Category Archives: News

Big power diplomacy: China, Britain enhance trust and trade

BEIJING, Oct. 26 (Xinhua) — During what was dubbed as a “super state visit” to Britain, President Xi Jinping witnessed the signing of deals worth 40 billion pounds (61.5 billion U.S. dollars).

The most talked-about project will see China holding a one-third stake in Britain’s first new nuclear plant in a generation.

Observers are praising the China-Britain partnership as exemplary in China-Europe cooperation and beyond.


China’s approach to dealing with major powers was clarified by Xi during his visit to the headquarters of the United Nations; a relationship featuring non-conflict, non-confrontation, mutual respect and win-win cooperation.

His state visit to Britain was regarded as many as a test for China’s diplomacy with big powers, and it has proven to be fruitful.

Britain rolled out the red carpet for Xi, the first Chinese head of state to visit the country in a decade. Queen Elizabeth II hosted an informal lunch and formal banquet. While Prime Minister David Cameron took Xi to see that age-old British institution — the pub.

“The Financial Times” said Xi’s visit was the “most important diplomatic visit to Britain in several years,” and would recalibrate the UK’s great-power relations.”

During the visit, China and Britain issued a joint declaration on their “global comprehensive strategic partnership for the 21st century,” which will usher in a lasting, open, win-win “golden era.”

“The new definition of bilateral ties reflects both countries expect to achieve win-win cooperation with each other, but not only at the bilateral level,” said Feng Zhongping, vice president of China Institutes of Contemporary International Relations.

As globally-influential countries, the China-Britain partnership can set an example for China-Europe cooperation and at the global level, Chen Xin with the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences said.

“Though there are disagreements between China and Britain, both countries can learn to manage them. As long as Britain adheres to the consensus reached with China, the differences won’t affect bilateral cooperation,” said Cui Hongjian, a researcher at the China Institute of International Studies.


Chinese and French companies signed an agreement to build an 18 billion pound nuclear power plant at Hinkley Point C, with the CGN-led Chinese consortium holding a one-third stake.

China’s third-generation nuclear reactor design, known as Hualong One, is expected to be used, following British inspections.

Cameron described the Hinkley Point C deal as “historic” as the project would provide clean electricity to nearly 6 million homes and create over 25,000 jobs.

“Britain […] lacks the funds for the nuclear power plant due to the international financial crisis and the European debt crisis,” said Wang Yiwei, a professor of international relations at Renmin University.

For China, the gains from the project go beyond economics. More important is the knock-on affect the project will have for China in the overseas nuclear market.

“Investment into overseas nuclear power plant is usually more substantial than at home. We will get returns from electricity sales and equipment procurement, because a large amount of this will be done in China,” said Zhou Dadi, a researcher with the energy studies center of the National Development and Reform Commission.

“The nuclear power plants in Britain will be benchmark projects for Chinese companies to develop the global market and increase people’s confidence in Hualong One in emerging markets,” CGN chair He Yu said.

Other deals included an agreement for BP to sell Huadian up to 1 million tonnes of liquefied natural gas per year; and Carnival UK and CSSC agreed to build seven new cruise ships over the next 10 years, among others.

During Xi’s visit, China’s central bank issued its first offshore renminbi note worth 5 billion yuan in London, and the two countries agreed to increase currency swaps.

These close economic and trade collaborations show that Britain is confident of China’s economic growth, and its leaders are aware of the opportunities emerging from China as it transitions from an economy driven by export and manufacturing to investment and services.

“By working with China to usher in a ‘golden era’, Britain has made it clear that they are willing to seize all the opportunities from China’s reform and growth,” Wang added.


The president often attends cultural activities during his foreign visits, his time in Britain was no different.

Cameron accompanied Xi to a pub and the two enjoyed a plate of fish and chips washed down with a pint of British ale. Xi also watched a performance featuring British and Chinese artists at an creative-industry exhibition.

Xi also addressed the opening ceremony of the annual Confucius Institute meeting, saying the essence of Chinese and British culture had sparked a fantastic “chemical reaction” into the thinking and lifestyles of both nationalities through people-to-people exchanges.

“Britain is the birth place of modern culture and sports. President Xi’s activities reflect this admiration,” said Cui Hongjian, a researcher at the China Institute of International Studies.

Xi, a well known soccer fan, visited Manchester City Football Academy with Cameron. Xi called for more exchanges and cooperation between China and Britain on soccer as well as other sports.

For Britain, tourism has been pegged as an area that will generate more revenue. Britain announced that from 2016 the validity of new visitor visas for Chinese tourists will be extended from six months to two years.

For its part, during Xi’s time in Manchester, China announced that a direct flight linking Beijing and Manchester will be opened June 2016.

By strengthening people-to-people exchanges, China-Britain relations will have a more solid social foundation, analysts say. Enditem

Editor  Xuefei Chen Axelsson

China mulls routine navigation through Arctic to Europe

DALIAN, Oct. 26 (Greenpost) — Shipping experts are considering routine navigation through Arctic waters to link China and Europe, a shortcut to bypass the route that passes through the Malacca Strait and Suez Canal.

In October 2015, Chinese vessel Yong Sheng finished a record-setting round trip from Europe to north China by sailing through the Arctic waters of the Northeast Passage and docking at Tianjin Port.

The cargo ship operated by China Ocean Shipping (Group) Company (COSCO), the country’s top shipping line, is the first Chinese merchant ship to sail from Europe to China via the Northeast Passage, an icy path north of Russia and Scandinavia.

Yong Sheng sailed nearly 20,000 nautical miles (37,040 kilometers) during the 55-day voyage, according to COSCO.

Many experts expect the Arctic passage to become the next “golden waterway” for trade between China and Europe, according to a seminar held last week in the northeast China port city of Dalian.

The seminar focused on the possibility of normalizing the Yong Sheng’s Arctic shipping route.

“The company is considering increasing the number of ships sailing via the new path,” said Cai Meijiang, general manager of the safety and technical supervision department of COSCO.

The 19,000-tonne vessel first started its journey from Dalian to Rotterdam on August 8, 2013, sailing through the Northeast Passage and shortening the traditional shipping time by nine days.

Global warming has transformed the Arctic in recent years, and its summer ice cover has dropped over the last few decades, making it possible to sail along the Arctic sea routes with comparative ease. Enditem

Source   Xinhua

New drugs help treatment of diabetes 2

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 31(Greenpost)–A new combination of drugs can help individuals with complex type 2 diabetes lower their blood sugar levels, reducing their weight and use fewer insulin doses. This is shown in a study published in The British Medical Journal.

According to a press release reaching here from Gothenburg, individuals with type 2 diabetes who are treated with basal and mealtime insulin injections have few treatment options if their blood glucose is increased, other than increasing insulin doses. This often leads to a downward spiral with increased weight, which can have a negative effect on blood glucose.

In this study Swedish researchers have evaluated the effect of adding liraglutide, a drug that can be used along with oral antidiabetic drugs and basal insulin that has shown positive effects on blood glucose levels, to individuals with type 2 diabetes treated with basal and mealtime insulin.

The study was performed at 14 clinics in Sweden and included 124 participants with type 2 diabetes, overweight and increased blood glucose levels in spite of treatment with basal and mealtime insulin. Participants were randomly assigned to liraglutide or placebo (an inactive substance), and used their assigned drug/placebo for 24 weeks without making other changes to their treatment regimen.

Among all participants, 122 had enough data to be analysed. The main focus was the effect of liraglutide on HbA1c, weight and insulin doses. HbA1c is a test used to indicate blood glucose levels over the last three months. Results after 24 weeks showed that the liraglutide group reduced their HbA1c much more than placebo, with an average difference of 12.3 mmol/mol.

– In earlier studies, an Hba1c reduction of this magnitude has been shown to be associated with a considerablipal investigator Dr. Marcus Lind.

Results also showed that the liraglutide group had weight reductions averaging 3.8 kg, while there was no change in the placebo group. The liraglutide group also had insulin doses that were lowered by 18.1 units, as compared to only 2.3 units in the placebo group.

These results are positive news for people with type 2 diabetes, as it provides another treatment option for those using a complex regimen consisting of basal and mealtime insulin injections. Treatment alternatives conforming to international clinical diabetes guidelines for these types of complex patients are sparse today, according to Dr Lind.

-In contrast to many other studies of novel glucose lowering agents, this study was performed independent of the manufacturer. Study coordination was performed by the NU Hospital Group in Uddevalla, according to study coordinator Sofia Dahlqvist.

The article Liraglutide in people treated for type 2 diabetes with multiple daily insulin injections: randomised clinical trial (MDI Liraglutide trial) was published in BMJ 28 October.


 2015年10月30日 20:04:49 来源: 新华网








Two children policy is the right choice for China

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 29(Greenpost)– The fifth plenary session of the 18th CPC Congress has approved the 13th five year plan.

In a report issued by the Congress, China has decided to allow all couples to have two children.

In 2013, China began to allow only children couple to have two children. But not many people follow the call.

Why? Zhang Hao’s wife said she had to go to work after giving birth for four months. Chen Qiang’s wife said it was difficult to raise the child. It cost a lot to raise a child. So they are not encouraged to have a child.

Therefore, there was no effect even if one allows couple to have a second child. Thus, it announced that one more child can be born by any couple.

It is right to allow families to have two children. It is not just a policy to deal with elderly society phenomina, but to make children feel healthy.


Finland’s traffic accidents reduced after lowing speed limit

Stockholm, Oct. 29(Greenpost)–A new study from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland shows that Finland’s policy of enforcing lower speed limits during the dark winter months reduces the number of traffic accidents.

Statistics indicate that some 36 accidents leading to personal injuries are avoided each year, as are eight deaths, according to a report by Alaska Dispatch News.

Most countries do not change their speed limits for the colder months. In Finland, however, the combination of snow, ice and very dark conditions forces a lower speed limit during the winter. As of Friday, motorway speed limits will drop to 100 kilometers (62 miles) per hour, while other major roads will see an 80 kilometer-per-hour (49 mile-per-hour) limit enforced. Both are 20 kilometer-per-hour (12 mile-per-hour) decreases from the  summer limits.

In some 80 kilometer-per-hour areas with large amounts of heavy traffic and roadside dwellings, the speed limit will be lowered to 70 kilometers (43 miles) per hour.

Those motorway sections with a variable speed limit that allows them to adjust the limit to suit weather and road conditions have a maximum 100 kilometer-per-hour (62 mile-per-hour) speed limit from the start of November to the end of February. The speed limit reverts back to 120 kilometers (74 miles) an hour on these roads in early March, if the weather and road conditions cooperate.

According to Finnish law, vehicle owners must also fit winter tires to their vehicles by Dec. 1 and keep them in use until the end of February.

Lower speeds save lives

The new study from the VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland shows that Finland’s policy of enforcing lower speed limits during the dark winter months reduces the number of traffic accidents.

“A reduction in speed allows more time to react in unexpected situations and shortens the stopping distance when an elk appears on the road, for instance,” says Tuomas Österman, a traffic control expert at the Finnish Transport Agency.

Even so, in some situations, the reduced winter speed limits may not be enough. Österman advises motorists to adjust their driving speed according to weather conditions.

“During a snow storm, for example, visibility and driving conditions may deteriorate to the point that it becomes necessary to lower your driving speed to far below the appointed limit,” he says.

Lower winter speed rates also reduce the amount of fine particles released in the air from traffic and slow the wear on road surfaces, particularly when studded tires are in use. Depending on the weather, officials usually change the winter speed limits back to the higher summer limits sometime in late March-early April.


重庆市2015 瑞典高层次人才交流洽谈会在斯京成功举办


IMG_0979 窦春祥援引习近平总书记的话说:综合国力的竞争说到底是人才的竞争,谁能培养和吸引更优秀的人才,谁就能在竞争中占据优势。




OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA胡奕强调,重庆产业布局更加合理,重庆综合成本低。土地,天然气,电价等要素价格均大大低于其他地区,劳务成本只有东部的60%左右。




四川美术学院新媒体艺术系主任聂玉红,西南大学人事处副处长,梁大明和重庆市江北区人力社保局副局长黄飞分别介绍了各自单位吸引人才的标准和条件。OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA重庆市委组织部人才工作处调研员唐兵介绍了其他一些招聘单位包括重庆医科大学,重庆交通大学,重庆邮电大学,中科院重庆绿色智能技术研究院,重庆科学技术研究院,计量质量检测研究院畜牧科学院,中国三峡博物馆和重庆市地理信息中心。



OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERA瑞典华人总会名誉主席白亨利和重庆人才工作处调研员唐兵签署了合作框架协议。IMG_0993




文/陈雪霏, 图/丹妮。





sy3 sy5 sy sy9 sy11 这场云集了政界、文化界、艺术界众多嘉宾的盛会,精彩纷呈,好戏连连,彩虹绚丽,颂歌嘹亮。本次活动大大地彰显了华人华侨的爱国热情,增进了中英之间的文化交流,在当地引起了强烈轰动。中国驻英国大使馆沈蓓莉公使专门发来贺词祝本次活动圆满成功,领事处总领事费明星参赞也发来音频赞扬组织单位为中英文化的交流所做出的贡献,中国和平统一促进会会长单声博士和英国中华传统文化单桂秋林女士也为活动送来了美好的祝福。朴茨茅斯副市长Councillor David Fuller与夫人Mrs Leza Tremorin应邀莅临现场并致辞,他高度评价此次盛会对促进中英文化交流、搭建更广阔的国际艺术平台做出的重要贡献。朴茨茅斯华人协会蔡润泉会长也亲切致词并指出牢记历史、珍惜和平在当今社会的重要性。sy10本次文艺演出是英国首场欢迎习主席访英的大型活动,得到了北京夕阳秀中老年文化事业发展基金会王柏华董事长的大力支持。瑞典华人工商联合总会会长、欧华联大18大主席王建荣先生;旅英文化学会主席、英国东北同乡会会长黎丽女士;中国著名文化学者、理论家、文艺批评家旅英文化学会永久名誉主席胡东放先生;英中舞蹈和文化艺术联会会长和伦敦中国舞蹈学校校长张玉霞女士;河南文化商贸协会会长张寒冰女士和常务副会长王秋惠女士;郑州金水区教育体育局党委书记李正先生;剑桥华人协会会长孙伟先生;伯恩茅斯妇女会会长钟桂兰女士;毛德顶执行会长;英国浙江联谊会副会长王宏伟博士以及来自朴茨茅斯市委会、朴茨茅斯中文学校和朴茨茅斯大学的嘉宾受邀莅临本次文艺演出并全程观看了演出。sy16


下午2点,市政厅内座无虚席,夕阳秀”大型文艺演出在朴茨茅斯华人协会舞蹈团的舞蹈“踏歌起舞”中拉开了帷幕。据演出的副导演、英国浙江联谊会媒体技术部部长赵琴女士向华商报记者透露,在这次大型文艺演出的节目中,精彩节目层出不穷,由河南省郑州纬三路小学轻舞飞扬舞蹈社倾情出演的少儿舞蹈”奶奶的老花镜“曾获得全国少儿比赛一等奖,赢得了现场观众的阵阵掌声。朴茨茅斯华人协会众多佳丽菁英的群舞“茉莉花”,令人感受到了霓裳律动,云袖翩翩的优美画面。瑞典皇家音乐学院双焱博士的”春江花月夜”钢琴曲,更是让人体会了春江水暖岂为天籁之音,月夜琴声尽是绕梁不绝的美好享受。山东济南歌舞协会的舞蹈演员演绎了“长城峰火”,表现了中国人民抗日战争的岁月记忆。“荷塘月色”以优美的舞蹈,唯美典雅、时尚浪漫,让观众如痴如醉。而北京俏的姐歌舞团的“小苹果”节奏轻快,充满活力动感的舞姿立刻带动了全场气氛。来自朴茨茅斯华人协会歌舞团的张艺琼演唱的“映山红”柔美嗓音动人心怀,把这首经典红歌演绎得淋漓尽致。“黄水谣”“黄河颂”在山东省歌舞剧院首席钢琴演奏家吕康康的伴奏下,让观众在高亢的歌声中,领会了中华文明与炎黄精神的源远流长。张妹恩、刘文军、何晓华、孔繁昌、ALEC等演员的激情演绎也是精彩不断,赢得了阵阵掌声。在中华传统音乐和舞蹈的烘托下,由王柏华女士指挥的”歌唱祖国”全体大合唱将整台节目推向高潮!sy11伴随着“难忘今宵”的歌声,晚会圆满结束。参演的十几支中外艺术团队,获得了组委会颁发的奖状。北京夕阳秀中老年文化事业发展基金会理事长王柏华女士、朴茨茅斯华人协会会长蔡润泉先生、朴茨茅斯副市长Councillor David Fuller、瑞典华人工商联合总会会长,全欧洲商会会长王建荣先生、朴茨茅斯华人协会首席副会长杨明河女士、朴茨茅斯华人协会副会长赖坚贞女士、朴茨茅斯华人协会副会长叶锦鸿先生、全英妇女联合总会副会长,朴茨茅斯歌舞团团长,本次演出的总导演张昭女士为获奖的团队和个人颁奖。sy14晚会结束以后,演出的总导演、全英妇女联合总会副会长、朴茨茅斯歌舞团团长张昭女士对华商报记者表示,此次活动准备历时好几个月,考虑周密,非常注重细节。吕淑妍、林育威、 张妹恩、刘文军四位主持人采用中文、英文和广东话三种语言报幕,让所有在场观众同享盛事、分享喜悦。张昭导演还表示,历时近3个小时的演出,融汇了多种艺术形式,非常令人耳目一新: 群舞、歌伴舞、合唱、独唱、钢琴独奏、小吉他、旗袍秀等,可谓丰富多彩,为观众们带来一场别开生面的视听盛筵。sy15此次活动得到华商报、华闻周刊等多家媒体的报道,并得到多家协会、社团和个人的积极参与与支持。在此特别鸣谢:中国北京夕阳秀中老年文化事业发展基金会,中国和平统一促进会,英国中华传统文化研究院,英国东北同乡会,山东济南歌舞协会,北京俏的姐舞蹈团,英中舞蹈和文化艺术联会,伦敦中国舞蹈学校,河南省郑州纬三路小学轻舞飞扬舞蹈社,河南文化商贸协会,剑桥华人协会,瑞典皇家音乐学院,南威尔士华人协会,伯恩茅斯大学中国学联,伯恩茅斯多瑟特中国文化艺术团,伯恩茅斯华人妇女联会,伯恩茅斯中文学校,Portsmouth City Council,Portsmouth Culture Trust,Portsmouth English Language School,Gunwharf Quays,朴茨茅斯华人协会歌舞团,朴茨茅斯华人协会中文学校,朴茨茅斯大学,朴茨茅斯中国学联,叙福楼中国餐馆 Noble House,“仁和”餐馆 YanWoo Restaurant ,S2 Snooker Club等。sy172015年是首个中英文化交流年,本次文艺演出恰好在中国国家主席习近平偕夫人彭丽媛启程对英国进行国事访问的前一天,充分地切合文化交流年的主题并有幸成为最早的一场大型欢迎活动。伴随习主席访英,中英两国在经济文化各个领域的合作将进一步加深,在这样特别的时刻,更令在英华人华侨感动无比欣喜与亲切。真是乡音乡情,颂国泰家和;家国情怀,唱盛世安康。中英两国和平友谊的旋律将永远飘荡在英伦的美丽天空。


编辑:赵琴 周笠枫


摄影:张明 李凯伦 毛埴成

第三届世界浙商大会在杭州隆重开幕 夏宝龙寄语天下浙商把根留住


download 省委书记、省人大常委会主任夏宝龙在开幕式上致辞。省委副书记、省长李强作主旨演讲。乔传秀、茅临生、梁黎明、孙文友等出席,王辉忠主持开幕式。





download (1)李强在讲话时说,适应和引领新常态,是浙江经济和浙商转型发展的重大课题。适应经济新常态,浙江实施新举措、呈现了新态势。这些年,我省大力加强制度供给,优化政务生态;大力加快创新驱动,优化创业生态;大力加强环境治理,优化自然生态,保持了经济平稳增长和社会和谐稳定。浙江经济转型的背后是浙商的转型与贡献。广大浙商抓住开放机遇,海外发展有了新布局;勇于化危为机,转型发展有了新气象;响应家乡号召,回归发展有了新高潮。引领经济新常态,浙江必须打开新空间、激发新动能。要加快战略融入,积极对接“一带一路”、长江经济带等重大国家战略;强化创新驱动,大力推进“大众创业、万众创新”、“互联网+”和“中国制造2025”,加快发展信息、环保、健康等七大产业,打造一批新型众创空间,着力改造提升传统产业;加速资本融合,打通创业创新与人力资本、金融资本、产业资本融通的渠道;不断深化改革,充分激发民间与市场的活力,加快打造浙江经济升级版。适应和引领经济新常态,浙商要有新作为、实现新突破。希望广大浙商按照“干在实处永无止境、走在前列要谋新篇”的要求,把准“变革求胜、创新致胜”的时代脉搏,大力加强有效供给,着力培养新生代浙商,积极投身家乡建设,为推动浙江发展继续走在前列作出新贡献。




稿源:合作媒体《浙江日报》记者 应建勇 王国锋

本网编辑 陈雪霏

Sweden to seek UN Security Membership

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 24(Greenpost)–Saturday marks the United Nations Day. Sweden is seeking a membership in the United Nations according to a statement from the Swedish government.

“We are celebrating the UN Day because we are doing so in a world that is more uncertain than for many years and in which the United Nations is needed more than ever. Global crises and challenges require common solutions.” the statement said.

Minister for International Development Co-operation, Ms Isabella Lövin, Prime Minister Mr Stefan Löfven, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms Margot Wallström
Minister for International Development Co-operation, Ms Isabella Lövin, Prime Minister Mr Stefan Löfven, Minister for Foreign Affairs, Ms Margot WallströmFoto: Martina Huber/Regeringskansliet

The statement explained that Sweden is ready to assume its share of responsibility. This is why Sweden is strengthening its engagement in the UN and why we are seeking a seat on the Security Council for 2017–2018.

The reason Sweden seeks the membership is that Sweden’s UN policy contributes to peace, security, sustainable development and gender equality. It is part of a solidarity-based foreign policy and a means for responding to crises that affect us.

Sweden is one of the top contributors to the UN. “We contribute personnel to peace operations, aid, climate financing and humanitarian assistance. Our contributions also include engagement, resources and ideas.” said the statement.

“We also set clear requirements for a modern, effective, transparent and legitimate United Nations that is equipped to meet future challenges and take advantage of future opportunities.” according to the statement.

China’s grid-connected wind power capacity to reach 120 TW by end-2015

BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) — China’s installed capacity of wind power generation facilities that are connected to the power grid had reached 105 TW by the end of June and is estimated to reach 120 TW by the end of this year, according to Zhu Ming, vice deputy of the Department of New Energy and Renewable Energy of the National Energy Administration (NEA).
The 13th Five-year Plan period (2016-2020) will be a key period for China’s adjustment of the energy supply mix and the development of renewable energy, said Zhu.
The Chinese government has set a target to boost the share of non-fossil fuels in the country’s primary energy consumption to 15 percent by the end of 2020.







En femtedel av dansk fjärrvärme kommer från sol år 2020

I en ny prognos från Dansk Fjernvarme håller solenergi på att ersätta naturgas som stor energikälla. Det rapporterar branschtidningen Ingeniøren. Fram till 2020 väntas solenergi växa till att omfatta en femtedel av den danska fjärrvärmeproduktionen.

Från början av 2015 till slutet av 2016 väntas den samlade arealen med solfångare ha ökat med 85 procent till 580 000 kvadratmeter. En orsak till den snabba tillväxten är de bidrag som utgår för anläggningar som blir klara fram till 2016.

Under de senaste fyra åren har kostnaderna för solenergi halverats. Det har lett till att Danmark kan storsatsa på ytterligare en grön energikälla utöver vindkraft och som väntas fortsätta växa även när de statliga bidragen försvinner.



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The 26th Stockholm Film Festival focuses on migration

Stockholm, Oct. 22(Greenpost)–The 26th Stockholm Film Festival will focus on migration, said Git Scheynius, Director of the Stockholm Film Festival.

Git Scheynius, director of Stockholm Film Festival was interviewed by Xuefei Chen Axelsson on Oct. 20, 2015. Filmed by Anneli Larsson.

In an interview with Green Post, Scheynius said that this year attracts 190 films from 70 countries and regions in the world.

“We have a section called spotlight, this section focuses on migration. The reason for that is a question that is touching us all in the society.” said Scheynius.

China becomes 1st largest industrial robot market worldwide

BEIJING, Oct. 16 (Xinhua) — China sold 57,000 sets of industrial robots in 2014, up 55 percent year on year, said Xu Xiaolan, the executive member of China Economic and Social Council on Friday.
The number accounted for one quarter of the total sales number in the world, indicating that China has become the first largest industrial robot market globally for two consecutive years. Enditem