Category Archives: News

Traditional Chinese medicine hospitals on the increase

BEIJING, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) — The number of traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) hospitals in China has increased by 500 in five years, a rise of 15.5 percent, a TCM official said on Thursday.

Meanwhile, the number of TCM outpatient departments and clinics increased by 531 and 5,890, said Wang Guoqiang, director of the State Administration of TCM at the 2016 national TCM meeting.

In 2014, there were 530 million visits to TCM hospitals, accounting for 17.9 percent of total hospital visits across the country, Wang said.

In addition, the TCM industry became a 730 billion yuan (110.8 million U.S. dollars) industry in 2014, representing one third of the total industrial output of China’s medical industry.

The import and export revenues for the TCM industry amounted to 4.63 billion U.S. dollars in 2014, according to Wang.

China has been promoting the modernization of TCM and has been pushing for TCM to be accepted and popular worldwide. Tu Youyou’s winning the Nobel Prize with a TCM-based anti-malarial drug served as a boon to the industry.  Enditem


China doesn’t restrict forex sales to individuals: regulator

BEIJING, Jan. 13 (Xinhua) — The State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE) said Wednesday it does not limit foreign currency sales to individuals, although China faces dropping forex reserves.

SAFE denied media reports that Chinese banks put restrictions on foreign currency sales as many people are buying the U.S. dollar, which has been appreciating against the yuan.

As usual, everyone with an ID card can freely buy foreign currency worth 50,000 U.S. dollars every year from Chinese banks, according to SAFE, and those with proper reasons can buy more.

China’s foreign exchange reserves fell by 107.9 billion U.S. dollars in December to 3.33 trillion at year end, the lowest level in more than three years.

The December decline, the sharpest monthly fall on record, was partly due to an interest rate hike last month by the U.S. Federal Reserve and possible future rises as capital flowed out of China for higher returns.  Enditem

FDI rises 6.4 pct despite slowing economy


BEIJING, Jan. 14 (Xinhua) — Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland maintained steady growth in 2015 despite the economic slowdown in the world’s second-largest economy.

FDI, which excludes investment in the financial sector, rose 6.4 percent year on year to 126.27 billion U.S. dollars in 2015, the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) said on Thursday.

Investment in the country’s burgeoning service industry continued robust growth, accounting for 61.1 percent of total flows during the period.

FDI in the manufacturing sector came in at 39.54 billion U.S. dollars, accounting for 31.4 percent of the total. Flow to high-tech manufacturing gained 9.5 percent to 9.41 billion U.S. dollars.

The MOC attributed the growth to the government cutting red tape around investment approvals and accelerating construction of free trade zones.

Foreign mergers and acquisitions in China increased sharply, with their share of total FDI surging from 6.3 percent in 2014 to 14.1 percent in 2015.

The Chinese economy expanded 6.9 percent in the first three quarters of 2015, the lowest reading since the second quarter of 2009.

China is due to release annual growth data next Tuesday.  Enditem



Swedish Spring Film Premiere 2016 held in Stockholm

STOCKHOLM, Jan 13. (Greenpost)–Swedish Spring Film Premiere 2016 was held on Monday in Stockholm.


Kristina Börjeson, Head of Film Support speaks at the opening.

IMG_9852Kristina Börjeson,  Head of Film Support said that since the beginning of the 1990s, Swedish government has decided to support film production in the country. The funding almost all comes from the Film Support. For example 12 of the 16 films are supported by Swedish Film Support.  Directors can apply for many kinds of subsidies to produce films. There has always been a great enthusiasm in making films in Sweden.


Erik Gandini directed The Swedish Theory of Love which was also screened in the International Film Festival in Stockholm in November.


Suzanne Osten directed The Girl, Mother and Demons describing a lonely and psycologically problematic mother with her daughter who is just 7 years old.  Esther Quigley is seen as a young star.


Linda Hambäck, director of Bajsfilmen-Dolores och Gunnellens värld said this was the first time she directed a film wholly by herself.  She was South Korean origin and adopted by Swedish parents.



“I have got some flavor of my own background in the film, it’s about friendship. When one of the two friends wants to go outside world, the other was almost mad,” said Linda Hambäck to Green Post.

IMG_9938In the film, she shows one girl with western face and the other with an Asian face.

Famous TV host Cecilia Nilsson was the MC of this premiere.




Another film aroused our attention was The last Generation. It is about Sami culture and Sami people.  Petri Storlöpare who directed the film told Green Post that he lived around many Samis.  He was born in Finland but lives in Sweden all his life.  He was luckily able to follow the main charactor in the film for a year to experience his life as a reindeer herdsman.

He wanted to show the sami people, sami culture and hope that they will not disappear so soon.

A  lot of funds were invested in promoting sami culture during the 2014 European Cultural Festival.



CREW of Rubbish Helicoptor were interviewed by Cecilia.



Similar documentary about Swedish famous singer and her colleague famous singer BABs  was also screened.IMG_9913




Cecilia Nilsson, Petri Storlöpare.

Another film aroused our attention was The last Generation. It is about Sami culture and Sami people.  Petri Storlöpare who directed the film told Green Post that he lived around many Samis.  He was born in Finland but lives in Sweden all his life.  He was luckily able to follow the main charactor in the film for a year to experience his life as a reindeer herdsman.

IMG_9960He wanted to show the sami people, sami culture and hope that they will not disappear so soon.


Henrik Andersson talks about his daily life as a sami.

A  lot of funds were invested in promoting sami culture during the 2014 European Cultural Festival.



This was a very heavy film describing relationship between father and daughter.IMG_9995Sixteen films were introduced during the spring film premiere.

Photo/text   by Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Relationships between parents and small children

Stockholm, Jan.13(Greenpost)–Statistics show that 30 percent of all parents of young children in Sweden separate.

Researchers at the University of Gothenburg have mapped the most important factors behind the separations and divorces – and offer five tips that can save the relationship. 

 According to 2012 statistics from Statistics Sweden, one out of three Swedish couples that have small children get separated. The average age of the first child at the time of the separation or divorce is 4 years and 8 years.

In a study at the Sahlgrenska Academy of the University of Gothenburg, 452 parents answered a scientific questionnaire that measures relationship quality in five different dimensions:

Consensus,  Cohesion, Satisfaction, Sensuality and Sexuality. The questionnaire was answered at three occasions, when the first child was 6 months old, 4 years and finally when the child was 8 years old.

Of the respondents, 23 couples had separated after four years, and after eight years, another 16 had separated. In the study, the researchers measured the separated parents’ relationships quality before they went separate ways, and compared the results with those who still lived together.

The study found certain similarities:

“When the child was 4 years old, both sexuality and sensuality were at constant low levels both among the couples who separated and those who had not,” says Malin Hansson, doctoral student at the Sahlgrenska Academy.

The largest statistically significant differences were seen in the dimensions of Satisfaction,  Consensus and  Cohesion: when the child was 6 months old, the separated respondents agreed less about different matters, they were less satisfied with the relationship, and felt less togetherness and lower quality in their sexual lives compared with those who did not separate.

The study showed that the risk of separating was twice as high among co-habitating partners as married spouses. A low level of education and unemployment were also risk factors (which agrees with Statistics Sweden’s statistics from 2012).

Using the parents’ answers to the question “What factors do you think contributed to your current situation (both positive and negative)?”, the Gothenburg researchers were able to formulate seven factors that contribute to separation. They were: strains from parenthood, stressful conditions,  lack of intimacy, insufficient communication, differing personalities and interests, no commitment (in the relationship), and negative effects of addiction.

“If you were to generalize, you coud say that the separated fathers wanted to have more time for themselves, while the mothers wanted more time together with both their partner and with their children,” says Malin Hansson:

“It is not always bad that parents separate. But there are “unnecessary divorces” that are a result of communication problems or a temporary downturn in the relationship, which could be avoided with more support. The healthcare system also has a responsibility here. Healthcare staff come into contact with most prospective and new parents, and should take on the task of supporting them in the relationship by for example emphasizing the importance of sharing responsibility for the home and the children, arranging relief and emphasizing the importance of maintaining sensuality and a shared sex life.”

The article Factors contributing to separation/divorce in parents of small children in Sweden was published online in Nordic Psychology in October.

China plans more cross-border e-commerce zones

BEIJING, Jan. 6 (Greenpost) — China will set up more cross-border e-commerce pilot zones, the State Council announced Wednesday.

The zones will attract businesses, help create jobs and nurture new business models to boost foreign trade and stimulate the economy, according to a statement released after an executive meeting of the council chaired by Premier Li Keqiang.
They will be built in cities in China’s east, center and west that have good infrastructure and a good trade and e-commerce base.
The move follows the approval of the Hangzhou cross-border e-commerce pilot zone in March last year, which is based on open information sharing between businesses, financial institutions and regulators, one-stop online financial services, smart logistics and open e-commerce credit systems.
Efficient services will help businesses cut costs, said the statement.
Following its inspections last year, the State Council cited 50 provincial regions, cities, districts and counties for good work in shantytown renovation and other major projects and promised them policy support and funding.
However, it also said more than 900 officials have been punished for inaction found in the inspections.  Enditem


Top story: China scraps approvals for first, second children

BEIJING, Jan. 5 (Greenpost) — A Chinese couple can have two children if they like, according to a new policy.

China on Tuesday stopped requiring couples to apply for official approval before having a first or second child, following the abolition of the one-child policy.

The news came out last year, many thought they still need approval to have a second child the same as when they have the first one.  But the truth is that they don’t need any approval for a second one.

The move, which entered effect immediately, was announced by the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee and the State Council.
They said the approval system will be replaced by birth registrations for couples’ first and second children.
All Chinese couples have been allowed to have two children since Jan. 1, after the national legislature amended its family planning policy in late December.
A document released by the CPC Central Committee and the State Council said the nation is aiming to improve its services for women and children in both urban and rural areas.
It also called for intensified efforts to monitor and predict growth in the number of newborns.
The family planning policy was introduced in the 1970s. In 1980, the government started limiting most couples to one child. The grip gradually relaxed in the following decades. For example, rural couples were allowed to have two children if the first was a girl.
In 2013, China allowed couples to have a second child if either parent was an only child.
Tuesday’s document said the family planning policy was effective in curbing alarming growth in the nation’s population, reducing pressure on resources and the environment.
The one-child policy is estimated to have prevented 400 million births.  Enditem

Editor     Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China expected to attract 126 bln USD foreign investment in 2015: MOC

BEIJING, Jan. 5 (Xinhua) — China is expected to attract 126 billion U.S. dollars worth of foreign investment in 2015, hitting an all-time high, according to the Ministry of Commerce (MOC) on Tuesday.

In the first eleven months of 2015, the total number of new-established foreign-funded enterprises amounted to 23,648, up 11 percent year on year.

During the period, actually used foreign capital in China grew 7.9 percent on year to 704.33 billion yuan.  Enditem


China begins environmental inspection in northern province

SHIJIAZHUANG, Jan. 4 (Xinhua) — A one-month environmental protection inspection of north China’s Hebei Province began on Monday, at the behest of central authorities.

The inspection will continue till Feb. 4, examining implementation of Party and state environment policy by the provincial Communist Party of China (CPC) committee and local government, including their handling of environmental problems and what they are doing to improve the situation.
The inspection team has set up a hotline and a mail box for public consultation.
Inspectors nationwide are focused on how provincial-level Party committees and governments carry out their environmental duties, according to the Ministry of Environment. Teams report major problems to the central authority and inspection results are passed to the organization department of the CPC Central Committee as part of official appraisals.
Central authorities plan to inspect each of the provincial regions in China every two years, “China Environment News” reported last month.  Enditem


China-Europe fast rail brings mutual benefit

CHENGDU, Jan. 2 (Xinhua) — Trains made nearly 180 round trips between Chengdu, capital of southwest China’s Sichuan Province and Lodz, Poland, in the last two and a half years.

Since 2013, three trains a week have made the 9,826 kilometer trip on the Chengdu-Europe fast rail, reaching Poland via Kazakhstan, Russia and Belarus.
“Commodities are transported to Europe within 15 days,” said Xu Pingfu, vice director of the Chengdu logistics office. “It is the fastest freight railway between China and Europe.”
Around 300 trains will ply the route in 2016, which will extend to Hamburg in Germany and Tilburg in the Netherlands. Commodities from coastal cities like Shanghai, Shenzhen and Xiamen are transported to Chengdu and from there to Europe because of the line’s low cost and high reliability.
“The price of transporting commodities on the Chengdu-Europe line is one fifth of the air freight cost, and it is three times faster than shipping,” said Xu.
Chengdu will spend a total of 1.9 billion yuan (300 million US dollars) in the next three years building China’s largest international railway port, said Chen Zhongwei, director of Chengdu logistics office.
Many leading exporters are considering moving to Chengdu for these reasons, according to Chen.
“We aim to be the pivot between Europe and Pan-Asia by building international railways and establishing a European commodity distribution center in the next three years,” Chen said.   Enditem

Editor: Xuefei Chen Axelsson


Direct flight links China’s Hohhot with Bangkok

HOHHOT, Jan. 4 (Greenpost) — A direct air route opened Sunday between Hohhot, capital of north China’s Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, and the Thai capital Bangkok, for the upcoming Spring Festival holiday.

According to the Baita International Airport in Hohhot, the AirAsia flight is scheduled between Jan. 3 and Feb. 18 to serve tourists during Spring Festival, a peak holiday period in China.

The flight takes off from Bangkok at 2 p.m. local time, and arrives in Hohhot at 7:30 p.m. local time. The returning flight departs from Hohhot at 8:30 p.m. and lands in Bangkok at midnight. The trip will take 4 hours and 30 minutes, according to the airport.

During last Spring Festival holiday, Chinese outbound group travel tourists reached 5.2 million. Thailand was the most favored destination.  Enditem

Source  Xinhua               Editor   Xuefei Chen Axelsson

First nuclear plant in ethnic minority region begins operations

NANNING, Jan. 1 (Greenpost) — The first nuclear power plant located in one of China’s ethnic autonomous regions began commercial operation of its first reactor on Friday.

The No. 1 reactor of the Fangchenggang Nuclear Power Plant in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region can supply 24 million kilowatt-hours of electricity a day, catering to the needs of a medium-sized city, said Gong Guangchen, the plant’s spokesperson.

Based on the domestically developed CPR-1000, the No.1 reactor began generating power in October 2015. The plant’s No. 2 reactor is expected to begin operating in the second half of 2016, Gong said.

The two reactors are expected to contribute 8 billion yuan (1.2 bln U.S. dollars) to the local GDP and create 64,000 new jobs annually. They will also cut coal burning by 4.82 million tonnes and CO2 emissions by about 11.9 million tonnes every year.

China has seen rapid nuclear power growth in recent years, but it suspended approval of new programs after Japan’s Fukushima nuclear disaster in 2011. Construction projects did not resume until 2014.

China currently has operating capacity of 25.5 million kilowatts and aims to raise installed nuclear power to 58 million kilowatts by 2020 in order to reduce pollution from coal-burning generators and deliver on its promise to reduce carbon emissions.  Enditem

Source Xinhua      Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson


China’s 2015 box office soars to 6.8 bln USD

   BEIJING, Dec. 31 (Greenpost) — Films screened in China raked in more than 44 billion yuan (6.78 billion U.S. dollars) in 2015, a 48.7 percent yearly increase and the highest since 2011, the country’s film watchdog said.

Domestic films took in 27.1 billion yuan, or 61.58 percent of the total, maintaining a clear dominance over the country’s cinema market, according to a statement released late Thursday by the State Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television (SARFT).

In 2015, a total of 81 features surpassed the 100 million yuan box office threshold, including 47 Chinese titles.

Meanwhile, Chinese films gained 2.77 billion yuan in overseas sales, up 48.13 percent year-on-year.

The country also saw a 51.08 percent increase in the number of cinemagoers, reaching 1.26 billion people.

The SARFT noted a series of high-quality domestic films, including “Monkey King: Hero is Back,” a 3D animation based on a classic ancient story, and “Monster Hunt,” a live action-animation hybrid.

“Domestic films no longer merely rely on the box office. In 2015, more films achieved both outstanding box office performances and critical acclaim,” the statement said, citing surveys conducted in key cinema seasons.

Notably, “Monkey King,” while taking in more than 800 million yuan between July and Sept., was rated 8.4 out of 10 by nearly 260,000 votes at, the country’s leading art and entertainment database site.

In addition, a total of 8,035 screens were newly installed this year, at the rate of 22 screens added every day. The total amounted to 31,627 screens.  Enditem

Source  Xinhua,    Editor   Xuefei Chen Axelsson











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