Category Archives: News


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)--中国驻瑞典大使陈育明9月1日在斯德哥尔摩美丽的国王公园一座古老建筑内宣布斯德哥尔摩中国文化中心正式宣告成立。 thumb_DSC_2167_1024









邓红和龙莲合奏琴箫。  陈雪霏拍摄



前国家主席胡锦涛于2007年6月9日访问瑞典。瑞典国王卡尔十六世古斯塔夫陪同检阅皇家卫队。 陈雪霏翻拍。




瑞典国务秘书奥斯卡.斯坦斯特伦致开幕词。 陈雪霏拍摄







U.S. Professor Rose receives her Stockholm Water Prize

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson
Stockholm, Sept. 1 (Greenpost)–Professor Joan B. Rose from American Michigan State University received her Stockholm Water Prize from the hands of the Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf in Stockholm City Hall on Wednesday.
Rose won the prize  for her tireless contributions to global public health; by assessing risks to human health in water and creating guidelines and tools for decision-makers and communities to improve global wellbeing.

She was treated as a good example of translating scientific achievement into policies and applied in communities.

In its citation, The Stockholm Water Prize Nominating Committee said that “The nexus of water-related microbiology, water quality and public health is rife with uncertainty – in both theory and practice. The world is blessed with few individuals who can tackle the increasing and changing challenges to clean water and health, starting from state-of-the-art science through dedicated and original research, then moving to professional dissemination, effective lobbying of the legislative arena, influencing practitioners, and raising the general awareness. Joan Rose is the leading example of this extremely rare blend of talents.”

After she received the Prize, Professor Rose said she was honored.

“As an individual it is an honour and I am overflowing with gratitude. But it means even more, because it is a prize that honours water, it honours the blue planet and it honours the human condition. Therefore, I am very proud”.

Joan Rose is widely regarded as the world’s foremost authority on the microorganism Cryptosporidium. In 1993, the largest outbreak to date of the intestinal parasite Cryptosporidium affected more than 400 000 people in Milwaukee, US, who got sick from contaminated drinking water. 69 people died in the outbreak. Cryptosporidium, which exists in both humans and animals, cannot be killed by chlorine, and lives for several months.

Professor Rose and her team, whom she calls “water detectives” investigate waterborne disease outbreaks globally, to determine how they can be stopped, and prevented. She was the first person to present the widespread occurrence ofCryptosporidium in water supplies in 1988.

“More than two billion people still lack adequate sanitation, and over one billion lack access to safe drinking water. Hundreds of thousands of deaths from diarrhoeal diseases each year could be prevented by improved water, sanitation and hygiene. Joan Rose, our water hero, is a beacon of light in the quest for securing a better, healthier life for this and future generations,” commented SIWI’s Executive Director Torgny Holmgren.

Talking about what she believes is the world’s greatest water challenge, Professor Rose said: “I think it is going to be the reversal of water quality problems around the world; the algal blooms in fresh water and coastal waters, and the pollution, not just associated with humans, but also with disease outbreaks among our wildlife, like amphibians and fish. I also think reconnecting water and food security will be a major challenge. We are starting to do it but it will definitely continue to be a challenge.”

Professor Rose was key in establishing the 2004 WHO Drinking Water Standard, setting out a new WHO paradigm with direct impact on virtually all countries; Rose also worked in Malawi and Kenya to help translate these into local regulation. UNESCO’s International Hydrological Program asked for her leadership in meeting its goals of resource management and capacity building for Member States. She chaired a specialist group within the International Water Association to ensure understanding and incorporation of updated standards at the state and national level in engineer standards around the world. Her expertise in identifying and prioritizing issues of water quality led to codification of the Great Lakes Water Quality agreement. She Chairs Singapore’s Water Audit Panel of the influential Public Utilities Board; Canada and Korea sought her guidance. And to use today’s technology, she established an online collective of 140 scientists in the Global Water Pathogens Project.

The Stockholm Water Prize is a global award founded in 1991 and presented annually by Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) to an individual, organization or institution for outstanding water-related achievements. H.M. King Carl XVI Gustaf of Sweden is patron of the prize. The Stockholm Water Prize Founders, united in their strong conviction to drive sustainability in the water sector, are: Bacardi, Borealis & Borouge, Europeiska ERV, HP, Kemira, Poul Due Jensen Foundation, Ragn-Sells, Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), Snecma/Safran, Water Environment Federation (WEF), Xylem and Ålandsbanken.





Progress made in Bandy and Hockey exchange between China and Sweden

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson and Perka Holmström

STOCKHOLM, Aug. 31(Greenpost)– Progress has been made in Bandy and Hockey cooperation and exchange between China and Sweden recently, said Perka Holmström,  one of the driving forces for cooperation between Sweden and China in Bandy and Hockey. 

Match i Vilda Väsby - med Shouting Zhang (1)” We made a “Pioneer Journey” for China’s Bandy and Hockey delegation from Harbin Sports University to a large part of our skating sports unique roots,” said Holmström. 

The Chinese  delegation consists of Harbin Sports University’s Sports Director Li Bindong who basically is responsible for all Olympic Medal Candidates – 3 World Cup Bandy and Ice Hockey Women, Xiao Jinqui (China Team Captain a copy of Salming), Zhang Huiri (14 year old), Du Yuchen 11 years (which became world famous with the song “Welcome to Beijing”) … Yue Qingshang, (Double Olympic Curling Medal) …and also the Sport Director for Qiqihaer University Zhang Shousheng.” said Holmström.  The following is a vivid and interesting travel log with important information about the Swedish-Chinese communication and exchange:

Bandyskridskor och Summering i Arlanda“Thursday – As our main base was in Vällingby (The first modern suburb in Sweden build 1950) … We started with Hässelby Kälvestas hockey training for 04 or where Daniel’s younger brother Leo Zhang guided three Chinese Women’s World Cup players … We also spent time with Värmdö J18 and Gustavsberg Bandy in the Archepelago… where it became the most physics as the ice unit took the day off. It was almost like in China, but we could show how to sharpen skates for both Bandy and Hockey – and also got an sharpener with us … so thanks to Värmdö Hockey and Gustavsberg Bandy.”

China group in ABB Arena Friday became Rink Bandy training, with Hammarby’s Women on the Classic Zinken … and then we saw Daniel Zhangs debut for Värmdö J18 in Ice Hockey, a game in the “Wild Väsby Ice Rink” … Yes it became a victory 4-1 for Daniels new team, and the China Bandy Captain approaching Ice Hockey World Championship too.

Saturday offered a visit to the historic Västerås. Nowadays it is named ABB Arena but for us mortals, it is – Rocklunda Forever. VSK Bandy with Legend “Lillis” Jonsson took care of us and we could both “Train Bandy with Mr Hans Johansson and Lillis” and then see the Elite teams VSK and Tellus, make the season premiere game, where the profile Pelle Fosshag, now the Somali National coach suddenly appeared and kept us company in the stands … On the way out of the hall, we met up with Jens Nielsen .. the Danish hockey legend rooted in Leksand, that has promised to lead a Danish Bandy Team in the World Cup 3 February against Iceland… He is now responsible for Leksands J20 in Ice Hockey, so he invited us to watch the match Västerås vs Leksand …. Unfortunately, the judges never showed up, so after 45 minutes we had to leave Rocklunda …

image001  On Sunday and Monday our “King” a little figuratively stepped into the game with visits to Drottningholm and Slottet..Of course also Operakällaren, Cafe Opera and the famous Fungus at Stureplan came in place … where FIBs Leif Klingborg and Hasse Johansson together with Bandy friend Göran Gezelius meet up with Vanessa and the Taishan Group Crew for the Classic “Kräftfest”… Yue Qingshang, could also conclude that there was no ice in Sundbyberg Curling Hall ..

China group in ABB Arena Tuesday early morning… Travel to Sandviken – Göransson Arena, Ice Time with Bandy  School… .Then quickly to Gävle and Brynäs for Hockey Training and Lunch … Back to Sandviken and Press Conference with World Cup organizer Magnus Roos and Wenche Yaman, FIBs Bo Nyman and Arne Anderstedt. Then SAIKs club director Per Söderlund took us on a regular team training with the A Team. We concluded with dinner with the Municipal Peter Kärnström and Ulf Gillström, Head of Culture and Leisure in Sandviken – We left the city with a Standard for twin town Chengde. Yes it was where  SAIK Bandy went for Winter Classic 2015 and where Women’s World Cup will take place in 2018, and hopefully also some Olympic Games will take place in Chengde 2022 – before a much needed night of sleep was offered on Högbo Bruk …

 Bo Nyman concluding meeting Sandviken

* Wednesday first a short trip to Sundborn – for the great Swedish Painter Carl Larssons Farm and after that Sports Ewa, where 4 pair of Bandy Skates was presented by CCM. Then the Bus took off to the Classic Edsbyn Bandy Club and first indoor Arena in Bandy, made in just wood… Edsbyn lined up with Elis and Siv Johansson, Ola Johansson and Keka Robertson for training with the A-Team … and where legend Magnus “Kuben” Olsson invited the ladies on a very own ride on the ice ….

image006Chinese delegation could also offer the Legendary Chinese “Welcome to Beijing” with Du Yuchen – inside the A Teams dressing room – almost a bit Bandy Music – before the trip returned us to Stockholm…Actually we were so fast that Legendary “Järven” just got us on telephone when we passed Bollnäs. Of course I then told the group the story of the Bandy Legend “Snoddas”… also some more Bandy Music… 

image009 Thursday … Offered Barkabys Outlet and an intensive search of the Ice Time and a Sharpener to do the Bandy Radie – before US Vice President, Joe Biden was in Stockholm… However, we received a contribution of 4 pair of Bandy Skates from Ekerö IK’s strongman Bertil Sundberg, in the small late hours, and I had time to thank for the loan of the bus for the journey from “Sweden’s Happiest Club” Ekerö IK started 1921 – the same year that Ice Hockey in Sweden also started… ..

image003 Friday .. We could conclude the “Testing of the new skates with 4 meter radie at Arlanda Wings Ice Rink, close to the Airport thanks to Club President Johan Karlsson… under the supervision of Bandy Pioneer and Sirius profile Janne Sjonemark who also work in the group around me and Hans Johansson for China Bandy …. Before they went home …

 Bo Nyman concluding meeting SandvikenFinally we meet Taishan who has been involved in several parts of the journey, an initiative by Vanessa Folkesson.. As one of the world’s largest suppliers of Sports Materials, just delivered mayor pieces to the Rio Olympics, they kindly asked to be involved in Bandys process to the Olympics 2022…

image010 Here are now also a number of projects they are interested in, developing both Bandy and Ice Hockey as well as other Winter Sports in skiing and skating – Perhaps we will see a “Developed Bandy Rink” already in the Bandy World Cup 13-16 October.

image007 China Bandy – Has 4 major important steps to take this Season….

image011*First Bandy School will start in Harbin Sport University already this season

*China Open Bandy Winter Classic in Chengde 30 December-1 January (Both Woman and Men)

*World Championship in Sandviken/Trollhättan 23-28 of January for Mens Team

*A blue print to the first University League with 5 Teams is in the process…

image004**In Ice Hockey – Kunlun Red Star will play their first KHL Game in Khabarovsk Thursday 1 september and we hope to see them play in Beijing 29 December 14.30 when meeting our Asia League competitor Amur from Khabarovsk…. Hopefully Nordic Vikings and Hokay will be back in Asia League next season…. , said Holmström.

image006 (1) * Thanks to Athletic Clubs in Sweden from Nordic Vikings … VSK, Hammarby, Sandviken, Edsbyn, Tellus, Brynäs Leksand, Väsby, Arlanda Wings, Värmdö, Gustavsberg, Hässelby Kälvesta .. Sandviken City and many major sporting personalities … Yes, in principle only the Ice Hockey Referees called absent on this trip….. But in total as an old Swedish Prime Minister once said in shoot notice “Our preparedness is good” …

On the other side in China, a lot of preparation for Bandy and Hockey are also going on. Please look at some of the photo records:












So Ying Da and his son are also involved in Bandy and Hockey!

All the photos are provided by Holmström.

Top story: Thai girl students win 2016 Stockholm Junior Water Prize

Stockholm (30 August 2016) – Three girl students from Thailand, Sureeporn Triphetprapa, Thidarat Phianchat and Kanjana Komkla, received the 2016 Stockholm Junior Water Prize on Tuesday for their innovative water retention device that mimics the water retention of the Bromeliad plant. H.R.H. Prince Carl Philip of Sweden presented the prize at an award ceremony during World Water Week in Stockholm.


As the three received the prize, Kanjana Komkla said “I’m really happy but I think every team is the best! And thank you everyone.”

By examining the efficacy of natural water collection by plants – especially in terms of the shape of plants that collect and capture water – Sureeporn Triphetprapa, Thidarat Phianchat and Kanjana Komkla built a device that mimics the water retention of the Bromeliad plant. The device has also been installed on rubber trees on rubber plantations. For this, they have been awarded the 2016 Stockholm Junior Water Prize, showcasing that nature is the best teacher.

The Jury was impressed by the winners, in particular their exceptional creativity, unrelenting diligence, enthusiasm and true passion for water.

“The theme of the 2016 World Water Week is Water for Sustainable Growth. The winning project addresses future water security and rural livelihoods using an elegant leap-frog technology which looks simple, but its beauty masks its complexity! The project embodies the theme well through its journey from the idea to application,” the Jury said in its citation.

“It has already proven to be scalable and is now being tested in the field, by hundreds of farmers, who are now benefiting from the inspiration from beautiful plants which have an exceptional capacity to collect and store water.”

Asked how she would want to take the winning project further, Sureeporn Triphetprapa said: “I will use our idea to relieve poverty in our community.”

“This shows that to make real progress towards achieving the Sustainable Development Goals, we need to start at the local level. This is a very good example of that; a simple, smart and scalable solution, making a big difference”, said Torgny Holmgren, Executive Director of SIWI.

The Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition brings together the world’s brightest young scientists to encourage their continued interest in water and the environment. This year, thousands of participants in countries all over the globe joined national competitions for the chance to represent their nation at the international final held during the World Water Week in Stockholm. Teams from 29 countries competed in the 2016 finals.

Diploma of Excellence to students from Mexico

A Diploma of Excellence was awarded to the students Gabriel David Alejandro Trujillo, Eunice Yaneli Masegosa Gaona and Carlos Castellanos Dominguez from Mexico. Their project – a pilot plant – combines an artificial wetland, electrofoculation process and a purification system to promote the use of reclaim water for small agricultural activities and school uses, such as bathroom discharges and cleansing.

“This team went right ahead to build and operate the kind of system that is often researched but rarely implemented well – if at all. Their accessible, practical solution is simple. The selection of local plants, previously undervalued, has made this innovation cost-effective to implement, and at the same time scientifically sophisticated,” the Jury said.


Zeming Zhang, Zhongpei Luo and Shiyong He from Guangdong Experiment School represented China to attend the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition.

Their project was to use double supersonic  frequency to destroy and then eradicate blue or green algae in polluted water.

It was impressive that the motivation of the team was to revive the river in their hometown so that the childhood happiness of holding dragon boat competition can be resumed and further to avoid diseases for many people due to the polluted water.

When asked why he participated in this project, Zeming Zhang said,

“There is a river in my hometown and we often held dragon boat competition and it was full of fun. But in recent years due to industrial pollutants and household waste water flowing into the river, we can’t hold dragon boat competition any more. I hope this kind of joy should be enjoyed by my young brothers and sisters too.”

Zhang said in the future, he hopes he can learn artificial intelligence or other environmentally related subject.

SIWI is a policy institute working for a water wise world. SIWI does independent research, generates knowledge and provides expert analysis and advice on water issues to decision-makers and other agents of change. SIWI organizes the World Water Week in Stockholm – the leading annual global meeting place on water and development issues – and hosts the Stockholm Water Prize and the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, which will be awarded during World Water Week.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)--泰国三名女中学生Sureeporn Triphetprapa, Thidarat Phianchat 和Kanjana Komkla 因为模仿凤梨植物而发明了富有创意的储水设备而获得2016斯德哥尔摩青少年水奖。30日晚,她们在斯德哥尔摩大饭店从瑞典王子菲利普手中接过奖杯和获奖证书。





当被问及她们将怎样处理获奖项目时,Sureeporn Triphetprapa回答说,“我们将用我们的理念来为我们的社区脱贫。”







“我家乡有一条河,小的时候,每年都在端午节有赛龙舟活动。但是,这几年来由于工业污染和生活污水都排放到河里,导致大量藻类生长,因此,近几年都没有赛龙舟活动了。这是我的童年。我希望我的童年非常感兴趣的活动分享给我的弟弟妹妹,让他们感受一下这样的活动。另外,很多人喝了有藻类的水,就引起肝病,导致肝硬化,很多人因为这种病而死亡。所以,我们就想办法改变它。 治理好藻类。”张泽明说。







SIWI launches “Water Tank”, platform for future water heroes

by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, o help celebrate the 20th jubilee of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize, SIWI has launched an alumni and accelerator platform for finalists – the Water Tank. The platform aims to help finalists turn projects into practice, with support from advisors and organisations from the global water community.

For 20 years, the Stockholm Junior Water Prize competition has engaged thousands of young people (age 15-20), who design water-related projects of environmental, scientific, social or technological significance. The international final is held in Stockholm during World Water Week. Participating in the competition has changed the paths of many of the finalists and winners.

Through the establishment of the Water Tank, SIWI, together with partners Xylem and Raincoat Foundation, help finalists to connect with the SIWI and World Water Week community and get the guidance, input and support needed to commercialize their projects. Open to all Stockholm Junior Water Prize finalists from the last 20 years, it will also be a great tool for finding water talent.

The platform provides opportunities for more seasoned professionals to participate as advisors or mentors. There are also many ways organizations can support this initiative.

The Water Tank is launched in conjunction with World Water Week and the 20th jubilee of the Stockholm Junior Water Prize.

World Water Week experts call for green water usage in Africa

Stockholm, August 30(Greenpost)–Water and climate experts have called for a Green Water Initiative in Africa, as part of a Water Revolution in Africa for alleviating hunger on the continent and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.

“Large parts of the world are struggling to adapt to a drier reality, but challenges are especially dire in Africa’s drylands. Africa’s climate is its Achilles Heel”, said Professor Malin Falkenmark, Senior Scientific Advisor to Stockholm International Water Institute (SIWI) at the beginning of the World Water Week.

In the water-scarce regions of sub-Saharan Africa (mainly consisting of savannah), direct management of scarce rainfall must form an integral part of the development agenda,

Green water refers to the part of the rain that infiltrates into, and is stored in, the soil.

At the onset of World Water Week, a group of world-renowned hydro-climate experts said that rainwater harvesting and other green water management methods, are key to alleviating hunger in sub-Saharan Africa and meeting the Sustainable Development Goals.


Johan Rockström, Director of Stockholm Resilience Center and  Johan Kuylenstierna, Director of Stockholm Environment Institute, Charles J. Vörösmarty and Torgny Holmgren from SIWI attended the  Malin Falkenmark Symposium at World Water Week.

The vast drylands encircling the Congo Basin are home to some 750 million people, a number that is expected to increase to 1.6 billion in the next 35 years. Meanwhile, agricultural yields in this region are very low, on average around one tonne per hectare, as a result of frequent droughts.

The group said that to meet the Sustainable Development Goal 2 (End hunger, achieve food security and improved nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture), Africa needs a Triple Green Revolution: green for productive use of green water, green for intensification and enhanced food production, and green for sustainability and building water resilience in watersheds.

Rain, the scientists said, is the ultimate water source in dryland agriculture, as the limited blue water (such as rivers and streams) will be needed for increased urban water supply, industry and energy production.

They suggest rainwater harvesting systems that can offer supplementary irrigation, harvested from slopes and valley bottoms and stored in ponds or dams for use during dry spells and drought periods.

To finance the initiative, the group proposed a Water Harvesting Innovation Fund for Africa, to build water resilience for food security and human well-being.

“Initiatives like the Green Water Initiative in Africa, within the framework of the 2030 Agenda is of great importance if we will have any chance of realizing the Sustainable Development Goals. I hope to see some concrete response to this call,” said SIWI’s Executive Director Torgny Holmgren.













瑞典卡罗林斯卡药理师和康复师罗尔夫. 诺尔德玛尔副教授介绍说,他也是瑞典西医医生针灸协会主席。他在1980年开始学习针灸。但瑞典在1984年才通过立法,接受针灸疗法。针灸主要应用在疼痛方面的治疗。他们有500名医生,5000名理疗师。在很多妇产科都使用针灸止痛。






















图文/北欧绿色邮报网 陈雪霏















北欧绿色邮报网现场报道(记者陈雪霏)--斯德哥尔摩市长karin Wanngård29日在世界水周开幕式上说,水是可持续经济增长的基础。














DSC_2085瑞典外交大臣马约特. 瓦尔斯特罗姆说,瑞典的外交政策的主要特征就是要赋予妇女权力。她说,据她多年的对外考察发现,很多非洲女孩儿都是家庭打水的主要劳动力,和男孩儿相比,是他们的两倍。如果她们能有稳定的可接触的水源,她们就可以好好学习,从事商业活动,从而从根本上消除贫困问题。


DSC_2088在开幕式上演讲的还有经合组织秘书长安吉尔. 胡里亚。他说,水安全和可持续发展,增加水利投资,促进创新是促进经济可持续增长的关键。



DSC_2098大会期间,斯德哥尔摩水奖获得者,美国密西根大学教授琼. 罗斯发表演讲说,她所率领的水问题研究团队已经发明了一套信息化的系统,可以监测到世界大部分水系的水文状况,可以监测到水污染到底是从哪里来的。











