Category Archives: News

Interview: Russian Far East official expects more Chinese investment

VLADIVOSTOK, Russia, March 23 (Xinhua) — The Primorsky region in the Russian Far East will see more Chinese investment, said Vladimir Miklushevsky, the region’s governor.

More than half of the foreign trade turnover of Primorsky is connected with Northeast China, Miklushevsky told Xinhua.

“We are now working with 200 Chinese companies investing in agriculture, manufacturing as well as trade. And we’re very excited to increase this investment flow.”

He noted that projects in the priority areas of farm products, logistics, industrial and food production have already started in the region.

The governor said investors can enjoy a number of tax benefits in those sectors and in the meantime, foreign investment will bring benefits to local residents.

Miklushevsky also said cultural, scientific and educational ties is the basis for economic trade relations between the two nations.

Despite global financial woes and Russia’s economic difficulties, new opportunities are emerging for the region’s ties with China, he said.

“A huge influx of Chinese tourists visited Primorsky. In 2015, the number of Chinese tourists doubled compared with the previous years, and our tourist income increased 30 percent,” said Miklushevsky.

The governor said authorities are preparing for this year’s East Russia Economic Forum scheduled for Sept. 6-7.

“The first forum had a great success, and the Chinese delegation was the largest and the most active one. They showed great interest toward Russia,” he added.  Enditem


China will maintain medium-high growth: premier

  BOAO, Hainan, March 24 (Xinhua) — Chinese Premier Li Keqiang said on Thursday that China will follow a medium-high track of growth and pay attention to the quality and benefits of development.

The premier said this at the opening ceremony of the 2016 Boao Forum for Asia (BFA) held in the southern province of Hainan.

Li said the nation will endeavor to maintain medium-high growth in the long term and promote the development toward the medium-high end.

The theme for this year’s conference is “Asia’s New Future: New Dynamics and New Vision.”  Enditem

China announces detailed rules on VAT reform

   BEIJING, March 25 (Xinhua) — China’s financial and taxation authorities announced Thursday a set of detailed rules on VAT reform.

Starting from May 1, VAT of 5 percent will be levied on homes if they are resold less than two years after purchases, according to a joint statement from the Ministry of Finance and the State Administration of Taxation.

Those sold after the two-year window are exempt from the levy.

Currently, homes that are sold less than five years after they were purchased are subject to a 5 percent business tax.

As of April 8, a tariff, VAT and consumption tax will be applied to  imported items sold by cross-border e-commerce companies, to support the healthy development of the industry, the statement said.

The current tax rate on most imported products sold by e-commerce firms is 10 percent.

A business tax-to-VAT pilot began in 2012 and has been gradually expanded. It had reduced the tax burden of enterprises, most of which are small companies, by 641.2 billion yuan by the end of 2015. Enditem






教练Matthew Bourgois, 于天德和Perka Holmström. 陈雪霏拍摄









今天的比赛是首场热身赛。今后的两场比赛将于3月28日下午13:00和3月30日晚上19:00在Stora Mossens Ishallen, Bromma举行。


























DSC_8314 中国女子冰球队在斯德哥尔摩冰球场的英姿。陈雪霏 拍摄。




参加论坛的有中国驻瑞典大使馆科技处程家怡参赞,北京的3N Partner医疗产业投资公司的CEO王晋岳博士,瑞典的医疗器械 HemoCue AB ,生命科技类服务公司 Nordic Biosite的CEO Yvonne Zar。Diabetes Tool AB 公司的首席营销官Ulf Wretling ,瑞典工会组织Naturvetarna的职业顾问Ann Lundström博士,以及来自瑞典各大高校的相关领域的学者和留学生,


HemoCue AB的高级法规事务专家张联博士(负责130多个国家医疗器械注册事务)介绍了一些北欧新兴公司的产品并解释了欧洲有关医疗器械的法律法规。
Diabetes Tool AB 公司的首席营销官Ulf Wretling 先生演示了用于血糖控制的智能手机应用软件TriabetesClinic。这个软件不仅能帮助糖尿病病人准确计算胰岛素用量,并且还能通过数据共享方便患者、家人和医生三方对血糖进行实时监测并提升糖尿病医疗机构的工作效率。
3N Partner投资公司的CEO王晋岳博士跟大家畅谈了他在生物科技领域的投资经验,详述了具有前沿技术的小团队的潜力以及瑞典创新和中国市场的高度互补性。
Thermo Fisher Scientific公司的应用专家Angie Yang博士通过对她个人职业选择历程的案例分析,介绍了将工作和生活的兴趣爱好完美结合的经验方法。这对目前正在找工作的朋友们来说无疑是一个积极的激励。
瑞典工会组织Naturvetarna的职业顾问Ann Lundström博士从宏观的角度阐述了劳动力市场雇主最看重的因素,社会关系的重要性,怎样锻炼自己的转用技能 (transferable skills), 以及在瑞外国人怎样把非瑞典的出身和了解不同文化背景变为求职时的一个优势。
Nordic Biosite的CEO Yvonne Zar女士和大家分享了她的创业经历,以及她对公司与个人事业的发展理念。 





















Interview: Belt and Road Initiative enhances Sino-Greek ties, Greek official


by Maria Spiliopoulou

ATHENS, March 10 (Xinhua) — A decade after Greece and China forged a comprehensive strategic partnership, especially after the launch of China’s Belt and Road Initiative, their cooperation has progressed remarkably.

“Sino-Greek economic relations have been strengthened in recent years in several sectors: from bilateral trade and investments to cooperation in technology and research,” Christos Staikos, chairman of Enterprise Greece, a Greek investment promotion body, told Xinhua.

Staikos noted that Greece is a major spot in the context of the Belt and Road Initiative and that China is becoming one of the main strategic partners of Greece on the road to recovery.

“All these factors create a stable framework for the further improvement of bilateral trade and business cooperation,” Staikos stressed.

Bilateral trade increased 5.6 percent in 2014 and Chinese investment in Greece rose from 249 million euros (273 million U.S. dollars) in 2010 to 1.2 billion euros (1.3 billion dollars) in 2014, according to official Greek figures.

Quality Greek food products, as well as luxury products such as fur, jewelry and cosmetics are becoming more and more popular in China.

Enterprise Greece said the prospects are exceptional as Chinese consumers start to learn and trust the quality of Greek products and Greek companies.

In the field of investment, Staikos highlighted the development of the seaport of Piraeus, describing it as an entry point into Europe as it has been included in the Belt and Road Initiative.

“The investment creates prospects in areas such as logistics and shipbuilding in parallel with the interest Chinese companies have already demonstrated in tourism and real estate, energy, food and transport,” he said.

Furthermore, the Golden Visa program, under which with the purchase of real estate worth 250,000 euros (274,000 dollars), three generations (parents, children and grandchildren) get long-term residence permit in Greece and Schengen visa, has been embraced by Chinese families who would like to have a basis in Europe for leisure and business activities, the Greek official added.

Tourism presents similar opportunities, according to Enterprise Greece.

“Chinese respect the Greek civilization and discover the beauty of our country, visiting all tourist destinations throughout the year,” Staikos underlined.

Chinese tourist arrivals increased 70 percent year-on-year to 100,000 in 2014, according to official figures.

“Enterprise Greece in recent years is in systematic contact with Chinese companies, informing them of the potential of our country and enabling them to explore opportunities and make their next business steps,” said Staikos.

Piraeus Container Terminal, a subsidiary of China Ocean Shipping Group that manages Piers II and III at Piraeus, won an international tender for the acquisition of 67 percent stake in Piraeus Port Authority, which manages Pier I.

“I believe it is a positive development for the Greek economy, a key parameter in the Maritime Silk Road which enhances the strategic importance of Piraeus,” said Ioannis Tzoannos, an economic professor and former general secretary of the Greek shipping ministry.

The sea and the shipping industry was and remains the key element in the development of bilateral relations, and the Maritime Silk Road opened routes for trade and cultural contacts and stronger cooperation in more fields, Tzoannos stressed.

He urged Chinese investors to get more involved in the Sino-Greek cooperation, in particular in the maritime sector.

“As European banks are withdrawing from the shipping sector due to the crisis, in my view it is in the interests of China to get more involved. Risk taking is important in times of crises to find opportunities,” he said.  Enditem

Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Xinhua Insight: Lawmakers approve China’s five-year plan against economic headwinds

BEIJING, March 16 (Xinhua) — Chinese lawmakers on Wednesday approved the country’s economic and social development blueprint for the 2016-2020 period, which sets targeted average annual economic growth at above 6.5 percent in the next five years.

A total of 2,778 lawmakers, or 97.27 percent, voted in favor of the five-year plan at the closing meeting of the annual session of the National People’s Congress (NPC).

China has set 2020 as the target year to realize the first “centenary goal” of building a moderately prosperous society in all respects, pledging efforts to double GDP and per capita personal income from the 2010 level before the Communist Party of China’s 100th anniversary of founding in 2021.

To this end, the five-year plan aims to keep medium-high growth in the next five years. By 2020, the size of China’s economy is expected to exceed 90 trillion yuan (13.8 trillion U.S. dollars), compared with 67.7 trillion yuan in 2015, according to the plan.

Addressing fellow lawmakers at the closing meeting, top legislator Zhang Dejiang called the 13th Five-Year Plan a document of “guiding importance” in the final stretch toward building a moderately prosperous society in all respects.

His words came amid rising economic headwinds in China, with uncertainties clouding global economic recovery.

China’s economy expanded 6.9 percent year on year in 2015, the slowest in a quarter of a century, weighed down by a property market downturn, falling trade and weak factory activity.

The government now hopes to shift the economy from the previous mainstay of exports and investment toward services and consumer spending.

According to the five-year plan, the reform and opening up drive will continue between 2016 and 2020.

China will push ahead urbanization and agricultural modernization, coordinate development in urban and rural areas, and work to improve the people’s well-being across the board so that all people can share the fruits of development.

An innovation-driven development strategy shall be implemented, while industries must be propelled toward medium-high end, the document read.

By 2020, advances should be made in core technologies such as information communication, new energy, new materials, aviation, biological medicine and intelligent manufacturing, it said.

The environment is another key priority in the 2016-2020 plan.

As binding targets, water consumption per 10,000 yuan of GDP will fall 23 percent by 2020, while energy consumption per unit of GDP will be cut by 15 percent. Carbon dioxide emissions will also be cut by 18 percent.

Major progress should be made on the China-proposed Belt and Road Initiative, and the service trade’s share in total foreign trade would be increased.

“The five-year plan has offered a clear roadmap for the fulfillment of our centenary goal,” said Liu Xiya, an NPC deputy.

In his government work report, Premier Li Keqiang said China had successfully fulfilled all the main tasks and targets set out in its 12th Five-Year Plan (2011-2015), setting a positive tone for the implementation of the new one.

Chinese can derive great confidence and a strengthened sense of unity from the country’s achievements, drawing on them to forge ahead on this new leg of the journey toward the Two Centenary Goals, he said.

His optimism was shared by Liu. “The next five years will mark the home stretch to 2020 target, and there is every reason to believe that we can deliver on those targets since our economic fundamentals are still sound,” she said.

The drafting of the new plan started early. A plenary session of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee last year was dedicated to review proposals for the five-year development blueprint and set its overarching principles.

A draft version of the plan was submitted to lawmakers for review at this year’s annual legislative session, during which dozens of changes were made.

Kan Ke, an official with the secretariat of this year’s NPC session, said the formulation of the final document was a very China-style political process: The proposition of the ruling Communist Party becomes the will of the state in a due course of legislative procedures.

He added that the drafting process was in line with the evolution of modern state governance, and is conducive to the implementation and enforcement of the Party’s decisions.

His words were echoed by Zheng Yongnian, professor and director of the East Asian Institute of the National University of Singapore.

Zheng hailed the consistency of China’s political and economic design in comparison with the West, where “a political party may make plenty of pledges before elections, but fail to deliver after coming to power.”

Kan agreed. “Coherence is the basis for our economic and social development. This is where our institutional superiority comes from,” he said.  Enditem


Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson


China urges EU to accept its market economy status

   BEIJING, March 10 (Xinhua) — China on Thursday urged the European Union (EU) to obey the rules of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and stop its unfair treatment of China.

Foreign Ministry spokesperson Hong Lei made the remarks following comments by EU Trade Minister Cecilia Malmstrom on Wednesday. She said the EU must maintain solid trade defenses even if it decides to grant China market economy status.

China joined the WTO in 2001. The WTO accession protocol means China will automatically transit to a market economy for Europe by Dec. 11, 2016, the 15th anniversary of its accession to the organization. However, Europe insists this must be debated.

“We’ve heard different opinions on China’s market economy status from the EU recently,” Hong said, noting that China had fulfilled its obligations since becoming a member of WTO.

So far, over 80 countries, including Russia, New Zealand, Singapore and Australia, have recognized China’s status as a market economy.

China is now the EU’s second largest trading partner and one of the biggest markets for the 28-member bloc.

The EU is an important member of the WTO, a vital supporting force to the multilateral trade and international legal systems, Hong said, adding that China hopes the EU will fulfill its commitments to China’s entry into WTO.  Enditem