北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017 斯德哥尔摩国际艺术节闭幕式音乐会在8月20日在斯德哥尔摩Musikaliska举行。
东方风雅、西方音诗、欧华风韵、北欧风情、 最炫民族风、黄河大合唱
1. 三人古典舞蹈《星月神话》表演者:陈锦萍、匯卫冰、金萌
2. 中国民乐古筝独奏《临安遗恨》表演者:金欣蕊
3. 京剧《挡马》表演者:天木Timothy Pilotte
4. 钢琴曲伴舞《春江花月夜》 表演者:双焱(钢琴)、谭晶晶(舞蹈)
5. 锡剧《枝头鸟儿》表演者:朱瀛盈
北欧绿色邮报网报道– 2017年8月21日,深圳市驻欧洲首席代表周旭先生莅临瑞中企业家协会指导工作,受到瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍女士和工作人员的热烈欢迎。
张巧珍会长陪同周代表一起拜访了中国驻瑞典大使馆商务处韩晓东参赞,并与合作单位斯德哥尔摩投资促进署,瑞典孵化器科技园, 和卡罗林斯卡医学院的代表进行了会晤。
本次会晤主要探讨授牌瑞中企业家协会作为深圳在北欧工作站的相关事宜。会议间,瑞中企业家协会介绍了协会在过去一年里为促进中国与北欧科技,创新,人才与文化交流参与和举办的大事件。项目合作人Ulf Borbos 先生在瑞典孵化器科技园向周代表介绍了与瑞中企业家协会合作北欧创新加速器项目,协会也汇报了组展北欧企业11月份到深圳参加中国高新技术成果交易会的工作,Jenny汇报了斯德哥尔摩投资署署长将率队参加高交会的工作计划。
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
2017 Stockholm International Arts Festival has just concluded with its theme focusing on China Dream and a Peaceful and Harmonious World.
Wang Changning, Director of the Consulate of the Chinese Embassy said the festival presents different styles of arts from many different countries including China and Sweden. This is conducive to promoting China Dream and mutual understanding between Chinese and Swedish people and promoting the world peace.
“I think this festival is very meaningful in serving as a bridge between Chinese and Swedish people through music , singing and dancing.” said Wang.
Shuang Yan, director of the festival said this has been the fourth International Arts Festival which had been held in Australia, Spain and Russia.
This time it is held in Stockholm and jointly organized by Europe-China International Culture, Education and Business Development Association and Beijing Sunset Show Foundation.
Timothy Pillotti plays Peking Opera, Stopping the Horse.
“The main purpose is to promote China Dream and building a peaceful and harmonious world through cultural exchange and communication.” said Shuang.
Zhu Yingying performs Xi Opera A Bird on the Branch very vividly.
Shuang said there were four main parts of the festival including the music camp participated by Chinese and Swedish students, World Peace Day celebration concert, collectively and individual music contests and the grand closing concert.
Ruijing Voice of Arctic Choir, commander Yang Xiaoyin.
The concert attracted a lot of famous Chinese professional artists from China, Sweden and Norway as well as art troupes from these countries.
Zou Rongmei sings Jasmine Flower.
Zou Rongmei, Li Jia, Yang Xiaoyin and Zhu Yingying are professional singers while Shuang Yan plays piano, Wu Jing plays flutes and Jin Xinrui plays Gu Zheng. Timothy Pittli plays Peking Opera and Anders Delin plays Guitar.
There are also many amateur choirs and dancing troupes performed during the concert.
Sofie Aspeqvist, Head of Cultural Affairs of Sundbyberg Municipality said it was very interesting.
“I am overwhelmed I couldn’t imagine what evening it would be. I am overwhelmed by the participants, they are really doing their best of all ages, either professionals or amateurs, they are all doing their best , the glimpse of everybody doing their most, and it is fantastic, I think. And it is a generous feeling, I would say, it is very supportive and everybody is supporting the other.”
Layali Orientalska Dansakedemien performs oriental dance.
Aspeqvist said this concert is also very meaningful.
“It is wonderful that music and dancing and singing unites people across borders, because even if we don’t speak the same language but we can sing and dance and perform together and that is really fantastique, ” said Aspeqvist.
The famous Chinese Yellow River Music and singing by Zou Rongmei were very well performed this time with all the participants singing in a concert.
Leo Long Lindblom became the youngest piano player during the concert.
About five hundred people including both Chinese and other nationalities audiences attended the grand closing concert and gave their constant warm applauses during the two hours and a half concert.
With almost a year of preparation and long time exercises, every one has played to their best and gave the audience a very good impression with all kinds of performances, singing and dancing.
After the concert, a grand award issuing ceremony for the afternoon contest was also held with honorary guests and artists and choirs.
More photos:
Jin Xinrui plays Guzheng.
Russian Vesna Choir sing Russian songs.
Norwegian Chinese Dance Troupe.
Voice of Arctic Choir.
Norwegian Dance Troupe.
Singer Yang Xiaoyin sings Father’s Prairie and Mother’s River.
Pianist student from Sundbybergs Stad.
Chinese women play Qipao show and umbrella dance.
Wu Jing plays flute.
Anders Delin plays Gitar.
Shuangyan, Wujing and Anders Delin play tremble.
Three men sing a Chinese song Good people have good dreams.
Swedish Chinese choir sing the Field of Dreams.
Anhui Rainbow Choir.
Award issuing ceremony.
Zhang Qiaozhen, right, Director of Sweden-Chinese Entrepreneurs Association gives diploma to Zhang Jian, Commander of Anhui Rainbow Choir.
The concert concludes.
Four hosts: Kuang Fuyang, Åsa Wretman, Deyan, Huang Sisi.
Horary guests Wang Jianrong, Wang Changning, Liushaohui and Liang jinsheng. Reporter front, Chen Xuefei.
Photo by Tangbing. Text by Xuefei Chen Axelsson.
北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网联合报道(记者陈雪霏)– 2017第四届斯德哥尔摩国际文化艺术节圆满结束。8月20日晚一场大型闭幕式演出为艺术节画上了圆满句号。
本次艺术节的总策划双焱在接受本网记者采访时说,本次艺术节是由中欧国际文化教育商贸发展中心和北京夕阳秀中老年文化事业发展基金会联合主办,来自中国,瑞典和挪威等十多家艺术团体协办的一场盛会。其主题是“唱响中国梦 世界共和音”。
据双焱介绍,艺术节期间进行了四项活动,包括国际音乐夏令营,来自中国广州青少年宫120名青少年访问瑞典Lilla Akademien音乐学校进行了音乐交流, 纪念国际和平日音乐会,中欧国际文化教育商贸发展中心和夕阳秀主办的第四届国际音乐比赛和国际文化艺术节闭幕音乐会。
Sundbybergs stad市文化部长Sofie Aspeqvist和瑞中企业家协会会长张巧珍给安徽彩虹合唱团颁发了金奖团队证书。
Lena Sellgren chefekonom på Business Sweden 瑞典商务署财务总监和瑞典工商联合总会会长王建荣给瑞京中欧北极之声合唱团颁发了银奖团队证书。
瑞典NACKA 市议会议员刘芳和瑞典中国烹饪文化推广服务中心周岳酉主任给挪威华人音乐歌舞团颁发了铜奖团队证书。
瑞典华人总会秘书长唐兵和瑞典皇家音乐学院教授安德尔斯·德林 Anders Delin给Timothy Pilotte颁发了成人组银奖证书。
Lilla akademien音乐学校奠基人Nina Balabina和上海联谊会会长胡立夫给中欧国际小明星儿童舞蹈艺术团部分青少年组颁发金奖。
Fastigheter bolag房地产公司总裁Krister Johansson和瑞中友好协会会长白亨利给青少年组钢琴独奏Leo Long Lindblom颁发青少年组银奖。
瑞典Maestro akademin音乐学校校长Galina Ehrngren和瑞典华夏文化协会会长蒋洪斌给青少年组古筝独奏金欣蕊颁发铜奖证书。
报幕员们感谢了此次音乐会总协调人王建荣,副总协调人谈继东,舞台总监丹妮,艺术总监Aders Delin ,邹荣美, 杨筱音,关志辉, 节目统筹黄斯斯,节目单翻译真子Åsa Wretman。闭幕式音乐会在温馨的气氛中圆满结束。
瑞典人天木Timothy Pilotte表演京剧《挡马》,唱、念、做、打,基本功很扎实,唱腔地道,获得观众掌声不断。
天木Timothy Pilotte表演京剧挡马.
Anders Delin演奏吉他。
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 据世界幸福报告显示,世界上最长寿的国家有日本,西班牙,新加坡,瑞士和韩国。
北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 祸不单行,正当巴塞罗那报道空袭之时,芬兰一市区发生持刀砍人事件造成一人死亡,八人受伤。
北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 这本来是一次私人旅行。但是,苏州的美景让人情不自禁地分享。
苏州拙政园的荷花。现在在很多地方都不出奇了。例如,我到北京房山区良乡真就有一个非常好的河,里边的莲花比这还大。但是,拙政园是有历史的了。整体环境优美。 这在古代是私家园林。相信若干年后,中国各地都会有更多的私家园林。
北欧绿色邮报网图片报道(记者陈雪霏)– 应渤海大学同学的邀请,我们到渤海大学校园参观了一下。据参与渤海大学校园建设的财务总管彭伟介绍,这里原来是由锦州师范学院和锦州商学院合并而成立的渤海大学。
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Aug. 9(Greenpost)– China’s High Speed Train or Gaotie is really good. The train number begins with capital letter G as Gaotie, High Speed Train.
High Speed Train in China means the speed is more than 300 kilometers per hour. If it is a little less than 300 kilometers, it is called Dongche or begins with capital letter D. And if it is fast speed train which means they stop fewer stops, but the speed is still the traditional one, then it begins with K, meaning kuaiche or fast train.
But Gaotie is really another category. It is comparable to airplane.
During my visit to China this summer from June to July for more than a month, I travelled to Beijing, Tianjin, Shanghai, Suzhou, Jinzhou, Shenyang and Dalian. I took Gaotie all the time including Dongche.
They are all very comfortable, very fast, low noise, everyone has a seat and the seat is the same as in the airplane. The space is even broader.
The conductors provide good services and the sanitation is very good. It has air conditions and sometimes, it has a table too. The comfort can be comparable to the Swedish train, but the speed is really fast.
From Beijing to Tianjin, just half an hour. Shanghai to Suzhou just takes half an hour. Shenyang to Dalian just takes two hours.
There are food and water supplies in the train. You can either eat in the train kitchen or in your own seat. Hot water is also provided. With such a speed, people have no sense of stress, but quite relaxed. The temperature is kept almost permanently 24-26 degrees.
Each time I even lived near the high speed train station. From there, there is often subway stations too. So it is very convenient to travel to any place in the city.
From Tianjin to Shanghai and from Suzhou to Beijing, both take about five hours, less than half of the previous times.
Compared with airplane, people don’t need to travel far away to the airport. It just uses public transport, one can arrive there easily. Of course if you like to drive, you can have parking place there too.
All the high speed stations and waiting rooms are very good. It is new, convenient and attractive.
I believe if China’s high speed train is built in other developed or developing countries, it will also greatly be conducive to their economic development and improvement of people’s living quality.
It is especially good for business people. But for ordinary people now many began to take high speed train for their travel because it is still cheaper compared with airplane and it is more importantly comfortable.
北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网和中欧文化协会获悉中国四川省著名旅游地九寨沟县发生7.0级地震,目前以造成19人死亡,数百人受伤。特以此向死难者默哀,向其家属和受伤人员表示慰问。
获悉中国国家主席习近平已做重要指示。四川省侨办特意向华人华联提出全力帮助,如果有亲朋好友需要帮助的,四川省侨联值班电话:00 86 2885592363.
By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
India didn’t show up at the summit meeting in May what was held in Beijing. Some reports always mentioned this to show the differences between India and China.
China and India are neighbours and they need to have good relationships. But it doesn’t mean that they will agree with everything.
Belt and Road initiative is just an initiative and it is not an order in China. It is an initiative for all the countries who are interested in it to discuss how to cooperate and how to benefit from it.
Indeed China has a lot to offer such as high speed train technology and engineering teams. This high speed trains was criticised a lot at the beginning in China several years ago when it just began to operate. Some reports say it was only for the rich and far away from the city center and so on.
After several years operation, it proves to be a great success. It is so convenient to travel with Gaotie or G–lines. For example from June 20th to July 27th, I have traveled from Beijijng to Tianjin, from Tianjin to Shanghai and from Shanghai to Suzhou, from Suzhou to Beijing. From Bejing to Jinzhou, from Jinzhou to Shenyang, From Shenyang to Dalian and from Dalian to Jinzhou. I felt so happy to have chosen Gaotie or Chinese high speed train with 300 kilometer per hour speed.
The environment in the train is perfect and the short time of travelling between cities really make you happy. It is better than airplane and much better than car. It is very practical and comfortable. Thus the High Speed Train now is almost full all the time, but it is still easy to buy the tickets.
If the world is connected with China’s High Speed train, I believe it will really benefit whichever country or province, or region to have it. The condition is that it must be more than 200 kilometers distance. If it is too short, then use the car or normal train.
China didn’t impose anybody or any country to take part in its initiative. It is just a great proposal that quickly was recognized and highly praised by many countries.
In particular, Schiller Institute published a book to detailly describe their thoughts about the possible projects that can be constructed in the world at different points.
It is like the development in China. Those who didn’t have the chance to join in that stage, now they like to join China’s initiative and don’t want to miss this train this time.
Thus people should not always politicize the relations with economic development issue.
This time India rushed across the border to the Chinese side. It shows that India was extremely sensitive and wanted to show that they are strong enough to push Chinese back. But it seems there is such a big misunderstanding in the issue. The question is Chinese soldiers were building road in their own border. But for courtesy, Chinese informed their other side. It is like any Chinese neighbors who want to build their own house, but they also tell the neighbor that we are doing this, if it is too loud for you, excuse me.
Indian troops were stationed there because they wanted to protect Bhuttan, but Bhuttan didn’t really invite them to do so. They now also admit that that land is Chinese land, but not Bhuttan’s land, according to a report from Observer new media.
It quoted Chinese embassy people in India. And Indian media now reported this news too.
I hope this issue can be solved immediately and Indian soldiers go back to your side.
China and India both belong to the ancient four great civilisation. Iraq has been demolished and Eqypt is facing a lot of challenges too.
Only China shows the best development since 1850. Now India is catching up. Chinese people respect India’s great culture and civilisation, and Indian people also admire China’s development. Both enjoy the world’s largest population. I believe Indian population will grow faster than China’s because India didn’t implement any family planning policy. India paid great attention to IT and other technology.
I think China and India should learn from Sweden and Norway, Sweden and Denmark, USA and Canada and Britain and France to negotiate their border and do not use the force to do it.