Category Archives: News




















最好形容瑞典的有一个词叫Lagom. 是古代人打酒的时候,不多不少正好,一杯酒不能洒一滴,也不能少一滴,就是恰到好处这种程度。一个男人再关心你,也不会是你想要什么就给你什么。让你干活的时候,不说让你干,而是说Women can. 即妇女有能力。

总之,我只是粗略地谈谈感受。抛砖引玉。如果哪位愿意投稿魅力瑞典,欢迎啊! 来稿请发到, 或  微信 chenxuefei7.

Long live to Sino-Swedish relations

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Today marks the 66th anniversary of Sino-Swedish relations. In China, when a person becomes 66 years old, we will give a grand celebration with food and wine.

Similar, the relations between China and Sweden is worthwhile to celebrate too.

Recalling the past 66 years,  a lot has happened between the two countries.

Sweden was the first western country that established diplomatic relatlions with China.  That was May 9, 1950.

According to historical documents, Norway, Danmark, Finland and Sweden all recognized China in January.  But due to Mao Zedong and Zhou Enlai’s diplomacy of cleaning up the house first, they decided to accept Swedish offer first and established diplomatic relations with Sweden on May, 9, 1950.

So the former Swedish to China Ambassador said Sweden was chosen to be the first one to establish relations with China. Then Denmark, Finland and Norway established relations with China.

The consideration likely involves the history between China and Sweden. As early as 1700 century, Sweden had sent Gothenburg Ship to China to buy the tea, porshelin and silk. The trade caused a wave of China heat.  Even Queen Lovisa was a fan of China.

China Pavillion in Drottningholm was the typical evidence of this craze. It was Lovisa’s gift from the king when she was 33 years old.  Inside the pavillion there are a lot of Chinese books. The most impressive thing was the echoing room on the second floor.

Sometimes I feel the down to earth manner and the honesty Swedish people own are the trace of Chinese virtues. Honesty and down to earth are also the virtues Chinese seek.

In the 19th century, Sweden was the first country that signed a business agreement, but didn’t openly invade China or rob China like the other eight western  power.   But the two sides did sign agreements to divid the antiques people unearthened in Beijing Suburbs. That is why people today can see a whole lot of precious antiques dating back to Xia, Shang and Zhou Dynasty in Fareastern Antiquities Museum.

Swedish explorer Sven Hedin explored a lot along the silk road. Many Swedish like to have adventures in China. Ericsson established its office in Shanghai at the end of 19th century.

Meanwhile, Chinese also visited Sweden.  Liang Qichao, one of the six Gentlemen who presented a proposal to the Qing Emperor but faced severe punishment escaped to Sweden and lived here for a year.

When New China was established, General Geng Biao who was also vice premier then became the first ambassador to Sweden.  New China sent quite a few generals abroad to become the first ambassador.

DSC_9023Sino-Swedish relations have been so good that they sometimes can criticise each other. But they remain good friends.

Swedish King Carl XVI Gustaf visited China many times. Crown Princess Victoria had her training in China for a month.

Chinese President Hu Jintao visited Sweden in June 2007. President Xi Jinping visited Sweden in 2010 when he was vice president.   Premier Wen Jiabao visited Sweden in 2012.

Yu Zhengsheng, Chairman of CPPCC visited Sweden in June 2014.

While about 500 Swedish companies operate in China, many Chinese companies come to Sweden to invest. Volvo car owner now is Chinese Geely. Saab was also bought by Chinese from Shandong province.

Many Chinese investors bought houses in Sweden and like to contribute to Swedish economies.

Meanwhile, Swedish companies are also seeking opportunities in China.

In terms of culture, a new Chinese Culture Center will be established right in the center of the Stockholm City.  It is a good present for the 66th anniversary of Sino-Swedish relations.

What will be the future like?  In fact, from what I observed, more and more tourists, especially ordinary tourists are visiting Sweden. This is a sign that the Chinese are getting richer and richer. They can spend money from their own pocket to go abroad. They can afford it and they are allowed to do this.  There is no lofty slogan going on, but there is still a lot happening on the ground.

In my opinion, it is these down to business kind of relations that can be more sustainable if the embassy can allow this to happen. More freedom to move and more permission to visit,  it will be good for both sides, for the common people to exchange and do business.

Without such freedom, without such permission, it is difficult to really get the business booming.  Without exchange of people, we cannot talk about exchange of culture and business.

Sweden has advantage in environmental technology and practices, design, water and air and green energy while China is in need of green food, green tech and green energy.

DSC_9577Recently the exchange of Ice Hockey becomes frequent too. Several activities have taken place.  It is hoped more and more exchange activities will take place with the support from both government and businesses.

China “deserves big credit” for efforts to tackle climate change: Britain’s ex-Labour leader

by Xinhua Writer Zhang Jianhua
LONDON, May 3 (Greenpost) — China “deserves big credit” for its efforts to develop clean energy and work with other countries to tackle climate change, said Ed Miliband, former leader of the Labour Party in Britain.
“I am very impressed by China’s leadership on this issue, and when I look at what China is doing, and I think it is quite an amazing initiative that it is taking,” Miliband said in a recent interview with Xinhua.
Miliband was leader of the Labour Party from 2010 to 2015. He previously served as Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change, a cabinet post, from 2008 to 2010 under the then-prime minister Gordon Brown.
After resigning from party leadership last year, the politician has continued his role as a member of the Parliament and strived to build a cross-party coalition of lawmakers, businesses, trade unions and NGOs to campaign for tougher environmental policies and legislations in Britain.
Speaking of China’s newly released 13th Five-Year Plan, a national blueprint emphasizing “green development,” Miliband said it is “incredibly ambitious” and “a very important contribution” to tackling climate change.
“China has powered ahead of the renewable energy, but all of the evidence of the 13th Five-Year Plan is that it wants to power ahead ever further,” he said.
“China is planning to invest more in clean electricity generation in the next 15 years than the whole of Europe’s electricity generation, so this is an amazing effort on clean energy,” he added.
The former Labour leader noted that there is “big potential” for UK-China cooperation on climate change and other environmental issues.
The two countries, he said, could learn from each other on renewable energy “where China is obviously driving ahead electric cars.”
“There are all kinds of ways we can collaborate, and one area that I am interested in us collaborating on is Carbon Capture and Storage, so-called CCS, which is a big issue because it’s a way to make some traditional fissile fuel consumption clean. Capturing the carbon is going to be very important as we all lower our emissions,” he further elaborated.
Illustrating the “common but differentiated responsibilities,” a key principle in international environmental law, Miliband said that China and the UK can collaborate on “a wider point” of tackling inequalities in global climate governance.
“We can’t hope to tackle the climate change challenge without a commitment to tackling inequalities — inequalities between countries, and inequalities within countries… that seems to me to be the central part of tackling these challenges,” he stressed.
On broader international cooperation, Miliband pointed out that the most important thing is to begin with mutual understanding, as “every country faces compelling constraints and particular national circumstances.”
“I must say one of the things I welcome most of all has been the cooperation that the presidents of the United States and China have led in terms of their cooperation. The countries are so important to the future that the United States and China cooperating together is incredibly important,” he said.
In April, more than 170 countries signed the Paris agreement, a milestone in the fight against global climate change. The document was adopted last December with no objection by the 196 Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) in France.
It sets a goal of keeping global average temperature rise to below 2 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels and aims to limit the increase to 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels.
Miliband said the Paris agreement marked “the beginning of the beginning,” but it needs more ambitious actions to win “the race against time.”
“Paris is an important milestone, but we look at the science, the rising temperatures, and the way our countries are being affected by immediate issues like air pollution, and we recognize the urgency of moving forward,” he explained.
“We are in a race against time. While there is a lot more ambition from all countries, the science is in a way urging us to be even more ambitious, because it is telling us how difficult and how challenging the situation is,” he warned. Enditem

Russia eyes enhanced agricultural cooperation with China

MOSCOW, May 4 (Greenpost) — Russia hopes to strengthen agricultural cooperation with China, Russian Agriculture Minister Alexander Tkachev said in a recent interview with Xinhua.
“The trade volume in the agricultural sphere between Russia and China has been increasing during the past years, and in 2015 the figure hit 3 billion U.S. dollars,” Tkachev told Xinhua on Monday.
The agricultural development in Russia has demonstrated a strong dynamic with the firm state support and various development projects. And Russia’s export of corn, soybean, sunflower oil and flour to China has all increased in recent years, according to the official.
Implementing the Far East development program, for instance, is the Russian government’s priority task to increase the country’s investment attractiveness, said Tkachev.
“Our main priority in the Far East is to provide the conditions for investment in agricultural and infrastructure spheres,” Tkachev said, naming several regions such as Primorsky, Khabarovsk, Amur and Sakhalin, which border with or are in the vicinity of China’s northeast.
Those regions have the potential to increase agricultural production, if the government funds the restoration and modernization of agricultural infrastructure in the Far Eastern regions to stimulate investment and to support farmers, Tkachev said.
While domestic policies would help speed up the development of the Far East, Tkachev hoped investors could “produce a strong synergetic effect.”
Russia would like to boost mutual agricultural trade with China, as well as agricultural products’ accessibility to each other’s markets, said Tkachev.
Tkachev told Xinhua the implementation of joint investment projects under multilevel Russian-Chinese commissions on agriculture would be discussed during his working visit to China, which started Tuesday.
Meanwhile, Tkachev said he will discuss the safety of agricultural products during his meetings with Chinese officials.  Enditem

China to crush cyber fraud service providers

BEIJING, May 3 (Greenpost) — China will launch a nation-wide campaign to eliminate online services and materials that help fraudsters, according to the Ministry of Public Security (MPS) on Tuesday.
During the campaign, which will run until September, police will search for services such as those that offer the account-stealing Trojan virus; information exchange or information on hacking; trade of ID and bank account information; and falsified certification, among others.

The MPS, said cyber scams and cyber theft had become rampant in recent years, and offenders often go online to obtain the tools needed.

Moreover, police will also remove information pertaining to cyber fraud off the Internet.  Enditem




President Xi holds talks with Lao Leader to enhance ties

    BEIJING, May 3 (Greenpost) — President Xi Jinping held talks with visiting Lao President Bounnhang Vorachit on Tuesday.
This is Bounnhang’s first visit to China since he became General Secretary of the Central Committee of the Lao People’s Revolutionary Party in January and was elected president of Laos in April.
Xi, who is also general secretary of the Communist Party of China (CPC)Central Committee, said the visit showed the Lao side attached great importance to Laos-China ties. He called on both sides to seize opportunities to improve bilateral comprehensive strategic cooperation.

The traditional friendship between the two countries is their shared treasure, Xi said, stressing that China was ready to work with Lao new leadership to build a community with a shared future.
Xi called on the two socialist countries to enhance high-level contact, maintain a high level of political mutual trust, improve exchanges between the two ruling parties and promote mutual learning in governance.

The two sides can integrate their development strategies, strengthen pragmatic cooperation, expand people-to-people exchanges and enhance collaboration on security affairs, according to Xi.
The Chinese president also hoped the two countries will further coordinate in international affairs, including cooperation between China and ASEAN.

Echoing Xi, Bounnhang said he believed this visit will improve high-level mutual trust and that the new leadership of Laos will continue to push forward relations between the two parties, the two countries and the two peoples.

Bounnhang thanked China for its support to Laos’ holding the ASEAN’s rotating chair this year.
Speaking highly of China’s development, Bounnhang said he believed China will continue to contribute to peaceful regional and world development.
The two leaders witnessed the signing of a series of cooperative documents. Enditem


South China Sea Islands belong to China: Li

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, May 4(Greenpost)– Overseas Chinese leaders in Sweden Wednesday gathered at the Chinese Embassy in Stockholm to discuss the situation in the South China Sea.

DSC_9412Li Junfeng, Charge D’affair at the Chinese Embassy said at the gathering that he has heard some western reports proposing such questions such as South China Sea Islands are so far away from Chinese mainland, how can that belongs to China?

“The territories and jurisdictions are not decided by how far it is away from the mainland. Hauwaii sits far away from the American mainland, but no one can deny that it belongs to America.  In fact, South China Sea Islands belong to China since ancient times. China is the first to discover, name and develop these islands. Chinese government exerted its sovereign rights over these islands. Chinese government has published the names of these islands in 1935, 1947 and 1983. ”

During the Japanese invasion and occupation of China in the 1930s, the islands were temporarily occupied by the Japanese. But after the Second World War when Japanese was defeated by the Atomic Bombs thrown in by the Americans, China took back these Islands with the observance of the United States and the International Communities. It was well recognised by the International Communities.

There were no disputes before the 1970s. However,  after the 1970s, the Philippines illegally occupied eight small islands through four military actions causing the South China Sea dispute.

In 1999, the Philippines sent a ship to an island there and left there. When the Chinese side went to ask them to leave, the Philippine side said they lost a screw in the ship. They would leave later when they get the ship repaired.  But that was an excuse. Since then they never left.

Now the Philippines claimed that they occupied the island since then. But the Chinese side holds that the Philippines action was illegal. He criticised the Philippines action of illegally occupying some islands.

He also said that China insists on solving the dispute through peaceful negotiations and ASEAN countries should work together for a common prosperity in the region.

“China believes in that saying: Relatives from far away is not as useful as a neighbour which lives nearby.  Let alone China and the Philipines share similar oriental culture. Sooner or later, the friendly relations between the two countries should be resumed, and that should be the right track,”  said Li.

“China has never changed its stance of leaving dispute aside and achieving common development,” said Li.

His stance was supported by the Chinese in Sweden.

DSC_9433James Wang, President of the Chinese Federation of Industry and Commerce in Sweden said South China Sea Islands belonged to China since ancient times. It is hard to believe that other countries claim them.  China has the full right to protect its own territories.

DSC_9437Peiqun Ye, Executive Director of Swedish National Federation of Chinese Associations said as China grows stronger, the dispute will be less. He hopes that in a couple of years, the situation will change for the better.

DSC_9439Liran Yang, former chairwoman of Stockholm Chinese Cultural Association said all the women of the Chinese origin or second generation should exert their influence by giving true explanation of Chinese history and evidence that China owns the South China Islands.

DSC_9429Yuli Wang, Vice President of the Swedish Chinese Federation of Industry and Commerce said he doesn’t rule out the possibility that some people are jealous of China’s develepment over the past years and want to disturb the peaceful environment China enjoys.

Jisheng Wang, honorary Chairman of Swedish Chinese Federation said China has no doubt to hold its bottom line about the South China Sea Islands which belonged to Chinese since ancient times.

“The Philippines has been colonised many times by other invaders, but with China, similar to other parts of China, the Philippines used to pay tribute to the Chinese. It is right not to recognise the Philippines’ unilateral action about the South China Sea Islands,” said Wang.

About 20 Chinese leaders of various associations in Sweden attended the talk and expressed support for China’s stance on the so-called South China Sea issue.

For Chinese it is not an issue, but other countries around the South China Sea began to claim some islands and even occupy them illegally.

DSC_9395Li Junfeng said the Philippines claimed Huangyan Island and other smaller islands belong to them. But the fact is that according to the Paris Treaty signed in 1898, The Washington Treaty signed in 1900, British and American Treaty in 1930, the Philippines’ western border lies in 118 degree in longitude.  And Huangyan and other Islands lie in the west of 118 degree in longitude. After the Philippines got independent, its national law recognizes the relevant treaties about its territories.

In 2013, the Philippines sued China to the International Arbitration Tribunal in the Hague. China accused the Philippines went against their promises of solving the problems through bilateral negotiations.

It is hoped that the current Philippine presidential election will vote out the Aquino government so that the South China Sea issue calms down.

Swedish Foreign Minister Margot Walström said at least the South China Sea area is in peace. In deed, China has actually played a great role in stablizing the Asian situation and bringing prosperity in the region with the focus on  booming economic development.

Many people in China actually think the government was not tough enough in dealing with the dispute. But many wise Chinese drew the lessons of American invasion of Iraq.

It is easy to enter into a war, but it is difficult to withdraw from the war.  “Man can say that they won the war but lost the peace,” said Li.

He said hegemonism doesn’t work because China is still a developing country and China needs a peaceful environment for economic and social development. Some super powers have taken impulse actions and created a lot of enemies for themselves. That is not good for a harmonious world.

China still embraces the idea of building a harmonious world with its neighbours and all the people who love peace.

































4月30日10点开始,瑞典皇家军乐团将在王宫外面进行演奏。国王将乘马车环王宫一周。 届时将有很多公众观看。
  • Konung Carl XVI Gustaf (f. 1946)
  • Drottning Silvia (f. 1943)
  • Kronprinsessan Victoria (f. 1977)
  • Prins Daniel (f. 1973)
  • Prinsessan Estelle (f. 2012)
  • Prins Oscar (f. 2016)
  • Prins Carl Philip (f. 1979)
  • Prinsessan Sofia (f. 1984)
  • Prins Alexander (f. 2016)
  • Prinsessan Madeleine (f. 1982), gift med herr Christopher O’Neill (f. 1974)
  • Prinsessan Leonore (f. 2014)
  • Prins Nicolas (f. 2015)
  • Prinsessan Birgitta (f. 1937)




1. Seminar on the Baltic Sea – The Royal Dramatic Theatre, Arrival outside

Photo position (still photo, TV/web cameras, reporters)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint –
Media to gather at 18.15, the Royal Dramatic Theatre’s Royal Entrance

Aftonbladet (3), Bild & Kultur (1), Expressen (3), IBL (2), KulturSthlm (1), Stella Pictures (2), SVT (3), Sveriges Radio (1), TV4 (3), TT Nyhetsbyrån (2)

ARD (4)


2. The Armed Forces Music Corps performs a concert – The Royal Chapel

Photo pool, reporters
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint –
Media to gather at 17.30, West Vault

Aftonbladet (1 still photographer, 1 reporter), Bild & Kultur (1 reporter), Expressen (1 still photographer, 1 reporter), IBL (1 still photographer), Stella Pictures (1 still photographer), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1 still photographer), TV4 (1 reporter)

ARD (1 reporter)


3. Reception for authorities and organizations – The Royal Palace

Photo pool only (still photo)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint –
Media to gather at 9.30, West Vault

IBL (1), Stella Pictures (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1)


4. Reception for authorities and organizations – The Royal Palace

Photo pool only (still photo)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint –
Media to gather at 9.30, West Vault

IBL (1), Stella Pictures (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1)

5. The royal artistic academies congratulate The King – The Royal Swedish Opera, Arrival of guests

Photo position (still photo, TV/web cameras, reporters)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint –
Media to gather at 14.15, main entrance, the Royal Swedish Opera

Aftonbladet (3), Expressen (3), IBL (2), Stella Pictures (2), TT Nyhetsbyrån (2), TV4 (2)

Agentur Schneider Press (1), ARD (3), ddp (1), Getty Images (1), Monarchy Press (1), NRK (2), Nunn Syndication (1), Royal Press Europe (1), Royal Press Photo (1)

The royal artistic academies congratulate The King – The Golden Foyer, The Royal Swedish Opera

Photo pool, reporters
Ladders NOT allowed

Aftonbladet (1 reporter), Bild & Kultur (1), Expressen (1 reporter), IBL (1 still photographer), Stella Pictures (1 still photographer), Svensk Damtidning (1 reporter), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1 still photographer)

6. The Royal Swedish Opera and Stockholm Concert Hall will give a concert – The Nordic Museum, Arrival of guests

Media position (still photo, TV/web cameras, reporters)
Ladders allowed
Checkpoint –
Media to gather at 17.45, the Nordic Museum

Aftonbladet (3), Bild & Kultur (1), Expressen (3), IBL (2), Stella Pictures (2), Svensk Damtidning (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (2), TV4 (3)

Action Press (1), Agentur Schneider Press (1), alex&er’s Images (1), ARD (3), Billed Bladet (3), Bunte (2), ddp (1), E-press Photo (1), Getty Images (1), Hussein Royal Collection (1), Monarchy Press Europe (1), Newspix International (1), NRK (2), Nunn Syndication (1), People Picture (1), Rex Schutterstuck (1), Royal Portraits Europe (1), Royal Press Europe (1), Royal Press Photo (1), Se og Hör (2), UK Press Ltd (1)

The Royal Swedish Opera and Stockholm Concert Hall will give a concert – The Nordic Museum, Inside

Photo pool only (still photo)
Ladders NOT allowed

IBL (1), Stella Pictures (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1)


7. Te Deum thankgsgiving service – South Vault, The Royal Palace, Arrival of the guests

Photo position: Stairwell in South Vault
Ladders NOT allowed
Dress code: Dark suit
Checkpoint A –
Media to gather at 8.00, the entrance to Museum Tre Kronor

Upper level (TV/web, still photo)
Aftonbladet (1), Expressen (1), IBL (1), Stella Pictures (1), SVT Nyheter (1), SVT Året med Kungafamiljen (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1), TV4 (1),

Abaca (1), Action Press (1), Agentur Schneider Press (1), alex&er’s Images (1), Antena 3 (1), ARD (1), Associated Press (1), Billed Bladet (1), Broadview (1), Bunte (1), ddp (1), dpa (1), E-press Photo (1), Monarchy Press Europe (1), Newspix International (1), NRK (1), NTB Norge (1), Nunn Syndication (1), People Picture (1), Rex Shutterstuck (1), Royal Portraits Europe (1), Royal Press Europe (1), Royal Press Photo (1), Se og Hör (1), UK Press Ltd (1), XINHUA (1), YLE (1) ZDF (1)

Lower level (photo pool – still photographers only)
Aftonbladet (1), Expressen (1), Getty Images (1), IBL (1), Stella Pictures (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1)

Te Deum thanksgiving service – The Royal Chapel

Photo pool only (still photo)
Ladders NOT allowed
Dress code: Dark suit
Checkpoint A –
Media to gather at 8.00, the entrance to Museum Tre Kronor

IBL (1), Stella Pictures (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1)

A limited number of media companies will be allocated a seat for one reporter each at Te Deum thanksgiving service, by special invitation of the Swedish Royal Court.

8. The Swedish Armed Forces’ celebration – The Outer Courtyard

Media position (still photo, TV/web cameras, reporters)
Ladders allowed
Checkpoint B –
Media will be let into the media positions at 10.00 on the Outer courtyard

Aftonbladet (3), Bild & Kultur (1), Expressen (3), IBL (3), KulturSthlm (1), Stella Pictures (3), Svensk Damtiding (1), Sverigs Radio (1), SVT Nyheter (3), SVT Året med Kungafamiljen (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (3), TV4 (3)

Abaca (1), Action Press (1), Agentur Schneider Press (1), alex&er’s Images (1), Antena 3 (3), ARD (3), Associated Press (1), Billed Bladet (3), Broadview (3), Bunte (1), ddp (1), dpa (1), E-press Photo (1), Getty Images (1), HER og NÅ (1), Hussein Royal Collection (1), Iltalehti (2), Monarchy Press Europe (1), Newspix International (1), NRK (2), NTB Norge (1), Nunn Syndication (2), People Picture (1), Photomedia (1), PPE-Agency (1), Rex Shutterstuck (1), Royal Portraits Europe (1), Royal Press Europe (1), Royal Press Photo (1), Se og Hör (2), UK Press Ltd (1), XINHUA (1), YLE (1), ZDF (2)

9. Choral tribute – Lejonbacken, The Royal Palace

Photo position (still photo, TV/web)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint C –
Media to gather at 11.30, outside the South Vault, on Slottsbacken

Aftonbladet (1 still photographer), Expressen (1 still photographer), IBL (1 still photographer, 1 video), Stella Pictures (1 still photographer, 1 video), SVT Året med Kungafamiljen (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1 still photographer, 1 video), TV4 (1)

Media that have not been given a position in the photo pool on Lejonbacken may photograph from public areas in front of the Lejonbacken terrace.

Departure of the cortège – Mynttorget

Photo position (still photo, TV/web)
Ladders NOT allowed

Aftonbladet (1 still photographer), Expressen (1 still photographer), IBL (1 still photographer, 1 video), Stella Pictures (1 still photographer, 1 video), SVT Året med Kungafamiljen (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1 still photographer, 1 video), TV4 (1)

Media that have not been given a position in the photo pool may photograph from public areas.

10. Lunch at City Hall – Arrival of guests

Media position (still photo, TV/web cameras, reporters)
Ladders allowed
Checkpoint D –
Media to gather at 12.20 at the gates to City Hall park, Ragnar Östbergsplan 5/Norrmälarstrand. Late arrivals will not gain access to the photo position.

Aftonbladet (3), Bild & Kultur (1), Expressen (3), IBL (2), Stella Pictures (2), Svensk Damtidning (1), SVT Nyheter (3), TT Nyhetsbyrån (2), TV4 (2)

Abaca (1), Action Press (1), Agentur Schneider Press (1), alex&er’s Images (1), Antena 3 (3), ARD (3), Associated Press (1), Billed Bladet (3), Bunte (1), dpa (1), E-press Photo (1), Getty Images (1), Hussein Royal Collection (1), Iltalehti (1), Monarchy Press Europe (1), Newspix International (1), NRK (2), NTB Norge (1), Nunn Syndication (1), People Picture (1), PPE-Agency (1), Rex Shutterstuck (1), Royal Portraits Europe (1), Royal Press Europe (2), Royal Press Photo (1), UK Press Ltd (1), XINHUA (1), YLE (1), ZDF (2)

Lunch at City Hall – Blue Hall

Photo pool only (still photo)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint E –
Media to gather at 12.45 at the City Hall reception, Ragnar Östbergsplan 1

IBL (1), Stella Pictures (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1)

11. Reception for the Riksdag, the Government and the county governors – The Royal Palace

Photo pool only (still photo, TV/web)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint –
Media to gather at 15.00, West Vault

IBL (2), Stella Pictures (2), TT Nyhetsbyrån (2), TV4 (1)

12. Banquet – The Royal Palace, The King and Queen greets the guests

Photo pool only (still photo)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint A –
Media to gather at 17.30, the entrance to Museum Tre Kronor

IBL (1), Stella Pictures (1), TT Nyhetsbyrån (1)

Banquet – The Royal Palace, Guests arrive to the Hall of State

Photo pool only (still photo, TV/web)
Ladders NOT allowed
Checkpoint A –
Media to gather at 17.30, the entrance to Museum Tre Kronor

Aftonbladet (1), Expressen (1), IBL (2), Stella Pictures (2), TT Nyhetsbyrån (2), TV4 (1)


Det Kungl. Huset utgörs av

  • Konung Carl XVI Gustaf (f. 1946)
  • Drottning Silvia (f. 1943)
  • Kronprinsessan Victoria (f. 1977)
  • Prins Daniel (f. 1973)
  • Prinsessan Estelle (f. 2012)
  • Prins Oscar (f. 2016)
  • Prins Carl Philip (f. 1979)
  • Prinsessan Sofia (f. 1984)
  • Prins Alexander (f. 2016)
  • Prinsessan Madeleine (f. 1982), gift med herr Christopher O’Neill (f. 1974)
  • Prinsessan Leonore (f. 2014)
  • Prins Nicolas (f. 2015)
  • Prinsessan Birgitta (f. 1937)

Kungl. Familjen utgörs av Kungl. Huset samt Kungens övriga systrar:

  • Prinsessan Margaretha, Fru Ambler (f. 1934)
  • Prinsessan Désirée, Friherrinna Silfverschiöld (f. 1938), gift med friherre Niclas Silfverschiöld
  • Prinsessan Christina, Fru Magnuson (f. 1943), gift med generalkonsul Tord Magnuson.I Kungl. Familjen ingår även
  • Grevinnan Marianne Bernadotte af Wisborg (f. 1924)
  • Grevinnan Gunnila Bernadotte af Wisborg (f. 1923)
  • 来源,瑞典皇家网站。















Spotlight: China’s economic policy adjustment messages get accepted by int’l investors

BEIJING, April 16 (Xinhua) — International confidence in China’s economic future obviously improved following the release of key statistics for its economic performance in the first quarter on Friday, as people outside China have come to accept China’s “new normal” of slower growth between 6.5 percent and 7 percent.
David Dollar, senior fellow at the John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution, said that macroeconomic measures put in place by the Chinese government have helped stabilize the economy, an improvement from several months ago when many were worried about “a hard landing.”
“All this obsession with a Chinese hard-landing I think is a bit too much,” Suan Teck Kin, an economist with the United Overseas Bank in Singapore, was quoted by Reuters as saying.
“Chinese economic data is showing signs of stabilization, including recent PMI numbers, as well as the latest figures on industrial production and retail sales,” Suan said.
China’s gross domestic product grew by an annualized 6.7 percent in the first quarter, with March industrial output surprising at 6.8 percent.
Its exports grew by 11.5 percent in March, the first expansion since June, though a lower base last year and seasonal factors associated with the Chinese New Year may be some distorting factors.
Retail sales in the first quarter rose by 10.3 percent from a year before, up from 10.2 percent in the previous quarter.
“The latest data are strong enough to show that despite its prolonged slowdown, China remains a main engine of global growth,” the Associated Press reported.
The AFP also said that “green shoots (are) appearing” even though the quarterly growth has slowed.
Challenges remain as China tries to push through a transition from growth driven by investment and exports to growth led by consumption and the services sector.
Some of the observers voiced concerns over the rise in corporate debt while acknowledging the signs of recovery.
However, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in a report on Wednesday that China’s corporate debt risks are rising but still manageable.
The IMF report said risks are concentrated in five sectors such as real estate, manufacturing, retail and wholesale, mining and steel, where earnings relative to interest expense have fallen despite declining nominal interest rates.
It estimates that bank loans potentially at risk in China amount to almost 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars, which could translate into potential bank losses of 756 billion dollars.
“This number may seem large but it is manageable, given China’s bank and policy buffers and continued strong growth in the economy,” said Jose Vinals, director of the IMF’s monetary and capital markets department.
In its latest quarterly forecast released earlier this week, the IMF raised its China growth projections for both 2016 and 2017 by 0.2 percentage point, a bright spot amid sluggish global growth.
Economists and analysts agree that the Q1 growth, though slowest in seven years, is in line with market expectations.
Chen Fengying, world economy research fellow with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said people outside China have gradually come to accept the “new normal” of China as the authorities increased their communication efforts on the economic policies.
“The economists and investors outside China no longer expect 9 percent or faster growth,” she said. “It is a process of China’s messages of policy adjustments getting through to international investors.”  Enditem

BiH, China should expand ties, deepen understanding: Presidency Chairman

by Han Jianjun
SARAJEVO, April 19 (Xinhua) — Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) and China should expand economic ties and the two sides will benefit from “16+1” cooperation, said BiH Presidency Chairman Bakir Izetbegovic here on Tuesday.
During an interview with Xinhua, Izetbegovic noted the two countries have a solid base for stable and friendly partnership.
“We can and we should expand our economic cooperation in the future for the mutual benefit,”said Izetbegovic.
He also highlighted the cooperation between China and countries in Central and Eastern Europe (CEE),or “16+1″cooperation.
“The idea of 16 + 1 cooperation, linking China as an economic powerhouse of the world with emerging economies of Central and Eastern Europe, is a great vision,” he said, adding “it can benefit both China and the region.”
He also talked about the coming Sarajevo Business Forum in May, which will be combined with the “16+1″economic and trade forum. Sarajevo Business Forum is one of the largest of its kind in the region.
On the Belt and Road Initiative, Izetbegovic said BiH is willing to play a role in it.
“We have a potential for growth, especially in the field of energy, and we need to connect more strongly with our region and with the rest of the world. We are working to develop our infrastructure, and China is welcome to play a role in that development.”
The BiH Presidency Chairman also noted the two countries should enhance bilateral understanding.
“There are two key areas I find crucial for deepening the understanding between China and BiH: culture and tourism,”he said, “Chinese guests are more than welcome in our country, and I hope there will be more of them in the future. I also hope many more BiH people will visit China.”
Izetbegovic said his country applied for the European Union (EU) membership, which made it more interesting to foreign investors, including Chinese investors.
He admitted there were a lot of work to be done before the application is accepted, but BiH was ready to overcome difficulties with negotiation, compromise and patience.
Izetbegovic, a member of the BiH Presidency since 2010, is the son of the first President of BiH Alija Izetbegovic.  Enditem



Spotlight: China’s economic policy adjustment messages get accepted by int’l investors
BEIJING, April 16 (Xinhua) — International confidence in China’s economic future obviously improved following the release of key statistics for its economic performance in the first quarter on Friday, as people outside China have come to accept China’s “new normal” of slower growth between 6.5 percent and 7 percent.
David Dollar, senior fellow at the John L. Thornton China Center, Brookings Institution, said that macroeconomic measures put in place by the Chinese government have helped stabilize the economy, an improvement from several months ago when many were worried about “a hard landing.”
“All this obsession with a Chinese hard-landing I think is a bit too much,” Suan Teck Kin, an economist with the United Overseas Bank in Singapore, was quoted by Reuters as saying.
“Chinese economic data is showing signs of stabilization, including recent PMI numbers, as well as the latest figures on industrial production and retail sales,” Suan said.
China’s gross domestic product grew by an annualized 6.7 percent in the first quarter, with March industrial output surprising at 6.8 percent.
Its exports grew by 11.5 percent in March, the first expansion since June, though a lower base last year and seasonal factors associated with the Chinese New Year may be some distorting factors.
Retail sales in the first quarter rose by 10.3 percent from a year before, up from 10.2 percent in the previous quarter.
“The latest data are strong enough to show that despite its prolonged slowdown, China remains a main engine of global growth,” the Associated Press reported.
The AFP also said that “green shoots (are) appearing” even though the quarterly growth has slowed.
Challenges remain as China tries to push through a transition from growth driven by investment and exports to growth led by consumption and the services sector.
Some of the observers voiced concerns over the rise in corporate debt while acknowledging the signs of recovery.
However, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) said in a report on Wednesday that China’s corporate debt risks are rising but still manageable.
The IMF report said risks are concentrated in five sectors such as real estate, manufacturing, retail and wholesale, mining and steel, where earnings relative to interest expense have fallen despite declining nominal interest rates.
It estimates that bank loans potentially at risk in China amount to almost 1.3 trillion U.S. dollars, which could translate into potential bank losses of 756 billion dollars.
“This number may seem large but it is manageable, given China’s bank and policy buffers and continued strong growth in the economy,” said Jose Vinals, director of the IMF’s monetary and capital markets department.
In its latest quarterly forecast released earlier this week, the IMF raised its China growth projections for both 2016 and 2017 by 0.2 percentage point, a bright spot amid sluggish global growth.
Economists and analysts agree that the Q1 growth, though slowest in seven years, is in line with market expectations.
Chen Fengying, world economy research fellow with the China Institute of Contemporary International Relations, said people outside China have gradually come to accept the “new normal” of China as the authorities increased their communication efforts on the economic policies.
“The economists and investors outside China no longer expect 9 percent or faster growth,” she said. “It is a process of China’s messages of policy adjustments getting through to international investors.”  Enditem