använder cloud computing och Internet of Things teknik för att anta intelligent hantering av kortet. Det har 5A landmärke kontorsbyggnader, affärshotell, expert lägenheter och avancerade affärsmöten. Centret, finanscentret, presentationscentret, 5D-biografen, den västerländska restaurangen, fitnesscentret och andra faciliteter kan förbättra företagets externa image och förbättra kontorets effektivitet.


Xinjiang Software Park sitter på en ekologisk park på 350 000 kvadratmeter stor grön dal, intill det planerade ekologiska bostadsområdet och är omgiven av rika pedagogiska resurser som grundskolor och gymnasieskolor och daghem.

Avancerat tekniskt plattformsstöd

Xinjiang Software Park har blivit en nationell plattform för teknik inkubatorer och nationella programvaror public service plattformar. Den använder den mest avancerade cloud computing-tekniken för att ge företagen en rad professionella tjänster som inkubation, mjukvaruutveckling, testning, applikation och släpp.

One-stop, diverse professionella tjänster

Xinjiang Software Park följer konceptet att skapa värde för företagen. Parken har en one-stop servicehall och förmedlingshallen och har ett professionellt serviceteam för att tillhandahålla engångstjänster som projektdeklaration, patentansökan, projektfinansiering, beskattning och juridiskt samråd. Samtidigt åtar sig parken aktivt programvaran och tjänsten outsourcing verksamhet i den autonoma regionen och även Central- och västra Asien, men prioriterar parkföretagen. Genom att bygga en resursdelningsplattform uppmuntras företagen i parken att genomföra affärskontrakt, och offentliga upphandlingsprojekt ges företrädesrätt till parkföretag.

Xinjiang har 1.66 million kvarkilometer och 21 million folk med rika resurer  i rytum, råvaru och energi. Det är kommunikation centrum mellan kina inland och Asien och Europa.  En bra framtid väntar.

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series(1)-China Europe Express Links You and Me

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug.25(Greenpost)—Believe it or not, it is very likely that a bottle of tomato ketchep on the table of a Naples family is transported by China Europe Express via Urumqi  realignment center, capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As a journalist from Greenpost, together with 14 journalists from 14 countries in Asia and Europe, I have been to Urumqi  realignment center and witnessed the Harmony Freight Train set off from here to Horgos Port and go on to Europe with a full load of cargo in 41 European standard cabins.

Nan Jun, Vice General Manager of Xinjiang Railway’s international transportation Co. Ltd. said that “the train that will start now is the 1486th train since May 26, 2016 and the 654th since January 1, 2018″.

“Since the start of China Railway Express, we have been welcomed by our customers because we have increased our transportation capacity substantially from once a week to once a day and now three times a day. So our railway lines are also increasing from 4 lines to 19 lines covering 23 places. The speed is increasing further by optimising the domestic transportation time and through active cooperation with our partners abroad. We have shortened the time from 66 hours to 44 hours and now it takes only 40 hours to arrive in Almaty. The time to Germany has also been shortened from 16 days to 13.5 days. The cost is also decreasing. ” said Nan.

Nan Jun said that the train can reach as far as Naples in Italy via Russia, Belorus, Poland, Germany and Italy. When the train came back, it came with pulp from Finland and transported to Korla in Xinjiang to produce green products. Meanwhile, other European products were also transported back.

He said this year’s goal is to reach 1400 times and there will be 80 percent of them to be from point to point. The products they sent out is not only to be Xinjiang Products, but also containers from Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang province. It only takes one day to arrive here. And then it will be sent to London. The train is in international standard because the train that goes to Britain, will change the track since it is using different track. Urumqi cargo realignment center makes the urgent products go first and other products go after. It is here that they will change the track and change the cars. The cost decreased and the efficiency increased.

China Railway Express in Urumqi makes Xinjiang  a communication hub for Belt and Road Initiative linking China and central Asia and Europe  and become the core zone in promoting the economic and trade with relevant countries. This has been the contribution made by Xinjiang which even substantially contributes to the world trade.

So far, there has been 19 railway lines linking China and outside world and about half of them via Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region  northwest China and half of them via Heilongjiang province, northeast China.

Many people in the western world doubts about China’s purpose of Belt and Road Initiative, but to make cargo transportation easier, make world business easier to be done  and benefit all involved, more importantly to provide good goods to all the customers is the real purpose and this is just a good example of Belt and Road Initiative.

This was the first stop Chinese and foreign journalists have stoped. Its second stop will be Xinjiang Software park. Please stay tuned.



这是在2018年北极生物多样性大会上发布的酸化评估报告。报告指出,由于全球温室气体排放造成了化学,生物和社会经济的影响。不断提升的酸化条件可能通过各种方式来影响海洋生物。 有些生物可能在低的PH值情况下变形增长。也可能是食物链结构或者是肉食动物的关系等会发生变化。

The continuing acidification of the Arctic Ocean is projected to have significant ecological and socio‐economic impacts over coming decades, with consequences both for local communities and globally. This is the overarching finding of the 2018 Arctic Ocean Acidification Assessment, presented today at the 2018 Arctic Biodiversity Congress. The assessment, conducted by the Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) of the Arctic Council, updates a 2013 assessment, and presents the chemical, biological and socio‐economic impacts of ocean acidification, which is driven primarily by global greenhouse gas emissions. Increasingly acidic ocean conditions can affect marine organisms in a variety of ways. Some may experience altered growth, development or behavior if exposed to low pH at certain life stages. Others may experience indirect effects, such as changes in their food web structures or predator–prey relationships. Falling ocean pH levels – which are changing most quickly in the Arctic – are acting in tandem with other environmental stressors, such as rising air and sea temperatures, to drive significant changes in marine ecosystems, with impacts on the communities that depend upon them. While some organisms will benefit and others will suffer negative effects, we can expect a complex array of impacts on marine ecosystems. To better understand the socio‐ economic consequences of these impacts, AMAP commissioned a series of regionally focused case studies to examine how shifts in ocean chemistry may affect valuable ocean resources and northern economies. The assessment presented the findings from five case studies:  Norwegian kelp and sea urchins: This study modeled how ocean acidification and warming might impact yields of sea urchins, of which there are large and currently unexploited stocks off the coast of northern Norway. The model simulations found that harvest yields declined sevenfold over the next 30 years, with warmer sea temperatures as the main driver, but with effects exacerbated by acidification.  Barents Sea cod: The case study developed a model to examine the combined effects of fishing, warming, and acidification on cod, which has been a commercially important fishery for centuries. It found that ocean acidification greatly increases the risk of the collapse of the fishery compared with the risk it faces from ocean warming alone.  Greenland shrimp fishery: Shrimp accounts for between one third and a half of the value of Greenland’s fisheries. This study involved building a bio‐economic model to better understand how the fishery might respond to acidification and other environmental stressors, and the socio‐economic implications of those changes. It showed that uncertainty at all stages of analysis, from the rate of acidification, to its biological, ecological and economic impacts, meant such modeling is of limited value. Nonetheless, it illustrates that actions can be taken to better manage stocks and build community resilience in the face of uncertainty.  Alaska’s fishery sector: Researchers developed an index to measure risk faced by different regions within Alaska from ocean acidification, the first time such an exercise has been conducted focused on a high‐latitude region such as the US state. It found uneven impacts, with southern Alaska facing the greater risk, due to its dependence on susceptible species, forecast rapid changes in chemical conditions in the region, and its low levels of socio‐economic resilience.  Arctic cod in Western Canadian Arctic: While it is not commercially fished, Arctic cod (Boreogadus saida, also termed polar cod) is a key forage species for the food web that supports the region’s Indigenous communities, and there is already evidence of its distribution shifting northwards as the ocean rapidly warms. Modeling and analysis tools were combined with observations to identify the potential effects of climate change and ocean acidification, finding they will likely cause significant changes in species composition in the region. Overall, the case studies show that effects of acidification, in combination with other stressors, are highly uncertain. This uncertainty underscores the urgent need for increased monitoring in the region, and for research that looks at the effects on species of a number of environmental stressors acting in combination. It is not only ecosystems and societies in the Arctic that are set to be impacted by ocean acidification in the region. The assessment also reviewed evidence that low‐pH waters are being exported to shelf regions of the North Atlantic, which are biologically productive and support important commercial fisheries. ENDS

Nordhaus and Romer share 2018 Economic Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 8,(Greenpost)– Goran Hansson has announced that The Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2018 was divided equally between William D. Nordhaus “for integrating climate change into long-run macroeconomic analysis” and Paul M. Romer “for integrating technological innovations into long-run macroeconomic analysis.”


At its heart, economics deals with the management of scarce resources. Nature dictates the main constraints on economic growth and our knowledge determines how well we deal with these constraints. This year’s Laureates William Nordhaus and Paul Romer have significantly broadened the scope of economic analysis by constructing models that explain how the market economy interacts with nature and knowledge.

Technological change – Romer demonstrates how knowledge can function as a driver of long-term economic growth. When annual economic growth of a few per cent accumulates over decades, it transforms people’s lives. Previous macroeconomic research had emphasised technological innovation as the primary driver of economic growth, but had not modelled how economic decisions and market conditions determine the creation of new technologies. Paul Romer solved this problem by demonstrating how economic forces govern the willingness of firms to produce new ideas and innovations.

Romer’s solution, which was published in 1990, laid the foundation of what is now called endogenous growth theory. The theory is both conceptual and practical, as it explains how ideas are different to other goods and require specific conditions to thrive in a market. Romer’s theory has generated vast amounts of new research into the regulations and policies that encourage new ideas and long-term prosperity.

Climate change – Nordhaus’ findings deal with interactions between society and nature. Nordhaus decided to work on this topic in the 1970s, as scientists had become increasingly worried about the combustion of fossil fuel resulting in a warmer climate. In the mid-1990s, he became the first person to create an integrated assessment model, i.e. a quantitative model that describes the global interplay between the economy and the climate. His model integrates theories and empirical results from physics, chemistry and economics. Nordhaus’ model is now widely spread and is used to simulate how the economy and the climate co-evolve. It is used to examine the consequences of climate policy interventions, for example carbon taxes.

The contributions of Paul Romer and William Nordhaus are methodological, providing us with fundamental insights into the causes and consequences of technological innovation and climate change. This year’s Laureates do not deliver conclusive answers, but their findings have brought us considerably closer to answering the question of how we can achieve sustained and sustainable global economic growth.

The Laureates

William D. Nordhaus, born 1941 in Albuquerque, USA. Ph.D. in 1967 from Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA. Sterling Professor of Economics, Yale University, New Haven, USA.

Paul M. Romer, born 1955 in Denver, USA. Ph.D. in 1983 from University of Chicago, USA. Professor at NYU Stern School of Business, New York, USA.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 中国驻瑞典大使桂从友9月28日出席第二届一带一路峰会和一带一路执行小组成立大会并发表重要讲话。请看视频实况:

桂从友大使讲话。 Ambassador Gui spoke at BRI summit.

Stephen Brawer spoke about BRI at the BRI summit and  BRIX establishment ceremony.

Kitty Smith spoke at BRIX and BRI summit in Stockholm.

Ali Kammandeh spoke at the BRIX establishment ceremony.

Liu Ying shared her experience in helping Swedish company to enter China successfully.

Host Hussein, Askary.


Video:Arnold, Smith and Winter win 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 4(Greenpost)– Goran Hansson, Permanent Secretary of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences announced on Wednesday that the academy of sciences has decided to grant the 2018 Nobel Prize in Chemistry with one half to Frances Arnold and the other half jointly to George Smith and Sir Gregory Winter.

For details pls watch the video filmed by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.

Hansson made the announcement.

Professor Claes Gustafsson gave a brief introduction of the significance of the prize.

Sara Linde gave a explaination why the three laureates won the prize.

Professor Gunnar Von Heijne explained why the three laureates won the prize.

Professor Gunnar Von Heijne further explained why the three laureates won the prize.


2018 “Win-in-Suzhou” Venture Contest for International Entrepreneurs held in Stockholm

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, May 27(NCO)–2018 “Win-in-Suzhou” Venture Contest for International Entrepreneurs(European Life-Science Industry) was successfully held in Stockholm on Saturday.

Dai Gang, Counsellor of the Science and Technology Department of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden, said Sweden is the world No.1 in startup survival rate after three years of establishment. Thus it is a good choice for Suzhou to hold the venture contest in Sweden. Suzhou has good innovation environment and incentive for development. He hopes the contest entrepreneurs seize the chance to cooperate with Suzhou.

Zhou Wenrong, Deputy Director from Suzhou Municipal government said Suzhou is not only a paradise for silk, but also a paradise for innovation. In order to become a strong city with high level talented people, they have issued a series of incentives to attract them to Suzhou including as high as 50 million yuan or 6 million Euro project grant.

In order to encourage the presentation of the entrepreneurs, the organizing committee also arranged a one minute talk show which was quite impressive.

The contest was held in a modern conference room at the new Karolinska Hospital  building just opposite to Karolinska Institute where the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was announced every year.

Finally Cell replacement therapy for diabetes using encapsulated stem cell-derived functional islet tissues project won the first prize, Peptisystem-Transforming Reptide Manufacturing project won the second prize.

The other projects include Development of plant anti-anxiety products, DPP protein chip platform and Ocarcin for Alzheimer’s disease, Cell therapy for neural regeneration and spinal cord injury,Employing changes in DNA methylation for early detection of urinary tract tumors, next generation sequencing and cancer genomic DNA Detection and Libaros-Robotic surgery force feedback system based on optical remote sensing.

About 170 scholars and professors including Yang Weihong and Cao Yihai, Jack Yu Jiang and Peng Changgeng attended the contest.

Text/Photo Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Eating fish could prevent Parkinson’s disease (吃鱼可以防止帕金森)

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, April 23(Greenpost)– A new study from Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden, showed that Parvalbumin, a protein found in great quantities in several different fish species, has been shown to help prevent the formation of certain protein structures closely associated with Parkinson’s disease, a statement from the university website says.

Fish has long been considered a healthy food, linked to improved long-term cognitive health, but the reasons for this have been unclear. Omega-3 and -6, fatty acids commonly found in fish, are often assumed to be responsible, and are commonly marketed in this fashion. However, the scientific research regarding this topic has drawn mixed conclusions. Now, new research from Chalmers has shown that the protein parvalbumin, which is very common in many fish species, may be contributing to this effect.

One of the hallmarks of Parkinson’s disease is amyloid formation of a particular human protein, called alpha-synuclein. Alpha-synuclein is even sometimes referred to as the ‘Parkinson’s protein’
What the Chalmers researchers have now discovered, is that parvalbumin can form amyloid structures that bind together with the alpha-synuclein protein. Parvalbumin effectively ‘scavenges’ the alpha-synuclein proteins, using them for its own purposes, thus preventing them from forming their own potentially harmful amyloids later on.

“Parvalbumin collects up the ‘Parkinson’s protein’ and actually prevents it from aggregating, simply by aggregating itself first,” explains Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede, Professor and Head of the Chemical Biology division at Chalmers, and lead author on the study.

With the parvalbumin protein so highly abundant in certain fish species, increasing the amount of fish in our diet might be a simple way to fight off Parkinson’s disease. Herring, cod, carp, and redfish, including sockeye salmon and red snapper, have particularly high levels of parvalbumin, but it is common in many other fish species too. The levels of parvalbumin can also vary greatly throughout the year.

“Fish is normally a lot more nutritious at the end of the summer, because of increased metabolic activity. Levels of parvalbumin are much higher in fish after they have had a lot of sun, so it could be worthwhile increasing consumption during autumn,” says Nathalie Scheers, Assistant Professor in the Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, and researcher on the study. It was Nathalie who first had the inspiration to investigate parvalbumin more closely, after a previous study she did looking at biomarkers for fish consumption.

Other neurodegenerative diseases, including Alzheimer’s, ALS and Huntington’s disease, are also caused by certain amyloid structures interfering in the brain. The team is therefore keen to research this topic further, to see if the discovery relating to Parkinson’s disease could have implications for other neurodegenerative disorders as well. Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede stresses the importance of finding ways to combat these neurological conditions in the future:

“These diseases come with age, and people are living longer and longer. There’s going to be an explosion of these diseases in the future – and the scary part is that we currently have no cures. So we need to follow up on anything that looks promising.”

A follow up study, looking at parvalbumin from another angle, is indeed planned for this autumn. Nathalie Scheers, together with Professor Ingrid Undeland, also of Chalmers, will investigate parvalbumin from herring, and its transport in human tissues.

“It will be very interesting to study how parvalbumin distributes within human tissues in more depth. There could be some really exciting results.”

More About: Fish and Better Neurological Health

The link between higher consumption of fish and better long-term health for the brain has been long established. There is correlation between certain diets and decreased rates of Parkinson’s disease – as well as other neurodegenerative conditions. “Among those who follow a Mediterranean diet, with more fish, one sees lower rates of Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s,” says Tony Werner, a PhD student in the Department of Biology and Biological Engineering, and lead researcher on the study. This has also been observed in Japan, where seafood forms a central part of the diet. The team is careful to note that no definite links can be established at this point, however.

More About: Amyloids and Aggregation

Proteins are long chains of amino acids that fold into specific structures to carry out their function. But sometimes, proteins can fold incorrectly, and get tangled up with other proteins, a process known as aggregation.As these misfolded proteins aggregate together, they create long fibrous structures known as amyloids. Amyloids are not necessarily a bad thing, but can be responsible for various diseases. Some of them can interfere with neurons in the brain, killing those cells, and causing a variety of neurodegenerative conditions.

More About: The Study

The study was published in the journal Scientific Reports.

Abundant fish protein inhibits α-synuclein amyloid formation

Nathalie Scheers had looked at parvalbumin before in another context.

“I was on a previous study where we looked at possible compliance markers for fish intake. Parvalbumin is a cause of fish allergies, so we knew that it passed over to the blood, and that this form of parvalbumin is specific for fish”

She joined forces with Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede, and together they took the idea forward.

“Because Nathalie had previously shown that parvalbumin passes into the body of the person eating fish, it made sense to study its interaction with human proteins. We already knew that they can meet in the gut, the blood, or the brain,” explains Pernilla Wittung-Stafshede.

Source: Chalmers University

PM SipiläFinland and India have good opportunities for cooperation

STOCKHOLM, April 18(Greenpost) — Prime minister Juha Sipilä and India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi held a bilateral meeting in Stockholm.

The development of economic relations between the Nordic countries and India was the main theme in the India-Nordic Summit in Stockholm on Tuesday 17 April. Prime Minister Juha Sipilä also held a bilateral meeting with India’s Prime Minister Narendra Modi, including negotiations on trade relations between Finland and India and on promoting investment and other cooperation.

“Finland’s exports to India have grown over the past few years. Prime Minister Modi and I noted that opportunities for cooperation between our two countries exist especially in sectors such as energy, satellites and education. We have agreed to deepen cooperation in these fields and will hold further negotiations on concrete projects at the level of public officials, Prime Minister Sipilä said.

“I first met Prime Minister Modi in 2016 in India in conjunction with the Team Finland trade mission to India. India is one of the fastest growing economies in the world, and it is important for Finland to continue fostering good economic relations with India. There are many opportunities for cooperation,” observed Sipilä.

In the meeting, Prime Minister Sipilä also raised the importance of free trade; indeed, negotiations on free trade and investment protection agreements are on-going between the EU and India. Sipilä also stressed the importance of international cooperation in regard to climate change and counter-terrorism.

India interested in Nordic solutions

The initiative for the India-Nordic Summit of the prime ministers of the Nordic countries and India was made by India. The premiers of all five Nordic countries attended in the summit.

In the summit, Prime Minister Sipilä held an introductory presentation on the impact of innovations, digitalisation and artificial intelligence on trade and commerce, jobs and economic growth worldwide.

During Prime Minister Modi‘s premiership, India’s infrastructure, economy and society have been modernised. Economic growth in India is forecast to continue to at a rate of over 7% both this and next year. Last year, the value of goods exports from Finland to India amounted to EUR 532 million and the value of imports was EUR 340 million. Finland’s main export products are machinery and equipment as well as paper and cardboard. In 2017, our services exports totalled EUR 747 million and services imports amounted to EUR 534 million.

Government proposal for the new Radiation Act submitted to Parliament

Government proposal for the new Radiation Act submitted to Parliament

Ministry of Social Affairs and Health  28.3.2018 14.11

Government proposal for the new Radiation Act submitted to Parliament

The Government has submitted the proposal for the new Radiation Act to Parliament. The new Act would replace the current Radiation Act and would enter into force on 1 July 2018. The Act would implement the EU’s new Basic Safety Standards Directive concerning radiation safety. It would protect people’s health from the damage caused by radiation and prevent and reduce environmental damage and other detrimental effects caused by radiation.

The proposal would also amend the Health Protection Act, the Criminal Code of Finland, the Nuclear Energy Act, the Act on Healthcare Appliances and Supplies, the Act on the Market Surveillance of Certain Products and the Act on the Recognition of Physicians Monitoring the Health of Radiation Workers in Category A.

The Radiation Act as a whole will be reformed

The new Act would apply to the following exposure situations: radiation practices, existing exposure situations and emergency exposure situations. The EU’s Basic Safety Standards Directive lays down provisions on the responsibilities of the parties responsible for the use of radiation, on the safe use of radiation and on radiation safety in emergency exposure situations and existing exposure situations. The Act would clarify regulatory control and emphasise the risk-based principle in regulatory control.

The implementation of the Basic Safety Standards Directive requires Finland to make many structural and terminological changes to its radiation legislation. It was therefore appropriate to reform the radiation legislation as a whole in connection with the implementation of the Directive.

Exposure to radiation should be kept as low as possible

The new Act would emphasise that the overall benefit of radiation practices and protection measures would have to outweigh the detriment caused by them. Work-related exposure and the exposure of the general public should be kept at the lowest level practically possible in radiation practices and protection measures. In addition, exposure to radiation for medical purposes should be limited to the level that is necessary to achieve the results of the examination or treatment or to carry out the procedure in question.

The proposal would specify the provisions on targeting radiation not only at patients, but also at asymptomatic persons.

The Act would specify the regulation of exposure to natural radiation, such as exposure to radon in indoor air and exposure of workers to natural radiation, for example, in mines.

Responsible parties’ responsibility will be emphasised

The proposal for the Radiation Act emphasises the responsible parties’ responsibility and risk-based control. The proposed Act would impose on responsible parties a new obligation of conducting a safety assessment based on the risks involved in their activities. The safety assessment would involve assessing radiation exposures in the activities and identifying potential radiation safety incidents. Measures would also be presented to ensure radiation safety, prevent the identified potential radiation safety incidents and prepare for the occurrence of such incidents.

In all activities requiring a safety licence, responsible parties would have to consult a radiation safety expert when planning, implementing and monitoring safety protection measures concerning workers and members of the public, in accordance with the nature and extent of their activities. Responsible parties would also have to appoint a radiation safety officer to assist them. The officer would monitor in practice that staff at the place of work ensure radiation safety and follow regulations and guidelines.

The radiation safety expert and radiation safety officer would have to possess the qualifications and radiation protection expertise required by the Radiation Act. Training in radiation protection may be included in a higher education degree or completed as separate continuing education and training.

Statutes concerning exposure for non-medical purposes to be included in the Act

The new Act would include provisions on human exposure to radiation for non-medical imaging purposes, in which the main purpose of imaging is not to promote the person’s health. These include X-ray examinations to determine the age of immigrants, for example.

More efficient control of radon exposure

In the proposed Act, exposure to natural radiation, such as radon, would mainly be regulated in the same manner as exposure to radiation from other sources. This would enable improved control of radon exposure.

According to the new EU Basic Safety Standards Directive, the reference level for radon concentration is 300 Bq/m3 in dwellings, workplaces and other places with public access. If the radon concentration in the working area cannot be decreased below the reference level despite efforts, the responsible party would have to obtain a safety licence from the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK) for its operations. The protection of workers from radiation should then be ensured in the same way as in all other radiation practices: for example, the radiation dose sustained by the worker should be determined on a regular basis and the results should be submitted to the Dose Register of radiation workers.

The Radiation Act and other statutes issued under it would provide more clearly how responsible parties have to notify the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority of practices that may cause exposure to radon. Further provisions would also be issued on the obligations to report and limit radon concentrations.

Regulations on non-ionising radiation to be reformed

The Act would also reform the provisions concerning non-ionising radiation, although the Basic Safety Standards Directive does not concern non-ionising radiation. The reason for this is the rapid technical development of the equipment using non-ionising radiation and the large variety of its different applications. The reform would ensure the safety of non-ionising radiation applications and create a framework for efficient risk-based control.

As required by the Constitution, some provisions contained in decrees and the current instructions of the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority would be moved to the Act, as applicable. The Act would specify the current authorisations to issue decrees and would authorise the Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority to issue regulations on certain detailed and technical matters.

CPPCC session concludes in Beijing

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Beijing, March 15(Greenpost)– Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference ended this morning at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing.

The sky has become blue due to the cooler wind coming from last night. The Tiananmen Square is clean and clear.

Chinese leaders Xi Jinping, Li Keqiang, Li Zhanshu, Zhang Dejiang, Wang Yang participated in the conference.

The participants approved the work report presented by Yu Zhengsheng, Chairman of the 12th CPPCC session and the Charter revision draft of the CPPCC.

Wang Yang who is one of the members of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China was elected as the Chairman of the 13th CPPCC session with a full votes of 2144 votes who were present.

Wang Yang said the main task for the CPPCC in the following five years is to strictly exert its role of political consultation focusing on prevention and alleviation of serious risks, eradicating poverty and protecting environment.

CPPCC will actively make unremitting efforts to provide good suggestions to the Chinese government.

24 members including Zhang Qingli, Wan Gang and others were elected as vice Chairmen of the CPPCC standing committee.

Xia Baolong was elected as Secretary of the CPPCC standing committee.

A total of 300 members were elected as the members of the Standing committee among the over 2000 committee members all over China om March 14th.

2040 committee members attended the closing ceremony.