Category Archives: News

“Silk Road on China Tales of Beijing” Exhibition of Paintings of Peking Opera Figures and Opera China

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Stockholm, Oct. 29(Greenpost) –In response to President Xi Jinping’s “One Belt, One Road” initiative and to further strengthen international cultural exchange,  “ Silk Road on China • Tales of Beijing ” – the Swedish Exhibition of Traditional Chinese Characters and Calligraphy Paintings was exhibited at the Stockholm City Convention Center on the 26th.

Supported by the Beijing Culture and Art Fund, supervised by the China Culture Media Group, sponsored by the “Art Market” magazine, and the “Art Market” art gallery and art market, the large-scale foreign exchange project was co-organized by Huifeng Painting and Calligraphy Institute.

This exhibition featured works of Ma Haifang, a famous old Beijing style painter, Zheng Shanlu, deputy dean of the National Academy of Ethnic Paintings, dean of the Art School of Jinan University, and vice chairman of the International Calligraphers Association,  famous actor Professor Zhang Tielin, member of the Chinese Artists Association, Lu Tianning, deputy director of the Capital Museum of Painting, deputy dean of the Art Market Magazine Co., Ltd., director of the Chinese Artists Association, and Cultural Ambassador awarded by China Europe Cultural Association (Sweden) Li Chengxiu and Li Xuewei, a member of the Chinese Calligraphers Association.

Zheng Shanlu, deputy dean of the National Painting Institute, said at the opening ceremony that the exhibition aims to showcase traditional Chinese art and tell the story of Beijing. With the original art and innovative model as the highlight, the selection of famous Chinese painting and calligraphy artists, ceramic artists and famous opera figures.

Painters, actors, and Chinese Silk Road research scholars combine Chinese traditional ink art with ceramic art, using exhibits, ink and wash, joint research to explore and explain the most important nodes of the Silk Road in Sweden. “Beijing Story” is the main theme of the painting and calligraphy ceramic arts.

Cultural Counselor of the Chinese Embassy in Sweden, Pu Zhengdong, Director of the Stockholm Chinese Cultural Center attended the opening ceremony and delivered a speech. He first conveyed the congratulations of the Chinese Ambassador to Sweden, Mr. Gui Congyou, on this exhibition and wished the exhibition a success. He said that Sino-Swedish cultural exchanges have a long history and current exchanges are also frequent. Not long ago, the delegation of the National Peking Opera Theatre visited and performed in Sweden, which is very popular. Today’s art exhibition is a continuation of Sino-Swedish cultural exchange activities. In particular, the delegation also includes Professor Zhang Tielin, a famous actor in China. Since the film “Below the Bridge” in the 1980s, we have been watching his movies and TV series. In this delegation there are professional artists who are also  versatile painters and calligraphers.  Counselor Pu  also invited artists to exhibit their works at China Cultural Center in Stockholm in the future.

Professor Zhang Tielin said that he had known STOCKHOLM for a long time, but this is his first visit to Sweden. He came with a task and responsibility and felt the mission was glorious.

“I am making movies, but I like calligraphy since I was a child. So, I have been here today and I am very proud to be part of this painting and calligraphy group, because these artists are very famous artists in the capital area, so I also feel honoured to be with them. I hope that I will have the opportunity to come to Sweden again in the future and bring out my other specialties.” said Zhang.

Eva-Sofi Ernstell,  Director of the Swedish Dance Museum also spoke at the opening ceremony.

“When I see these Beijing opera figures, I immediately recognized many words in the paintings. I realized this is a Chinese tradition that children can read from the paintings. I think such kind of exhibition should last one month to four month. After communication, I know that they can paint larger ones too. This size was due to the limitation of transportation.  We have exchanges with museums. We will be exhibiting silk and ceramics later. These silks came in from Russia, and Russia imported or obtained from China. I think it is amazing that these silks can still be preserved very well. The Silk Road exchange between Sweden and China has never stopped.” said Ernstell.

After the opening ceremony, everyone enjoyed the works of the masters. Ma Haifang’s “The Matchmaker”, “No Bone Freehand”, “Five Rats in Tokyo” and “Wu Song Beat the Tiger” are deeply impressed.

In an interview with the Green Post reporter, Ma Haifang said: “I am painting Beijing style. This time I mainly painted opera characters. I grew up in the suburbs of Beijing and lived in poor conditions. However, I like to paint. And the opportunity was very good, I was admitted to the Central Academy of Fine Arts, I worked as an art editor for 30 years after graduation, and contacted many outstanding painters across the country. I have always insisted on painting.” said Ma.

Ma said that he used wet ink to paint.

“I took the color first, then draw the structure. Such a line is different from dry painting. This method is the  characteristics of my painting, but it is difficult to grasp. This painting is brightly colored and different from traditional methods. This is also an innovation in painting techniques.”  said Ma.

Ma  said that the main purpose of this visit to Sweden is to exchange. After China’s reform and opening up, it’s  hoped to let overseas Chinese and Swedish friends understand the content and characteristics of Chinese culture. Learn about the characteristics of old Beijing and Chinese Peking Opera, treasure of China.

Li Chengxiu’s paintings are Dayushajia,  or “Asking for Fishing  Tax”, “Sanchakou” which shows Chinese Kungfo and “The Beautiful  Spring “.

In an interview with reporter, he said that this exhibition is based on the Beijing opera, and draws paintings around Beijing opera characters. The Belt and Road initiative provides a great opportunity for our artists. Through the Belt and Road, artists from different countries along the silk road can be  connected and exchange ideas and arts.

Li Chengxiu said that due to different cultural backgrounds of different countries, artistic exchanges are also difficult. However, it can be very beneficial to cultural exchanges and even the exchanges between countries. Through continuous exchanges, constant experience, continuous polishing, we can make fine arts by learning from each other.

The film star Zhang Tielin exhibited his calligraphy. He said that calligraphy is actually an important foundation for all his roles and careers.

Zhang Tielin said in an interview with reporters that Stockholm is a very mysterious city for him and he hopes to come again.

“I have involved a lot of fields in the art industry. All my achievements if any  are worthy of my calligraphy capability. To put it simply, I want to speak Chinese well, write Chinese characters well, and tell good Chinese stories.” said Zhang.

When asked about his feelings about the emperor, he said,

“I didn’t think that it made me greater to have played an emperor, However, I felt I learned a lot by playing more emperors or talented people. It helps me to know more about history. Especially to play them, I have  more personal experience of history. Then, when I use my own point of view to interpret and perform them,  I was influenced by historical heritage. On the other hand, it can be said that everything I have done has actually been  benefited from my calligraphy. I can hardly imagine that I can play so many characters without writing calligraphy. Different types of roles with such a large span.” said Zhang.

It is understood that Zhang Tielin is actually not only good at playing, he was originally a film major, but he has always insisted on writing calligraphy, singing Beijing opera, and he sings very professionally.

Before the opening ceremony, Chinese and Swedish artists held a seminar to introduce and showcase the blue-and-white porcelain from Jingdezhen with the Beijing opera and calligraphy elements, which is also an artistic innovation.

Swedish Chinese Peking Opera  artist Wu Jiangyan and calligraphy teacher Wan Juan, Ewa Rudling, Swedish photographer and writer, Anders Welander, Swedish senior specialist in art,  print and works of Art, Maria Lindskog Krasznai , Stockholm University, Bachelor of Chinese Studies, Stockholm Master of Fine Arts Education at the Academy of Arts and Crafts and Xuefei Chen Axelsson, Editor-in-Chief of the Green Post, President of  China-Europe Cultural Association, attended the seminar.

The two sides discussed the theme of the exhibition, the significance of the Belt and Road Initiative for cultural exchanges and the prospects for future artistic exchanges. The artists also briefly introduced their respective experiences and successful experiences on their childhood. In general, successful people start from strong interest, and then constantly explore and pursue, diligently, tirelessly, conscientiously do what they want to do best.

This exhibition has been warmly welcomed by many Chinese and overseas Chinese. They were very happy to have the opportunity to see the superstar painters and calligraphers. In such an autumn day in Stockholm, one can appreciate the wonderful masterpieces. The work makes people feel the warmth from the motherland China. The essence of Chinese culture brought by the artists is very welcomed.

Zheng Shanlu’s works include elements such as “Male”, “Female”, “Young Man” and “White face”.

Lu Tianning’s works include “The Drunken Concubine”, ” Concubine Yu Ji Dance  with Sword” and “Spring River”. In fact, he also has a lot of works about Tibet.

The works of the artists are elegant and the style is warm and inviting;  the picture is simple and succinct, and the style is unique; the title is unique and interesting;  the simplicity and exquisiteness are displayed. From the works, we can see the artist’s great efforts in the innovation of traditional forms. I can see the artist’s peace of mind and the sincere attitude towards art. One can feel their respect for tradition, their respect for craftsmanship, and their cultural consciousness that is close to contemporary life.

The guests attending the opening ceremony included Zhu Jinchuan, General Manager of Air China’s Stockholm Department, Wang Yuli, President of the Swedish Federation of Chinese Companies, Swedish Chinese soprano singer Zou Rongmei, Swedish Chinese Peking Opera  Kunqu singer, Hao Jingxia, Swedish Chinese Soprano singer Li Jia, Zhu Yingying, president of the Swedish Chinese Artists Association and other Chinese and foreign artists and literary enthusiasts.

Photo and text Xuefei Chen Axelsson


北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网联合报道(记者陈雪霏)– 为响应习近平主席“一带一路”的倡议,进一步加强国际文化交流,由北京文化艺术基金支持,中国文化传媒集团督办、《艺术市场》杂志社股份有限公司主办、《艺术市场》美术馆、艺术市场惠风书画院协办的大型对外交流项目“瓷上丝路•北京故事”——戏曲人物书画陶瓷瑞典展于26日在斯德哥尔摩市会议中心隆重展出。




张铁林教授说,他早就知道STOCKHOLM, 但这是他第一次来瑞典,是带着任务和责任来的,感觉使命光荣。他说,“我是拍电影的,但是我从小就喜欢书法,所以,一直走到今天,参加到这个书画团体也感到很自豪,因为这些画家都是首都地区非常有名的实力派艺术家,所以,跟他们在一起,我也感到很光荣。我希望以后有机会能再次来瑞典,把我的其他专长也发挥出来。”

Eva-Sofi Ernstell,瑞典舞蹈博物馆馆长在致辞中说,她觉得这次展览时间太短了,象这样的展览,最好进行一个月到四个月的时间才好。当她看了这些京剧人物画时,立刻发现自己认识里边的好多字,这是中国的传统,孩子们看了这些,可能也会很快记住脸谱和文字。这在瑞典是很少见的。经过了解,也发现画的大小也是可以改变的。我们和中国有博物馆之间的交流。我们将进行丝绸和陶瓷的展览。这些丝绸是从俄罗斯进来的,而俄罗斯是从中国进口或弄到的。我觉得这些丝绸还能保存非常好。瑞中之间的丝绸之路交流从未间断。












瑞典华人京剧表演艺术家吴江燕和书法老师万娟,Ewa Rudling, 瑞典摄影师和作家,Anders Welander,瑞典高级艺术专家,版画和艺术品专家,Maria Lindskog Krasznai(夏静),斯德哥尔摩大学汉学学士,斯德哥尔摩工艺美术学院美术教育硕士和中欧文化协会会长北欧绿色邮报网主编陈雪霏等参加了研讨会。








图文  陈雪霏


北欧绿色邮报网北欧中华网联合报道(陈雪霏)– 25日,正在瑞典访问的河南省侨联主席董锦燕一行来到瑞京华人协会所在的斯德哥尔摩百乐门大酒店与瑞典侨领举行座谈会。










图文  陈雪霏


Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (3) – Upplev Xinjiangs service och kinesisk-svensk handel

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, 26 augusti (Greenpost) – Programmen för kinesiska och utländska journalister är ganska fulla och utmärkta aktiviteter skedde en efter en. Men i ett ögonblick, du är ute av batteriet, vad kan du göra?

Så hade jag bråttom för att lämna hem och med misstag tog jag fel laddare. När jag verkligen ville ladda batteriet fungerade laddaren inte. Jag tog den gamla. Den nyinköpta var kvar hemma. Jag frågade alla kollegor som tog de stora kamerorna, men ingen av dem hade samma batteri som min, D7000 Nikon. De flesta av deras var kanon. Utan annat val, var jag tvungen att fråga den informationskollega som kunde se om hon kunde hjälpa mig att fråga någon butik att köpa eller låna en batteriladdare. Självklart, om det var i Peking eller Shanghai, skulle jag inte ha varit så orolig eftersom jag är säker på att det kommer att finnas en liknande laddare för mig att använda och det finns många olika typer av laddare. Men det här är i Xinjiang och vi ska gå till Changji på eftermiddagen, jag var verkligen misstänksam och kände mig hopplös. Men jag vill fortfarande försöka, så jag frågade Lyu Yan. Kanske det har!

Så frågade Lyu Yan flera butiker och mobiliserade många av sina resurser, men inget hopp. Hon sa att vi bara kan lägga på hopp på Changji. Ja, Changji har högteknologiska industripark. Vid klockan fyra när vi kom fram till vingården berättade hon för mig att en kollega i Changji hittade denna D 7000 batteriladdare i en Nikon-butik. Det var kamrat Yu Jian som hittade det och frågade mig om jag gillar att köpa det eftersom det inte är originaltyp. Jag sa så länge det fungerar, jag borde köpa det. Så jag sa, köp!

På kvällen när vi hade middag gav Yu Jian mig ett plastpaket. Det ser mycket mindre ut och smalare. Originalladdaren har fyra tänder, nu laddaren har bara två tänder, men den markerar positiv och negativ sida. Original har en lång tråd, den här har ingen tråd, istället kan den anslutas direkt till väggen. Jag var inte säker på om det fungerade. När jag slutade middag gick jag till bussen för att hämta mitt batteri och försökte det omedelbart i den närliggande affären. Det röda ljuset sken omedelbart. “Det fungerar!” Jag kunde inte hjälpa att gråta ut. “Rätt, Rätt, det fungerar!” Det räddade verkligen min dag. Än enbart kostar den kinesiska 80 yuan(100kr) medan den svenska kostar över 600 yuan(700kr).

På eftermiddagen besökte kinesiska och utländska journalister ett företag Maiquer som producerade mejeriprodukter och veteprodukt. Bolaget importerade en uppsättning svensk mjölkproduktionslinje med totalt 200 miljoner yuan. Produkterna är bra och sorten är många inklusive dumplings och kakor. Jag tycker att det här är ett bra exempel på kinesisk-svenskt samarbete och Kina kan lära av Sverige på många sätt.

Kineserna fick sin egen innovation efter att ha läst från väst. Kinas snabba tåg är ett sådant fall, det är också delade cyklar. Idéerna kom från väst, men senare förbättrade kineserna det och gjorde det ännu bättre. Mänsklig civilisation bör skapas i denna process genom att lära av varandra och göra framsteg. Och de tävlar också med varandra.

Dagens laddare är liknande. Kina laddad batteriladdare sparar material. Det här är en typ av innovation. Det är enkelt och praktiskt. Man måste naturligtvis fortsätta att göra ansträngningar i sin egen innovation och fortsätta att skapa nya produkter.

Foto och Text av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series (3)–Experiencing Xinjiang’s service and Sino-Swedish Trade

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 26(Greenpost)—The programs for the Chinese and foreign journalists are quite full and excellent activities happened one after another. But at key moment, you are out of battery, what can you do?

So I was in a hurry to come out of home and by mistake, I took the wrong charger. When I really wanted to charge my battery, the charger didn’t work. I took the old one.The newly bought one was left at home. I asked all the colleagues who took the big cameras, but none of theirs had the same battery as mine, the D7000 Nikon. Most of theirs were Cannon. Without other choice, I had to ask the capable information colleague to see if she can help me ask any shop to buy or borrow a battery charger.

Of course, if it were in Beijing or Shanghai, I would not have been so worried because I am sure there will be similar charger for me to use and there are many different kinds of charger. But this is in Xinjiang and we are going to go to Changji in the afternoon, I was really suspicious and feel hopeless. But I still would like to give a try, so I asked Lyu Yan. What if it has!

So Lyu Yan asked several shops and mobilized many of her resources, but no hope. She said we can only put on hope on Changji. Right! Changji has high-tech Industrial park. By four o’clock, when we arrived in the grapeyard, she told me that a colleague in Changji found this D 7000 battery charger in a Nikon shop. It was Comrade Yu Jian who found it and asked me if I like to buy it because it is not original type. I said as long as it works, I should buy it. So I said, buy!

In the evening when we had dinner, Yu Jian gave me a plastic package. It looks much smaller and narrower. Original charger has four teeth, now the charger has only two teeth, but it marks positive and negative side. Original has a long wire, this one doesn’t have any wire, instead it can plug in directly to the wall. I was not sure if it worked.

When I finished dinner, I went to the bus to fetch my battery and immediately tried it in the nearby shop. The red light shone immediately. “It works!”I can’t help crying out. “Right, Right, It works!” It really saved my day.  Let alone, the Chinese one cost 80 yuan while the Swedish on cost over 600 yuan.

In the afternoon, Chinese and foreign journalists visited a company Maiquer which produced dairy products and wheat product. The company imported a set of Swedish milk production line with a total of 200 million yuan. The products are good and the variety is many including the dumplings and cakes. I think this is a good example of Sino-Swedish cooperation and China can learn from Sweden in many ways.

Chinese people got their own innovation after learning from the west. China’s fast train is such a case, so is the shared bikes. The ideas came from the west, but later, the Chinese improve it and make it even better. Human civilization should be created in this process by learning from each other and making progress. And they also compete with each other.

Today’s charger is similar. China made battery charger saves material. This is a kind of innovation. It is simple and practical. Of course, man still needs to continue to make efforts in its own innovation and continue to make new products.

Photo and Text Xuefei Chen Axelsson



视频 video:瑞典人5分钟之内把一个大会议室改成两个小会议室

北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 在2018瑞典绿色建筑大会上,记者注意到,现场的主会场自动化不断,灵活多用也让人惊讶。




Building sustainability 2018 held in Stockholm 绿色建筑大会在斯京举行

Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct.24(Greenpost) — Building sustainability 2018 opened in Stockholm on Wednesday with co hosts of Stockholm Stad and Sweden Green Building Council.

Jeanette Reuterskiöld, President of Sweden Green Building Council spoke at the opening.

Anna König Jerlmyr, Financeborgrarråd, Stockholms City also spoke at the opening.

Monica von Schmalensee, arkitect of White arkitects gave a presentation about the sustainable future cities.

Then Svante Axelsson, National Coordination Fossilfree Sweden, Agneta Wannerstrom, Group leader on sustainable business development, Malin Löfssjögård, VD Svensk Betong, Swedish cement sector and Helen Axelsson, energy and environment director of processing owners in steel sector talked about the future in fossilfree competitivity.

Emma Hult, Environment party official talk about housing policies.

And then in the housing sector, Anders Sjelgreen, general director of housing agency, Catharina Elmsäter-Svärd,  VD of Swedish building industry, Maria Pleiborn, from WSP, Robert Vangstad from Nyhem Bostad, Claudia Wörmann, SBAB and HEnrik Friman from Andelsowner company M2 talked about how they will help realize fossilfree society.

Building sustainability 2018 will last two days to 25th and then on 26 there will be study visits to see how to build green buildings.




Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series (2)—Visiting Xinjiang Software Park

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug. 25(Greenpost)— A group of 21 Chinese and 14 Foreign journalists visited Xinjiang Software Park on Aug. 25 after they had visited the Urumqi realignment center.

With a total of 410 thousand square meter of building area, and an area of 14 hectares, Xinjiang Software Park has been approved as a provincial level park. Xinjiang has tried its best to make the park a high land in software and information industry concentration, starting up, innovation and development.

Xinjiang Software Park insists on “cultivating and developing the software service industry as its mission”, giving full play to the unique advantages of Xinjiang’s location, language, talents and culture, and integrating the industrial advantages of Xinjiang.

Under the leadership of the autonomous region and the party committee and government of Urumqi, the software park will form a base for R&D, production and industrialisation of software outsourcing and information service industry, and to bring into full play of the industrial agglomeration effect and the benefits of scale.

The park uses cloud computing, Internet of Things, Internet and Beidou navigation as the four leading industries to cultivate and strive to build “Xinjiang” as a software and information service industrial park featuring Xinjiang features, first-class in the west, and advanced China.

Two of the most impressive things  here are the 2025 program that President Xi Jinping proposed that China should move from a large technological nation  to a technological power. Under the guidance of such strategic objectives, all parts of the country are actively developing various advanced technologies such as smart technology, big data, and cloud computing.

The other is the language center here. People can choose their own language with a push of a button. There are Uyghur language, Chinese, French, English and many other languages. Any input, or voice, can be translated. In this way, one can deepen  understanding and avoid misunderstandings. For example, the Belgian journalist said i French, then it immediately translated into Chinese. The ability of languages is very important in Xinjiang where there are  multi-ethnic groups living and working.

Of course, there is also a smart technology that impresses the reporter, that is, the use of drones in medical care. If there is a patient in a community, the drone can sense it by remote sensing technology and then rescue the patient as soon as possible.

Important information data area for “Five Centers” on the Silk Road Economic Belt

Xinjiang Software Park has attracted more than 200 enterprises in the park, including more than 30 enterprises above designated size, including Xinjiang Broadcasting and Television Network, Honglian Information, Aerospace Information, and Puhui Information. The industrial clustering effect is beginning to appear. In the future, the park will establish Beidou series of industrial demonstration bases such as the Navigation Application Demonstration Base, the Cultural and Technology Integration Industry Demonstration Base, the Smart City and Smart Community Demonstration Base, and the Internet of Things Application Demonstration Base.

It will become the first-class software park and information service industry highland in the west. At the same time, the park will actively organize enterprises to go out through organizing exhibitions and public promotion meetings, and strengthen exchanges and cooperation between enterprises through the organization of summit forums and technical exchange meetings, and promote the upgrading and transformation of the entire industry.

Quality talent support

Xinjiang Software Park is located in Urumqi, the capital of the country. The outstanding talents in Xinjiang are gathered here. At the same time, the training base with an area of ​​12,000 square meters is built in the park. It passes through Tsinghua University, Xinjiang University, Xinjiang University of Finance and Economics, Xinjiang Agricultural University, Xinjiang Normal University and other countries’ well-known universities, as well as well-known enterprises at home and abroad such as Oracle, Microsoft, Neusoft, etc., jointly to build a training base for the park, build a talented highland, and use the resources of the Higher Education Park in the development zone to build a highland for IT talents in the western region.

Multi-level policy support

Xinjiang Software Park is located in the national development zone. It is the only autonomous region-level software park in Xinjiang, which is jointly established by the Autonomous Region’s Economic and Information Committee and the Development Zone (Toutunhe District). The enterprises in the park can enjoy the national, autonomous region and Urumqi city level and even the Development Zone (Toutunhe District) relevant policies. They can also enjoy some preferential policies in Software Park, Technology Business Incubator and Liuchuang Park for returned overseas talented people to start up their business.

Convenient transportation

Xinjiang Software Park is adjacent to Wukui Expressway in the west, Suzhou Road in the north, and only 10 minutes drive from Urumqi International Airport in the north. It is 2.5 kilometers away from the high-speed rail district transportation hub in the east. It has high-speed rail, intercity railway, long-distance bus and rail transit. Comprehensive transportation such as city bus and convenient transportation. 5 km from the city center takes 15 minutes. A number of bus lines pass through the park.

Perfect business package

Xinjiang Software Park is located in the new center of Urumqi’s future city, close to Urumqi Comprehensive Bonded Zone and Urumqi Logistics Hub. It is located in the core area of ​​high-speed rail zone and Bainiao Lake New District. It is backed by 246-acre cloud computing industrial park and faces 2.5 square kilometers of service outsourcing base. Adjacent to Wanda, Baoneng high-end commercial complex, the park will develop harmoniously with Urumqi westward new urban area, the center of the future city.

Intelligent park management

 The park has complete supporting facilities, equipped with dual-loop power supply, high-speed network and full coverage of WIFI. It uses cloud computing and Internet of Things technology to adopt intelligent management of the card. It has 5A landmark office buildings, business hotels, expert apartments and high-end business meetings. The center, financial center, display experience center, 5D cinema, coffee western restaurant, fitness center and other facilities can fully enhance the external image of the company and improve office efficiency.

Living environment

The Xinjiang Software Park sits on a 350,000-square-meter “Great Green Valley” ecological park, adjacent to the planned ecological residential area, and is surrounded by rich educational resources such as primary and secondary schools and kindergartens.

Advanced technology platform support

Xinjiang Software Park has become a national platform for technology incubators and national software public service platforms. It uses the most advanced cloud computing technology to provide enterprises with a series of professional services such as incubation, software development, testing, application and release.

One-stop, diverse professional services

Xinjiang Software Park adheres to the concept of creating value for enterprises. The park has a one-stop service hall and intermediary service hall, and has a professional service team to provide one-stop services such as project declaration, patent application, project financing,  taxation and legal consultation. At the same time, the park actively undertakes the software and service outsourcing business of the autonomous region and even the Central and Western Asia, but gives priority to the park enterprises. By building a resource sharing platform, enterprises in the park are encouraged to realize business outsourcing, and government procurement projects are preferentially issued to the park enterprises.

Utländska Journalister Besöker Xinjiang-serien (8) – Maiquer, Impression Gobi Vin, Changji snacks och Xinjiang Theatre

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Okotober. 22(Greenpost)– På eftermiddagen den 26 augusti gick över 30 kinesiska och utländska journalister in i Xinjiangs Changji High-Tech Industrial Utveckling Zone, Maiquer Group Co. Ltd., Impressed Gobi Winery och Changji Snack Street, och tittade på “En tusen gånger kommer till Western Region “utförs på Xinjiang Grand Theatre.

På mitten av höstfestivalen äter kinesiska alltid månkaka, inte bara för gott skull, utan även fortsätter kultur och tradition.

När vi kom in i företaget kan man lukta den goda lukten av månkakan och uppskatta olika vackra förpackningar av kakor.

Så många månkakor producerades faktiskt här. Kinesiska gillar att skicka vänner och släktingar månkakor som presenter. Inte konstigt! Eftersom Xinjiang har bra solsken och vetekvaliteten är mycket bra. Således är olika produkter gjorda av mjöl av Xinjiang också mycket bra.

Maiquer importerade en hel uppsättning mjölkproduktionslinje från Sverige med totalt 200 miljoner yuan (eller 33 miljoner US-dollar). Shaliyef, vice direktör för Xinjiang Information Office sa i Xinjiang, människor är väldigt ärliga och pålitliga. Det har aldrig varit en falsk livsmedelsproduktrapport.

Titta på dessa vackra bilder av olika mejeriprodukter, det är verkligen så attraktivt.

Prata om mat, man måste nämna att Xinjiang också producerar vin. Journalister kom till ett tusen tunnland druvplantage och besökte Impression Gobi Winery.

Fuqiang, chef för vingården sa att han namngav sitt företag Impression Gobi och tog ödla som hans företags totem är för att han tycker att ödla har en oupphörlig ansträngning. Han arbetade själv på detta område i tio år och ackumulerade sitt “första fat guld” och investerade cirka 20 miljoner yuan (3,3 miljoner dollar) i denna vingård.

Naturligtvis gav vingården inte bara arbetstillfällen för de lokala lantarbetarna, men också försäljningsmöjligheten för de lokala småskaliga druvkultivarna. Därför gjorde han ett bra bidrag till den lokala ekonomiska utvecklingen.

Han sa att hans vingård var mycket speciell eftersom han använde APP sofeware för att låta sina kunder se hur druvan växer och vet att dessa druvor är rena organiska druvor.

Efter att ha smakat rött och vitt vin i Yinxiang Gobi eller Impression Gobi gick journalister vidare till Changji matstad.

Det första intrycket är att byggnaden här är mycket konstnärlig och full av kultur.

Den gråfärgen och den levande skulpturen innebär en konstnärlig atmosfär.

I denna matgata kan man smaka på alla typer av mat och kultur. Arkitekturen i sig är en konst och kultur.

Chefen för matgatan sa att de har ett strikt förvaltningssystem med bonus för att uppmuntra den goda restaurangen och de som gjorde ett dåligt jobb kommer att vara kostsamma också. Och de diskuterar också och har en bedömning så att en bra arbetsstil bildas.

För att välkomna journalister bad ledningen i matgatan också olika restauranger att ta med sig specialrätt så att journalisterna kan smaka på dem. På grund av efterfrågan från min läsare tog jag en hel del bilder av Xinjiang-mat.


Stekt Geda, en sorts nudlar, köttbullar, handplockat ris med nötkött, stekt motton, Jiasha och handplockad fårkött är alla specialiteter för Xinjiang och det sprider sig nästan över hela Kina.


På kvällen åkte vi till Xinjiang Grand Theatre och tittade på den enorma prestationen En tusen gånger att gå till Västra Regionen. Det känns som att gå tillbaka till antiken då husvagnen gick i Gobi-öknen. Plus VR, tider går fram och tillbaka. Det är verkligen magnifikt och underbart!

I Xinjiang finns god ekologisk mat och gott vatten, med vacker konst, sång och dans. Den autonoma regionen Xinjiang Uygor gillar att knacka på potentialen i kärnområdet i Silk Road Economic Belt genom att främja turism och locka turister från hela Kina och även världen.

Det är också en slags grön ekonomi. Jag måste säga att teaterns uppträdande En tusen gånger att gå till västra regionen har samlat historia, kultur, kärlek och folklore allt på scenen. Så publiken kan njuta av det väldigt mycket. Föreställningen kombinerad med VR och moderna ljud- och videoeffekter bildar ett starkt intryck på människor. Det är bara bra!

Foto och text Xuefei Chen Axelsson.


北欧绿色邮报网报道(记者陈雪霏)– 由杨峥副主任率领的上海政协办公厅代表团21日抵达瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩并于当天下午与瑞典华人工商联合总会各侨领举行座谈会。









图文 陈雪霏


Finland’s Arctic expertise in the Arctic Circle Assembly

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, The Arctic Circle is a major international gathering on Arctic matters. It is organised once a year in Reykjavik. This year it will take place from 19 to 21 October. It brings together around 2,000 participants from 60 countries. Finland is well-represented in the Assembly.

Our fields of expertise in digitalisation, artificial intelligence and smart technologies are all part of Finland’s success story. Information transmitted via satellites can be harnessed in meteorological services, flood forecast systems, ice services and maritime transport, for example. Black carbon is one of the main short-lived climate forcers. These topics will be discussed on Saturday 20 October in Finland’s breakout session, which focuses on Finland and new elements in Arctic cooperation.

State Secretary and Chair of Finland’s Arctic Advisory Board Paula Lehtomäki from the Prime Minister’s Office will open Finland’s breakout session. Other representatives from Finland include Johanna Ekman, Project Manager at the Finnish Meteorological Institute, Kimmo Kanto, Director at Business Finland and Jaakko Henttonen, Special Adviser at the Ministry for Foreign Affairs.  Ambassador Harri Mäki-Reinikka from the Ministry for Foreign Affairs will moderate the discussion.

In addition, the Finnish Border Guard will organise an international session on air and maritime search and rescue as part of its chairmanship of the Arctic Coast Guard Forum.

Utländska journalister besöker Xinjiang-serien (1) -Kina-Europe Express Länkar Dig och Mig

Av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, 19. Okt(Greenpost) — Tro det eller inte, det är mycket troligt att en flaska tomatketchep på bordet av en Neapel-familj transporteras av Kina-Europe Express via Urumqi-anpassningscentret, huvudstaden i Xinjiang Uyghors autonoma region.

Som journalist från Greenpost from Sweden, tillsammans med 14 journalister från 14 länder i Asien och Europa, har jag varit i Urumqi-inriktningscentralen och bevittnat att Harmony Freight Train sätter sig härifrån till Horgos Port och går vidare till Europa med full frakt i 41 europeiska standardhytter. Det var den 25, augusti, 2018.

Nan Jun, vice generaldirektör för Xinjiang Järnvägs internationella transport Co Ltd sa att “tåget som ska börja nu är 1486-tåget sedan 26 maj 2016 och 654: e sedan 1 januari 2018”.

-Sedan Kinas Järnväg Express började har vi blivit välkomna av våra kunder eftersom vi har ökat vår transportkapacitet väsentligt från en gång i veckan till en gång om dagen och nu tre gånger om dagen. Så våra järnvägslinjer ökar också från 4 linjer till 19 linjer som täcker 23 platser. Hastigheten ökar ytterligare genom att optimera den inhemska transporttiden och genom aktivt samarbete med våra partners utomlands. Vi har förkortat tiden från 66 timmar till 44 timmar och nu tar det bara 40 timmar att anlända till Almaty. Tiden till Tyskland har också förkortats från 16 dagar till 13,5 dagar. Kostnaden minskar också. -sade Nan.

Nan Jun sade att tåget kan nå så långt som Neapel i Italien via Ryssland, Belorus, Polen, Tyskland och Italien. När tåget kom tillbaka kom det med massa från Finland och transporterades till Korla i Xinjiang för att producera gröna produkter. Samtidigt transporterades även andra europeiska produkter tillbaka.

Han sa att årets mål är att nå 1400 gånger och 80 procent av dem kommer att vara från punkt till punkt. De produkter som de skickade ut är inte bara att vara Xinjiang Products, utan även containrar från Yiwu, östra Kinas Zhejiang-provins. Det tar bara en dag att komma hit. Och då kommer det att transporteras till London. Tåget är i internationell standard eftersom tåget som går till Storbritannien, kommer att ändra spåret eftersom det använder olika spår. Urumqi-omgruppering centret gör att de brådskande produkterna går först och andra produkter går efter. Det är här att de kommer att byta spår och byta container först. Kostnaden minskade och effektiviteten ökade.

Kina Railway Express i Urumqi gör Xinjiang till ett kommunikationscentrum för bält- och väg initiativ som förbinder Kina och Centralasien och Europa och blir kärnzonen när det gäller att främja ekonomi och handel med relevanta länder. Detta har varit Xinjiangs bidrag, vilket till och med väsentligt bidrar till världshandeln. Hittills har det funnits 19 järnvägslinjer som förbinder Kina och omvärlden och ungefär hälften av dem via Xinjiang Uygor Autonom Region Nordvästra Kina och hälften av dem via Heilongjiang-provinsen, Nordöstra Kina.

Vissa människor i västvärlden tvivlar på Kinas syfte att bältet och väginitiativet, men för att göra lasttransporter lättare, göra världsaffären lättare att göra och gynna alla involverade, viktigare att tillhandahålla goda varor till alla kunder är det verkliga syftet och detta är bara ett bra exempel på bältet och väginitiativet.

Detta var det första stoppet som kinesiska och utländska journalister har stoppat. Det andra stoppet kommer att vara Xinjiang Software Park. Vänligen håll dig stillad. Följa oss!

Bild och Text  av Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Foreign journalists visit Xinjiang series(1)-China Europe Express Links You and Me

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

Urumqi, Aug.25(Greenpost)—Believe it or not, it is very likely that a bottle of tomato ketchep on the table of a Naples family is transported by China Europe Express via Urumqi  realignment center, capital of Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region.

As a journalist from Greenpost, together with 14 journalists from 14 countries in Asia and Europe, I have been to Urumqi  realignment center and witnessed the Harmony Freight Train set off from here to Horgos Port and go on to Europe with a full load of cargo in 41 European standard cabins.

Nan Jun, Vice General Manager of Xinjiang Railway’s international transportation Co. Ltd. said that “the train that will start now is the 1486th train since May 26, 2016 and the 654th since January 1, 2018″.

“Since the start of China Railway Express, we have been welcomed by our customers because we have increased our transportation capacity substantially from once a week to once a day and now three times a day. So our railway lines are also increasing from 4 lines to 19 lines covering 23 places. The speed is increasing further by optimising the domestic transportation time and through active cooperation with our partners abroad. We have shortened the time from 66 hours to 44 hours and now it takes only 40 hours to arrive in Almaty. The time to Germany has also been shortened from 16 days to 13.5 days. The cost is also decreasing. ” said Nan.

Nan Jun said that the train can reach as far as Naples in Italy via Russia, Belorus, Poland, Germany and Italy. When the train came back, it came with pulp from Finland and transported to Korla in Xinjiang to produce green products. Meanwhile, other European products were also transported back.

He said this year’s goal is to reach 1400 times and there will be 80 percent of them to be from point to point. The products they sent out is not only to be Xinjiang Products, but also containers from Yiwu, east China’s Zhejiang province. It only takes one day to arrive here. And then it will be sent to London. The train is in international standard because the train that goes to Britain, will change the track since it is using different track. Urumqi cargo realignment center makes the urgent products go first and other products go after. It is here that they will change the track and change the cars. The cost decreased and the efficiency increased.

China Railway Express in Urumqi makes Xinjiang  a communication hub for Belt and Road Initiative linking China and central Asia and Europe  and become the core zone in promoting the economic and trade with relevant countries. This has been the contribution made by Xinjiang which even substantially contributes to the world trade.

So far, there has been 19 railway lines linking China and outside world and about half of them via Xinjiang Uygor Autonomous Region  northwest China and half of them via Heilongjiang province, northeast China.

Many people in the western world doubts about China’s purpose of Belt and Road Initiative, but to make cargo transportation easier, make world business easier to be done  and benefit all involved, more importantly to provide good goods to all the customers is the real purpose and this is just a good example of Belt and Road Initiative.

This was the first stop Chinese and foreign journalists have stoped. Its second stop will be Xinjiang Software park. Please stay tuned.

Acupuncture Science Association Sweden(ASAS) doctors participated in the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum

By Xuefei Chen Axelsson

STOCKHOLM, Oct. 18(Greenpost)– Three  representatives of Acupuncture Science Association Sweden  participated in the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum October 13-14, 2018, co-sponsored by China Association of Traditional Chinese Medicine International TCM Minimally Invasive Community, the Chinese Medicine Research Promotion Association Chinese Medicine Minimally Invasive Professional Committee, the Henan Provincial Integrated Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine Pain Society, and the Henan Soft Tissue Disease Research Association.

The International Forum on Minimally Invasive Pain Development of Traditional Chinese Medicine was held in Zhengzhou City. President of ASAS, Yang Chungui, Vice President Zhang Dongqing, and  Dr. Li Jian attended the forum. On the eve of the formal convening of the forum, Chinese  Academician Shi Xuemin and Master Tang Zuxuan arrived successively too. Both experts are honorary presidents of ASAS. Under the leadership of Master Wu Hanqing (Master Wu is also the honorary president of the ASAS), Doctor Yang, Zhang and Li got the chance to meet the academicians.

The latter three reported to  Academicians Shi, Tang and Master Wu about the development of ASAS, and witnessed the process of Master Tang receiving students.

On October 13, when the forum officially opened, President Yang, as the vice chairman of the International Chinese Medicine Minimally Invasive Community of the Chinese Medicine Association, sat in the first row of the rostrum.

Vice President Zhang and Li Jian sat in the first row of VIP seats.

Vice President Zhang and Li Lizhi were also employed as executive directors of the International Chinese Medicine Mini-invasion Community of the Chinese Medicine Association.

Experts such as Academician Shi Xuemin, Master Tang Zuxuan and Master Wu Hanqing gave wonderful lectures at the forum. The theme of this forum is acupuncture treatment for pain. Acupuncture in Sweden’s legislation needs to elaborate the mechanism of acupuncture treatment of pain, Yang, Zhang and Li listened carefully to the lectures of the experts, and were deeply inspired to deepen the understanding of acupuncture treatment of pain and to strengthen the confidence of acupuncture in Swedish legislation. Afterwards, President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Li Jian also participated in the “Three-dimensional Anatomical Class of Water Needle Knife”. Through field anatomy, they intuitively and deeply understood the water needle knife such as the “three-way positioning of the fourteen meridian muscle fascia zone”. The advanced technology and safety points of acupuncture operation will lay the foundation for a new acupuncture technical lecture on acupuncture safety technology lectures and acupuncture and needle technology to solve the problem of myofascial problems. President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Director Li obtained the certificates of study after completing the anatomy class.

Under the recommendation of Prof. Wu Hanqing, Chairman of the International Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine Mini-invasive Community of the Chinese Society of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Honorary President of ASAS, accompanied by Dean Zhou Youlong, School of International Education, Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.  President Yang, Vice President Zhang and Doctor Li Jian visited the Henan University of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

With that, three representatives of ASAS concluded their academic exchange during the International TCM Minimally Invasive Pain Summit Forum.

Edited by Xuefei Chen Axelsson