Category Archives: News

China Focus: New engines to bolster growth in next 5 years

   BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Xinhua) — To ensure a medium-high level of economic growth for the next five years, China has moved to foster new growth engines as old ones lose steam.

China’s exports dropped by 3.7 percent in November, the fifth straight month of decline, to 1.25 trillion yuan (195 million U.S. dollars), customs data showed Tuesday.

In recent years, old growth engines, including exports and investment, lost momentum partly due to weak demand at home and overseas. The country’s quarterly GDP growth slowed to a six-year low of 6.9 percent in the third quarter of this year.

In the next five years, the country’s annual growth rate should be no less than 6.5 percent to realize the goal of doubling the GDP and per capita income of 2010 by 2020.

To attain that goal, the government must cultivate new growth engines to bolster growth in the next five years.


As traditional industries including steel, coal and cement sectors are facing excessive capacity, China is moving to tap the potential of new industries with bright prospects.

A proposal for formulating the country’s 13th five-year plan unveiled last month said that China will step up researches on core technology concerning the new generation of telecommunications, new energy, new material and aviation, and support the development of new industries, including energy conservation, biotechnology and information technology sectors.

In Changzhou, a city in eastern China’s Jiangsu Province, there are more than 50 companies producing graphene, a new material that widely used in high-end equipment manufacturing, forming a national level production base for the material. Products made by Changzhou Tanyuan Technology Co. are used in smartphones. The company’s sales have risen from 6 million yuan to more than 200 million yuan in only three years.

Qi Chengyuan, head of the high-tech division of the National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), said China will turn new strategic industries into major driving forces for economic growth in the next five years.

The country should form five new pillar industries that each have a potential of becoming a 10 trillion yuan industry, including information technology, bioindustry, green industry, high-end equipment and material, as well as the creative industry, Qi said.


New impetus must also come from the government’s emphasis on mass entrepreneurship and innovation.

In the first three quarters, China’s newly registered companies rose 19.3 percent to 3.16 million, as the country pushed for easier registration to promote innovation.

Innovation is the most important impetus for China’s growth, according to the proposal for formulating the 13th five-year plan.

A good example is the strong growth in Shenzhen, a national demonstration zone for independent innovation. In the first 10 months, the proportion of R&D investment in Shenzhen’s regional GDP was more than 4 percent, nearly doubles the national average.

The city’s economic growth stood at 8.7 percent in the first three quarters, higher than the country’s growth of 6.9 percent in the same period.

imagesThe Shenzhen-based Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. has set up 16 overseas R&D institutions and owns a total of 76,687 patents, said its CEO Ren Zhengfei.

The company realized a sales volume of 288 billion yuan last year. Ren forecast that the company will more than double that sales figure by 2019 on the back of constant innovation.

Song Weiguo, researcher with the Chinese Academy of Science and Technology for Development, said that technological innovation will provide greater impetus for growth in the next five years.


Structural reforms on the supply side will lend more steam to sustainable growth, President Xi Jinping said last month at a meeting of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs.

Xu Lin, head of the NDRC’s planning division, said reforms on the supply side, which means sustainable growth instead of short-term demand management, is necessary for cultivating new growth impetus.

An important aspect of supply side reforms is government efforts to streamlining administrative approvals and delegating power to lower levels.

From early 2013 to the end of September 2015, the central government has canceled or delegated 586 kinds of administrative approval.

In the economic and technological development zone of Nanning, Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, the bureau in charge of administrative approvals cut the red tape and reduced the time needed for getting an approval from more than 300 days to 20 days.

On the supply side, China should maintain structural tax reductions to boost the service and advanced manufacturing sectors and support small enterprises, and push forward entrepreneurship and innovation, Premier Li Keqiang said earlier this month.

China will keep cutting red tape to foster emerging industries and speed up the overhaul in traditional industries to improve efficiency, Li said.

With new impetus from China’s reform pushes, the country will be able to realize an average annual growth of 6.5 percent in the next five years, said Yu Bin, researcher with the Development Research Center of the State Council. Enditem



China Focus: China’s local gov’ts eye “Belt and Road” construction in 2016-2020

BEIJING, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) — Nearly 20 provincial governments in China have rolled out their local development plans for the 13th Five Year Plan period from 2016 to 2020, with their focus on the “Belt and Road” construction, the Shanghai Securities News reported on Friday.

Under their development plans, they attach great importance to infrastructure construction in transportation industry and construction of industrial parks.


— Focus on transport infrastructure

Chinese local governments will give priority to transport infrastructure when promoting the “Belt and Road” initiative.

For example, Shaanxi province will be guide by construction of a logistics center to build a seamless transport network in 2016-2020. Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region also said in its proposal to the 13th Five Year plan that it will build a convenient and efficient railway network, expressway network, water transport network, airline network and information network with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) and neighboring provinces.

It is worth noting that in the land transportation field, the China-Europe express railway will play an increasingly important role in “going global” of Chinese goods.

As a core area of the 21st Century Maritime Silk Road, Fujian province plans to build important airline hubs for Southeast Asia and advance construction of a regional port-shipping system and communication network facilities, to smoothly connect the land channel of the Silk Road Economic Belt and form a passage to sea for central and western China’s opening-up.

Jilin province in its 13th Five Year plan noted that it will actively explore the Arctic Ocean ship routes linking the Europe and the U.S.A., steadily operate international rail and water transportation lines linking Japan and South Korea, and further expand its outward transport lines.

Meanwhile, Tianjin will make full use of its unique geographic location advantages to vigorously promote port and maritime strategic cooperation. It will develop cross-border logistics through three land ports, like the Khorgos Port and develop maritime transport through intensive ship routes and shipping flights.

Zhejiang province announced to promote construction of a marine economic development demonstration zone and Zhoushan Islands New Area, and build a port economic circle covering the Yangtze River Delta, influencing the Yangtze River economic belt and serving the “Belt and Road” initiative.

In addition, Gansu province decided to invest more than 800 billion yuan from this year to build more than 70,000 km of roads and railways in six years.


— Efforts in industrial park construction

Industrial park construction is also a focus in the 13th Five Year plans of the provinces.

Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region said that it will accelerate construction of core areas in the Silk Road Economic Belt, develop high-level open economy, and quicken the pace to build the Kashgar and Khorgos economic development zones and comprehensive bonded zones.

Because of the “Belt and Road” initiative, ALaShankou has invested a lot in infrastructure, promoting rapid development of its comprehensive bonded zone, said Pan Zeming, deputy director of the ALaShankou Comprehensive Bonded Zone.

In its 13th Five Year plan, Fujian province made it clear to promote construction of important commodity export bases, commodity markets and commerce and trade parks and explore mutual establishment of industrial parks with Southeast Asian countries.

Chongqing municipality pointed out that it will actively participate in construction of overseas industrial agglomerations and economic and trade cooperation zones.

Shaanxi province said it will encourage and support competent enterprises to go abroad for transnational operation and strategic acquisitions and build Shaanxi industrial parks overseas especially in Central Asia and Africa. Meanwhile, it will also build economic cooperation zones and high-tech industrial parks to attract investments of the transnational companies and globally leading enterprises and persuade them to build regional headquarters and branches in Shaanxi.

“Industrial park is an important method for “going global” of Chinese enterprises. It is a new form for Chinese enterprises to build “Belt and Road” and also a way to change simple cargo transportation”, said Hu Zheng, chief representative of the Central Asia Representative Office of the China Merchants Group.

Since the beginning of the year, China has quickened its pace of building industrial parks along the “Belt and Road” countries.

Data of the Ministry of Commerce shows that so far, China has already built 118 economic and trade cooperation zones in 50 countries, of which 77 zones are located in 23 countries along the “Belt and Road”. Enditem




Xinhua Insight: China to start reform focused on quality of life

 BEIJING, Dec. 11 (Xinhua) — With China’s 13th Five-year Plan beginning next year, the focus of reform will start with addressing the quality of ordinary people’s lives.

At the latest meeting of the central leading group for comprehensively deepening reform on Wednesday, the leadership decided to implement the five development ideas put forward at the plenary session of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee in late October: innovation, coordination, sharing, environmental protection and openness.

At the beginning of the 13th Five-year Plan, efforts need to be “focused on building a moderately prosperous society,” said a statement issued after Wednesday’s meeting.

The group approved several reform measures, one of which is that unregistered citizens are to be given household registration permits known as “hukou,” a crucial document entitling them to social welfare.

China has around 13 million unregistered people, one percent of the entire population. They include orphans and second children born illegally during the period of strict enforcement of the one-child policy, the homeless and those who have yet to apply for one or who have simply lost theirs. Those parents who violated family planning policy often refrained from getting hukou for their children to avoid fines.0   “It is a basic legal right for Chinese citizens to register for hukou. It is also a premise for participation in social affairs, to enjoy rights and fulfill duties,” the statement said.

Wan Haiyuan with an institute of macro-economics of the National Development and Reform Commission said the difficulty lies not in hukou itself, but in related matters such as healthcare, health insurance and education.

In China, various social benefits such as medical insurance and access to basic education are based on this permit and are supposed to be in line with long-term places of work and residence.

Many people without household registration have moved to cities and become tramps. According to Wan, their birth certificates might have been lost and authorities must address this issue. Those who have come to China to seek asylum should also be taken into consideration, as they are permanent residents, despite their lack of Chinese nationality.

Education is also central to plans for the next five years, said Zhang Li, director of the Ministry of Education’s development center. The reform meeting statement declared that education should advance innovation-driven development and serve the objectives of the Belt and Road Initiative.

Zhang added the statement showed that opening up in education should take the concepts and experience of developed countries as reference.

The meeting decided to integrate basic medical insurance for urban employees and the new rural cooperative medical scheme, creating a unified basic health insurance system.

Currently China has three separate medical insurance schemes — basic medical insurance for urban employees; the new rural cooperative medical scheme; and basic medical insurance for city dwellers not covered by the first two schemes, mainly the young or unemployed.

The three schemes have been perceived as unequal for a long time, as the benefits in urban areas are much greater than those in rural parts of the country.

“Even members in one family may have different health insurance,” said Meng Qingyue, a professor in health economics with the Peking University. “The integration of different medical insurance schemes is a must for achieving equal access to basic health care for every one.”

Another measure is the reform of government’s “power list.” Since the 18th National Congress of the CPC in late 2012, administrative powers have been streamlined and delegated, with hundreds of items abandoned.

Ma Qingyu of the Chinese Academy of Governance said the power and responsibility list system can clarify responsibilities of different departments and prevent them from shirking their responsibilities or taking responsibilities that are not rightfully theirs.

“It will make the border between public powers and private rights more clear,” said Ma. Enditem




China likely to roll out de-stocking measures for property sector

BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Greenpost) — It is expected that during an upcoming key economic meeting Chinese officials will introduce measures to cut housing inventories.

De-stocking the property market will likely be discussed at the upcoming Central Economic Working Conference, which sets economic targets for the coming year, a source told China Business News.

The measures are not expected to boost the real estate market nor set quantitative de-stocking targets for specific regions.

“The most important thing is to reactivate the property sector to help with its liquidity,” the source said.

The housing market experienced a downturn in 2014 due to weak demand and a supply glut. This continued into 2015, with both sales and prices falling, and investment slowing.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, the unsold home inventory hit a record 686.3 million square meters by the end of October, up 17.8 percent from the previous year.

Officials have already showed resolve to address the country’s housing woes. Destocking the property market will be one of the government’s main tasks, President Xi Jinping told a meeting of the Central Leading Group for Financial and Economic Affairs in November.

Premier Li Keqiang also told a cabinet meeting that the government should overhaul China’s household registration system to encourage more rural residents to settle in cities and boost house sales.

Besides existing stimulus measures such as cutting interest rates and easing deposit requirements, measures such as transforming commercial housing into affordable housing are also expected next year, the source said. Enditem


China should optimize investment structure in energy sector in 2016-2020, expert

BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Greenpost) — China should accelerate construction to raise the weight of clean energy like natural gas, nuclear power, hydropower, wind power and solar energy during the 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020), according to an article by Zhou Dadi, a senior researcher at Energy Research Institute under the National Development and Reform Commission, carried on Shanghai Securities News on Tuesday.

Zhou said that energy investment structure of the country should be optimized under state-level planning, industrial self-discipline construction and regional arrangement. China should reduce coal mining and construction of coal-fired power plants and develop low carbon energy instead of high carbon energy, the expert noted.

Source Xinhua,  Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson




Super cell for electric car to realize mass production before year end

BEIJING, Dec. 8 (Greenpost) – The high energy nickel carbon super cell for electric car is expected to realise mass production before the end of this year.

The super cell, developed by Zhongke Taineng Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd, can be charged and discharged for more than 5,000 times with each charging fulfilling the energy demand for 200-300 kilometers’ driving.

The super cell has been used safely and worked steadily for three years and nine months in buses of three lines in Zibo in Shandong province. Enditem

Source  Xinhua,  Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China removes over 1 million high-emission vehicles from roads


BEIJING, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) — China removed 1.17 million high-emission vehicles from roads nationwide in the first 11 months of this year, the Ministry of Environmental Protection announced on Wednesday.

The figures showed that almost all high-emission commercial vehicles registered before the end of 2005 had been pulled from the roads, a target set in March, according to the ministry.

To accelerate the removal of targeted vehicles, the ministry has filed monthly reports briefing the public on the latest developments in each provincial region since July. Enditem











On the stork tower1

The sun along the mountain bows;

The Yellow River seawards flows;

You will enjoy a grander sight,

By climbing to a greater height.

对比Google 的直译版本

登鸛雀樓Dēng Guànquè Lóu[ascend] [stork] [sparrow] [tower]Climbing White Stork Tower

白日依山盡,Bái rì yī shān jìn,[white] [sun] [on] [mountain] [finish]The white sun sets behind the mountains,

黃河入海流;Huánghé rù hǎiliú;[Yellow] [River] [enter] [sea] [flow]and the Yellow River flows into the sea.

欲窮千里目,yù qióng qiānlǐ mù,[want] [furthest] [thousand] [mile] [eye]To see a thousand mile view,

更上一層樓。gèng shàng yì céng lóu.[more] [ascend] [one] [floor] [tower]go up another floor.


Climbing on Stork Tower

Wang Zhihuan

The sun sets alongside the mountains,

The Yellow River flows towards the sea.

You like to  see much farther,

You have to climb up  higher.




China dismisses concerns about RMB exchange rate fluctuation

BEIJING, Dec. 10 (Xinhua) — Current fluctuations of the renminbi (RMB) exchange rate should not be seen as a sign of devaluation, China’s foreign exchange regulator said Thursday.

The market is insufficiently tolerant of RMB exchange rate fluctuations, Wang Chunying, an official of the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (SAFE), told a press conference.

Wang said more consideration should be taken of the RMB multilateral exchange rate against a basket of currencies and its long-term trend.

The central parity rate of the RMB, or the yuan, weakened by 96 basis points to 6.4236 against the U.S. dollar on Thursday, the lowest in four years, according to the China Foreign Exchange Trading System.

This volatility is the expected result of RMB interest rate marketization, which reflects both domestic demand and supply and changes in the global financial market, said Wang Yungui, another SAFE official. He added that given China’s stable economic and market fundamentals, there is no basis for the yuan’s long-term depreciation.

China is capable of keeping the yuan exchange rate at a “reasonable” level and sees no need for continued depreciation, the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) Vice Governor Yi Gang said earlier this month. Enditem


China FDI inflow rises 1.9 pct in November

   BEIJING, Dec. 11 (Greenpost) — Foreign direct investment (FDI) into the Chinese mainland rose 1.9 percent year on year to 64.9 billion yuan (10.4 billion U.S. dollars) in November, the Ministry of Commerce said Friday.

The growth slowed from a 4.2-percent rise in October.

For the first 11 months, FDI, which excludes investment in the financial sector, stood at 704.3 billion yuan, up 7.9 percent from the same period last year.

Foreign investment in the service industry rose 18.8 percent, with the high-tech service sector seeing a jump of 51.7 percent to 7.23 billion U.S. dollars.

High-tech manufacturing attracted 8.54 billion U.S. dollars of foreign investment during the January-November period, up 11.7 percent and accounting for 23.8 percent of total foreign investment in manufacturing.

Investment from the ASEAN, European Union, Hong Kong, and Macao continued to grow fast, while that from Japan, the United States and Taiwan dropped significantly.

The ministry also noted that more foreign firms invested in China through mergers and acquisitions, which accounted for 14.7 percent of the total FDI in January-October, up from 5.6 percent in the same period last year. Enditem


Source Xinhua           Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson


China pilots RMB convertibility on capital account in FTZs

BEIJING, Dec. 11 (Greenpost) — China has approved RMB convertibility on the capital account within 10 million U.S. dollars for the Tianjin, Guangdong and Fujian free trade zones (FTZs), the central bank said on Friday.

This is a significant step by China to open up its capital accounts. China allowed RMB convertibility on trade accounts nearly two decades ago, but almost all capital account transactions on the mainland are under varying degrees of control.

The move also came less than two weeks after the RMB was admitted by the International Monetary Fund into its Special Drawing Rights basket alongside the dollar, euro, pound sterling and yen on Nov. 30.

For each domestic institution outside of the negative list, the cap was set separately for both the cross-border revenue and the expenditure on yearly basis, the People’s Bank of China said in guidelines issued Friday.

The central bank supports FTZs to promote cross-border use of the yuan.

The guidelines encourage banks in the FTZs to deal with transactions between RMB and foreign exchange derivatives.

Cross-border RMB investment funds are welcomed in Fujian FTZ, while cross-border RMB transactions between non-banking financial institutions and the Hong Kong and Macao regions are permitted in Guangdong FTZ.

The guidelines also support institutional investors in Hong Kong and Macao to launch qualified domestic limited partnerships (QDLP) in Guangdong FTZ, raising RMB capital in the zone to invest in the Hong Kong capital market. Enditem

Source Xinhua ,  Editor Xuefei Chen Axelsson


Artist Olafur Eliasson’s art: Your Star

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Dec. 16(Greenpost)– A bright new star that Artist Olafur Eliasson lighted up during the Nobel Week  is actually a green star because it uses solar energy and uses little energy.

Your Star is a public artwork by DanishIcelandic artist Olafur Eliasson that celebrates groundbreaking scientific and literary achievements and the importance of new ideas generated by all of us in our everyday lives, according to Nobel Media.

Commissioned by Nobel Media, Your Star consists of a bright LED light integrated into a specially designed spherical casing that will be visible in the sky above Stockholm City Hall, the site of the Nobel Banquet.

The star is powered by solar energy that was collected during the long days of midsummer and stored in a battery.

A weather-dependent work, the star will first rise once the wind and rain of storm Helga have passed, and it will shine every night for the next week, from around 10:30 p.m. until 6 a.m., bringing a trace of the previous summer into the winter night.

Olafur Eliasson says: “Your Star shines old light. It makes the past present and illuminates a path for the future. The star lights up the Stockholm sky in celebration of the new knowledge, thoughts, and words of this year’s Nobel laureates.

But it is not only the past achievements of the award recipients that will lead to positive new steps for the future; Your Star is equally about the everyday inspiration and dreams that we should all nourish.

It encourages us to turn our dreams and hopes into potential for new ideas. It is a dream machine.” Eliasson envisages Your Star offering a subtle element of surprise and inspiration that cuts through the pragmatics of everyday life in the city.

For the nights that it shines over Stockholm, the star will become a point of connection around which to gather, discuss, and reflect.

click the link, you will see the artificial universe and your star.

Top stories: Tu Youyou’s Nobel Lecture

Stockholm, Dec. 15(Greenpost)– Chinese Nobel Laureate in Medicine Tu Youyou gave a wonderful Nobel Lecture in the Aula at Karolinska Institute on Dec. 7, 2015 in Chinese.  But with English text. The following is the whole text in English:

Tu Youyou’s Nobel Lecture.


Dear respected Chairman, General Secretary, esteemed Nobel Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen:

It’s my great honor to give this lecture today at Karolinska Institutet. The title of my presentation is Artemisinin-A Gift from Traditional Chinese Medicine to the World.


Before I start, I would like to thank the Nobel Assembly and the Nobel Foundation for awarding me the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine. This is not only the honor for myself, but also the recognition of and motivation for all scientists in China. I would also like to express my sincere appreciation to the great hospitality of the Swedish people which I have received during my short stay over last few days.


Thanks to Dr. William Campbell and Dr. Satoshi Ömura for the excellent and inspiring presenations. The story I will tell today is about the dilligence and dedicaiton of Chinese scientists during searching for antimalarial drugs from the traditional Chinese medicine forty years ago under considerably under-resourced research conditions.


Discovery of Artemisinin

Some of you may have read the history of artemisinin discovery in numerous publications. I will give a brief review here. This slide summerizes the antimalarial research program carried out by the team at the Institute of Chinese Malaria Medica(ICMM) of Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine(ATCM) in which the programs highlighted in blue were accomplished by the team at ATCM while the program highlighted with blue and white were completed through joint efforts by the teams at ATCM and other institutes. The un-highlighted programs were completed collaboratively by the other research teams across the nation.


Discovery of Artemisinin at ICMM

The team at ICMM initiated research on the Chinese Medicines for malaria treatment in 1969. Following substantial screening, we started to focus on herb Qinghao in 1971, but received no promising results after multiple attempts. In September 1971, a modified procedure was designed to reduce the extraction temperature by immersing or distilling Qinghao using ethyl ether. The obtained extracts were then treated with an alkaline solution to remove acidic impurities and retain the natural portion.


In the experiments carried out on October 4th 1971, sample No. 191 i.e. the neutral portion of the Qinghao ether extract was found 100% effective on the malaria mice when administered orally at a dose of 1.0g/kg for consecutive three days. The same results were observed when tested in malaria monkeys between December 1971 and January 1972. This breakthrough finding became a critical step in the discovery of artenisinin.


We subsequently carried out a clinical trial between August and October 1972 in Hainan province in which the neutral Qinghao ether extract successfully cured thirty falciparum and plasmodium malaria patients. This was the first time the neutral Qinghao ether extract was tested in human. In November 1972, an effective antimalarial compound was isolated from the neutral Qinghao Ether extract. The compound was late named Qinghaosu(artemisinin in Chinese).


Artemisinin Chemistry Studies


We started to determine chemical structure of artemisinin in December 1972 through elemental analysis, spectrophotometry, mass spectrum, plarimetric analysis and other techniques. These experiements confirmed that the compound had a complete new sesquiterpene structure with a formula of C15H22O5, a molecular weight of 282 and contained no nitrogen.


Stereo Structure of Artemisinin

The formula of the molecule and other results were verified by the analytical chemistry department of China Academy of Medical Sciences on April 27th 1973. We started collaboration with Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry and the Institute of Biophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences on artemisinin chemical structure analysis in 1974. The stereo-structure was finally determined using the X-ray diffraction technique which verified that artemisinin was a new sesquiterpene lactone containing a peroxy group. The structure was published in 1977 and cited by the Chemical Abstracts.


  1. Research group for Artemisinin. A new sesquiterpene lactone-Artemisinin. (Chinese Science Bulletin, 1977, 3:142)


  1. C.A.1977.87.98788g


Artemisinin and Artemisinin Derivatives


Derivatization of artemisinin was performed in 1973 in order to determine its functional group. A carboxyl group was verified in the artemisinin molecule through reduction by sodium borohydride. Dihydroartemisinin was found in this process. Further research on the structure-activity relationship of artemisinin was conducted. The peroxyl group in the artemisinin molecule was proven critical for its antimalarial function. Efficacy was improved for some compounds derivatized through the hydroxy group of dihydroartemisinin.


Artemisinin and Artemisinin Derivatives


This slide shows the chemical structures of artemisinin and its derivatives –dihydroartemisinin, artemether, artesunate, arteether. Up to now, no clinical application has been reported with other artemisinin derivatives except for the four presented here.


Artemisinin and Dihydroartemisinin New Drug Certificates

This slide shows the Artemisinin New Drug Certificate and the Dihydroartemisinin New Drug Certificate(right) granted by the China Ministry of Health in 1986 and 1992, respectively. Dihydroartemisinin is ten times more potent than artemisinin, again demonstrated ”high efficacy, rapid action and low toxicity” of the drugs in the artemisinin category.


Worldwide Attention to Artemisinin

The World Health Organization(WHO), the World Bank and United Nations Development Program(UNDP) held the 4th joint Malaria Chemotherapy Science Working Group meeting in Beijing in 1981. A series of presentations on artemisinin and its clinical application including my report”Studies on the Chemistry of Qinghaosu” received positive and enthusiastic responses. In the 1980s, several thousand of malaria patients were successfully treated with artemisinin and its derivatives in China.


After this brief review, you may comment that this is no more than an ordinary drug discovery process. However, it was not a simple and easy journey in discovery of the artemisinin from Qinghao, a Chinese herb medicine with over two thousand year clinical application.


Commitement to the Clearly Defined Goal Assures Success in Discovery


The Institute of Chinese Materia Medica of Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine joined the national ”523” anti-malaria research project in 1969. I was appointed the head to build the ”523” research group in the institute by the academy’s leadership team, responsible for developing new antimalarial drugs from Chinese medicines. It was a confidential military program with a high priority. As a young scientist in her early career life, I felt overwhelmed by the trust and responsibility received for such a challenging and critically important task. I had no choice but fully devoted myself to accomplishing my duties.


Knowledge is Prologue in Discovery

This is a photo taken soon after I joined the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica. Professor Lou Zhiqin(left), a famous pharmacognosist, was mentoring on how to differentiate herbs. I attended a training course on theories and practices of traditional Chines medicine designed for professionals with a modern(western ) medicine training background. ”Fortune favors the prepared mind”1 and ”What’s past is prologue.”2 My prologue of integrated training in the modern and Chinese medicines prepared me for the challenges when the opportunities in searching for antimalarial Chinese medicine became available.

  1. Quote by Louis Pasteur
  2. Quote in ”The Tempest” by William Shakespeare.


Information Collating and Accurate Deciphering Are the Foundation for the Success in Research


After accepting the tasks, I collected over 2000 herbal, animal and mineral prescriptions for either internal or external uses through reviewing ancient traditional Chinese medical literatures and folk recipes, interviewing those well-known experienced Chinese medical doctors who provided me prescriptions and herbal recipes. I summarized 640 prescriptions in a brochure ”Antimalarial Collections of Recipes and Prescriptions.” It was the information collection and deciphering that laid sound foundation for the discovery of artemisinin. This also differntiates the approaches taken by Chiense Medicine and general phytochemistry in searching for novel drugs.


Thorough Literature Reviewing Inspires an idea leading to Success


I reviewed the traditional Chinese literatures again when our research stalled following numerous failures. In reading Ge Hong’s ”A Handbook of Prescriptions for Emergencies,” (East Jin Dynasty). 3rd-4th century). I further digested the sentence”A Handful of Qinghao Immersed in Two Liters of Water, wring out the Juice and Drink It All” when Qinghao was mentioned for alleviating the malaria symptoms. This reminded me that the heating might need to be avoided during extraction, therefore the method was modified by using the solvent with a low boiling point.


The earliest mentioning of Qinghao’s application as a herbal medicine was found on the silk manuscripts entitled ”Prescriptions for Fifty-two Kinds of Disease” unearthed from the third Han Tomb at Mawangduei. Its medical applicaiton was also recorded in ”Shen Nong’s Herbal Classic”, ”Bu Yi Lei Gong Bao Zhi” and ”Compendium of Materia Medica”, etc. However, no clear classification was given for the Qinghao(Artemisia) regardless of a lot of mentioning of its name Qinghao in those literatures. All species in Qinghao(Artemisia) family were mixed and by the time of 1970’s two of Qinghao(Artemisia) species were collected in Chinese Pharmacopoeis and four others were also being prescribed.

Our subsequent investigation proved that only Artemisia annua L contains artemisinin and is effective against malaria.


In addition to the confusion in the selection of right species and the difficulty caused by the low content of artemisinin in the herb, variouables such as the meicinal part of the plant, the growing regions, the harvest season, and extraction/purificaiton processes, etc, added extra difficulties in the discovery of artemisinin. Success in identifying effectiveness of Qinghao neutral ether extract is not a simple and easy win.


No doubt, traditional Chinese medicine provides a rich resource. Nevertheless, it requires our thoughtful consideration to explore and improve.


Persistency in front of Challenges


Research condition was relatively poor in China in the 1970s. In order to produce sufficient quantity of Qinghao extract for clinical trial, the team carried out extraction using several household water wats. Some members’ health was deteriorated due to exposure to a large quantity of organic solvent and insufficient ventilation equipment. In order to launch clinical trial sooner while not compromising patient safety, based on the limited safety data from the animal study, the team members and myself volunteered to take Qinhhao extract ourselves to assure its safety.


Unsatisfied results were observed in the clinical trial using artemisinin tablets, the team carried out a thorough investigation and verified poor disintegration of the tablets as the root course which allowed us to quickly resume the trials using capsules and confirm artemisinin’s clinical efficacy in time.


Collaborative Team Efforts Expedited Translation from Scientific Discovery to Effective Medicine


An antimalarial drug research symposium was held by the national project 523 office in Nanjing on 8th March 1972. In this meeting, on behalf of the Institute of Chinese Materia Medica. I reported the positive readouts of the Qinghao extract No. 191 observed in animal studies performed on malaria mice and monkeys. The presentation received significant interests. On 17th November 1972, I reported the results of successful treatment of thirty clinical cases in the national conference held in Beijing. This triggered a naitonwide conllaboration in research on Qinghao for malaria treatment.


Today, I would like to express my sincere appreciation again to my fellow project 523 colleagues in the Academy of Traditional Chinese Medicine for their devotion and exceptional contributions during discovery and subsequent applicaiton of artemisinin. I would like to, once again, thank and congratulate the colleagues from Shandong Provincial institute of Chinese Medicine, Yunnan Provincial Institute of Materia Medica, the Institute of Biophysics of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai Institute of Organic Chemistry of Chinese Medicine, Academy of Military Medical Sciences and many other institutes for their invaluable contribution in their respective responsible areas during collaboration and their helps to and care for the malaria patients. I would also like to express my sincere respect to the mational 523 office leadership team for their continuous efforts in organizing and coordinating the antimalarial research programs. Without collective efforts, we would not be able to present artemisinin-our gift to the world in such a short period of time.


Malaria Remain as a Severe Challenge to the Global Public Health


”The findings in this year’s World Malaria Report demonstrate that the world is continuing to make impressive progress in reducing malaria cases and deaths”. Dr. Margaret Chan, Director-General of World Health Organization commented in the recent World Malaria Report. Nevertheless, statisically, there are approximately 3.3 billions of population across 97 countries or regions still at a risk of malaria contraction and around 1.2billion people live in the high risk regions where the infection rate is as high as or over 1/1000. According to the latest statisitical estimation, approximately 198 million cases of malaria occurred globally in 2013 whih caused 580.000 deaths with 90% from severely affected African countries and 78% being children below age five. Only 70% of malaria patients receive artemisinin combinaiton therapies (ACTs) inAfrica an as high as 56 millions to 69 millions of child malaria patients do not have ACTs available for them.

  1. WHO World Malaria Report 2014


The Severe Warning of Parasites Resistant to Artemisinin


  1. falciparum resistance to artemisinin has been detected in five countries of the Greater Mekong sub-region: ambodia, the Lao People’s Democratic Republic, Myanmar, Thailand and Viet Nam. In many areas along the Cambodia-Thailand border. P. Falciparum has become resistant to most available antimalarial medicines.


This slide shows the areas where artemisinin resistant malaria appears according to this year’s report. Artemisinin resistant P. Falciparum has been detect in the areas highlighted in red and black. Clearly, this is a severe warning since the resistance to artemisinin is not only detected in the Greater Mekong sub-region but also appreas in some of African regions.


Global Plan for Artemisinin Resistance Containment


The goal of the Global Plan for Artemisinin Resistant Containment (GPARC) is to protect ACTs as an effective treatment for P. Falciparum malaria. Artemisinin resistance has been confirmed within the Greater Mekong sub-region, and potential epidemic risk is under a critical review. An unanimous agreement has been reached by over hundred experts involved in the program that the chance of containing and eradicating artemisinin resistant malaria is very limited and there is an urgent need to constrain artemisinin resistance.


To protect efficacy of ACT, I strongly urge a global compliance to the GPARC. This is our responsibility as a scientist and medical doctor in the field.


WHO Global Plan for Arteminsinin Resistant Containment, 2011.


Chinese Medicine, A Great Treasure


Before I conclude today’s lecture, I would like to discuss brieflly about Chinese medicine.”Chinese medicine and pharmacology are a great treasure-house. We should explore them and raise them to a higher level”. Artemisinin was explored from this resource. From research experience in artemisinin discovery, we learnt strengths from both Chinese and Western medicines. There are a great potential and future advance if these strengths can be fully integrated. We have a substantial amount of natural resource from which our fellow medical researchers can develop novel medicines. ” Since ”tasting hundred herbs by Shen Nong”, we have accumulated substantial experience in clinical practice, integrated and summarised medical application of most nature resource over last thousands of years through Chinese medicine. Adopting, exploring, developing and advancing these practices would allow us to discover more novel medicines beneficial to the world healthcare.


On the Stork Tower


To end my talk, I would like to share with you the well-known poem, ”On the stork tower”. Of Tang Dynasty


On the stork tower1

The sun along the mountain bows;

The Yellow River seawards flows;

You will enjoy a grander sight,

By climbing to a greater height.


Let’s reach to a greater height to appreciate Chinese  culture and find the beauty and treasure in the territory of traditional Chinese medicine!


  1. By Wang Zhihuan(688-742 AD), The stork Tower is located in Yongji County, Shanxi Province.



Finally, I would like to acknowledge all colleagues in China and overseas for their contributions in the discovery, research and clinical application of artemisinin!


I am deeply grateful for all my family members for their continuous understanding and support!


I sincerely appreciate your kind attention!


Thank you all!

(Source,, Nobel Media)

Editor: Xuefei Chen Axelssson

Chinese version: 中文版如下:屠呦呦诺奖演讲:青蒿素-中医药给世界的一份礼物。





谢谢William C. Campbell(威廉姆.坎贝尔)和Satoshi Ōmura(大村智)二位刚刚所做的精彩报告。我现在要说的是四十年前,在艰苦的环境下,中国科学家努力奋斗从中医药中寻找抗疟新药的故事。

关于青蒿素的发现过程,大家可能已经在很多报道中看到过。在此,我只做一个概要的介绍。这是中医研究院抗疟药研究团队当年的简要工作总结,其中蓝底标示的是本院团队完成的工作,白底标示的是全国其他协作团队完成的工作。 蓝底向白底过渡标示既有本院也有协作单位参加的工作。

中药研究所团队于1969年开始抗疟中药研究。经过大量的反复筛选工作后,1971年起工作重点集中于中药青蒿。又经过很多次失败后,1971年9月,重新设计了提取方法,改用低温提取,用乙醚回流或冷浸,而后用碱溶液除掉酸性部位的方法制备样品。1971年10月4日,青蒿乙醚中性提取物,即标号191#的样品,以1.0克/公斤体重的剂量,连续3天,口服给药,鼠疟药效评价显示抑制率达到100%。同年12月到次年1月的猴疟实验,也得到了抑制率100% 的结果。青蒿乙醚中性提取物抗疟药效的突破,是发现青蒿素的关键。













关于青蒿入药,最早见于马王堆三号汉墓的帛书《五十二病方》,其后的《神农本草经》、《补遗雷公炮制便览》、《本草纲目》等典籍都有青蒿治病的记载。然而,古籍虽多,确都没有明确青蒿的植物分类品种。当年青蒿资源品种混乱,药典收载了2个品种,还有4个其他的混淆品种也在使用。后续深入研究发现:仅Artemisia annua L.一种含有青蒿素,抗疟有效。这样客观上就增加了发现青蒿素的难度。再加上青蒿素在原植物中含量并不高,还有药用部位、产地、采收季节、纯化工艺的影响,青蒿乙醚中性提取物的成功确实来之不易。中国传统中医药是一个丰富的宝藏,值得我们多加思考,发掘提高。




疟疾对于世界公共卫生依然是个严重挑战。WHO总干事陈冯富珍在谈到控制疟疾时有过这样的评价,在减少疟疾病例与死亡方面,全球范围内正在取得的成绩给我们留下了深刻印象。虽然如此,据统计,全球97个国家与地区的33亿人口仍在遭遇疟疾的威胁,其中12亿人生活在高危区域,这些区域的患病率有可能高于1/1000。统计数据表明,2013年全球疟疾患者约为1亿9千8百万,疟疾导致的死亡人数约为58万,其中78%是5岁以下的儿童。90%的疟疾死亡病例发生在重灾区非洲。70% 的非洲疟疾患者应用青蒿素复方药物治疗(Artemisinin-based Combination Therapies, ACTs)。但是,得不到ACTs 治疗的疟疾患儿仍达5千6百万到6千9百万之多。




最后,我想与各位分享一首我国唐代有名的诗篇,王之涣所写的《登鹳雀楼》:白日依山尽,黄河入海流,欲穷千里目,更上一层楼。 请各位有机会时更上一层楼, 去领略中国文化的魅力,发现蕴涵于传统中医药中的宝藏!





















陈大使做了题为《寸草寸心 造福世人》的致辞。图/陈雪霏




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