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Hans Blix, top diplomat who seeks truth, strives for world peace

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Stockholm, Nov. 9(Greenpost)–Swedish top diplomat Dr. Hans Blix has won respect for his great work in disarmament, inspection of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and his great courage and strength against pressure from the super powers and the media. He is a role model for being a great human being and a man with important mission. The following is an article published by peoples daily online on

16:02, June 09, 2010      

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Swedish top diplomat Dr. Hans Blix has won respect for his great work in disarmament, inspection of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction and his great courage and strength against pressure from the super powers and the media. He is a role model for being a great human being and a man with important mission. He said that he is striving for a world without wars. It is an honor for me (People’s Daily Online correspondent in Stockholm) to have the chance to have an exclusive interview with him at his home in Stockholm center recently.

Hans Blix (photo by Xuefei Chen)

The urgent thing is nuclear test ban treaty

Q: What is your comment on the vision of a nuclear free world?

Hans Blix: As a vision, I think this is desirable, we all want to have that. I don’t think it is necessarily naïve. Sometimes it occurs to me that between 1910 and 1950, we had two world wars, and one collapsed world organization, the League of Nations. A lot of things can happen between 2010 and 2050.

The risk of putting too much attention to it will divert the attention from what the fight is about today.

Today the most urgent thing is to go into effect the test ban treaty and there we need the ratification by the US and by China, and by Israel, Iran and Egypt, and a few other countries.

We also need to have more disarmament agreements between the US and Russia. We need a convention prohibiting the production of uranium and plutonium for weapons. These are the big task today. We must not divert the attention from today’s needs.

Q: What is your comment on the US and Russian signing of a treaty to reduce strategic nuclear weapons in early April?

Hans Blix: I think it is a very important signal that the executive powers in Washington and in Moscow want to reset the button as they said and move to the new direction. The cut is relatively very moderate, not significant, and above all, the maintenance of mutual inspection on the ground from America to Russia, from Russia to America is very important for the confidence building. At the same time it shows the difficulties that lie in the remained distrust.

Therefore the most urgent need I think is further détente or relaxation, diplomatic relations and diplomacy must give us more relaxations. The START treaty would not come about unless Obama has changed the policy regarding the missile shield positions in Poland and Czech Republic.
He modified that (you remember) and decided they would not have this for the basis of strategic shield in Poland and Czech Republic. But rather in the East Mediterranean for intermediate range missile, this was very important politically diplomatic step and that made the START possible. We need to go further in this direction.

He clearly indicated that the US intends to reach the policy of relaxation of accommodation with Russia, this is fundamental for further to go on. That has related to Russia, they also need similar policy of détente between the US and China, and between China and Russia, there must be relaxation between all the big powers in order to go further decisively in the field of disarmament.

China can take the lead to ratify the nuclear test ban treaty

Q: What is your comment on China’s role in maintaining world peace?

Hans Blix: China should go ahead to ratify the nuclear test ban treaty, there is a positive attitude of the Chinese government at the UN Assembly.
Many people suspected that China is waiting for the United States to be the first, I think China will be in a very influential situation over the US if China goes ahead, China will also not be bound by the ratification until the US ratifies. It will not bind China, but it will be very good thing for China to do.

China has been restrained. China of course can do much more to contribute to disarmament, China could contribute much more in the diplomatic side. It is wise to be restraint with Taiwan, China is pursuing a wise policy with Taiwan, the other is with India, you have a border with India, it should be negotiated and with diplomacy, there should not be much controversial, it is important to have the certain border.

The whole Asia gained in economic development as China is rising. They want to be guaranteed that China will not use any military power, the controversy is about some small islands in the South China Sea, sometimes other countries also claimed they own them, by the Philippines, or Vietnam, I always say that to my Chinese friends, why don’t you take it to the judicial measures to international court of justice for example, because for the moment it doesn’t seem to have any economic interest around them, if you negotiate, there is always a looser or winner, but if you go to the international court, like many other countries to settle that there, no one will be a loser, you will not be a loser even if you lose it, many countries have used it even the big powers.

The UK and France settled the islands in the English Channel by the International Court of Justice. I think the use of peaceful means of settlement of dispute is very important.

There are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq

Q: The Iraq war has passed 7 years. But your voice’ there is no weapons of mass destruction’ is still lingering around people’s ears. You were the one who dared to tell the truth at that time, against the wind, (you are the one who really deserves a Nobel Peace Prize) did you face a lot of pressure at that time from the US and the UK? How was the situation?

Hans Blix: We regarded ourselves as the international civil servants, and civil servants are to serve the governments, and to give them the objective basis for their decision as accurate as possible. The government has the popular democratic mandate to act. The civil servants do not have the democratic mandate, they are giving the basis for discussion and that must be the honest one, as objective as you can be in this world. And that was what we tried. We were trying to look for the truth all the time.

I would say that we were not threatened by the governments, by media yes, media in the United States were ferocious about us, they tried to skin us alive, but not the US government, they respect our independence I would say.

The pressure, yes, but not the thing that we felt intolerable in any case, we did not intend to yield on any kind of pressures, so our instinct was simply to give the fact, as diligent as we could, and we were quite competent and we had a competent team of inspectors.

The US and UK tried to get a resolution which in fact authorize the war in Iraq, and they didn’t get it because the majority in the Security Council were skeptical , the majority were not certain if there were any weapons of mass destruction.

We had carried out 700 inspections in 500 different sites, and we haven’t seen any weapons of mass destruction, we have also followed up the leads given to us by intelligence organizations and we didn’t find any weapons in the places that they indicated. So I think that had an impact upon the majority in the United Nations, they said look inspections had been there, and they hadn’t seen anything, it is you who say there is something, they haven’t seen anything, let us continue with the inspection, that was the majority wanted, but the US particularly didn’t have the patience, they have 200 thousand men sitting in the desert and waiting, they said no, we can’t wait any longer. And they went ahead.

A victory for the Security Council not to give authorization

Hans Blix: But the inspection had the effect that the UN did not authorize the action. And some people have said that the fact that the US and UK went ahead, this was a sort of humiliation of the Security Council, I would say that the fact that the council did not give the authorization was a victory for the council. It was a victory for the council because the US and UK should not get authorization and they didn’t get it. So the council was right.

Q: It was after the war that you said it was certain there were no weapons of mass destruction, why?

Hans Blix: We made many reports to the Security Council to say that we haven’t found the weapons.

After the war, something became clear, and it was the US that interviewed many Iraqi military, political and scientific people and while Saddam was still there, we also interviewed them, but it could not be sure that they will tell us the whole truth, if there had been any weapons of mass destruction that they had known about it, would they have told us? Probably not because they wouldn’t have dared to.

But when Saddam was gone, and the US came. People should have rewards if they told yes, they are there. They could have gone silent or they could go for rewards, so there was much more credibility in interviews once the US occupied than we did. So we realized it immediately when the US didn’t find any weapons, then there are not weapons, so then they can ascertain about it, before it was uncertain.

Then the media became angry because they have been wrong, they have been so certain that of course there are weapons. It is a naïve idea that Saddam is evil so there are weapons. There was misleading in the US media and there was a lot of misleading in the US government.

I am not accusing Bush for talking about not being faithful, some people say they lied, I am not saying that, I am saying that first they misled themselves, then they misled the public, it is a bad judgment.

In the UK there was much opposition to the war, there was also opposition in New York, demonstrations were everywhere, there were a lot of demonstrations before the war, and in London there were enormous demonstrations against the war, but they were misled by Saddam.

The reason why they stressed so much weapons in London was that they can sell the war on the weapons, but they cannot sell the war on democracy in Iraq.

The parliament said democracy is not our job, but the weapons are an argument that they could sell.

The only gain of the Iraq war was that Saddam was toppled

Q: Was there really weapons of mass destruction before? Or biological and chemical ones in Iraq?

Hans Blix: After 1992, Iraq didn’t have any weapons of mass destruction or biological or chemical weapons any more.

In fact, Saddam ordered the destruction of all the biological and nuclear and chemical weapons in 1991 when the UN adopted the resolution in 1991 after the Gulf War.

Some chemical weapons were not destroyed in 1991 but they were declared, and they were then destroyed under the supervision of the UN in 1992.
So after 1992 there were no weapons of mass destruction.

Q: That means the UN sanctions on Iraq had been effective?

Hans Blix: The UN sanctions forced Iraq to destroy the weapons of mass destruction. But they made a mistake that they destroyed them without the presence of UN inspectors, we found the relics of the broken bombs and material that had been destroyed in 1991, but if Saddam invited the UN inspectors in 1991, then it would have been much easy to see how much was destroyed. Whereas he did it alone without any inspectors, then when the inspectors came and said you had so and so missiles and now we only see so and so many, where are the others, ‘well we destroy them’, you could not verify then. Much of the uncertainty rose because they had not had any international presence.

Many people suspected that Saddam wanted the ambiguity about it. On the one hand he said to the UN that they had destroyed the weapons of mass destruction, on the other hand, he wanted to create the impression that maybe I have some still, and that caused the second war, that uncertainty caused the second war. So it was unwise. You can put up a sign in a house saying watch the dog.

Q: Was it necessary to have the second Iraq war?

Hans Blix: Totally unnecessary war.

Q: Could that have been avoided?

Hans Blix: Yes, if we got a few more months of inspection.

Q: What is your comment about the global security now?

Hans Blix: Much better now than the Bush period, during the Bush administration, we were moving to a ‘cold peace’, in particular the missile site in the Czech Republic and Poland sharpened the relations with Russia, and they plan the NATO to push Georgia and Ukraine to become a member of NATO caused the sharpening of relations, Georgia started the war with Ossetia because they have been given a lot of arms by the United States. So I think this has changed now.

I think the US agreement on nuclear with India under Bush administration was unwise. I don’t think it was prohibited under the non-proliferation treaty, but it was certainly a contradiction with the guidelines that you should not export to the country that has not joined the NPT.

The worry I and many had under the agreement is that India will be able to import uranium fuel for its nuclear reactors, and then it can use the rather limited resources they have or their own uranium to enrich to weapons grade, if they want to do it, I am not saying that they are using it, but anyway, Pakistan and China can suspect that India is using and then you can have a race.

Thus, I think US-India agreement is not in the right direction. And the US and Australia and Japan as alliance are not in the direction of detent, but China reacted rather calmly. We need all the countries to work multilaterally rather than through blocks.

The solution for this is a convention by India, Pakistan, China, the US and other countries to agree that they will not produce any uranium plutonium for nuclear weapons purposes, and this will be with verification, this way we can ensure that there will not be piles of rich uranium or plutonium.

There has been a proposal for such a treaty in Geneva, but the only country that resisted it is Pakistan, which is blocking the decision.

I think it is very unwise of Pakistan to block the discussion. So there is such a draft for the convention, cut off the production of uranium and UK, France and Russia will not produce any more because they have had enough, China will not too. There is no resistance of the big powers. So far it is Pakistan that resists it. But they operate by consensus.

Q: What is your dream world? Or what are you striving for?

Hans Blix: I have been lucky in my life, in two important areas, one is disarmament, two: the energy, the world without wars.

Look at the history, most wars were with borders, wars about territories, Saddam was the last ‘emperor’ to invade Kuwait, now that ideology has gone.

Oil or gas should not be a reason for war. There are civil wars, some regional wars but no world war.

My basic optimism based on independence of countries. China owns more bonds of the US and needs to export to the US. , EU and Russia. Russia needs money and EU needs gas, so they pay attention to each other, they don’t go to security council until they find a solution after negotiation.
I welcome China to be in the WTO, I think it is also important that Russia should get into the WTO.

And we all need to develop these institutions and we all use the judicial organizations to solve our disputes. Integration and building multilateral institutions are very important.

Q: Why is Iran not trusted?

Hans Blix: There is mistrust on Iran because Iran has two nuclear reactors helped by Russia. It is not economical for Iran to build nuclear because it costs a lot of money to build the enrichment facilities, and it is not economical to build it, it will be more economic for them to import uranium.

South Korea has 20 nuclear reactors, they import enriched uranium, Sweden has 10 nuclear reactors, we import uranium too. Iran only has two, so it is not economical for them to build enrichment facility of their own, they would need assurance of import of uranium for the power plant they have, and I think they could have that.

I think there are diplomatic solutions for the Iran issue. It would be disastrous if anyone tries the military solution because if Iran is attacked, it is not sure if you can destroy all the nuclear, if Iran didn’t want to develop nuclear weapon and if they are attacked, they will really develop it.

I suspect that the root of Iranian uranium enrichment program came in the 1980s, when it had a terrible war with Iraq. And they suspect that Iraq was going to use nuclear weapons, they might not have decided to have the weapon, but they could have moved closer to the weapon option. It was foreign policy, it was the relations with the outside world that is more important, the Israeli has the weapons because they have the fear of Arab countries, India has the nuclear weapon because they think of China and Pakistan because they are afraid of India, so doing away all these tensions, that is also doing away with the will to build the weapons.

Q: How can you prevent nuclear weapons?

Hans Blix: It depends on the will power, for example Japan, if they want to develop, they can develop in a year, but in their constitution they are against it, so I don’t worry about it. But now the nuclear technology is very popular, South Korea and North Korea all can develop that. The US is doing it in 1940s, so the question is the will power and the resources.
That is why it is very important to understand this. 98 countries among 198 countries in the world decided they don’t want it.

If you don’t feel threat, you don’t need the weapons. So the important thing for the world is the relaxation of the world tension or detente.
Now all the major governments are pragmatic, Chinese government is regarded very pragmatic; the US current government is very pragmatic, and wanting to go to peace; Moscow as well, and Mr Putin is too pragmatic.
The UK and France are both very pragmatic, so we have relatively sensible governments in the world for the moment, and that is a good situation.

Q: What is your comment on China’s nuclear policy?

Hans Blix: I think it is very progressive. China is looking energy issues seriously, it is very important. When you look at coal, carbon capture, and separate carbon from coal, I hope this will be successful in the future.

China is really trying and developing more advanced nuclear technology. You have Russian reactor, French reactor, American one and you develop your own design too.

To improve the living standard in the world, we need energy, and industrialized world has tremendous use of the fossil fuels, and raised our living standards enormously, unfortunately we haven’t been aware until recently that the burning of the fossil fuels resulted in so much carbon dioxide, that threatens the climate in the future,

Nuclear has always provided a lot of power, so I was always in favor of the nuclear power even before the climate issue came out because this is tremendously powerful and condensed power. Not without risks, but all energy has risk.

It is one sort of energy, with global warming added, it is efficient process, otherwise, it is very clean, the same with wind power, solar power, these are important source for the future, nuclear power today can give us enormous efficiency.

I am interested in using thorium which is another basic element. If you can use thorium, it is very good. Thorium is three time more available. It is very sustainable. Nuclear has development possibilities. China is aware of that and can use it.

Q: Which is the largest threat to mankind, nuclear weapon or climate change in your opinion?

Hans Blix: I am inclined to think that climate change is the number one threat because nuclear weapon concerns a number of countries, we can abolish nuclear weapons with agreements of some major countries.

But climate issue concerns people all over the world in using energy.
China has been very restrained in the military side, although the US is very worried about the buildup of Chinese military force, when I see the statistics, today the world is spending 1400 billion dollars a year, 45 percent of it was the US spending and five percent in China.

I think the total sum is ridiculously high everywhere, and we could cut this in half and use it for energy saving, and defending it from global climate change.

Q: What is the most important thing in your life?

Hans Blix: The family is very important. I married in 1962, soon 50 years. We have two sons, both are PHDs, they both have one boy and one girl.
And I am not going to retirement again, I have been going to retirement three times before, I will continue to work as long as I can.

My work is my hobby. We both are interested in art. We have rugs, antique rugs, we both like nature romantics, we hikes, skis and go out to the nature. I have never enjoyed spring so much as this spring when you look out and see the trees.

Q: What is the driving force for you in your life and work?

Hans Blix: I always like to do things, to get results, in many areas is the same. If I want to write a book I should get out a book, or my wife gives me a vacuum cleaner then I clean the apartment and like to see it is clean, or I cook in the kitchen and I like to see the food come up.

Results, I like to see the results. That has always been the drive to get results when you do things.

Dr. Blix visited China in 1964 for the first time.

“We have been many times in China. I can see tremendous evolution in China and freedom as well. We know China has a long way to go, but I don’t like to preach because Chinese people know very well in what direction they are going to go and that pragmatism development is good, I like to go now to two great universities, I come from a university town and I am going to visit Tsinghua University, a chance to discuss with students and teachers and then to Fudan University and this process of searching the truth is universal and in everywhere,” Blix concluded.

About Hans Blix

Dr. Blix graduated from Uppsala University and was Associate Professor in International Law at Stockholm University. From 1963 to 1976 he served as the Adviser on International Law in the Ministry. He was State Secretary for International Development Co-operation from 1976 to 1978. Then he became Minister for Foreign Affairs of Sweden. From 1981 to 1997, he worked as Director General of the International Atomic Energy Agency IAEA for 16 years.

In 2000 when he decided to retire at 72, he received a call from former UN Secretary General Kofi Annan to nominate him as the Executive Chairman of the UN Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Commission from March 2000 to June 2003.

By Xuefei Chen, People’s Daily Online correspondent in Stockholm,



北欧中华网评论员 陈雪霏

早上天还是漆黑,老公来到床边说,告诉你一个不幸的消息,川普真的赢得大选了。前一天晚上,他就说,他要半夜起来关注美国大选结果。一周前PROFOCA还举办美国大选分析,方方面面都希望希拉里赢,因为她赢了,世界可能还是business as usual. 而川普是谁?当选前,很多人都不知道。









不过,笔者认为,川普是个商人,他可能也是比较务实的。如果真的能从这种积极的角度出发,希望能为美国经济提振。但同时,他的当选,对于世界形势,增加了更多难以预料的变数。因为有些时候,放任资本主宰社会,可恶的事情也会发生。 或许还是那个熟套,人们习惯了希拉里,但也希望能有点意想不到的变化。




11月10日将在SVT2  20:00播出。请届时收看。




听闻瑞典东亚博物馆被瑞典国立世界文化博物馆主任Ann Follin提案,东亚博物馆和其它两个博物馆将合并成一个新的世界文化博物馆,将面临搬迁和消失的命运,无法独立存在。我们在瑞的华人、在瑞的亚洲人都为此感到意外和深切的关注。连日来网上一个联合签名呼吁拯救东亚博物馆已经达到几千人,瑞典媒体前后发表了50余篇文章和报道谈论此事,阻止这样错误的提案。


我们认为:1.东亚博物馆是在瑞典东方人精神寄托和文化聖地. 合併迁至郊区,不是文化的融入而是将东方文化边缘化和䧚离!


  1. 东亚博物馆是在瑞典的东方人教育后辈传承文化的场所,东亚博物馆正漸成为亚洲人来斯市旅游的景点之一。文化需要一个稳定的环境和自由的发展空间。博大精深的文化对大家都有益处。
  2. 东亚博物馆合并结果是展览场地缩小,部分展品将无法呈现给大众欣赏,交流和研究活动会相应减少,失去东亚博物馆在东方文化艺术及收藏的国际地位,逐步导致文化的消失。将对亚洲文物的宣传,研究保护和传承是很大的破坏,也是对东方文化不重视。









Sveriges Kinesiska Riksförbund (Peiquan Ye) (瑞典华人总会,叶沛群)

Stockholms Kinesiska Förening ( David Liu) (瑞京华人协会, 柳少惠)

Svensk-kinesiska kulturförbund (Yuqing Wang) (瑞典华人文化交流联合会, 王钰清)

Shanghai Association of Sweden, Lifu Hu (瑞典上海联谊会, 胡立夫)

Kinaklubb (Lidya Liu) (中国俱乐部 ,刘芳)

Kinesiska Företagarförbundet i Sverige (Wang jianrong) (瑞典华人工商联合总会, 王建荣)

Sweden-China Entrepreneur Assiciation (Qiaozhen Zhang) (瑞中企业家协会,张巧珍)

Kinesiska Artistföreningen i Sverige (Rongmei Zou) (瑞典中国艺术家协会, 邹荣美)

China-E Kinesiska Utbildningen Förening (Yong Xiao) (瑞典中文母语教育协会,肖勇)

Hubei&Hunan Association in Sweden (Changlin Wester) (瑞典两湖同乡会 ,吕长林)

China-Europe Cultural Association (Xuefei Chen) (中欧文化协会, 陈雪霏)

Europe-China International Culture Education AndBusiness Development Association (Yan Shuang Lindblom (中欧国际文化教育商贸发展协会, 双焱)

Chinese Teacher Association in Sweden (Sun Kai) (瑞典中文教師協會, 孙凯)

China Sweden Life Science Association, Jack Yu (中瑞生命科学协会,于江)

Sveriges  Svensk – Kinesiska  Vänskaps Förening. Ellen Liv (瑞典中瑞友好协会, 刘春旭会长)

Vädjan om att rädda Östasiatiska Museet

Chineseonline news–I den rapport om ekonomisk översyn av Världskulturmuseerna som Ann Follin, överintendent för Statens museer för Världskultur, lämnade in för en dryg månad sedan förordas att Östasiatiska museet och de två andra Världskulturmuseerna i Stockholm slås samman till ett gemensamt Världskulturmuseum i Stockholm. Denna omlokalisering kommer att slå sönder Östasiatiska museet, radera dess unika historia och göra att det inte längre kan ha en självständig agenda. Vi svensk-kineser, och andra asiater, är förvånade och djupt oroade över detta.

Under den senaste månaden finns på internet ett gemensamt upprop om att rädda Östasiatiska genom att stödja det med en signatur. Uppropet har nått tusentals människor runt om i Sverige och världen, svenska medier har publicerat mer än 50 artiklar och rapporter som talar om saken, allt för att rädda museets självständighet.

Vi svensk-kineser, som undertecknat detta inlägg, skulle vilja framföra följande ståndpunkter kring Östasiatiska museet:

Östasiatiska Museet, som är ett andligt och kulturellt Mecka för asiater, bör får vara kvar i sina lokaler, som har anpassats till den nuvarande museiverksamheten, och inte tvingas att flytta ihop med andra museer på ett sätt som marginaliserar dess asiatiska kulturarv, och som inte leder till integration i det svenska kulturella landskapet, utan tvärtom skulle öka känslan av isolering för oss med asiatisk bakgrund.

Östasiatiska museet, med sin egen historia och sina unika samlingar, har ett rykte och en status som placerar det bland de främsta i museivärlden internationellt. Det är en stolthet att ha för Sverige och då bör den svenska regeringen också vara stolt och låta museet blomstra, snarare än att spä ut det till en del av en odefinierbar “världskultur”, som etnocentriskt verkar innefatta allt som inte är nordeuropeiskt.

Östasiatiska museet är platsen för att utbilda den yngre generationen om det asiatiska kulturarvet i Sverige. Östasiatiska museet är redan, och blir alltmer, en turistattraktion för såväl asiater boende i Sverige som besökare från Asien, och då behövs en stabil miljö och fritt utrymme för utveckling av program och verksamheter.

Östasiatiska museets sammanlagda utställningsyta bör inte reduceras med följd att delar av utställningsföremålen inte kommer att kunna visas för allmänheten. Detta skulle försvåra kommunikationen och forskningen kommer att bli lidande. Därigenom kommer Östasiatiska:museets kultur- och konstsamlingar att förlora i internationell status och museet att degraderas, till skada för forskning och kulturarv. Den asiatiska kulturens representation i Sverige av föremål och kulturella uttryck kommer att minska kraftigt.

Östasiatiska Museet representerar ett stolt arv av svenskt forskningssamarbete med Kina, ett forskningssamarbete som präglades av ömsesidig respekt och var viktig för Kinas vetenskapliga utveckling under första halvan av 1900-talet. Ett arv som inte får förskingras och som både vi svensk-kineser och ättlingarna till de svenskar, som verkade i Kina under denna tid, är stolta över.

Östasiatiska Museet, som en presentation av ett världskulturarv, bör dessutom inte användas som ett verktyg för politiskt styrda nycker och moden. Samlingarna är extra värdefulla för oss kineser eftersom en del av dem inte längre finns kvar i Kina, som en följd av det moderna Kinas turbulenta historia.

Av dessa anledningar vädjar vi till regeringen att överge sina tankar på Östasiatiska Museets sammanslagning med andra Världskulturmuseer, och omlokalisering. Man bör istället fortsätta med att upprätthålla och skydda Östasiatiska museets nuvarande status och med stolthet se det som det asiatiska kulturcentrum det är.

Vi vädjar också till regeringen att hitta en expert och sakkunnig person som museichef, som älskar asiatisk kultur, och får ha kunniga medarbetare som levandegör museets kulturarv. Detta ger kännedom och kunskaper som låter fler människor från Sverige och Europa få en ökad förståelse för Asiens forntid och nutid. Den nuvarande högsta museiledningen är inne på helt fel väg när man vill förytliga och förminska vårt och andras kulturarv. Regeringen bör i stället satsa på att fördjupa kunskapen och öka förståelsen för asiatisk kultur och för alla de levande kulturer som finns i Sverige.

Vi önskar att regeringen svarar på denna vår vädjan.

Svensk-kineser för att rädda Östasiatiska Museet

Contact person: Lifu Hu (0731012281,

Address: Sweden-China Entrepreneur Association,

World Trade Center D4, Klarabergsviadukten 70, Box 70396, 10724 Stockholm




Bilaga: lista på undertecknade organisationer


Sveriges Kinesiska Riksförbund (Peiquan Ye)

Stockholms Kinesiska Förening (David Liu)

Svensk-kinesiska kulturförbund (Yuqing Wang)

Shanghai Association of Sweden (Lifu Hu)

Kinaklubb (Lydia Liu)

Kinesiska Företagarförbundet i Sverige (Wang Jianrong)

Sweden-China Entrepreneur Assiciation (Qiaozhen Zhang)

Kinesiska Artistföreningen i Sverige (Rongmei Zou)

China-E Kinesiska Utbildningen Förening (Yong Xiao )

Hubei&Hunan Association in Sweden (Changlin Wester)

China-Europe Cultural Association (Xuefei Chen)

Europe-China International Culture Education AndBusiness Development Association (Yan Shuang Lindblom)

Chinese Teacher Association in Sweden (Sun Kai)

China Sweden Life Science Association (Jack Yu)

Sveriges Svensk – Kinesiska Vänskaps Förening (Ellen Liv)


















unspecified-4中欧文化协会,瑞典专业外国记者协会会长陈雪霏在致辞说,中欧文化协会的宗旨是弘扬中华文化,丰富华人华侨,尤其是华人妇女的业余生活, 促进中瑞之间乃至中欧之间的文化交流。在瑞典,尤其在深秋时节,天越来越黑,让人感到郁闷,因此,在这个时候举办文艺活动能够提高人们的幸福指数。




mwu_4419中国好声音和瑞典电视台Idol节目的参与者Julie Yu的吉他弹唱立即把观众的情绪调动起来,为之热烈地鼓掌。Julie的演唱受到普遍好评。





webwxgetmsgimg-9邢伟涛,尹畅,黄煜烨和齐莫一起表演太极。 吴明拍摄














本次演出是在与瑞典教育机构Sensus, 瑞典中文教师协会,北欧中国科技艺术中心和瑞典沈阳同乡会的合作与支持下完成的。


北欧绿色邮报网,摄影 吴明。


Lectures on How to Teach Nordics Chinese

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Nov. 2(Greenpost)– Warmly welcomed lectures on how to teach Nordics Chinese have been held in Stockholm.

img_1892 The first lecture was given by Dr. Wang Li from Denmark . She talked about her experience on how to teach Chinese  in Denmark, challenges and strategies.

img_1898Professor Zhang Jingxian talked about his experience in how to teach Chinese in Sweden.

webwxgetmsgimg26 people attended the lectures including Xuefei Chen Axelsson, president of China-Europe Cultural Association.

img_1901The lectures were organised by Swedish Chinese Teachers Association and sponsored by Chinese Department of Dalarna University, China-Europe Cultural Association and Sensus in Stockholm on Nov.23, 2016.

The following are the lectures audio



朋友们!金秋时节,您想听诺贝尔文学奖得主鲍勃.迪伦的著名歌曲《Blowing in the wind》吗? 您想听《Färger I en vind》(风中传奇)吗?您想看功夫大师表演的太极吗?




我们特意准备了传统中华文化节目,葫芦丝演奏,傣族舞蹈,长笛演奏,小提琴演奏,男女生独唱,中华太极,扇子舞, 小品等等精彩的节目。



届时您还会听到并亲眼看到参加过中国好声音,水立方和瑞典电视台Idol节目的青年歌手Julie Yu, 斯京水立方杯得主Angela 金瑞灵,长笛演奏家吴晶,美国前CNN有线电视记者瓦瑟曼等。让我们在美丽的斯德哥尔摩金秋相聚在一起。



地点:Medborgaplatsen 4, Sensus  Rum 501.一个非常精美的专业小剧场 (绿线地铁到Medborgaplatsen下车) 50人规模。

活动日程:15:30  签到

16:00  演出正式开始

17:30  晚餐盒饭

18:30  活动结束。

费用:100克朗/每人。CHINA-EUROPE CULTURAL ASS (CECA)  Plusgiro: 79 57 45-9, 现金也可以。


支持单位:中国驻瑞典大使馆,Sensus, 瑞典中文教师协会,北欧中国科技艺术中心,瑞典沈阳同乡会

请大家积极报名,微信,chenxuefei7, 电话: 0708261336

联系人:中欧文化协会会长 陈雪霏 0708261336

副会长丹妮 0737177771

秘书长兼会计 厉迪 0700748628

理事 Lily Xu   微信 Lily_Xu0416





B18B7298_鍓湰 (1)


竹笛演奏家吴晶,华人的骄傲。她是盲人利用感应技术参与瑞典皇家交响乐团演出第一人,也是世界上利用该技术的第一人。关于她的纪录片将于11月10日在SVT2 晚上8点播出。图为今年8月在斯德哥尔摩音乐厅也是诺贝尔颁奖大厅演奏。

images-2 aaeaaqaaaaaaaagtaaaajdu3mgrhyzk0ltjkzmitndyzmi1inzjiltlioguxyjixzmzloaJulie Yu 最近刚刚参加瑞典TV4的Idol挑战赛。她曾参加中国好声音,水立方杯总决赛等多项比赛。

photo (6)金瑞灵今年参加了水立方杯总决赛是斯德哥尔摩赛区的亚军。








Victoria Gao从8岁开始练习小提琴,酷爱唱歌和音乐。图为4月15日参加北欧之春文艺汇演。

B18B7343_鍓湰 (1)











2016 Right Livelihood Awards to be presented on 25 Nov.

 By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
STOCKHOLM, Oct. 25(Greenpost)–The Laureates of this year’s Right Livelihood Award – Syria’s White Helmets, Egyptian activist Mozn Hassan and her organisation Nazra for Feminist Studies, Russian human rights defender Svetlana Gannushkina, and Turkish newspaper Cumhuriyet  will receive their prizes in Stockholm on 25 November 2016.

The award ceremony will take place at the Vasa Museum, a long-term partner of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation and the most visited museum in Scandinavia. It will be followed by a political and public programme for Laureates in Berlin and Geneva, according to a press release from the award foundation.

 “We look forward to celebrating our 2016 Laureates with a high-level programme in Sweden and internationally. However, at this stage, it is uncertain whether all four of our 2016 Laureates will be able to travel to Europe to receive their awards, since Mozn Hassan is under a travel ban imposed by the Egyptian authorities. We hope that these undue restrictions on Ms Hassan’s freedom of movement will be lifted without delay, in recognition of her valuable contributions as a human rights defender,” said Ole von Uexkull, Executive Director of the Right Livelihood Award Foundation.

The award ceremony for some 300 invited guests will be staged next to the grand 16th century ship Vasa. The Right Livelihood Award Laureates share the privilege reserved for Heads of State, Nobel Laureates and other dignitaries to step aboard this historic vessel.

The Laureates will also be received at the Swedish Parliament by members of the parliamentary association in support of the Right Livelihood Award (SÄRLA) which includes representatives from all major political parties, and by the Swedish Minister for Foreign Affairs Margot Wallström.

Following the award ceremony in Stockholm, the Laureates will visit Berlin from 27-29 November, where they meet with the newly established Parliamentary Group for the Right Livelihood Award in the German Bundestag.

The award programme will conclude in Geneva with the annual debate at Maison de la Paix on 30 November, organised in partnership with The Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies. The Laureates will also meet with the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, Zeid Ra’ad Al Hussein.



Ann Follin, överintendent vid Statens Museer för Världskultur (SMVK) lämnade den 30 september in ett förslag till omorganisation av SMVK till Kulturdepartementet. Förslaget handlar långsiktigt om att lägga ner Östasiatiska museet, Etnografiska museet och Medelhavsmuseet för att istället skapa ett nytt Världskulturmuseum i Stockholm. Redan idag hotas Östasiatiska museets bibliotek att bli av med sina lokaler, då förhandlingar redan förs med en ny hyresgäst av dess lokaler.

Östasiatiska museet har unika samlingar och är sedan grundandet internationellt välkänt. Det vore en nationell tragedi om museet slogs samman med de andra två museerna för att bilda ett nytt Världskulturmuseum. Museet riskerar att tappa sin identitet och den forskning och kunskap som finns kring dess föremål riskerar att gå förlorad för all framtid.

Vi som skriver under detta upprop vill att Östasiatiska museet ska finnas kvar i sin nuvarande form och lokaler med sina unika samlingar och sitt unika bibliotek. Det får inte bli en anonym del av ett Världskulturmuseum i Stockholm. Vi vill också att Östasiatiska museet åter skall få en museidirektör med djupa kunskaper om Östasiens kultur och museets samlingar. Museet skulle då åter bli en samlingspunkt för Östasien-forskningen i Sverige med fokus på konst, konsthantverk, historia och humaniora i det dåtida, nutida och framtida Östasien, en region som blivit allt viktigare att förstå ur ett globalt perspektiv, både politiskt och ekonomiskt.

Vill du hjälpa till ytterligare? Sprid länken till uppropet och använd även gärna hashtagen #räddaöstasiatiskamuseet i sociala medier. Gå gärna in på Facebook-sidan Rädda Östasiatiska museet och ‘gilla’ den –

In English

On September 30th, Ann Follin, Director of ‘Statens Museer för Världskultur’ (SMVK), ‘The State Museums for World Culture’ delivered a report to the Ministry of Culture. The report contains a long-term plan to close the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, The Ethnographical Museum and the Museum of Mediterranean and Near Eastern Antiquities and merge them into a new ‘Världskulturmuseum’ or World Culture Museum. At this point the library of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities, one of the most comprehensive in northern Europe, is threatened with imminent partial closure as discussions are already being held with a new potential tenant.

The collections of the Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities are unique and well known internationally since its foundation in 1926. It would be a tragedy if the museum were to be merged with the other two museums to form a new Museum of World Culture. The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities would not only risk losing its identity but also the research and knowledge borne from its collections. The library would risk being boxed away and lost indefinitely.

Through signing this petition we request that The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities remain in its present form and premises with its unique collections and library and not to become part of the World Culture Museum in Stockholm. We also request that The Museum of Far Eastern Antiquities is once again given an experienced Museum Director with extensive and deep knowledge of the field and of the museum collections. The museum would once again be a centre for research of East Asia with focus on art, history and humanities of the past, present and future. Now more than ever it is important to learn about East Asia, a region very much in focus in a global perspective, both politically and economically.


Would you like to help? Spread the word by sharing the link to the petition and the hash tag #savemfea in social media. ‘Like’ us

Initiativtagare: Rädda Östasiatiska Museet




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img_1863   斯德哥尔摩绿色建筑大会也吸引了很多公司。例如,有贴膜降温防光技术,只要用一种塑料膜贴到窗户玻璃外面就可以防止强光进入室内,这样就不用太多空调。














作者 荷兰 张卓辉



中国驻荷兰王国大使吴恳、领事部主任蒋华,荷兰鹿特丹市长AhmedAboutaleb,世界中餐业联合会会长杨柳、秘书长尚哈玲,第八届中国烹饪世界大赛执委会主席、荷华联会主席王剑光,李锦记企业事务执行副总裁孔君道、荷兰卡仙奴(Holland Casino) CEO 总裁Erwinvan Lambaart、荷兰政府部门代表、荷兰侨领代表以及来自全球23个国家和地区的48支参赛队伍出席了9月19日上午的大赛开幕式。












荷兰本土共有14支代表队伍参加本届大赛,其中的“新东方餐饮协会荷兰女子创意队”是大赛有史以来首支女子代表队,荣获本届大赛团体银奖。当创意队的选手遇上中国(北京)名厨董振祥(大董) 时,他们立刻热火朝天地聊了起来,在一起讨论交流什么是好的美食、好的中华料理。






参加这次比赛的全世界400多名厨师中,绝大部分亚洲人,只有三位欧洲人,Edwin Vinke是其中之一。他作为一个荷兰人,对于选择荷兰为大赛的主办国喜闻乐见。但是,他知道中国人的烹调技艺和原材料,跟西方人有很大的不同,他们能够用鸡屁股、猪耳朵和骨髓做出很美味的菜肴,因此,他也使用荷兰Zeeland的贝类海产制作佳肴。他是深知中国烹调技艺神奇的人,他特别感兴趣留意中国人处理食材的手法,如何用特别的香料腌制,如何使用铁锅烹制。甚至,中国人的刀工也是他认为值得学习借鉴的部分,“他们用刀,和欧洲厨师完全不一样。”此外,中餐的发酵方法,也令他着迷。牛排和鹅肝酱、姜味的巧克力甜点、奶酪配炸虾,这就是在这次大赛上出现的菜式。据一位中国厨师介绍,现代中国的年轻一代,对于西方食品已经不陌生,因此,中西合璧的菜式也受到了青年一代的青睐。

大赛还设有“东方遇见西方——2016中欧餐饮领袖高峰论坛与顶级名厨厨艺大观”等多项活动。世界中餐业联合会常务副会长邢颖、第八届中国烹饪世界大赛执委会副主席邵建波、荷兰食品酒业协会会长Janvan Lissum、皇家御膳制作技艺第五代传人行斌、江苏海天餐饮(集团)股份有限公司董事长秦雷等悉数亮相,擦出思想的火花。中国享誉国际的大董、李权超、王海东,荷兰米其林二星名厨Edwin Vinke、法国的米其林一星主厨 Loïc Villemin 、比利时米其林二星名厨FilipClaeys也一展身手,以技艺比拼、美食交流为媒介,把最顶尖的中华美味呈现给世界。与此同时,大赛特刊编委会将编制出版图文并茂,彩色精装的《第八届中国烹饪世界大赛特刊》。





中瑞友谊万古长青 东方之韵北欧行--耿莹率团访问瑞典












下午,耿莹一行会见了瑞典医学家,妇女社会与和平活动家安德烈(Andrea Andreen)的侄女马格纳.安德烈.萨荷思(Magna Andreen Sachs)。


“新中国刚成立不久,我父亲作为将军被派来担任首任驻瑞典大使。后来,发生了朝鲜战争,中国叫抗美援朝。在朝鲜战争中,美国用细菌来打细菌战。因为中国刚刚成立,中国人的话不被人信任,也不被人认可。在这种情况下,我父亲找到了你的姑姑。安德烈女士不愧为是科学家。敢于说真话,揭 露真相。由于她们的调查,在调查中发现,朝鲜当地的农民也受到影响,因为得了鼠疫,另外我们的战士,也有在卫生院里因为细菌感染了病,所以,科学家的调查挽救了志愿军,说了真话,世界人民都相信,安德烈做了一件对世界都非常有益的和平举动。她支持了中国的正义,我在这里替我父亲向她表示感谢。另一个是这次能见到你,和你交谈,就是想让你知道,中华民族是一个知道感恩的民族。所以,时隔60年,我们依然记得这件事情,这也是我们表达感谢的方式。



安德烈.萨荷思女士是卡罗林斯卡医学院的高级顾问。她于去年和另一个堂妹一起合写了一本书名字叫《为了生命的缘故--安德雷亚.安德烈》(Andrea Andreen),讲述了安德烈的一生。其中有一章讲述了她在1953年和其他五名科学家一起到朝鲜战场上去检查是否美国军队使用细菌战的事实。

dsc_3753耿莹说,事后听我父亲说,周恩来总理后来给瑞典国王写过信, 说安德烈女士的做法挽救了世界和平,反对细菌战,这是个非常伟大的女性。

耿莹说,中国人选择了与自然同在。 所以中国人选择的路与西方的不同,中国人有5000年历史,有13亿人。就是靠中草药和一根银针。听说你在卡罗林斯卡工作作顾问。我想将来我们可以在中医方面进行合作,你们可以派学生学习中医。








瑞典文学院常务秘书萨拉.达纽斯接受采访。  陈雪霏拍摄






















