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Japanese Ohsumi wins 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology/Medicine

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 3(Greenpost)– Japan’s scientist Yoshinori Ohsumi has won the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine, announced Thomas Perlmann, Secretary of the Nobel Committee in Medicine at Karalinska institute at the Nobel Forum in Karolinska Institute on Monday.


“The Nobel Assembly at Karolinska Institute has today decided to award the 2016 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Yoshinori Ohsumi for his discoveries of mechanisms for autophagy.”  said Perlmann.


Nobel portrait.



img_1793 Professor Anna Wedell, Professor Nils-Göran Larsson and Maria Masucci  were present at the press conference. 

img_1781Committee member Professor Maria Macucci said Ohsumi’s discoveries led to a new paradigm in our understanding of how the cell recycles its content.

His discoveries opened the path to understanding the fundamental importance of autophagy in many physiological processes, such as in the adaptation to starvation or response to infection. Mutations in autophagy genes can cause disease and the autophagic process is involved in several conditions including cancer and neurological disease.

img_1789Ohsumi was born in 1945 in Fukuoka, Japan. He received his Ph. D from University of Tokyo in 1974. After spending three years at Rockefeller University, New York, USA, he returned to the University of Tokyo where he established his research group in 1988. He is since 2009 a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.


Juleen Zierath, Chairman of the Nobel Committee was interviewed by Green Post. 

In an interview with Green Post, Juleen Zierath, Chairman of the Nobel Committee said Ohsumi’s discovery is very important because he showed that through starvation of cells, he found that the cells can recycle themselves and keep themselves alive even in a starvation status.

She said the discovery of autophagy mechanisms can lead to several conditions possibly including cancer and neurological disease treatment.

The Nobel Prize in Medicine this year is 8 million Swedish kronor or over one million US dollars. The prize will be issued on December 10.

The Nobel Prize in Physics will be announced tomorrow on Oct. 4 at the Royal Academy of Science.



img_1765卡罗林斯卡医学院诺奖大会常务秘书托马斯.普尔曼在诺贝尔论坛大厅宣布,日本科学家大隅良典(Yoshinori Ohsumi)因其发现细胞自噬机制获得2016诺贝尔医学奖。 img_1781 卡罗林斯卡医学院教授马苏琪介绍说,自噬就是自己吃自己,就是说细胞可以通过自噬产生新细胞,新蛋白质。这样即使在饥饿状态下,细胞可以自噬坏死的或者受伤的细胞,从而保持生命的继续。

thumb_dsc_3203_1024卡罗林斯卡滋拉特(Zierath)教授在接受记者采访时说,这个发现非常重要,因为它向我们战士了细胞是可以循环再利用的。 这对将来应对饥饿,癌症和脑神经疾病都是非常有好处的。







2008诺贝尔化学奖得主钱永健8月24日去世 享年64岁


那就是在我表哥去世12天之后,8月24日,美国加州大学圣地亚哥分校药理、化学和生物化学教授、2008年诺贝尔化学奖共同获得者钱永健(Roger Tsien)博士在俄勒冈尤金市去世,享年64岁。

























许江的《藿风》, 《生草黄》和《青云还》系列展示了向日葵在风中挺立的执着。


dsc_3161我想证明的是:这种看起来“神秘的”,“不负责的”, “故作潇洒的”,“非实用的”审美的标准,其实是具有极强的科学,实用和理性的。“无意为佳,乃佳”,是因为有意为之的时候总是考虑不周,或是参杂偏见和私欲。人,要想超越自我,首先要承认:人不是万能的,而是有着很多的局限性,是能力有限的;人类的人和智慧和成就都是因为遵从了自然的规律。人类之伟大,是因为有能力遵从自然,而不是相反。艺术的目的是发现自然。






























China publishes new action plan on human rights

2016-09-29 13:20:02    Xinhua      Web Editor: Wang Kun
The Chinese government on Thursday published its third national action plan on human rights protection, addressing challenges and promising to improve people’s standard of living and quality of life.

The National Human Rights Action Plan of China (2016-2020), released by the State Council Information Office (SCIO), follows the previous two which covered 2009-2010 and 2012-2015 periods.

According to the new action plan, the period from 2016 to 2020 is a decisive stage for China to build a moderately prosperous society in an all-round way.

Although China’s human rights protection has moved up to a new level, problems remain, including those closely related to the people’s vital interests, the plan said.

The rule of law in safeguarding human rights needs to be further promoted and more efforts are required to realize higher levels of human rights protection, it said.

In an interview with Xinhua, an official of the SCIO said the action plan synchronizes with the country’s 13th Five-Year Plan (2016-2020), with the protection of human rights running in parallel with economic and social development over the next five years.

The action plan vows more resources and policy support for rural, remote and under-developed areas and aims to ensure equal access to public services, said the official.

In the coming five years, the Chinese government will combine human rights with economic, political, cultural and social progress, ecological protection and Party building and adhere to the people-centered development approach, according to the action plan.

China will put the protection of people’s rights to subsistence and development in the first place and take people’s well-being and all-round development as both the starting point and ultimate goal of China’s human rights work, it said.

The joint meeting mechanism as well as supervision and assessment will be improved to ensure the implementation of the action plan, it said.

Guaranteeing civil and political rights

“Law-based governance shall be advanced, judicial protection of human rights strengthened and orderly civil participation in political affairs expanded to effectively protect the people’s civil and political rights,” the action plan said.

In the plan, China promises to expand citizens’ rights to know through various channels, and increase means of their participation in social governance.

China will give more space to public opinion, increase ways of expression, improve supervision system for the operation of power, and protect citizens’ rights of free expression in accordance with the law, the action plan said.

Protecting rights for specific groups

The action plan highlighted measures to protect the lawful rights and interests of ethnic minorities, women, children, elderly people and the disabled.

The state will prioritize the development of ethnic minorities, and respect and protect their rights.

Objectives set in the National Program for Women’s Development (2011-2020) is expected to be realized to eliminate gender discrimination, improve the environment for women’s development and protect the legitimate rights and interests of women.

The level of social security and basic public services for the disabled will be raised, and efforts will be made to bring them more opportunities to participate in social life on an equal footing, the action plan said.

Stressing environmental rights

The action plan stressed to implement the strictest possible system of environmental protection, addressing environmental problems including air, water and soil pollution.

By 2020, the ratio of days with good air quality in cities above the prefecture level shall exceed 80 percent and the total emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitric oxides drop by 15 percent.

In a move to curb water pollution, by 2020, the chemical oxygen demand amount and total emission of ammonia nitrogen shall drop by 10 percent, and excessive exploitation of groundwater shall be brought under strict control.

The action plan also urged to protect marine resources and environment, and upgrade the energy structure, it said.

Boosting international exchanges

China will continue to fulfill its obligations to the international human rights conventions, and actively conduct international exchanges and cooperation in the field of human rights, said the action plan.

“China shall fully participate in the work of the UN’s human rights mechanisms, and promote the United Nations Human Rights Council and other mechanisms to attach equal importance to economic, social and cultural rights as well as civil and political rights, and function in a fair, objective and non-selective manner,” it read.

In the plan, China will increase consultation and cooperation on human rights with the other four BRICS members (Brazil, Russia, India and South Africa), developing countries and the G77 (group of developing nations).

China will also participate in regional and sub-regional activities on human rights, such as the Informal Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Seminar on Human Rights, the action plan added.

Source Xinhua  and CRI


中欧绿色邮报网社评   陈雪霏


Chief Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Chief Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson  陈雪霏主编












港珠澳大桥主体桥梁全线贯通 珠海到香港预计只需半小时


259085328_8  港珠澳大桥主体桥梁正式贯通











259092463_8  悬索桥方面:2005年建成通车的润扬长江大桥跨径1490米,2007年贯通的西堠门大桥主跨达1650米,是世界跨度第二大悬索桥。斜拉桥方面:苏通长江大桥跨径达1088米,是世界跨度第二大斜拉桥……









259085341_8  自1968年南京长江大桥建成通车以来,江苏省境内长江段相继建设了一座又一座世界级桥梁——江阴大桥、南京二桥、润扬大桥、南京三桥、苏通大桥、泰州大桥、崇启大桥、南京四桥、南京大胜关大桥……这些连接长江南北的大桥群,是我国桥梁建设飞速发展的一个缩影。







陈育明大使在国庆招待会上讲话。   陈雪霏拍摄。













林西莉和翟德贝出席招待会。   陈雪霏拍摄。




武力推销民主不可行 “一带一路”和平与发展可行

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)--由La Rouch夫妇二人分别建立的习勒研究所和EIR9月27日在斯德哥尔摩召开研讨会,专门讨论“丝绸之路”与和平与发展的关系。






China, Russia and the BRICS nations (Brazil,Russia, India, China and South Africa) have created a new paradigm in international economic and political relations. That Paradigm’s most outstanding feature is the establishment of a new financial and economic architecture to support real economic development such as infrastructure,industry, agriculture, and scientific and cultural cooperation among the member states and other nations who opt to cooperate with them. The key element of this new paradigm is most beautifully represented by the revival of the old Silk Road, into a New Silk Road for connecting nations and continents through modern transport systems such as railways. This New Silk Road, which is spearheaded by China, is now a global cooperation phenomenon with more than 70nations so far joining for mutual benefit. New financial institutions, such as the New Development Bank (NDB) and the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank(AIIB) and the “Silk Road Fund”, are already functioning as providers of financial support for this giant infrastructure development.

The Schiller Institute and Executive Intelligence Review, led by the ideas and efforts of Lyndon LaRouche and HelgaZepp-LaRouche, who is known in China as the “New Silk Road Lady”, have been working for decades to create a paradigm shift, away from”geopolitics,” to a new era of cooperation between sovereign nations,based on an ambitious infrastructure-driven economic development strategy — a plan for lasting peace through economic development and a dialog of cultures and religions. The Schiller Institute has organized tens of international conferences and seminars on these themes since 1996 ( In November 2014, EIR published the Special Report “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Land-Bridge”identifying in 376 pages the largest and most important infrastructure projects in the world, extending the New Silk Road into Africa and the Americas. This report is now available in Chinese and Arabic languages too ( All these efforts are now coming to fruition, thanks to the efforts of China, Russia, India and many other nationsin the BRICS, Shanghai Cooperation Organization, ASEAN and others.

In the meantime, the old paradigm ofgeopolitics, whose main feature has been the regime-change policies imposed bythe force of arms and political and economic destabilization, is wreaking havocin many parts of the world, especially in Southwest Asia, where several warsare raging simultaneously. The old paradigm is also signified by a deepexistential crisis of the predominant Transatlantic financial and bankingsystem. The collapse of this system, unless remedies are put in place in time,can lead to massive chaos on a global scale.

One very important aspect of the newparadigm is that from the start, China, Russia and their allies have invitedthe Western nations to participate. The BRICS and the Eurasian system ofcooperation along the New Silk Road is not a rival or a threat to the West, assome Transatlantic institutions and experts claim. It is an inclusive system,or as China’s President Xi Jinping has termed it, “a win-win” systemwhich benefits every nation that

participates in it. The G-20 Summit Meeting inHangzhou, China (4-5 September) was a very important stepping stone towardsthis goal. China and Russia have already identified the establishment of a new internationaleconomic and financial architecture as the key item on the agenda. The officialChina media, joined by top Russian analysts, have made clear that any such newand viable system must include the United States-but joining a multipolarsystem means that the U.S. must abandon its delusions of ruling a unipolarworld, which no longer exists, and begin collaborating with major nations for anew and just economic system. Therefore, given the dramatic situation in theMiddle East, Ukraine and the Baltic region, and even the South China Sea wheretensions are rising to unprecedented levels, it is now more necessary to seehow the U.S. and Northern Europa could contribute to a dialog on the principlesof a new world order based on peace, development and mutual interests andbenefits among nations.

There is a “true U.S.”that could become a partner for peace and development in the world, this is the main concern of our guest speaker, Diane Sare, an American political leader and civil society activist who has a long experience in dealing with Washington politics and American “main street”. Mrs. Sare has run multiple campaigns in New Jersey, twice for US Congress and once for governor againstChris Christie. She is also the founder and co-director of the SchillerInstitute New York City Chorus which is opening a critical flank to restoring sanity in the United States. Mrs. Sare will also discuss the reason behind the reluctance to accept and, often, rejection by the U.S. and some European countries of the invitations by China and Russia to join the new paradigm.

  Sweden could have a central role to bring Northern Europe into a positive role in this  concern, if the discussions here move from “geopolitics” and the current state of distrust and tension with Russia into a dialog on real strategic and economic issues, bridging the gap between East and West. Therefore, the Swedish branch of the International Schiller Institute would like to invite you to take par tin this seminar to give and take views on what shape of the new world order we wish to have for the benefit of the current and coming generations and all nations.

Sweden takes new measures to send asylum seekers back

Stockholm, Sept.23(Greenpost)– Swedish Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson said Sweden will take nine new measures to better deal with sending back asylum seekers.

Swedish Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson says concrete measures are being taken to continue repatriating asylum seekers. [Photo: Xuefei]

At a press conference in Stockholm, Swedish Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson said more measures are being taken to continue repatriating asylum seekers by giving police more power to check backgrounds.


It’s well-known that Sweden has been the most generous country in receiving refugees. Last year alone, it received 163 thousand asylum seekers from Syria, Afghanistan and many other countries. For various reasons, Sweden has decided to deport about 60 to 80 thousand back to their home country.

Justice and Migration Minister Morgan Johansson said Sweden has given priority to the war-torn Syrian asylum seekers.

“Of course, it totally differs depending on what nationality you have, we grant 100 percent Syrians to be able to stay in Sweden. Lower ratio to Afghan and Iraqi side. We also have applications from the Balkans, Serbia and Kosovo, I think 97 percent of them have been sent back.”

In the past, Sweden took refugees word when they told their stories, they didn’t verify facts for reasons of integrity. But that has become problematic because there are adult asylum seekers pretending to be children, and some asylum seekers who have not been granted refugee status, that still stay and even work on the black market.

For these and other reasons the Swedish government has decided to give police more power to check the ages of those claiming to be children and also to inspect businesses such as restaurants to check for illegal workers. On the EU level, the fingerprints of suspected refugees can be shared, and the police have the power to request ID’s and check them if they suspect someone has arrived illegally. The checks will not only be restricted to borders, they will be extended throughout the entire country. A total of nine measures will be taken to step up deportations.

The authorities are also offering a bonus of 30 thousand krona for a person or 70 thousand krona for a family if you leave Sweden voluntarily.

Johansson said it is difficult to ask people to leave.

“But we have to remember, since the war started in Syria in 2011, in five years, Sweden has given protection to 135 thousand Syrian, the biggest number than any country in per capita. So I really think that we have done one of the biggest humanitarian efforts since the Second World War.”

Being asked when the tightened border control will be lifted, Johansson said it will depend on the situation in other countries. For example Germany last year received 440 thousand refugees. When they tightened their border, people turned to come to Sweden. So far, Sweden still keeps the EU level of receiving refugees, the lowest level in Sweden and this is likely to continue.









第四, 警察和移民局合作更密切。
















Top story: Alternative Nobel Prize laureates are from Syria, Egypt, Russia and Turkey

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Sept.22(Greenpost)–The Laureates of this year’s Right Livelihood Award, widely known as the ‘Alternative Nobel Prize’,  has been announced in Stockholm.

photo-4“Syria Civil Defence (White Helmets) receives the price for their outstanding bravery, compassion and humanitarian engagement in rescuing civilians from the destruction of the Syrian civil war. It is the first time that a Rightlivlihood Award goes to a Laureate from Syria. “

According to Uexkull, the White Helmets consists of 3000 doctors, teachers and other civilians who never carry a gun but only rescue people from the gun powder.

Egypt’s Mozn Hassan and Nazra for Feminist Studies won the prize for asserting the equality and rights of women in circumstances where they are subject to ongoing violence, abuse and discrimination.

Russia’s Svetlana Gannushkina won the prize for her decades-long commitment to promoting human rights and justice for refugees and forced migrants, and tolerance among different ethnic groups.

Cumhuriyet, or Republic in English, from Turkey won the prize for their fearless investigative journalism and commitment to freedom of expression in the face of oppression, censorship, imprisonment and death threats.

“This year’s Right Livelihood Award Laureates confront some of the most pressing global issues head on—be it war, freedom of speech, women’s rights or the plight of migrants. With the 2016 award, we do not only celebrate their courage, compassion and commitment, we also celebrate the success of their work, against all odds, and the real difference they are making in the world today.”

Uexkull said that this year’s awards is a message that they like to send out that no matter how difficult it is ,there is always courageous people who are fighting for women’s rights and so on and they like to support them.

Established in 1980, the Right Livelihood Award honours and supports courageous people and organisations offering visionary and exemplary solutions to the root causes of global problems.

In addition to presenting the annual award, the Right Livelihood Award Foundation supports the work of its Laureates, particularly those who may be in danger due to the nature of their activities.

Today, there are 162 Right Livelihood Award Laureates from 67 countries who have been recognised for their outstanding vision and work on behalf of people and the planet.

Previous Laureates include environmentalists David Suzuki (Canada) and Vandana Shiva (India), human rights activists Jacqueline Moudeina (Chad), Dr Denis Mukwege (DR Congo) and Bianca Jagger (Nicaragua), as well as Swedish children’s book author Astrid Lindgren and high-profile US whistleblowers Daniel Ellsberg and Edward Snowden.

Photo/text   Xuefei Chen Axelsson