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Swedish master photographer Nilsson: respect for life

Stockholm, Jan. 31(Greenpost)–Swedish master photographer Nilsson: respect for life

13:19, May 24, 2010      

Email | Print | Subscribe | Comments | Forum Swedish master medical photographer Lennart Nilsson is a pioneer in medical photography. In association with researchers and with the help of advanced, specially designed equipment, he has documented the inside of man down to the level of a cell with his camera.

Lennart Nilsson photo by: Xuefei Chen

Born in Strängnäs, a satellite city of Stockholm, in 1922, Nilsson got his first camera from his father when he was 11 years old. From the early stage, he has been interested in looking at ants and taking photos of them.Throughout the years, he has devoted special attention to capturing the creation of a human being, from conception to birth.

In 2006 when his photo book Life was published in both Swedish and English, he was invited to give a lecture at the Stockholm bookstore. He vividly described to the public how he took the photos so that the development process of the embryo can be understood better.

Finally when he was signing his name in the book, I asked him what made him so passionate about working on this, he stopped writing and thought for a second, “I think it is the respect for life,” Nilsson said.

Nilsson began his career as a photographic journalist in the middle of the 1940s and published a number of photo-essays in Swedish and foreign magazines, including “Polar Bear Hunting in Spitzbergen” (1947) and Midwife.

In order to take a good photo of a midwife who had helped deliver 2500 babies, Nilsson followed her for months and finally, he published a collection of the women who later donated the album to a local museum.

“In 1953, I got an assignment for Life to photograph Dag Hammarskjold’s arrival in New York as UN Secretary General and then got the assignment of photographing of the human embryo, I took the two kinds of photos to the editor, the editor said the embryo is extraordinary,” Nilsson told reporters recently at a press conference in Stockholm when the new contemporary photography museum Fotografiska opened in the Stockholm Harbor.

Instead of taking a portrait of the Secretary General, Nilsson gave a full picture of the UN chief’s office with a table, three sofas and a telephone showing a world leader full of thoughts and vision for the whole world.

“When I went to the professor to take the embryo photo, I was looking around and then I saw something which was unbelievable, it was a tiny human embryo lies in a very special place, a 10-20 millimeter embryo with hands, arms and eyes, and I got a shock,” Nilsson said.

Nilsson began experimenting with new photographic techniques in the mid-1950s to report on the world of ants and life in the sea. His revealing macro-studies were published in his book on ants, Myror (1959), and in the Life in the Sea (1959), and in Close to Nature (1984).In the 1960s special designed, very slim endoscopes made it possible for him to photograph the blood vessels and the cavities of the body with the necessary depth of field and, in 1970,he used a scanning electron microscope for the first time, he was also considered the vanguard for three dimension digital pictures of the body organs.

A baby in the womb, photo by Lennart Nilsson.

After his photographs of human embryo were published, he was encouraged to continue photographing the origins of human being.

In order to show the foetal development from the earliest stage he used macro-lenses and instruments with special wide-angled lenses.

“This takes many years, and it was taken black and white first and after about a year with special interference condenser, they were made colored,” Nilsson explained to People’s Daily Online in his exhibition gallery in the museum.

“It was taken with microscope interference, and the other was taken with scanning microscope, this is done for scientists as well as for ordinary people to see, I work with scientists, top people at Karolinska Institute, but it is also very important for people to see,” Nilsson said.

The publication in 1965 in Life, ‘The Drama of Life before Birth’, became a milestone. His famous book A Child is Born was published in the same year and has since been published in five editions in over twenty countries, according to the information from his webpage.

“In 1958, I believe, I was thinking about giving up photography for five years to study medicine. I didn’t want to become a doctor, but wanted to learn the basics. But a professor I was working with advised against it. He said, ‘Lennart, don’t lose those five valuable years. Read the literature and then put us researchers to use – we’ll have all the latest news!’” he said in an earlier interview.

He was under contract as a photographer for Life from 1965-1972 and produced stories on the heart and heart attacks, the microscopic view inside the body and the brain.

His experiments with photography and light microscopy were succeeded by his use of the scanning electron microscope, which provided not only magnification of hundreds of thousands times but sharp three-dimensionality.

Nilsson has established an international reputation for his films for television on the human body, but he has also directed his attention to the animal world and the plant and insect world.

He was the first person to take the photo of HIV virus and through that process scientists found that some people in Africa can never get HIV. He has also taken photographs of cancer cells for research.

Talking about the technology, he revealed that light was the enemy for him to take photos because the subject he took was always too small and in dark place.

Nilsson has received a number of eminent awards and prizes for his photographic work. He was the first recipient of The Erna and Victor Hasselblad Foundation’s Photography Award in 1980 and received the ICP Infinity Award in 1992 among others.

Nilsson became a member of the Swedish Society of Medicine in 1969, received an honorary doctorate in medicine from Karolinska Institute in 1976, an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy from the Technische Unversität Braunschweig in Germany in 2002, and an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy from Linköping University in Sweden in 2003.

In 2009 the Swedish Government awarded Nilsson the honorary title of professor.

NASA’s unmanned spacecraft Voyager I and Voyager II both carried photographs from A Child is Born on their journey through the solar system and out into the universe.

As a result, his work has been collected by a number of museums and institutions, including the British Museum in London, Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, MOMA in New York, Hasselblad Foundation in Gothenburg, National Museum and the Modern Museum in Stockholm.

Since 1998, the Lennart Nilsson Award has been presented annually during the Karolinska Institute’s installation ceremony. It is given in recognition of extraordinary photography of science and is sponsored by the Lennart Nilsson Foundation.

“I like to read biographies about people who have contributed a lot to humanity. I listen to classical music when I work, ideally Beethoven. And I hum and sing when I work. It could be old narrative songs or anything at all,” Nilsson said when he was interviewed earlier by the local media.

Nilsson said in his life, he admired Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Marie Curie (1867-1935). And he thinks that originality of ideas is important. The greatest thing is to be first with an idea!

Nilsson is very modest and sincere. At age of nearly 88, he is still cooperating with colleagues in Karolinska Institute where the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is selected every year.

“If they have an interest, be persistent, I have many assistants and students and this is very important because they are welcomed to get connection with Karolinska Institute, it is very important to feel welcomed and to be there and get more information from it, Karolinska Institute is working for one reason, that is for health, to discover ways to deal with cancer, so I am very glad to be included in the program in autumn,” Nilsson said to People’s Daily Online on advice to young scholars and how he keeps fit.

“He can forget all the other things when he is working and he is still working diligently,” Mrs Nilsson told People’s Daily Online.

By Xuefei Chen, People’s Daily Online correspondent in Stockholm,

Source: People’s Daily Online.

Remembering Lennart Nilsson in 2006 and 2010

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson and Jan Peter Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 31(Greenpost)–Swedish Master Photographer Lennart Nilsson died on Jan. 28, 2017 at age 94.

He is remembered as a dedicated photographer and his books A baby is born and Life are great legacy he left to mankind.  It vividly illustrated how a baby was born and how it looks like in the womb of the mother.  The following is the photos from April 2006 when he gave a lecture about his book life.DSCF3415


People were waiting for his lecture.








He signed his book for the reader.











Above photos were taken by Jan Peter Axelsson in April, 2006.

After the signature, I made up my mind to ask him a question. Can I ask you what has made you so devoted or have the great passion for taking these photos?

He looked at me for a second and said, I think it is the respect for life.


In October 2010, Lennart Nilsson’s photos were exhibited in the famous gallery Fotografiska.



American photographer Annie Leibovize (left) and Lennart Nilsson held a press conference in May 2010. Photo by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

DSCF3404 DSCF3407


















Above photos were taken by Xuefei Chen Axelsson in May, 2010.

Swedish master photographer Nilsson: respect for life

13:19, May 24, 2010      

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Swedish master medical photographer Lennart Nilsson is a pioneer in medical photography. In association with researchers and with the help of advanced, specially designed equipment, he has documented the inside of man down to the level of a cell with his camera.

Lennart Nilsson photo by: Xuefei Chen

Born in Strängnäs, a satellite city of Stockholm, in 1922, Nilsson got his first camera from his father when he was 11 years old. From the early stage, he has been interested in looking at ants and taking photos of them.

Throughout the years, he has devoted special attention to capturing the creation of a human being, from conception to birth.

In 2006 when his photo book Life was published in both Swedish and English, he was invited to give a lecture at the Stockholm bookstore. He vividly described to the public how he took the photos so that the development process of the embryo can be understood better.

Finally when he was signing his name in the book, I asked him what made him so passionate about working on this, he stopped writing and thought for a second, “I think it is the respect for life,” Nilsson said.

Nilsson began his career as a photographic journalist in the middle of the 1940s and published a number of photo-essays in Swedish and foreign magazines, including “Polar Bear Hunting in Spitzbergen” (1947) and Midwife.

In order to take a good photo of a midwife who had helped deliver 2500 babies, Nilsson followed her for months and finally, he published a collection of the women who later donated the album to a local museum.

“In 1953, I got an assignment for Life to photograph Dag Hammarskjold’s arrival in New York as UN Secretary General and then got the assignment of photographing of the human embryo, I took the two kinds of photos to the editor, the editor said the embryo is extraordinary,” Nilsson told reporters recently at a press conference in Stockholm when the new contemporary photography museum Fotografiska opened in the Stockholm Harbor.

Instead of taking a portrait of the Secretary General, Nilsson gave a full picture of the UN chief’s office with a table, three sofas and a telephone showing a world leader full of thoughts and vision for the whole world.

“When I went to the professor to take the embryo photo, I was looking around and then I saw something which was unbelievable, it was a tiny human embryo lies in a very special place, a 10-20 millimeter embryo with hands, arms and eyes, and I got a shock,” Nilsson said.

Nilsson began experimenting with new photographic techniques in the mid-1950s to report on the world of ants and life in the sea. His revealing macro-studies were published in his book on ants, Myror (1959), and in the Life in the Sea (1959), and in Close to Nature (1984).In the 1960s special designed, very slim endoscopes made it possible for him to photograph the blood vessels and the cavities of the body with the necessary depth of field and, in 1970,he used a scanning electron microscope for the first time, he was also considered the vanguard for three dimension digital pictures of the body organs.

A baby in the womb, photo by Lennart Nilsson.

After his photographs of human embryo were published, he was encouraged to continue photographing the origins of human being.

In order to show the foetal development from the earliest stage he used macro-lenses and instruments with special wide-angled lenses.

“This takes many years, and it was taken black and white first and after about a year with special interference condenser, they were made colored,” Nilsson explained to People’s Daily Online in his exhibition gallery in the museum.

“It was taken with microscope interference, and the other was taken with scanning microscope, this is done for scientists as well as for ordinary people to see, I work with scientists, top people at Karolinska Institute, but it is also very important for people to see,” Nilsson said.

The publication in 1965 in Life, ‘The Drama of Life before Birth’, became a milestone. His famous book A Child is Born was published in the same year and has since been published in five editions in over twenty countries, according to the information from his webpage.

“In 1958, I believe, I was thinking about giving up photography for five years to study medicine. I didn’t want to become a doctor, but wanted to learn the basics. But a professor I was working with advised against it. He said, ‘Lennart, don’t lose those five valuable years. Read the literature and then put us researchers to use – we’ll have all the latest news!’” he said in an earlier interview.

He was under contract as a photographer for Life from 1965-1972 and produced stories on the heart and heart attacks, the microscopic view inside the body and the brain.

His experiments with photography and light microscopy were succeeded by his use of the scanning electron microscope, which provided not only magnification of hundreds of thousands times but sharp three-dimensionality.

Nilsson has established an international reputation for his films for television on the human body, but he has also directed his attention to the animal world and the plant and insect world.

He was the first person to take the photo of HIV virus and through that process scientists found that some people in Africa can never get HIV. He has also taken photographs of cancer cells for research.

Talking about the technology, he revealed that light was the enemy for him to take photos because the subject he took was always too small and in dark place.

Nilsson has received a number of eminent awards and prizes for his photographic work. He was the first recipient of The Erna and Victor Hasselblad Foundation’s Photography Award in 1980 and received the ICP Infinity Award in 1992 among others.

Nilsson became a member of the Swedish Society of Medicine in 1969, received an honorary doctorate in medicine from Karolinska Institute in 1976, an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy from the Technische Unversität Braunschweig in Germany in 2002, and an Honorary Doctor of Philosophy from Linköping University in Sweden in 2003.

In 2009 the Swedish Government awarded Nilsson the honorary title of professor.

NASA’s unmanned spacecraft Voyager I and Voyager II both carried photographs from A Child is Born on their journey through the solar system and out into the universe.

As a result, his work has been collected by a number of museums and institutions, including the British Museum in London, Tokyo Fuji Art Museum, MOMA in New York, Hasselblad Foundation in Gothenburg, National Museum and the Modern Museum in Stockholm.

Since 1998, the Lennart Nilsson Award has been presented annually during the Karolinska Institute’s installation ceremony. It is given in recognition of extraordinary photography of science and is sponsored by the Lennart Nilsson Foundation.

“I like to read biographies about people who have contributed a lot to humanity. I listen to classical music when I work, ideally Beethoven. And I hum and sing when I work. It could be old narrative songs or anything at all,” Nilsson said when he was interviewed earlier by the local media.

Nilsson said in his life, he admired Louis Pasteur (1822-1895) and Marie Curie (1867-1935). And he thinks that originality of ideas is important. The greatest thing is to be first with an idea!

Nilsson is very modest and sincere. At age of nearly 88, he is still cooperating with colleagues in Karolinska Institute where the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is selected every year.

“If they have an interest, be persistent, I have many assistants and students and this is very important because they are welcomed to get connection with Karolinska Institute, it is very important to feel welcomed and to be there and get more information from it, Karolinska Institute is working for one reason, that is for health, to discover ways to deal with cancer, so I am very glad to be included in the program in autumn,” Nilsson said to People’s Daily Online on advice to young scholars and how he keeps fit.

“He can forget all the other things when he is working and he is still working diligently,” Mrs Nilsson told People’s Daily Online.

By Xuefei Chen, People’s Daily Online correspondent in Stockholm,


庆祝中国春节 筑梦“一带一路” 中国经典舞剧《大梦敦煌》在德国北威州上演

中国驻杜塞尔多夫领事馆总领事冯海阳致开幕辞, 对《大梦敦煌》在德国北威州隆重上演表示热烈欢迎。他说,在中德双方共同努力下,北威州正在成为中欧共建“新丝绸之路”在欧洲西部的重要支点。
值得一提的是,借助这次演出机会,特别是在中国春节到来之际,德中旅游文化传媒交流协会和全德华人妇女联合会,分别集合协会成员,早早来到剧院大厅列队祝福祖国及所有亲人朋友春节快乐。他们激情地贺词:“一唱雄鸡天际红,万方乐奏有德声。我们,德中旅游文化传媒交流协会,在德国祝大家:新年快乐,吉祥如意!Ein Frohes und glückliches neues Jahr !另一组贺词:大家好,我们是德国华人妇女联合总会的姐妹们,在鸡年新春佳节来临之际,我们恭祝浙江新闻客户端丽水频道的乡亲们新年快乐,万事如意,身体健康,阖家幸福!Alles Gute zum neuen Jahr!两个协会激情的祝福和认真的排练,成为演出大厅两道特殊的风景线。






十二    荷兰精武会于1997年正式加盟上海精武总会主办的国际精武联谊机构。上海精武体育总会自成立之日起,始终将“爱国、修身、正义、助人”作为精武精神进行传承。世界精武联谊会已将“爱国、修身、正义、助人”的精武精神列入了章程内容之中。

拜师授证 承传武德



    当天晌午,在荷兰日康武术会长、刚刚获得荷兰皇家骑士勋章的刘水胜见证下,邓锦华、郭全、孙智雄、张明辉、陈庆生和汪霖等6人正式加入精武会,成为赵秋荣的弟子。海牙中侨主席周蔚宗向王伟鸿、Toby NanneHans GaarthuisAndro Biswane,及赵向等5人颁发了精武五虎证书。拜师和授证仪式按照精武会的传统进行,包括宣誓、叩拜、敬茶转口、上香等程序。与此同时,赵会长代表本会将兵器两把清刀,一对铜环,一条棍,一把扑刀和五把太极扇分别赠送给11位师兄弟姐妹和嘉宾的太极杂志等。 “精武事业需要大家的参与才能发扬光大,此次拜师和授证,不但有华人,也有荷兰人,这是我们向荷兰人传播和推广中华武术文化的方式。” 赵秋荣表示。“我们将秉承精武会‘爱国爱乡,正义助人’的宗旨,不分门派,强身健体,弘扬文化。”刚刚拜师加入精武会的荷兰广州同乡会首席副会长郭全说。

十八    大会期间,笔者有幸浏览会部花名册和大事记甫悉,大师兄 王伟鸿49岁,电脑工程师,1993年跟随赵师傅习武,同年协助成立荷兰精武会,94年或荷兰武术赛南拳冠军。二师兄 TOBY NANNE–窦弼,44岁,电讯公司高管,加入精武会习武20年。擅长形意拳枪术等,2014年在上海获国际精武大赛长兵器冠军,协助荷兰精武会形意拳教学多年。三师兄 HANS GAARTHUIS 汉斯,67岁,退休的保险业高管。跟随赵师傅习武22年,主要修炼太极拳,任教有十年以上经历。四师兄 ANDRO BISWANE 安德鲁,职业音乐创作人,吉他手。加入荷兰精武会已经16年,擅长形意拳,散手,2012年英国国际精武大赛散打冠军,2014年上海国际精武大赛短兵和拳术两项冠军。协助荷兰精武会散手练武多年。五师兄 赵向 21岁,莱顿大学英语本科生。8岁开始在荷兰精武会习武,10岁起在南德国武术公开赛多次获拳术,国术冠军,2014年上海国际精武大赛获棍术冠军。协助荷兰精武会蔡李佛教学多年。

    世界精武武术文化交流大会始于1990年,每两年一届,由各友会轮流举办。第13届世界精武武术文化大会由上海精武体育总会承办于2014814日至19日在沪举行。本会长暨总教练、国际武术裁判赵秋荣率领荷兰代表队应邀出席并参加比赛,取得了优异成绩:成年组棍术冠军赵向中年组传统拳术冠军Andro Biswane,中年组传统短兵套路冠军Andro Biswane,中年组传统长兵套路冠军Toby Nanne。五师兄赵秋荣之子赵向最近代表本会参加2016年度荷兰传统中国武术大赛取得良好成绩。从而令人无比欣喜长江后浪推前浪,本会武杰英雄辈出,青出于蓝而胜于蓝。

SONY DSC    倘若要成为荷兰精武五虎,必须参加精武会10年以上,在国际精武大会中取得优异成绩,并愿以武德为精武会员作榜样,愿意献身精武事业;加入荷兰精武会则需遵循自愿、愿意遵守精武会所有规则、愿为精武事业奉献的条件。


校场汇演 武艺精湛

    由志愿者暨义工的尹栎,桂丽萍,郭全 担任大会主持司仪,他们同台以中荷文对照声情并茂地宣示,令人翘盼的盛大武术汇演开始了。于是,形意刀,形意五行枪,形意拳杂式捶,八卦鸳鸯钺,32式太极剑,蔡李佛抽刹棍等,还有其他学生表演部分太极拳和蔡李佛拳,功力拳和五虎表演打手靶,这些武术节目在五虎将和师母的带领下演兵,抢尽传媒与会者鏡头。刹时间犹如烽烟滚滚来天半:“長枪飞舞赛龙游,刀光钺影惊神兽。拳脚交加似猛虎,扇起金风剑气透。” 原国际美术家联合会拓展交流中心主任,旅居荷兰20多年后,最近加入本会的陈庆生触景生情即兴诗述。配乐集体操的32式太极花扇舞蹁跹,令人如醉如痴。据悉《32式太极花扇》是赵秋荣师傅根据传统的陈,杨、吴、武、孙式太极拳的技击原理,结合扇的技击特点创编的,此套路已经编写成书即将出版发行。曾获全国高校水上运动会中、长距离自由泳兩项亚军的张明辉,来荷后经营华龙洗涤公司任董事长,最近加入本会。于庆典前周六他带领一对已上大学的儿女,专程来本会向赵师傅学习精武拳术,凸显模范家长,薪火相传。曾任广州美术馆高级书画装裱师,新近加入本会的孙志雄先生亦以诗唱和陈先生:“荷兰著名有格斗,精武誓当后起秀。强身健体乃宗旨,尚武精神人抖擞。”好戏连场意犹未尽,尚有祁门红茶世家茶道汪雨林女士厢边专设茶摊茗香及大会委员赞助点心,恭候武林人士、华洋观众、特邀嘉宾。整个校场上下浸透著中华文化精粹,耐人寻味,流连忘返。

礼开香槟 武戏文唱

SONY DSC       嘭,嘭,嘭……”,11支红色香槟酒同时顿开瓶塞如同礼炮齐鸣轰响,让当天傍晚的海牙市央明记海鲜酒楼增添了无比欢乐的气氛。夕阳余晖洒入厅堂大玻璃窗内,给逾百名华洋亲朋好友,嘉宾贵客脸膀抹上了陶醉喜悦的光彩。此次庆典晚宴的全部酒水,由荷兰华民国际酒业公司赞助。该公司董事长暨总经理邓锦华在之前给本会5虎将与6位新成员认真教授,示范如何齐开香槟的知识与手法,和分别巡席斟酒方式,专业精神可见一斑。

SONY DSC    紧接着,他恭敬地将一套杏色绢装帧,鎏金镶崁龙凤呈祥特醇xo级 拿破仑干邑拔兰地酒赠送给师傅师母,这是尊璜拿破仑 九七回归纪念版酒在香港回归祖国大典期间发行香港的限量發行版,犹显珍贵。明年适逢香港回归祖国20周年,他与所辖公司正为此设计更新纪念酒版,与祖国,香港,和荷华社会,欧洲侨界一道共同隆重庆祝。恰巧明年是本会加盟总会20周年,荷兰精武会亦与时俱进隆庆。


SONY DSC     本会向在座特邀嘉宾赠送每人3册荷兰文杂志《太极探秘》。其内容包括太极套路及历史、中医文化、理论探索等。欧洲荷比卢祟正总会会长张挺宏先生致答词。荷华青年联会长陈光平强调以国粹为机理与基础,鼓励更多的当地华人青少年认识和发扬中华文化,继承民族优良传统。松柏轩中国书画院长胡泊和乌特勒支市中国语言学校代表谭若梅女士则希望继续与本会加强合作,促进教学相长。

SONY DSC         “……我的情也真,我的爱也真,月亮代表我的心。”情深意切一曲绕梁,连场好剧。一对苏里南黑人妇夫即兴汉语字正腔圆献歌。男的是五虎将之四师兄Andro Biawane,职业音乐创作人,吉他手伴奏,女的是职业歌唱家。经赵会长从中介绍,大家才知道 Lucille Rong A-Fat 祖父是粤中山人,她叫容阿发,出生苏里南,孩童时就定居荷兰了。此时人们不肯谢幕,为这了不起的半唐番华裔女音乐艺术家惊讶、惊喜、惊呼:再来一遍,再来一遍……!顿时,全场群情汹涌,高潮迭起,晚会通宵达旦。

Crafoord Prize is awarded for fundamental discoveries in immune regulation

 By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Jan. 25(Greenpost)–Three immunology researchers share 2017’s Crafoord Prize in Polyarthritis, for which the prize money is 6 million Swedish krona, according to a statement by the Crafoord Prize Foundation. 

The research being rewarded deals with the discovery of regulatory T cells, cells that can be regarded as our immune system’s security guards.

They put a brake on cells that are overzealous and attack the body’s own tissue. There are hopes that their discoveries will lead the way to new, highly effective treatment methods for autoimmune diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, MS and type 1 diabetes.

“The Royal Science Academy of Sciences has decided to award the 2017 Crafoord Prize in Polyarthritis to

Shimon Sakaguchi, Osaka University, Japan,

Fred Ramsdell, Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, San Francisco, CA, USA


Alexander Rudensky, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA,


“for their discoveries relating to regulatory T cells, which counteract harmful immune reactions in arthritis and other autoimmune diseases.”

Autoimmune diseases arise when the body’s immune system malfunctions, attacking normal tissue. Globally, these diseases cause great suffering and premature death for millions of people. Autoimmune diseases include multiple sclerosis (MS), type 1 diabetes and polyarthritis. The latter is a term used for rheumatic diseases in which multiple joints are affected.

There are great hopes that highly effective treatments for autoimmune diseases will be possible, based on new knowledge about the immune system that was gained over the last few decades. Three researchers are now being rewarded for their fundamental discoveries in the field: Shimon Sakaguchi, Fred Ramsdell, and Alexander Rudensky.

The Laureates’ discoveries relate to regulatory T cells, which are the immune system’s security guards. Their task is to keep an eye on other white blood cells that are overzealous in their task of defending the body from intruders and could harm things they should leave alone, such as healthy cells in joints, the pancreas or brain.

Even back in the 1960s, researchers were searching for suppressor cells in the immune system, but the research results were contradictory. Accordingly, over time, the consensus became that no such cells existed. Despite this, Shimon Sakaguchi persevered with the search and, after many years, he succeeded in identifying the cells that are now called regulatory T cells. Some years later, Fred Ramsdell approached the same area from a different direction; he isolated and identified the gene that is linked to severe autoimmune disease in a particular strain of mice. He also demonstrated that mutation in the same gene in humans, now known as FOXP3, causes a severe congenital disease called IPEX. Shortly afterwards, decisive findings were made, linking these two pieces of knowledge together. Alexander Rudensky, Shimon Sakaguchi and Fred Ramsdell each described how the FOXP3 gene is vital to a process that results in some T cells becoming security guards in the immune system. These are the regulatory T cells, which can prevent autoimmune reactions because they detect and suppress overzealous colleagues in the immune system.

A great number of clinical trials are now being conducted globally, with research teams testing various ways of using regulatory T cells to subdue the immune system’s attacks that cause autoimmune diseases. The long-term vision is that of a breakthrough in the treatment of polyarthritis and other autoimmune syndromes, which could be treated more effectively than they are today.


Additional information, a video about this year’s prize and illustrations for editorial use are available at:


This year’s Crafoord Prize

The Crafoord Prize is awarded as a partnership between the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and the Crafoord Foundation in Lund. The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is responsible for deciding upon the Crafoord Laureates.

The prize is awarded in one discipline each year, according to a set schedule for Mathematics and Astronomy, Geosciences, and Biosciences. The prize for Polyarthritis is awarded only when a special committee has demonstrated that scientific progress in this field has been such that an award is justified.


The prize amount is 6 million Swedish krona to be shared equally between the Laureates.

The award ceremony will be held at the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences on 18 May 2017, in the presence of H.R.H. Crown Princess Victoria.

The Crafoord Days are 15–18 May 2017 in Stockholm and Lund. A detailed programme will be available at

Prize lecture: 16 May, Lund University.

Prize symposium: 17 May, Stockholm. Please register via

Prize ceremony: 18 May, Beijer Hall, Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Stockholm.


The Laureates

Shimon Sakaguchi, Professor at Osaka University, Japan. Discovered and documented the occurrence of regulatory T cells by systematically investigating cells that develop in the thymus of young mice, in a series of experiments from 1985 onwards. Born 1951.


Fred Ramsdell, Head of Research at Parker Institute for Cancer Immunotherapy, San Francisco, CA, USA. Identified the faulty gene in some mice and children that are born with IPEX, a severe autoimmune disease, in 2001. This gene, FOXP3, has proven to be vital in the development of regulatory T cells. Born 1961.


Alexander Rudensky, Professor, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA. Knocked out the FOXP3 gene in mice in 2003, so they were unable to form regulatory T cells and thus suffered from severe autoimmune diseases. At about the same time, Sakaguchi and Ramsdell independently presented evidence that FOXP3 governs the formation of regulatory T cells and, at a stroke, a dynamic new field of research arose. Born 1956.


北欧绿色邮报网特别报道(驻荷兰特约记者张卓军)–坐落新荷京海牙(Den Haag)城央大市场(Grote Markt)的一家由荷兰人经营拥有四十年历史的灯具公司(Bebr.De Borst Verlichting)总店于2011年4月19日隆重举行别开生面的庆典。


(10)荷兰百年华人志庆基金会作为重要主办方,在庆典中首次新书发布会(1)       当天前门一排大红灯笼高高挂,身旗中式旗袍礼仪小姐夹道欢迎荷兰人、华人,还有苏里南人、印尼人、越南人等多国少数民族外侨共约几百嘉宾前来参加为—首位华人经营者“卖花生饼的中国人”塑像揭幕仪式,这座雕像是向荷兰的第一位外国商人致敬。他的创作原形于同年9月10日正式成出版发行由“荷兰百年华人志庆基金会”编辑的《荷兰华人百年》一书中。“这本书讲述了[百年来在荷兰定居的华人的故事],中国人对荷兰社会所作出的贡献,在此荷兰华人庆百年之际,是值得宣扬及关注的。从最早的华人船员,花生糖小贩到当今社会的年轻华人后代,这漫长的历史路程中有着许多不为人知的故事。”

(6) 治国者以史为鉴,荷兰首相马克_吕特(Mark Rutte)在披阅了此书的荷兰文译稿后,欣然命笔为该书撰写了“前言(详见中文翻译附件)”。

荷兰首相马克•吕特(Mark Rutte)在披阅了此书的荷兰文译稿后,欣然命笔为该书撰写了[前言],“从最早的华人船员,花生糖小贩到当今社会的年轻华人后代,这漫长的历史路程中有着许多不为人知的故事。书中内容不仅仅涉及到花生糖小贩和中国餐馆,也提到了令人难忘的华人在荷兰社会扎根立足的历史,述了中国人的勤奋刻苦,食其力和创业精神;中国人的随遇而安和积极传承中国文化;以及努力上进的新一代高学历华人。”


(5) 《荷兰华人百年》编委全荷华人联合体育运动总会会长暨旅荷华人联谊会中文学校校长蔡树坚书赠笔者张卓辉   

    一百年前,第一批荷兰船务公司华人司炉工从居世界第一大港鹿特丹港[Rotterdam]登陆于卡顿德莱斯区[Katendrecht]开设馈供聚会宿食粤菜饭肴,广式茶点似驿站般,俗话省港海员大客栈,现唐人街雏形时公称中国水手馆[粤、闽,浙籍船员占多]聚居之后不久,航运业萧条,欧洲经济滑坡,滞荷穷困的华人中广东籍吴开(译音)率先就地取材,制作家乡美味小吃花生糖(饼),旷市沿街兜售叫卖,解决生计。于是,许多华侨纷纷效法他,劈开出路,自顾自救。他们把花生饼装进一个小长方木箱里,木箱上写有:花生饼、好味、5分(Pinda,Lekka 5c+)。(笔者按:正确的荷文书写应为:Pindakoekje . Lekker)沿街叫卖:“Pinda, Pinda, Lekka, Lekka:(花生糖,花生糖,好吃,好吃)……”一时风靡全荷兰。这也成为了一首当地家喻户晓,迄今男女老少朗朗上口津津乐道的荷兰民谣,深刻动人地描述了他们真实的生活。纵然揭示了逾百年前华人是最早来荷兰,乃至欧洲的移民,他们最先将东方饮食文化传到西方,可是他们始终根在中国,历代赤子情深。而后“De Pinda Chinees”成为了荷兰华人的一个历史称呼。“花生货郎”的照片也常常出现在各种有关移民,尤其是华人移民历史的展览会、画册和书页上面。

(12)荷兰百年华人志庆基金会作为重要主办方,在庆典中首次新书发布会(2)    诚然,这座塑像先由该灯具公司东主 Borst出资成就的。是日他情有独钟地忆述,60年前,在本店门外的广场上,第一次见到一位卖花生饼(糖)的中国人,之后,日复一日,年复一年,风雨无阻,每天都能见到他情真意切地叫喊:“Pinda, Pinda, Lekka”,渐渐他们便成为了好朋友。鉴于对华人发奋创业的敬佩,勤劳本色的同感,对好友的深深怀念,值此华人登陆荷兰百年之际,他萌发了建立“卖花生饼的中国人”塑像的想法,籍以纪念及表彰华人对荷兰社会作出的贡献。因此,很快获得了海牙中桥社会服务中心特别是该中心创办人曾蔡素英(Su-Ying Tijn-Tsai)女士的鼎力支持与全方位竭诚协助。揭幕当天,该中心廿多位义工在曾蔡女士和现任主席张建平的带领下,有条不紊的进行庆典全程工作。



   荷兰副首相兼经济部长Maxime Verhagen先生在几个月前就特别在他的日程表承诺当天亲临现场致辞,可很遗憾因临时急需赶赴中东的国家外事公务而辍约,但他特邀荷兰前国防部副部长Willem F· van Eekelen先生代表讲话。他在发言中高度赞扬了华人的创业精神,从初期独创“卖花生饼(糖)”的小商贩模式发展到现在强大的华人餐饮王国,华人一直寻求适应荷兰社会的谋生方式转型,近代荷兰的华人不但享餐饮业,更在各行各业,尤其是登攀上层建筑取得了骄人的成就。    

(8)《荷兰华人百年》大型系列配套丛书出版    一百年后,数风流人物还看今朝:从“花生货郎”到各界精英,荷兰的华人们正用自己百年的艰辛历程打破时代的束缚。由近百个华人社团建成领导核心的全荷华人社团联合会(下称:荷华联会)是荷兰政府唯一承认的华人社团的代表。曾历任全荷华人体育运动总会主席,荷华联会主席,创办人荷兰华人参政基金会首任主席,祖籍广东中山的杨华根先生而今系荷兰华人百年志庆基金会创办人之一暨主席为荷华侨界翘楚。

新华社照片,海牙,2011年9月11日 《荷兰华人百年》丛书在荷发行 9月10日,“荷兰百年华人志庆基金会”主席杨华根(右)向荷兰海牙市副市长拉宾·巴尔德维斯赠送《荷兰华人百年》丛书。 一套记录在荷华人百年奋斗历程,向世人展示华人在荷兰的足迹和生活点滴的丛书——《荷兰华人百年》于10日在海牙市政厅正式发行。当天的仪式由荷兰百年华人志庆基金会、荷兰华人参议机构和海牙唐人街协会共同举办,来自荷兰各界和华侨华人约200余人参加了仪式。   新华社发(丁辰摄)新华社照片,海牙,2011年9月11日





(11)荷兰百年华人志庆基金会作为重要主办方,在庆典中首次发布新书《荷兰华人百年》,这本新书以图片的形式记录了荷兰华人在过去一个世纪中在个方面的变化。   如果说8年前,美国中加州圣路易奥比斯波(San Luis Obispo)美铁火车站广场上,为“铁路先锋”无名英雄铜像揭幕,许多当天到场的居民争相在铜像前留影,留下这历史的一刻:这座双人像高9呎,呈古铜色,两位留着辫子、一位戴着斗笠的华工,浓眉大眼、体格魁梧,脸上表情则是坚毅中略带着笑容,手持铁棍正在铺设铁轨,(这全美绝无仅有的铁路华工铜像,得益于加州陆军国民兵华裔准将江湛清(General John Gong)接任圣路易奥比斯波华人联谊会会长后,由华裔和当地各族裔居民各半组成的铜像筹款委员会,在市府全力支持下,铜像兴建计划才加快步伐)称颂美洲第一座华人雕塑。那么讲8年后的今天,荷兰海牙城央“花生货郎”华人形象雕塑落成为欧洲第一座。恰好来年将分别为中美、中荷(均由1972-2012)建交40周年,而这两座欧美华人塑像则象征着中美、中荷友谊长存和文化交流的历史见证。











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新华社记者施建国 赵小娜 凌馨
















在中央“千人计划”的带动下,其标志性人才引进项目 “孔雀计划”自2010年开展以来,重点围绕深圳经济特区发展战略目标,五年来致力于重点引进并支持50个以上海外高层次人才团队和1000名以上海外高层次人才来深创业创新,吸引带动10000名以上各类海外人才来深工作,以推动高新技术、金融、物流、文化等支柱产业,培育新能源、互联网、生物、新材料等战略性新兴产业为重点,突出推动支柱产业和战略性新兴产业领域的人才队伍结构优化和自主创新能力提升。



DSC_6616      第一届国际赛是由国家科学技术部和国家外国专家局指导,由深圳市人民政府主办,深圳市龙岗区人民政府、深圳市坪山新区管理委员会、深圳市人力资源和社会保障局、深圳市科技创新委员会共同承办的一场创新创业盛会。






2017年深圳国际赛主要面向拥有创新成果和创业计划的海外高层次创业团队或个人; 奖金总额912万元人民币,单个选手最高125万元人民币(不包含政府资助及创投 资金) 投资者: 创投机构60家,总额7亿元人民币的创投资金池 60 。

报名截止28.02.2017 • 报名方式/Application chanel: 。


分赛区比赛时间: 03.2017 奖金: 一等奖10万人民币(1名)、二等奖5万人民币(2 名)、三等奖3万人民币(3名)

慕尼黑联系人: Ms.Jia Beixi Phone:+49 221 7202 9633

伦敦联系人: Mr. Thomas Davies Phone:+44 07495444581 E-mail:


















