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沃尔沃的创始人瑞典人古斯塔夫·拉森(Gustaf Larson)和亚沙·盖布列森(Assar Gabrilsson)原本都服务于瑞典知名滚珠轴承制造厂SKF,其中拉森是工程师,而盖布列森则是经济学出身的国际行销部门经理。



由于两人对汽车的前瞻性与热情,携手合作在1925年9月成功说服SKF的董事会,借到了该公司位于Torslanda的厂房进行试车的组装,于1926年8月10日获得授权,正式开始新车量产。沃尔沃第一款产品,是1927年4月14日上市的Volvo ÖV4型敞篷车。











photo (17)

沃尔沃在过去七年的业绩。   来源,每日新闻DN。




5 (1)XC60, XC90从2013,2014年开始生产。2015年沃尔沃首次销量突破50万辆。2016年开始生产S90,V90和V90Cross Country车型,2016年盈利110亿克朗。就是说,过去6年中利润翻了五倍。












人物:品酒大师邓锦华–长剑开香槟 陶醉情犹酣


长剑开香槟    陶醉情犹酣


荷兰  张卓辉  (文 / 图 )


品酒大师   盛名符其实


邓先生(中)应邀出席了第十届全荷华人体育运动会暨世界华人友谊邀请赛与前中国国脚古广明(左),时任全荷华人体育运动总会会长杨华根(右)合影邓锦华先生是荷兰著名评酒大师。上世纪80年代初,已在荷兰Zaandam 开设一家长城酒楼,祖籍香港新界的年轻东主邓锦华,对酒配歺的饮食方式产生兴趣越发浓烈。而且,一个隅然机会成为荷兰著名的联合多美釀酒集团(Allied Domecq总部在英国且涵盖荷【兰】比【利时】卢【森堡】,全球四大釀酒集团之一)评酒员培训班学员,毕业取得国际认可评酒资格证书不久,他干脆卖掉自己的歺馆,成立华民国际酒业公司,以合资企业形式与该集团合约精神任职市场主管,全线负责发展亚太市场,包括欧洲华人市场,全心全意投入酒业经营。之后廿多年间契而不舍,他在努力实践和磨练中,掌握酒的文化、技艺及其学历、阅历日益提高。1987年富士比拍卖行将一支1784年的玛歌红葡萄酒拍出18万法郎的天价而震动世界, 应邀于2002年秋初赴世界葡萄酒中心的法国波尔多(Bordeaux) 为香港无线卫星电视台制作《情系欧华》系列《法国名酒》特辑的欧洲著名华人专业评酒师邓锦华先生现场对节目主持人李华阐述,玛歌红葡萄酒之所以地位崇高,得益于该盆谷洼地状的葡萄园处砾石土壤,透水性非常好。

【6】应邀于2002年秋初赴世界葡萄酒中心的法国波尔多(Bordeaux) 为香港无线卫星电视台制作《情系欧华》系列《法国名酒》特辑的欧洲著名华人专业评酒师邓锦华先生现场且临近法国五大河流之一加隆(法语: Garonne)和周边置排栅式的防风林带,形成得天独厚的生态环境。已有数百年历史的玛歌酒庄公称为法国五大酒庄之一(法国五个红葡萄酒庄园拉菲酒庄玛歌酒庄拉度酒庄、侯贝酒庄、木桐酒庄的合称五大酒庄)。诚然,西汉张骞沿丝绸之路出使西域,经中亚西亚带回葡萄种籽中国培植及其日后釀酒,这些都比法国早两百年。只因当时中国传统饮食习惯不同,致使葡萄酒釀制业发展缓慢。而品酒三要素通过视觉看酒色,嗅觉闻酒气,味觉(蕾)尝酒味。值得一提2001年,时任中国国家主席胡锦涛出访法国曾经到过波尔多参观玛歌酒庄,这也是迄今为止唯一一家接待过中国最高领导人的波尔多一级酒庄。2014326日法国总统奥朗德爱丽舍宫为中国国家主席习近平和夫人彭丽媛举行了盛大国宴品尝的两种葡萄酒就是出自法国波尔多五大名庄,前道菜就是佐以1997年的吕萨吕斯酒堡葡萄酒,主菜则配以1997年拉菲酒庄红葡萄酒。类似这样通过传播媒体在西欧多国介绍葡萄酒知识与葡萄种植的专题节目,邓先生不辞辛劳曾多次应邀配合制作。他还多次参与组织和举办荷兰的各类大型名优酒水推介会、品酒会。犹新记忆9年前荷兰知名酒业集团Walraven Sax在荷兰西南部Breda(布利达)市举办的一次大型酒展上,该集团公司亚洲市场主管邓锦华先生亮相【佩剑开酒】传统技巧,成功用长剑开香槟,令与会业界同仁瞩目,华洋宾客叹为观止,留下了深刻印象。荷兰商界和众多华人企业家与来自世界50多个国家和地区不同的酒水经销商或供应商出席了品酒会,会上展示出150多个品种酒水。与会的中国驻荷兰大使馆毛清河主任表示,中国是酒文化非常发达的国家,酒会的举办不但可以让华人了解其他国家酒水生产和发展,更是以酒文化为背景的文化及其之间交流的实际体现。继而起之,邓先生率领所在集团公司的代表团队历年参展一年一度的荷(兰)比(利时)卢(森堡)大型国际餐饮业博览会Horecava 。2016年1月上旬,为期一周的该大型博览会第60届在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹RAI Amsterdam隆重举行,有世界各国600多家餐饮业相关企业参与,邓先生公司的展室(台)邻近亚洲广场中国馆的荷兰中饮公会主办为题东方相遇西方(Est mets West)厨艺展厅,饮食孪生相影益彰,交辉相映。

2016年2月23日,荷兰广州友人联谊会在南荷Eindhoven(埃因侯蕰,通译:安多芬)举行春节联欢晚会;3月23日,部分粤穗港同胞在Den Haag(海牙)召开迎春茶话会,应邀出席两会的邓先生都在现场兴致勃勃地展示他匠心独运,精湛设计,亲历监制的得意杰作藏品:一个大红漆盒内杏色绢装帧一大瓶级数为尊璜贵拿破仑干邑白兰地酒,一小樽样酒昂扬享炮车架上;盒盖扉页上印著繁华香港广角海岸景相,座右铭鎏金楷书竖写—- 九七回归 龙凤呈祥 。盒盖则仿宋体书:尊璜拿破仑 九七回归纪念版(详见照片佐证)。该纪念版酒在香港回归祖国大典期间发行香港,当时还追加几次版呢。从而显示狼毫处方中医世家出身的邓大师书法了得,更灼见他爱国爱港的热切情怀。然而,令他自觉艺术生涯高峰和壮志正酬是2008年至2009年间,荣获参与世界级时装设计绘画和雕塑方面非凡天赋的法国艺术大师(伊德Erte) 创作独巨匠心拿破仑干邑白兰地伊德系列7个版本《葡萄樹》《丰收》《精炼》《待陈》《品尝》、《馥郁》、《仙釀》,成为艺术与美酒最佳合作品,而邓先生诠释的中文版本全球统一选用,并且在当时的荷兰《华侨通讯》(半月刊)两大彩版图文并茂发表全部著述。该系列每一版的酒仅向全球推出12000瓶,较早期各版本的酒在拍卖中其价值已高达[一万美元] 。邓先生还多次率领所辖公司代表团队与品牌样板,参加多届法国、英国、荷兰、比利时等地举办的大型国际酒展,旗下烈酒类的英国拿破仑干邑白兰地评为最佳干邑酒,比利时白葡萄酒大赛中,本公司参赛的多个代表样板酒亦获得多项品牌大奖引起行业瞩目,赢得一席之地。

自幼跟随香港新界著名拳师习炼八卦掌,今逾六旬的邓先生(右2)于2016年6月加入了荷兰精武体育总会任副会长。同年11月中旬,他去川鲁闽粤浙等地公干,顺路拜访上海武体育总会,不过,荷华社会对邓先生印象最深却是在举国庆祝荷兰百年华人庆典盛大系列活动中,以配合华人登陆荷兰百年为主题,由他代表所辖集团公司精心设计,全程监察特制的一百瓶《百年树人》红酒。该纪念版红酒采用法国Joseph Drouhind酒庄名酒为Pinot Noir 2006年的葡萄酒。瓶面贴纸印上荷兰百年华人志庆基金会标志,上有百年旅居水乡国,华人共享苦与乐的中文对联,并冠上1911—2011”和百年树人等字样。庆典大会郑重地将《百年树人》红酒赠送率领中国侨办代表团前来荷兰参加和视察该庆典活动的中国国务院侨办副主任许又声一瓶;赠送中国驻荷兰大使馆两瓶,其中一瓶享馆为藏品永久纪存。

优化饮食    洋酒配中餐

迄今为止,旅荷华侨华人15万总数超过75 % 以上都从事餐饮业(多以中餐业),并赖以为生存与发展的经济支柱。占荷兰饮食企业4万多间占廿分之一的2300多间中餐馆,外加2000多家华资薯条店(含快餐店)星罗棋布于荷兰各地。不久前,蝉联第11、12届荷兰中厨协会会长胡绍明先生向业界指出,在中餐馆提高酒(水)品的销售仍有潜力,需要有更多懂得品、评酒的专业人才。目前,荷兰的西餐馆每月酒类营业额约三千欧元左右,可是中餐馆平均只有一千欧元左右,而酒类盈利实际上是较高的。于是,酒配餐成为了发展中餐业的突破口,邓先生为此责无旁贷,不遗余力。

 30多年来,他秉承专业精神,一直致力推动饮食文化的中西结合,多年前就在荷兰地方中文报刊撰写有关葡萄酒配中餐的系列连载文章。以专家身份作为嘉宾亦为香港无线卫星电视台拍摄《美食无双谱》系列的洋酒配中餐节目。他认为葡萄酒与食物搭配是一门有趣的学问,传统上,清淡的葡萄酒配清淡的食物,白葡萄酒配海鲜,红葡萄酒谱红肉。酸的菜需要葡萄酒去中和,咸的菜要用甜的白葡萄酒或果味重的红葡萄酒来搭配。微辣的菜要用芳香、重果味和带辛烈香味的葡萄酒来调和。进而得出四条不成文的定律:咸味加强苦味,酸味令甜味更甜,甜味降低咸,苦味亦和中和酸味。他更是将中国八大菜系佳肴分别配上名酒升华到舌尖领域。邓氏的实践经验与重要理论见诸于他的著作《中菜配名酒最佳搭配》,及其相关教案上,而且为日后陆续多次举行美酒配佳肴的品尝会作典型示范,为中餐馆酒配餐作经营指南。为配合华人百年志庆活动,促进中西文化交流,北京侨联,中华厨皇会烹饪文化代表团赴荷兰表演团应邀,在2010年9月15日及16日分别在荷兰Maarssen市的Wok de Mallejan餐馆,和Dordrecht市的Wok of Fame餐馆分别为到场的中荷来宾献上了精彩的厨艺表演和精美的中国美食。此次宴会的所有葡萄酒由Walraven/Sax华民国际酒业公司赞助,华民酒业董事长及配酒师邓锦华先生特地为此次盛会全程配上了来自美国California的世界上最大葡萄酿酒厂Gallo公司的美酒。中餐配葡萄酒的尝试让荷兰华洋宾客耳目一新,食出精彩。大家在当晚品尝到原汁原味的顶级中国烹饪艺术。宴会前邓锦华先生一再向曹彬团长表示,希望他配的餐酒没有破坏大师们菜肴,由于时间有限,他在没有事先品尝美食的情况下凭菜单文字资料配酒。值得欣慰是他深谙中餐,对此次葡萄酒配属恰到好处,四大派系的前菜凉六品, 配干性粉红酒Milddroog Rose,油焖虾的鲜美配清爽柔和的Pinot Grigio白葡萄酒 , 甜酸鲜脆的麒麟鱼,外焦内嫩(松鼠鱼)特配中性适度的粉紅酒Demi-sec Rose,纯香软滑东坡肉和川菜宫保鸡配圆润醇香的紅葡萄酒Rood Merlot,让人酒曲回肠, 齿夹留香。正是只要有艺术特色,才是世界的,只要有文化特色,才是永久的。宴会结束后,曹团长也赞叹邓先生对中餐的精通和配酒功力的深厚。

   世事如棋,邓锦华先生十数年前在法国著名葡萄酒产地流行法国大菜流行地的斯特拉斯堡(strasbourg) Alsace考取了洋酒配中菜的专业证书 世事如棋,邓锦华先生十数年前在法国著名葡萄酒产地流行法国大菜流行地的斯特拉斯堡(strasbourg) Alsace考取了洋酒配中菜的专业证书,而十数年后今天2016年6月13日,第六届法国中国电影节恰好就在斯特拉斯堡举行,开幕式电影《国酒》为中国影片,印证了邓大师酒缘人生可谓一斑!!!

他的另一杰作则是《中式点心配法国美酒》,犹新记忆享9年前的盛事:当时邓先生特地选择来新荷京海牙(Den Haag)城央著名的明记海鲜酒楼举办饮食革新推介会,并赞助法国著名的Pinot Blanc, Riesling Reserve等4种葡萄酒,配上该酒楼制作的虾饺、煎饺、炸云吞、鲜竹卷、蒸蚝、乳猪等传统小食,进而迥然不同的风味,逐令华洋宾客可口醒胃,吃过返寻味,一改华人已往尝点心喝茗茶的传统习惯。如今,荷兰不少中餐馆也沿用此糅合中西饮食文化的优良方式推荐惠客。好事成双,不久前,邓先生亦陆续推介他的创新饮料,以东方茶(绿茶)配西洋酒(威士忌):【绿茶威士忌】。据悉,工厂经过高温调制瓶庄的绿茶含大量茶多酚抗氧化剂,儿茶素融和威士忌,则降低酒精产生对人体不良的化学反应。灼见邓大师的保健饮品治酒良方务实眷顾民生。

   侨界翘楚     诚心馈华社


【8】邓先生(左)1994年前往英国参加欧华联会第三届年会,与中国驻英国大使合影。令其难以忘怀的是1994年秋,身为荷兰华人武术文化交流协会名誉会长的应邓先生邀出席了第十届全荷华人体育运动会暨世界华人友谊邀请赛,他领导公司同仁赞助运动会成功举办了“拿破仑杯”足球赛,和在荷兰首都阿姆斯特丹(Amsterdam),全荷兰最大中餐馆“海上皇宫”酒舫的“拿破仑(干邑白兰地)1001之夜”酒宴晚会。当晚竟然销售了1001瓶干邑白兰地xo(0.70L 92年起,欧盟法定全部干邑白兰地xo规格容量),连本公司所在集团的英国总经理都啧啧称赞这个天方夜谭成真的惊人奇迹。天涯共此时逢世界级法国艺术大师伊德设计拿破仑干邑白兰地伊德系列第7版《仙釀》面世。2001年,省港著名粤剧表演艺术家陈笑风前来荷兰、法国欧洲等地区进行慈善筹款,巡回义演,时任荷兰艳群芳曲艺社和比荷音乐社名誉社长的邓先生全力协助并慷慨赞助。2008年,他又无私捐助,积极参与全荷华人赈灾汶川大地震。之后,他十多年如一日,回馈华社不遗余力。诸如旅荷华人的新春联欢,国庆晚会,侨团周年,中文学校活动等等,都有他的足迹,业绩,捐资。而且,他睿意在荷兰各地,面向华人,开办各种形式的酒业培训班,开设酒的文化知识,酿酒与品酒,经营与管理,展销与外贸等课程,精心培养从业后继人,拓展华人酒业。


祝贺香港  回归廿周年






China, US forge interconnected ties 45 years after signing of Shanghai Communiqué

By Zhang Mengxu from People’s Daily

China and the US have forged a closer relationship with interwoven destinies 45 years after they signed the Shanghai Communiqué on February 28, 1972, a document ended 23 years of diplomatic estrangement between the two countries.

Forty-five years ago, then US President Richard Nixon started an “ice-breaking trip” to China, which was dubbed by himself as “the week that changed the world”.

On the last day of his visit, both nations issued the Joint Communiqué of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China, or the Shanghai Communiqué, laying the first cornerstone for bilateral exchanges and cooperation.

Shanghai Communiqué, along with the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations issued in 1978 and August 17 communiqué issued in 1982, constituted the guideline document governing bilateral ties.

Up till now, China-US relationship has become one of the most important bilateral ties in the world, whose rapid development has brought tangible benefits to both peoples.

Both countries hit a record high in terms of bilateral trade, the stock of two-way investment and personal exchanges.

Data showed that the current China-US trade has exceeded 500 billion dollars, while China invested over 50 billion dollars in the US last year. About 14,000 people traveled between China and the US each day, and a flight would take off or land every 17 minutes.

Over 40 pair of sister provinces/states and more than 200 pair of sister cities have been established between both nations. They are proven to be the best evidence of their inter-connected interests.

The Shanghai Communiqué and other two documents represent not only the ballast and guideline for development of bilateral ties, but also the principles the US follows when dealing with its ties with China, Gary Locke, former US ambassador to China and former US Secretary of Commerce told the People’s Daily.

He added that based on these principles, both countries handled their differences appropriately during his tenure and their relationship was moved forward as a result.

It was the Shanghai Communiqué that opened the door to normalization of bilateral ties, Tao Wenzhao, researcher with the Institute of American Studies under Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), said in an interview.

The four-decade-long course has proven that the basic principles both countries clarified when they established diplomatic relations are right, especially the one-China principle, the expert pointed out.

Those principles have been enriched by the diplomatic contacts in the past years as well, Tao furthered, adding that the 40-year-long experience and China’s development and prosperity gave China the faith for a promising relationship with the US.

Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi, in a signed article published on the People’s Daily, commented that China-US ties have come to a new starting point.

A healthy and steady development of China-US ties is not only the requirement of the times, but also the expectation of the world, the top diplomat said.

China and the U.S. should, by following through on the spirit of the phone conversation between both heads of state, enhance communication and mutual trust, focus on cooperation, manage disputes, avoid conflicts and confrontations, show respect to each other and seek win-win cooperation, so as to push bilateral ties for greater progress in the new era,” Yang stressed in the article.


US citizens sent off panda “Bao Bao” at Dulles International Airport in Washington DC on February 21, 2017. (Photo by Gao Shi from People’s Daily)


人民日报记者 胡泽曦














2月1日,美国总统特朗普长女伊万卡携女儿前往中国大使馆参加“欢乐春节–中国之夜”活动。人民日报记者 陈丽丹 摄




Chinese senior official pledges closer cooperation with U.S. on global affairs

By Hu Zexi from People’s Daily


China is willing to enhance exchanges with the U.S. at all levels from top down, expand coordination and cooperation on bilateral, regional and global affairs, and respect each others’ core interests and major concerns, Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi pledged when meeting with U.S. President Donald Trump at White House.


The exchanges will be based on the spirit of the phone conversation between the two heads of state and principles of non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation, the top diplomat added in their Monday meeting.


“A steady and healthy development of the China-U.S. ties will surely benefit both peoples and the world as a whole,” he stressed.


Trump, on his part, said that he was very happy to hold the very important phone conversation with his counterpart Xi Jinping.


Stressing the great importance the U.S. attaches to its cooperation with China, he highlighted the need to bolster high-level exchanges, beef up all-round cooperation, and increase coordination and cooperation on global and regional affairs.


U.S. Vice President Mike Pence and Senior Advisor to the President Jared Kushner, was present at the meeting.


On the same day, Yang also exchanged views on how to further develop bilateral ties and other issues of common concern with Kushner, White House chief strategist Steve Bannon, National Security Advisor Herbert Raymond McMaster and other senior U.S. officials.


Yang also published an article on Tuesday on People’s Daily to honor the 45th anniversary of the signing of the Shanghai Communiqué, a document ended 23 years of diplomatic estrangement and confrontation between China and the U.S.


Yang called for a healthy and steady development of bilateral ties based on the communiqué spirit. The communiqué clarified the basic guidelines for China-U.S. ties, including one-China policy, mutual respect, equality and mutual benefit, peaceful coexistence, and non-interference in the internal affairs of each other.


The Taiwan issue has been a sensitive issue for the bilateral ties, he stressed, adding that since China and the U.S. established their diplomatic ties, the one-China policy and the principles written in their three communiqué, namely the Shanghai Communiqué, Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations and the August 17 communiqué, is a bipartisan consensus in U.S.


“China-U.S. cooperation will bring achievement that is beneficial to both countries and the world, while confrontation will surely spell disaster for the two sides and the whole world,” Yang wrote in the article.

Feature: Xi’s years of battle against poverty

By Liu Junguo from People’s Daily


The battle against poverty has been high on the agenda of Xi Jinping, President of the world’s most populous nation. Always harboring a sentiment towards the impoverished people, Xi has devoted much efforts to the poverty alleviation undertakings in his career.


“It is the least requirement of building an all-round moderately prosperous society and ‘our solemn promise’ to ensure that the rural poor shake off poverty as planned, and that all poverty-stricken counties be delisted and poor areas lifted out of poverty as a whole,” Xi reiterated his determination to fight against poverty in a recent study session held by the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee.


In his New Year Address upon arrival of 2017, he said that “at the very beginning of the New Year, what concerns me the most is those who are still in straitened circumstances. The deepest concern of my heart is how they fare and whether they will have a good New Year and a good Spring Festival. ”


Xi’s first taste of poverty could date back to early 1969 when he was sent to Liangjiahe village in Yan’an, Northwestern Shaanxi province, as a result of China’s campaign to encourage educated urban youth to work in rural areas.


He was less than 16 years old when he was sent from Beijing to work as a farmer in a small village of Liangjiahe near Yan’an of Shaanxi Province, where he spent seven years. “I was struck on the abrupt turn from Beijing to such a poor place,” he said, recalling the barren land, the dung used as manure as well as the poor harvest there.


He began his two-year service as a Party branch secretary of the village when he was 20 years old. Back to those days, all he wanted is to help villagers harvest more grains and earn a little pocket money.


In order to bring their dreams to reality, the villagers, under the leadership of Xi, spent days and nights to dig wells, and build terraces and sediment storage dams.


From 1982 to 1985, Xi served first as deputy secretary and then secretary of the CPC Zhengding County Committee in Hebei province.


The living conditions in the county at that time were poor as well. There was no dormitory at all, so he had to sleep on the bench in his office. Local people even did not have enough grain to gorge themselves.


Against the background, Xi expanded his footage in over 200 villages of the county to promote the household contract responsibility system, a rural reform launched then to allocate the farmers with land by contract. The farmers were entitled to any surpluses to the market or retain them for their own use.


Xihaigu, an area known as “bitter barren land” situated in the southern part of the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, was also witness of Xi’s war on poverty.


Xi visited Xihaigu in 1997 for the first time, and the view of people’s life there shocked him.


Local people even lived in caves, with nothing but bare walls, he recalled, adding that in some families, all members had to share two to three pants.


During his tenure as deputy secretary of the CPC Fujian Provincial Committee, Xi, in response to the call of the central government for counterpart assistance, led a team to assist the development of Ningxia. He also served as the team leader of a working group set up specially.


Thanks to their efforts, the dug wells and built cellars ensured local people with water for drinking and irrigation, and the potato yields were increased as a result.


Back when Xi served as deputy Party chief and governor of Fujian Province, he proposed “making real efforts to help the really poor.” Poverty relief is all about solving real problems, he noted, also stressing the importance of precision in relevant efforts.


Children’s education must be ensured for the sake of the next generation, Xi stressed, emphasizing the importance of basic public facilities like roads, water, electricity, and public services as well.


He also suggested teaching people “fishing” skills based on the local conditions and their abilities. The elderly, for example, can be offered with selected varieties, feeding methods and funds to raise chickens, ducks and sheep, so that they can get out of poverty with a yearly income of a few thousand yuan, he added.


The young people can be provided with training or job opportunities, while those engaged in planting and breeding industries need the ways to increase the added value of their products, he illustrated.

《上海公报》发表45周年,中美联系已是“你中有我,我中有你” China, US forge interconnected ties 45 years after signing of Shanghai Communique
















China, US forge interconnected ties 45 years after signing of Shanghai Communiqué

By Zhang Mengxu from People’s Daily


China and the US have forged a closer relationship with interwoven destinies 45 years after they signed the Shanghai Communiqué on February 28, 1972, a document ended 23 years of diplomatic estrangement between the two countries.


Forty-five years ago, then US President Richard Nixon started an “ice-breaking trip” to China, which was dubbed by himself as “the week that changed the world”.


On the last day of his visit, both nations issued the Joint Communiqué of the United States of America and the People’s Republic of China, or the Shanghai Communiqué, laying the first cornerstone for bilateral exchanges and cooperation.


Shanghai Communiqué, along with the Joint Communiqué on the Establishment of Diplomatic Relations issued in 1978 and August 17 communiqué issued in 1982, constituted the guideline document governing bilateral ties.


Up till now, China-US relationship has become one of the most important bilateral ties in the world, whose rapid development has brought tangible benefits to both peoples.


Both countries hit a record high in terms of bilateral trade, the stock of two-way investment and personal exchanges.


Data showed that the current China-US trade has exceeded 500 billion dollars, while China invested over 50 billion dollars in the US last year. About 14,000 people traveled between China and the US each day, and a flight would take off or land every 17 minutes.


Over 40 pair of sister provinces/states and more than 200 pair of sister cities have been established between both nations. They are proven to be the best evidence of their inter-connected interests.

The Shanghai Communiqué and other two documents represent not only the ballast and guideline for development of bilateral ties, but also the principles the US follows when dealing with its ties with China, Gary Locke, former US ambassador to China and former US Secretary of Commerce told the People’s Daily.

He added that based on these principles, both countries handled their differences appropriately during his tenure and their relationship was moved forward as a result.


It was the Shanghai Communiqué that opened the door to normalization of bilateral ties, Tao Wenzhao, researcher with the Institute of American Studies under Chinese Academy of Social Sciences (CASS), said in an interview.


The four-decade-long course has proven that the basic principles both countries clarified when they established diplomatic relations are right, especially the one-China principle, the expert pointed out.


Those principles have been enriched by the diplomatic contacts in the past years as well, Tao furthered, adding that the 40-year-long experience and China’s development and prosperity gave China the faith for a promising relationship with the US.


Chinese State Councilor Yang Jiechi, in a signed article published on the People’s Daily, commented that China-US ties have come to a new starting point.


A healthy and steady development of China-US ties is not only the requirement of the times, but also the expectation of the world, the top diplomat said.


China and the U.S. should, by following through on the spirit of the phone conversation between both heads of state, enhance communication and mutual trust, focus on cooperation, manage disputes, avoid conflicts and confrontations, show respect to each other and seek win-win cooperation, so as to push bilateral ties for greater progress in the new era,” Yang stressed in the article.



US citizens sent off panda “Bao Bao” at Dulles International Airport in Washington DC on February 21, 2017. (Photo by Gao Shi from People’s Daily)


人民日报记者 姜  波

随着中国“两会”的即将召开,“一带一路”成为国际社会关注两会的重点。巴基斯坦驻华大使马苏德·哈立德日前称,“和大多数国际观察家一样,我热切关注两会的各项议程,尤其是经济和互联互通领域的。”他希望看到今年两会推动 “一带一路”建设的提速。



“一带一路”(英文:The Belt and Road,缩写B&R)是“丝绸之路经济带”和“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的简称,是中国国家主席习近平于2013年倡议的一个跨越时空的战略构想,强调相关各国要打造互利共赢的“利益共同体”和共同发展繁荣的“命运共同体”。该区域范围横跨三大洲,发端于中国,贯通中亚、东南亚、南亚、西亚乃至欧洲部分区域,沿线包括66个国家和地区。















“The Belt and Road” to dominate agendas of China’s “two sessions”


By Jiang Bo from People’s Daily



China’s Belt and Road initiative is attracting more world attention as annual sessions of National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC), also referred to as the “two sessions,” are just around the corner.


Pakistani Ambassador to China Masood Khalid said he hopes the meetings will cover agendas on  accelerating the construction of the routes.


“Like most international observers, I would follow each agenda during the two sessions, especially the ones related to the fields of economy and connectivity,” he added.


Proposed by Chinese President Xi Jinping in 2013, the Belt and Road initiative refers to building the Silk Road Economic Belt and the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road. The visionary strategic plan is aimed at building involved countries into a community of common interests and shared destiny featuring mutual benefit and common prosperity.

Encompassing 66 countries and regions in three continents, the routes begin from China and run through Central Asia, Southeast Asia, South Asia, West Asia and even some parts of Europe.

The investment amount of projects across the Belt and Road region has been growing at a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 33 percent since China put forward the initiative in 2013, said Simon Burke, head of the financing department at PwC Hong Kong.


Last year, the average GDP growth of the region was 4.6 percent, outnumbering the average 3.6-percent-growth of emerging markets, he added.


“More than that, the Belt and Road initiative benefits the world in so many ways,” Zhang Jianping, head of the Research Center for Regional Economic Cooperation under China’s Ministry of Commerce told the People’s Daily.


He further added that the initiative focuses on not only infrastructure construction of the countries along the routes, but also their bilateral trade and two-way investment.


Data released by the Ministry of Commerce shows that China’s combined imports and exports with countries along the routes topped 918.4 billion dollars in 2016, up 0.6 percent from 2015.


Chinese businesses helped build 56 economic and trade cooperation zones in about 20 countries along the Belt and Road with a combined investment surpassing 18.5 billion dollars, generating nearly 1.1 billion dollars in tax revenue and about 180,000 jobs in those countries.


Besides this important political event, the international cooperation summit forum on the “Belt and Road” initiative to be held on May 14 to 15 will bring around round of “Belt and Road” fever.




Chinese public boycott Lotte over land swap deal for THAAD deployment

By Wan Yu from People’s Daily

Lotte Group, ROK’s fifth-largest conglomerate, is now sitting in mounting anger from Chinese consumers after it agreed on a land swap deal to enable an early deployment of the US-backed missile shield system known as Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD). Some Chinese public have launched boycott campaigns against the products made by Lotte on social media platforms.

The swap, which gives the ROK defense ministry the Lotte Skyhill Country Club in Seongju County, North Gyeongsang Province, for the deployment of the THAAD system, paves way for a speedy installation of the system by late June at the earliest.

A Global Times survey showed that 95.3 percent Chinese customers back a sanction against Lotte for the land deal.

“If Lotte has one reason to support its country’s decision, then we have every reason to boycott the company,” a netizen told the People’s Daily via microblog account.

Some net users have even sort out a list of the products the retail operator sold in China, calling for their off-shelf from domestic e-commerce platforms like “” and “”. The suggestion received more than 3,000 likes in two hours, and other ROK-made products were implicated as well.

The TV plays are another victim of ROK government’s tough stance on THAAD deployment.

Some translation teams for Korean TV plays have stopped their work, and more TV plays and programs have been pulled off shelf by video websites.

In addition, more Chinese tourists canceled their ROK trips, or gave up plans to buy ROK-made cars, phones or daily necessities.

“We are firmly opposed to and strongly dissatisfied with the fact that ignoring China’s interests and concerns, the ROK insisted on working with the US to accelerate the deployment process,” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Geng Shuang reiterated China’s stance at the regular press conference Tuesday.


“China is firm in its resolve to oppose the deployment of THAAD in the ROK and will resolutely take necessary actions to safeguard its own security interests,” he said.

China strongly urges relevant parties to take China’s interests and concerns seriously, stop the deployment process and not to go further down that wrong path, he stressed, adding that China has twice lodged solemn representations with the ROK for the latest developments.


China welcomes foreign companies investing in the country and will always respect and protect their rights and interests, but their operation should be in compliance with laws and regulations, said Geng.

“Chinese market and consumers will determine whether a foreign company is successful in China,” Geng added at last.


The ROK public are protesting against the deployment of the Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) system in front of the Lotte headquarters in Seoul, the ROK. (Photo by Ma Fei from People’s Daily)

China’s poverty eradication among the greatest human rights achievements: expert

By Zhang Mengxu from People’s Daily

STOCKHOLM, March 6(Greenpost)– China’s poverty eradication is among the greatest human rights achievements, experts pointed out, dismissing voices smearing China’s human rights record at the 34th session of the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva, Switzerland.


Villagers from Guang’an, Sichuan province hold a housewarming banquet after they were relocated to new houses before the Spring Festival this year. (Photo by People’s Daily)

Discriminatory words concerning China’s human rights record are heard in almost every human rights session of the UN. It is believed some organizations and individuals with ulterior motives always turn a blind eye to China’s human rights progress, but make a judgment via blinkers.


However, over the past years, China has made great achievements in human rights undertakings. For instance, food and clothing are no longer a problem for the 1.3 billion Chinese people. Over the past three decades, over 700 million people have been lifted out of poverty, accounting for more than 70 percent of the global poverty reduction. China is the first country to have realized the Millennium Development Goal of halving its poor population.


At present, 770 million Chinese are employed and nine-year compulsory education has achieved universal coverage. Rights of 230 million senior residents and 85 million handicapped people are well protected, and the basic life of over 60 million low-income residents in urban and rural areas is supported by the government.


Prior to the founding of PRC in 1949, China’s per capita life expectancy was only 35, and for now the number has been raised to 76. China is hailed by the UN as having the best record of improving life expectancy during the past three decades.


Tom Zwart, director of the Netherlands School of Human Rights Research, ranked China’s record of poverty relief among the greatest human rights achievements of all time.  He didn’t hesitate to show his anger towards false speeches belittling China’s progress.


“I sincerely congratulate on the remarkable success of the CPC and Chinese government in eradicating poverty,” added Zwart, also a human rights professor with Utrecht University.


China has been actively engaged in international human rights cooperation based on the spirit of equality, mutual trust, inclusiveness, and mutual benefit, so as to push forward with a just and objective international human rights system.


In 2016, China was elected to the UN Human Rights Council by 180 votes, becoming one of a few countries which have sat in the Council for four times.


China has joined 26 international human rights treaties, including the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights and five other core human rights covenants. It also shoulders its international human rights responsibilities by accepting multiple human rights reviews.


In addition, China has held human rights dialogues and exchanges with almost 40 countries, launched technical cooperation on human rights with UN agencies, injecting great energy into global human rights governance.


Zamir Akram, chair-rapporteur of the Working Group on the Right to Development at the United Nations Human Rights Council, commented that China is the only social and economic entity that has ever achieved such a rapid development.


“Over 700 million Chinese people have been lifted out of poverty in such a short period,” he hailed, adding that the country also has offered big amount of aid to other developing countries.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(主编陈雪霏)– 据人民日报记者刘宁宁 李潇报道,2月28日,中国小米公司正式对外发布了首款自主研发的智能手机芯片,成为继苹果、三星、华为之后全球第四家自己设计处理器的智能手机制造商。










Chinese ‘Taobao villages’ create more than 840,000 job opportunities

By Du Yifei from People’s Daily     Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson from Green Post.

STOCKHOLM, March6(Greenpost)–Thanks to the rapid development of China’s e-commerce industry, over 1,000 “Taobao villages” across the country are turning poor communities into huge online retail hubs, creating more than 840,000 job opportunities.


Villagers of Wantou Village, Boxing county in east China’s Shandong Province make crafts. The banner on the wall reads “Welcome to join Taobao”. (Photo by official website of Boxing county)

These villages are so-named because at least 10 percent of the population living in these rural communities makes its living by selling products online—mostly on, the Alibaba-owned consumer-to-consumer marketplace. The e-commerce annual turnover of each village is no less than 10 million yuan.

By selling crafts online from their hometown of Wantou Village, Boxing county in east China’s Shandong Province, villagers made online sales of over 300 million yuan ($43.5 million) last year.

Similarly, villagers of the Shuanglongqiao Village in Nanchong, southwest China’s Sichuan province, have allured flocks of tourists, including foreigners, to stay and experience the star-level accommodation at their houses, via e-commerce platforms.

These villages offer a glimpse into how e-commerce industry spurs the rural economic growth and the farmers’ benefits.

Online retail sales of China’s farm produce are estimated at 220 billion yuan ($32 billion) in 2016, up over 46 percent over the previous year, the Ministry of Agriculture said.

The latest figures from Aliresearch showed that there were 1,311 Taobao villages across China, and over 840,000 jobs were created by the clusters.

Experts said that popularity of Internet and improvement of rural infrastructure have to some extent removed the bottlenecks restraining their information communication and logistics. The market potential and demands of the central and western part of China, especially those remote areas, was leveraged as a result.

They added that rural areas have been constrained by labor outflow, poor infrastructure, low incomes and lack of competitive advantages, while an e-commerce development will help optimize market environment, upgrade industrial structure and absorb more labors.

The profitability of e-commerce has attracted a rising number of rural residents to return home, according to statistics. Thanks to the development of e-commerce, about 12 million people left for brighter futures have come back to build up the local economy.

The development of e-commerce, as experts believe, can be attributed to favorable policies and the rising market demand.

The recently-released first policy statement from the central authorities for 2017, usually an indicator of policy priorities, emphasized the importance of supply-side structural reform in the agricultural sector, urging the development of e-commerce industry in rural areas.

At the same time, e-commerce and traditional businesses have cast their eyes to the rural areas. So far, Alilbaba has expanded its services to over 23,000 villages nationwide.

Days earlier, a strategic cooperation agreement to boost rural e-commerce was inked by Sichuan province, Alibaba Group and Ant Financial Services Group, the mobile payment affiliate of Alibaba.

Alibaba CEO Jack Ma said that his company hopes to offer a training on e-commerce and Taobao villages to those county officials of the province, explaining that their rising awareness to develop e-commerce will guarantee the business success of the province.

习近平:希望中国广大知识分子积极投身创新发展实践Xi Jinping urges Chinese intellectuals to devote to innovation-driven development

北欧绿色邮报网消息(主编陈雪霏)–据人民日报记者  赵成 报道 3月4日下午,中共中央总书记、国家主席、中央军委主席习近平在看望参加全国政协十二届五次会议的民进、农工党、九三学社委员,并参加联组会听取意见和建议时提出,希望中国广大知识分子积极投身创新发展实践,想国家之所想、急国家之所急,紧紧围绕经济竞争力的核心关键、社会发展的瓶颈制约、国家安全的重大挑战,不断增加知识积累,不断强化创新意识,不断提升创新能力,不断攀登创新高峰。













Xi Jinping urges Chinese intellectuals to devote to innovation-driven development

By Zhao Cheng from People’s Daily


Chinese President Xi Jinping on Saturday exhorted the nation’s intellectuals to commit themselves to innovation-driven development and play a bigger role in contributing to a better nation.


Xi made the remarks when joining a panel discussion with political advisors from the China Association for Promoting Democracy (CAPD), the Chinese Peasants and Workers Democratic Party (CPWDP) and the Jiu San Society at the fifth session of the 12th National Committee of the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC).


The Chinese President, who is also General Secretary of the CPC Central Committee and Chairman of the Central Military Commission, said that intellectuals should increase knowledge accumulation, strengthen innovation awareness and improve innovation capacity by focusing on the core links of economic competitiveness, the bottlenecks restraining social development and the major challenges of national security.


The interests of the country and nation should be put at the first place, he added, encouraging the intellectuals to take the initiative and help make nation a great scientific power.


The whole society should care for and respect intellectuals and cultivate a favorable environment that honors knowledge and intellectuals, Xi said, adding that authorities must create better conditions, speed up the mechanism-building and follow the work features of intellectuals so that they can concentrate on their duties and fully unleash their talent.


Defining this year as an important year for the “13th Five-Year Plan” and a year to deepen the supply-side structural reform, Xi said that in-depth research, proper solution and joint efforts are required to meet all the challenges.


“Everyone should stick to the implementation of the ‘13th Five-Year Plan’ and goals for economic-social development around the year and make in-depth research on maintaining the stable and healthy development of economy as well as social harmony before proposing practical and effective solutions,” the President emphasized.


“The General Secretary responded to my advice!” said the advisors after the joint panel discussion.


Zhao Lihong, member of the CPPCC National Committee, member of the CAPD Central Committee and Vice President of Shanghai Writers Association told People’s Daily that China’s culture intellectuals should implement the spirit of Xi’s important speech and create excellent works that belong to China to let the world appreciate or even marvel at the Chinese culture.


Zhou Jianmin, member of the CPPCC National Committee, Vice Chairman of CPPCC Jiangsu Provincial Committee and Chairman of CPWDP Jiangsu Committee, pointed out that given the rapid development of technology, we should notice that China still lags behind in primary innovation.


“We intellectuals should actively devote to innovation-driven development and make due contribution to the country so as to build a major socialism country of innovation,” added Zhou, who also spoke at the joint panel.



Rural China braces for new betrothal tradition

By Liu Junguo from People’s Daily

Instead of asking for onerous cash gifts, Liu Kang’s in-laws, who in the northwestern province of Gansu, decided to abandon the long-held convention. Netizens in China lauded the generous gesture after it was reported by the media.

The example set by Liu’s in-laws embodies the changing mind-set in some rural regions, and is a victory for China’s efforts to simplify marriage affairs.

Before the wedding, Liu learned that the betrothal price in his hometown was around 130,000 yuan ($18,853), even though in 2016 the average annual per capita disposal income of rural residents in China was 12,363 yuan and 8,452 yuan in poverty-stricken areas. He managed to collect the money by borrowing from friends.

To his surprise, Liu’s future father-in-law did not give him a hard time about the money. “You two will soon start a new life. We don’t care about gifts,” he said. So Liu just offered 8,888 yuan. However, on the wedding night, his mother-in-law found a way to give the money back.

In traditional Chinese nuptial customs, the groom should give the bride betrothal presents, which is a form of engagement with a moral obligation. Meanwhile, this culture also embodies the wishes for respect, a bright future and a lasting marriage.

This traditional custom still prevails, especially in some rural areas, and the cost has become a heavy burden in some places.

The presents have become onerous for many ordinary families, with young people in rural areas unable to afford to wed.

Analysts pointed out that other than the traditional concepts of demanding money to support parents and compensation for losing a source of free labor for the bride’s family, anxiety over future nursing costs and keeping up with their neighbors have contributed to rising betrothal prices in some rural areas.

In recent years, the Chinese government has strengthened guidance, advocated simplifying marriage affairs, and opposed arranged marriage, illegal early marriage and extortion of property through marriage, yielding sound results.

China’s Shandong and Henan provinces, where families lay great emphasis on the wedding price, have founded non-governmental organizations on marriage and funeral affairs, to curb high-price gifts and undesirable customs.

It is this type of changes in ideas and conventions that make it easier for people like Liu to not worry too much about the money when proposing a marriage.

Anti-corruption tops hottest topics at China’s 2017 ‘two sessions’

By Huan Xiang from People’s Daily

STOCKHOLM, March.6(Greenpost)–Corruption crackdown, social insurance, medical care reforms, employment and resident income, and equal access to education are among the hottest topics of the annual sessions of National People’s Congress (NPC) and Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPC), also referred as the “two sessions,” a poll conducted by People’s Daily Online, Xinhua, and other mainstream news websites showed.


China’s anti-corruption campaign shifted up a gear following the 18th CPC National Congress in late 2012. After years of efforts, the spread of corruption has been effectively contained and the battle against corruption has gained crushing momentum.


Data showed that since 2012, a total of 240 central-government administered officials have been investigated, with 223 receiving punishments, while another 150 were transferred to judicial authorities for investigations. During the past year, 57,000 party members took the initiative to confess their wrongdoing.


China is now also reforming its supervision system, in an innovative attempt to realize an all-round supervision of the civil servants by pooling accessible resources.


China also stepped up its efforts to extend the coverage of social insurance. The country plans to, by 2020, provide comprehensive medical care across the country, improve public healthcare service system, and build a complete drug supply system as well as a scientific management system of medical care institutions.


The over 10 million new urban jobs created each year verified China’s remarkable accomplishments in employment.  But challenges remain. The market has to digest 15 million new job hunters each year, while both the employers and job hunters face difficulties to find their matched partners. In addition, those having a job also expect more incomes for sake of a better life quality.


According to its national plan on education, China plans to, by 2020, accelerate urban-rural integration of compulsory education, ensure equal access to compulsory education at local schools for the children of migrant workers, and establish a balanced compulsory education system in county seats and villages. To realize the goals, the Chinese government has set objective to optimize resource allocation and improve the quality of education products.



北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏):据新华社北京3月5日电 第十二届全国人民代表大会第五次会议5日上午在人民大会堂开幕。国务院总理李克强向大会作政府工作报告时指出,使命重在担当,实干铸就辉煌。我们要更加紧密地团结在以习近平同志为核心的党中央周围,同心同德,开拓进取,努力完成今年经济社会发展目标任务,为实现“两个一百年”宏伟目标、建设富强民主文明和谐的社会主义现代化国家、实现中华民族伟大复兴的中国梦而不懈奋斗。